When Nations Rise Against Nations

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[Music] get your word out be mindful of people they're priests and they don't value worship I don't trust no preacher they don't roast you you ain't that hard David was a chiller but he was the greatest worshiper don't trust the preacher you ever see a preacher that won't worship leave something wrong with their brother I watched that a lot when I go places and I I see many God I watch it I'll see if they worship but now they're anywhere I'm not okay yeah cuz he's not gonna have my language I'm gonna speak something worship for he my brother gonna be over thinking about a check no worship it's one of the reasons why it's very safe when your wife can look over and see tears running down your face then she knows who your source is a trust rose deeper because you know you are not God you are not God but you're looking to the one she looks to but when men don't worship that's why the Bible says men how to lift up holy hands without wrath then lifting up holy hands they doing something else with their hands amen all right let me get in this let me getting this well I do have a message now I believe according to Galatians 6 and 6 and then you read that don't just hear me save Galatians 6 go read it it says that um that if that if you are instructed in the world then you must share all the things that your instructor I told you I don't I believe in giving about obligation in other words I believe if you receive you give and I believe the calls you receive it from this ministry you'll realize them that we put these free videos on YouTube for years and now this you know and this video I'm listening we get all around the world of this message this blessing people all around the world everybody's I mean I can't tell you how many calls and emails we get talking about how God is transforming people's live brain and deliverance and healing and restoration and many people are saying they don't even have a word like that in our city and and and so which is something else that we're gearing up for to do some church planting but anyway but if you are receiving from this ministry the Bible instruction to share or so back into what is feeding you so if I'm feeding you as a pastor as a man of God I don't care if you've got a church or a pastor but if you're coming to - and receiving from our channel I'm receiving from these videos which are being provided to you for free then you are obligated to so back and share back with this ministry because you are being fed that's the biblical principle that's the principle of Galatians 6 or 6 the Latian 6 and 7 goes on to say don't be deceived God is not mocked it's talking about sawing into a man and I we use that scripture wrong with whatever you saw in the to a man and I'm that and that only show you also read if you sow sparingly into who's feeding you that you want to reap sparingly but when you are liberal to those who are sowing the spiritual food into you then there you will reap a liberal and so it's very important how you take care of in the noisy and how you support the anointing and anointing is that's sawing into your life don't leave and I'm not just talking about me don't ever take me in a God for granted somebody who is anointed sawing that word into your life don't ever mistreat that all or take all becoming with that or feel that you don't have a part to play in their support because the Bible says if I if I so into you my carnal what is it that I reap yours if I saw into you my spiritual what is it that I reap your carnal in other words we supposed to have a reciprocating relationship if you come to YouTube and you receive it from those videos then the Bible obligates you to begin to start to sew back to sustain my life if the spiritual Word of God is sustained in your life then the Bible says you must share all good things with me meaning your natural things should sustain my life that's how you build a relationship with a man of God and that's how the anointing flows into your life so that's why it's so important for you to to understand obligation given you know I don't like all of the gimmicks and tricks and playing the games I believe that if you've receiving a word if yokes is being destroyed if God is removing your burdens and your life is getting better that means you're receiving the word the nonce it word is breaking the yokes and you have an obligation at that point amen all right I was this in a worship for spirit this morning as serious as things are serious as I am that's actually what this message that I'm aware priests came from the things were so serious and sometimes thinking if you fall if you follow the news you'll get caught up with the rhetoric of the world that you'll forget how big your God is you'll forget he ain't shaking up are getting up are shaking worrying about what they're doing you forget how in control he is and you also forget the spirit that he gave you that you can you can you can download peace in the midst of a tornado you forget to pull on that because you're so busy thinking about what they say so sometime you have to tune that stuff out go to the secret place where you work where your where your spirit is renewed and regenerated amen now this mess is gonna be called when aces rise against nations which is actually where we are we are at the place where nations wars and rumors of wars and this last war will be the mother of our wars so there is going