IT'S TIME To SACRIFICE Someone In Baldur's Gate 3

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all right hello everybody we're back with more Baldur's Gate nice twitch chat zoomed Us in very good and we were about to finally begin the beginning of act three we finally went we fought Catholic Thorne we found Roland we did all this stuff and uh now it's time we're gonna take the road to Baldur's Gate I hope you guys enjoy this video leave a comment let me know what you guys think about the videos let me know what you think about Baldur's Gate the content what do you guys like the most like the video as well please please like the video subscribe turn on your notifications and uh everything is s Man TV YouTube Discord twitch Twitter get involved with the community so hope you guys enjoy the video so here's where we're at before we take the road to Baldur's Gate and go to act three which is this way we want to do a little bit of like Inventory management here I can go plus two Armor class I think there was also something else here what is spellsave DC exactly certain spells requirement is making sitting through the higher you're supposed to be the harder it's a resist yourself okay well in that case maybe ketherick's Shield maybe Catherine's Shield is the play oh my gosh Catherine Shield actually looks sick tether Shields Graver Gail oh my gosh it is because I have this stupid Woodward Shield okay so we're gonna give her Catherine give him Catherine Shield give her this I forgot that I had a shield for him Catherine Shield is now yours oh he looks cool on him too to be honest [Music] you're about to progress your adventure once you move on you may not be able to return it's time for act three guys [Music] lifted the land's cleansed of the Shadows cathrik's reign of living death is over instead and triumphed [Music] okay so the lands are healed [Music] yeah me hi I use the um I use the oh I'll tell you after cutscene stop don't one man spam sergeant if you are here I presume one's rock is secure and preparations for my inauguration are complete no Lord gortasha we were interrupted another quake in the lower City more severe this time so you came cowering to my Chambers I'm flattered Sergeant but even I cannot command natural phenomena to cease forgive me my Lord but there is panic in the streets the people are afraid perhaps the people if you kept your nerve I expect that flaming fist but to run scared from a slight Tremor in the Earth back your duties [Music] trolling looting and following and bowing and scraping yes sir no sir rip and cut your throat sir your plan is falling apart lordling Give Me A Reason wait what you don't rip it control yourself or in we need to focus on reuniting the stones or the brain will break free Quakes are just a star container we're always expected the prison bearers to kill Catholic they'll be traveling to the city let's make sure we give them a Bulgarian welcome [ __ ] to see your skull shine in the light little lucky for you they hold us do the whole thing yeah nobody's fixing that okay in Rivington at high Sun they will say to my blade thirst tonight but tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow my blades will thirst again foreign [Music] [Music] baller's gate is that it [Music] yeah it's been Thor armor there we did it dude we made it to Baldur's Gate where the worms look out [Music] oh my gosh we're doing a long rest after I casted all those Buffs man should I jump [Laughter] era Shadow heart has found a little bit of herself again so Luna cannot take all of the credit she may have lit the way but it is the cleric who took this step now that we're traveling together I realize I don't know much about you that speaks well of your taste I've heard my share of bad ballads about things I never did if you have questions ask Ed just don't expect my answers to rhyme yeah I only listen to people who rhyme sorry no rhyme I'm out of here we don't want to respect anybody do we Shadow heart going straight cleric is good Carlock is is which party member has your favorite story so far as fan the main character the events of the last days weigh heavily upon you sleeps rest is slow to come to one whose mind is so full the absolute is not a God but an elder brain controlled by the chosen of the Dead zero to take control of the sword Coast all who carry the tadpole have governed by the brain and by extension the chosen it will take but one order to transform them into an army of Mind flesh an army this would have been your fate too were it not for the astral prison and the Mysterious visitor inside of it with her help you have uncovered the cult for what it really is a plan of Conquest orchestrated by the gods of death themselves together you have the power to thought the dead three you follow this path to its end the Elder brain will not answer to the chosen it will answer to you only liberate them from their parasites and their religious delusions will you use the power