It's Time to Get Out of the Boat - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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[Music] I'm pastor Jeff Shrieve and this is from his heart and hey I have a question for you how would you like to have the kind of faith that moves mountains and walks on water wouldn't that be cool well the good news is this Jesus wants you to have that kind of faith we're continuing in our series foot steps what it really means to follow Jesus and today we want to look at the famous unforgettable story of Peter walking on the water turn to Matthew chapter 14 and prepare your heart to be blessed and challenged because it's time to get out of the boat [Music] [Music] if you have your Bible please turn to Matthew chapter 14 Matthew chapter 14 we are finishing our series called footsteps what it really means to follow Jesus and our subject today has to do with Peter and Jesus walking on the water I've entitled this message it's time to get out of the boat now I heard about a pastor and he was preaching in it's the end of the service and as he was dismissing the people before he dismissed he said and at right after the service at the back there'll be a meeting of the board and so he concluded and there was a little group there and pastor went back there to the meeting and saw a visitor there and thought well what's this guy doing here and so he politely said to the guy he said sir well you know maybe he didn't understand me but this is a meeting of the board I think I said yeah after that service I would if there's somebody more bored than I am I'd like to meet them you know that describes a lot of churches boring describes a lot of Christians living a boring Christian life just so humdrum just so blah just going through the motions you know you read in the Gospels you don't see Jesus life being boring and blah and humdrum you read in the book of Acts you don't see the Apostles lives being boring and blah and humdrum and so we can read the Bible and say well man it seemed exciting back then but it's not very exciting for me and so many Christians just live a life that's safe and comfortable and routine and it's not very thrilling it's like well where is the you know the abundant life that Jesus talked about you know Jesus said the one who believes in me out of his innermost being shall flow of living water where is that stuff where are the miracles and where is the power and where is the excitement of a life with Christ well I think that for the vast majority of believers the problem doesn't lie with the Lord he's exciting in him his life and the life was the light of the men the Bible says the problems not with Jesus the problems with us and the problem for so many of us is we haven't gotten out of the boat it's time to get out of the boat Matthew chapter 14 I'll begin reading in verse 22 Jesus had just fed the multitudes with the little kids lunch the five loaves and two fish fed five thousand men plus women and children probably 15,000 to 20,000 people and it says in verse 22 and immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away and after he had sent the multitudes away he went up to the mountain by himself to pray and when it was evening he was there alone but the disciples but the boat was already many two stadia away from the land battered battered by the waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night the fourth watches from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were frightened saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying take courage it is I do not be afraid and Peter answered and said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water and he said come and Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus but seeing the wind he became afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and took hold of him and said to him o you of little faith why did you and when they got into the boat the wind stopped and those who were in the boat worshiped him saying you are certainly God's Son what an awesome story that story is recorded Jesus walking on the water is recorded here in Matthew and then also in the Gospel of Mark and then and also in the Gospel of John but only Matthew talks about Peter walking on the water now here's our question that I want you to ponder today how can you experience an exhilarating abundant Christian life that walks on the water so to speak you know we read about that story and we think wow Peter was walking on the water Wow well how can you experience that how can I experience that two essentials if you're gonna walk on the water in your Christian life essential number one is you must realize that Jesus is able Jesus is able he's able in your life he's able to do anything now the backdrop of this story they had just fed the 5000 with the little kids lunch five loaves and two fish I mean a great miracle the greatest miracle as far as numbers of people that experience that miracle was the feeding of the 5,000 it's recorded in all the Gospels the greatest of Jesus miracles in terms of sheer number and Luke John tells us in his gospel that when Jesus did that the people were going to try to by force make Jesus their king this is our Messiah we put our stamp on him and that is why Jesus sent the multitudes away he knew that they're coming after me for the wrong reasons they're coming after me for food for physical food they're not coming to me for spiritual food they're not coming for me to me to meet their spiritual needs they just want some sugar daddy that's gonna feed them breakfast lunch and dinner and that's what they wanted to do and so Jesus sent the multitudes away he sent the disciples away and he went up to a mountain to pray well the disciples didn't want to go they didn't want to leave Jesus at verse 22 says he made the disciples get into the boat that