It's Rewind Time | Doki Doki Relapse Part 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] heyo spaghetto here and welcome to Doki Doki relapse no i have been spammed to play this and i asked one of my friends what it was about and he said basically you play as Thanos and that was enough for me to want to play it so you guys ready it's rewind it's rewind time and of course we're gonna name ourselves Thanos because that is her name I'm excited this is a full release - it's nice I'm no longer excited I don't like this I don't like this now I'm not excited I could open the door ah I shoot up in bed drenched in cold sweat what the Frick well that's a swear we don't do that on this channel that dream say Ori I felt so real she wouldn't do that not my saiary she just wouldn't I think back to what she told me yesterday she said she was depressed and that scream after I wait what was it I did my head begins to hurt trying to think back to yesterday's events I can't remember it was only a day ago I asked my ceiling this but I get no reply I glanced at the clock on my nightstand 4 a.m. hoo-boy 4 a.m. I tried to think more about the nightmare that woke me but my head feels foggy and I began to have trouble I'm keeping my eyes open as I begin lying back down I realized something Tuesday was my alarm clock say Tuesday that's like as I drift off I figure it's just because of the way I slap wildly at it in the morning probably just hit a button ok [Music] stop it we don't like that noise I began my morning routine by slapping the by slapping the heck out of my alarm clock sorry buddy you know it's out of love senpai why do you hate me every morning I love you so much alarm samma it's okay please it hurts I say in sincerely I climb out of bed and I feel my shirt sticking to my sides gross I need to take a shower oh it's a bathroom I didn't know people had those I make my way into the bathroom as I try to peel my shirt off why won't it come off after finally forcing it off and getting undressed hop into the shower I'm again my lather rinse and repeat routine spicy once I'm clean as a whistle I step out and begin to try my mate and I begin to try to make myself look presentable today is the festival day after all oh boy I just hope I don't suck too hard at presenting my poem the idea of presenting presenting in front of a crowd does make me a bit uneasy but I can also use it as a way to impress netsuke why would you want to do that you not that I really need to it's clear that that after what happened yesterday she's into me ooh oh I can't help but smile as I say this I can't help but frown as you say that oh and I can't forget say Orry best girl of course I promised her that I'd spend the festival with her I will gladly give up NAT Sookie time if it means making say already feel better especially after yesterday good I'm glad you got your priorities straight I'm proud of you Thanos you're such a good boy my mind starts to drift off back to last night if my memories were foggy then they're dang near crystalline now like they happened only a few hours ago why is that I shrug off the and I start brushing my teeth cool nothing's wrong just brush my teeth whenever I feel like there's something wrong happening I brush my teeth after finishing up I head to the kitchen and whip up some breakfast before I leave make it pancakes makin bacon pancakes make it pancakes bacon pancakes bacon pancakes that's what I want to make I sing this to myself as a help in a pack of pop-tarts mention Minch much I lean against the kitchen table thinking about the festival once I finished a bowring they'll elect delectable pastries I wonder what the weather is supposed to be today now Sookie will be ticked off if it rains I whip out my phone and pull up the weather app man there's a lot of whippin out happening here sweet the weather for Tuesday is clear and sunny wait Tuesday dang it why is my weather app set to Tuesday first my alarm clock and now my phone i refresh the app a few times to no avail my light bulb suddenly flicks on in my head oh did I sleep through Monday did I miss the festival but how is that even possible was i drugged I knew her tea tasted funny what he's going on what I opened the calendar app to try to ease my confusion it proceeds to do the opposite the fourth the festival was on the 10th wasn't it I rummaged through my bag until I find the school's calendar of events festival hustle vegetable a hot crap December 10th I stand the kitchen table confute in a confused stupor maybe they all met next Monday still that means I slept through all of yesterday and why would me and NAT Sookie make cupcakes a week in advance oh the cupcakes I slid over the oven where we sat them yesterday but no cupcakes are present maybe she broke in and took them while I was comatose what is going on what why wouldn't what is going on at this point I'm beginning to lose my mind slightly did I really sleep through a whole day was last week all just a dream if that was all a dream I really need to stop watching harem anime no that's impossible I can't stop watching it there's no way I'm gonna stop watching here oh and I guess my situation is pretty you swear a lot you know that I think you might have missed the memo but this is a Christian Channel we don't do that that's the the swear II Do's here my situation is pretty messed up too do I normally swear this often yeah I was asking you the same thing you swear