Ivan Milat: Australia’s most feared serial killer | 7NEWS Spotlight

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mr. Cohen who's driving along here suddenly just out of the blue he suddenly said oh I'm going to turn off here this right here yes so I said well I'm going to kolbar so you can just drop me off here he just continued driving down this road here and I say it at this point in time what do you think well not just what I'm just thinking when's he gonna stop to let me out and he just kept on driving [Music] this is that this is a lapa hot at the time so what does it show us so it was here in black fees we pick up a check in about 9:00 9:30 in the morning on a Tuesday Lord you have me back at the spot in all these years you know I haven't lost 37 years 37 years the man who picked you up that day position that was him that was definitely the creep who picked me her pretty one smiling and he wasn't smiling he never smiled at all time that I saw that I saw him he never smiled he was in predatory mode when I saw him Ivan Robert Marco Malati as he was in his killing Prime the most feared predator in Australian criminal history and as he is now terminally ill his body ravaged by throat and stomach cancer at death's door Ivan is a very evil person I think dying is the best thing he could do for the community melot's death won't come soon enough for many but the horror he unleashed here in the Ville Angelo State Forest on seven young backpackers is a stain that will never be erased from the Australian psyche tonight the evil crimes of Ivan Milat seven brutal murders but were there more for the first time the backpacker who says will that tried to abduct him returns to the place where he says he came close to being one of my lads first victims the hammer was there to beat me with it to murder me with it that's why the hammer was there inside the divided MLAT family torn by their strange love I want the public to understand that he's not the monster they say and hate for this serial killer so I kept at total cell compares their Jim and we'll reveal the unsolved murders killings at police and a member of Malaysia believe he's behind my own view is that you could say there's one definite murder and there are two others quite possible former police superintendent life small has been intimately involved in some of the biggest investigations in the country but none more chilling and confronting than Ivan Milat backpacker murders they were the names of the seven backpackers yes what do you feel when you when you hear at the spot well I think it's a terrible part of our history we have to remember it and that being blunt I've and all that was a terrible person still is tell me about the Millat family the knight family is a quite unusual family Ivan's father was a Croatian wasn't here that long before he met his wife they married a couple of years later she started almost from the day that married having children I think it was 14 children they had Ivan well that's my brother my younger brother what's it like carrying them alot no bad bad bad bad borås Millette hasn't spoken publicly since his interview I did with him a few years ago because of the anger and sparked within the MLAT family they didn't want you to do this interview there definitely did not want me to do this interview much of our conversation has never been broadcast until now what was life like back then for Ivan and for you I mean it was just out of control it was out of control smart ass running around out of control going out getting into trouble with you know different guys and girls and things you talked before about Ivan having a cruel streak about him at what age did you first see that I seen that probably it was pretty normal up until about 12:40 and I started to see that I heard about that from the Eze mates you know that all boast about they'd go out at night and do things and you know with machete so you tell he cut a doggie knife with a machete and all that was grown up were you concerned about him back then I knew worried I knew he's on him on my trip I knew that it was just a matter of how long he was gonna kill somebody from there from the age of 10 I'd say you know it was built him to him he had a different psycho give his psychopathy and it just menaces itself in manifested itself with you know I can do anything the mullets grew up with knives and guns as part of everyday life they'd spend afternoons shooting at targets in their parents market garden with Orlan gun since we were seven six and seven we used to have to sit Mac foxes on the end of the tomato beds which was about 20 meters away and knock them over in their early teens Ivan and his brothers were small-time crooks breaking into homes and stealing when Ivan was 17 he secretly confessed to Boris that he had shot a taxi driver during a failed attempted robbery his rifle had misfired and hit the cabbie Neville knight in the spine leaving the young father paralyzed from the waist down the Blake straddle a nuit he had lost everything in his boss men near his legs feelings he knew what went pro his back he knew he was if I would have paralyzed it Hardin paralyzed we are MLAT fled and soon after an innocent man was wrongly convicted and served five years for the shooting he said the blame on someone else he said which is good but I didn't think it was good but I didn't want to see him go to jail ever you know I didn't I didn't want to see him harmed ever even know because at that stage he really hadn't proved he's he's worth you know item eight when he was a little brother he was my little brother he hadn't gone on