Breakthrough | Shawn Johnson

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[Music] what's up Church sound good I don't know what location you're at but Littleton is on fire today what's up Littleton Lakewood Arvada Austin Texas what's up Austin Brussels Belgium we love you so much both God behind bars campuses men and women we're so proud of you we love you we're so glad you're with us today how many of you are joining us for the first time today whatever location put your hand up oh man we're so glad you're here make some noise for our visitors we like to tell you right up top because you're gonna figure it out anyways we're a bunch of messed up imperfect people we're not we don't you have the energy to pretend that we're perfect all right so the good news for you is there's no matter where you're at no matter what you've been through no matter what you're going through no matter where you're at with your faith no matter where you feel like you're at with God right now whatever is going on we want you to know from the bottom of our hearts we're so glad you're here you're gonna be loved and welcomed and believed in and you've already been prayed for so welcome home welcome to Red Rocks Church all right if you have a Bible flip open to Joshua chapter 6 how many of you you're ready and believing for a breakthrough today Oh Ellis that was not enough of you how many of you are ready and believing for a breakthrough that's what I'm talking about hey listen I know what it's like and if you're watching or listening online what we've already done at all of our locations is write down something that we're asking God to give us a breakthrough in in a certain area of our lives so go ahead and do that wherever you're watching or listening from but I know what it's like to want a breakthrough in a particular area yet be it one of those places in life where you're like look I know I need it I just don't know if it can actually happen and if that's you I want you to just borrow my faith for yourself for the next half hour because I have so much faith that God's going to do something really just awesome in your life before you leave here today so all right so we're gonna read Joshua 6 so let me set it up for you the nation of Israel has been in the desert for forty years they just went through the Jordan River God brought them through in this miraculous fashion they made it to the promised land and that's where we're gonna pick up their story and what they're about to find out and this will be so helpful for you literally for the rest of your life if you grab onto this today what they're about to find out is there there's there's often times in our lives when God will say I'm going to give you something he'd already told him I'm gonna give you every place where you put your foot God will give you an opportunity and he'll put it in front of us but then he'll rely on us to fight to go take hold of it he'll rely on us to actually stand in faith to go through the grind to trust him through some crazy stuff and fight for the very freedom that he's provided us with and I was asking myself this week and actually asking God like why is that why not just give it to him and I felt like the response I got from God and as I was going through this story is because I need them to be prepared for where I want to take them and and sometimes the requirement for us to fight where we're at that I got a grind a little bit I got a stand in faith a little bit I've got a battle to take hold of what God has for me oftentimes that's making me stronger it's it's it's helping my faith that's building my character and those are the things God knows I'm gonna need for where he wants to take me and the same things going on in your life today so it's very possible that God's like I want you to be set free from this I want you to experience freedom I want you to have breakthrough and now I'm asking you are you willing to go to battle for it and that's where I think we're at today so Joshua chapter 6 verse 1 now the gates of Jericho were securely barred if you've been around Church for a while you've heard of this battle it's a famous one the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites no one went out and no one came in so they're in this holding pattern in life God does a miracle brings them through the Jordan they're in the promised land and all of a sudden it's the very first of 31 battles that they're going to have to fight to take the promised land and all of a sudden they feel stuck there are these walls in front of them and it's impossible like it can't be done I'm not going to be up no one's coming in no one's going out like I don't know what to do they're stuck and I started reading this this week and well we know what that feels like have you ever felt called and stuck at the same time right like god I know what you're calling me to do it just doesn't I don't know how to make that happen and and I feel like I know who you're calling me to be and that feels impossible I know there's a dream you've put in my heart you're doing something you're you you've put a dream in it in some ambition and a certain calling on my life but I don't know how to get there I don't know how to make it happen I'm called and stuck at the same time we know that feeling when I was an intern way back in the day me and parks and BZ and Chad we all got saved at the same church and and and all of us except for BZ interned there and me and Chad were interning at the same time and every Tuesday part of our pastoral training was to meet with the director of the intern program