The World's Most Believed Lie - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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welcome to from his heart where today pastor Jeff Shrieve continues his new series entitled fake news exposing the lies of the devil in today's message he'll reveal the demonic lie that imprisons more people than any other join pastor Jeff today to learn the world's most believed [Music] [Music] how many people in this room have been to the doctor or the hospital in the last six months anybody been to the doctor of the hospital last six months yes most of us go to the doctor maybe too regularly but we go a lot we go for all sorts of things modern medicine is amazing and it's just amazing that the things our doctors can do today it's amazing with the breakthroughs that we've had the surgeries that can be performed things they used to lay people up for months now your stay in the hospital maybe it's not even an overnight stay maybe it's just day surgery and they get you going you know we really are living in a great time as far as medical advancements but years ago the medical community believes some pretty crazy things the conventional wisdom of the day could be pretty insane how about this ad that was in the paper in the early 1900s Steadman's powders in use for over 50 years it's for children cutting teeth you know what was in Steadman's powders mercury and morphine rub that on your kids teeth and see what happens they thought that was good for him they thought mercury was something good for people I mean they gave it to people that had syphilis they gave it to people that had cuts and scrapes and bruises a rub a little mercury on that well we know that mercury is a poison and you wouldn't do that and then something that has been around for thousands of years is it is coined by or the the practice was dated all the way back to Hippocrates who lived in the 300s BC and he was the guy that came up with the for fluids theory of medicine you know he had four fluids you had yellow bile you had black bile you had you had blood and those for fluids needed to be in balance and if they weren't in balance well this is what you did for it you had a blood letting and so many people would go to the doctor and that's what they would do for them did you know that George Washington the father of our country the first president I was thinking about that today my nephew when he was young my sister asked him Jeremy who is the father of our country he said and she said George he said Jetson is what George Jetson George Washington he got a cold in December of 1799 and thought well I'll just work through it and I woke up the next morning early in the morning and he could barely swallow probably had strep throat called the doctor the doctor began to do a bloodletting and within 12 hours they had taken from George Washington 80 ounces of blood about half his blood and you know what happened he died he died from the strep throat no from the bloodletting but that was conventional wisdom that's what they said we need to do to make people better now they believed that which was false we're in a series today called fake news exposing the lies of the devil and today we want to talk about the world's most believed lie it's the lie that's been around since Genesis chapter 4 since Cain and Abel it's the lie that the devil pumps out there that billions and billions of people have believed that billions of billion billions of people today do believe it's a lie that is dangerous that is destructive that is damnable a lie that will send your soul to hell forever and ever and ever what is the world's most believed lie that a person is saved in part or in all by his or her good works that works is the way that you get to heaven maybe it's not all your works but definitely your works figure into the equation and that's the base of every false religion it's a religion of works it's the base of every false cult you know false cult is a is a group that claims to believe in Jesus but they believe in another Jesus whom we have not preached and really when you boil it down it's all just a religion based on works I love the little poem that says I cannot work my soul to save that work my Lord has done but I will work like any slave for the love of God's dear son you and I are not saved by works no one is ever saved by works yet people still believe that and people who come to church Sunday after Sunday after Sunday after Sunday no doubt there's some of you in here today watching on television on livestream listening on radio you deep down believe that you're saved by your good works and the the idea that God is somehow like Santa Claus that one day you're gonna stand before God and he's got this great big scale in heaven and what does God do he takes all your bad works and he puts him on one side of the scale and all your good works and he puts them on another side of the scale and then you wait to see do my good works outweigh my bad works because if my good works outweigh my bad works then I get to go to heaven but if my bad works outweigh my good works then what happens sorry Charlie you didn't make it you don't pass go you don't collect $200 you are in hell forever that's the way people see salvation so many people see it that way but it's not that way at all and I pray that you would listen extra close because this message is so critical and it's so foundational and then it's so fundamental because it's the message and the subject matter that determines heaven or hell Acts chapter 16 I will use this story with Paul and Silas and the Philippian jailer as our text for today if you know anything about Acts chapter 16 you know Paul and Silas had a Macedonian vision Paul did and the vision said come over and help us and so he went to Philip I the leading district of Macedonia and he began to minister there and there he had trouble with