IT'S MORBIN' TIME! | Morbius Blood Disease and Pseudo Vampirism Explored | Why This Movie Sucks

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i cannot believe they brought moria's back into theaters completely misread the memes which is actually how i got tricked into pondering the morbs so i guess it's time to actually start covering superhero movies at this point but that's neither here nor there as a young boy struggles with his own sense of mortality in an attempt to save his new friend he would discover that he actually had a talent for literally just being smart one thousand iq writing once discovered this would lead him to attempt to discover the cure for both of them concerning their blood disease however in doing so he would inadvertently change his own genetic makeup making him reliant on others for sustenance as time would go on the edgiest of doctors would attempt to quell the bloodlust that he would develop but not everyone around would feel that the same methods were necessary for their own personal survival in today's episode we will discuss the actual plot of morbs what sort of disease he had that resulted in the drive to cure himself as well as the world why this movie must have been super awkward to film for the actors why jared leto has actually finally linked the dcu to the mcu or in association with the mcu in terms of the worst movies running through one guy and ultimately what were the effects of just cramming in new genetic material into your dna with little to no thought of the process behind it oh yeah it's gonna be one of those although i have to say i mean if you just turn off your brain and you don't think too much about it it really is just dumb fun so curveball time there is no time step up on screen the video is still set up the same way so all the ogs know where the sign starts but i noticed on the analytics there is a drop off of a lot of people just actually watching the summaries which is surprising to see but you know you might enjoy the science if you stay and watch but then again hey you know you like what you like the science will always be included in these breakdowns though so don't worry about that but anyhow let's get to when you have an extremely highly experimental cure or really you think it's a cure maybe conducting one lab test on one surviving mouse out of like 116 other bodied mice isn't really enough to go off of i don't know should have thought about that one a little bit more morbius so we start off our story with this being sony and a new movie indicating that your boy is totally screwed on copyright also again this is in association with marvel and it's said like nine times and i have no idea why coattail riding maybe but it doesn't matter because it's time to head to costa rica where jurassic park was filmed i'm pretty sure a helicopter is flying towards a cave system as we phase through the ground from the waterfall now there's bats everywhere vampire bats the helicopter lands and we meet the doctor himself getting out with two crutches he appears to have difficulty walking but is there to set up a trap in front of the mouth of the cave as the workers get dangerously close to spinning helicopter blades the trap is set the morphser then cuts his hand attracting the vampire bat's attention so he mentions later how these things can take out animals like hundreds of times their size but then they don't eat morbs live and i have no idea why i guess just the rule of cool heading over to greece 20 years prior young morbes watches another kid be brought in i guess i can call him lucian or lucian i mean it really just depends i'm gonna call him lucian actually i'm not gonna call him any of that because morbius is pretty much gonna call the kid milo and that's good enough for me so they discussed kind of their blood disorder they're missing a specific gene required for anticoagulation so that their blood needs to be filtered three times a day otherwise they drop from a stroke or heart attack which totally sucks we get some jump around about how they're friends before for some reason there's kids outside the window calling them freaks just because they're sick don't worry one of those kids will take a crutch in the face later as milo sits there though he sort of like slumps over because his machine stops and morbius is able to fix it with a spring which attracts the attention of dr nicholas who said oh my god due to your morbid abilities you fix this which took scientists years to develop okay so i wrote this like a week and a half ago and i've completely forgotten what i've written i do not remember writing this anyways so i just want to say hold on i mean i get that he fixed it but it seems like an electrical issue of something disconnecting not an entire redesign of a blood cleaner 9000. but it doesn't matter because the doctor is sending maurias to the gifted kids school in new york morbius then leaves milo a note that then somehow blows out the window and as he goes to get it the kids from earlier start messing with them as milo then cracks a kid across the face raw wwf style with his crutch which is pretty brutal so now we kind of jump ahead to the most jared leto thing possible like he's not even acting this is just jared leto he looks very displeased to be given the nobel prize which they call it the nobel prize in the movie which made me cringe a little not sure how that made it past testing but he's receiving the award because of his invention of artificial blood which he considers to be just a failure if you didn't know jared is a bit of a diva apparently i don't know never met the dude myself but it's just what i hear so i'll be dunking on jared leto probably throughout this entire thing so if you're