"It's In The Family" (Message)

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what you do does not only affect you you as a parent what you do does not just affect you a man everything science has figured this out I don't know why we cannot figure this out doctors know it what's in your bloodline is going to be in your child's life because it's part of the bloodline amen they know that it's part of what you do as a parent manifesting your child and we believe that in everything except sin every other place all diabetes yes in the family no Ablett all years in the family see we believe that you know our with our alcohol isn't always and a family we okay with those things passing down we just don't but when it's really sin we don't want it to be us that have passed it down say man but your children are a direct manifestation of you of your dues and your don'ts they are manifestation of your decision now as they grow they will have to make certain decisions for themselves but you are responsible for guiding them - they're able to make the correct decision based upon maturity amen so buddy buddy but if a child at the age of 10 years old is having to make sexual decisions how many y'all know they're not mature enough to understand the complexities of love sex lust talk to me so now we have a society that's telling you that your child is seven and think that they understand what sexuality is the devil is alive you've 40 and just figured it out what it was in the world is a child at seven gonna tell you I think but because we have allowed this modern psychology to trump the Word of God when God's Word tells us how we should raise our children and how we should how our children should be nurtured and minted in order for them to grow properly we have replaced it with pseudo pseudo psychobabble and that's why these kids are running in school shooting each other and we ain't figured that out yet we're when the guy was in the school the kids wasn't shooting each other they took God out guns came in say amen amen so we want to talk because I generate this this this distance next generation it's under tow this is the generation that will become listen to me closing and when I say this don't don't understand through G it straight ain't man this is generation that's going to become an army of the Lord and army of Satan this is the generation because there's more people living now than ever was it's seven billion people on the planet Satan is building an army God's being the army the Bible says in the book of Genesis that the seed of the woman shall tell the cheetah Satan and the seeded woman shall fight the seed of the Serpent and seed of the woman shall battle so the serpent of Satan has a seed come on and and and and and and and God has a seed the Bible says in Matthew that are the the wicked one has sown seeds amongst the wheat he sold his ties or weeds amongst the wheat and they're both growing up together sew sew sew sew sew the Bible Jesus said that's goats and sheep come on there's weeds and wheat are you hearing what I'm saying what it's talking about is Satan's kids will be growing up with God's kids are you hearing what I'm saying now the only way this is the reason why we have this push towards one world government everything's just coming together you know this all kinds of stuff is happening because Satan knows that as God's children and his children mature you will be able to see the difference know them so you got to understand something that ended that that in Matthew when it was talking about that a source a sower went to sow seed in his field but while men slept weeds the enemy came in and so weeds in amongst the wheat okay so don't the the sees that the enemy has sown look just like the wheat when it's small the weeds that the enemy's shown in the in the Greek was called Darnell that was the name of the weed and it looked just like wheat as long as it was small so that's why I remember when the wind when the cyclists went when demands or workers came and said well what we going to do let's go out here and start snatching up the weeds he said no unless you hurt the weed because when they the same size and the image inmature you don't know what's what let them both grow together then at the end the Reapers will come and they will have to begin to separate the weeds from the we talked to me so as the weeds SSSs the weeds and the weak grow together as they begin to grow the Darnell begins to look different from the wheat then you can discern so because of Satan's children are starting to mature say man you're starting to see differences you're starting to notice the difference between God's seed and the seed of the enemy are you out there so this is the reason that Satan is pushing everything he can push yes we are in the last of the last days if anybody told you anything different I would say they one of his seeds they are deceptive because they ain't no way you can look at what's going on now and saying that this ain't we ain't coming to a close if you look at Revelations and why seeing in you will see the same thing going down because God is it he did not hide what he's going to do but only those with wisdom will be watching say man all right so this is the reason why you must a man I feel God taking me this way I'm trying to go into this other thing here but you know sometimes you just have to just listen I want to show you something okay turn over here Jim let's see Matthew she i'ma go to chapter Matthew chapter 13 chapter 13 let me give this to you out of the word because this is exactly if you if you if you a person ain't never understood a prophecy never heard prophecy you don't hear it today this is this is prophecy this is where we are prophecy is right now this is what God is doing now that's where we are now amen so this is what you're going to hear today because what is prophecy for what does God take his time now we know the whole body bowed the written word is a prophecy from from God but God uses at certain times people to pull out a part of it just say this is what I'm saying today this is what I wrote but this is what I'm saying to you today and so with and so this is what God is raising up why the snail you only see or really hear a God using men and women of God to declare this prophetic type of word when the country or when the nation has gone astray when people areas have grown dull of hearing what does that mean that means they go to churches but can no longer hear truth they sit they do the religious stuff but don't understand what they're actually doing talk to me the Bible says they have a form of godliness but don't know the power to be saved talk back to me it's become trendy in faddish almost fetish the way we consume ministry and consume Church yet we don't understand that with what do what we consume should bear fruit and it's the fruit that tells God in people who we are and what we are talk to me the Bible says bitter water and sweet water cannot come out of the same fountain now I'm preaching this way because some of you old cats are set and you're gonna do what you're gonna do and I'm okay I'm not necessarily talking to you but these young ones are impressionable and they not they not yet hardened by seeing our life say man so I don't I don't spend a lot of time arguing with you know what that other preacher said