It's My Birthday! Feat. Plant Haul & Lots of Bath Bombs // READING VLOG #144 // 2021

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[Music] i know you said it in the heat of the moment but did you say what [Music] [Music] just won't rest for a second you'll regret it i almost wanna take it back but it's too late cause you said it i hope you made it don't be embarrassed baby [Music] hey guys welcome back to a new weekly reading vlog so this week i am finally taking a week off work that being said i do have a few little bits that i need to get done i put the finishing touches to the scheduling of a video today i have another one that i just need to finish up tomorrow but aside from that i'm not gonna work this week i know like i say that i'll probably end up doing something because you all know what i'm like but for the most part i'm not gonna be working and that is because it's my birthday on wednesday i don't typically get excited for my birthday i'm one of those people but i am going to be going out and getting some food which is exciting because it's not something i have done in a very long time but i'm not currently reading anything because today my intention was to do a whip round at the house and pretty much clean it from top to bottom however i decided instead to go up this entire room so instead of just doing like a basic clean and tidy i gutted the entire thing and i'm so glad i did however that means that tomorrow i will be spending my day doing the rest of the house it's like 1am now as well but i am going to go get in bed and read just a little bit of windwitch by susan dennard now i'm not making myself read a whole ton this week i did say in my book uploading video but i may give myself a free pass for this month if i don't complete my tbr because i am taking a week off and there's no point me having a week off if i'm gonna come back and be pressured to catch up on readings that i can beat my tbr but um i do need to read this book this week because the live show for this is going to be on saturday at 9 00 pm on my channel so this is the second book in the witchland series i'm a co-host for which landslong which was created by jade from jj reads and the witchline series is a multi-perspective fantasy our main characters in the first book truthwitch are saffy and israel and saffy is a truth witch which means that she has the ability to tell when people are telling the truth so she's trying to save some money to buy a place with her best friend is the old and while they are trying to illegally acquire some money shall we say they stumble across a blood witch who has the power to like send your blood and track you across vast distances so from that moment on they are on the run and they end up embroiled in a plot that surrounds a 20-year treaty that is about to come to an end and possibly throw the world into chaos so windwitch is mainly going to be forming merrick who is my favorite character from the first book so i'm really looking forward to this one and he is the prince of a country where like his sister is the queen of the land and he's the king of the sea and that is how it's always been like the male has the sea and the female has the land however she's not happy with just the land she wants all of it so she's been challenging merrick and both of those characters have like a big part to play in the political like 20-year treaty part of the plot so i'm really excited to get into this one because i do i really am i'm a big merrick fan so i'm gonna make a start on this i don't anticipate reading very much but um i do have quite a lot on tomorrow because i have a nail appointment as well i also want to get a workout in in the morning and then i have the finishing touches to make that video and a couple of candle bits that i want to do hey guys it's my birthday i don't know what i'm doing yeah i did just find a really cool like independent plant shop in hull it was like real weird i was just scrolling through instagram last night and it came up as a sponsored post and it sells chalk paint as well and it's called plants and paint but it looks like a paradise but i'm just a little bit concerned about going in case i get too excited because they have a lot of the like not fancy host plants but less common house plants that i haven't seen at the garden center but i just did a massive plant hole and i don't need any more plants and i don't think i can just go in and pick one but we'll see anyway that may be a good idea i just i do think i'm gonna get very excited i also went and got my nails done yesterday so we have refreshed that yesterday i was real busy just finishing up like cleaning and stuff and also just wrapping up my birthday unboxing video getting that edited exported and all that stuff i did also get round breaker by victoria aviar delivered yesterday it was the release day yesterday this one is the waterstones edition that has red sprayed edges and is also signed i also managed to snag the fairy loot edition of this in the early access sale yesterday as well so you guys may not know this because i don't talk about it a lot and you may be confused about why i've gone so hard for ron breaker red queen is one of my favorite series of all