this slave girl who had a demon spirit inside of her a spirit of divination and she was making a bunch of money for her her masters because she could she was a fortune teller and and she had this spirit in her and so people would pay her to tell their fortune well she was bothering Paul because she said these men are declaring a way of salvation and Paul was perturbed with that he didn't want to have advertisement from the devil in his crowd so he cast the devil out of her and then the scripture says when her master saw that their hope of profit was gone because the demonic spirit that was giving her wisdom was gone they turned on Paul and Silas and they brought them before the people of Philippi and it says in verse 22 these guys said hey these men are telling us the Jews and they're telling us to do things that are not lawful since we are Romans and it says in the crowd rose up together against them and the chief magistrates tore their robes off of them and proceeded to order them to be beaten with rods and when they had inflicted many blows upon them they threw them into prison commanding the jailer to guard them securely and he having received such a command threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks men to put your feet in the stocks first of all just being in a prison in Philippi in the first century would have been a horrible place that place would be rat infested it would be dark and dank and filthy and gross and there in the inner prison and their feet are fastened in the stocks the stocks would have spread your feet out like this and contorted your body and how do you how do you sleep in that kind of situation their backs are bleeding from being beaten earlier and it says and about midnight but about midnight verse 25 Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God and the prisoners were listening listening to them they're praying well that's understandable you're hurting you're in prison and the things are bad yeah you call on God when we're in the foxhole we call on God but they're singing hymns of praise now if we were singing we'd probably be singing the blues we'd be singing nobody knows the trouble I've seen nobody knows my sorrow I mean it's just bad for me but they're not singing the blues they're singing the praises of the King hymns of praise and it says in verse 26 and suddenly there came a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken and immediately all the doors were open and everyone's chains were unfastened and when the jailer had been roused out of sleep and had seen the prison doors open what did he do he drew his sword and was about to kill himself supposing that the prisoners had escaped well why would he do that because when you were a jailer you had charge over those prisoners and if they escaped you paid with your life and so the jailer said well I'm gonna bid they the doors are open surely everybody is gone and I'm going to have to stand before the magistrates and be humiliated and be executed why don't I save myself the humiliation and just execute myself I'll just commit suicide now so I don't have to stand there and receive all the ridicule and have my family be ridiculed because I'm a crummy jailer and in verse 28 it says but Paul cried out with a loud voice saying do yourself no harm for we are all here now I've never been a occupant in the prison or in jail I've been to jails and I've been to the prison to visit people before but I've never been in there but I know from being watching enough television to know if all the sudden it at sing-sing the doors all open up and the chains are all gone and in fall to the ground man there's jailbreak there's people aren't hanging around they're getting out of there and Paul said we're all still here in verse 29 and he called for lights and rushed in and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas this is a hardened Roman Philippian jailer of Roman descent and after he brought him out he said sirs what must I do to be safe what must I do to be saved I want you to look with me at that verse and that little word do what must I do to be saved because that's what people are talking about and have been talking about since Cain and Abel what do I have to do we think in terms of do and so the Philippian jailer says to Paul a sigh what do I have to do I mean I don't know a lot about you Jews what I have to do to I have to get circumcised will will I be saved if I get circumcised do I have to get baptized you have to join the church do I have to start coming on Wednesday night do a dua or what I do - I haven't come to membership class what I do well I have to follow the law of Moses tell me what must I do to be saved people think most people billions and billions of people the majority of people they think that salvation is in the merit of man something that you do someway somehow you have to do something because if you don't do it you don't make it so what must I do to be saved now why do we think like that as human beings that salvation is something that you do that salvation somehow rests on you and what you do not on Jesus and what he did but on you and what you do let me give you three reasons why we think that way number one salvation by works seems right to the human heart it just seems seems right it seems like well yeah that's the way it should be you know the Bible says in proverbs 14:12 and again in proverbs 16:25 it's a good verse to memorize because you memorize two verses at once it's in both of those references there is a way which seems right to a man but it's end is the way of death there's a way that seems right and salvation by your good works seems right but how does it end up it's end is the way of death now all of us as human beings we are given by God a sense of justice there's just within us this sense of justice and here is how the sense of justice works bad people should be punished and