Who were Ivan Milat’s accomplices? Family of backpacker killer’s interview | 60 Minutes Australia

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in sentencing Ivan Milat for the murder of the seven backpackers just as David Hunt said it was clear to him that the killer had not acted alone now if the judge is right then who were Ivan Milat circum places-- during the trial mullets own lawyer maintained that the police had the wrong mullet someone else in the family he said was the killer there was victims gear found at family members homes other than Ivan's and there was evidence that one brother had said he knew where other bodies were to be found and to have spoken about stabbing women just prior to the jury's verdict some members of the Malak family agreed to this quite remarkable interview throughout the investigation in the Baleno forest and then at the trial it was always suspected that more than one person was involved in the murder of the backpackers six of the backpackers had been killed in pairs and in varying ways - and with those who was shot more than one weapon had been used also bullets had been fired from several directions then at the trial it was mullets own barrister who pointed the finger at others in the family including Richard mullet the man here on the left with Richard are his brother william and william's wife Carolyn there can be absolutely no doubt that whoever committed all eight offences must be within the Mallette family or very very closely associated to it can you see that no why would your brother's counsel say that blind Freddie can see that and you can't no idea mr. Richard mullet you'd be aware I take it that there's been widespread speculation that two men were involved in the murders well they say anything and the two men most suspected one knew and the other your brother Walter well that's what they say what do you say well sighs got no true fur at all you didn't do it now at the trial Richard mullet was subjected to intense cross-examination about involvement in the murders as was another brother Walter but Walter was not prepared to be interviewed now nobody has suggested that mr. William mullet was himself involved in the murders but he and his wife Carolyn provided Ivan with alibis as to his whereabouts on crucial dates it was at William and Carolyn's home on the New South Wales southern tablelands that this interview was recorded when this happens to a family people have no idea how it destroys you inside we are destroyed in fact my fam my entire family my extended family we're all destroyed if if for argument say that he did there the I could tell you now uh I for one would not support him in the way we've supported him over it they've ever done this crime should pay the penalty and there's I've got no question no question whatsoever about that what would you need to convince you that your brother did it he would have to tell us he would have to use those words I did it and then I would believe him but he has actually said to me I have not done this and I believe him with all my soul I believe him you wouldn't be telling a lie no I'm definitely not telling the lie no not when you take a witness stand and you're told that you you must tell the truth no way in this world would you lie to protect yourself and other members of your family well what sort of question is that so you lied to make a dollar on your job no would you lie to protect yourself would you lie to protect your job would you lie and say that you never cheated on tax would you lie and say you never did anything I don't cheat on tax you don't lie and cheat on anything no I've got no coms about it but I wouldn't know I wouldn't I don't say I'm lying to protect anybody Ivan Milat was also known as Bill Bargo bill Jo's spanner ticks and Texas but to his family though he was known simply as Mac let's talk a little bit about Ivan I mean you're closer to an age do you could you tell me about his school days a patrician brothers school at Liverpool can you remember he's pretty in with it he's pretty smart you know he's he didn't like school like I know that neither did any of us like school very much at the time did you get on well William Mac yeah I get very lonely was he a violent man no never never followed me yeah the you know I I don't think any of the brothers are violent people you know most of the people that know us as a family they know us for what we've done in the past and the way we've conducted ourselves there there's other people who don't know us they're gonna see us as black two-headed monsters and that and that we're not the day mrs. Carroll on my left gave evidence there was much tension in the courtroom and some release out on the streets mr. William mallet faces a charge of assault as a result of this incident earlier in his evidence mr. mallet had provided either with an alibi as to his whereabouts on Boxing Day 1991 the day the two German backpackers were murdered according to William his brother had been with him on that crucial day mr. William mulatto the evidence you gave in the court was as to the whereabouts of your brother Ivan on Boxing Day in 91 yes you said he was at your mother's place yep Boxing Day is a family gathering day because Boxing Day used to be dad's birthday for his dad's birthday dear and we would go down there on that day so you were a hundred percent sure that he was there on Boxing Day no I'm definitely 100% sure if and when the Court finds otherwise what does that make you well I'm not gonna find otherwise because that's where we were on Boxing Day Carolyn provided Ivan with an alibi - in her case as to where Ivan was on the day the two English backpackers were murdered Carolyn admitted changing the dates in a family photo album which then implied Ivan was with her on a family camping holiday at Eastern 1992 however in her evidence she clearly contradicted herself well mrs. Carolyn Malak you said earlier that you wouldn't lie that's right didn't you lie to the court no I didn't why do you say that well the evidence of the court was that you changed the photograph the date beneath the photograph of your brother Ivan at one bein from Eastern 91 to Easter 92 to provide him with an alibi no that is not true I did not provide him with an alibi now the dates were changed are such a long time ago I don't remember exactly and that's exactly what I told the court I don't remember exactly when I changed those dates those dates meant nothing to me where the photos taken in 91 or 92 oh well I'm not 100% clear why did you change it well because it was just a camping photo photos would fit for us to live have you ever changed the date on a photo well I'm afraid I have in fact I carried around a photo of my