to be so I'll get my sons a handyman picture and I think these young men I'm becoming more vital and valuable to me as I get older in the desert days go by and taking them with me around the country to expose them to young say tenders I said it young say tend to tend to saving themselves yeah yeah I expose them today I don't need him plan and dispose him to saved tenders when aces by hazard is amazing so this this message anyway I was looking at you donated to talk about this hurricane that had hit of course everybody should know about it right now and you know that you know to see people and and it was a flashback for me because I'm saying this looks like Katrina I was how it was response is so different so different this response you know so I told you how the the most high is judging this wicked nation he's judging and this is why things that are happening are coming back the reaping is starting to be a reaping from what has been sown but go to Matthew 24 amen hallelujah I so enjoy worship I really do I'm not a singer so don't be looking to me like I'm entertainer I'm not no entertainment I'm I'll try to touch God I need him it's not no gain for me it's not no gimmick or trickers not trying to push your emotions amen I'm trying to make you get in touch with the most high because the answers come from God all right Matthew 24 the other look at verse 7 for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places the Christ was telling his disciples about the end of the age at the end of the world when his coming would be men and he began to tell them what to look for say what to look for and there is no way you could have seen this these two crazy cats one is our president the other is the North Korean cat and these guys are talking like they like they playing with Hot Wheels they tuck in bombs like they Hot Wheels and I said Lord the psychotic miss is just right for the end of the book you have to get psychotic people in order for the end of the book to come to pass same folks moral folks are righteous folks don't think that way but in order to see the end of the book you have to have psychotic leaders and so as bad as that was I was I was I was you know I never thought I would hear people talking about nuclear war like it's a game I'm actually thinking that somebody's gonna say I marry displaying but this was serious the thing we've heard just about my whole life because that's when back in the 80s you know growing up that's when there's nothing but nuclear was always worried about we was in school remember I told you get under the desk they told us to get out that's like on the airplane put your head what the plane going down what's the what what use what's my head down are you gonna do what break my neck quickly when my head hit the back of the seat so I need to be up looking and watching him and you know I'll be up Highlander something I'm doing something I'm going down Holland and you would too but I remember that day remember he had these drills y'all remember me we had drills whatever tell you get go out in the court in the hall and put your head against the lock of Dale you know in a little vial and even as a child you know it's just talked about you know middle school elementary even as a child I'm sitting there thinking you know I saw the bomb explode you know that you ever seen it when they stole the mushroom cloud and I'm thinking they say fire burns a person before they body can move so what who came up with the idea that this is the pasta that's gonna protect me didn't really make sense but the point is we have a a world now that is headed towards major major catastrophe there's something made you I told you all before I just said it while back I said something major is coming and the judgment that it's on the nation and the world really they are they are speeding up the judgment based upon the disrespect for the things of God oh yeah there now so Matthew 24:7 lets us know where we are come on say where are we we are in the place where nation is rising against nation and Kingdom is rising against kingdoms there shall be famines there you go that's the next step there shall be famines war always breeds famine so famine so I did a teaching about four years ago I think about emergency preparedness and I was telling people there was things you need to do to prepare yourselves for things that happen the last days it's about judgement now that teaching for some people were like I on one heard that but how many y'all know the people in Texas could have used that teaching because had they been prepared are you hearing what I'm saying I told my wife I said babe I'm gonna get me a little boat I'm gonna give me a little boat then it y'all pick up laying I'm gonna give me a little boat cuz I'm gonna float on runway from this is the chapter where Jesus said I'm telling you all ahead of time yes if you have to lay your life down you don't have to lay it down but you ain't got to die because you ain't prepared Delisle I'm not gonna sit there looking at a tidal wave if I know the wave is coming where it's gonna get you anyway well let it get me running that's the way I used to think even in the world are you thing was like the power weakness this the way we thought when somebody's like somebody pulled over I remember now I'm going back a little bit I remember being in the dice game this is a long time ago you know you gotta say that now when you say a long time ago brother came around the corner he had a bag