like his number one leto fan that this might not be a good video for you back in new york we learned that jerbear here diss the king of sweden and all of his subjects as he talks to a child dr bancroft arrives to scold him as one does bancroft's pretty upsetting spaghetti at him for snubbing the nobel prize not nobel prize jesus anyhow i mean one reshoot come on now and the irony isn't lost on me that i'm literally starting to sound like everybody else who says that i pronounce katu wrong in resident evil village but she brings up how dr morbius is mixing bat dna with human dna which way you know what i think i've seen this one before yeah it doesn't turn out too good morbius tells her she should ignore it due to plausible deniability because he will be dropping soon anyhow he then pulls out a bat organ as a vampire bat has developed a way to actually survive on only blood so if he can isolate the gene he can inject it into his own body and produce the same anticoagulants freeing him of his disease sound thinking but many issues would obviously need to be overcome like what if you accidentally add in extra genes with similar genetic coding as with the gene that produces the anticoagulants that's actually kind of one of the issues with crispr that we are currently attempting to overcome now how do we target a specific sequence if further down the dna chain that you go there's another functional gene with a similar makeup that's also targeted well oh morbster here gonna figure that out firsthand and it doesn't really work too well so get some information on how what he's doing is definitely not unethical at all as viruses insinuate their genetic coding into our dna all the time which is actually true eight percent of our coding are actually ancient viruses but i would hazard a guess as to say adding in other animals genetic coatings maybe not a good idea but hey i'm just a biologist what do i know although i do agree the boundaries do have to be pushed for breakthroughs to be made so he injects a mouse with his gene sequence and it drops test 117 did not go very well but now a nurse arrives to tell him that anna is about to drop due to a stroke so they put her in a coma not really sure how that helps blood clots actually i mean i guess it would calm your rapid heartbeat and hopefully not break apart any more blood clots so basically less circulatory stress i would suppose but as dr bancroft turns around mouse 117 is reporting for duty dr morbius realizes that he needs money so he goes to the only place he knows where he can get his testing funded milo's house i have no idea why milo is so rich i'm guessing something like his parents are rich you know it's never really explained in the movie probably in the comics though it is so milo and morb go for a walk while discussing his findings they stop at a park and he lays out what he needs international waters large ship medical equipment milo's able to provide all this for him that's what moves this movie along money now the testing commences the sequence is then added into the dna of morby's blood as the genetic sequence is forever altered dr bancroft hooks up electrodes and gives him a spinal tap well god but dr morbius also looks ultra frail after the injection he has a mild seizure and as good number one goes to randomly talk to bancroft they have this like hostile interaction for some reason not really sure why is then they check morbius's chair to see that he's gone they then enter the room and find that he's in the spider-man universe and hanging from the ceiling goon number one calls on the goon squad and he's attacked and has his neck opened up for some fresh air it's officially morbid time ben croft attempts to talk to morbius but yeah you know i don't think he's in the right frame of mind right now an alarm then goes off as he jumps around the room freaking out as bancroft then gets knocked unconscious this upsets mr morbes as he hunts down every man in there exsanguinating them with the greatest of ease after going on a blood bender maurice then comes back too as his body changes back into the real monster known as jared leto and now he's spider-man ripped too he goes to check on bancroft that she's still alive just you know if you're knocked out for this long the throat of brain damage is very real maurice watches what he did on cameras then wipes the footage calls it a mayday and then jumps off the boat into the water the boat is then towed in as detectives have arrived these guys are not even remotely important i'm going to be real they really just kind of serve as exposition central as milo watches the boat that morbius was on being towed in he assumes that he's done so maurice goes to the hospital where baron croft is and checks her chart saying that she's probably gonna be okay but as maurice enters his own lab his ailments immediately begin coming back so he heads to the fruit punch cooler and gets some of that fake blood that he created a while back now he begins testing to see how long he has so i wonder if like cow blood would work in all honesty maybe even pig blood but artificial blood gives him about six hours to survive but it's waning also due to the other genes that were grafted onto morbius's coating he now has echolocation which makes his ears look just like eye bleachable but he's able to control it and literally catch a ball with his eyes closed so now maurice tries to quit the red stuff and traps himself in a room to see what the effects are while he does this milo comes in the lab to say hey and as he enters he sees some of the injections then finds morbius withdrawing from the blood milo goes and grabs blood for him as morbius drinks it but then in jared fashion he starts throwing a temper