가완법에 또레오! 완전 럭키레오잖아|가완법 시즌3 EP.8(ENG/SPA/VIE)

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[Romantic Foreign Workers] [THE PERFECT WAY 3] Wow, it's scorching! Nowadays, you really can't predict the weather from one week to the next! Is Cristian still in Mexico? When's he coming back? Bro, when are you coming? I'm not sure if I'm okay being alone So... (Peek-a-boo) (I'm Back again) [#Short English #Super Friendly #Practically Korean] [Finland's fake listing - LEO RANTA] You haven't emptied it... (That guy came back) I'm gonna help you out again Who contacted you? Who... ...hahaha, the best...! No rivalry dude I'm not competing, bro [Garosu-gil in Sinsa-dong] Just like Garosu-gil.... Hey Jonathan!!!!! Hello~! Wow That's a pretty famous place, right? Go and say hello (Shyly) No no no! (Fan1) (Fan2) (Fan3) (Fan4) Please go and say hello~! Hello haha You're quite popular It's because I'm shy I'm such a fan!!! (Fan5) (Fan6) - Where are you from? - Canada! Canada! You speak Korean? I can speak a little Oh really? Your fashion style is pretty cool You've got an actor vibe Could you introduce yourself? Hello My name is Samuel I'm a teacher at an international school Oh, international school I teach geography And history Wow! Wow, which country's history do you teach? American history... Canadian history... [I don't even know..] Maybe... Finnish history? Finland? Uh... I don't teach that Sorry hahaha No no no, why are you apologizing It's okay, it's okay What brings you to Garosu-gil? I bought new glasses Oh those! It's a birthday gift What do you enjoy most about living in Korea? I really love Korean food Oh? Like what? I like yukhoe nakji tangtang Wow, that's not an easy menu I can't eat that Wow, that's impressive then, isn't it? I love cafes and I really love coffee (Coffee?) [Now's the time!] We have a small gift for you Let's Be [Coffee is all about Let's Be] I love coffee [Starting off strong] (Gaining confidence from the interview) I feel like I can speak English a bit better now (Doesn't believe it) Okay okay Hey, there's someone over there? (Spotted a foreigner) [STOP] (Thought you were confident in English...) [LOL] Are you guys having a standoff? Uh what? It's not that Let's go LOL - Hello - Hello Um... Do you speak Korean? Yes yes, please speak comfortably [Foreign Workers Relieved by Korean] What a relief Can you do an interview? An interview...? Uh yeah... Could you please introduce yourself? I'm Ellyan and I work as a mermaid instructor in Korea (Mermaid instructor???) For around 5-6 years I've been working as a mermaid in Korea (Mermaid???) That's kinda... Are you living in a fantasy? Introducing yourself as working as a mermaid When do you transform? When I enter the water Sha-la-la-la-la A tail appears So that's your thing (?) Don't you know about mermaids? You know aquariums Aquariums have underwater shows! Mermaid shows! That's what I do! [Ellyan / Mermaid Instructor] I've worked at COEX And even at 63 Building Now I'm working in Busan but it's getting tough since I turned 30 So I'm performing less and I'm teaching more Are there many students that wanna be mermaids? [The Age of Mermaids] It's becoming a hot sport Do you use equipment? No, without! Then how... How long can you stay underwater at most? For about... 3 minutes 20 seconds More than a minute? Can you stay underwater for more than a minute? If it's over 3 minutes... that's like... - UDT, isn't it? - Exactly Like Special Forces haha Right right But when you're in the water, you have to look totally effortless It's a kind of acting Right, it's acting You're performing in front of kids there It's like breaking their innocent hearts You have to look pretty and smile But inside you're like Ah $&^%$#@$%^& (Outside) Mom, she's so cool! (Inside) When will this end That's what you're thinking LOL (Cold) (Legs hurt) (When will it end) (Tired) So you've been here for a while now When do you feel like a true Korean? I felt that for the first time when I went to Belgium this winter I really felt it Because I was walking with my dad and at the crosswalk I stopped because a car was coming My dad crossed So what she means is, If there's a crosswalk