and so every Tuesday we'd have to fill out some information about just how our intern training was going and one of the things we had to do every week was had to write down what are you struggling with what do you want breakthrough from in the exact same way that we asked you to write that down today we had to do that every single week and for two years every Tuesday I wrote down the same thing anger I'm like a bunch of you I've been through some stuff I went through some stuff growing up and and I was separated from God and I didn't know how to process it and so the only thing I knew to do was get mad the truth was I was hurt but being mad seemed easier I think especially especially more manly maybe right and so is easier to be mad than hurt and so I just grew up angry I just always wanted to fight my problem was I wasn't very big so it didn't always go well but I always wanted to fight like I was just mad all the time and so I'm writing down anger anger anger god help me help me help me and I felt like I was making some progress through the internship and me and Chad graduated and there was a Sunday where the pastor asked me to speak on a Sunday for the very first time and and so I had spoke at the youth group a couple times and and there's some funny stories there because the first time I spoke at the youth group I got King Saul and King Solomon completely confused and led a whole bunch of kids astray it was fantastic and so so that was my first so here I am I haven't spoke very many times almost speak on the main stage big Church we call it a big Church I'm just being a big church and we were a Justin Timberlake Church you wore your suit and tie all right you are your suit and tie Todd Ivey oh my what just happened I've heard there's customers in that song Ronnie was telling me I don't know I just listened to the Christian version so so you wore your suit and tie at this church and so I had my suit and tie and I'm preaching on the love of God and and my whole message was you know what the Bible says that the world will know that we're followers of Jesus by the way we love each other that was my message I thought man I killed him I'm going home come on Chad me a check out in the car most of my biggest mistakes in life end up me going yeah I was with Chad and me and Chad were heading home because he lived with us at the time and and so we're going home and a guy pulls out in front of us at a four-way stop and then like gives us like one of these and then flips me off out the window and in my suit I throw the door open I get out in the middle of the intersection and I'm trying to get in a fight in the middle of the street and all of a sudden I hear Chad through the window he's like John said he was getting the car I go why he goes cuz you preached about God's love eight minutes ago and I'm standing in the middle of the street I was like ah hold who is I got blacked out for a second I was like you have yourself a blessed day sir I wish that story wasn't true I went home I went home and I was so humiliated and I was so defeated because I was like me not I thought I was making progress you ever feel that I know who God's calling me to be and I thought I was actually making progress and then you slip up and you realize like no I'm I'm real human and I need freedom and I need help from Almighty God to get there like that's how I felt and and so these guys man they they are called but they're stuck so what do we do when we're called and feel stuck at the same time let's keep reading then the Lord said to Joshua see I have delivered Jericho into your hands along with its king and it's fighting men march around the city once with all the armed men do this for six days have seven priests carry trumpets of rams horns in front of the Ark on the seventh day march around the city seven times with the priests blowing the trumpets when you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets have the whole army give a loud shout and then the walls of the city will collapse and the army will go up everyone straight in now if you don't hear that and go what you've been in church too long you've heard this story too many times and you already know God's gonna do a miracle and the walls are gonna fall they're all gonna go in yeah that's gonna happen but I'm telling you the first time you hear this you've got to be asking yourself like what in the world imagine being Joshua he doesn't know the end of the story all he knows is I have a calling on my life and it seems crazy sometimes and I don't always know how it's going to turn out and like my life is on the line my family's life is at stake I'm leaving a whole bunch of people and you're telling me to walk in a circle carry the Ark of the Covenant get the guys with trumpets to walk with us and shout I'm gonna shout him to death we got spirit yes we do we got spirit how about you I guess that what we're doing what so now I'm reading this and I'm like wait a minute we know what this feels like cuz now they're called they're stuck and confused and I went well that's our life how many times if I felt like God's calling me to do something and I don't feel like I can do it I feel stuck and then I feel also on top of all of it I'm confused but what I think he's asking me to do so what do we do what do you do when you need a breakthrough and you feel stuck and confused at the same time and here's what I want you to start thinking about if you need a breakthrough and once you start thinking about these three things take a screenshot of this it's gonna help you later think about what you've been