you gain for your own purposes um okay so this is a lot to think about you liberate them from their parasites what is the most Paladin thing I feel like four is the easy Paladin option number three like waiting till the moment comes to make your judgment call also the two you dominate the world you you have to spread righteousness across the land I'm leaning three three is 2023 NPC how is that NPC this is literally the most the most active Choice it's like no I'm not gonna make my decision now I'm gonna wait until until I have all the facts is the opposite of NPC you know cannot have long to wait that's sleep I feel good about it [Music] mom [Music] you're under attack what help me hi gishra Nick Shield blow [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh it's clobbering time are you ready wait why are they wait why are you debuffed her voice commanding affected entity's brain is being tortured the whim of the absolute oh my gosh okay I think we need to go for gishra Nick or gishra get clear wait escape to the portal before the absolute takes control oh no I mean here's the thing we can literally Misty step and leave then do it I could if I wanted to I just don't want to okay you Carlock what are you wearing oh my gosh what was that damage holy core log 13 piercing two acid 10 necrotic 19 piercing 10 necrotic of the sneak attack 10 beers in two acid 10 10 10 20 10 30 30 32 30 32 34 34 13 37 47 47 56 65 damage holy Divine bone Shard wait why does she have that on her you doing that thing [Music] action surge wait wait hold on five head play around the back push him into s-band nice that means s-ban doesn't have to move [Music] [Music] fight your way to the portal I need your help Gail Gail Is Us magic Missile one two to five damage each say it does three to four three to four nice okay we need to act fast You're Gonna Go hit her with a guiding bolt rank one okay okay come on carry me here we go I'm actually not gonna grade her weapon master and just make sure I get the hit in uh did I said are we gonna get some more of that sweet sweet kilometers from school I'm doing key lime pie oh my gosh I made a huge mistake I should have just killed her okay you're gonna miss me step up there okay car log will finish this badass okay yeah wait what is it this other guy here okay two turns remaining we're good we got this Penny I can't do this without you nice wait I can just keep farming these guys amethyst that's good gold maybe I should just concentrate okay now we just walk through [Music] things about to blow [Music] wait oh I should have had liselle because we're fighting geeth Yankee that would have been sick [Music] I forgot [Music] thank you [Music] I'm here help me I'm under attack [Music] how much are you how's your health at man [Music] oh my gosh wait do I save her or hold on do I hon the intellect devours are on our side what how did that happen okay [Music] uh okay miss miss Ed it up I should have done that first I screwed up uh fire weapon no we are not the bad guys we literally never be the bad guys thank you thank you um oh my gosh one Health you kidding me bro oh break number three I'm not gonna oath break s [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it feels like such a waste man I'm just gonna be honest chat is she gonna attack me I don't care she won't even hit me probably that Miss you see that skills [Music] [Music] oh my gosh no all the little guys loot Alchemist fire grilled pork leg we need those for camp supplies universe is about to explode we have to loot true well look dude these intellect developer devours devourers give a cerebellums who is the lady from uh Powerpuff Girls foreign [Music] who are the bad guys [Music] I am your uh what we are a mind flare what's going on here the good Yankee is the source of our protection against the absolute everything we've worked towards is lost don't let my form deceive d [Music] I am the one that's been protecting you well I initiated to see this car log is that okay TMI prove to me that you are who you say you saved a child from a Viper back in the truth [Music] continued existence that is true how cause we try to read the Mind players thoughts intelligence check oh no [Music] oh say okay despite your best attempts to be subtle the Mind flares awareness is everywhere you blunder in its presence like a walk pup learning to walk [Music] directly in it [Music] be my [Music] colorful existence to date could have [Music] could have horror subsides you were left with only one coherent thought you must do whatever you can to subject [Music] really [Music] fight now we did destroy the crash join the Mind players fight [Music] [Music] oath breaker wait what I'm not oath break the emperor Renegade elephant okay so we're gonna go foreign [Music] oh my gosh actually which is Valentine and then passive greater weapon Master Okay 99 or 91 we're gonna take the 91 it is so much more damage look at this it's 10 more damage at a loss of eight percent