a lot I disregard the thought it's getting close to the time to leave maybe talking to the others will help clear things up odd way to start a mod I had out the door him again making my way towards the school I would think vice-president say Orion would already be there today was really the day of the festival that is until hey that sounds familiar I see say are you running towards me waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself wait a minute that looks familiar ah say Orion my neighbor and friend since we were child drin wait why am i explaining this to myself I overslept again hearing that pains me a little but I caught you this time sorry sorry I had I known you were still home I would have waited that's alright I know we don't talk much anymore and I wouldn't want to make you late don't talk much we've talked pretty much every day for a week hmm how did that oh s--- get you back in time I really wonder this is a really strange month so far we drifted apart before but I really felt like we were reconnecting also I've been getting a lot of comments saying spaghetto warning relapse has a bad ending aura has like an exit music like ending stop spoiling things my gosh like I know you guys are trying to be nice and sweet and protect me I understand that but I also like the shock of the ending please don't tell me anymore I've done my hardest to try and s to avoid spoilers but people keep telling me them and I'm like ah so far I don't know a single thing about this mod and I'm proud of that at least other than that the ending might be intense [Laughter] that's just like you Thanos always looking out for the people what can I say perfectly balanced is all things should be I know after that exchange yesterday that she couldn't be further from the truth she seemed so down here recently why is she so upbeat now is it because of the festival oh hey Sayuri I got a question sure what is it vanos oh what day is the school festival the festival it's next Monday wait you weren't thinking about joining club were you she asked me I like it's a bad thing meanwhile I fall deeper into confusion join a club you totally should if you started to socialize more I wouldn't worry about you becoming a neat how does say or you know what a neat means more importantly what the heck is go ahead stop swearing okay she seems to notice my face grunge's the as the thoughts overwhelm my physical body um are you okay no I am not sure I am I was just thinking about clubs to join well if you can't slide I know a great club that could use some more members let me guess the literature club yes what is happening all this is so familiar yes they re just messing with me or did I not join her club wait a minute all these things happening again it being the same day oh stop swearing oh crap I get it now it's so obvious I'm I'm I'm a time wizard this is awesome this is awesome wait well why did I only go back one week and do I loose my memories of being a wizard whenever I travel back in time do I have the ability okay daños i immediately realize I'm still standing on the I'm standing still on the sidewalk staring at a bench sorry sorry I was just owning out of it thinking about the future I try to play it off but I meant it's pretty hard to act like nothing has happened she can't be allowed to know my power you're even worse than me sometimes I'm impressed hey don't worry I don't intend to take away your title of zone out master anytime soon hey that's so no Queen to you mister sorry sorry me today team please forgive me I pair my head hold up my cupped hands towards her I will show you mercy just this once you may rise we both start laughing as I straighten up time was it or not C or E is my best friend I won't let her be sad not anymore no matter what we begin getting close to this school as I've realized there aren't many students around us I guess we took longer to get here than last time we arrived at the entrance and say our goodbyes as we part ways you're a lizard Harry the school days is boring as ever these mortals have no idea what is among them that aside I can't be considering alternative explanations for what has happened though time wizard does seem most like time wizard does seem like the most logical maybe say or II just has amnesia or something what is going on no that wouldn't work either amnesia wouldn't mess up my calendar an alarm clock and it's hard to tell from the school day if things are the same due to how little attention I paid to it I need to be sure I've got it I put my space-time knowledge to test and wait patiently after the final bell I should know what's coming sure enough after a few minutes I hear say Ori walk up to me from the door hello ah I was expecting you swearing dang maybe I should have just let it play out the same way as last time oh well won't hurt to have some fun with it what hey maybe I'm just a wizard I proceeded to put my fingers to my temples and close my eyes I'm having a vision I see you coming to invite me to some sort of gathering it appears to be a club of sorts I'm also getting a strong sense of literature coming from the sky oh my gosh hmm now I see you it appears as though you're bribing me with something sweet as I opened my eyes I see say already blinking with astonishment how did you know hey I'm famous puny mortals can be so cute stop calling the mortals my gosh we may have talked much when you may have not talked much recently but