on his head and he and he had a gun and he fought it in the ER and he said everybody drop everything now my mentality even though I was just a little you know well acts I had a lot of money money but my mentality was he can't shoot everybody and I was young I was young I took off may jump defense and I think I ran so fast he was shocked because my always thought that like like like yeah like you know how people have you know how people say you know you you know you had a crowd of people and they shoot one and say don't y'all move man you - we're gonna shoot me cuz I'm gonna be you ain't got to tell me to move one thing about our we move but for some reason we sit there looking at the end of the book telling us what's gonna happen and nobody's preferred nobody's even thinking about what they are do and this is the reason why they make it FEMA camps for folks who don't prepare it and they ship it in Texas catch to Walmart FEMA camps because they wasn't prepared in Hurricane Katrina nobody was prepared the unprepared suffer y'all don't want it and I'm not talking about just natural preparation either we gonna have to be spiritually prepared because we gonna have to endure so our hearts don't fail for these things that's actually coming are you done I do not believe everybody is just going to just fly up to heaven I don't believe everybody that's going down right away I believe there are gonna be even Revelation says there's gonna be people still here with us when the winds wind up when the Son of man coming when he coming - clapping on me still people here who did not bow their knee and did not take the mark of the beast so how did they stay here they have to be prepared now the Bible says that that that that that that that if you endure to the end you shall be saved so the end of what so I'm thinking about it must go mean that those that are thinking about surviving will survive and those that have given up and have a mentality that somebody gonna rescue me are gonna find themselves scooped up by a system whose it's Antichrist system come on talk to me all right now the other go to Psalms to Psalms chapter 2 I talked to my sons and my wife my daughters and I've always been a type of person that I've been always a careful cautious since I've been saved cautious person the things I do now are generational meaning I don't do things for myself the things I do off of the next generation just about everything I do now is to affect my sons and daughters and their children because I understand that my actions will directly affect whether or not they'll be prepared the Bible says a good man lays up an inheritance for his children's children we are the only people that get successful and lose it or give it over or burn it all before we die that our children have to start over see my sons shouldn't have to fight the stuff that I fought he should be standing higher because I went through it say man if I remember a story about a lady that worked I forgot MSD she worked a real good job all her life general mode for some worked for all her life bought a house paid it off was living good and got sick and died before she died sold the house a bird blew all the money and she had daughters that she could have gave it to but I'm living for me this is the we have not prepared our children to face this evil that's in our generation so they are at the mercy of people who they have too big for provision talk to me we have not welfare won't prepare the next generation because that's going you can't pass down food stamps and EBT cards you got to have something young I say you can't pass that down that's designed to keep you stuck that's not designed to prosper you that's designed to control you and this is the reason why most of the people black folk in Katrina stayed because they was waiting on a check and they stayed to wait on the check not knowing that three four thousand of them would be dead by the next day say preparation when nations rising against the nation all my Christian life they told us just just just just just us pray get any like you know get and look up and just pray and hope but don't prepare don't do anything what do you do with your money in a system that is it not not fairly and it has failed whenever you see billionaires like Warren Buffett and the rock child selling off their American stock getting out of the American dollar they just did it billionaires are running from the from the money here they know something's gonna happen I sit there and told y'all I know y'all didn't want to hear me them in the last year I said when trunk get in office they gonna implode the system I said they didn't implode it under Obama they not gonna crash the system under Obama but they gonna crash it on the truck if truck can't be control they gonna crash the system hold on crash the system the Jewish bankers that own the system so now they gonna crash the system and it's happening exactly like I was saying and now we but we be another back because we think everything is just gonna go on as it was before we need a new president it may not be no more presidents what you gonna do with what you got now what you gonna do do you got something now if something was that happened tomorrow and no more money was out of the banks closed no more government nothing what would you do I really believe pastors have done people a disservice by not teaching them that you have to listen if he that endures to the end shall be saved then you don't have to - then you're going to have to survive the end time I say survive now if I have to lay my life down if I get caught up they and they take me well that's the one thing but what happens if I don't do I just go somewhere and lay down and die the temptation to take the mark of the beast gonna be those who didn't prepare anything it's gonna be very hard not to take the market of these the Bible says you gonna have to take it in order to buy and sell it's gonna be very hard to not to take the mark of the beast when your child is starving and you know all you got to do is take this mark get your DNA altered which is a whole nother story and they will feed you come on talk to me see this is I feel like we're I feel like I feel like we're running towards a war that we have not been prepared for say prepared so you need to be doing something now say something there was a there was a girl online I really liked her ideas she was talking about Bitcoin I don't know if y'all know anything about Bitcoin and she was like she was gonna get into Bitcoin which probably would be the money of the future and and I and I thought that was very interesting that she was thinking ahead thinking ahead of the game do you have any gold do you have anything to trade y'all think this is a game but downer and Harvey they aren't dummy down there in Texas they thinking what I'm saying right now that's sitting out looking at the devastation and at home and thinking that up did I put anything over that I have anything do I got anything valuable cuz and it's no longer money ain't gonna be the issue it's gonna be how can I trade when my dad got I got a the system is gonna change but see the problem is is we're not prepared for that because we believe that you know black folks the reason why we have been controlled in this country so long is because we have we hope in a system that has proven it will not be there when we need it and we always think it's gonna come after us after the disaster happens if Katrina taught me one thing it taught me to rely on me and don't mean I don't trust God yes I trust God I trust God to tell me what to do and and after Katrina my wife will tell you the Lord began to speak to me about things we needed to do that if it ever came down if I woke up to my in the Ohio River was 12 feet overhead what would I do I'm not gonna stay on top of the house waiting on no helicopter I'm going to do something say man all right Psalm chapter 2 let's go you know so where are we come on we just said it where are we nation rising against nation someone say it nation rising against nation some of y'all who don't go to church you don't know your Bible I just gave you a scripture that you can go home and study Matthew 24:7 matter of fact the whole chapter of Matthew 24 is Christ talking about what's going to happen before he come so a nation shall rise against nation now looking for Tom's - it says why sums two and one either it says why do the heathen rage and this is the most I talkin about the how the nations is riding against nation our he's talkin about how they are why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his his anointed saying let us break their bands asunder this is your United Nations these are your yo-yo yo-yo governments around the world that has said that we will not we don't care about his judgment we're going to do something to band together this is the tower Bible coming back where they gonna band together to try to stop the judgment or try to get away from the judgment of course it won't happen but the most eyes actually looking at him saying why are the heathen ragin why are they imagining to do something to do something that's something they're doing trying to figure out how to get around the judgment that is impending are you understanding what I'm saying why is the judgment coming where I told you I'll read the book of Joel and Amos and it'll tell you the reason why your judgment is coming the problem is we don't believe the judgment is coming because of us so we think that we're so insignificant and not understanding the judgment is coming because of us what do I got time to getting that the judgment is coming because of God's people that I trapped in the nations where the heathens are raging they won't let his people go talk to me I just preached the message about the plagues of Egypt I told y'all we are this nation is under the plagues of Egypt don't wait for CNN to say it don't wait for Fox News and say they not gonna see it they not gonna tell you if I was the one in power I'm not going to tell you I'm being just but they're being judged there's heavy judgment on every side it's just we don't know it we won't wake up if we wake up we leave them alone we come out of that we stop drinking a liquor stopped working today music we stop smoking it's about the same in we stop living in a system going to there washing meals we stop doing it and come out from among them and be separate and let the most high down and judge it then he opens up away what is the way what's in the ships of Tarshish I told y'all our problem is we won't leave we have been trained that love is inclusion that's what we think love is now that's new that's the new age that's the new world order love isn't love it's not inclusion love is telling you a bold is coming I'm telling you but but to love you I'm not gonna stand there with you as the boat is coming if the bomb is there and I tell you don't go in there the bomb is coming I prove my love