in Europe If there's even one person seen [In Europe] cars definitely stop Wow In Finland, sometimes not even a person, If there's a squirrel, or a deer Cars stop no matter what There might be some cultural differences Are there any difficulties with that? In Korea, strangers keep asking me When are you having a baby? (I can relate) Bro, do people ask you that when they meet you? May I ask how old are you? Born in '94, year of the dog... [Nice to meet you pal] - Oh? Really? - Are we the same age? Really? Do they ask only '94s when they're gonna have a baby? No, because I'm married they ask... Once you say you're married, they move on to the kids topic And once you have them [The Pacific Scale Nosiness] Which university will they go to The questions just keep coming There's no end to it It's ok if people close to me asks They can ask, it's okay to be curious But like... when a taxi driver asks you to quickly have kids [LOL] Are you gonna raise them? Why are you asking me this? A taxi driver asked you that? That's the kind of question that comes out Are you married? Yes, I'm married Have you had children? Not yet Well, you should hurry! I'm just curious... When are you planning to have...? Damm... Uh? Over there... Hello Perhaps... Can we... Do you speak a little Korean? - Yes, yes, yes - Oh, you do? Maybe a quick interview... would that be okay? - Come on over - Oh, alright then Eh?! Come on over? But why are you out here? Is that not okay? No it's not that (Scared) Oh it's not that Then just a brief introduction please... [Clément / From France] I'm Clément from France Came here from France And I've been in Korea for two and a half years now Oooo I'm an AI engineer AI engineer Such a smart person... No, just... A regular person A regular person(?) Regular people can't really handle computers If you have a personal romance? I hike a lot Where do you usually go? I've been to all the mountains around Seoul Been to Gwanaksan? Been to Gwanaksan a couple of times Have you been to Bukhansan? Around 10 times? Ah, then Inwangsan! Inwangsan, been there too... Ooooh? Geumtangsan! Eh?! Haven't been there! It's natural not to have been It's in Gwangju Lol what was that! No, what are you doing now No, he was so perfect I had to try I've been to Hallasan Jirisan! Seoraksan! You really know your mountains You seem to really love mountains Do you go alone? No, I go with a hiking club A hiking club Going up the mountains by the sea watching the sunrise and drinking makgeolli I could... die happy Starts with a mountain and ends as a mountain [UV - Ultimate Guy (Feat. Jonathan)] Give sesame to the slack hip-hop scene! Jo! Nathan's! I also do a bit of hip-hop Eh? Really? Do you sing? [Song released in 1997] Jo PD's Friend If we're talking Jo PD... It's not gonna be easy Wait just a second Bro, let's hear the rap later (Spotted someone) (Another Jonathan fan?) Are you Jonathan...? Yes, that's... right... Do you know Paybo? I know Paybo You're his sibling [Paybo (Jonathan's acquaintance)] She's his sister What's this situation? You look alike Eh? Oh sorry We shouldn't be talking like this among siblings Can we do the interview? Oh yeah, it's fine Just introduce yourself to my bro here I've been living in Korea for 23 years 23 years? [Amara / From Nigeria (23)] I'm Amara With them... You know how you did your 1st bday here... This friend over here was just born here - Were you born (in Korea)? - Yes, I was born here Which hospital? Uh? Which was it...? [A true Korean] Cha Hospital, perhaps? Not sure about the hospital Debuted at around 2000 2002! 