or what they let us do over here at this church I don't argue with that because I know people said they only go to church because that's what they allow them to get away with say man but the young people are not set yet they haven't gotten into enough heartbreaking enough the betrayal and disappointments and they haven't been lied on they haven't been hardened by life so their heart is still open and malleable a pliable now you all can some of y'all the word the the word to young people is food or meat but to you some of you old cats the word is a hammer has to bus up at old horn rock around your heart but y'all want to talk to me what I mean just people that you mad at you ain't spoke to in 20 years that's bitterness in your heart but yet we go to church and praise God the word got to bust that up you need to give them a call Jesus is coming you ain't got time to be unforgive fault but so you got to preach that to some of these cats because they believe that you know God know my heart yeah your heart is like a rock you ain't forgave them then you you want to hear something prophetic it was that's prophetic right there you ain't forgave them 20 years you and your sister fell out ain't saying nothing to one another any talkinging pulled the family apart trying to see who's right and wrong you ain't got a right jack but yet we come and lift holy hands and we praise the Lord yet when we have no idea that God had said before how can I he said he said but we said he said when you pray first forgive cuz I cuz cuz cuz how can I forgive you of your trespasses if you don't forgive those that have hurt you how can I forgive you for hurting me if you don't forgive those who have hurt you it's a loss of principle in other words it cannot be broken if you don't forgive you cannot be forgiven therefore if you're not forgiving your sin remains oh you ain't hearing me this is the problem on Judgment Day that we thought we were right with God but the Bible says many will say Lord Lord didn't we Lord didn't we love you didn't we cast out them didn't we heal the sick didn't we give him I gave this to everybody and I was helping it don't matter he said depart from me you never did the one thing right you didn't release folk so you can't be released when you hold folk that means you have a judgment against them the judgment against them creates a judgment against you if you get if you cash in your judgment and get what you want from them then god's got the cash in his judgment against you that's why it's not good to regurgitate stuff that people have done to you at some point that stuff is dead it's over yeah they hurt me but who have you heard one of the way you do you know how you get people to stop running a mouth about what some idea to them start talking about what they've done to other people because the main person that say they heard is the one that hurt more people they talking about one person hurt them but you going a parent you got 20 folks in me they did me like it in Christ we have no right to be heard of hold or hold people because when we do that we're saying that we didn't need forgiveness talk to me when you hold somebody you saying you were so good you didn't need forgiveness because you can hold somebody are you hearing what I'm saying you have to learn to really live wasn't a message either that's just fragments and parts that people need because that's a prophetic thing this morning look at Matthew chapter 13 amen I want to show you so we're gonna start at verse 24 I want you to see it in the word a man we got to show people now in the word because people are getting off the Bible and preaching all kinds of books and self helps in spiritism and spiritualism and old voodoo and all kind of stuff we mixing with God with the word now say man got preachers running with which High Priestesses and stuff and I'm trying to figure out why don't people say that you can't mix light and darkness and there's no other life other than Jesus's life every other light is the Bible says Satan transfers himself as an angel of light so people into a lot of stuff calling it like don't know yeah it's a like it's not delight so they mix in fraternities in with Christ you know my only on one don't I will talk about this they they mix in Freemasons in with Christianity and they got a life but it ain't D like as a matter of fact all the other light if it ain't Christ you serving Lucifer the Light Bearer call them the son of the morning that's what y'all think to any girl y'all want talk y'all ready for me for real so people are doing a lot of things say man because they haven't had enough of the true light to be able to discern the light they have are you hearing what I'm saying how many y'all know that if this room went pitch black and I had a lighter I would have some great light until you came with a flashlight if this room went pitch dark and I had a light and pull it out y'all will gravitate to me because I have a light it's just a light but if someone came with a flashlight you will realize that the light I have it's insufficient the only reason you don't know that the light I'm holding is insufficient because there's you ain't seen another light as lighter this y'all heard what I'm saying this is truly what has happened to us even as the people this is what has happened to us we have we have you remember when Jesus came and Jesus said you only blind because you say you see you say you see so you say you have light so if you say you have light and I am like then you're going to reject me you don't want this life that I have so you say you see solely the blind will lead the blind you ever figured out why would the blind why would a blind person follow a blind person think of this think about this why would a blind person follow a blind person it's really simple they blind they don't know the person lead them can't see you ever thought about that the blind man's walking thinking this guy he's he's giving good directions but he don't know where he walking in the river you don't know where you're going Casey but because you blind being you being led it so you feel like I'm moving but not necessarily towards the godly direction say man alright so we're going to talk about this real quick man I got to get into this but I'm 4:00 this morning because I saw this stuff going down and it's I said oh here we go with the Terrorism thing and I said I'll manage people need to see through some of this stuff something stuff is too obvious it's to it but I don't have time to take y'all all the way from Genesis revelations but I'll show you some things about this last day stuff it's not really what you think amen I taught something Wednesday about discerning learn to see beyond what you're hearing the Bible says that Satan is the Prince and power of the air the airwaves he's Prince and power of communication every way you receive communication is owned by Satan that's the reason why our communication is so corrupt you can't even turn the TV on look at a magazine whatever you see their sex and booties is jumping out at you you can't turn something people robbing and killing can't watch a good movie because you thought it was good they're on Sunday who two witches came their spells custom I hear I got what I thought this was a kids movie because everything you are receiving now is corrupt are