I still know you pretty well so well in fact that it looks like I've become immune to your routine I can't help but join in on her giggling but they dose how I get you to join my club without my routine i watch as she Ponder's over this for a moment well you never told me what kind of sweets you had cupcakes cupcakes I stand up so fast out of my chair at the wind created it almost blows out at the windows luckily say Ori had a firm stance a whips that's it I give in my soul is yours to command and this just in say Yuri has gotten the soul stone whoa we have recognized my only weakness you are truly worthy you were a true worthy adversary I proceed to kneel in front of her until she starts laughing it's been a long time since I seen you like this Thanos from what I remember of last week I was kind of dull where was my personality my charisma I'm surprised anyone even bothered liking me still I didn't manage to make NAT Sookie like me but if she liked the old me she'll love the new me or she'll hate me this would bother a normal man but a normal man I am NOT well say Ori I guess you just have the effect on me she blushing quick don't let it turn awkward we should probably get going I wouldn't want to be late I wouldn't want us to be late on my first day all right I'll lead the way adorable as always and thus marks the day I pledged my eternal allegiance to a cinnamon time uh she leads me to the club room door upstairs this is time to see if I'm insane or not say you are full of energy dang near trips and dingyi rips the door off the hinges anyone the new members here heck right I proudly marched into the room welcome to that it blew me back welcome to the literature club it's a pleasure meeting you oh please the pleasure is all mine madam I say in a gentlemanly voice well bow slightly seriously you brought the boy way to kill the atmosphere dang should've thought of something witty to say to that Sookie yeah it probably would have just made her mad ah thanos what a nice surprise welcome to the club all words escape me in this situation last time but I've come prepared what are you looking at if you want to say something say it my apologies it's just that pretty girls are a weakness of mine second only to cupcakes dang but he's smaller than but netsuke and yurippe are both caught off-guard by my compliment Monica however just seems confused you didn't tell us your friend was you didn't was a weirdo well what did you expect I am say or he's friend after all I ran my armor on say Orry shoulder and pull her in close while flashing my biggest smile what's that supposed to mean success it looks like I managed to put a smile on all the girls faces except for Monica well except Monica who was looking at me I'm the world's hardest Sudoku puzzle like I'm the world's hardest Sudoku puzzle is Monica sentient is the question is that why she's so confused because if she sentient she's gonna be like wait oh wait a minute anyways continuing excuse me say Ori but it appears I haven't been properly introduced to these lovely ladies yet all right yeah no this is not Sookie and Yuri that's Sookie and Yuri this is Thanos that Sookie is the one who made the cupcakes she's always full of energy and Yuri is the genius of the club don't say things like that ah timid Yuri some things never get old I wonder if time wizard and skittled I should do some research my gosh oh and I should probably say something well it has been a pleasure making your acquaintances big words huh what are you compensating for um nothing Natsuki please trying to show some decency NAT Sookie's insults some things wait I've already thought of that line and it sounds like you already know Monica is that right Monica's just confused yep it's hard to forget the person who outshines you and literally everything everything except time-travel hopefully I was hoping my compliment would have some effect but it seems the Sudoku puzzle on my face is a real female dog that's right it's great to see you again Thanos did Monica develop a setter hint or perhaps my confidence has got her a hot my gosh kill me stop that oh you stop that right now I don't need to ever think about their nose ex Monica probably a stutter you to Monica it's strange to think that I was so intimidated by her last time I mean she's only human after all don't pull don't put the blame on me come sit down Danis made room for you at the table so you can sit next to me or Monica I'll get the cupcakes hey I made them I'll get them sorry I just got a little too excited then how about I make some tea as well the girls have a few deaths arranged to form a table as say where we mentioned it's been widened so that there is one space next to Monica and one space next to C or E NAT Sookie and URI walk over the corner of the room where NAT Sookie grabs a rap tray and URI opens the closet I have the urge to sit next to Monika as the powerplay but I wouldn't want say where you think I'm ditching her I take a seat next to her while trying to think of other ways I can display dominance tipos right now thatõs I'm pondering this one suddenly netsuke list of oil off the traders you reveal a dozen white fluffy cupcakes decorated look like little cats even though I'm sitting down my knees go weak at this light at the sight of them what my drooling isn't noticeable so cute I had no idea you were so good at baking at Sookie well now you know just hurry you take one as I go to grab a