word means to force them to do that they didn't want to do it so he compelled him to do it he said no you guys get into the boat there on the the northeast side of the Sea of Galilee they're going to the northwest side of the Sea of Galilee it's only about five miles but when they start across and it's night they probably start at 6:00 or 7:00 at night a big storm comes up and the wind was contrary and the wind the Bible says was battering the boat the waves were coming in and they were in a terrible pickle there and they had been rowing and rowing and rowing for hours and hours and hours because Jesus didn't come to them until the fourth watch of the night between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. they've been on the Sea of Galilee trying to go 5 miles across and they've been on the sea for hours seven eight hours rowing and straining and not getting anywhere John says they had gone about three miles and they're in the middle of the sea in the middle of a storm and Jesus isn't there and things are rough but then all of a sudden something happens you know you're in a bad spot and everything the wind is blowing and the waves are coming and then all of a sudden you see this something other other coming to you from the water and it looks like a man but what man can be out there in the middle of the Sea of Galilee with no boat just walking on the sea and so they say probably Philip you know he was observant and Philip says look a ghost and Thomas said a ghost I doubt that and here they have this this person coming to them and they all look and they all say it must be a ghost and they cry out for fear literally they scream in fear I mean these are tough guys ease of fishermen but all sudden they're not tough anymore they're scared to death it's a ghost now when you're in a storm you don't want to see a ghost on top of it right I mean it's like oh my goodness I mean you're already nervous that it's three o'clock in the morning and you're hearing noises and all of a sudden you see Freddy Krueger I mean that's a scary deal right and so they see this this person coming to them they don't know who it is it's dark and all of a sudden they think it's a ghost and Jesus says take courage it is I do not be afraid now notice verse 27 take courage it is I do not be afraid that is what it says in the new American Standard that's not what it says in the Greek New Testament in the Greek New Testament it says this take courage I am do not be afraid hey go on me it's two words in the Greek language I am now that was a special special thing that Jesus said to them because they understood a go on me I am why that's the name for God the Holy Name of God the Covenant name of God I am as tied into the name Yahweh that special holy name that the Jews never pronounced they didn't want to say it they didn't want to write it for fear in Exodus chapter 20 that you would somehow take that name in vain so they never used that name that's God's special holy name and here is Jesus walking on the water saying take courage I am now what does that say to you and to me today hey Jesus is the great I am the great I am in Exodus chapter 3 that's where we run into the name I am when God is speaking to Moses from the burning bush and if you notice if you've been watching the Bible series on the History Channel when they showed Moses at the burning bush man that was quite a bush that thing was gigantic and it was really cool the way it lit up it was big enough to get Moses attention and the old Ten Commandments you know with Charlton Heston it's hard to beat Charlton Heston as Moses but when he saw that he I must see this glorious sight a bush that Bern's yet doesn't consume itself you know he just kind of talked a little wooden and God he's talked really weird in the movie The Ten Commandments he was just like a record player on slow mo Mo's you notice that the updated version God speaks like we speak which is a lot better right Moses Moses that's the way you God doesn't speak like Moses but that's what he did to Moses and then he calls Moses he wants him to deliver his people and Moses is like Here I am Lord sends someone else I mean I I'm not gonna I don't have the goods to do that and then he starts to argue with the Lord and he says well Lord if I go to the children of Israel and they're gonna ask me well what's his name this God that met you at the burning bush he says I don't know your name and Exodus 3:14 the Lord says this and God said to Moses I am Who I am and he said thus you shall say to the sons of Israel I am has sent me to you I am is tied into that name Yahweh wih WH in the very next verse in Exodus 3:15 the Lord says that this is my name Yahweh it is my memorial name it is to remember to be to remembered throughout all generations that's God's special name the Jews wouldn't use that name and here is Jesus walking on the sea in the midst of a storm at 3 o'clock in the morning and he says take courage I am in John chapter 8 he said the same thing to the big crowd of people many of him many of those didn't like him and he said Abraham rejoiced to see my day and was glad they said you're not yet 50 years old how have you seen Abraham and he said this before Abraham was born I am and they picked up stones to stone him why would they pick up stones to stone him because you're saying that you're the great I that's right I'm saying I'm the great I am because I am the great I am Jesus said and so here we have the great I am hey he is able because he is the great I am fear not he says to the disciples in the midst of the dark storm fear not I am is here and see that you are so afraid of that it's threatening to be over your head is already under my feet he's in total control of everything hey how do you experience miracles how do you walk on water so to speak in the Christian life you realize that Jesus is able