you hearing what I'm saying why because Satan is the Prince and power of communication the airwaves are you hearing what I'm saying therefore that means that when it comes to communicating with people he's going to control how you receive information are you hearing me this is the reason why everything is so wicked because everything that everything all communication you are receiving is controlled by people that are under his control are you hearing what I'm saying and have you ever thought why duck why can we never see positive messages and real Christians at primetime and people who talk about you know I'm not talking about this pseudo of this pseudo fluffy food this is some talking about real straight that's wrong and you know that we shouldn't do that and you heard that you don't hear anything objective nothing that will make you think everything you hear it causes you to drink more and more of the kool-aid to keep you settled that everything's fine I was telling my wife you know because we have satellite not Dish Network and DirecTV I'm talking about where let me see over another world what's going on over there their news is real American news ain't real dire news over it's real they say stuff that we don't hear because I lose its filtered I thought that Wednesday about our news is filter now of what what what I was what I was telling them instead when when I turned on this bomber situation when I lose I saw one story then I turned it on news overseas and it was different story I said why do they have information and we don't have I don't have time to tell you but trust me that that Satan is behind the communication all communication all modern way to communicate he's behind it you heard you're hearing what I'm saying it's very important you know that because you because that means I have to learn to filter what am i hearing I have to learn to discern what I'm hearing not just take it at face value learn to discern it are you there now are y'all ready now why is this generation so messed up you know some of us are this older I mean I'm not old but I'm older some of us is older at least forty enough we see stuff that we didn't see in our generation in this generation we can't figure it out we take our head what's wrong with this generation what you don't realize is this generation has more ways to receive there was more communication than we had you had an 8-track tape with four songs that 8-track tape know what in digital wasn't no crisp but you had a little AM radio you know you have no curly communication effort if a pizza came out of the TV you were shocked just one channel you remember when a channel went off and here come they come on with the Negro spiritual and say is over the channel go off that mean go to sleep you remember that when TV went off that's the time you went to sleep about 11 o'clock TV went off his generation would be shocking to TV you know they start saying the star-spangled banner what's wrong the TV go off people go to sleep that's when you got up from that easy-chairs at a time to go to bed you cut it off went to see now TV you got a hundred 200 300 channels that's more ways to receive you would have done what this generation is doing if you had all of this stimulus I don't even want to get on the internet that's a whole nother the Internet is just like IV an arm it's constantly receiving you can't right now you're receiving your phone is receiving information data right now why you sitting there somebody's on Facebook talking about you are you understanding what I'm saying so what makes this generation worse as far as serious concern is Satan has created a a more avenues for them to receive his evil communication you ready for me come on come back to me you know when you was young you had to come on there let's be real you know when you first got cable I'm talking about those who really under when they first got it the first thing that you heard was there's a certain channel owner that boy this is just you know they piping the strain in you ain't no magazine you can get right on that and they got the naked stuff just hanging out there you come on y'all we'll talk about this what's the channel you went to but it was scrambled but you still try to is that a leg what you still was trying to see the channel even though it was scramble talk to me you might stumble across uncle stuff under the you know a granddaddy had some books in them you know he had some magazines under the bed you know you don't stumble across some old naked stuff you know it was a book you hear what I'm saying y'all got that so if you was foolish enough to pick it up and get the thumbing through it you got maybe a 10 cc ease of seeing what much you know you saw a few things man you know what your mind a little bit but you know you didn't you didn't have enough of it to really get depraved are you read what I'm saying I mean even if you was into this sexual stuff you didn't want enough of it to really get too depraved you know what I'm saying but we but we don't realize is we now this generation has 24 hours a day constantly any time you know even when they you looked up they came out with the VHS remember was just being first VCR just be if you locked up to get to even have one you had to get a tape you had to leave the house be almost be cult going in the store try to find the tape took you some time to seeing back then come on it took time to seeing you have to think about it you had to do a little bit more you would have to be more creative our young around what I'm saying but now everything you need is in your pocket it set your home on your desk it's on your laptop it's right there so the wicked temptation that Satan would bring to our mind we had to go find it talk to me you know what Satan would bring us up to your mind all you to do something to something nasty come on you have to go look for nasty now nest is right here nasties are always right there Paul said when I would do good evil always present so now it's not what we can we're not going to be able to survive by separating from sin considers everywhere you're gonna have to get delivered from it you have to overcome it Oh talk back to me let's go look deeper you remember when you wanted to get high you had to go find the cat he's a little more low with it you know you know you know one bag of weed you might smoke every year for three days y'all know that one be honest you might get back three days smoking weed one thing we you you you're me you really just doing you know you and you don't you it's really doing something bad I mean you're really doing wrong well just to have it are you there this generation doctors give you stronger stronger doped in the street the pills are stronger you get more addicted quicker to legally and illegally they I saw a pill they don't concoct it it's a little bit of everything this air look at everything they don't put a little bit hair around a little bit a little bit of cocaine a little bit of a nax ecstasy all in one pill and we wonder why people I'm wearing killing it or not a man say man so if this generation is worse it's because of their ability is too many avenues they have too many ways this is why you as a parent have to be mindful that you you cannot let let your children keep up with the Joneses own career because they mama Neelam this boys this