cupcake say write me and say Oh his hands crash into each other as far as I know I'm the only human on earth who can keep up with her lightning fast food reflexes she's like a culinary ninja we shoot each other an old western style glance before grabbing our own cupcakes she knows I'm a worthy Challenger as I turn my attention to my cupcake I can hear Sayuri devouring hers so good I can feel the presence of icing on her face from here normally I would eat at the same pace as her too but self-control in public is a good skill to have though I do wonder do I need to eat can't I'm wizards die of starvation stop thanos stop it or am i taking this time wizard thing too far Nick my theory of wizardry has succeeded in every test thus far the curls the clogged room the cup oh crap I should eat this now nan Sookie has probably been watching me munch I have discovered the greatest mod of all time that the greatest mud of all time I've discovered it it is relapse guys confirmed hey that's pretty good I hope that none of the girls get that reference that that hope is lost when I see a green creep across that soupy space whoa that's a swear NAT Sookie watch your mouth dang Natsuki this girl she will be my wife my descendants will see her as a goddess I'm snapped out of my trance when say Orie when I realized say Rory and ureas reaction luckily Monica doesn't seem to be paying attention if say Orion Yuri were confused they're bewildered now at least netsuke is enjoying herself I'm so sorry Danice I don't know it's okay CRE it's just a reference that kind of goes along with the thing I said if anything it's my fault ehehehe huh but but this 16 seems to have say have broken say Ori Natsuki you shouldn't use language like that in the club room Thank You Yuri this is a Christian club room no swears it's rude and disrespectful well sorry if my work wasn't big enough to meet your standards Knut don't worry about it eerie I kind of had it coming and don't worry I don't think any less of you or your club in fact it's quite the opposite the opposite yeah it's good to see you all like this kind of reminds me I'm a family you know maybe not a great family but still a family a family you say I see Yuri begins to pull us a Orie as she too tries to comprehend what just happened oh I almost forgot the tea jeez those classic idubbbz references well that was interesting as Yuri passes out the teen the awkwardness of the from the previous conversation begins to clear up so he becomes less broken Yuri relaxes some and that Sookie returns to her tough demeanor everything looks good as well except Monika she barely she's barely spoken and didn't even school that Sookie after she dropped the f-bomb yeah now Sookie dropping the F word on my Christian Channel I remember her telling me she wasn't good at talking to people but still she should have been at least a little shocked maybe she's got something on her mind that didn't come up last time I'll try speaking to her at some point and maybe ease up some of my disruptiveness disruptiveness I proceeded to turn my attention to URI while also praying that I haven't screwed up too badly so URI you keep old Tisa in this class don't worry the teachers gave us permission well I'm glad nothing helps me enjoy a good book like a hot cup of tea and a hot wife ooh is that so oh my her face tastes not a shade of crimson well I've never seen I've never seen before gotcha I'm glad to hear that I feel the same way don't let yourself get intimidated URIs just trying to impress you ah that's not insulted URI looks away well whatever she's trying to do it's working I flashed a big smile at URI and Monica Monica looks kind of flustered maybe or ticked it's hard to tell with her anyhow this here is a literature Club so what what say we get to some so what say we get to the brass tacks what kind of books um literature do you like to read well let's see URI traces the rim of her teacup with her finger I'll admit I was actually kind of excited for this moment listening to her describe the book she likes the effect horror can have on your mind seeing her confidence fills me with determination finally I'm so filled with determination I can save my game woohoo perfect what about you Thanos what types of literature do you enjoy I was just gonna wing this part of the conversation but as she asked this my brain suddenly is suddenly overwhelmed knowledge from all the books from all the all kinds of books and literature filled my thoughts is this from the future that makes no sense oh well I'm not gonna complain actually I like to read all kinds of things novels poetry manga that one's for you NAT Sookie but on the subject of horror in psychology I really enjoy Thomas Harris's Hannibal Lecter series and the way he puts you in the mind of Psychopaths oh and the way Stephen King's books are also sort of scripted you can have nightmares about the things you've never actually seen all four of the girls look shocked Thank You random knowledge from nowhere I had no idea you so well-versed in literature Thanos what can I say I enjoy reading I am the mad Titan after all say oh he never mentioned it I didn't know you read what gives well I suppose I adopted an appreciation for it at some point sorry I didn't mention it earlier more like sorry I didn't know either maybe if we spend time together again you'll won't you'll learn more about me yeah maybe that blush makes my heart skip a beat I've never