to bigger teens millets bigger crimes would begin soon enough in 1992 and 1993 the bodies of five women and two men all backpackers were found here in the Blanco State Forest the crime scenes themselves were little clearings in a very dense forest as you can see from her don't try to hide the bodies no he didn't try though weaving small areas that were clear the bodies were left there on the basis I believe he believed no one else would see them anyway he chose his victims a certain type of victim they were between 19 and 22 there were backpackers at people who could disappear quite easily he was picking up backpackers because I'd have no friends there there'd be very few people would have seen them being backpackers I was sort of isolated from other members of their family and that in effect would give Ivan more protection and less likelihood of detection British tourists Caroline Clark and Jo Ann Walters were the first to be discovered Joanne had been stabbed 21 times in the back and 14 in the chest Caroline had been shot ten times in the head young Victorian couple Deborah Everest and James Gibson were next James had been stabbed eight times Deborah had been savagely beaten the last to be found were German couple Anya Happ sheet and Gabor Nora Berlin not far from the remains of another German backpacker samoans middle onion had been decapitated and despite an extensive police search her head has never been found some were shot and stabbed multiple times one in fact was shot in around the head where the offender had walked around the person shooting them in the head from different angles well now that shows a malicious and nasty the murders were another one was stabbed in the back multiple times so the Osun that had a mixture of shootings and knifings there were some similarities but there are also dissimilarities you can understand why mahlet chose this place it's just off the highway it's isolated and if you called out for help no one would hear what was the most shocking thing about about these murders it was a the apparent time that was spent committing the murders and spent at the crime scene by the offender it was trying to drag out better the dress this were being dragged out and the fact that they were a number of this also shows that he was becoming more and more committed to the murders and was so sadistic and to the way in which they were killed that was being prolonged to what end while we want to do that I think it was just the comfort he was getting himself out of carrying out the murders sadistic satisfaction sadistic satisfaction the more the more it took the more that was involved the more time he spent there became a greater pleasure there was evidence in the Belanger lo state forest they would help police better understand the deranged killer they were chasing they have a prime suspect [Music] I mean the Berlanga low state forest southwest of Sydney with the man who arrested Ivan Milat for the terrible crimes he committed here the bodies of seven backpackers five women and two men were found in the forest in 1992 and 1993 if you want to kill someone this this is kind of a place to do it isn't it it's it's quite isolated you can understand why my life chose this place it's it's a very large forest it's very thick and dense and the likelihood of finding a body that's dropped or deposited in the denser part of the forest away from the tracks is unlikely the key breakthrough that would link Ivan Milat to the bodies in burl Angelo came from British backpacker Paul onions he was hitchhiking in January 1990 and was picked up by Milotic onion has became suspicious of Malik's attitude and I made an excuse to stop the car this was not far from the Langley Paul onions ran off and was pursued by milette who fired a number of shots at him a car coming up pulled over and gave Paul onions to get in Ksyusha the drive out seen him running up the road waving his hands and yelling based on onions alone there was enough there to arrest Malaya for the attempted murder of onions even if at worst we couldn't link it to the other backpackers so it was worth test it was worth going in on May 22nd of 1994 simultaneous raids were launched on 7 MLAT family properties Ivan's home was like a gold mine there was money and caffeine equipment belonging to the murdered backpackers along with photos of Ivan and his girlfriend and there's a photograph of her on the wall in one of the rooms wearing a top the top belong to one of the murdered backpackers there was some rope and some plastic ties that had been similar to those used in the abduction and murder of the back papers but it always seemed that I even had no intention of hiding the equipment it was there for anyone to see who went into his house what made it even more interesting was that property belonging to the backpackers was also found in most of the homes of the Malak families how did it get there they said Ivan gave this to us this was a case survived and giving his family property belonging to murder victims and then Ivan knowing and watching them use that property again it's I'm in control during the raids police also found one of the weapons I even used to kill the backpackers a rifle hidden inside a wall Malak was arrested and taken in for questioning when was the first time you've laid eyes on other Malad the first time I actually saw him was on the day of his arrest in 1994 I had seen pictures of him and that before that because he had been under surveillance for some time at that moment face to face man to man did he look to you like someone capable of carrying others murders he looked as though