tantrum so milo sees this right just watch the man drink artificial blood and have this seizure like freak out and is like hey bro give me that cure too it definitely seems to be like in its first stages so rather than telling milo that it's actually horrible and the reason that it's horrible he just vaguely says stuff about bodying the guards and blood and being edgy which predictably upsets milo because he wants a cure bro this looks nothing like a cure i guess because morbius is up and walking milo's a little jealous but morbius then yells at milo with his face morbing with every yell he then yells for milo as milo like literally leaves he's doing what he asked i don't really understand why he did this but it makes zero sense so as the dynamic duo shows up to question bancroft she says that she has no memory of any of this they questioned her about morbius and then lee later that night as one of the nurses in the creepiest hallways i've ever seen i mean really look at this she sees someone down the hallway jump onto the roof and she keeps just saying they're like hello like no way bro so she runs to the light switch before getting grabbed by graveyard smash hand and then bitten the next morning morbius wakes up and uses his echolocation to hear what's going on he finds that one of the nurses he knows is drained of her blood at the end of the hallway which alarms him as he doesn't even remember doing that he grabs some blood decides that it's probably time to throw deuces however the gruesome twosome are out in front waiting for him so they chat him up oh your artificial blood helped me roll tide but with morbius's super special hearing he gets a hold of their earpiece broadcast and they're being told to shut the building down which then causes him to flee after punching one of the detectives he ends up bullet dodging up the stairs and gets up there in like three seconds and as he runs he ditches the bag which here's what i don't get so he almost gets blown off the roof like hard i just don't understand i suppose if he's like super light like the bat but i don't know man but the other officer is able to make it up there in just record time which someone's going to comment and will tell me like he's a superhero or something because dude that was like 12 stories morbius had way more of a head start it doesn't make any sense so anyways this basically puts him in jail now in the interrogation room the agents accuse him of offing the nurse from earlier morbius tells the agents that he needs the artificial blood as they wouldn't like him when he's hungry sounds like my wife but now milo appears to meet with morbs they discuss how morbius is basically screwed and how he blacked out when he attacked the nurse milo tries to tell him that he doesn't belong in there that he wouldn't do that and then leaves him some blood then as milo walks out we'll look at that miraculous recovery maurice finds he left his cane behind basically confirming that milo actually got frisky with that nurse so morbius takes the blood and then breaks out to go chase down his friend so the cops like attempt to chase him down which is hilarious i mean are you seeing this he's like oh no he's getting away like bro you aren't gonna catch him so in uh broad nightlight milo then bites a dude selling newspapers very smart then maurice confronts milo using a super hearing to track him down milo tries to tell him that he ended the nurse because he blacked out and couldn't control it so this starts a lover's quarrel between the two in the subway system they discuss how they have evolved as the cops now show up to arrest literal vampires milo then takes everyone out and dances and as milo yells after morbius a subway train shows up okay so here's the thing remember how fast milo can move well in comparison with the train he's actually not moving that quickly but morbius is able to ride the wind currents in front of the train i don't know anymore so the agents are now angry at morbius for taking out the cops as milo stands outside of bancroft's apartment like a total weirdo the agents decide bancroft is in on it and begin tailing her but she's able to get on a bus which just so happens to contain morbius like what are the chances of that working out i mean i get that he was probably tailing her too but bruh like no they then do the smart thing and go to the coffee shop to discuss how morbius is basically screwed with the artificial blood it just so happens to counterfeiters show up with hundred dollar bills and try to get the cashier to take the money which she doesn't want to then all of a sudden she does really gave it her all didn't she anyhow so this attracts the attention to morbius because of course it does morbius then sends bancroft back to the lab to grab stuff while he follows the goon squad and also randomly finds blood in a paramedic's bag why would a paramedic leave their bag of blood outside of the building that they need to go into to probably help somebody uh it's beyond me i mean i did third riders and those things were pretty much strapped to your sides i'm pretty sure the blood is just always actually in the ambulance don't take it with you i could be wrong though during the lab and what appears to be an abandoned shopping mall he comes in and tells everyone he needs their lab before breaking the guy and charge his hand which sends the others running and here we go with this next part i guess it was like an easter egg i'm not sure he calls himself venom why well who knows that's the fun i'm sure that means something to someone maurice now uses his morbid skills to more of the room getting tired of that joke yet me too and here's where the movie just gets awkward right so we see doctor who now is