seen C or E embarrassed like this my protective instincts begin to flare up I will protect I will protect her though how I do is still unclear while say Aria zoned out I turned to Monica she still hasn't said much so Monica if my memory serves me correctly you were the captain of the debate team last year what made you decide to start a literature Club well you know the silence after you know it last longer than I remember to be honest I can't stand all the politics around the major clubs she goes on to explain why she started the club but I can't help but feel that her smile is unnatural like she's trying hard to maintain it is she mad that I'm becoming a dominating force of wit and charm or maybe she's just jealous and my dashing good looks I haven't given her much attention since she hasn't really said anything and now that she is talking I'm not paying attention crap stop swearing Monica really is a great leader URI also nods agreement I bet I just feel bad for all the Schmucks who are missing out on this awesome Club although I bet being small like this makes events like the festival that much more important one I think Monica thinks about what I said for a moment huh you're absolutely right and I'm confident we can all really grow this club before we graduate right everyone yeah let's do our best you know it everyone enthusiastically agrees talking about the club seems set ease make her ease up some this club purely does mean a lot to her HEC to all of them so I know you do reading in here but do you also do any writing we've never done it as a group but say Yuri and I have written some poems oh and that Sookie wrote one too I believe it was called get it back fine fine Monica pulls on a piece of scrap paper which is quickly snatched by Natsuki your cupcakes in your poets everything you do is just as cute as you are serious it sad is that brunette zucchini wraps her arms around her yep I beg to differ NAT Sookie you write your own poetry feed me your poems well I guess sometimes why do you care I think it's hecka hard homie what is going on now Sookie looks at me with the Mexican fusion and annoyance where do you find these weirdos Sayuri what he's trying to say is is he thinks that's impressive isn't that right Thanos word my gosh well he should be impressed my poems are pretty amazing if that's the case why don't you share them sometime no she quickly averts her eyes that demeanor fled quickly and I have a creeping suspicion that I know why you're not very confident in your writing are you you wouldn't like them why not you strike me as someone who could say a lot with a little I actually find writing like that to be especially powerful netsuke looks at me with wide eyes how did you know I understand how Natsuki feels dang it could your timing have not been any worse URI she was practically like putty in my pawns oh well I suppose I still have plenty of time to work my magic on the East whamon charisma magic not my time magic although I guess I sorority did use that maybe if she shares some of your work you can set an example and help netsuke feel comfortable enough to share hers I guess it's the same for URI I wanted to read everyone's poems we all sit in silence for a moment though I know Monica will break it soon that is assuming I still haven't dear elder too much okay I have an idea everyone okay though I guess that's not entirely true what these girls say is important oh and this isn't some RPG either while being a master of time and space is pretty neat listening to conversations the second time is pretty boring I think the writer it likes idubbbz I'm not sure though I would say something witty or charming but I don't want to mess up and prevent the poem sharing activity the butterfly effect can be a real pain especially if it involves Wendigos that's a reference until dawn though I can't say his stakes aren't high for this situation either I feel my stomach turn as I recall the end of last week maybe maybe me and say where I can spend some time together after club meeting isn't that right Thanos Monica smiles at me huh oh you betcha how can I not join a club with this many cool cats in it I smile at all the women one by one their eyes light up yes I'm so happy so Yuri wraps her arms around me jumping up and down hey I could actually get used to this ah dang now's not the time to think like that I'm relieved to hear that you've decided to join if he really came for the cupcakes I would have been super mad then that makes it official I like how Monica's hair just her Whipple's netsuke right in the face just like but it's an honor to be here even though Monica is putting on a happy face she still seems kind of off like she's frustrated about something dang this girl really might hate me to be fair I do keep zoning out and not listening to her but hey I've got a lot to think about what was that quote from Uncle Ben Oh ah the references stop it something about rice no with great power comes great responsibility Peter not the Uncle Ben's rice brand hey Theo since right here do you want to walk home together why of course millet 80 tubes fedora what kind of man would I be if I left a pretty girl like you to fend for herself say you're his face lights up at my comment but before we go I need to talk to Monica real quick about my membership and stuff real smooth thanos it's a good thing she's still a little thrown off from my compliment sure I'll be waiting by