It's Over! Partnership with Kubota is Ending, What Now?

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[Music] so I just started off the day with a load of diesel fuel 275 a gallon for off-road not too shabby actually can't complain about that so the tank is topped off and I had him fill up the excavator while he was here so I'm good to go for a while they've been calling for rain all morning it hasn't rained yet I've been trying to time it I want to uh light up my burn pit down there I took those couple cherry trees down in the yard the other day and they are in bad shape they've been dead for a while real Punky and rotten so the whole burn pit is filled up with that I don't want to flame on and till I'm sure it's going to rain I think probably around noon we'll just have to see oh so by the way I wanted to mention this you remember this vent on here I was questioning this I didn't think it was right it just doesn't look right you know it sits out here in the open and I thought that uh rain would get in here and then I determined the water comes out here and supposedly you don't get any water in your tank but I still wasn't sure I find pictures online seems to be the way they do it a lot of people on here commented that it didn't look right and I agreed with them I just talked to the driver uh that delivered the fuel and he said all the gas stations he sees these all the time and it's right so he said you don't get water in your tank with one of them so I'll take his word for it he's been filling these tanks for years and years so right now first thing on the agenda I'm going to get rid of this uh leftover pile of 2A Limestone I used this for bedding around the last covert pipe I'm just going to spread it out right here real quick I have been slowly covering up all the big number three rock down here and it makes it a lot easier to uh walk around on so we'll just spread this out I'll knock it down with the excavator and then I need the uh LX down here anyway the lay plane we'll finish it with that [Music] [Music] t [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I got things shaped up there a little bit by the way that uh tilt bucket when I take that off the excavator I like to to lean it on something like a log or something sometimes it'll stay standing other times it'll kind of flop over backwards and it is just easier if you have it up against something when you go back to hook it up again I also like to uh connect the hoses together and it makes them easier to go on the excavator next time you use it so we didn't get any rain today well we get a few sprinkles that was about it they're calling for it all day just never materialized uh there's a chance tonight and I think that's about it for a while you very seldom hear me wish for rain but we could definitely use some but anyway the topic of today's video this is a big one uh the Kabota partnership as many of you know we partnered with Kabota Tractor Corporation a while back I actually had to go back and uh look through old videos to see how long ago it was and it started I published the first video on it on May 88th 2020 so it's been over four years and that partnership is coming to an end very soon and it's been great it has we started off with the mx5400 and a bx23s with a little back C bunch of attachments and we used that little BX quite a bit and then after 2 years believe I'm not sure on all these dates uh we did an extension then I think another extension it's been four years I didn't realize it was that long and after the first two years we went from the bx23s and an MX 5400 to the LX 3310 and another MX 5400 great tractors and throughout this whole time uh I have not had one issue at all with any of the equipment we also got a Kabota sidekick that's been a great little buggy and what's nice about them they're actually pretty affordable uh those things if you see the price of some of those now uh you could just buy a truck really for what some of these things cost but the sidekick was a great little machine for running around the property we mostly used it for work uh not really trail riding uh just on our own Trails here like down in West Virginia you can ride those things on the road legally I never took it down there uh but it's been a great machine as well but the partnership has come to an end uh within the next couple weeks it'll be over so we need to make a change uh we're not continuing with K cabota and like I said it has been great uh there's no drama or anything like that it's just time for a change and I'm not 100% sure what we're going to do or get uh I know we have to replace some equipment so we're going to be buying some things now we had an offer from another tractor company that I wasn't interested in and really I'm not interested in doing it anymore uh not that there was anything wrong with it like I said kabot was great everyone that I dealt with there they were passionate about what they do knowledgeable about their tractors I didn't have any problems with them at all and if you've been watching our channel for a while you know I just like cabota you know there's a lot of good brands out there I've just been partial to cabota and just to clarify what we'll be leaving will be the LX 4020 which is a great tractor I would have to say I think that's my favorite tractor that I've ever had it's just uh loads of horsepower in a smaller frame tractor but it's not too small either it's hard to explain uh uh but yeah that tractor will be leaving the MX 5400 it's a great machine as well but to be honest I just don't use it much anymore and the reason is I have a skid loader uh the only reason I needed the MX was for heavy lifting and uh now that I have the Cabot skid loader I don't have a need for a tractor that size and uh so the LX the MX and the sidekick will all be leaving in some attachments uh the excavat and the skid loader those are mine I bought those and it's been a while I I'm on my second excavator I didn't need to replace it but I traded the 57-4 on the -5 and the skid loader I only have about 200 hours on it but yeah everything's leaving and uh we're going to replace some stuff so if people get upset when I buy things they're really going to be mad because we're going to be purchasing some equipment like I said I'm not into I don't know I'm just that point in my life and the point with the channel where I'm not really interested in entering in any kind of Partnerships anymore I would just like to buy things uh like I did the excavator and the skid loader and you know maybe every couple years or whatever trade it on something else and try different things this channel