to you by telling you the bomb is coming I'm not gonna get blown up with you to prove that I love you know that's inclusion no third our problem is is we've been training this so long that when somebody with dirt gave a solution that maybe we need to back up out of the systems that's causing us to be around all these folk and learn how to back out of them systems that was built to oppress you y'all don't want this it was built to oppress you so that you would you would love others over your own people even say your own people people get offended let's say your own people people get offended about it so we have to understand that that that that that day that we've been trained to be with everybody and be against ourselves this is why we have so much self hate we hate ourselves boys kill each other they hate themselves our women don't want to look like themselves that self hey I said it self hey I'm trying not to go to this today but you know I heard of si si we could see if if I was from another country and I came to this country I would look and I'm telling ya I don't know when foreigners come here I know they look at us and say what is wrong they the most talented native but but they are they it's like they crazy like why can't they get it together they beautiful people they don't like they said they don't like each other they can't get a business together you can't get nothing going they don't want to come together they came from the money together what's wrong with these people we are suffering from self hate because that's the system that was put in place to keep you under control are you learned come on talk to me so the last days is really about wake up say wake up come on say wake up say wake up we have to begin to love us I remember watching the show and and the white guy got offended because the black man said I love myself do you know why they hate it why do they why was they so offended with Colin Kaepernick what why look all the man did was sit down because he was protesting the treatment of his people man didn't shoot nobody didn't kill nobody but they put his protest on the same level of the alt-right you know the guy to run over the person with the car why it's love is us loving a soul so what was so afraid of me loving my black my black wife my black babies I said it ain't trying to make nobody feel good I won't I wish I was preaching to a roomful of white supremacist I would stick them all I'll have no problem with that cuz I see what's coming that we are the people with the only people in this nation that have no plan for nothing we just sitting there waiting for something to happen not understanding that there are plans being made for you there are plans made for you that's what these hurricanes is about plans made for you we've been talking about these FEMA camps with ten years now and now they're using them look how slick they use look how slick it was I was watching some reports to where the people that was rescuing people in the boats were skipping black houses yeah the the rescuers was cussing out the black people and saying we hope you die now that was a lot of good folk don't get me wrong one of the greatest folks that I saw was it was something I called the mattress king good old ruff opened up his 160,000 foot store and let people come and get on his furnace brand-new furniture let that brother man I wish I could meet that guy beautiful man let people just let people brand-new stuff he said it cost him 30,000 a day to do what he's doing $30,000 a day brother opened up letting all the people come in new the new furniture new beds and they was just laying in his showroom and everybody would say Carl that was a good brother so we ain't talking about everybody but why do I gotta explain that why do I gotta always give a discount he talking about everybody talking about the cat that ran over the girl with the car where he had now let's go why do the heathen rage people imagine the main thing the kings of the earth set themselves and rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bands and cast away their cords from us he that sitteth in the heavens what was the most I doing he's sitting in the heavens laughing so I told us why I said I ain't angry I had to get that in my heart heading up February he worried about what's going on he knows he's sitting up laughing at their attempt at them thinking they're smart who the kings of the earth those that are rulers all rulers the Lord shall have them in derision that means mockery he's gonna mock them ridicule them as they're doing what they're doing it's the same thing that Elijah did to the prophets avail when when when when when the prophecies of Bill was trying to call down fire to burn up the sacrifice and Elijah told him he said he said he said called called howl aloud or maybe your God is sleep God is mocking the kings and kings and kingdoms of this earth that's why I'm not trying to listen I'm trying to save souls but I'm not trying to save systems any system I'm not holding up no system because maybe the system needs to fall I'm not gonna be holding up a system y'all there come on go to Psalms 91 I'm gonna close quick today because I got something doing my friend working and doing some sayings you get older you see the necessity for your wife seeing mamas S&T she's necessary necessary I'd rather be with her [Applause] a man well you need to be able to say that you've anything and you can't say it sounds 91 I told god that's what's