It's Truth To Cassie's Claims About Diddy. His Houses Getting Raided Makes Him Look Suspicious.

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[Music] when you look at the lawsuit right and you read all the things that Cassie is a leure and did he did to her do you believe it I go it got to be some truth to it because the [ __ ] was quick to pay I'm not paying a [ __ ] [ __ ] if I know I didn't do [ __ ] and it's just a rumor oh n we F to fight it I'm not giving you a donme I'm not going to pay a [ __ ] no 2030 million just to sh up just so people won't have you know no I didn't do sh to you I didn't make you do anything so I'm not giving you sh mother Fork over some money quick and I guess sometimes I guess you got to be in a situation of of uh bad publicity you know [ __ ] feel like well let's just shut them up because we don't need bad publicity I don't give a I'm not giving you no 30 million 40 whatever for some bad publicity cuz I'm going to fight you and I'm going to prove that I didn't do a [ __ ] thing if you didn't now if you know there's some kind of Truth to that then yeah you're gonna want a [ __ ] to shut up so here take this and shut the up I don't know what you saying you saw or what I did but if there's any inclination or small that there might be something then yeah you going to pay you're going to pay and that's going to make you guilty as so that's what I said a mother can't start saying n did some [ __ ] to me and then a week later you got a check in your bank in your mailbox something was wrong nck black nck can blackmail you say this whatever if you ain't this you gonna fight a mother I don't care who it is I'm gonna fight I'm not just F to bow out because well they talking no I ain't do [ __ ] and they can talk from here to high heaven but no we F to fight that so if you turn around and go well yeah I did some sh and it's some truth to what she's saying and I don't even want people to know the the small I got I'm G to pay her off so and I'm make her sign a paper saying you can never speak on this [ __ ] again and so that that if that that's how it went down cuz you know she took her and bowed out gracefully thank you but now that's just going to make the other [ __ ] who feel like they got something to speak on they GNA start coming out the woodwork now oh you paid a [ __ ] off oh n let me get mine let me get mine I don't give I need a million it I need two million it yeah pay me off too so yeah there got to be some truth to her story because he damn show you know everybody else off that I didn't do anything oh I'm going to fight this and I didn't do this and and the and the the producer and the music dude oh I'mma fight it I'mma fight but when it came to her he said mother thing he was quiet and he gave up that money how you feel about his homes getting rated um that was bad for him you know because like I said it's only furthering uh what people are thinking or assuming that was going on you know uh you got the feds R in your that you got the feds R in your place then that uh they looking for something you get me a just ain't uh rumor and and and and uh and thought about you know what I'm saying feds is coming because they think it's something there and the more and more they keep listening to people talk about situations that were going on with you it just make them more Curious to go oh we F to go find some [ __ ] so I I I think it it made him look very suspicious with the raids even you know even though he didn't get arrested or none of that you know just by their presence uh it's going to make people feel like there's some kind of Truth to the stories that are being told or floated around you know all that I'm denying not I didn't do this and I didn't do that they the police there for something you get me just the suspicion of just the suspicion of it makes you look guilty
Channel: The Art Of Dialogue
Views: 25,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mc eiht, cassie, diddy, puff daddy, p. diddy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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