through what you look through and who's walking with you I need a breakthrough what do I focus on right now what you've been through what you look through and who's walking with you let's break these down number one when you want a breakthrough one of the best things you can do right up top is start to remember what gods already brought you through god I'm standing here for a breakthrough I need a breakthrough I need your intervention I'm scared I'm nervous I'm worried I got anxiety I don't know how this is gonna turn out and I believe God would say to some of you today then you need to start remembering on what I've already brought you through that's gonna be step one and you receiving a breakthrough today I experienced that this week and I got this story and I was asking my wife on my baby I tell this story she's like tell the story I'm like what they're gonna think it sounds stupid and she's all like she's like yeah but it's real right and I never promised you we'd be perfect but I promised you we'd try be real right and and and this this this thing is so key like God God was telling Joshua like before they even got to the Battle of Jericho God was telling Joshua it's so important that you remember what you've been through in fact you have to read this on your own but in Joshua 4 they just get through the Jordan River they just hit the promised land they want to start running into the promise and God goes no no no you're not going anywhere yet come here and Joshua is like what's up guy and this just I said it what's up God and different versions and ain't gods like a send 12 of your guys back into the river go read this for yourself Joshua's got to be like what if the river you just brought us through yes send 12 men back into the river go get in the middle of it get 12 large stones come over here and build a memorial because I don't want you to ever forget what I brought you through read it for yourself he tells Joshua says every time you see it every time you think about it when your kids see it when your kids ask you what it's about I want you for generations to remember what I brought you through because where I'm calling you it's going to get difficult sometimes it's going to be uncertain at times you're going to be scared sometimes you're not going to know what to do sometimes you're going to feel stuck sometimes and you're gonna need a breakthrough so when you need a breakthrough remember what I brought you through so a couple weeks ago me and Jill went to this pastors roundtables what it was called we met for 12 hours a day two days in a row with 31 other pastoral couples some of you were like I'd rather put my hand in a blender I get it I hate meetings but I was real excited for this one because we were going to get the chance to sit and listen to Pastor Chris Hodges from Church of the Highlands help us become better pastors and the truth is at the core of who we are like me and my wife's dreams our dream is to be your pastors and we wonderfully want to do better we want to do a good job by you so we go to this thing hoping to do that man it was so great we met so many great people got to hear so much great teaching the whole thing's over we're about to go back to our hotel and this couple comes up to us and this pastor I mean he comes up to me with like more energy than I have on my best day like I want his energy and he comes up and he's like hey he goes you spur-of-the-moment guy and I'm thinking I got three kids like I haven't been spur-of-the-moment for like 15 years but I wanted to be cool so I lied right it was like yeah Bravo spur-of-the-moment he goes once you go on vacation with his next week what we literally just met them I thought he's not serious we go back to the hotel sure enough he sends me a text he's like bro we're going it's us - and you - and one other couple the six of us and the other couple happens to be someone who me and Jill have literally looked up to since we started a church like they're an amazing couple and we learned so much and we've never met him but we learned from him so now every anxious part of me is like going like because all I can see is three days of making pretend conversation with people I don't know and trying not to say something stupid like that's all I can and it just that doesn't sound like sounds top right and so I call a friend of mine I'm like bro here's what this asked if we should go and I don't think I can I'm super nervous already he's like stop being a wimp go so I called him and he's like bro we're we're taking care of the plane we're taking care of the house Randall we rented a boat for a day like we got everything we just want to bless you I'm like mmm that sounds like God let's do that so we go sit in the dinner one night and everything in me just wants to be cool I'm just not and they're having all this conversation and like I've got things I want to say but my mouth just won't move and I'm just like that I'm at one point my wife's like stop it stop being weird why are you so quiet stop be yourself I'm like I can't Han just what was happening is this the next day was boat day and I've started if you don't get anxiety you might not understand this but if you do you're gonna be like yep I was getting anxiety about possibly getting anxiety tomorrow anybody who struggles with anxiety you're like preach that I know you we get anxiety thinking about a situation that might get us anxious that's what we do so tomorrow's boat day swim I'm already anxious I'm thinking my wife loves boats guys the last time we were on a boat my wife and kids had the funnest thing