he was a personality he believed that he was in control at all stages even during his arrest even during his arrest after a 15 week trial the LAT was found guilty and jailed for seven consecutive life sentences one for each of the backpackers he killed but then and now the lactates he never killed anyone do you believe I haven't did all those murders alone my belief is yes if you did act alone do you think there were people who may have known what he'd done yes Ivan's mother used to visit him regularly not long before she died she was asked by one of the sons about Ivan and she told him that Ivan had confessed to the murders to her and you believe that yes why would I even have told her she had been visiting him every jail and basically had been had asked him a number of times about this but had basically put to him tell me the truth before I died how did it affect her dear well a part that is interesting is that even after she had been told this and told a member of the family this she still proclaimed his innocence it says a lot about molest doesn't it does not all of them elect but a number of the melot's are a family deeply divided over Ivan's guilt on one side his older brother Boris how would you describe Ivan so I can pass total psychopath legend song competitor on the other side Milan's nephew Alastair should see he's always been a tower of strength of the family and inspiration all of us it's always been happy it's good-hearted between the first one to help everybody and look after things is he a murderer no not a chance allister's complete denial of his uncle's crimes is the view held by many in the Malad family he even claims to have Ivan's blessing to talk to us Ivan's giving you permission to talk to us yes why you well I want to get it out there so the public can see he's been vilified he's not the monster that they say because all the media's done in the past is portrayed him as a villain who is he Islands a good soul has been framed Aleister has been one of Ivan's most prolific pen pals he has piles of letters most are Ivan protesting his conviction he says the highest church in New South Wales Supreme Court judiciary attempting to cover up a miscarriage of justice in a recent letter to his nephew eivin Balad signs his name my regards to all love Ivan innocent Ivan innocent you've been writing letters for a number of years yeah here's my favorite uncle he was I always looked up to him and I've been write to him all the way hello Aleister I continued further details and observation on the case a statement of innocence and injustice and the 27th in the letters Ivan claims he is a victim of a huge conspiracy what an incompetent [ __ ] the judge was the family blames Clive small room for setting Ivan up the peer review courts cover it up protect their system by Ivan innocent framed by clubs small do you think Ivan was stitched up hundred-percent there's no doubt about it they've done a good job vilified him to the public but they left 90% of the evidence here they only told the public what they wanted them to know who's they they get the well the system we could say so who was involved in this if Ivan was framed who did it it must be the government because when the Olympic board rang up and said how do we know it's a safe place in Australia with these murders in the forest well all they thought about billions of dollars and millions of tourists they couldn't afford to miss out on that how much supporters are gonna have there are soggy thousands people wanting to ever reach all there's only one person that has a problem with him in the family or two yeah Boris is the main one but we all know why because I would had an affair with his wife and he's been upset about it Boris mulatto it was a very upset over Ivan's affair with his wife Marilyn the 11-year illicit relationship led to the birth of a daughter Denis Boris says he came close to shooting his brother over the effect I had him in my sights the gun was fully loaded and I got it up there and really let go I was really let go I was ready to but every time I went to fire on the mongrel mum and walk in front of it and I thought this is too dangerous I'm gonna hit one of these people I don't want to hear only one take him out and that guy was looking at me straight on through that window he was staring straight at me and he just kept looking like that and I got this gun on him and I I thought about it I put it down put it back in the Dora meat truck Lili's maybe melot's only child she's now in her 50s and lives north of Sydney Lenise declined our request for an interview I'm just wondering if we could talk to you about your dad I've had my say I don't know they gonna listen about that or not I don't know anyone named I can't notice that there's anything you want people to know as far as I'm concerned he's dead and buried along again he's finished this isn't about Ivor this is about the truth it's not about Ivan the trouble is here I have relatives that on my term like on fix aces against them but it's not really assisted I find they're a gutless lot because they they just will not speak the truth [Music] it's early morning at Sydney Airport Colin how you doing welcome to Australia mine already been a while since you've been back yes 3037 : palaces made the long journey from Newcastle in the UK to relive what he says was a terrifying encounter that happened nearly 40 years ago how you feeling uh fix emotions I can all solve you come back for to a battlefield air he almost lost his life : was last year in 1982 then he was a 21 year old backpacker who planned to spend a year traveling