boy is eight what did he need a phone for who's he calling if he do awesome at it what they got to talk about that they can't watch on Sesame Street what is the conversation what did he need a device you talk about gun control that phone is a loaded weapon you don't gave him a device that will hook to the in and there he don't blew his brain out talk to me they blow any brains out with pornography and it's right in a pocket and you should figure out why they always walking around yesterday addicted they texting and sexting I saw on the news a schoolteacher I don't need to understand why they do super stuff here gonna have sex with and he got text about it say you need to be beat up for that he is gone because listen it's in every where that our children gold they've made it normal talk to me the other amen so so next time when you see this generation doing word stuff don't shake your head because you you old enough that you're out of it you're not in it anymore realize why they got too much stimulus you grandparents stop letting your grandchildren psyche you into buying stuff that you know that's IQ up grandma in Batam in this video game it's video game is for killers all they do is shoot people in the video game you're training them to be Kokoro it out and you don't know because you because this because the parents listen has the parents have been separated from the development of their children talk to me you don't believe me the first real stability these children have is not home it's daycare so you've already separated from your child from day care preschool near in the school system so the parent is always separated from the child so what agenda so your child is shaped by whoever was rocking the cradle that's who shaped the child are you really what I'm saying are y'all there so you have to know as a parent that it is my job it's not and listen to me if you know this argument that Hollywood puts out every sometime somewhere happen they say that there's no connection between music and violence and no connection between these movies and people doing this because there's no parental supervision you know they say that I blame you know there's no connection between violent video games and people will come and kill us they don't they say that but yet they spend billions of dollars advertising so if there's no connection to what I see and what I heard why y'all spending big Superbowl commercial for billion dollars why are y'all spending that money if there's no connection with you advertisers figured out what I see in here produces a a response in me so don't let your child tell you that this little Wayne in the earth is not causing them no difference they lyin most of you cats in here you got your style from the from hip-hop you got to style from a rapper you didn't know who you were till that rapper showed you who you was and that's why we walking around like we like we illiterate don't tell me I grew up in it you know you know we know we know we know rapping too old I'm 40 but it was about when I came out I was out there at the end we got our staff from that stuff do you think Nike ain't figure that out when do put out the Earthforce one song you talking about this stuff and got influenced this boy put out of Earthforce one song and people ain't stopped wearing them since he put it out you remember my adidas when we was growing up adidas was the weakest staying elbow till they made a song now sudden everybody had a moan man they know this stuff it influences the mind say man so because you know that the Airways or the communication is corrupt and that's what's corrupting the way they receiving that's what's corrupting them then your job is to be a gatekeeper over the communication what is coming in my house what are they in a room listening to who are they around evil communications corrupt good manners who are they around the first thing I look at my kids know who I do is his child I don't know to him who are they because if when when Satan coming knocking on your door if he can't get you you might have done got a little mature you don't do stupid stuff no more killing your dearly knock on the child's door how many y'all know you got messed up when some somebody came some little boy some of the girls some of the boy whose mama was in the street and they know where he was he was that running the street some of the girls some cousin I older I team that was messed up giving you cigarettes and weed and drink you know because let's do stuff like that y'all know their mountings and cousins do that they don't want to do stuff like that people always wonder why I let my kids go cuz I know who do it it ain't that southern in case you don't know it because it's new you're not all that molestation is from people in the house you know honking them do that stuff but you know why you know why people always keep getting molested it messed up cuz you never suspect them you think on a family there mister messed up catch them the cash be messed up mean them the one you trust and then if it's all that if I like I'm tell you if I pick ten people if I let him get up her seven of them would say you know my uncle did this or my cousin did I tell you they tell you when I was little they left me over and they'll tell you who did it because that is who turns out our children because we are too busy we don't we don't understand that it's our job to feel turn I made an analogy you know I remember when I was in the world you know I was in the what a long time did a lot wrong did more wrong to most people I don't like it's just smoke cigarettes you know and I didn't understand the difference between filtered and unfiltered you know because all we knew was the cigarette had to have a filter on it I didn't know no difference till a guy had one with no filter so I said well let me see what the difference you know man that cigarette was it was it was like a blast I got ahold of what was in the cigarette all the black guitar the nicotine they added everything came through and that's when I realized oh there's a difference between filter and unfiltered it's just you die fast or you died slow at this time time is the difference so it's your job to filter y'all are you talking to me it's your job to filter you are the one that says nope nope no yeah you come on no no you have to do that now y'all there are we talking about young people not you know we talk about young people we older people on keepin on young people no young people got the way they are living under somebody's house that you got messed up in the house your house is your worst enemy where you grew up was your worst enemy because whatever they allowed and you know black folk we do not talk about issues people hurting today you 50 still hurting over what they didn't say you've been trying to tell them this look this man did this to me do y'all hear me nothing I'll shut up shut up shut up their ship you away ship you off if you tell the truth talk to me how many boyfriends climbing the bed with daughters and Momma no shut up this child grew up taking this off all we got we got precious in this generation is it about one's own but we don't want to do it but we look at them and sister it is homo what's wrong with them I know Oh Oh God go to gloomy please let me just read this script I read the scripture I'm gonna let y'all