good people should be rewarded I mean that's just justice right bad people should be punished good people should be rewarded you know we don't like to watch movies and TV shows where the bad guy gets rewarded where the bad guy gets away with it now we can watch that if it's just for a time that he gets away with it but we don't want to see him get away with it for the whole the whole show and then at the end of the show evil wins and the bad and the wicked triumphs no there's a sense in us where good needs to win when I was in high school in college there was a popular movie character that I liked to watch his name was dirty Harry Callahan anybody watched Dirty Harry Callahan I mean he's great Dirty Harry was just like he wasn't gonna put up with any shenanigans and he had some famous lines go ahead make my day I mean he was just ready to blow away the bad guys you feeling lucky punk you know that was Dirty Harry we loved him why because it was like yes the good guy needs to win the bad guy needs to those bad people need to be punished and good people need to be rewarded that's just how we think now is that wrong no it's not wrong but here's the problem that we the disconnect see we think we are good people who occasionally do some bad things but here's the reality there is none righteous not even one I remember talking to a family member and she was talking to me about her husband her husband was Jewish wasn't a believer in Jesus and I talked to her about his soul and she said well Jeff I did I just believe that heaven is a place for all good people I said but there are no good people there are no good people see that's what we don't realize God says if you're gonna get into heaven you must be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect that's what Jesus said so heaven is a perfect place for not just good people perfect people and there are no perfect people because there's none righteous not even one and all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and so yes the good people should be rewarded but there are no good people and bad people should be punished and hey now you're starting to get it because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all are under the judgment of God why because all have sinned and we're in trouble that's why Isaiah we sang about a little piece of Scripture I am undone here in your presence I am undone that comes from Isaiah chapter 6 where Isaiah saw the Lord High and lifted up and his train filled the temple and the angels are crying out holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts and Isaiah said woe is me for I am undone for I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell among a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts and man when I saw the king I saw myself and I said I'm in trouble why because I'm a sinner before holy God hey we don't see that part there's a way that seems right to a man and it seems right to us that we could be good enough to somehow get to heaven because we're not bad people second reason why we believe this this lie of all lies that you can get to heaven by your good works in some are in part by your good works second reason is salvation by works appeals to our pride and our sinful nature I mean we like to think that we can do it I mean somehow some way I can grit my teeth I can grind this out I can pull myself up by my bootstraps I can earn this thing called salvation if I just try hard enough we think like that see the Bible makes it crystal clear Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not as a result of works say that with me not as a result of works then no one should boast now if you could be saved by your good works if I could be saved by my good works praise the Lord if I if that could happen well then heaven would be a place for a bunch of peacocks we just be strutting around saying man I got me here because of the way I live because of my good works that's why I'm in heaven but it's not as a result of works why so that no one can boast because no one deserves to go to heaven first by grace through faith that you are saved now salvation by works if you believe that it is something that will inflate your ego because you say we'll look at me look what I did alright I made it I did it you just follow after me because I know the way to go and I know how to get there and I know how in that scale that God has of good works and bad works I know how to tip the scales in the favour of good works so I can hear the bell go off ding-ding-ding what do we have for him Johnny he gets to go into heaven that's what people think that's what the Pharisees thought and they were full of rotten pride God is opposed to the proud he gives grace to the humble but the salvation by works is something that will inflate the the ego and your sinful flesh loves to have your ego inflated why cuz sinful flesh is all about the big eye it's all about pride hey what life is all about me I want what I want when I want it it's just selfishness it's just self-centeredness that is sin the middle letter of the word sin is AI and sin is all about the big eye it's about what do I get out of the deal the counterpoint to that is salvation by grace what does that do that humbles the human soul humbles the human soul and we don't like to be humbled in our sinful nature the flesh doesn't want to be humbled the flesh never orders at the restaurant a big piece of humble pie because we don't like to eat humble pie we don't like to eat crow we don't like to say that I couldn't do it I'm not enough I'm not able I love the story Jesus told in Luke chapter 18 and he told that the scripture said because there were some there the religious leaders who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and viewed other reviewed other people with contempt and he said two men went up to the temple to pray one was a Pharisee and one was a tax