eight percent chance we're gonna be fine oh do we go for the big crit yes do we go over the big Divine smite let's go okay the one shot dude I'm telling you my Paladin is disgusting dude I don't have a bonus action okay it's okay I got a crossbow I got this ready Big Dam right here [Music] zero damage literally zero damage okay I literally did zero damage okay [Music] hello Gail what are you doing [Laughter] Gail what do you [Music] dude Gail is just [Music] remember um command command command a creature to move towards you on his turn and do nothing else saved can I put this up here nice [Music] huge the big lacerate okay nice okay yeah it's a really good strap where you split DPS as much as possible and then end up getting almost killed [Music] okay that was horrible big greater weapon master actually you know what Big Damn Divine smite four damage [Music] wait dominated the mind why'd you dominate the one that has four health hey Gail you want to do anything or no I'm just gonna you're gonna hang out back there dude how come he's in combat 80 miles away man all right guys I'm here Divine strike radiance what is this [Music] oh wait nice you killed somebody good job shadow heart Haley doing more than the wizard this is the MMO healer Shadow heart's a MMO Healer not a anime healer oh she's not dominated oh no oh she missed thank goodness dude imagine you got resin just immediately got knocked okay big offhand attack watch this the knife to the chest dead one Health are you kidding me dude oh she's two bonus actions that's right but maybe I go with a second win first maybe I second wind myself I think I think that was unnecessary because what if he comes and shoots at her or something you know [Music] nice okay s fan you got the Big Dam right here okay you mean the big level three oh I was like dude that was like 90 damage non-crit 90 damage [Music] nice greater weapon Master proc [Music] that was too close don't look at me like that without me you would be a slave to the absolute a Slave to the Rhythm for the things to be indebted to a bloody mind flayer oh my gosh am I am I doing this dialogue is Shadow heart now you were in the prison all this time why did you deceive me it wasn't necess Ary rare are those that would openly consider a partnership with a mindslayer even those who are on a path of the becoming one it's like I said before I'm just like you [Music] an adventurer I came from Baldur's Gate though I was never one to be constrained by circumstance I longed for more had longing brought me to moonrise Towers on a search for Treasure to a colony of mindfulness who caught me changed me into what I am now what [Music] I said the one you know I was a throne like any other but I was fortunate I broke free and started a new life in my own City myself on criminals I'm glamorous but there are plenty of them wait missed and they fueled me when I did my work [Music] to meet you still May be formed a partnership through her I became the governing force behind the Knights of the Shield the largest Mercantile operation in Boulder's Gate people referred to me as the emperor such was my influence my needs I was happy for a while until my true nature was discovered by the Tau for itself and brought me back to the brain where I became a slave once again the slave he continued to call me and [Music] to remind me of the Heights from which I've been but I have grown fond of it it encapsulates well who has become so Lord gortash was one of the chosen in The Colony indeed Universe knows no bounds to enslave me that was his nature but to enslave and elderbridge Excision forward to sharing his Downfall with you thank you did you have to eat the criminals brains rather than the potential potential to allies like you uh no but I didn't realize mind flares could be independent thinkers not all mind players are alike I have always valued Freedom Above All Else in my past life has been a burning need Within Me as long as [Music] I go uh are you gonna tell me what the battle was about before power has been the source of your continued protection against the voice of the absolute the power to disrupt hive mind communication it has the same power that enabled orpheus's mother to bring about the form of the Empire a power she passed on to him and I leveraged for you when orpheus's mother left azerba took her place Blackheath declared herself Queen to get Yoki thyketh one power power but Orpheus Rose against her and so she sealed him and his honor guard with with prison Bound by infernal chains Orpheus could never leave [Music] they were close to breaking my Honda Prince and if they had succeeded you have embraced your potential enough that you could help me alone Orpheus will be much easier to control so were you imprisoned here as well no [Music] see this is so weird I was one of many but the first find it how good hash or the other chosen learned of its exist I do not know change My Free Will returning followed the feeling and