pretty pumped about his new body while he's dancing around with his shirt off making faces in the mirror how awkward do you think this was to film i mean this movie was probably like 197 cgi which this part in particular was big cringe to me but his whole montage was just to go to the bar then meets a girl there and hits on her with his new persona but some random dude tells him that her drinks are spoken for it's like not her boyfriend and appears to just be a random dude but she treats him like she knows him she's like oh you jerk like do you know him or not as him and his buddies leave for the night milo needs his man which time and then attacks all three of them back in the lab milo is waiting for bancroft he wants to know where morbius is and he can't seem to find him anywhere he hears bancroft's heartbeat and figures out that she's lying to him but elects not to eat her neck meat and grumpy leaves by pulling down the police tape which is pretty hilarious so the cops now search bancroft's apartment now i have to hit you with a question have you ever walked into someone's house that you don't know shuffle the litter box of a cat and because it doesn't immediately come running you assume it's gone cats don't come to the shaking of a litter box they come to the shaking of like treat bags what even is this does this guy know cats does this movie no cats does this movie know human interactions i don't think so back at the super secret lab bancroft almost gets straight up eaten which causes morbius to go to the roof bancroft comes up and talks to him blah blah blah they kiss because you know you need that to happen and milo watches voyeur style from the train bridge the agents now go and check the bar parking lot where the three guys were attacked and realized there's another vampire in town the media urges people to stay in their homes after sundown which they base this on nothing because these aren't even real vampires that's just the beauty of media sometimes but as dr nicholas sees the broadcast he goes to confront milo as yep that's definitely him milo at this point has a bit of an ego about this he gets angry at dr nicholas so they have a spat over that and it is hilarious listening to milo be angry as he sounds like a huge nerd arguing over like which world of warcraft faction is the most chad like alliance paladins by the way but dr nicholas says for the horde this spurs milo to slice open his stomach and have a freak out pretty sure that's what happened that's what i recollect back in the lab morbius designs a way to basically take out himself injecting with something that will basically cause too much of a buildup of ferrite in his bloodstream which will send him into organ failure shortly after but he's also going to take milo out as well just then nicholas calls morbius saying that he went to go see milo and that he needs help he finds him bleeding out on the ground which for some reason doesn't activate his dracula powers like it did with the drop of blood that bancroft had but using his hearing morbius can hear milo telling bancroft to call out for morbius he then sort of like stabs or something like milo stabs bancroft following his waypoint he's able to fly over the building and come down the location that she's at he kisses her and gets a drop of blood her mouth which you gross she drinks it and then she passes out from blood loss so maurice does the good thing and then bites her to help remove the last of her blood what a guy now a fight ensues between milo and morbius honestly morbius was getting rocked during this whole thing should have gone for the werewolf route i guess but their fight leads them to under like the city like what is this area but this causes morbius to let out a yell as he falls down and his hands send out a resonating wave this activates the almonds of the nearby bats which now are under morbius's control okay sure why not here we get the next awkward scene which must have been hilarious as milo jumps to try to stab morbius he uses the bats to hold milo down and for some reason morbius can control these bats but not milo morphius is able to get milo and then stab him with the ferrite overload causing his organs to begin shutting down all because they couldn't have just even tried drinking pig blood classic i mean milo could have afforded a farm i'm just saying but morbius now exits a hole in the ground in a cloud of bats and then heads into the sky as bancroft also wakes up having become a vampire and holy lord what a stupid ride that was we get some post credit stuff because everyone wants to be marvel right now or in association with marvel as a tear in the sky opens up look i'm not the most up-to-date guy but there's this other guy from another universe appearing in a cell the vulture as he's known then we get another one where tombs is then set free and he approaches morbius to make the sinister six of course morbius is supposed to be the anti-hero but he sort of just acts like a quasi hero i don't know the personality didn't really match up so first things first i would like to tell you don't go and inject yourself with animal dna in your body because a you're likely to just catch some sort of bloodborne illness and b you would not inherit the powers of said animal which speaking of blood-borne illnesses dr morbius clearly has one which is the whole premise i know it took me a while to put together those pieces but uh here we are so what sort of illness does he have well based on the context clues that we were given there is an issue with the actual genetic coding this results in pain in the legs and the rest of the body hindered movement likely due to nervous tissue damage and problems with motor neurons and the constant