and working around Australia why alia well you know it's one of the good romantic destinations you know it's just adventure really Colin would go on to have an adventure he would never forget but it didn't begin the way he'd planned calmly we cut the map after all these years yeah yeah I found it in there in a cupboard stored away this is that this is a mapa heart at a time he spent two nights in the blue mountains west of Sydney before hitchhiking inland which way did you go this way here so let's go to Bathurst he wanted a ride to the town of koba near double where he'd been told that was working the mines it took me about maybe 20 minutes 30 minutes and finally somebody stopped was a pickup truck I've got my backpack off and I went the sword in the tree when I did that fella said no man don't do that put it here in the cab it's a lot safe and there was nothing else in the back of that truck except one large hammer that was right in there in the in the corner of the truck okay so the first time you see his face scream describe them for me in detail he had a baseball cap on he looked mid-to-late 30s you had like a fair moustache a few gears drawers beard and he had work boots on the man who picked you up at that morning is this him that was him but a baseball cap on that was definitely a crave little pick-me-up but he wasn't smiling he was a short allow I am kind of muscular but he never said hello he just he just said put the seat belt on there [Music] so I'll put my seatbelt on and then he said he reached over he pointed he said put that button down and I looked on him beside why would I put the button down why we decided not to anybody over 10 years old and I looked at him in a quizzical where and he said we don't want you to fall out MIT so I wanted to ride they told you to lock to lock the door yeah so anywhere I did it and the first thing he said to me was how long you been Australian he said Roger here and I said well I've only been here two years and I don't know anybody here and without he went into a kind of trance right away he went into a trance and authority collins says Malak remained silent until he took a sudden left turn for no apparent reason even though it was nearly 40 years ago Colin says the Odin was so vivid he remembers the road they took down suddenly out of the blue he just said I'm turning off here and I said I'm gonna go to Coba so just drop me off right here but instead of dropping me off he continued driving down here for about 500 cars before he finally stopped clear man that Eva wasn't safe to stop him at the same time for dinner been cooking in America about a half a kilometre down the dirt road will that stopped and calling them to get out of the car by the time I got the Cardo up and he was stood about where you are right now he had his hand behind his back without a hold nahama I knew there was gonna be trouble right then because he had no reason to get out of the vehicle what saved me is some cars came past as the cars came past Ivan Milat was looking over his shoulder at then and looking at me at the same time cuz he was just about to strike because he was acting suspiciously they were looking at both of us and it give me an opportunity to well it gave you the window to get out just to quickly get out and then get the pull the seat forward like this I put my head and shoulders in there to try to get the backpack out in at the same time he was still right behind me like that so he was he was standing right here but he couldn't do anything because the cars passing cars will still come and passed and he wanted to though he was looking at the cars looking at me when I had the backpack I swung it over my shoulder like this and he was blocking my path so I sure did passed him like this and started walking away and when I got about 20 foot away called out to me hey mate and I looked back and he was lounging against the tailgate of his truck and he said something like have a safe trip look after yourself mate and that was the last time I saw Ivan Milat it was many years later when Collins saw a documentary about the backpacker murders that he says he recognized mullet as the man who picked him up hitchhiking that morning since then he's had plenty of time to ponder the what-ifs I think was my life I think he saw backpackers in his primitive kind of hillbilly world backpackers were a form of exotic wildlife that migrated through his territory and he could just go out and kill him for fun that's that's the way I see him a lot it is he saw backpackers as like stray dogs ought to be picked off the street taken in and the bush and used for target practice you know killed for sport so to speak that was it that was his primitive kind of world [Music] backpacker Colin Powell's claims that in January 1982 he was picked up hitchhiking in blue mountains by a man he's identified as Ivan the lat he says Malak came at him with a hammer but a fancy car gave him the opportunity to escape I thought it was robbery I thought it was attempted robbery that's what I was sure oh do you go to the police no because it was only thought you'd Emily at hand on me you never robbed me you didn't run away or smile with my backpack Colin powers never reported his terrifying ordeal to police but he's adamant that the man he encountered that day was Ivan moet and his story does bear remarkable similarities to a murder that would take place in the same region five years later the victim was also a hitchhiker 18 year old Peter ledger who disappeared while trying to get a ride from Sydney to Bathurst his body was found in a state forest not far from where