time i absolutely love that series i don't talk about it a lot but red queen was the first like young adult high fantasy book that i ever read and i was just obsessed the betrayals the plot twists the romance loved it and the plot as well the plot was pretty good but this one um i have to say don't know too much about what it's about because i just picked it up because it's victoria avria's new book but the synopsis says esquire the survivor of a failed quest an immortal timeless and unfathomable and assassin skilled and heartless an old sorceress holding secrets behind her teeth and a pirate's daughter the world's last hope the heroes are gone but the fight to save the world has only just begun i don't even know like i'm assuming that this is young adult just because it is victoria aveyard but i actually have no idea but i'm really excited to read it and i'm sad because it was a few days after i'd made my booklet tbr that i realized that this was released so i probably can't read it this month but i am going to try and squeeze in somewhere it has absolutely beautiful end pages as well so that arrived and then today i've got two things the first one is this and the second one is this fairy loot that isn't a fairy loot and i don't know what these are i don't know who they're from i think that they're birthday items but cannot say for sure so i'm gonna whip them open oh this one is it's so exciting but it's not like as exciting as i thought this is my replacement version of the prison healer by lynette noni if you guys saw my fairyloot unboxing i didn't say anything in the video because i just emailed them and asked for a replacement but my fairyloot edition of the present healer came with a tear in the dish jacket so i asked her a replacement and it's arrived already so that's that you can go watch my very little box if you want some more information on this it's an absolutely stunning edition though and then the fairy loot box ironic that this is a fairy loot box and it was the other box that had a fairy loot item in it they have a little card that says my name it's oh dia is this going to be jade oh it smells there's lush stuff in here it smells like lush yes this one's in jade it says to becca happy birthday to you i hope you have the most fantastic day bee love you lots from jade don't mind this fairy loot box and we have a little plenty card thank you it's so much dude so we got um a little lush parcel see i knew if you guys have seen my unboxing when i got a lush box through the post and i thought it was jade now you see why jade is the late bath bomb goddess i also feel like it's very on brand for jade to go with orange there's so much bath bomb dustin in this one and unlike when i filmed my unboxing this room has actually been hoovered now okay so i reckon we've got a peachy bath bomb in here oh there's a bubble bar as well so we have the peachy bath bomb which if you watched last week's vlog you will have seen that i used one of these they smell real good and then we also have the peachy bubble bar and it's one of the ones that has the creamy stuff in the middle thank you so much jade and like i said yeah so on brand for jade to go for the peachy one because like jade's favorite color is orange in case you didn't know it i feel like it's pretty obvious if you watch his channel that her favorite color is orange but just in case you didn't know and the second thing we have is this which is a starting right now i feel attacked this is a satin bell plant fund money jar but i'm talking about going to a plant shop today and my plant fund is currently empty i did just get birthday money i just remembered i have birthday money so i might be going to the plan show today oh my goodness just put money in my you so much so this is a little jar that says plant fund on it and jade has kindly started my plant fund with a 10 pound note so now because jade has put money in my plant fund i feel like i have to go and spend 10 pounds on a plan and say it's from jade oh my god i'm so excited thank you so much jade for the bath bombs and my little plant fund i love it so much thank you to fairyloot for replacing my book and i'm gonna go and get some birthday breakfast i haven't opened my birthday gift from curtis or anything yet as well so i'm gonna do that and i think i'm gonna go to the fancy plant shop and get myself a new plan that awkward silence we just don't know if you might have made a mistake yeah yeah had a suspicion i was secretly hoping [Music] don't be embarrassed baby [Music] i know [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon so we are on friday now it's friday and i have the live show for windwitch tomorrow on my channel at 9pm so like i can't even really delay it or anything because it's on my channel and i'm currently on page 28 of 380 of this so i've taken a couple of days i've eaten a lot of food had some good times i've been lazy as hell and now i need to get back on it a little bit in a chill way of course so like i did 45 minutes of spin but that's self-care you know even though i had a horrible time working out it's just such a thing cause like i never want to do it if i could move or not move i would rather not move but i feel so good