threat of a heart attack or stroke as seen with a little girl in dr morvius's lab who then ends up having almost a stroke before being placed in a medically induced coma is there a modern disease that we know of that can relate to this and the answer is yes which is horrible but it is what it is life can be a nightmare sometimes there can arise a mutation within the f5 gene of us that can result in blood clot issues known as factor v laden thrombophilia or leading it really doesn't matter the main result of this genetic issue would cause blood clots to begin forming within the legs of a person but the reality is it can form all over the body the reason the legs are typically the area where this would happen more regularly is because as the heart pushes blood through the body it will enter the legs on the downhill via the arteries so high pressure then on the way back up it enters the veins which is a much lower pressure it's sort of a design flaw if you actually think about it but because of the thrombocytes and how they cannot be deactivated normally by the activated protein c or apc this can lead to blood clots in this more slow moving blood now even without genetic diseases those with sedentary lifestyles who are overweight or just aging can have a propensity towards developing something known as dvt or deep vein thrombosis basically it's just blood clots in your veins of your leg you can help mitigate these issues by drinking nature's blood thinner known as water and staying hydrated making sure to get up and walk around when you can as well as exercise with this disease though only roughly about 10 of people will actually develop blood clot disorders associated with mutation but likely the children in the group home with dr morphius would have other mutations associated with the clotting factors that would lead them to have major issues with their blood but the main gene mutation would likely be the f5 so what exactly are they doing to address this issue and why does this leave them in the state that it does well blood clots aren't just mysterious things that never have any signs or symptoms people will regularly report pain around the area where a blood clot is as it puts internal pressure on the circulatory system as well as deprives the surrounding tissue of oxygen which can lead to something like neuropathy in that area causing pain now there's a caveat to this blood clots are not always felt sometimes you'll just throw a clot that you never even knew you had but this is not only just as children but with adults too their legs are not as functional as one would expect and the contributing factor to this would be basically multiple blood clots within the legs not so much necrosing the tissue but stopping nerves from receiving the oxygen they need likely making them oxygen deprived as well as the muscle tissue because that's going to be experiencing the same thing and that means now they cannot contract appropriately resulting in the reliance of crutches whereas in the arms they do not suffer the same issue so the muscle and nervous tissue is more on par with what we would expect someone without this genetic issue to have ultimately this makes them quite reliant on filtering out their blood three times a day as without it blood clots would build up within their body so the machine is running the blood through having the liquid blood pass while capturing any large clots and removing them from the body obviously this would have another issue which you may not really think of the fact is it really does take a lot for our bodies to build blood iron deficiencies would likely be quite common as blood cells get caught up in the machine and taken out as to defeat the clotting issue which would require the body to produce more hemoglobin on a near-constant basis which it already does to a degree but it would basically become overworked because it's working at this increased rate which in turn would put more stress on the body than normal and bones for this production think about giving blood like almost every day but not so much that after four days you just drop just enough to be noticeable to you that you lost blood you would constantly be run down the other side is the creation of thrombocytes constantly being taken out as well which would almost lead to you probably entering a hemophiliac status as you would have less than normal amounts to stop you from clotting when needed as it's always being used in problematic clotting and you're probably also on blood thinners as well basically you're constantly just drained by this disease which in turn would have long-standing issues for the body and likely decrease your life expectancy which is exactly why dr maurice went with the artificial blood as a potential cure make a blood substitute that would keep a person alive in the event they lost blood but with likely the added benefit of anticoagulants for dr morbius and milo the issue is however the body will do what the body always does and attempt to filter anything out that's not supposed to be there which would mean that over time the blood would become less and less capable which means that they would need to be added or more would need to be added to them this would say to dr morbius that the experiment was a failure despite it definitely increasing their lifespan and stopping the constant filtering of their blood with our understanding of this disease you can start to see yeah i think i would probably want to cure this thing too nothing like getting needles in your arms on an almost constant basis and what do you do when you like need to sleep probably wake up in the middle of the night and have your blood filter all in all not a great way to live so this would spur dr