gonna heal us when we get out of that single mind stuff and understand that a man I called us to be with with with with with widowed with a spouse of opposite sex [Applause] y'all young girls quit getting psyched up by these by these boy girls you know somehow had to get offended in me I'm a dumb dumb I'm talking somebody got offended to me online cuz I had wrote on my facebook my page this is mine I don't even really never postnup but I was so I needed to speak that day didn't want to make a video I'm just gonna write it on Facebook when I heard about Tasha Cobbs saying that the Lord told her to do a song with Nicki Minaj yeah yeah yeah yeah y'all y'all y'all know ya see I'm sitting there in my y'all know me I'm saying oh the Lord said the the Lord and I'm sitting there saying well maybe they maybe they don't know so I'm waitin this look this Google you can't go cuz one the Google is up saying it's gonna be up saying what you see first and I'm saying so God said do a song with a girl who say she got a demon I don't know the other demons but she named the one I'm named Roman that boy and she said that this is a boy you know he does evil things says things she don't want to say and and and the demon was conjured up that's what she said she that means in the ritual that's how the girl went from looking like a little girl to a silly Barbie doll because that's a ritual they had to put on how to get that demon in her famous if you get famous you got to get a devil and demons are part of that and so this demon was in the girl and but this preacher girl said God told her to make a song so this brother came on my page and got offended because I of course rebuking I thought savings poses and he tried to explain they see that's the reason why the church can't reach people cuz they always tell my people let's see what he don't know I'm heard that argument I ain't you you can't pull that small-time stuff on me I said everybody they ever said they was trying to reach the world by going to the world they never got nobody's safe ain't no all that we gotta go to Hollywood you won't get Hollywood say Hollywood is Satan and you don't get satan say what happens is they compromise now the cray is no longer a pristine rapper why now he was going to the world to get the world saved now the world will convert you you can't deliver them the Bible says when they were looking for Christ John the Baptist led him out of the city attitude you got to seek they ain't seeking done but to say God told you to go over and get a girl that's what's possible but a major whoredoms why girls now I met this whole generation this mess Nicki Minaj do you know of an odds mean but God say this is live streaming too we need no showers what happened to the day when God calls you you gave up everything the Bible says kingdom of heaven like a man that found a precious treasure in the field he covered it back up and went home and sold everything and bout the field and live that I was offended with that see I was offended because she said God so you telling me my god the same spirit it's in me cuz I'm saying her thank you to myself well well well with that logic with that logic I might as well just go to the guys to do with Molly cuz I'm trying to reach you by proving that I'm not above you I'm not gonna bet on you and give me your Molly so I can show you about that logic let me do the Molly so I can show you see this is this week watered-down punk stuff that make nobody feel like serving God because you know what I ain't never beg nobody to want God I have never I've always had the mentality you either won't him or you don't but I would rather for you to walk away I would rather you to walk away I ain't begging nobody my job ain't to beg you my job is to tell you then you decide walk on the way but see this stuff where would y'all remember that came y'all don't remember all this stuff about see we just need to go to the work they need to go to the work she's work she the work I don't think Erica said that we're are the souls they got out of the world what do people that got saved y'all know Miller they said see so you see the Lord is just dealing with our Kelly and we need to go come on camera real the Lord is dealing with our Kelly and we need to go get our brother cuz he's really looking for God that's the girl trapped in the closet you know the little girls that he get yes I thought he wanted the Lord turned around came to the church put out a gospel album it was thunder my good cousin Dan Turner I put out the most sleaziest nastiest garbage Oh ti-ti go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah preaching it any Nam's Church yeah he's pretty sure cuz you know he he just you know he's looking for the Lord we ought to just embrace these people because they looking for God what is it about us it's like we love rejected kids you know let's reject the kids won't about play with so in the world come and play with you you oh I'll use kids I'll have become the world's playing with you now why are we so rejected come on talk back to me y'all remember when they found out what Kim Burrell really believed and elders say he ain't coming on my show y'all member y'all me man Dan Carroll real came back to the church he wanted some sympathy from the church and I'm saying trying to figure out why would you want to go on the let me show anyway you saved see what I'm saying it I'm so tired of that stuff trying to make me feel bad because the standard that I'm living will