he's the great I am he is lord over every situation and every storm that's what he showed them that night they had the scripture says in the Gospel of Mark they didn't really get it they hadn't gained any insight from the loaves and the fish they didn't recognize and it's like they're just learning this as they go and they're like man you know when he calmed the storm in mark chapter 4 the day after he did that they said well who then is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him I mean we thought you're a miracle worker and you could you could heal the sick and man when you raise the dead that really blew us away and you're you're casting out demons you're doing all this stuff and blowing us away but man when you said hush be still and calm to see who then is this and now they see him walking on the sea and it took them a long time to be able to understand he is the great I am he is lord over every situation and over every circumstance listen maybe you're here today and you're going through a tough time in life maybe you're going through a tough time in your marriage in your family in your health in your job situation with your finances at school in your social life maybe you're facing a huge crisis and you don't know what to do and you're you're like the disciples so to speak you're rolling rolling but you're getting nowhere fast and the wind keeps coming against you and you see Jesus and he says to you don't be afraid don't be afraid take courage I am I am he didn't say I was he didn't say I will be I am I am able in this situation in your life so as it says in psalm 46 verse 10 see striving let go be still relax and know that I am God how can you experience a life that is full that is abundant that is exciting in the Christian life that that experiences the Lord's power and miracles how can you walk on water well the first essential is you understand that Jesus is able 2nd essential is you trust that Jesus will enable you now a great miracle if the scripture had just said about Jesus walking on the water as it does in the Gospel of Mark as it does in the Gospel of John it just tells the story of Jesus walking on the water we'd say wow what a miracle but Matthew goes deeper because he tells what happens of a second miracle a miracle inside a miracle and that's the miracle of Peter getting out of the boat and walking on the water look at it again verse 28 and Peter answered him and said lord if it is you if it's really you and not a ghost if it's really you command me to come to you on the water and he said come and Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus wow what a miracle a miracle that Jesus walked on the water on even greater miracle we could say that Peter walked on the water because most of us if you believe that Jesus is the great I am the God who spoke the world's into existence you could say okay well God can walk on the water God can do anything it wants but here's Peter Peter's just a regular guy a flesh-and-blood guy like you and me and he walks on the water and see what he can do you and I can do metaphorically speaking don't go out today to Lake Wright Patman say hey Peter did it I'm gonna go do it bring a lifejacket okay that's something I only can counsel there no but what he can do spiritually you can do and I love the fact that Jesus said when Peter said Lord if it's really you command me to come to you on the water and Jesus didn't say Peter you come he just said come I think the invitation was opened for anybody on the boat Peter was the only one who took him up on it hey what Peter did you and I can do and if we look closely at what happened with Peter we can see how he walked on water and how you and I can walk on water first of all you can hear his command Peter heard his command Lord if it's really you command me to come to you on the water and he said come and Peter heard the Lord's voice and he responded you can hear the Lord's voice you can hear the Lord's command she said well it would have been different if I had been there and I had heard the Lord say come but Jeff in my situation I'll hear the Lord like that the Lord doesn't speak to my ears no he doesn't you know how the Lord speaks today he speaks through this book that's how he speaks Bible says that it's the Word of God that God uses to build faith Romans 10:17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you want to be a person who hears the commands of God hears the Word of God we have to read the book because that's how God speaks primarily how he speaks not only the only way he speaks but primarily he speaks through his word another way that God speaks is God speaks when we gathered together to sing his praises and to hear his word preached some people blow off church because they say well you know that's not any big deal you know why do I need to come to church well you need to come to church because it encourages you and we're to encourage one another and God will speak to your heart in a church service through the music and through the message and through the prayers and through the baptisms and through everything that takes place God speaks so you can hear the commands just like Peter heard the command of the Lord you can hear his voice jesus said in John chapter 10 verse 27 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me so you can hear his commands secondly you can heed his commands and get out of the vote what did he say come that was the command and we know it was a command it wasn't just an invitation it was a command because he said Lord command me to come and he said come it's a voice of command and Peter heard the command and he heeded the command and he got out of the boat now important to know you don't get out of the boat until you hear the Lord say come you don't want to get ahead of the Lord and Peter knew that I have to have a word to go on from