go can I read the scripture amen I'm trying to you know it's hard to preach now because you know we 25 many people you know you used on 25 minute like leave two men worship songs he by Redman mentioned that didn't son - so now he gonna get up my people stood out and thunder all over 18 hours please and everything never even said nothing you you know when Louisville was playing they prepared today before state I couldn't sleep waiting on over the win we conquered our God you two dirty pillows my preacher would have been done got done by now they know they got taking all them song they got I know our people I know I feed but we do that maybe they got a condom so he does he just doing just trying to do too much going out through the country money I'm a preacher worship God he's a showing out he's going on we got stopped that stuff how much do we want to spend time as they listen ma'am I said what's our problem communication we received evil communication 24/7 all week we saw receiving all this wickedness right now you you tevonn you taping the show that you're gonna watch tonight or game or something you taping it scandal and all that waiting for word waiting to see some adultery waiting for word 30 minutes that's too much say man it takes a little while to get on that garbage that's on top of you out so you can hear God okay let's go okay Matthew chapter 13 let me show y'all so I can get done look at Matthew 13:24 Amen I love you preach because I love you I don't preach to preach I really don't want I really don't want to preach anymore truthfully I mean my mom I don't use to want to preach but I found the longer you preach and walk with God the less you want to do it people they want to do it they aren't damn really called to do it the ones it's like Lord can you send somebody else you've weighed the cost you know what this cost it costs you a lot to keep doing it say man a man so I've learned that so that's why when God called Moses what Moses said no sir no I ain't going back to Pharaoh I know what they're gonna do any even Pharaoh I'm worried about it some Negroes that I got to lead they open who fell out with him who you think you are who you tryin to lead you out of slavery who vote who Moses think he is Moses ain't no bad I'm not sure I'm ready killed for y'all yo it ain't for road your new your primary never federalism MIG roads he got a lead in people that you try help did you know people you try help become the greatest problem it ain't the people you don't know it ain't your boss on the job it's in case you try to help you ever tracking somebody a job at your job have you ever tried to get some my job at your job that Negro acting a fool and you like me you gonna get me looking bad I don't went out on a limb told him you was good and you hated winter act like a dunk it won't come to were drunk call in five days a week you're like me you want my strip it's the one you're trying to help now you go to somebody don't even know you help them get a job they there every day later every day you ever had a business in our family all you you're seen I can prove that this high family you'll find out you find out how how much they loved you once they did it who you think you are cuz you family they think they ain't supposed to show up on time and come to work discuss I found it on me you're supposed to respect me but give me alright let's go y'all ready okay please let me get to this Matthew chapter 13 verse 24 the other another parable put he forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man with so good seed in his field the kingdom of heaven say kingdom of heaven it just means God's government God's way of doing things God's government man so God's ways of doing things it's like a man that sow seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares amongst the wheat and went his way this is this is what I'm trying to tell some of your parents you cannot afford to sleep now you hear me you can't afford to sleep when did the enemy come when they were sleeping are you here how many of y'all some of y'all you knew when your parents slept on you you knew they were sleeping how many y'all remember that you was he was in trouble he was the wrong and they sleep you did it right up under de nose and they never saw they never was aware of how bad you was if they would have known they would have been shocked to know what you were doing at the time you were doing it it's in those times that we sleep as parents what is sleep sleeping in the bed sleep is I'm too distracted I'm too busy I'm too focused on something else that I'm not watching the Bible says pray and watch you got to watch your children you ain't got to say nothing if you if you if your discerning parent you look at on your own you don't look right you don't look right you know I used to notice something I would let my kids go other places and they would come back and they didn't look right I'm serious I would like what they don't even look the same and say well it's like they got this look look darker something up what's wrong I would notice this like then and I realize that wherever your child goes they go up under another jurisdiction there's another Authority and whatever they do in that house your child gonna do it are you hearing what I'm saying so I learned that you know how many times was mom asleep and you were started to be sexual they would sleep nobody knew you hear what I'm saying why is it important for you not not to sleep on your children because what they start to do at that early age it can become a habit the habit becomes the lifestyle that's why it's very important for you to know because some stuff you can break before it becomes a what the Bible calls a stronghold see if somebody would have caught you when you first smoked the cigarette it would have never you two never got addicted you know when they knowing knowing your people found out when she was addicted you ain't stopping are you hear what I'm saying those time see people think see nobody goes off overnight it's a gradual thing they met somebody they connected with a child they in somewhere they shouldn't be and all of a sudden they gradually get out why you think school say they drag their grades drop they grades drop that's the number one side what you what your grade is dropping forward are you hear what I'm saying the other so it's very important that you don't sleep because some of you are why you holding your mothers and fathers and unforgiveness today they were sleep you know it they were sleep they didn't they did the enemy was right there in the house and they were sleep on you and that created a whatever that person did to you whether it was molestation or abuse it opened up a life long a tendency towards promiscuity guilt shame say man it created a mindset that this is that that now because she was too young to understand the dynamics of sex and love this foolishness that happened to you has created a warped understanding of what love and affection is this is where homosexuality really comes from every homosexual that they study they tell them there was something happened in a childhood while uncle a brother of somebody turned them out of touch them early and that's where the cycle started from it don't start from you going that way because you and I ting God if you look down you can figure this out