make me feel bad how somebody run around with herpes and AIDS somebody running how y'all gonna hurt me today how somebody run around with with Hallmark's go make me feel bad about living right Oh y'all just - oh yeah we too old I teach my son's out of town yeah you better than air but not coming here with no skis what's the whole word OS whole word that's all word less less less let's upgrade it don't come in here with no back I'm gonna be upset that's for tinnitus it's like a late 88 it's like ut'fo yah yah yah I knowed enough Noda come to evernote that see the church is full of this stuff making people feel good say man I'm so tired of people trying judge the church don't know what to do how's very bad you're under the church you know that you're under the church you know the you know the Kemetic brother you know the hotel you know the brother for lights inside nettles and all y'all y'all might not know them you know these brothers into the Egyptology they judging the church talking about previous war money gonna website and see what they want underware i see what they donating doing that these Negroes all ex-cons they got out of jail and read a book you know who they really are y'all women living color back when Damon Wayans was in jail and they were talking to him he was just in the metaphysics of the mahkum understanding a bunch of Negro babble physics quantum you stand under the recipe got no knowledge my wife I said no mrs. garbage and Americans rose open the jungles of Costa Rica what they going in the jungle to the jungle my son brother who's teaching them polygamy running around with no clothes on now I'm standing there for the life of me I'm trying to figure out see us what's wrong with her see we black for we always looking for something the Bible says godliness with contentment great game be happy you say be happy you in a church be happy you love God yes that's boring righteousness is boring but it's safe [Applause] y'all got that scandal mine scandal love that was the stupidest show in the world I said it and then leave turning me off now yeah it was stupid taught a whole generation how to be a sad chick y'all remember that that handsome black brother was he a senator the handsome brother came to this silly girl who was just a Negro being wince I said it talking about Mara no no she told this man I don't want safe I won't dangerous painful he said of hitting her mouth you all painful let me give you pain again it's a nice looking small scam brother the smooth successful I'd rather be the president sad chick who writes it I know who writes it see this stuff y'all believe that stuff y'all believe that and y'all getting pain getting all kind of pain got them secret Oh doctor's phone calls oh you know it's this secret no phone calls you go you don't wait wait no one about heard what's going on you get out there what was the test y'all need to quit to hit stop dead okay I say Psalm 91 God's way is the best way is where's the best way for what I know now if I was single I'd rather be single I mean I don't rather because I'm married but if I was single I'd rather be single lonely and love him and know that my life was securing him then go out here and try to hook myself up just so I can feel somebody love me love don't work like it somebody love you they get a life but first one Psalm 91 y'all better verse 1 Lord I don't how I'm gonna get up the Lord let me hold on I wasn't gonna go here but I am now I'm started up now so yes this is this is where we need to go and my wife are coming up oh how many years is baby 21 21 years marriage 21 years of marriage how many I mean how many years do what we did what did we know each other baby 28 28 28 years now I'm not counting to mother years I knew it but I gotta count the marriages cuz that's what saved my life say you man say get that concept get that concept you brothers ain't saving yourself thinking y'all got a bunch of chicks young save me yourself matter of fact you can look at your pocket right now and you'd be looking at that child support you think every time you look at it if I just would I was creeping and not just if I wouldn't have been hi see ya so y'all ready losing come on say change your mind and the was I talking about now I'm sendin I'm saying the name of the message don't take the whole that goes to tie this back here I'm a tired up I'm a tired up I'm a tired up I'm a tired of I'm really look I got everything I wanted to do I did it right here my worst when I'm done worshipping man I could be done cuz I get what I need say man you feel low does it need some air I had a brother we at Bible study the brother come to Bible study asking me can me and him go studied about Negro we at Bible study what I wanna go you know how to tell you never go to the second location what do I want to go to another load I we we started in the Bible no no second ok that's why you go somewhere else is studies about we started about get along with no man study no Bible now I tell me right here and tell me if everybody no study no word with no man law it helps help me amen all right y'all there what I say Hebrews did I say he was 13 I know I'm saying Hebrews 13 I'm saying it now Hebrews 13 Hebrews 13 because I was telling y'all wind nation rise against nation what do we do cuz that's where we are now what do we do people call with me all the time to email all the time they want to know what what do i do what do i do well i'm gonna tell you what you need to do are you