afterwards so it did my 45 minutes to spin had a shower i got a little bit of a late start i got up at 10 a.m started working out like almost 12 and i've just had a shower i was gonna put makeup on decided against her and um yeah i need to read at least half of this book today so i've got 350 pages left so i'm in for 175 pages which will put me just past the 200 page mark i am only 28 pages into this but so far the chapters are quite short so i feel like that will propel me onwards and keep my reading pace up a little bit and i can't even tell you guys whether i've enjoyed what i've read so far because it's literally been about three chapters but i have i don't know if you can yeah you can see i've been tabbing this one and i'm also making notes because as we all know truthwitch was very very confusing to me and the last chapter i just read was a saffy chapter and it's kind of very clear that this book is once again going to be very fast paced so i'm writing notes i'm tabbing up so i know what's going on and that is how i'm going to spend the majority of my day i do kind of need to go to the shop i i don't really want to go out and i've got a couple of bits and bobs that i kind of want to do like i want to carry on putting the books from my birthday haul into my book spreadsheet and sort all of that stuff out because otherwise like books just generally just keep mounting up and i'm not keeping track of them and it becomes a whole ordeal to fix it so i think i'm going to start off by doing a little bit of a tidy i mean i've just gutted my entire house so it's not too much it's just like um a couple of empty packaging boxes and stuff from my birthday breaking down and taken out then i'm gonna try and get to you or on page 100 of this and then i may think about spending an hour working on my spreadsheet and possibly going to the shop and it's so annoying because i don't live far away from the shop i need to go to but it's just the effort of putting pants and shoes on you know like it's a struggle if i could not put pants on i would rather not put pants on but it has to be done if i'm going outside i did go to the plant shop on my birthday you will have seen like a little bit in the b-roll but i got myself a monstera i also get a very very small tran is it transcendentia but it's like a little tiny curtain i love baby plants if you guys saw this one when i got it like this one it's growing absolutely wild but i love them when they're real small and you can like kind of nurture them from a baby and also baby plants are like really really cheap so i picked up a tiny tiny transcendentia that was kind of like the last is it transcendental transcendentia but that was kind of like the last thing that i picked up just because it was so smart i couldn't resist i got a monstera i did want a slightly bigger one that was already like starting to train upwards because i want like a massive one but i did ask and she did say that um they do grow like if i get a little one eventually it will be a massive one i've ordered a moss pole and i did have to repot this because it was very very popping but i'm hoping that i have room in this pot to get the moss pool in and tie it around so we can get this one growing upwards i also picked up a second devil's ivy which is on the shelve and behind me you guys can't see it and i picked up a begonia as well which is the one with like the the red undersides and the silver spots on it really weird plant because it's absolutely stunning but also looks fake and even like touching it and looking at it with the very distinct color difference between the dark green top and the red bottom it looks like those really cheap are they cheap but you know like fake flowers where it's kind of like been printed onto like silky type of plastic they remind me a lot of that so really nice plant i think it's a rare plant as well they have quite a few rare plants at that shops if you're ever in hull would recommend going down to the fruit market and checking out plant and paints because they have like a rare section they have massive plants they've got tiny ones a whole ton of pots and they also sell chalk paint so yeah we got a few new additions to my collection which i'm really excited about because when i went to the garden center a couple of weeks ago the one plant that i wanted that i didn't manage to find because the ones that they had weren't very nice was a monstera real happy with my little plant haul had a real nice birthday looking forward to another three chill days off and also because i have no orders to pack i will have to work next monday but i won't have to work tuesday so i'll get an extra day off next week as well but right now i need to focus on getting through at least half of this today good afternoon so i'm still looking like a hot mess because i now have eight hours and 40 minutes till the windwish live show and i have 172 i think pages to go with this so i did make it to where i wanted to yesterday i made it to the past page 200 mark and i have been tabbing like crazy but because i'm tabbing and also making notes i'm actually understanding this one a lot more and because of the tabs i can cross reference things so i was literally just