collector he said the Pharisee prayed thus to himself and said lord I thank you that I'm not like other people not alike a swindler not like an adulterer not like this tax collector over here why I paid ties on all that I have I fast twice a week what a good boy am I you ought to be really glad that I'm talking to you Lord you ought to be so glad that you have me as a follower and here is the tax collector Jesus said he wouldn't even lift up his eyes he was just there beating his breast god be merciful to me the sinner the sinner and Jesus said I'll tell you the truth that tax collector went home justified and that Pharisee just went home why because the tax collector understood there's none righteous not even one he understood that he didn't deserve anything and he was crying out for the mercy of God hey why do people believe that you're saved by your good works well it seems right to the human heart it appeals to our pride and sinful nature and then reason number three salvation by works seems to be taught in parts of the Bible see some people will go to the Bible and say say this is and they will say this is why I believe in salvation by works and doubtless they go to the book of James you know Martin Luther the monk of the 14 and 1500s he was the one who started the products of Protestant Reformation he was the one who tried so hard by his good works to to please God he would sleep in freezing cold conditions without a blanket he would take a whip and beat himself on his back trying to to earn God's favor Martin Luther was the one who said this he said that if heaven could be earned by being a good monk then he would have earned heaven but he realized you can't earn heaven and he came across one day romans chapter 1 verse 17 but the righteous man the just man shall live by faith and all of a sudden Martin Luther the light went off and he's like it's not about works it's not about me trying it's about me trusting in the Lord well it totally changed his life but now Martin Luther although he was a brilliant man he had trouble with the book of James because he said James seems to contradict Paul because James says in James chapter 2 verse 17 even so faith if it has no works is dead being by itself faith without works is dead being by itself Martin Luther's like that's not right that's not right but it is right and here's where he missed it see it is faith alone that saves but faith alone is never faith alone it always has works so faith alone saves you but the faith alone is never alone because when it's true faith it's always accompanied by works so true saving faith is never without authenticating works James chapter 2 verse 18 he says you show me your faith without the works and I'll show you my faith by my works and so faith a good way to think about it faith is the root of salvation and works are the fruit of salvation works don't produce salvation salvation produces works do you see the difference and that's where people get confused now I want us to go back to Ephesians chapter 2 and put on the screen I want you to notice something with me the scripture says for by grace now notice that's in bold by grace you've been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not as a result of works lest anyone should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them now notice with me three words three words will keep your theology straight first word is the little preposition by how are we saved we're saved by grace second preposition through through faith by grace through faith now think of it like this grace is like electricity its grace is God's favorite God's riches at Christ's expense God's love in action it's the undeserved unmerited favor of God you don't deserve grace you don't earn grace but God gives it anyway by grace it's like electricity that comes to your house now if you don't have electricity at your house you can't run any appliance because there's no electricity but you can have electricity at your house and if you don't plug in your appliances they don't work we have we keep our toaster in a cabinet and when we use the toaster we pull it out of the cabinet we put it on the counter and we plug it in you know if I put my toast in the toaster when it's in the cabinet not plugged in I don't get toast it doesn't work the toaster only comes to life when I plug it in grace is electricity faith is when we plug in to the electricity for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not as a result of works so that anyone should boast and then it says this for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works so we're saved by grace through faith for good works we're not saved by good works were saved for good works God has good works that he wants us to do and here's the acid test of Christianity have you been changed if you're the same old mean bitter nasty person that you've always been and you say well I got saved and I got baptized and I am no different let me tell you something you didn't get saved you didn't get saved because when you get saved you get changed and there are good works that start people notice they recognize that you have been with Jesus something has changed within you your accountant ensure your attitude everything is different now you show me your faith without the works James says and I'll show you my faith by my works because faith without works is dead being by itself salvation is the root and works our faith how to know word faith is the root and works are the fruit so it doesn't have anything to do with your works doesn't have anything to do with my works but it has everything to do with his work it has everything to do with his work and that brings me to point number four salvation is by his work through the cross in the empty tomb so here's this Philippian jailer he vows at the feet of Paul and Silas and he's full of fear and trembling and no doubt the presence