[ENG] 파트리샤 말고 '오빠' 라고 부르는 여자가 나타났다

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[Surprise prepared by staff for two months] [We waited for this] Hello. [Blind date story that only Jonathan didn't know] Today's blind date... - Me? - Yes. Wait. [It starts now] [Today's the third day] Hello. We prepared for travel. [Giving suspicious briefcase] What's like this 'Running man'? [(Expecting)] It's like giving mission. I'll open. [(Expecting)] Visa platinum? We got an AD. [Cannot hide smile... / (smile)] Do you know what 'contactless'? Contact. Connection. Less. Car. What? I don't know. [Visa Contactless: contactless payment protected by multi layer security] Doing less contact. [If you have contactless icon, you can use anywhere(in Visa stores)] You can touch like this. [(Now he knows)] [(RGRG)] Less. Less! I think it would be new! [(Ad staff: ???)] Can I use a lot? Let's go. Like 'King's man' concept. [(Mumbling?)] Manner... [Saying 'King's man' line] Manner maketh man. [England is background] Isn't here the real background? [To do list 1. getting suit for King's man style] I'll get suit. [2. Experiencing English gentleman (feat. barber shop + afternoon tea)] - Being English gentleman? - Yes. I'll flex [(Real intention)] with this card. I'll just use. [(Angry)] You'll flex? No, sufficiently. [Arrived to station / (wrapping up)] This is subway! [(Come one)] Let's go. [(Can use transportation by Visa contactless)] It's here, Visa. [Accustomed to London subway by three days] Good. It's comfy. [(Getting off easily)] [First, getting suit in Taylor shop] [(Arrived)] How.. [(Gave up)] [Real background of 'King's man'] [Will Jonathan be real King's man?] Hello. [(Oops)] Hi. [(Welcome)] [(Good morning) / Taylor Jerry 30 years veteran] [(Can I help you?)] Good morning. [(Of course)] [(I can help)] [(Follow me)] [Going into design] [(Did you want to look like King's man?)] [(Now you will)] [(People call me Picasso)] [(So I call this masterpiece)] [(Right on appetite)] Okay. [Suit is being done with Picasso's design] It's rather like Man in black... [(Thumb up)] [Suit is done by a 30-year guru] No time. We have to go. [It's time to pick Visa contactless] [(Simple)] Thank you. [(Enjoy traveling)] King's man had intelligence for weapon. [No problem with Visa contactless] This is my weapon. [(Going to barber shop)] You can marry. Police is here. Our mission is secret. What's today's mission? You alone? - Mission name? - You alone? [Power N people's imagination] Then write a scenario. Hi? Hi? [(All of a sudden)] I'm alone? [Mission easily complete] Will you have dinner with me? Oh. What will we have for dinner? You brought. [Jonathan only knows Korean food and Indian curry...] [Second, going to barber shop] [Ruffians Convent Garden 27 Maiden Ln, London WC2E 7JS England] Hi. [Honest body language...] [(Of course)] [(How you doin?)] [(Nice to see you)] [(Come over)] [Jake eight-year barber / (come on)] Thank you. [Telling recent stories... / (Listening)] [(Of course) / (normal face)] [Saying Tallulah from the first time...] [(When did you decide to become a barber?)] [(I liked designing hair)] [(I did...) / saying one more time)] [(We did...)] [(It was not intention...)] [Jonathan is dangerous...] [(So I wanted to become a barber...)] [(You know me, right?)] [(Dealing)] You have no hair so it's hard. [Met so difficult guest] [(I have girlfriend)] OMG. [(Why are you shocked?) / (What?)] [(Quick)] [(Quick kiwi...)] [(Embarrassed)] [(I envy you)] [(Wish for Nth time)] [(How about English woman?)] [(Dark mind)] [(We were introduced)] Blind date? [(By a client)] Client? [(Is there any tip to meet a girl?)] [Please share some flirting tips] [(Flirting?)] [(You just need to act like yourself] Wait. [(I asked this same question two days ago)] [Deja vu...] [(So fun)] [(If your friend)] [(is a good person)] [(Will you recommend me?)] [(Of course)] [(Today?)] [(No to no)] [Barber is embarrassed by Jonathan's passion] [(Putting on)] [(Shaving gel)] Shaving gel. [(Yes, nice and