morbius on an attempt to find a cure for this genetic disease which is where we get into something a little bit ridiculous now if you don't actually have this disease congratulations you do have a normal clotting factor and if you have a normal clotting factor that means you also possess a normal gene for f5 which in turn means that you have that template so ask yourself if you were the morbster would you splice in random vat genetic coding due to its anticoagulating properties or would you splice in a functional human gene sequence if you said the former over the latter than god speed with the pseudo-vampirism but yes why would he not take a human genome sequence we literally have the knowledge now of where the mutation is now i know you may be inclined to say but roanoke how do you know in this universe that they even know about the f5 gene well considering dr morbius quite literally took out a piece of his own coating in order to place in the bat coating i would have to assume that's where the genetic sequence is and just by that then clearly he could conduct the test to find the faulty gene on himself and find it within others and then the counter is what if that's not actually the faulty gene then how would he find the correct gene sequence in the back you see it's things like that when i was watching i was just scratching my head why not just implant a sequence to correct the issue rather than go with the bat theory it's like if you have a house and you buy the wrong door you're like oh crap let me tear down the house and build the house correctly to match the door rather than just removing the door and putting in the door you like rule of cool strikes again so now moving on to the bats before getting to the actual physiology of dr morbius why would he choose bats in the first place i can hear you asking well bats are kind of an interesting animal anyhow for several reasons several annoying reasons if you stop to think about it which is going to have to result in a side tangent to learn more about bats for a moment this has nothing to do with dr morvius by the way i just want to tell you about the bat immune system you ever notice how like a ton of viruses come from bats well if you didn't then now you do and regularly if this specific virus jumps to humans you know how that goes or if an experiment takes place with the viruses being used on bats and then that gets out that's also pretty bad but the reason bats don't have as many issues is because it comes down to the actual bats tolerance for viral infections and ability to address them in its most basic form bat's inflammation in response to a virus is lower and also runs at a constant low level with low level responses switched on should a virus arise in humans we usually have a larger inflammatory response and are innate while looking for invaders isn't primed in the same way this has allowed for bats to regularly live with things like sars ebola and even rabies in fact if we could graft anything onto our bodies that would be nice the best thing i think to do would be to put the immune system functions of bats into our bodies which would make us more adept at dealing with viruses and also decrease our aging well aging speed bats are known to despite being a smaller animal which typically leads to a shorter lifespan live 10 times longer than mice which are double their size anyhow apart from that zoonotic discussion just know this bats have a lot of desirable genetics within their bodies that if someday we could harness would be quite beneficial for humanity as a whole which may have been what dr morbius was going for overall but the issue would arise clearly he didn't just implant one gene but several genes that had morphological impacts as well now there was one specific gene that dr maurice was actually going for that was successful in implanting into his own coding which resulted in his disease all but evaporating from his meat suit the sequence coded for something known as draculin or draculin or however you want to pronounce it i know right it's literally draculin we'll go with dracula this glycoprotein is found specifically in vampire bat saliva when it bites into an animal this is released into the bloodstream of that animal to prevent it from clotting for a short time allowing the vampire to drink any blood that comes out despite popular belief they don't just stay attached and drinking they'll actually just drink what dribbles out this enzyme known as desmoda plays has many medical applications as well and upon being injected into the brains of mice who have experienced a stroke there's like a window where you can destroy the blood clot which with this particular enzyme increased it from about three to nine hours the goal is to dissolve the clot and lower the risk of bleeding in the brain and if you think that's weird we actually have something known as a clot buster now that can be administered i believe by paramedics and if i remember correctly it is derived from copperhead venom but so as you can see this this would have all been of great interest so rather than having the apc take over and actually break apart the blood clots that would arise within the body draculin could have been used to forcibly break them up and if the body naturally produced it in its own coating then at all times blood clots would be destroyed now this sounds great in theory until you remember that people on blood thinners currently or those that have issues forming blood clots become hemophiliacs and can literally bleed out if cut in a way that should normally just seal up so then the idea would have to have been how do you control it where should the gene actually go so that when blood clots arise you can activate it in