of God is in that place because nobody left they couldn't leave I think they were just gripped with fear in the presence of God this was an isolated earthquake it just hit the prison-house didn't hit anywhere else this is a unique earthquake because earthquakes normally don't shake your bonds free on your handcuffs but this did and so they knew they were in the presence of God and this Philippian jailer says sirs what must I do to be saved tell me what I need to do and their answer believe in the Lord Jesus Christ verse 31 and you shall be saved you and your household and they spoke the word of the Lord to him together with all who were in his house and he took them that very hour of the night and washed their wounds and immediately he was baptized see there is fruit there you can tell something's changed in him he's washing their wounds he's he's giving them acts of love and hospitality he was baptized he followed the Lord in baptism you're not saved by baptism when you are saved then you get baptized and that was what he did in verse 34 and he brought them into his house and set food before them and rejoiced greatly having believed in God with his whole household salvation is his work that he did on the cross and through the empty tomb jesus paid it all all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain that I couldn't get rid of but he washed it white as snow so that's what they do what do you need to do you don't need to do anything you need to believe now do is an act believe is faith that's different when you say what do I have to do that's you know in Islam what do you have to do well you have to follow the five pillars of Islam in Buddhism what do I have to do well you have to follow the Eightfold Path of Buddhas every other religion whether it's a false religion or a false cult what they'll tell you is you got to do something here's a list of things you have to do Christianity is different than all of them because Christianity says it's not spelled do it spelled do any he didn't [Applause] so Paul said believe in the Lord Jesus Christ believe commit yourself to him trust him now believe what about the Lord Jesus Christ well first of all believe who he is who he is in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God all things came into being by him and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being in him was life and the life was the light of men men love the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil and the word became flesh and dwelt among us when we beheld his glory glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth who is Jesus Christ as Peter said you are the Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus in John chapter 9 healed that man that was born blind and then the the Pharisees and the religious leaders began to question that man and they put the screws to that man and when that man said well this Jesus he did it then they threw him out of the synagogue and Jesus found him later and he said do you believe in the Son of Man and that blind man who could now see he said tell me who he is Lord and I'll believe in him and Jesus said you have seen him and he is the one who is speaking to you and that man said Lord I believed and he worshiped him it worshiped him listen Jews knew you didn't worship a man you worship God and you worship God only and he worshiped Jesus why because Jesus Christ is God that is why you have to understand that see that knocks out every false cult because every false cult has the same DNA they reject the deity of Christ Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man and that blows our minds because how could someone be fully God and fully man but he is and he is co-equal with God the Father so you believe who he is and then you believe on what he has done and no doubt Paul told this Philippian jailer and his family see he says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be saved and your household now this man couldn't make the decision for his household just like I can't make the decision for my household you can't make the decision for your household they Paul preached to the man and his family and they all believed and they all were rejoicing in verse 34 because they had believed in God and this man had believed in God with his whole family so he told them about who Jesus was and he told him about the cross and the empty tomb and we know that he did that it says in verse 32 and they spoke the word of the Lord to him together with all who were in his house the word of the Lord Paul told the Corinthians he said I delivered to you as of first importance the gospel which I preached to you what is the gospel that Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures that is the gospel it's his death it's his burial it's his resurrection people say there's no difference in Christianity all religions are the same baloney I like what Ravi Zacharias said he said all religions are superficially the same and they're fundamentally different John Lennox the professor that I think he's at Oxford in England he said you know you take the three monotheistic religions of the world he said Islam Islam with 25% of the population our adherence to Islam he said Islam said Jesus never died he never died on the cross I mean he died but he didn't die on the cross the Jews say well Jesus died on the cross but he never rose now both Islam and Judaism they reject that Jesus Christ is God I mean Islam especially God has no son now Allah has no son so Jesus Christ is not God and the Jews would echo that say you know he's not God and he died on the cross he didn't rise again from the dead Christianity said Jesus is God Jesus died on the cross for our sins and Jesus rose again from the dead and Jesus Christ is the only founder of faith who died and rose again the founder of Islam is Muhammad he's dead the founder of Buddhism is got'em a