Colin power says he'd also been hitchhiking Peter Leger had been shot five times there are a number of similarities in that murder with the backpackers probably one of the most significant was the fact that he was both stabbed and shot and the bullet that were found there some spent shells appeared to have been fired by the same type of weapon that was using the backpack on murders and the bullets themselves appeared to be the same time [Music] all the signature signs of all signature signs of armour and Millette was working in that area at the time and it's not the only unsolved murder Ivan is likely to have committed during his long reign of terror clive small suspects he's responsible for two other cold cases there are a couple of victims I believe Ivan had in addition to the backpackers whose bodies were found in the forest here the first is 20 year old Karen Rowland last seen in the Canberra area in February 1971 she was last seen hitchhiking in the position of her body in some bush just off the road was not dissimilar to the victims here and there was another woman who was soon his last known to hitchhike and her body was found some years later and she'd been stabbed to death and again was in the bush Penner was not dissimilar that woman was 30 year-old Dianne Penn heo who was last seen in 91 in the town bug and or on the outskirts of Cameron just like the backpacker murders both Karen and irons remains were found in state forests they both appeared to be sexually assaulted and the discovery of beer bottles at their crime scenes was a sign the killer to his time it was very statistic and he got the impression that this was all about giving Ivan Player and prolonging the deaths and prolonging the desk that gave him pleasure gaming pleasure so you believe there's more than just this 7 I believe there's more than to 7 but not too many more on that prediction Morris Milano strongly disagrees he's certain his brother's body count will go even higher you said you believed his victim count is at least double what they what they think it is I I definitely think it is was he good at least double at least well if it's not double but in my mind and it has to be I mean say he was doing it in one place he was also living in other places surely they're suspects all over the place suspects up there in Newcastle look Belmont you know he was working there Ivan Milat has spent the past 25 years behind bars most of it at Goldman's supermax prison he's maintained his innocence the whole time except for one moment when he appeared to let his guard down when I saw him in 2005 at Goulburn jail and he accused me of suggesting his one of his sisters was involved in the murders and I'd never suggested she was involved because I know you did them by yourself his response was yes so why are you saying she's involved it was until he said it that the expression on his face was one of shock where he thought I almost made an admission he or he made an admission but from my point of view it was an admission and pro quite frankly the way he said it and expressed that aggressively it was a accurate mission that little moment between you and other Miletus probably closes well forget to an admission to a confession as I good enough here well it's better than nothing under heavy police guard Ivan Milat left the golden Supermax jail last month to undergo tests and treatment at a Sydney hospital he was then taken to Long Bay jail hospital where the terminally ill serial killer is expected to spend his remaining days has his health for the mountain it's not good he will die eventually and then he'd be out of pain it'll all be over is he in pain at the mood I guess we would be with what's he got he's got a chairman he's straight money stomach when Ivan dies does he have any requests no for his funeral or any last words if anything I'd rather have him cremated so we can put his ashes in a nice place where would you put them maybe in the Blue Mountains I don't know a nice place Eh his brother Boris would prefer Ivan has put in an unmarked grave and forgotten about I hope he passes on before me his only happiest day of your life would be when your brother dies why fighting his demise would be greatly appreciated by me yeah for the damage he's done not to me to all those people out there and he's done a lot I mean to say it's nothing you can be proud of just just just a freak psychopath that's it [Music] which brings us back to the psychopath killing ground here in the Ville Angelo State Forest the man responsible for locking up the most terrifying serial killer of our time has a final message Ivan will let this is your last chance if you had one shred of decency in you you would admit to the murders and other crimes you've committed before you go you'll give some comfort or some satisfaction to the families of the victims who you have killed now is the time to admit to everything Ivan this is your last chance you you
Channel: 7NEWS Spotlight
Views: 941,330
Rating: 4.7432551 out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Night, 7 Network, News, Channel 7, Australia, Australian News, Current Affairs, world news, headlines, story, stories, Melissa Doyle, Steve Pennells, Ivan Milat, murderer, serial killer, crime, true crime, Clive Small, Boris Milat, Alistair Shipley, Colin Powis, backpacker murders, backpacker, police, Belanglo, Belanglo State Forest, Wolf Creek, hitchhikers, documentary, cold case, criminal investigation, crime scene investigation, real crime
Id: RIqfBk6GglI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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