2002? You're the same age as P What are you up to? Working part-time What part-time job are you doing? I'm working at Sulbing You're working at Sulbing? I've just graduated and I'll be starting work soon (Proud) What was your major? I studied Hotel Culinary Patisserie So, do you have your own... what is it? Like an occupational hazard? If you're dealing with customers A bit of a smiley eye is a must [K-barista smile] Hmm~ even if you're in a bad mood Hmm~ I see~^^ Which area of Gwangju were you in? I'm from Seogu Ssangchon-dong! You were in Ssangchon-dong? Ssangchon-dong... That... that Gwangju, what was it The road to U Square, right? (Feeling left out) Right, right Well, I'm a Seoul native so You don't know [Can't do Finnish but can do dialect] I know a bit of dialect though Like...'cute' Ah, 귄있다~? You know what I realized while looking at you? You're really persistent hahahaha Thought last time was the last I'll see you :) So persistent So persistent Ugh... It's a bit you know... [LOL] Anyway, let's eat So you're here with oppas and they're doing this for you LOL Ah, sorry I should be... hahahaha No no no no Instead, how about some water...! (Just kidding) No need, we'll drink this So, this hyung was born in '94^^ Oh wow hah Which zodiac...? Me... what zodiac do I look like? Everyone says I look like Year of the Rooster? What year is 2002? Hold on... What year is it this year? Not the year of the snake... wait Rat? Not that? No no no no hahahaha Ahhhhh Dog or pig, isn't it? Dragon! Year of the Dragon [Based on 2002] Passed 10 in the 12-year cycle So It's the year of the Horse So that's why you're quite tall [So persistent] Aren't these kinds of talks rare these days? No, it's just too funny Back in the day, you know (Zodiac jokes) they used to say a lot If you're born in the year of the dog, you run fast Oh! That's right Because it's the year of the horse, they think you can run fast (Let's eat first) It's a bit spicy No, it's deliciously spicy Spicy huh Wow, umm Ahhh Tasty, tasty, tasty? Tasty, right? That's why we eat it! Since living in Korea I've found that people have some prejudices about me Have you ever had that? When they think of black people, they talk about that black soul Oh black soul! Black people are good at dancing, rapping and singing and even sports... I can't rap, can't dance I'm breaking those stereotypes You're a very thankful being Like with singing! 'We are not all Gregs' I always... Yeah that's right [Stop the prejudices] Another thing! Thinking all black people know each other 'Do you know Jonathan?' (Can relate so much) No, I don't Thinking there's a big black union 'Do you know this person?' It's someone I've never seen So the most DMs I get are Mr. Nathan 'I was behind you earlier' 'Sorry I couldn't greet you' Where? I'm at home LOL LOL Ever feel like a foreigner sometimes? Usually, I don't have foreign friends When I go to take instant photos and stand right in front of the camera, I go, "Who's that black kid?" Oh, it's me? It's you, you hahaha 'Ah, right, I'm a foreigner' And that's when I realize That's when you feel the difference So you know um... I mean you know You came all the way here... Oh my, no, no, oh dear [Here's some pocket money] This shouldn't be happening... LOL Thank you, hahaha Oh this stuff Please turn off the camera (Was the camera) on? Don't capture this No, put it in like those cookie videos^^ LOL (Year of the dog) I wanted to avoid the sun (Year of the dragon) No matter how much I run~ This is Han River, everyone Right now, the weather is cool Bicycles The speed of bicycles Wind hitting right in the face Everything's the best Watching passing couples with envy Cursing under my breath is the best(?) Uh? Over there... This way...! Hello Yo... Couple? (Nods) Interview...possible? Yes, it's possible! Ah yes, yes, wow But wasn't Nathan annoyed by that couple...? Well, we have to work, so Okay, understood First, Let's Be!! Oh, thank you Could you briefly introduce yourselves... Studying Korean in London [Elizabeth Osborne / Student] I'm Elizabeth Osborne Nice to meet you [Hyun-bum Lim / Student] I'm Hyun-bum Lim, attending university But that voice! Are you preparing to be an announcer? No, haha Such a voice It's really cool A trustworthy voice Thank you, haha ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Charming, right?♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Was it that charm? (Former friends) We were friends for a long time How did you cross that line? Who crossed that line first? ♥I did, haha♥ Uh... why!?... suddenly.. What charm did you show? Bought a lot of meals, haha When cars pass on the road ♥Ahhh♥ ♥"Oh!!! Be careful! Be careful!"♥ Do you still do that? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Yes, yes!