the door I say Orry heads towards the front of the room I make my way towards Monica hey Monica oh hey Thanos she's not even trying to smile at this point I'm sorry if I caused any problems or mess up the flow of the club it wasn't my she stops me can I ask you a question and I want to go in head and get it out of the way get one out of the way um sure go for it Thanos do you watch anime the Frick did she just ask me if I say what do you watch anime yes or no we'll be fine crap what do I say I don't want her to know I watch anime but I also don't want to lie to her if something ever does happen between us she'll find out anyway I should probably say definitely not yes I do actually and a train is going by whoa every time I record a train has gone by I'm pretty sure I'm sorry if you hate anime or something I'm not sure how I expected her to react but this isn't it she asked if I she asked like she already knew the answer why does she look so surprised Thanos you what is going on with her she looks at me like I transformed into a lizard person crap did I I didn't turn into a lizard person did I stop then I was just stopped sorry I don't just like anime I'm just glad you were honest glad I was honest why is she blushing does she secretly love anime or something I thought of Monika secretly being a weed makes me smile well of course I wouldn't lie to my club president on the first day or any day I wouldn't lie on any day hey it's me stumbling over my words seems to have improved her mood well honestly well honesty is important to have amongst club members you know yeah you said it and I'm glad we got to talk Monica but I should probably get going I hate to Lee say are we hanging that was an incredibly poor choice of words what the heck is wrong with me thanos you swear so much I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow see you tomorrow Thanos I look forward to seeing you how you express yourself oh no I'm not falling for that one getting suspended for three days isn't worth it not even for Monica well maybe for Monica yeah okay that happened Wow well that conversation with Monica could have gone better still it doesn't seem like she totally hates me so that's good it'll certainly make getting to know her easier but I can't stop there I'm going to need to spend time with everyone I'm sure getting closer to the others can't be too hard what's the endgame Avengers endgame sorry another train whoa do I end up with all of them or just like look like a man my gosh I don't know how I don't know much about girls but I don't think they take kindly just sharing a boyfriend no I don't think most girls want to share a boyfriend I'm sure there's a country song somewhere that describes the feeling whatever happens I'll just have to improvise adapt and overcome dead meme just like Bear Grylls sensei now what would have sensei done in this situation I'm Santos what I look around realized we've walked halfway oh I've walked halfway home oh sorry oof oh sorry I must have zoned out thinking about bigger girls again worried again no that's insane I would never you're so predictable is that so if I remember correctly you've been the predictable one today that doesn't count hahahahaha well how about we both do something less predictable then I hope that doesn't sound yet suggestive less predictable like what hmm how about we go to the park just like old times you know yeah see me say are you like this makes me feel warm and fuzzy but also a little guilty the spending time with me really make her this happy I shown her a little eyes The Scream goes through my head are you ok thanos of course just excited is all I'm glad that answer satisfied her there's no way I could have explained what I was actually feeling cool Park time on the way to the park we both stopped by our houses to change out of our uniforms we met back up in front of Sara's housing and T need our walk to the park we made small talk the entire way there it's amazing how quickly you can reconnect with somebody you haven't talked to much in a while though I do suppose I have about a week's worth of practice honor wow it's so park e after walking and talking for a few minutes we finally reached the park I know I've been here before but it feels like I'm seeing it for the first time odd another train that's three now next train it's so pretty here she's not wrong the trees the weather everything I'm really glad we came here huh did you say something Tanis oh I was just saying how everything is so pretty hee hee hee oh we should walk the trail what do you think full of good ideas there's always his ice I see sure let's get going as I finish saying this I can't help but notice a headache creeping in we both begin we both begin to walk the trail of the park even though it's secondly called a trail it isn't much more than a concrete path that goes around the perimeter of a small lake or is it a large pond I can't say it's a bad thing though it keeps us from having to walk through the trees and get our shoes dirty plus the path is wide enough for two people to stand comfortably next to each other cool after walking for a few minutes I realized me and say Rory haven't talked since we started uh she seems to be entranced by the view like it has been a lifetime since she's seen it I wonder how long it's been since she's come here surely she's told one of the club members about this place we always loved coming here as kids running