in the world I stood on the back and puked the whole time and I'm super claustrophobic which shouldn't be a problem you're thinking on a boat because you're in the middle of the ocean it's like spacial right no you're actually trapped on the boat and that's why I feel claustrophobic because you can't get off even if you want to I know I'm jacked up but it's real so I'm having all this anxiety about both day tomorrow because I'm thinking I'm gonna have a claustrophobic panic attack and possibly puke on one of my heroes god take me now like that's all I could think I noticed it's a silly story but I'm telling it's gonna help you process and get a breakthrough in what you wrote down I'm not kidding listen so so we get to our room and I'm like hey I can't go on boat day cuz you know all the stuff and she knows and she she loves this stuff but she's so cool she's like you know what babe I'm gonna tell him tomorrow morning thank you but no thank you we're not gonna go on the boat we're gonna stay here and chill I'm like you mean it okay-y sir we go to sleep my wife every night we go to sleep it's just oh my gosh she if she says good night I'm gonna sleep 30 seconds will not pass before she's in rim just al if she hasn't snore but she's out she snores a little bit I love you babe and I'm in trouble so she's out I wake up every hour have an anxiety about boat day and I'm talking to God about all my anxiety oh my god he's gonna be peace God please give me peace God please help me stop being a freak like I just I want to look forward to poke day and and I felt like God said to me in the moment I felt like God was like eh remember everything I brought you through relax I got you and I believe God wants to tell some of you today you have permission to enjoy where you're at you have permission to enjoy enjoy this phase of life and sometimes we need a breakthrough to allow us to do that and sometimes the best way to get that breakthrough is to remember what God's already brought you through and so I get out my phone it's like 4:00 in the morning and she's out and I'm having a moment with God and I'm just like I just start writing down all the stuff he's got me through and I just like went back to the start and I'm like well my mom had me when she was in high school and my biological father left and my mom was a heroin addict and and then she put me in a car seat when I was an infant on a stranger's porch and put a note on it saying please take care of him and she went and jumped off of a bridge into oncoming traffic to kill herself and and then I and I typed but God you miraculously saved her life physically that day and then you saved her life spiritually one day and we got through that like we made it and I started thinking about life when I was a young adult and I was addicted to some stuff and my life was spinning out of control and I sat down one day to take my own life and God miraculously put some people in my life and literally that day I got a call and I was taken to a church and I found salvation and I was forgiven and redeemed and renewed and I get to be a pastor today and I'm just typing on my phone through that and then he was like remember remember that whole move to different thing and and God we felt like called us to come to Denver and help our friends start a church and we had no place to live and no money and my wife was pregnant and no insurance and no family and no way to pay our bills and God was like remember how I miraculously paid your bills every month and miraculously got you insurance and miraculously got you a free place to live you got through that and remember what I brought you through and I'm just like my wife's out I'm having a revival next to her just typing on my phone and and we got up the next morning and we were getting ready and I forgot the play and then Jill comes in the room and she's like hey I'm gonna go tell him that we're not gonna be able to go on the boat honey I'll be right back and I go no no no no hey babe let's go on a boat ride and what she did it knows because in my head I'm going I must stand in faith even though this isn't it's not that serious but it was real for me in the moment I'm gonna believe for a breakthrough because I spent all night remember what God's brought me through and some of you you need to go home today and make a list you need to just make a list because sometimes we forget and then we forget that we forgot and you need to make a list of all the things that God has done for you and brought you through in that time you didn't think you could make it and that time he protected you and that time he provided for you and that time he brought that person into your life at the right time and that time and then listen you take out what you wrote today here's what I need a breakthrough in and you lay it on the table and then you take this list of everything he's brought you through and you put it next to it and you say say namaste and in faith for my breakthrough on this one because I know everything he's brought me through on this one if you need a breakthrough I'm telling you start to remind yourself well God's already brought you through and start expecting it some 7711 I will remember the deeds of the Lord yes I will remember your miracles of long ago say this one with me put that up put that next slide up if you would say this with me I can stand in faith for my breakthrough because I know what I've been through I can stand in faith for my breakthrough because I know what I've been through take that home with you today start to stand on that when you need a