tidy)] This is good. So cool. Touching the nerve. It's heaven. [Heaven] [Hair is done] [(Self esteem moment)] [(I won't sleep)] [(Thumb)] Today... club. No but I am handsome. I mean it's not that super handsome [King's man is proud of himself] but not bad. You have to pay... Is he real King's man? [(Hey)] [King's man is paying] [(Thank you)] Signature...? [(Contactless so no need for signature)] No sign? [(I didn't know this)] [(Good) / (Surprised)] Yeah... Visa contactless. [(Thank you)] [(I'm reborn)] [Took one CF thanks to AD's grace] Visa card. [Final stage going to drink afternoon tea] One thing is left. King's man drank whisky but I think I have to have tea time. Afternoon tea! [Wrong and weird English accent...] Let's go. Hi. [(You can sit there)] Oh...? Why? What? I saw this... Banjoo? [Suspicious afternoon tea shop...] Cass, Gompyo, Terra, Craft beer. They sell afternoon tea. Korean...? Yes, possible. Okay... I was nervous. What store is this? I came for afternoon tea. You can. Can we? Then... [Jonathan asking for Korean afternoon tea] I'll order mixed coffee. Okay. Thank you. Good. Mixed coffee is good. [It came out in three minutes] Thank you. It's real. (Touched) Oh... [Someone is coming here...!] [Woman getting into the store...?] [What] [Who is she, Jonathan's companion today?] Hello. Blind date... [(Reading the room)] - Hello. - Hello... [Reading the room] What is (going on)... Today, blind date. Me...? Yes. Wait. [What happened...] [Jonathan found out Patricia's blind date] [Jonathan appealed to staff that he wants to have blind date] [So we prepared] [Blind date in England, prepared for a month without Jonathan] [Jonathan is in the autumn mood for a year] - Meeting English woman while passing by... - Right! There would be your destiny in England. [Will warm spring come to him today?] I'll wait. [(Staff looking from downstairs)] Blind date... Oh... [She's feeling this situation is awkward] Did you know you're having blind date with... me? Oh... Yes. Oh, really? Uhm... [This moment that giving both people heartbeat] I didn't know. But there's no problem. Let's order. Let's know each other's name... Okay. First, okay. [Nervous] Comfortably... I'm Jonathan. Jonathan... I'm Jimin Bae. Jimin Bae... Okay. [Saying her name again after saying each other's name] Nice to meet you. You look cool today. [Shy] Yes? I chose concept. Like King's man... I chose to do that. What job... I'm studying abroad. Abroad? Oh... Really? I... [So nervous that he's consistently moving hands...] I came here the day before yesterday. [Scratching head / foolish] [Trying order to do icebreaking] What do you want... Any recommendation... Weather is like this today. [There it is] Korean pancake... Oh, what do you... I'll have kimchi or seafood Korean pancake? Then shall we go with kimchi? Do you have any favorite food? Me? Then... how about bulgogi soup? [Smile] - Good. - Okay? [It seems that he got over the big mountain called order] Hot? A bit... but okay. How old are you... I was born in 2001. 2001? Oh... How old are you? Born in 2000. I'm younger. Yes... one year younger. Then what's your daily hobby? I like... reading. [It's too much] [Making up mind] I do a lot of exercises. [She seems to be interested in Jonathan's hobby / listening] What exercise? I do running a lot. Oh, aerobic exercise... Yes, aerobic. I like exercise too. What exercise? [Two finding common hobby] I like going to gym. - Weight training? - Yes. For me, it's little bit hard. A bit. Running is simple. [Jonathan is sharing his hobby with more comfortable gesture] - We can just run. - I feel running much harder. It's hard to run with no thought. I don't have thoughts. [Shy] I didn't mean that. [It made her laugh] We can run anywhere with sneakers. Don't you cook? I do kimchi fried rice well. [Surprised] Really? I do it well. My favorite food is kimchi fried rice. Oh... when we have chance... [Sip] [Nervous] [Why lip is dry even though it's sweaty on hands?] There's a little water. Lip is near