Buddha he's dead jesus is alive forevermore he says follow me and you can follow a man who is alive and he has the keys of death and of hell so he preached the gospel to him and this man believed and you know the big thing about Christianity obviously the empty tomb is the thing that sets Christianity apart from everything else but you know the other thing that sets Christianity apart from everything else is the fact that you can know to-day that you are forgiven that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life you can know that you know that you know that you know that when you die you'll be in heaven with Jesus no other religion will tell you that they say well we don't know you don't know I mean you work and you work and you work and then you hope but nobody has the assurance in Islam they say well you know it's just based on the mercy of Allah and we don't know what he's gonna do so we work and we work and we work and we hope that when we die that he'll let us into heaven I had a friend of mine he was Catholic and I was talking to a person at the laundromat this when I was in college and I was witnessing this guy and I said hey do you know for sure that if you died you'd go to heaven and he said no I don't and he said and furthermore you don't either I said oh I don't he said no he said nobody can know that that's only what you find out when you die and when you die you find out did I make it or did I not make it see he was into the works I said well you know John the Apostle said that you could know because the scripture says he who has the son has the life view does not have the son of God does not have the life these things I've written to you who believe in the name of the son of God in order that you may know that you have eternal life and you can know today that you have eternal life you don't have to guess you don't have to hope so maybe so guess so you can know and you can know today if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I'll close with this story we all know about the Titanic sinking in 1912 well about four years after the Titanic sunk there was a young Scotsman who was in a church service in Hamilton Ontario Canada he had survived the sinking of the Titanic he had been pulled from the sea he was giving a testimony now on that ship there was a godly pastor who was travelling to Chicago to minister at moody church in Chicago his name was John Harper he was from Scotland godly man he was there with his daughter and with his sister they were going to Chicago he was when that ship started going down he began to witness to everybody he could he made sure that the women and children got on the boats and then the ship went down and he was there with his life vest and this was the testimony of this man agui LeWeb his testimony was this I was John Harper's last convert here were his words I'm a survivor of the Titanic when I was drifting alone on a piece of wreckage that awful night the tide brought mr. John Harper of glass Glasgow a godly pastor and soul winner also on a piece of wreckage near me man he said are you saved no I said I'm not he replied believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you should be saved he said the waves took him away but strange they brought him back a short time later and he said are you saved now he said no I can't honestly say that I am and Harper said to him again believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you should be saved and shortly after he went down and Webb said there alone in the night and with two miles of ocean underneath me I believed and I was saved listen you can believe today if you've never believed before you can believe completely and totally in Jesus and Jesus alone for your salvation it's not dependent on baptism it's not dependent on church membership it's not dependent on you being good it's dependent on what he did when he died for you and rose again from the dead what must I do to be saved believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved we've been talking about fake news today we've been exposing the lies of the devil and as we close out this message we want to focus on the truth that God really does love you Jesus really did die for you and you can be forgiven and changed if you want to be so if that's your desire pray this simple prayer with me just say from your heart Lord Jesus I need you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm lost and I can't save myself but I believe Jesus that you are God in the flesh that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose from the dead on the third day and right now Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all my sins I ask you to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior I surrender my life my all to you and I promise to follow you all the days of my life my friend if you'll pray that kind of prayer and mean it the Lord will come in and your life will never be the same I would love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that God is using this broadcast to make a difference in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer to receive Christ as Savior and Lord please take the time to call that toll-free number write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you really are important to God and you're important to us and we're here for you from his heart is the viewer supported broadcast ministry of dr. Jeff Shrieve who believes that no matter how badly you've messed up in life God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life you can find out more at from his heart dot o-r-g [Music] you
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 7,382
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Id: LfuN2Z0_CBs
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Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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