found Orpheus I realized what the prison was for containment while my body was within the prison's bounds my mind was free I could resist the yeah I got yeah true actually so he could take on any shape he took the shape of a woman [Music] so was it you or Orpheus that blacketh wanted to kill when she ordered us inside the prism [Music] the Yankees still reveal him in defiance of their teachings blocketh was safe for as long as they believed him to be dead [Music] that's why because she was reluctant to eradicate such power power that she might wonder if they get Yankee ever find out what she has done there will be civil war blackath will be finished what did we what happens if we free Orpheus that would be a terrible idea the moment he is free he will attack you your only defense will be to kill him and in so doing he would do us both even though he is subdued he feel obvious is revulsion pulsing hatred that cannot be contained the emperor is telling the truth to him you were just another wretchedelicid you carry a tadpole as far as Orpheus is concerned you are already omitted a sworn enemy just like the more I talk to you the less you seem like a mind flare I appreciate that is what I am original body was destroyed when I transformed when I first escaped the Elder break I searched for a new vessel but the longer I inhabited this one more it I realized the turning to my former self would only impose limitations by restoring my original appearance appearance I already had to hand in the form of magic then that humanoid ship you've you've got as an elited i have ever was [Music] yeah I don't know about that one I'm trying to avoid becoming a mind flare I don't like what you're implying here no I'm not gonna do it do it it's powerful I know I don't want to be a mind player if I if I say that I want to do it does it show a cut scene can I yeah can I make another character elephant mind flare but not s fand then I'll do it to Gail actually hey look just always punching bad why do you say that I believe we'll have a better chance of defeating the elderberry you embrace your latent [Music] and they're studying you for a while now if I can trigger the next stage of your tadpole's life cycle while continuing to preserve you have seen what I can do imagine yourself the same intelligence the same devastating beauty if you let me I can evolve if you can evolve me why can't you just stop the serramorphosis altogether the answer is twofold one I can kill you okay as I told you before why would I you have done well the limited form you have do it just do it [Music] so I will say yes I will say yes but not to sfand to Gale well suddenly Brave of you will say that much you can you comprise me your mind is truly is something special hold out your hand I hope I'm not making a huge mistake here uh wait wait hold on can I change characters here do as it says wait [Music] it wants to evolve oh they cannot do so alone it must commune with another [Music] hell like I'm like five Nat ones and no Nat twenties okay thank you thank God oh my gosh dude thank God finally disappointment stronger than any you've ever felt [Music] resisted your elected in evidence for now you are not ready yet keep hold of it then until you are has enough Vitality to further your evolution and your allies first try perhaps you will be more inclined to try it when you see more of what our enemy can we need to resume our journey you've heard the chosen the brain has gone to the city we must we must [ __ ] and bring it under our control okay uh time to go time to go pod Jam [Music] so there's been a mind flare inside the artifact or astral prison the whole time we've had it sounds like okay to Madness why did her hair color change the more I learn the less I understand just why I was sent to retrieve that thing but it matters little now I do not serve Shaw anymore well the Mother Superior prism is no longer my mission saving my parents is but I digress did you want something yeah this hair is better I want to talk about all that's happening what's on your mind be honest uh if it helps you put the past behind you I'm all for it not for me but who cares I think this hair is way better I think I think it should have been this hairstyle but dark well well glad someone does perhaps I'll get used to it what I have a lot to get used to right now okay I'm leaving I don't see Lisa anywhere guys no I gotta wait for Ant-Man to get over here now oh there it comes why is she not wearing anything I I really didn't see her until here but look they were like phased out did you see they were like ghosts or parasite communes with late hours her heart races as she learns of the events inside the astral prison [Music] lucky would destroy and Voss would set free Orpheus the blood of the mother the prince of the comet okay the blood of the mother who is he exactly listen [Music] listen long ago when he rose up against our gay slavers mother gets made for the hells to secure an alliance