ear. [Kimchi Korean pancake came right on timing] - It looks good. - Thank you. Shall we? Enjoy... Then do you have thought for dating? [Her sudden question] - Dating? - Yes. [Uhm...] Dating... [Smiling] Uhm... maybe. [Eating less] But... [Shy but Jonathan made up his mind] yes. Close up that Jonathan is continuously wiping his knee. [Scratch] [Boiled beef soup is here in front of him] Thank you. [The deep taste of soup eating in long distance] [And kimchi Korean pancake that they didn't eat for 30 minutes] [What story would they share with warm meal?] Do you have favorite food? I like Indian food. London has nice Indian foods. [Sad] I haven't... Is it in plan? Yes... continuously... ['Do you like India?' that he practiced in car] Do you like India? - Do you like Indian food? - Yes. [Jinho Kim / 3N, Jonathan's manager / went to Agra 50 times because of Jonathan] Oh, man. Do you know spicy curry among Indian curry? Name? Vindaloo? Vindaloo, chicken... I like lamb vindaloo! [Happy] I like lamb, too...! [Surprised] Really? [Two seem to have a lot of common things] I really love lamb vindaloo... [She gives soup first] [Asking his appetite] Do you like vegetable? No, oh. [Oops] I love. Too firm... I eat often. You said you like being honest [Appealing] so I don't like it. Then shall we skip? No, but I eat. For health. You're in Korea. Do you have mind for long distance love? [Curious] [We can't ignore 14 hours distance] It takes 14 hours to go England. But how do you think? I think I can do well. [She said confidently] [14 hours flight, 8854km became easy] Sufficient. It's not a big deal. I really... [Sad] I speak really well. Then do like friend. Then shall we? [Two are reducing the distance] Okay. I don't know what to call you. You can call me comfortably. [Challenge] How about 'oppa'? [Hiding smiley face by 'oppa' sound] [But fail] Then how's your ideal type? Outer appearance? Really close to my type. [She smiles beautifully] I love who smiles beautifully. In that way... I should practice smiling. Practice? It's not necessary. [He also smiles to her smile] Sufficient. Enjoy. I cannot handle chopsticks. [Two are suffering from eating] It was good. Pilgyu... There's a PD whose name is Pilgyu. There. Satans from hell. I can listen laugh... [(Satans)] Are you conservative while dating? For example? Like girlfriend keeps in touch with her ex. [OMG] It's impossible. Impossible? It's nonsense. In England, do they? Not me. But some do. Some do? Yes. They eat together. [Cannot hide embarrassed face] They go to club with ex and now boyfriend together. [Expressing stressed mind by the word 'fresh'] Wow. But... I'll ask in this way. I have ex. [Cold] Going travel? How about traveling? - Insane. - Okay. This is insane. [He's feeling English love life hard who has conservative DNA...] Insane... [Going to different topic] Then what do you watch? I watch animation. [Fan of animation] What? [Smile] Demon Slayer Jujutsu Kaisen I watched the son of favorite. [Expecting] How about Naruto? - Do you like? - I love. Isn't it doing like this? Yes. It's hard to do here. [Seems to like his appetite] I'm curious. Please. [Doing along her offer] This is it. [Meal is going to an end] [while talking] Where do you go? No plan. [Mumbling to ask date] Shall we go anywhere? [Uhm] Cafe? I'll ask for check. Yes. [(Who has Visa contactless)] I'll do. I'll pay coffee. [They went to cafe] Thank you. No. Shall we go? [Want to know each other while drinking coffee] Shall we of for coffee? Let's go. Coffee. [They became close] [Did she open her mind?] [P.S Thank you for good chance, Visa -Jonathan-]
Channel: 조나단
Views: 1,600,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 조나단, 흑인, 인간극장, FOR REAL LIFE, 콩고왕자, 전참시, 라디오스타, 파트리샤, 흑형, 비자카드, visa, visacard, 컨택리스, 소개팅, 아바타소개팅, 카더가든, 아찔한소개팅, 아찔소, 이상형소개팅, 이상형, 유학생, 영국, 영국유학생, 브이로그, 몰카, 몰래카메라, 국제부부, 국제커플, 장거리커플, 장거리연애, 돌직구, 인스타그램, 유튜버, 삼성페이, 애플페이
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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