a way that would not express all the time and make you bleed out from say a paper cut but that you could also use in times of stress well it's dependent on when the stress is really so we see that with dr morbius he will change into basically this vampire form whenever he becomes hungry enough that is the uncontrollable variable that we have seen in him but there is also times when he can control it at will in order to fly or fight milo when he is turned however the process remains until he decides that he basically needs to come down this would say to me that it's likely based on a stress response and with that stress response we would need to look at a hormone called cortisol cortisol can be great in some ways but usually horrible in most ways being that it's a stress hormone it puts your body on high alert and is associated with anxiety and brain chemistry alteration to a degree if not controlled chronic stress is known to actually disrupt synapse regulation resulting in a loss of social ability and avoidance of others cortisol itself is released from the adrenal glands of the body and now this will be important because it will explain why there are two versions of dr morvious the one that's in control and the one that's just basically an animal feeding the stress response that he has means that at will he could have his body release the dracula into his body by having that area specifically on his adrenal glands altered in a way concerning the genetic coding implantation by basically amping himself up would serve as a clot buster in his body with potentially just low levels being released anyhow but by calming himself the draculan levels would fall ensuring that he doesn't bleed out if injured now this all sounds well and good but an issue arose cross-contamination well sort of anyhow it's apparent that it was not only the gene containing the glycoprotein direct helen that was implanted onto his dna but also likely several other genes that would interestingly cause a gene expression problem during times of stress and at will now the draculin appears to have expressed correctly in the adrenal areas but here's where something conflicting happens when dr morbius gets hungry enough for food his disease will return to him seeing as this is the case when you enter starvation mode your body will release more cortisol activating the adrenal glands as it's time to eat and really you need to go find something so in theory it should release more draculin but as blood clots build up in the body due to this disease taking place once more this means something else is happening which now we see the hunger hormone come into play along with gene expression of the extra coding from the bat the only thing that would make sense to me is that when he has officially become hungry enough for food there must be something within the blood he consumes that helps him produce dracula so when he has gone long enough without artificial or real blood his ability to produce draculin wanes considerably allowing his disease to return but ghrelin has another purpose seeing as it's the hunger hormone it would appear that ghrelin upon being released letting him know that he's hungry would go to the brain as its normal pathway of being secreted by the stomach activating the vagus nerve and then crossing the blood-brain barrier to get to the hypothalamus to let the brain know that the body is hungry and then it's time to eat so this is where the issues arose for dr maurius it would appear to me that the other genes associated with the bat had worked their way into the implantation process causing several changes for morbius these genes can either be activated by ghrelin which is hunger which in turn causes him to forcibly turn into the creature where he has less control as he's driven by this hunger or he can control the transformation process by hyping himself up by activating the adrenal glands to a degree which will release the adrenaline into his body increasing draculin levels as well with adrenaline increasing this would also have an impact on the hypothalamus causing the same changes that we see now the endocrine system is fairly complicated but i believe at its core this is how it would work concerning his transformation process likely there are other hormones he would be relying on but by accidentally allowing other bat genetic sequences into his body this in turn would cause his body to change overall so speaking of that let's take a look at those changes real quick and see where they hail from first we see the musculature overall changes upon his genetic alteration while being quite scrawny beforehand after his growth in muscle is noted this would mean that the muscle strands themselves have grown in thickness this would be necessary but it's likely coming from genes associated with muscle growth and bats as considering they must fly despite them being quite small they're still relatively muscular creatures more so upon the torso as this area is critical to flight it's a literal pec fly the whole time for them that's why they call it a peck fly next we see not always but upon his change the actual skeletal structures change somewhat in his face with the cheeks increasing in size and jutting more outwards and the teeth growing considerably now i think we all know once this happens this would just not go away in a matter of seconds as it would require bodily processes to take over and erode away the cheekbones via osteoclasts and forming them via osteoblasts the teeth are also once again rule of cool but clearly hail from the vampire bat's genetic sequence concerning his own teeth expression of this gene would require all new teeth and then for human teeth to come back afterwards is just a