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Treats me well [Beekeeping in the eyes] What do you do for dates these days? Just the same, mostly Seems like we study a lot Because it's Seoul National... It's tough So, your boyfriend is also... I'm attending Korea University But actually... I also... am from Yonsei... (WHUT!) I feel betrayed by this hyung What's this [Jonathan's School] I also spent a semester at your school Oh, you transferred from my school to Korea University? What made you transfer? That.. Foreign Language College of Korea was smaller than I thought [What the heck?] [Hankuk University] But the food at the cafeteria! It's delicious! For us!!! People come to eat! Even students from nearby come to eat our cafeteria food Honestly Yonsei's cafeteria is famous these days Yonsei's food is tasty - Yonsei's food is good, right!? - It's tasty You guys are just on a date? Ah, today! I was preparing for a speech contest A speech contest? It's a foreigner speech contest, a Korean speech contest Oh, such things exist? Sounds fun I'm curious about the topic you chose Can you give us a peek? Hello? I am a 20-year-old Elizabeth studying Korean at Seoul National University The most unique culture that truly made me fall in love with Korea and Koreans was the spirit of overcoming adversity YOU'RE IN! It gets you hooked You want to keep listening As you can see from 'COVID-19' to the independence movement! Wow~ the democratization movement Industrialization! Independence movement Even the 'Gold Collecting Movement'! [Proud] I told you you wrote it well! I'm so envious~ Ah, that's really cool Honestly...that's so... That's such an obvious set up [Knows this dude] What's with those glasses [Over 1 million views on 50+ shorts] [#Elementary School Kidz Idol #Chambo] Ok, come have a seat Come join us Argh, argh!!! How can the youngest sit first? Ah...no... What! Old fogey! Such an old fogey! Elders first, right? - How old are you? - '92 [Leo (born '94)] You're the eldest here Hey, sit down, sit down Make yourself comfortable~ Now that the elder has spoken Oh my, oh my Ugh... - Your knees aren’t hurting? - No, I'm fine! See, that’s youth for you As many of you might know, please introduce yourself again Hello everyone, I've lived in six countries and speak four languages [Chambo / from Australia "Easy Peasy" man] I'm Chambo from Australia Known as the 'President of lil kidz,' but these days, I'm the MZ president Oh~ Calling yourself the MZ president? Aaaaaaaaay Easy peasy~! Why haven't I heard of it before? That's the thing Nobody knows after they turn 25 But under 25, (catchphrase launch) Exactly haha The catchphrase is so catchy You made it so well So, when you go out, do people go Oh!? Mom! It's the President of Kidz!! There's a middle and high school across my house I can't even leave my house Is it really that big? See? Look over there! People waiting! Is it Jonathan? Or me? We're fans of Easy Peasy! Exactly! Really? It's the real deal Thank you haha I'm telling you, it's true~! Bro, you were on <Radio Star> too How was it? How was it? It was fun but I wish they called me for a better topic Like a special on cool and handsome men It would have been nicer I see A special on single men! I've always been single Ah, I know You've never dated before? Nah, not really It was just a concept You got someone? Nope What about you, bro? Got someone? (Shakes head) What? You had someone, right? When. LOL Why so serious LOL hahahahahahaha There's a rumor you're stingy Why go to Starbucks at all...? Instead, go somewhere cheaper like Venti Coffee's just coffee We just go for caffeine That's right, that's right It's not a bad thing It's actually a good thing, isn't it? [Chambo, former accountant] I used to be an accountant That's important too I hope my future girlfriend has the same mindset There's no FLEX culture in Australia Actually, if you flex there, people hate on you But coming here to Korea and seeing the flex culture, I was like, "UGH" You were shocked It's tough, tough It's fascinating... So... How many sheets of toilet paper do you use? [Should I even answer...] I have irritable bowel syndrome, I use a lot of toilet paper