the Lord before I just venture out some have said well why did Peter want to go out anyway I mean was he just kind of hey look what I can do guys was he looking for some cheap thrill no I don't think that's what it was I think that Peter had such a heart for Jesus that when he saw him the great I am he wanted to be close to him he wanted to be next to him and it was Lord I just have to be there with you you remember in in the last chapter of John when Jesus had already died and he rose again from the dead and they went out fishing and then Jesus was there on the shore cooking breakfast and he said children have you caught any fish and they said no we haven't and he said put down your nets and you'll you'll have a big catch and when they did they they caught a great quantity of fish I think John says 152 or something like that and as they were pulling it up John says to Peter it's the Lord and Peter just jumped in the water to swim to the Lord he didn't wait all the other guys rode the boats back in Peter couldn't wait he's one to be there with the Lord and so he when he sees the Lord walking on the water he says Lord I want to be there with you so you command me to come to you on the water and he said come and Peter got out of the boats and began to walk on the water to come to Jesus Wow hey what he did you can do you can hear his voice when he says come and you can get out of the boat but you know what it's tough to get out of the boat there's 12 there are 12 guys in the boat there's only one that gets out of the boat just one the other 11 are like white-knuckling it there it's like we like to both Lord the boats a good thing that the boats holding us up it's scary to get out of the boat in it you know let me tell you some things about the boat you know the boat in their situation was a real boat the boat in our situation today is not a real boat it's a it's a symbol it represents things in our lives see the the boat for you it represents safety and security and comfort you want to know what your boat is it's that which to you represents safety and security and comfort and when you are asked to leave that which is safe and secure and comfortable to do what to step out on stormy seas well that's scary man on this boat this just seems so safe and the man I did I think I don't want to leave here because out there is the unknown I've never been out there I don't know what that's like other than sinking and drowning and so I don't really want to venture out there lord I like it in here why don't you come in here and then we'll have time together the Lord says hey you want to experience me you want to experience the thrill of walking with me walking by faith and not by sight then get out of the boat what is your boat your safety your security your comfort for most people its money its money remember that's why Jesus talks so much about money because money tends to be our boat we think we just have enough money then it gives us safety it gives us security it gives us comfort and if something happens to our money we freaked out because we feel like we're losing the security the rich young ruler what was his boat money his money that's why Jesus said hey you're gonna follow me then sell all you have give it to the poor and then you don't have a boat anymore and then you'll be forced to walk on the water with me he didn't want to do that no I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna get out of that boat some women dating a guy that's a lug nut and they know he's a lug nut and he doesn't treat them right but he's comfortable he's safe he's a known and so they date a guy that's going nowhere and the relationships going nowhere year after year after year and maybe that relationship is dishonouring to God because it's so physical and they know this is wrong but they're afraid to get out of boat and they they know what this is some women who get beaten by their boyfriends they marry them well maybe he'll change later no he's not right you're getting it you're getting his best during the courtship and but that it's just a known hey whatever it is for you it's that which represents safety security and comfort and your boat is hard to leave because of one thing and that's fear fear makes it hard to leave the boat John Ortberg says in his discussion of this passage he says if you want to know what your boat is you think about getting out and stepping out on the water with Jesus and whatever grips your heart with fear that shows you what your boat is and like I said for most of us its finances but for some you know what it is it's the fear of failure it's the fear of rejection it's the fear of ridicule or the fear of loneliness so Debbie and I were watching a movie not too long ago and this girl that played in the movie she was dating a lug nut guy and their relationship was going nowhere and he treated her terribly and she knew she needed to break in in that relationship but she said these words in the movie she said well if I do that then I'm gonna be alone who will I go to dinner with and who will I spend time with and and who will I who will I have to to take me to these functions and and she was afraid of the loneliness and many people are like that hey it's hard to leave the boat because we get afraid and the devil uses fear you know fear is of the devil fear is not of God God the Bible says has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and discipline the devil traffics in fear he uses fear to intimidate and if you think about responding to the call to give your heart to Jesus to follow the Lord in baptism to start honoring the Lord from your wealth that's a big one because for so many of us the boat is money and so to think about man I'm going to start tithing I'm gonna start giving 10% of my gross income to the Lord's work I'm gonna start giving above the tie whoa I don't know I