breakthrough start to think about the things you've been through and start to think about what you look through this is huge listen let's reread verse two the Lord said to Joshua see I need you to see differently see I have delivered Jericho into your hands he hadn't it hadn't happened yet nothing had happened walls hadn't fallen no battle had been won they were still as stuck and as confused and uncertain as they'd ever been see I need you to see the promise though I've delivered Jericho into your hands along with its king and it's fighting men he says you just got to start seeing differently all you see is everything that's not working out and all the problems I want you to start seeing Who I am and all the promises it's a different way to see see when we feel stuck especially when it's like I know God's calling me to this I know God wants me to have breakthrough in this but I feel stuck we start to look at our life through a lens and we have to decide we get to decide the lens and it's either the lens of here's what's not working here's what's not happening here's what I don't have here's what I don't understand here's the pain I feel here's my feelings of uncertainty that's islands all the problems or we look through our life through a different lens and it's all the promises I don't know what's gonna happen but I know my God's with me and I know my God has a plan and I know my God has a purpose and I know my God loves me see it's a different lens we have to choose which lens to look through in fact would you put up that list of promises some of you need to take a screenshot of this these are also on the app this is an arsenal for you to take into your prayer room this week and I want you to start standing on some of these scriptures and and start talking about these scriptures and start thinking about this and instead of getting together with your friends and all you do is describe the problems what if you got together with your friends and said I don't know what's going on but God has a purpose for my life and a plan for my life and he's working in my life and he's protecting me and loves me and accepts me you see that and his powers working in me his spirits running I can do more than I think I can I can outlast this situation I can stay in for a breakthrough because I've changed what I look through I'm looking through a different lens and and for some of you I know I know you hear stuff like this that sounds good in church but I'm trying to do real life I'm telling you this is real life my 15 year old was 15 this summer has just turned 16 year old son reminded me of this this summer a bunch of you if this is your church you know a little bit of our story but my son went to Africa this summer and he came back with a parasite and he got really sick and they couldn't figure out what it was and we spent a week in the hospital and five nights in ICU he went into septic shock twice respiratory failure by night five in the ICU he'd gained about 15 pounds all his organs were swelling up and starting to shut down and they were starting to give us percentages of the chances of him living and we are a mess as you can imagine me and my wife are crying buckets of tears as I walk around the hospital every night at 3:00 and 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning I don't get it I don't get it God be with us heal my son like you know the deal and and I a miracle happened and and I wish I had time to tell you the whole story but I've shared it before so some of you know it a miracle happened they found one parasite in one red blood cell they were able to treat him three days later we took him home it was unbelievable right so so we get him home and he's laying in his bed he can't do anything he's got to stay in bed for like a week and he's all swollen up and I said I said yeah I said I mean you've never you've never been emotional this whole time like I can't imagine being 15 and going through what you just went through you haven't cried once like me and mom have cried buckets and I said son it's okay I don't I mean are you are you trying to be tough because you don't have to be I just want you to know you don't have to be like you could be real with me and and you can cry if you want and I mean without hesitation my son goes dad I was never scared I said what do you what do you mean you were never scared he goes God has a calling on my life it's not gonna let me die see that summer he went to the summer before he went to a youth camp and felt like God placed a calling on his life gave him a promise for his life and so now a year later when he's in the midst of the biggest tragedy he's ever faced he didn't blink because he knows I don't look at what I'm going through I'm looking at the promises so then I go back in my bedroom and I start crying again thinking god I wish you'd give me the faith that my 15 year old has the lens that we look through changes our experience and you guys wear contacts oh there will be no context in heaven we will have laser vision superhero x-ray vision in heaven guys I if if I had glasses on like they'd be like binoculars okay my contacts are crazy if I take my contacts out the whole world goes blurry I can't see anything if you stand in front of me I can't see you I can't read a book I can't drive I can't go anywhere like if I lived before contacts I just sit at home and wait for Jill to feed me like that's it and she's like honest about what you do now so you know I love you Jill so hot gosh I love you here's what I do though and those of you with with eye issues you know the drill you go