Oh, so you're not stingy with toilet paper? But you're also an accountant Paul was also an accountant Paul Seoul??? (Has he been here?) He was on here yeah? Paul is truly legendary We both lived in Ilsan Both accountants Appeared on the same program We became friends I love you man, really Living in Korea, was there something you couldn't really understand? Is there such a thing? If there's one, it's MBTI What's your MBTI? - I'm an ISFP - What do you think I am? [Because of age(?)] Maybe he's all about blood types You two are both dumb Because! I'll explain!! Today, if we drink and have fun with friends, obviously, I'd be an E Tomorrow morning with a hangover, my test would say I'm an introvert During shooting, you're an 'E' I mean, I'm an 'E' when we're shooting Totally an 'E', right(?) But when I get home I turn into a complete 'I' Once I'm in, it's like 'Ah... drained...' 'Ah... so tired... Ah...' I just crash like this LOL (MBTI skeptic) There's no scientific basis to it Why believe it? That's why I'm single LOL Can't find a date in Korea LOL There's no way When they ask, 'What's your MBTI?' I'm like, "Ah, I gotta go!" LOL It's over for us Can't stand it, seriously Ah, this is too funny LOL It just occurs to me He's definitely a 'T' LOL It's a 'T' thing to say this Jonathan's an 'F' now (Enough MBTI please) Because lately, everyone asks right away, "What's your MBTI?" So I don't know why it's trending Always asking about MBTI Showing off the 'T' Are you a T? [Bout to leave] Did you just say T? [T-bickering] Last week I went to see a fortune-teller Fortune telling? That's not scientific either No, no, that's not scientific Listen up What's the difference between MBTI and fortune-telling You have to listen to Korean until the very end! Okay? It's just going to hear what you want to hear It's not like you really believe it What did they say? What did they say??? Suddenly on May 23... They said the fog in my life will clear Oh... But May 23rd It's summer so probably no fog But nowadays, the fine dust! There's a lot of fine dust... LOL I could've told you that myself? LOL [Dammm you] For a refreshment We got a taste of it last time Krush is fourth generation beer FOUR GENERATION Why fourth generation beer? My brother drinks it Young people drink it Dad drinks it Grandpa drinks it, everyone does That's the deal It's popular with the youth I can already smell the barley Cheers Merry Christmas(?) [What's with this guy LOL] Refreshing!!! Right Wow...! Krushing it at the Han River, right? Huh? Each cap has a different design! What's this? I see! It's kind of like that aegyo, right? Aegyo Ppuing-Ppuing This kinda vibe? Wow! LOL But really, this drink fits the atmosphere and the place So, what did you like about Korea when you first arrived? Do you know After School's Nana? [Nana?] [Because of You - After School (2009)] (Yay~!) Right, right, total hit Seeing Nana in that song I was like, people like this exist!!!♥ Oh gawddd LOL Wow, that's crazy [Hot - 1TYM (2003)] This guy looks like he's older What! Seriously! You don't know 1TYM? Were you even born then? [2003 = Nathan was 3 years old] I wasn't even born yet...(?) What do you like, Jonathan? Guess this! Oh! Heartbeat!!! [Heartbeat - 2PM] You know the dance too? I know the dance! [Again & Again - 2PM] [Ring Ding Dong - SHINee] Super Junior? No, no!!! The coolest, best ever SHINee Ah! Nice weather! Wow! What the... Wow Perfect weather for Han River [Romantic Foreign Workers] [THE PERFECT WAY 3]
Channel: 스튜디오777ㅑ
Views: 280,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 스튜디오꺄, 스튜디오777ㅑ, 새로, 처음처럼, 소주, 맥주, 술방, 가완법, 가장완벽한방법, 웹예능, 외노자, 외국인, 크러시, 다국적, 아이돌, 러시아, 블랙페이퍼, 유병재, 유퀴즈, kor, korea program, k-contents, k-idol, Burgos Atala Christian Shamed, trabajadores, extranjeros idols, prejuicios, 크리스티안, tượng lao, nước ngoài, ộng ngườ, foreign idol workers, idol, #KoreanEntertainment, #Bukchon, #Christian, #ForeignWorker, Chương trình thực tế Hàn Quốc, Tài xế công nghệ, Bắc Hàn, Lao động người nước ngoài, 레오란타, 핀란드, 호소인, 핀란드호소인, 레오, 란타, 레오란타TV, 필란드허위매물
Id: 4FYOoo6tOho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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