we ain't got to have no theology about that the point is all of them said the same similar story somebody did something to me now why is it important because when you a child you can't process you're too young the Bible says listen the Bible tells you not to lean to your own understanding when you a child and somebody violates you if nobody comes in to talk to you if nobody comes in to explain stuff to you then you lean to your own understanding and that becomes your truth that becomes your reality and the devil might say you know you just rejected what did you do to cause this to happen to you you're to blame for it and you will begin to develop a personality based upon abuse and pain like come talk to me and all of this happened why people would sleep this is the reason why it's so important and some of us why even I know when I was talking about forgiveness cuz you're gonna have to release cuz now you in jail you locked up yes they did it I'm telling you got to get up all for that I remember I remember when I remember asking of his long time ago I remember asking who I was you know just just just to show you you not alone show you how prevalent this thing really is who all's been messed up been touched in messed up views not almost are about raise a hand I said what this is an epidemic this is the problem if we can just talk about this this is probably you do you know why because it starts in your innocence once that innocence is violated you have to have this is why I tell people it could take a lifetime to get a person back right versus five minutes of prevention this is why you can't sleep because you if you prevent it are you hearing what I'm saying so what happens is then it is the problem with psychology I got closure I let y'all go I was wanting I want to help you man you know I don't even come to church don't get help this is hell I want you to identify some of your real issues if a young girl was abused by man even a boy older brother whoever was her trust for men is going to be literally shocked she's not going to trust me it's gonna be very difficult for her to trust why because the first the first interaction was pain with shame was abuse so all the men she get in her life are gonna have that tendency in ain't that listen to me she will pick those bad men cuz that is the first thing she knew what's pain y'all ain't talking to me and this is the reason why you you have you ever asked that why does he keep his like Jesus a magnet but it's because that is her first reference listen reference what does that mean familiarity what are you familiar with and if you was only familiar with her that's all you're gonna ever look for that's all you're gonna ever be attracted to and that's why you be like why they want somebody so dangerous you know it's like the guy that just going to working then you know got it like it's an eating his cheese sandwiches got his britches touching in the back he's fine this guy's working getting on him now but get the guy that's living dangerously it's dangerous love that's what you want she won't dangerous and all of a sudden did it then if you mess around and you get a man that is a good guy calm natured person oh you're gonna bring the evil out of that brother because he's not gonna be able to satisfy the chaos need the dysfunction you need oh you ain't talking to me you need this function that's how you know some of you brothers know it like this chick she just loves chaos I did everything she told me she wanted me to do still arguing and fighting why she's up thrown chaos let's flip it so I gotta close not leaving y'all women hanging if you get a man who was who was mother who saw his mother misused and abused talk to me she chose a man over him talk to me he will see women is weak he will feel the need to dominate this is the heart of a pimp they hate women cuz they usually have solid a mama mistreated they mother was usually a prostitute and they hate women so if so even when they get a good woman that's trying to love y'all bad talk now you should represent even yourself even if they get a good woman trying to love him he'll find something wrong he will not be satisfaction she crying I mean he will not let up judge he's done he will he will this he would talk keep going at the same thing she had changed her her she changed everything about her and he'll still say something right he'll only be happy when he seaters he'll only be happy when she's dumped when she's in the submissive total submissive not that not godly respect but that weak weak this is why we're not very afraid of men because a woman no no matter how tough y'all women think y'all a man can get you to where he wants you to be men are stronger Bible said it stronger emotionally men don't have as many emotions so why you feeling he thinking men think you feel that's that's you want to know what the advantage is that's it you be feeling he thinking hurt he's thinking how to make you feel that's why he know what to say have you ever thought come on woman have you ever thought that snicker oh read my mind it's like I'm thinking him and he Santa cuz he know he's planted the thought for you to think I'm serious he's thinking and so women are feeling and it's the reason why women have tried to stop feeling and you become heart like a man and it doesn't work because now we got we got this going on got two men fighting in the house that's what it is are you hear what I'm saying and so many times you know you're in a relationship a lot of times with somebody who is broken they're not healed they're living out of the past they're living out of the insecurity you know if a woman if a girl grows up without a father she'll live a life of never feeling secure she'll never feel secure no matter what you do she something to be something you ain't did right she'll hold you to the you know you could go out and buy thousand dollar word for clothes candy whatever you hear me but if you don't pay that cell phone bill you know I Qantas you know I'm gonna take care of it but no security that's because she didn't have G doesn't have a reference for it do you see how fathers not being there messed us up that's why we should have gotten security from let me close it if a boy grows up and all he sees is a hurt woman talk to me if a boy sees a hurt woman he will have a tendency to to identify with his mother based upon always feeling her pain oh I'm telling y'all something that's why I try to tell women you don't be hurt to the boy don't let him see and go don't put that in him cuz he will a boy will rescue he was still feeling your pain what he's doing is starting identify with a woman are you hearing what I'm saying that in his world of mine he will know men cannot be trusted so I'm a man so he self-hate now because the pain that I see happen happened from me somehow like me got to be careful when you sometime were you hurting okay learn how to kids go babysitting to get a babysitter talk to your spouse alone go don't always let them see all of this stuff because they'll try to fix it even though they ain't saying on the chat instead they're like something wrong and I got to find out what's wrong are you understanding what I'm saying come on talk back to me it's the sleepy times in our upbringing that has destroyed us and scarred us as a people and we are taking out on people