children when they were babies and it wasn't till years later that I looked at the back of the photo and I had wrote my son was 18 months old there was no way in the world this little baby was 18 months old oh do you think he got it wrong and you changed the photos date well obviously obviously you do there was no intent its it just happened to provide an alibi but anyway in the aftermath the other guy doesn't stand up well that's we told how it looks it doesn't what do you believe of the evidence against your brother-in-law well I haven't seen all of the evidence what I have seen it is circumstantial and it is pretty horrific it touches him it fingers him and identifies him unfortunately yes so beyond reasonable doubt he did it oh no no way no way three separate murder victims and their goods are found that your brother's house and it doesn't even raise a bit of a suspicion in your mind that maybe he murdered him no it doesn't as I said to you before I know this man sir mr. Richard Malloy can you explain for me please the property of the murdered women that was found at your place I can't explain the property are they set up by the police before okay we'll come to that but give me your explanation please of how come Carolyn Clark this is the woman that got ten bullets to the head her sleeping bag is sleeping bag cover her sleeping mat and her tent were found in your garden she had Charlie here sight now it's not hearsay at all of the evidence evidence of her in the sleeping bag of Joanne Walters a 22 year old less was found in a cupboard in that same [ __ ] can you explain please okay knock on X why not won't even explain how come into the cupboard how it was they yeah I can't be sure now if you can't be sure then is it reasonable for the likes of me and others to speculate that maybe you had something to do with it getting there well I don't know trust the police well for a moment I'll trust you if you tell me yeah well I can't say what would you accept it looks a bit sussing no I don't accept that it looks a bit sus well that there's the property of murdered women in your garden [ __ ] and you reckon it's not sus how many people have identified this stuff well you won't know how many were murdered I know how many people were murdered by your family by my family I'd like to know how many well on the evidence or on the word the say-so of your brother's counsel seven nice number when at Christmas 1993 when you felt the police moving in you assisted your brother Ivan to get some guns out of his house no I didn't know the police were moving in I did not assist you I just moved some guns we I mean would you accept the books just to trifle suspicious well how suspicious does a look if you think that we did it I went and moved all them guns were so-called people but why didn't we take that up a bit what the police found why didn't we throw that in the river can you explain that can you explain that to me at all why would we move all this stuff that's got nothing to do with it and leave the stuff the police say it's got something to do why would we leave that there are we just stupid am I crazy am i mad maybe I am I don't know I'm not a expert Eva tell me why did your work colleague Desmond Butler say that you told him I know who killed the Germans I don't know why but so like he said at court eventually he said I did not think about any of this until we read it in the paper he said you did say that so why is he lying about you I don't know why he said anything I haven't got one clue why he would say that at all well he did say that I don't know well he did take my word for it he didn't say that why do you think he lied I don't know see what about your other work colleague Paul Douglas why did he lie because he said you said there are two Germans out there they haven't found them yet I don't know why did he lie again two weeks later when he said you said there are more bodies out there they haven't found them all yet I don't know did you say that I don't know you might have said that I could possibly could have said that it's possible you said just to reiterate well it could be possible could be possible paper laid that on the moon you may have said that I may have said anything yeah I don't know you don't know well may you have also said stabbing a woman he was like cutting a loaf of bread I don't think so don't think so I've never cut a woman so how would I know if is why cutting a loaf of bread no it wasn't cutting a woman it was stabbing a woman stabbing I'll never stabbed a woman over I never stabbed a man Ava tell me why you people have agreed to do this interview we wanted we want to put our point across there that we're victims there and and my victims boy nothing of our own doing there and we were pretty well convinced that this is an opportunity to put our point across there there so we can have a fair hearing why did you agree to do the interview mr. moon I don't wanna say why not cuz I shot a lot no inside I just don't want to say I might know Richard in most part there because we had asked him to do it because this the outcome of this is going to affect Richard greatly yeah I've come at this trial to rabies there's been threats that he's going to be arrested and that is what they've told us is going to happen do you reckon you're going inside I don't know I couldn't trust inside for what we're not going inside for anything I've deep inside for what inside for murder yeah I don't I don't think so no way 100% positive that I should go inside for murder on any reason I never killed nobody so why should I go there well accepting your word what about going inside as being an accomplice to miss still free no way you would should I I weren't there I'd had nothing to do with it I've never knew anything about it I still don't and you never will and never will then all that family you receive no payment for that interview we did however pay a freelance filmmaker who arranged the interview for us now we have a contract with this man which we intend to enforce that shows no money goes to the milettis hello I'm Liz haze thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusives 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 210,860
Rating: 4.6275229 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Ellen Fanning, Peter Overton, Karl Stefanovic, Ray Martin, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Jennifer Byrne, Mike Munro, Richard Carleton, Tracey Curro, Peter Harvey, George Negus, Ian Leslie, Gerald Stone, Sarah Abo, Ivan Milat, backpacker murderer, australian crime, true crime, outback murders, milat family, serial killer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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