through the woods climbing trees getting scolded by our parents when we jump into the lake I wave some dust from my eyes as I think about it hey Thanos remember that time that burbs they were out of the bush and scared me how could I forget you lost your footing and fell off the bank he started crying about how you were drowning even though the water was barely a foot deep I had to practically carry you out of it our parents were so mad when they saw us I couldn't help it I was really scared don't worry I believe you I remember you going around telling everyone about how I saved you and how I was your hero yeah that I said it suddenly feels like someone dumped a ton of bricks into my stomach thinking about how soon you already told people I saved her how she called me a hero dang it I feel tears threatened threatening my eyes but managed to hold them back I'm Tanis are you okay yeah I was just thinking about all the fun we had here you know actually come to think of it it's been quite a while since we've come here together hasn't it I immediately feel away the guilt washed over me as I say this I have I really been taking my friendship with Surrey for granted is she depressed because of me I feel my hands clenched into fists as I think about it I have to fix this after a few seconds of silence I can't stop myself anymore say ory are you okay hmm yeah I'm great I was scared she would say something like that it's gonna be tough to talk about but I have to do it say where I'm serious are you okay what do you mean why did you ask me that why did you ask it like that all the sudden honestly it's because I feel bad I feel like I've been taking our friendship for granted I try not to choke on my words as I continue well like I was only thinking of myself well I should have been more considerate of how you felt you were always so happy when we played together or had sleepovers but over time I guess I guess I forgot about how happy it made you that I began to become a become a recluse I had had I realized this sooner I would have tried so much harder to reach out to you I hate that I let something so important slip through my fingers like that I've been so selfish whoa this got really heavy it went from straight means to getting real real fast like zero to 100 real quick stop please Danis why are you talking like this so he already looks like she could start crying any second now it's because Now or Never because you're the most important thing in the world to me being with you now makes me realize just how much I missed this how much I've missed us and it would crush me to find out you were unhappy because I was a selfish jerk I look at my feet and feel not my stomach I didn't mean to make her cry but she is to know how I feel before it's too late the headache isn't helping my situation as it's beginning to make it hard to focus so I'm getting could this technically be considered like act 5 like it showed him gently opening the door or is this like an alternate act to like was it I think this takes place immediately after act 1 and that's why he has some memories of the future but he like got sent back to the beginning of the game somehow and he's being stupid and thinking he's a meaning wizard but I don't know I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry sorry for everything she wipes her eyes with her sleeve and doesn't look in my direction for a while I managed to hold back my tears but just barely my entire body feels stiff and I can feel my heart beating in my ears danos you don't have to apologize you didn't do anything wrong I was sad when we stopped spending time together but to hear you say that you care so much it makes me really happy I can tell that was hard for her to say but it sounded genuine I'm glad say Orie and I vow to never take you for granted again if I do I grant you full authority to beat me up for it I smile at her to help yours this song helped ease the somber vibe I appreciate the authority but I didn't need it beating you up wouldn't be that hard I feel relieved to see her cheering up like this I would say put my mind at rest but this headache is only getting worse I honestly thought it would be harder to cheer up after the way she acted on Sunday morning but maybe it hasn't gotten that bad yet and it won't what if I can help it ouch I don't look that weak do I well once the last time you looked it away was the last time I saw a weight I noticed my face beginning to heat up as I watch her giggle gosh I really do care about her she's the best we continue walking the paths of the park joking and laughing with each other until finally and when I said hey that's pretty good it makes sense that she would her I stopped in my tracks and clutch at my head feeling a sharp pain in my temples vanos are you alright I'm I'm fine I say this is a I see a red drop falling to the ground below me your nose is bleeding put my index finger my index and middle finger up to my nose and see them smeared with blood as I pull them away oh crap I'm just like Booker do it this is awesome oh no that might be a bad thing I don't understand that reference shoot what does that mean say orys Elizabeth I hope she doesn't start throwing what this is what normal people think when they get a new nosebleed right danos huh oh sorry sorry I'm fine I was just Sonnen out how did you so know well you were no sleep while your nose is bleeding I guess like this I received a