to the doctor and they put this thing in front of you and and they you look through lenses don't you and and then they go like this they go one or two two or one and then I go I don't know can you go back one or two you know that right and they adjust listen listen this this they adjust the lenses and by the time I leave I put a different lens over my eyes I look through a different lens it changes what I can do in this life it changes where I can go in this life it changes what I can experience in this life and I believe God wants to say to some of you you got to start looking through a different lens it's going to change the way you live and it's going to give you the freedom to stand in faith for your breakthrough you need a breakthrough I want you to think about what you've been through what you look through and last who's walking with you this is key let's keep reading verse three march around the city once with all the armed men do this for six days notice the first thing God did as they're starting to believe for a miracle as he said be real careful and selective about who you walk with while you're believing for a miracle can't go with everybody in fact I was reading this passage over and over this week in my Bible and and I like to mark up my Bible and would you put that picture of my Bible up there you don't need to read any of the words yet I just want you to see the picture don't judge me as Jill's highlighter real men use pink and so but I highlighted a section and then I drew a big line and an arrow and I wrote some stuff in the bottom all right so let me let me zoom in on that top part march around the city with everybody in the nation with everybody I've been doing life with with everybody I grew up with no with a very specific group of people with an armed guard going ahead of the arc of the Lord and I wrote there he did it with other believers to fight for a breakthrough you need to walk with people who are heading in the same direction we're following the same God looking for the same kind of breakthrough because who you ride with determines where you go in life zoom into that bottom piece I wrote this a couple years ago and it just hit me again this week I said this you can't follow God with everyone there's going to be a time in your life when God calls you to do something calls you to be something calls you to make some changes says I got a next-level kind of stuff kind of thing in store for your life you're not going to be able to go with everybody you need listen there are no neutral relationships in your life and you're not above the law I know you think you are because I always do too you've got to start being selective I sat in my office this week with a guy who is just so broken up about I need a breakthrough I have an addiction I want to get past it I want to get through this the first question I asked him is who you doin life with because who you ride with determines where you end up I said listen we were at the in campus I said let's say you want to go to Arvada you can hope I want to be in Arvada you can tell people I'm called to Arvada you can pray God take me to Arvada you go out in the parking lot and get in a car with people going to park Meadows you're never going to get to Arvada no matter how many prayers you prayed or good intentions you had because who you ride with determines where you go the problem is and we do this at every age of our life we just sort of get in relationship and sometimes we don't even know where they came from is just convenient and the space in life we're at and we just start kind of riding with people and and we don't really think about like we don't prioritize like do you care about God do you do you do you want to pursue God are you you want to get closer to God we don't we just make the Astor's I worry about it out on the weekends when I go to church but no then what we do is we start riding with him and then they go in a direction that we really didn't want to go but you know we're just riding and then we end up in a place we never really wanted to be and then we make decisions that we never really wanted to make and then we suffer consequences that we never wanted to have in our life and it's usually about them we start blaming God for what's going wrong like where are you God and how could you let this and he's like I never let this in fact I've been begging you to March this way but she just got in the wreck he got in a car with the wrong people heading in the wrong direction when you're standing for a breakthrough you got to ask yourself who's walking with you it changes the game verse 4 have you have seven priests carried trumpets of rams horns in front of the ark the ark is is that the Ark of the Covenant it represents the presence of God for them you sudhi's saying he's saying I want you to walk with people who are following God and then make sure you're prioritizing the presence of God walk with people who are following God then prioritize the presence of God don't you dare go into this battle without the presence of God at the forefront and I just want to remind you than the same way I need to be reminded today listen the reason you wrote down what you wrote down the reason it's still something you need to be set free from the reason it's still something you need a breakthrough in that area is because we can't do it on our own if you could do it on your own you would have already done it you'd already be free so this is one of those things that we need to go I got to stop trying to do this on my own there's nothing heroic about that I need the creator