has given us an opportunity to try lots of different things like zero turn mowers uh man we have run xmark walkers Toros Steels all different things over the years and one thing that you will find with our Channel I do not if it's not something that I like I won't even show it on the channel you know what I mean and that kind of goes back to an offer I had from a tractor company uh about showcasing tractors again on our channel uh it's just not something I would buy so they could bring one out for a couple years and I could use it but I don't want to do that because it's not something I would buy I don't shop around at all for these kind of deals at all I never did uh some channels they spend all day every day trying to get equipment from companies and things like that to showcase on their Channel I'm not into that at all uh when this all started K cabota contacted me and I had had cotas prior to that and then I went with the rkade tractors for a while while then back to cabota and uh yeah that's just how it all worked out but I don't shop around I don't care I'm at the point now like I said with the channel and what I want to do I would rather just buy whatever I want and then maybe trade in a couple years and you know YouTube has changed as well uh I guess that has something to do with it too you know the days of how to use a box blade or how to use a land plane or tilling your garden there there are thousands and thousands of videos on all that kind of stuff you know what I mean so I'm not going to be doing I mean of course I'm using equipment all the time but it's more about the projects that we're working on and the things that we're doing than the equipment itself I mentioned a while back like IBC totes you know I did videos on IBC totes years ago and uh it's just been Beat to Death so I don't want to partner with another tractor company I will get another tractor I have a pretty good idea what I'm going to buy but uh you'll see that couple weeks or a month or two I don't know uh as of right now though I am not interested in partnering with any companies on anything like that at all and I'm actually really looking forward to it the first thing that we need to replace and uh we need to do this quick we're actually going to do it tomorrow is the Sidekicks and like I said I've had good luck with the sidekick and they are affordable handy to have around but we need something that we can take to West Virginia and rip around uh some trail riding and work as well so tomorrow morning Melissa and I are hitting the road and going to pick up a new side by side that'll take care of that and then the tractors that'll be coming up in a month or so and uh you'll see what we get with that but yeah I'm excited it's kind of like a fresh start a new beginning and like I said everything on YouTube has changed for our Channel and it has evolved over the years and the days of how to you know unless it's something really unique or interesting everything else has been Beat to Death you know what I mean so many videos out there on the same thing uh I like just doing videos on what we're doing like the road we're building out here I think that stuff's pretty cool you know what I mean we cleared a couple hundred trees we're building a nice road we got plans for out there in the meadow cabin down in West Virginia the firewood the sawmilling all that kind of stuff and what you build out of those products or out of those things that you produce and uh that's kind of what I'm into that's what I like to do so that's it the K cabota partnership is coming to an end really soon actually and uh I'm going to have to go shopping I am only thing I use a tractor for anymore and I use it quite a bit land plane uh a tiller loader you know moving Stone around and snow removal in the winter so I don't need you know I don't need a lot of attachments for a tractor anymore once you get the skid loader and excavator uh the tractors they're great don't get me wrong but you know I get in that svl 97-2 and I can pick up a $4,000 4,000lb log with it and like the LX tractor has a lift capacity like 1,000 lbs the MX around 2,000 lbs so there's no comparison between the construction equipment and the tractors but you just got to have a tractor you do you got to have one because they're so darn handy you know like when I'm grading up a driveway that got washed out even though I have a skid loader I use a tractor with the land plane favorite attachment probably I like that tiller as well but that's the story on that like I said no drama everything has been great uh with K cabota appreciate the opportunity I had with them and uh but I'm actually I'm glad that it's come to an end and I am ready to uh just do other things you know what I mean I like doing whatever you know just do different stuff so I report back first thing tomorrow morning when meliss and I hit the road and uh we'll go pick up the new buggy that'll be the first replacement we get we'll show you that probably Bri briefly show you that and then once we get familiarized with it a little bit we'll do a complete video on it and uh that's about it but yeah a lot of things changing oh and I wanted to mention I had to go back you know like I said in the videos four years to see when this all started everything I think is 2 years is actually four or five years I mentioned that the other day I thought I had my dump trailer for like two or three years it's almost 5 years but anyway if you go back to May of 2020 we were just building a Woodshed down there all that was down there was the Woodshed it wasn't even done yet and The lx150 Sawmill and then we really I didn't realize how much bigger we made everything moving all that dirt we got the Pavilion the new Sawmill the building wasn't here obviously but yeah a lot of things have changed and things are going to continue to change and uh I'm looking forward to it I am anyway I'll report back in the morning so Melissa and I are in I don't even know where we're at Maryland Maryland somewhere some part we're on our way to Romney cycle I told you I would report back in the morning well that's what we're doing but we had to pull over and check out these couple trucks here look at these old Mac on there you got a Ying Yingling truck and a Budweiser truck they're super nice brck Oil Company Morgantown West Virginia oh these are just beautiful someone really did some nice work old Chevy here and look at the red on this Budweiser I to say they're all beautiful but I like this Old Mac here and it's being pulled by a slightly less Old Mac boy they're nice aren't they they are nice and you're sitting here crocheting