don't know if I can do that and the devil will come in and he'll whisper in your ear you can't do that you're gonna fail you're gonna falter God's not gonna see you through man you better stay in the boat yeah it's going out of the boat that's for crazy people you need to stay in here where it's safe and secure and comfortable he does that all the time when David faced off with Goliath Goliath who's a picture of the devil he says to David to me little boy I'm gonna break you up in little pieces and I'm gonna feed you to the pigeons well what it what was that it was a scare tactic he cursed David by his gods it's a stair chair tactic and intimidation tactic to get David to hightail it back on the mountain to say I'm not fighting him and what a nut I was get me back in the boat but as we know the story David stood up to him and defeated him by the power of God Hey boats hard to leave because of fear but remember this your boat is what's keeping you from walking on the water John Ortberg the name of his book if you're gonna walk on water you've got to get out of the boat you can't stay in the boat and walk on water you got to get out of the boat in order to walk on the water with Jesus you got to get out of the boat in order to walk by faith and not by sight it's a step of faith you're gonna get out of the boat and walk on the water you've got to take that step of faith into that which seems so scary you say well Jeff you know that sounds really cool and that was neat in the movie but this isn't a movie and you're not reading the rest of the story because Peter got out of the boat and okay it says that he walked on the water but he only walked on the water a little bit before it says verse 30 but seeing the wind he became afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying lord save me you say you know if I get out of the boat I think I'm gonna sink I think that's gonna happen to me and that's why I stay in the boat because I'm smart and I don't want to to walk on the water and then sink that's one way to look at it the other way to look at it is this as Peter began to sink he began to sink because he took his eyes off the Lord seeing the wind and the waves all of a sudden hit him in the face and the devil was going to you're gonna walk on the water while I'm and I turn up the the juice here and hit him in the in the face with a wave and he got his attention off the Lord and on to all the circumstances and when you get your eyes on all your circumstances it is scary and he began to sink but the Lord was there to catch him Lord saved me and Jesus stretched out his hand and pulled him up and said o ye of little faith why did you doubt man you were doing it Peter you were doing so good why did you doubt why did you look away hey I'd rather be Peter and walk on the water two or three steps than to be one of the other eleven staying in the boat because Jesus is there to catch you listen you get out of the boat whatever your boat is you get out of that boat you stand on the water and walk on the water with Jesus even if you have a sinking spell you don't have to fear because he will be there to help you and to lift you up and none of us walks on the water perfectly we have sinking spells but all we have to do is say Lord save me Lord help me in this situation I want to walk with you I want to walk by faith and not by sight but man I've gotten my eyes on all the things I see and the things I feel and the Lord says walk with me o ye of little faith why did you doubt get your eyes back on me so you can trust him to help you even through any sinking spells and then lastly you can know that he is pleased with you when you get out of the boat now this is so cool when they get back into the boat it says in verse 33 and those who were in the boat worshiped him saying you are certainly God's son you only worship God those guys knew that you don't worship a man you only worship God but this man Jesus is the god man he's the great I am so they worshiped him you are certainly God's son and when I was in seminary my preaching professor Wayne MacDill he was talking about this story I'll never forget it and he said you know there they are in the boat and he said the scripture doesn't say this but he said I can imagine it in my mind's eye there is Peter and he's still wet the water is still dripping off his beard and Jesus looks at Peter and with his eyes he gives him that look with that twinkle in his eye that says Peter you were doing it you were really doing it then you were walking on the water with me and I am so proud of you I don't know about you I want the Lord to be proud of me I want at the end of my life the Lord to be able to say to me well done thou good and faithful servant you were faithful in a few things I'm gonna put you in charge of many things enter into the joy of your master the Lord didn't say that to the other 11 guys that didn't get out of the safety and the security in the comfort of the boat he said it to Peter I'm proud of you for getting out of the boat this story has such significance for me because this story was preached Matthew chapter 14 in July of 1995 when God called me into the ministry it was this story my friend rich Halcomb was preaching this it was in the summertime a champion Forrest and we were we were just in the the fellowship hall because summertime the attendance was down lower and so we would just eat and then have a Bible study right there and and he preached that passage and God had been working in my heart and he had been preparing me as Henry Blackaby said he had been creating in me a holy restlessness and I was selling chemicals and I was doing well at the chemical company but I didn't really like the job and I felt Restless and I really liked teaching Sunday School and that's what I would think about and just wish I could do more of that and people would ask me