of the universe and his Holy Spirit to start working in my life I need a supernatural breakthrough it happens when we start to prioritize the presence of God i'ma walk with people who are pursuing God and I'm gonna prioritize the presence of God I'm a walk in the presence of God because that's why we make worship albums it's so that it's so that you can you can download the songs like they just came out this weekend or whoever else you like listening to and what if just this week you started something and what if it caught on what if it was a spark and what if it lit a fire in your relationship with God because you just said you know what I'm gonna start doing I'm just gonna take a few minutes I'm gonna start small I'm a baby step this thing but I need to spend time in the presence of God so you know what I'll do I'll listen to one song and I'm gonna read one chapter and I'm gonna say one prayer that would be such an amazing start for so many of us in this church family if you just start prioritizing the presence of God look what happens when we spend time in the presence of God there's joy in his presence there's power in his presence there's rest and peace and guidance and protection and confidence and we could keep going and going and going God says there are life-changing things that happen when you prioritize my presence so if you need a breakthrough Church I want you to think about what you've been through what you're looking through and who's walking with you these things will help every single one of us as we start pursuing our own breakthrough see but but the problem for us is is we don't think we qualify sometimes and I just want to speak to that for a second in fact would every single one of you at every location would you grab that card that you wrote on maybe get it out of your purse or pocket or wherever you put it would you grab that card for just a second I know the feeling if I'm just not worthy and it feels selfish to ask for this kind of stuff and the truth is I've asked before and it hasn't seemed to happen and and what if this time though you didn't just ask what if this time you said I'm going to ask and I'm also going to fight to take hold of the freedom that you've provided we me with God would you hold those cards up for just a second I want you to start seeing this differently see sometimes we read this story and we picture one or two bricks falling off the wall and like they win in single file that's not what happened the whole thing came down guys listen when you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets have the whole army give a loud shout and the wall will collapse the whole thing's coming down we don't need a partial breakthrough in anxiety and depression we need the whole thing to come down we don't need a little breakthrough in this area of seeing or the habit or the emotions or the fear we need the whole thing to come down right I want you to see it differently I want this to be your mental picture of faith this is the kind of breakthrough we're pursuing today and listen you do qualify you can put it down I know some of your shoulders are burning well jesus said I came to bring you life and life to the fullest Satan's goal is to steal and to kill and destroy all that God wants to do and if you can't take it from you he'll try and get in your head and just say you don't qualify for it how you gonna ask for a breakthrough look what you've been doing [Music] and that's it and that's all sometimes we need and we throw in the towel we go you're right I'll just live with it it's just just my lot in life I just live with it because yeah I want breakthrough but look at me like I don't deserve that I don't want you to know that is a lie you're Kings kid you're an heir to the throne you're a child of God and he wants you to know you deserve and he wants you to experience breakthrough and listen there's nothing selfish about it sometimes we feel selfish there's nothing selfish about it in fact something you need to flip that entire thought on its head the fact that your act asking for a breakthrough is actually going to start a domino effect in your life listen somebody in your life needs a breakthrough so you better start fighting for yours so you can start being a covering for somebody else and helping somebody else somebody in your school needs a breakthrough you got to start fighting for yours somebody in your family you could break through you got to start fighting for yours somebody in your workplace needs a breakthrough you got to fight for yours so you can turn around and share what you've experienced with somebody else there's nothing selfish about it remember this church our breakthrough it's not just about us your breakthrough is not just about you it's about the people God wants to change through you we can start standing in faith for that would you stand up with me at every single location I want to pray for you god I pray that you would begin to speak to us right now in Jesus name I pray that as we begin to worship you in a way that this church family has never done before on a weekend I pray that you would just bring peace and joy and your presence I pray that Waites would be lifted off our shoulders that people would be set free that breakthrough would become our reality that we would begin to stand in faith for it knowing we deserve it and it's what you want for us and I thank you for that guys with everyone's eyes closed let me ask a couple questions the first one is this you are a christ-follower maybe you have been for years but you know today I need a breakthrough