did you know do you know the person you hurt the most it's the one that's trying to love you do you know why you always hurt the one that's trying to love you the most because the one that tries to love you is the one that has the ability to hurt you the one that you ain't trying to love you you doesn't know ain't no risk with you but the one that's constantly trying to love you it's like you think you know how you think why you trying to get my walls down why are you trying to get so you start thinking that why are you drinking so close to me watch what you setting me up for to the point that you will literally sabotage the relationship cuz I just can't trust this and that is robbing you of happiness and joy and peace and love because you can't experience a person without all your baggage and all of that baggage is done because there's some unforgiveness that it's the unforgiveness that's keeping the door open I tell brothers if you win a woman she got kids by somebody else does a problem with that baby daddy make sure she's forgiving him if he got Westmount make sure he's forgiven because if they don't they bring it into relationship and whatever he did or didn't do they will bring it into that relationship and you'll you will pay for somebody else's scars you will pay for it are y'all hurting me some of y'all know you paying you that's why you know you got to stop the way the way I did all this I'm did some stuff but this I all of this this is your mama your daddy the other guys some sister ain't do all this because you listen listen to me they will never get better as long as you keep paying for it you're enabling them to stay in unforgiveness somebody it's like a you know it's like an addict you know like somehow on crack of something you ever seen the intervention that has to become on what makes the addict stop people put they foot down no more if you don't do this today we done we ain't cutting you off and get another dime and right we'll help you you have to you have to cold-turkey a person when they got that unforgiveness in them and you know you've done everything to love them you got to cut them off hey look look it's time for you look I'm sowing enough in you where good things should be coming out yeah I heard me I'm sowing enough so I should be receiving so I'm good if I'm giving out good seed and getting bad stuff back the enemy has came in and sold some foolishness and ain't that's not me I don't pay for the weeds the devil so it's time for you to get healed of that stuff so we can have a life talk to me you know how many of some of you are on the read across good people it was a good person you didn't know you thought that you know you couldn't see they was good cuz you were looking at them through through their other guy's glasses that other girls glasses you couldn't see this person was good why is it that person can go be with somebody else and they just getting along they Co got married to settling down but what you it was like y'all was World War 3 are you hear what I'm saying so you have to release people this is the gospel the gospel is forgive so that your father can forgive you and get your life started stop sitting 20 years ever you know you're sitting back 20 years ago when you can be living told me on my wife said man I want to travel the world I want to see you know we already been all over the world what are we going some more and next month we going we're going next month and a month out of that we're gonna do some traveling I want to enjoy an experience I've had enough years of war I've had enough years of hell and fighting me I told my wife it was a couple years I said baby you know we could have been happy all that time you know could've been really hard be real happy not fake happy true feeling happy but you can live a lot of times in the past or you cannot have released say man so being a Christian gives you no right to ever hold a sufferer wrong you have to let people go and if you can do that today you can live today if you don't do it today then you can hold your stuff and we'll see you hopefully you'll live long enough to forgive because I'm telling you don't God will hold that sin against you that's the worst thing in the world okay what these preachers are preaching if the Bible says if you don't forgive you can't be forgiven and without being forgiven how can you go to heaven if you never forgive him these preachers preaching this old super great stuff without telling people no you got to act you have to do something you can't hold your mother your father and your sisters and your brother you can't hold the people that hurt you and wounded you and you hate for the evil towards him and talking about you say no sir I ain't hearing that you're not hearing what I'm saying you can't hold baby daddy hoping he die hopes bad stuff happen to him hoping it you got to let people go you got to let them go cuz when you let them go God will release you that's the reason why you always walk around with this like a weight on you because you hold people and all that stuff you did is remaining but when you let folk go you're feeling Liberty and the peace it's a peace that surpasses understanding it's not based on whether people do for you or not see when you release people ain't about them come and say hey sorry you you're waiting on a sorry that's your problem don't wait on sorry cuz did you know you forgiving him ain't really got nothing do with them it's between me and God I can forgive you never say no to you I know in my heart whether I let you go I know whether I let you go see some of us we be saying we forgive trying to work forgiveness in the flesh I spirit ain't really forgave but when I say God I know you said not because I want them to like me I want them to say they sorry to me no I want to be right with you I know one day he'll who died and I don't want to stand before you and you tell me my word said that you that you were supposed to release and because you didn't release I can't release say man stand on your feet hallelujah come on son hallelujah come on get all awesome praise for his work hallelujah hallelujah you know unforgiveness is a tricky thing you can you you know you can thank you happy you know why ma'am I told you that if I cut out if you talking here and I put out a lighter and you I can flicker you think that's light you could think that's happiness cuz you never seen there's another like that's a real joy that's real peace you don't have to settle for it but there you can have real genuine peace say man and some of you all you wrastling with your pants you wrastling with that stuff your ass with it all the time you try to release you don't get all kinds of things and you don't know why I come I just can't let this go you can't let it go cuz you waiting for somebody to come and acknowledge it you waiting for somebody to come and tell you that sorry and they probably would never come there are P know what Memorial Day is about people remembering what that dead person did to him it's over did you know that person would never come out at grave and tell you they sorry but you holding them as if they've gone on to the reward they're gonna get good or bad you sit there holding them as if you're gonna change them they go you have to release folk you have to believe listen I'm pleading with your heart