about to tell you guys oh no it's not a spoiler actually so there's this one chapter where izziel has something and i was thinking about how susan dennard like in her writing emits information which is partially why i think truthwitch didn't make sense to me but then i actually because i've been tabbing i went back and cross-referenced the moment when israel would have had this thing that she now says she's got and it does mention the thing it's just it does it in like a really subtle way if that makes sense which it probably doesn't cause i can't give you very much detail susan dennard just doesn't draw attention to anything at all and then it comes back later on so it seems like it's really out of the blue but it has actually been referenced earlier in the book so i'm glad that i've been able to pick up on things like that because it helps me not only understand the world a little bit more and susan dennard's writing style because if i know that she's doing this it gives me the idea to like look for little things like that later on in the book and tab little things like that although she mentioned things so subtly that i never would have tapped this thing because it was just literally so mundane and turned out to actually be relevant to the plot so this one windwitch in particular is following merrick who is the windwitch of the series but like his political political background i guess in the first book is that he is the prince of new brethner and his sister is the princess now traditionally he should be the admiral so essentially the king of the sea while she should be the queen of the land however vivia doesn't just want to be the queen of the land she wants everything so she essentially wants rid of her brother and this is a big theme throughout the first book when reading from merrick's perspective but something i'm actually really enjoying about this one is that it's giving us vivia's perspective which adds an extra dimension to the story and also um gives us a lot of insight into their sibling relationship and something that i have realized when i've been reading this which i think could contribute to my confusion for truthwitch is that everybody in here is an unreliable narrator i'm a very trusting person and it's not that i'm trusting necessarily like i don't trust people with the big things like i'm not just gonna give you my bank card when i've just met you and tell you to go like pay for something at the shop i'm not that kind of trusting but if you tell me something that i have no reason to question i'm gonna take it as truth because like why would you have a reason to lie i'm trusting these characters to be telling me the truth just because like why would they have reason to lie about some of these things that are going on and it's not that they have reason to lie it's just some of them don't actually know like they have different witchery powers as well so some of them won't even notice or think to notice certain things and i'm enjoying it and i'm glad that i decided to tap this i did it mainly so i wouldn't be ridiculously confused for the live show tonight but it's also helping me to understand the way that susan dennard writes which i'm finding incredibly helpful right now so i really need to crack on with this book i also got myself i think i've just been waving around a cup of coffee but i need to finish this book but i also still need to go to the shop because i didn't do that yesterday so i'm hoping um we'll see i'm hoping to get to page 300ish by about 2 p.m it's now going on for 12 30 and then i'm gonna go to the shop come back and read like the last 80 pages or however many pages i have left but first this arrived today i don't know what it is it rattles so i don't think it's like a book oh my god these are from zapp it says with all my love and squishy bits from stuff ah what are these what are these thank you zafina my queen they say handmade with love and looks like a candle thing oh my god oh my god that's it's a candle penis i'm just gonna smell the candle oh he's a he's a sculptural candle penis he um doesn't smell of anything but if he's the penis what's this one oh we have a butt we have a book oh hello sir thank you very much that i'm going to um i say hello sir this is definitely a ladybug but um i am definitely going to display these somewhere i really like the gold leaf can i show you the book because the book is less likely to get me demonetized but thank you so much that this is absolutely 100 not what i anticipated when i opened these boxes but i will cherish these forever and think of you when i look at my gold foiled candle penis [Music] jumping left [Music] so trying to move on [Music] can't you see your mind is driving me insane [Music] is [Music] hey guys so i have just had a shower she could tell from my wet hair but i had my little towel hair wrap on and it is currently 8 25 so we have 35 minutes until the windwitch live show so i thought i'd do a vlog update to come and let you guys know what i thought of windwitch because i finished it two hours ago and i really wish i had the camera rolling because i took the toe wrap off my head and look at the colour of my hair it is like luminous lilac like it wasn't this