they said well you you think God's calling you in the ministry I was like you know I ask God to call me in the ministry when I was in college and when I could have gone into the ministry but now here I am I'm married I have three kids I have a car payment I have a house note and so I don't think that that can work and you know for me what my boat was my boat was finances I didn't see how fine I could make a big change at 32 years old but the Lord I was hearing him call come come come come and after rich preached that sermon and the call was strong I got down on my knees during the prayer time at the end of the sermon and I remember saying this to the Lord I said lord I believe you're calling me to preach and I commit my life to do just that and when I said that to the Lord it was like God just grabbed me and pulled me close to his heart and I heard these words not audibly but inside so clearly he said Jeff I have been waiting for you to make that decision now we've got a deal and inside of a year I left my job and Debbie and the girls and I we moved from Houston to North Carolina to attend seminary we got out of the boat again and began to walk on the water with Jesus into a new call and I can tell you this and I can mean it with all my heart apart from becoming a Christian when I was 17 and marrying Debbie and when I was 23 that decision that night was the greatest decision in my whole life [Applause] and there have been some syncing spells the Lord has been faithful he's been faithful to me he'll be faithful to you hey what's your boat what's your boat some of your here and you know what your boat is your boat is that you're trusting in yourself and your religion and being a good person to get you to heaven that will never get you to heaven the Lord says come to me say phooey on all your good works and all your religion put your faith and trust in me get out of that boat for some it's your reputation you know you've trusted Christ but but now this idea baptism you're like I don't know if I want to do that because that's like getting all wet and that for kids I don't really want to do that hey the Lord says get out of your boat your boat of of you know your reputation what people think of you and follow me do what I say get involved in my work here in the local church put your gifts and talents into practice maybe you have a gift to sing or to play an instrument or to teach or to work and do things behind the scenes or to greed or or to help with inner-city kids or whatever it might be hey put your gifts and your talents to work for the Lord and for his kingdom you say oh I'd be so nervous to do that yeah it's getting out of the boat there's fear there but do it maybe for some of you God is calling you into the ministry he just recently did that with Todd Carmichael Todd and Pat who sing in our choir called him into the ministry and God had been working in his heart for some time and he knew I have to say yes I have to get out of the boat it was scary and it's always scary and pretty much the same way finances God is able you know when I struggled with that with finances I was thinking how am I going to do this you know what the Lord spoke to my heart about he said Jeff am I not the great I am and am I not the God who spoke the worlds into existence you know what you have a need for about three thousand dollars a month don't you think I can handle three thousand dollars a month if I can speak worlds into existence I said well God when you put it that way yeah you know I mean I didn't think about it that way I was just thinking this is such a huge problem it's a nothing problem for the Lord he can do anything behold I'm the Lord the God of all flesh is anything too difficult for me so in closing this is what I want to ask you to do want to ask you to get out of your boat whatever that boat is I want to ask you to get out of your boat hey the pew is your boat I want to ask you to come and stand and say Lord I'm getting out of the boat to follow you my friend thanks for watching today and as we close out the broadcast I want to ask you to really search your heart to see do you really have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ you can't follow in his footsteps until you come to know him until you come to surrender your life to Him the king of kings and Lord of lords if you're not sure if you've ever done that today is the day for you just pray with me pray this prayer from your heart just say Lord Jesus I need you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm lost I can't save myself but Jesus I believe your God in the flesh I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day I believe that you love me and that you want to save me and right now Jesus I asked you to come into my life and save me I receive you as my Lord and my Savior and I commit myself to follow you all the days of my life my friend if you'll pray a prayer like that from your and meaning Lord will come in and your life will never be the same I would love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that God is using this program to make a difference in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer please take the time to call that toll-free number write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you really are important to God and you're important to us and we're here for you from his heart is the viewer supported broadcast ministry of pastor Jeff Shrieve who believes that no matter how badly you may have messed up in life God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life find out more about that plan go to from his heart dot o Arjun [Music]
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 4,534
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e-zit0IO6Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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