steroid stare and it's true with a blank expression on my face serious you should go to the hospital okay calm down it's just a nosebleed isn't that a bit of an overreaction some tylenol and a few tissue should work just fine you know she still looks concerned but I can't help but worry a little myself a nosebleed or a headache are fine on their own but when they happen at the same time like this scenario pulls out some tissue paper from one of her pockets and hands it to me I suddenly hope it has she has allergies thank you nurse this should be fine for now I dab away the blood from my nose and face and throw away the tissues in a nearby trash can the trash can is has a germ X dispenser next to it that I then used to clean off my hands what about your head I'm still worried you know you shouldn't worry too much sorry it'll give you wrinkles I poked say you around the forehead with my middle and index fingers the ones I didn't bleed on I suddenly feel emotional as I remember Itachi maybe next time Sasuke stop it the references the pop-culture references there's so many my gosh are you sure you okay you look kind of down he deserved better he sacrificed so much what did I say that out loud oh sorry I was zoning out again gosh I'm doing that a lot recently aren't I you know after today you might really be the sold out Queen you mean King haha very funny say Orie Kirk I turned out to wince from the pain but she seems to notice anyway vanos here we're almost back at the entrance I'll take some medicine and rest when I get home do you promise I swear it no swearing you swear so much good you better hey I already told you that I hate to see you unhappy so if me feeling well prevents that then I'll be back to 100% in no time no dying for me guaranteed I struggled the sound reassuring the pain is actually pretty bad at this point but say Ori appears to be a little more at ease he that pity laugh concerns me I hope that this doesn't cause her to worry more after walking for a few more minutes we finally reached the entrance of the park even though I've had fun spending time with her I'm glad that I'll be home soon fun Hinault's dead the walk home is mostly in silence it doesn't bother me though as as the more I talked the worse I feel by the time we making hostess a Rory's house I can barely see straight I have that I have to power through it I can't let her get more worried did he pass out oh gosh he looks that does not look good everything looks a little blurry we went to the park I had a lot of fun spending time with youth Hanno's same here truth truth is this is probably the most fun I've had in quite a while I try to smile through the pain but I'm not sure if I'm successful or not and I'm serious about making up for lost time I want every day to be this one together with you oh look at that blush look at that blush I suddenly feel a wave of heat on my face sure I've always thought say or it was cute but what I'm feeling now I would like that you and me both this time I can't help but smile I won't let the pain mess up this moment not now not when she needs me I have to okay I'm really concerned like Danis are you gonna die like what's going on as if insulted by my thought my head suddenly starts suddenly feels like someone just hit it with a chair dang it I feel my teeth clenching and my jaw Titan Thanos sorry Siri but I probably should be getting home to rest even though there's nothing I want more than to stay to spend time with you to be here for you yeah you did promise me you'd get better she clearly doesn't want this moment between us and any more than I do invite her over don't worry I intend to keep my word the smile I'm putting on now probably looks more like a grimace after saying our good-byes and promising that I'd text her when I feel better I start making my way home dang it he didn't invite her over oh well I finally reached my house and trying to unlock the door it takes me a second due to my vision being blurred and unfocused but I finally managed to get it open in Russian side I head straight to the kitchen and throw up in the medicine cabinet I dumped two pills out out of one of the painkiller bottles and turned on the sink gulp after swallowing them with some tap water I start stumbling toward the living room he's just gonna pass out so close I got to lay down on the cap yeah he passes out boy he dead all right that is where I'm ending this episode let me know what you guys thought this is actually really strangely fun this is really strange but I'm really enjoying it so thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like and subscribe comment down below it's honest if you want to see more of this soon let me know and as always I'll see you guys in the next video stay safe [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Spaghetto
Views: 3,380
Rating: 4.8881121 out of 5
Keywords: doki, ddlc, relapse, full, release, mod, fangame, indie, horror, VN, visual, novel, rewind, thanos, the, new, fruits, of, literature, club, salvation, another, moment, with, you, exit, music, brand, day, behind, closed, doors, ourtime, act 5, natsuki, monika, yuri, sayori, mc, characters, if, happy, thoughts, eyes, spaghetto, gaming, bijuu, mike, hUser, orber, afrozer0, woohoolad, ronald, mconepunch, autistic, communist, drechenaux, kuudere, ghost
Id: cpNVG_VDXs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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