color before i watched it i've um just used i mean we'll see what it looks like what color it is when it dries but i've just used the bleach london um violet skies i think is the color shampoo and conditioner because with my hair being torn purple i want to kind of keep it purple but i did not expect this from a um a shampoo and conditioner so looks like we're going to be a hell of a purple when we dry but um yeah my jaw dropped honestly but i finished win which two hours ago and i gave it four stars in total and i will say that it was a remarkable improvement on truthwitch however i can't see for sure whether that is because of the book or whether it is because of all my tabs and the work i put into this knowing how confused i was when i read truthwitch so the reason why i didn't tab truthwitch is because this series has a very deceptive writing style so you go into it and the writing style and the piece in and some of the characters mannerisms read really why a and there is definitely some complex young adult fantasy out there but generally the author kind of doesn't make it too difficult to connect the dots in younger doll the world building isn't extremely complicated and you you do kind of get it the majority of young girl is quite easy to understand the politics and magic system and everything going on now these books are kind of an in-between ground between young adults and adults if you go on different websites they're putting different categories and it's kind of hard to find where they fall definitively within publishing because they do have the like political complexity of an adult fantasy with a very young adult writing style so when i went into truthwitch i kind of clocked the writing style and didn't think that i needed to tab which led to a whole ton of confusion because of how fast-paced it is with the complexity like i personally like i know a lot of people who read truth truth which has got it instantly but i personally needed to tab this because for me as well as being able to reference back to these points for things on the live show just the active tab in or the act of making a note makes me remember little details that i picked up on in the moment so i don't know whether i understood this a lot more because i tabbed it or whether it is just like better than truthwitch but i definitely had a much more enjoyable time with this one but that relates directly to me understanding it better i will say i made some comparisons with truthwitch you can't remember if i did in any of my videos but i definitely did in the truth which live show made comparisons between merrick and nikolai because instantly his character reminds me of nikolai he's like an admiral so he has those kind of stormhunt vibes about him and physical description-wise he's a pretty nicolai style character which is absolutely fine you know we have character archetypes for a reason perfectly okay for characters to remind you of all the characters that you've read from before however there are a couple of things in this book if you've read it i'm not going to say because i'm not going to spoil it but there's a couple of things in this book where merrick's plot line really does mirror nikolai's plotline in the grisha trilogy so i definitely picked up on that i really enjoyed getting the perspective of his sister in here i will say that while i liked safie and truthwitch and i did still like her own witch her storyline was the one that i was least interested in in this one and i loved the storylines of izult and adrian and i'm so excited to read book three i need to read sight witch first but after that i'm really excited to get into blood witch and read more from those character perspectives because even though book three should mainly focus on adrienne i do think that is guilty is also going to play a big part in that book as well very solid very strong four stars i thoroughly enjoyed it it's just missing a little bit of magic that would make it five stars you know but otherwise i did thoroughly thoroughly enjoy this one and i'm really glad that i took the time to tab it up and pay more attention even though i read this pretty much in two days just taking that time to focus on the tab in and the note-taking really um improved my reading experience and helped me get a better understanding of this which i definitely needed to do after how confused i was after truthwitch so this one was on my tbr and it was a pet pic it's my first mabel coppoli book that i've read so the next book i will be reading is children of the wales volume seven yeah volume seven by abi umida this one is a like new adult i wanna say fantasy manga series that follows a young boy who is an archivist on something called the mud whale and the people of the mud whale have never seen another human from outside of their community they're on this big floating island that floats along the sea of sand and one day when they are doing a routine like scouting mission i guess when they pass another floating island they come across a young girl who is the first human they've ever seen from outside of their community and that kind of throws their world wide open i really enjoyed the series when i started it and then as i'm going