you got to let people go cuz whenever when it's all said and done all you gonna have you listen I know people that have grown old kids don't wanna be around them go to old folks home you'll see some people never get a visitor and you wonder why don't they give this then users into them talk and you hear this bitterness come out of them and you hear this dispute is every time it's even that they mad at the nurses they mad it you know you bi what's wrong with them they have allowed that bitterness and unforgiveness to create a lifestyle where now they cannot even accept people trying to love them are you hearing what I'm saying so I don't know about you even in my own heart I want to be released and forgiving I don't want to hold nobody I told the story for years I thought I I was walking around my little like saying I forgave my father I was just walking around without let him go I forgive and I hadn't cuz he kept coming up every time I would you know I watched a movie with a son and a father and I would sit there and almost her up like why am I feeling this way I why am i what that pain was still in me that I was holding him I was the problem was I let him I let him die before I got a chance to release him why he was living that's a bad feeling when you miss an opportunity like that all you don't know the feeling you're gonna have when when that person's gone and you realize that you never get a chance to get that right why he was here that is a scary feeling to me so I'm telling you release them hey man play some online play a man we're gonna pray this morning amen because forgiveness takes courage you got to have courage to release it's a scary thing to look at what somebody has done to you and then say I forgive you you are not you are never more like Christ when you know somebody was dead wrong yet you you let him off the hook that's where your reward comes from so we're gonna pray this morning and because I know that if I if I wasn't preaching I would be right I would be at this I'm telling you I would be at all if I wasn't preaching because I know I hid some things in my own heart I don't preach like I've arrived I'm preaching because I know that those things that lock us out of our purpose and destiny right there in our heart and I'm asked you to come and we're gonna pray together not that we're better than nobody we're gonna pray together to forgive what you're releasing to let go hallelujah hallelujah some of you are current ten twenty thirty years of pain that can be over today it can be done today how to do you somebody might need help it might need to come with them don't don't be afraid grab their hand and come with them sometime people don't need to walk alone they might need somebody to help walk with them but we want to be delivered and free today don't let your hands to the Lord hallelujah we're gonna pray a real simple prayer and depending on if whether how deep you mean it from your heart God's gonna hear you he's going to release you you're gonna feel the release in you and then after that happens God's gonna show you what you need to do to help reconcile that relationship or if you can't reconcile it to at least live in peace may not be able to fix it but you can live in peace come on say father I come to you in Jesus name I know in my own heart when the man of God was preaching I felt it you brought it before my eyes I know people that I have not forgiven people that have hurt me people that have wronged me people that I have every right to hold but because of your word I have to give up my rights forgive me for holding them I release every person and what I want you to do right here I want you to when I say when I when you say I forgive the sand under your breath and I said out loud nobody needs to hear what you say what I want you to say their name this morning because you do know you're standing here because somebody it's somebody's name to catch you at this altar I want you to say their name because you need to you need to get it out you need to hear yourself saying it cuz sometimes we lie and say we we that we that were not in unforgiveness we are I want you to say it so when I say we forgive I want you to under your breath say their name a man say I forgive go ahead say the name hallelujah I felt the release right right and we said that I felt the release I let them go god bless them Lord bless them Lord even though they didn't bless me bless them I give you the sacrifice of prayer and praise Lord let them be the head and not the tail I pray even for my enemies Lord God I don't want to see my forgive me for cursing them and wishing bad upon them Lord let them go free let them have what I want in my own life let them have peace and joy hallelujah say lord god thank you for the power of forgiveness today I won't bring it up I won't talk about it I won't meditate on it when the devil tries to tempt me to go back in unforgiveness I won't listen I'll catch that thought down because I believe today I'm walking free because I let them go free in Jesus name come on in Jesus name come on in Jesus name you've got some praise come on give God some praise thank you for setting me free thank you for that my enemies are going to go free thank your lord god you're gonna bless me because I chose to do right I chose to do your word you're gonna bless me you're gonna bless me for it hallelujah hallelujah come on keep your hands lifted let me pray for your father in Jesus name I thank you for your people standing here this father I ask that you bless them you said in your word that you will honor the man that will cease from strike father that is a promise and these people have ceased from holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness this morning so you are going to honor them lord send them a blessing to show them that you reward us when we do your word father I ask for them to be safe anyone any broken hearts let them be mended even people that have gone on and died let them know they can release them it can be over with let their heart be mended father I thank you for our young people that are hurting Lord we have done things as parents to hurt our young people father forgive us forgive us God let our children not hold it against us we were in our ignorance father let them have a divine release father me as a father I repent I forgive me for the things my children saw the bad things I said on whatever I did in front of them that hurt them forgive me God Lord God I want I don't want them to be scarred by my own shortcomings father we thank you this morning all those that are standing here that are holding a baby daddies and baby mamas Laura let there be a release hearts be mended we release mothers and fathers broken hearts that was caused by mothers and fathers be released be released their relationships be released in the name of Jesus we walk into this life free now looking for a better day a brighter day in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen hook somebody for you be seated amen hook somebody is very important give somebody a hook hallelujah
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 93,356
Rating: 4.8566775 out of 5
Id: W7lZXGQ0iE8
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Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2013
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