enough is enough is enough I need a breakthrough God would you help me if s you raise your hand I'm gonna say a prayer for you all my believe in faith with you come on church the second question is this you don't have a relationship with Jesus yet but like you can feel it you may not even have known why you got brought here today or why you wandered into one of these locations or why you're listening or watching remotely but you can feel it right now God is dealing with you and your heart and you just know this is my time this is my day I need to ask God to forgive me of my sins I don't know how this is gonna work I'm not gonna be perfect but to the best of my ability I want to follow you Jesus I want your spirit living within me in the here and now and I want heaven forever if that's you and you know this is my moment to make that decision raise your hand I'm gonna say a prayer for you raise them up high oh come on my gosh Church hands all over the place keep raising them raise them up Brussels Austin God behind bars just respond to what God's doing raise him up god I thank you that your witness in this moment I can sense your presence in this room god I thank you for what you're doing I thank you for the breakthrough that's about to happen I thank you God for the eternal lives that are being changed right now in Jesus name God it is our honor to begin worshiping you and I thank you and everybody said amen listen the Sonoma read this first one last time and I ask you to do something at every location that I've never asked you to do on a weekend we're just going to get crazy today and listen if you're a visitor just let us get crazy or jump in and watch what God will do okay but here's what I ask you to do I'm asking you to get out of your seat come to the front move out into the aisles come as close to this as possible and we're going to get after it in some worship and here's why listen when you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets get the music going have the whole army give a loud shout start praising and worshiping because it's been the wall of the city will collapse and here's what they learned that day there's gonna be so many times in our life church where God does something we get a victory and we start worshipping for it we go God thank you for that victory but then there's going to be times in our life where we worship until we see victory and that's what they learned that day every now and then you go I'm worshiping because I got a breakthrough and sometimes you go no today I'm worshiping until I get one today I'm a worship down the walls fall down that's the we're about to do would you step out of your seats start forward come on man let's lead our families bit come on thank you come with me kids you come with me let's go let's get after it let's worship God in a way that is unusual for us to listen that's okay sometimes you want something you haven't had before you do something you haven't done before right Church let's worship down the walls bump down [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're visiting thanks for letting us get a little crazy today I believe we're fighting for some serious breakthrough in here right now listen sometimes we need to need to call out what we're fighting again sometimes we need to get real specific and we need to put a name to it and say this is exactly what I'm coming against today so i'ma ask three questions if this is you shoot your hand up shoot it back down but we're gonna pray together and stand in faith together listen if you struggle with anxiety if that's the thing that you go that's what I need breakthrough it that's my struggle would you raise your hand and I know that struggling I'm gonna pray with you and believe with you today yeah a whole bunch of us if you struggle with depression put your hand up you're not alone see the lie is it's just you you're not alone whose hands all over this room it's time it's time that anxiety goes away his time that depression goes away I don't care what you call it but if you say look my struggle my struggle is no matter call whatever you want I just don't feel like I deserve it I just don't feel worthy like that's where I'm at we're gonna come against these three things specifically right now in Jesus name god I pray for anxiety right now I pray that you would begin to defeat anxiety in people's lives right now that anxiety would turn into authority in Jesus name I pray that we would be able to put it in the past once and for all I come against depression in Jesus name and Satan we rebuke you in Jesus name you have no right to lie to us any more we are worthy we are sons of God we are daughters of God we are heirs to the throne or kings kids we are worthy we are worthy to experience the love that our Father has for us and we're going to stand together in faith and believe for a breakthrough in Jesus name James let's worship let's get
Channel: Red Rocks Church
Views: 6,197
Rating: 4.974359 out of 5
Keywords: breakthrough, breakthrough lyrics, breatkthrough, breaktrough, breakthrough live, breakthrough 2019, breakthrough (live), breakthrough song, breakthrough story, breakthrough worship, breakthrough service, another breakthrough, red rocks church, red rocks worship, red rocks, red rocks worship breakthrough, breakthrough red rocks worship, fill this place red rocks worship, red rock worship, church, multisite church, jesus, god, bible, holy spirit, depression, anxiety, testimony
Id: n4DWTnGBc9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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