into it there are quite a few filler volumes i want to say volume six of me was a definitely a bit of a filler so i'm hoping that this one moves the story forward a little bit and this one is on my book i play tbr to read a manga but i actually think i don't want to really start anything substantial in this vlog so i may read a couple of volumes of this tomorrow just because i own nine volumes of it and there's at least 16. i'm reading them very very slowly i think i started this series at the end of 2018 or maybe 2019 and it's now 2021 and i'm only on volume seven good evening it is like 10 p.m on sunday and as i said i was doing i've read a couple of volumes of children of the whales today so i kicked off with the one that's actually on my tbr which was volume seven i read this one this morning then i did um like a 50 minute workout i discovered both a hamilton and a wicked peloton ride so i did the hamilton one today and then 20 minutes of pilates and then i'm going to do the wicked one tomorrow i'm really really excited i've also done some tidying some sorting out in my bedroom my bedroom is the one room in my house that i just literally do not do much with because before it's decorated or anything i need a new carpet cover it's made that difficult like it is still possible to get a new carpet and get it fitted it's a little bit more difficult with kovid and i've just been focusing everywhere else in the house and kind of leaving my bedroom so my bedroom tends to get messier a lot more than any other room so i did a lot of sorting out and there finished season 10 of the walking dead i'm all up to date on that now and i'm kind of really excited with season 11 walking dead is still nowhere near as good as it has been in the past but season 11 is going to be last season so i'm glad that i'm up to date and i get to watch that in real time because i think i've been watching the walking dead for about eight years now like as it's been on tv aside from the like last year where i gave up on a little bit but after all that stuff i read children of the world volume eight and i gave volume seven four stars it was a very solid four star read and i gave volume eight a very high three star so the one i particularly liked about this is that there are a lot of flashbacks in it like this whole black section here is kind of like adding to the lore and the history and the magic system of the series and this one did still have some of that but it kind of felt it was a little bit more interesting than the filler volumes that i've had all the volumes that read more like filler but it just they're they're kind of like they're moving towards something and i want them to get to that point but with the way that volume 8 just ended i still don't think they're actually going to get to that point in volume 9 but i do really really still enjoy this series and my favorite thing about it is the art style it is absolutely beautiful i'll show you like the beginning of a chapter i guess because there's no spoilers on that but i just the thing that drew me to the series was the art style and i do think that it continues to be consistently beautiful but there are just like lulls in the story occasionally so volume seven definitely more enjoyable was really interested in this it had a lot of backstory on one of my favorite characters and volume eight had a couple of emotional moments in it but just did not quite enjoy it as much that is two volumes down and another book checked off my bacople cvr albeit like the smallest one and easiest to read so i still have six bookopley books going forward and also my monthly patreon pick on top of that i don't think i've done too bad this week i've also had like a really good birthday i've had a pretty chill week did a little bit of socializing a little bit of plan shopping had some chill times as well and sadly i have to go back to work tomorrow go back to work i just have to work tomorrow it's not going to be too bad and i'm going to i think pretty much ease myself into next week and also i'm really going to have to do tomorrow is edit this vlog and also order some stock fingers crossed so i would love to have another week off work but sadly i will be back at it next week as well i'm going to be diving into some bromance i'm going to read and get a live with chloe brown which i will be buddy reading with simon from savage reads so do please keep an eye out for that if you're interested in my thoughts on some romance books but aside from that guys i do hope you've enjoyed this vlog if you've made it this far if you have please don't forget to like if you liked it and subscribe if you wanna and i'll see you guys next week [Music] bye [Music] though
Channel: Becca and The Books
Views: 5,921
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, reading, becca and the books, reading vlog, book vlog, weekly reading vlog, reading vlog 2021, reading vlog April, 2021 reading vlog, adult fantasy, may reading vlog, may reading vlog 2021, witchlands, manga, plant haul, plant and paint Hull, children of the whales, birthday vlog, plant shopping
Id: B8QaInWvU_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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