little hilarious the nose changes however to mimic that of a vampire bat which likely also means that dr morvious is able to sense via specialized systems in this area using infrared to hone in on warm blooded vertebrates and that might be why he is able to not just use echolocation to see the city around him and the waypoint to find dr bancroft but also his nose the eyes will change to a bright red indicating that potentially the blood vessels in the eyes and likely all over the body are dilating to a degree but also because of the bat genes they take on this sort of hue as blood flows through them and when they're coming back to human form the vessels will likely shrink back down revealing the natural eye color once again the hands do have some changes as the nails can grow several inches in length and be used for offensive purposes such as slashing and stabbing which is great if you're trying to get to someone's blood and finally we get to the ears good god these things look gross i don't know man they just sort of like freaked me out but anyway so obviously dr maurius is able to search his surroundings using this echolocation much like a real bat but there is a common misbelief that bats actually have poor eyesight vampire bats use a combination of echolocation and their eyesight to hunt as well as the infrared sensors in their nose which i guess is great for jared otherwise after that injection you might not be able to see anymore when he turns this echolocation is allowed by the bat's own genes for him to pick up noise by bouncing sound he creates off of objects and listening to that sound which i do have to say i seriously doubt his hearing is so good that he can hear bancroft whispering miles away in a city there's so much noise it would probably be debilitating in real life if he acquired this ability as the noise would be too much for his brain to process i'm just throwing that out there for a moment but i do want to talk about his perception of time for a moment now every animal has a different perception of the world around them take flies for instance have you ever tried to smack one well it always seems like at the last moment that they fly away this is because their perception of the world around them is much faster than a humans to them it looks like we are slowly moving towards them with our hand so they take off to us it seems so much faster it's because our processing of incoming information from our senses is slower so if you ever want to catch a fly go slow it'll look like you aren't even moving it sort of like how you don't really notice trees actually growing because to us our perception is so much faster than their growth but they're definitely growing with bats they perceive much faster than humans as well because of this when morbius enters morbid time his perception of the world around him matches that of a bat or at least close to it making others seem slower and allowing him to react sort of like how he's able to dodge lead fairly regularly that's the last trait that you can see morbius do that somehow just exists and i'm gonna be honest with you here is only because he's supposed to be the anti-hero superhero thing is his flight now vampire bats are incredibly light and agile flyers it's because of their size that they're able to do this humans are not that light we are actually relatively heavy is implied that because of the bat coding he can feel air currents due to his echolocation and then ride them because he's super light i mean make of that what you will sometimes superhero stuff just has to be supernatural and finally what's the deal with the need for blood now blood is low in nutrients funnily enough and high in protein which means changes to dr morbius's kidneys would also need to be done so that he could filter his own blood in the first place but this could help him with the ability to grow muscle quickly like he does upon feeding on others on the ship but the issue is the vampire bats actually possess the gut flora necessary for the blood to be properly broken down and turned into nutrients that their body can then use as far as i know dr morphius does not possess this unless he intentionally infected himself with the flora prior to his transformation and the human gut microbiome would not support this diet however once this was done this would push him towards getting blood to be broken down properly to allow him to survive but what's hilarious is he doesn't need human blood all the time the artificial blood works somewhat but decreases in effectiveness as it's clearly lacking something that the real thing has but again why not start a cow farm or a pig farm or an animal farm and then just have the blood shipped to you to drink like i said milo is friggin rich he probably already has farms if vampire bats can survive on warm blooded animals and don't have to eat each other to survive then so too could morbius having been altered by bat genes and possessing the same gut microbiome to sum this thing up he morbed too hard and lost the edge
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 262,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morbius, morbius movie, morbius 2, morbius bad movie, morbius full movie, everything wrong with morbius, morbius honest trailers, morbius funny moments, morbius dance, morbius only action, morbius memes, morbius after credits, morbius post credits, morbius best moments, morbius funny, morbius mistakes, bad movies, morbius sequel, morbius vulture, morbius spider-man, morbius fight scene, morbius flying, Roanoke Gaming, Morbius blood, Morbius Explored, Morbius Explained
Id: quQ0pu7BalU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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