QUESTIONS, ANSWERS, INTERNS & ALASKA | Rick & Bubba Show | July 13, 2017

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[Music] I'm powered by smoothie can I'm go ahead you look a little down yeah not today you know why I'm powered by Luigi morning good why is it just like tennis Oh bro yeah yeah I knew that I'm just saying throw them assurances tenants go football click ID please and I'm Chris but I'm sis level boards go I just how bad it is ok I'm speaking today it's something right after the show here here is what I'm wearing now the reason why I don't have this on is because I don't want here the neverending comments hey what's up you Pastor I'll help us to entertain today do the job you ordained us to do and a little smile and everybody's life today in Jesus name is the other Monday windy group put a note right there about unload and reload and run in the dishwasher and it's made a man inside that's awesome I told them I said they've got a flat edge on y'all be on it I'm here every day the Monday Wednesday Friday crime is better than y'all and makeup don't find it pick them just do what you're supposed to do better Oh God fire a shot fire you're dead but that's the truth you're Brian bridges oh the great intern war had started hey why don't we got breakfast yet again because y'all been munching on yesterday's I've got love all things but they want to come on the good day take a wild in that what Buffalo said they want to come on a good day they them like we only come on the days when good interns are federal court no thank you and I'm a good cart director I am a good rider your fixing of your cards or the mistakes you made that you forgot yeah Greg a you better watch out later yeah I'm gonna make some coffee right now actually all right here we go our deep water out and Pompey in there and here some all right perfect and I just put some creamer in there all right drink it why don't you taste it that's somebody's child wants to pretend they're big and they're gonna drink coffee mess okay I like my coffee like I like my pants Greg khaki yes it is [Music] can you explain bip bip means the sound of punching someone someone gets on your nerves so bad bet you'd love to dispel you know the person that can't call themselves just want to reach out if I'm in a head like Bill and they don't know when to stop - bill whatever happens to the county bicycles do yes okay what are County bicycles County bicycles are the bicycles that Rick and I used when our kids played at a ball park and they play at the very back of this ball park and it was a hike to get there so we got county bicycles so they really really wrote good although they look slightly again I feel have mine I haven't rode it in like a decade have you ever had a fire an intern yes it's been very rare we had to fire an intern one time who could not get to work kept being late we don't tolerate that here and we had to remove interns stimpy we then had an intern we had to remove then I won't give the name because we found out that she worked as a dancer and was inviting people in the office and an interim program to come see her work and then we had one that we didn't fire but they left because the parents said we were bad influences on Nathan dance ask how can I come hang out with you guys one day all you come hang out with us really gold ticket see how can I come hang out with you guys one day you can't it's not allowed we have a no hangout policy that speed you recommend the chewing gum or the patch I I don't smoke what is each member's salvation story if you want to know anything about what we really stand for what we believe because Rick and boba comm click on that faith tab and you know you'll probably beat great their face button David versus Goliath why do people always get the analogy wrong Goliath was the underdog Goliath versus David looks like a mismatch but Goliath versus of God is the true mismatch when going quail hunting who would be most likely to pull a big chain if I had to pick somebody I would say held above question probably shoot Gregg probably the one most likely to accidentally shoot some of us would likely be Adler Baba not even close who on the show are you most surprised by when they come up with a good idea every blue moon Gregg will shock the world and come up with a good idea every now and then he actually goes all the time to ride again all right right again right again but you know who on the show are you most surprised by when they come up with a good idea of speed for Kenneth Dixon says I'm a big guy where would you recommend for weight loss where what I guess the diet program that Bubba recommends and that is a lot of peanut M&Ms that is probably the healthiest snack that you can that you can have and Rick's doing better but I was doing better I thought you know anything probably I probably not [Music] I think spiders are always better than our night honor let's not miss but can you show my face hunter captain Barton it's a great movie you'll be entertained by the new Spider Man let's leave it that maybe wouldn't have to make these at leoch ready now you can too close to the Barrow movies it's the cousin thing I've seen to Peter Parker in the big screen I'm just saying okay okay with that statement but a minute ago you start making things like thanks the best superhero movie we've ever seen and have you seen it though you need to see a door seriously go see it this afternoon it's a good entertainment it is out yes but you're saying it's better than the Dark Knight yes you are crazy do you like it yeah yeah oh when I play this today so I missed the story you don't get me advice laughing yeah right that's right in the book was it mention with a single coin yeah the anal gland was bleeding I need to be expressed anyway so that worked out how they do Express some tenènte she was down for a couple days let me ask you this at 12 where she messing with his name we have no idea we have seen us decide properly Isaiah diagnosed it you know the dog has been bit did you see it was did you bite the dog no that was a yield to democratic congressman introduced articles of impeachment against the president they even they said one Charlie oh yes there's congressman and they took paper to do that you do that as a stunt I mean that's the whole problem everybody up there is pulling a stunt they're not doing any work they're not they're not trying to solve the deficit they're not trying to you know to do anything for the economy or help anybody's life getting better I just wanted to tell the one that was talking about their son doing baseball over in Alaska I heard one of you say that you know you just see this play through it but I just say I think you need to continue supporting your son in this situation if you missed in pitching in Alaska one game and you slept through it you're still supposed to come maybe at work at 5:00 in the morning right right it actually sometimes works out great because the time I'm leaving for work they're coming in and so we'll talk a lot you know because of the time yes you don't you don't support it this Rick I think we need to send for the show speed to a lifetime see again absolutely yeah well no that's a bus that's a flight right there yeah when do you need to go let's just let's quit talking about it and get it done because I want you to support yourself you know that's a long way why don't you drive and it becomes a show bit I need I think about two weeks off time you get there the season's over yeah yeah yeah Terry mentioned that yesterday because she does not like to fly and she has announced if you go to Alaska you could go myself which made me come well at some point though I don't know what's going to happen you thought that sounds good what did you do then I say just made me kind of think about it means that you and miss her terribly but in a lot of ways you know one can travel smoother than more than one like there's a guy anywhere alone right there's that baggage you check when you go in there's that baggage just riding with you you know what I'm angry if you can lighten some of it we need to book it quickly this is real and I had no idea when I got here that this would be happening I'm so overwhelmed I don't know what to say this is awesome this is unbelievable speedy tend to Alaska when it comes to the dishwashers they are definitely better oh because it's not that the other inference of better it's just we're like like more of a family we're just close to them and like we all are like more friends and stuff we don't have to be [Music]
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 17,963
Rating: 4.9749999 out of 5
Keywords: burgess, bussey, live, radio, comedy
Id: zrvuYrOfKfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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