while I'm out looking at the trucks what are you making an halfan I had it done like probably half done for grandson Bo and I realized that a quarter of the way up I switched I I goofed up so I had to pull it out starting over starting over so I mentioned we're on our way to Romney cycle and uh when we get there we'll show you what we got both Levi and Christian got Kawasaki mules that are very nice but we're going to get something a little different all right just pulled into Romney cycle big place isn't it it is let's go get the buggy all right well there it is we're all loaded up at Romney cycle uh this is a Canam Defender limited what do you think Melissa I think it's nice it sounds nice the seats are very comfortable yeah we have a lot to learn about it but uh yeah it's very nice these things have really evolved over the years yeah but uh yeah it's it's it's nice I'm I'm impressed when we get home we'll go over a little bit more but it it take a half hour to go over this machine we're not going to do that right now but we got another stop to make and we're going to hammer it on home but uh I like the color what do you think I do I do yep and with the wheels yeah the wheels are nice looks good [Music] so uh Melissa and I we stopped uh in Oakland Maryland and had some lunch just checking the straps here Oakland is probably an hour and 15 minutes from Romney West Virginia and then from here home is probably about 2 and 1/2 hours and we're about 20 minutes from the cabin right here yeah this thing's really nice comes Melissa did you pick up some essential supplies yeah Dollar Tree had to get some graduation cards ready hit the road yep [Music] so Melissa and I got back from uh West Virginia last night must have been around I don't know 7:30 but it is an absolutely beautiful morning today I mean the birds are chirping the Sun's Up nice and cool it's only about 50 just a beautiful morning grass is really coming in now we had some rain the other night yeah this will be ready to be mowed here in another uh another week or two coming in good that's one thing we are very fortunate with around here it's pretty easy to grow grass and food plots and things like that I always see comments from people about doing soil tests and fertilizing and all that around here he just kind of put seeds in the ground and when it rains it grows so anyway we're going to be uh working down here at the Woodyard this morning I'm just going to get some things ready uh Levi and John will be here in a little bit they're going to split some firewood and fill some more baskets I think I'm going to go work on finishing up the road going out to the meadow and then I'll come back down here later but yeah any anyway the K cabota partnership is over and uh well within a week or two I think and I'm actually really looking forward to all the changes and there's going to be a lot of big changes around here you saw the first one with a new side by side and boy is that thing nice I hope it holds up I don't know I've never had a canm before uh they're a lot less expensive than the big fancy Polaris ones are we used to have a Polaris crew and then we've got the Polaris four-wheeler it's an 850 ultimate Trail it's real nice but yeah the new Polaris like the the one equivalent to that canm is really expensive not that the canm was cheap by any means but pois is uh pretty proud of them and I've heard good things about the Defenders and hopefully it lasts us a lot of years I would not have bought that if we were just using it here on our property uh around here we're in more of a work mode but the reason I got that it'll be used both here and down at the cabin uh I have some friends down there neighbors and stuff and I mean they ride for miles and miles down in West Virginia so we'll be doing some of that with a new Defender and once I running around a little bit get familiarized with it uh I'll do a complete video on it I didn't see many on YouTube at all surprisingly uh so we'll go over it all but we rode it around just a little bit last night and my goodness the ride on that thing is incredible it it really is I I look forward to uh ripping around Almost Heaven West Virginia but we love going down there we do and the only person I know that has one that I talk to you know that I actually know is Daniel from arms family Homestead and he loves his I I text him the other day again and uh he said he it's the best side by side that he ever had so hopefully we have the same luck with that but as far as the kabot thing goes like I said it's been a good run uh it was all good I love kabot equipment I do but I'm very I'm really really looking forward to uh just being like a free agent you know what I mean and I'm not looking for another partnership at all not at all and not that I couldn't do whatever I wanted I don't know what it is it's just I can do my own thing and uh get what we want and do what we want and I'm pretty excited about that but I want to thank Kabota it's been a good run and uh the next thing I'm G to have to replace is that LX 4020 and uh that'll be coming up relatively soon and like I said earlier I don't really use the mx5400 anymore now that I have a skid loader uh but I like that size of the LX I need that size of a tractor just for trail maintenance and uh plowing snow you know brush hogging the land plane and plus they're easy to haul you know I could put that on the new trailer and uh ZIP down to West Virginia like nothing so but anyway I think that's about it for today's video big changes are coming they really are and uh yeah it's been a good run but anyway I think that's about it for today's video oh one more thing daughter Eva just published a video this morning you may want to check that out uh she is doing a full review on Melissa's new vehicle Melissa published a video well you're going to see this on Sunday so Melissa published a video on on Saturday her channel is Morgan's off the leash and then Eva is just Eva Morgan I'll put those videos in the description and maybe up above but Eva does a really good job on uh like car reviews and stuff because she looks at things and consider things that most of us don't even think about or care about but she kind of goes over them from front to back through the eyes of a 19-year-old girl not a 58-year-old man so check out her Channel and Melissa's as well there comes a bee already this morning appreciate yall being here we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 164,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: Y94TJSni3eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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