with the archdevil Tiamat [Music] remained in the hells and tiamat's Envoy proclaimed vlakis are ruled first blackhead of many it is rocket157 whom my people now call Queen uh 137 that's a lot of lackets our current Queen has claimed undeath and reigned for a thousand years Orpheus was is only son he led his mother's own honor guard in a club it was kithrak Vos himself who slayed the prince in vicious battle also the varsh's teach us yet the prince of the comet's been with us subdued by that repugnant illith it should Orpheus Go free he would tear vlakis Empire to pieces and build New Glory from the scrap she's wearing somebody else's underwear but I don't remember why I just threw underwear on everybody uh so wonder what happens now and we obtained the key to freeing off [Music] Orpheus is the proof of the Queen's lie and the living weapon that conquered our fake slavers two words and they would rage three words and they would bow to the true air if they give young kid to be free the prince of the Comet must lead the way okay before we continue actually let's give Gail our tadpole yo Gail civilization beckons at last uh we've been given a rare gift an astral touched tadpole with the power to Grant you a new partial elephant form [Music] you've not taken this power for yourself so I can only wonder why offer it to me persuasion you will wield this power well and with wisdom there aren't many I trust with this [Music] yes oh my gosh I bet dude I Max rolled the guidance dude Max roll on the guidance is what the fates have offered to Adar cause and who am I to refuse culture I heard Matt Ryan saying a one-year deal with the Jets per shifter I'll take your tadpole let's see what it has to offer thanks Austin Orange Line Paul says Within wait Matt Ryan's trying to deal with the Jets the share itself don't be afraid it only wants to help you evolve open your mind to it through your veins of the tadpole awakens it's the earning almost unbearable your mind is a veritable feast [Music] that falls Essence courses through you where it touches your flesh glands organs contract and flood with pure thought you feel feel different your body has never felt okay now your mind present in every Flex of a joint or muscle house once the others see what you can do they will consider trying it for themselves okay well so now here's what I need to do okay Gail is now a mind flare okay or he's he's half elephant right that's the he's a partial elephant that's the uh correct terminology okay Gail is a partial elephant now I think we go we just look we have seven tadpoles available I think we hit the Mind sanctuary [Music] we hit the mind of blast free cast you've discovered a marvelous adaptability spell slot shirt and similar resources actress ball removed refreshment wait what free cast wait that sounds insane can I go from fly to Black Hole or do I need to get displaced dude is this I'm just getting dude I'm giving Gail all the tadpoles did I get Fly automatically oh I got fly automatically oh wait that means I didn't need oh no I didn't need this psionic dominance wait okay so Gillian is gonna be elephant Gilligan is going to be discussing Gail is going to be disgustingly powerful dude Gail is gonna be a God I might as well just get repulsar too dude okay Gail is now like God mode basically all right uh so that's it for Baldur's Gate 3 for today I guess we did the transition of going into act three we did the camp stuff found out about the emperor we turned Gail into a into a half ill of it so Gail might be like an absolute monster at this point uh next time we're gonna get into some combat I think we'll do the circus next time that's what everybody seems to be saying in chat as soon as we go go do the circus so uh we're here we're in town we're not actually at Baldur's Gate yet we're in Rivington we're in Rivington and the city is just freaking going nuts so I mean there's tons of people there's tons of conversations just people talking non-stop so I hope you guys enjoyed the video today uh if you guys haven't already make sure to sub to the YouTube channel follow the stream like the video liking actually helps a lot leaving comments it helps a lot YouTube Instagram Discord Reddit twitch uh everything is s fan TV I hope you guys enjoyed and we'll see you guys next time foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Esfand
Views: 50,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esfand, esfandtv, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate playthrough, baldurs gate gameplay, baldura gate 3 gameplay, bg3 gameplay, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, bg, baldur's gate 3 paladin, oath breaker, oathbreaker, oathbreaker paladin, baldurs gate 3 karlach, nightsong, nightsong bg3, shadowheart bg3, shadowheart, bloodlust, elixir of bloodlust, emperor bg3, emperor baldur's gate 3
Id: J2zjFJhuRuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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