there the number one thing i would be doing is coming out of sin cuz i would be afraid what if that bomb get launched and I'm over here in Cincy I would want to be getting my heart right right now right now is the time to come out of sin say man you've been tiptoeing around with God for a while playing around getting his benefits and blessings but there comes a time when you got to make a decision come on say make a decision see all of this doctor it's tougher every by coming all these for look I got no feel of the philosophy that keeps me going here's for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever will believe shall not perish but have been I'm about this everlasting life I found out that my body is frail old folks have what they said is true the body gives up it gives out it becomes a prison and you start longing for the days of glory so I realized that I'm not going to last in this flesh so I understand that I better be preparing for my next place you y'all can't thank y'all so young but see the problem with y'all being young is you young at the end of the world I'll be upset I'll be really upset I was upset a while ago cuz you know you know and just when you get it together like you learn about you know get your money up you learning how to do things and then you like now we ain't got the time I was saying I thought they all said now we ain't got the time I was the 80s we've been living good right now but see we got the time now you young cats yelling y'all young thinking y'all gotta y'all don't have no time you need to be livin saved you old cats need to get most saved get your attitudes right forgive your sister forgive your father man what you mean your father still living brother you ain't never even went and tried to reconcile he ain't got to come to you let me go get my heart right I won't die and have it's in my heart against you because what I should be doing when nations start rising cuz that's all I knew when I even when I was in the world I always knew the end of the world was coming and I would be looking like what's that mean cuz you know I always thought I'm gonna jump on this side real quick I'm gonna jump on the loss I have real faith that's what I thought I really thought that way I will follow this the news what's that mean what they what Russia say cuz I was gonna I was gonna jump on the lower side and pick as I can so what you ought to be doing is coming out of sin come on say come out of sin this is what you should be doing see these churches is teaching people you know the God is just your help only and benefits now come out of sin are y'all third which is the reason why actually with the Hebrews and I'm gonna take you back to Psalms but I went to Hebrews because I want to share with you verse 4 because it goes with what do we do when nations rise against nation I can't stop the nations because I'm not a president we don't fight in that realm the weapons of our warfare are not carnal so we don't fight that way so what do we do what we get more on the Lord side well let's see what we do because one thing you're gonna have to get control of in order to make sure that you're right with God cuz I tell you right now you ain't he the Bible says all fornicators they have their part in the lake of fire said so one thing I need to get that right say come on say get that right how didn't I just leave out everybody else but that's lie it's gonna be done that's gonna be adulterers and stuff and the effeminate revelation talks about all of that but one thing I see about our generations because we so saturated with this super hyper sexuality is that we don't think that God's going to judge us right there so I'm thinking if nations rising this nation and that's what Christ said will happen when he when the end would be then I'm kind of I got to make sure that if I see this prophecy happening I need to come out of sin come on talk to me so that's where verse 4 comes in the other marriage is honorable in all and the bed what you're doing today is under fire but whoremongers cause among us that's what that means an adulterous God shall judge so jesus said when you see Mazeroski's nation s illness famous earthquakes divers places then the end is coming so if the end is coming it means judgments coming so what should I be doing I should be coming out of sin I should not want to be counted amongst those that whoremonger I guarantee you 99% of the churches this morning did not say that word they don't teach on it no more they don't teach on it anymore the very thing that calls somebody to make a change you think people didn't change because they didn't come to the altar they could get up and walk out now the fact they walked out means some happen in a heart I'm just a farmer sowing seed I'm a so to see the Bible said God gave the increase I got there come on y'all there say so so so when nations rise against nation what should I do come out of sin I collect that money when nation rising against nation which is what we have North Korea talking about nuclear with us and Iran and China and Russia joining up so nations rise against nation so I should be coming out of saying because I don't have no assurance other than being saved if I die and so I'm going to accept this eternal life by turning from my sin cuz ain't nobody's worth going to hell for it come on y'all see the tightness now go to Psalms 91 now please Psalms 91 and I'm gonna be done I was a good word that's good word see people want this deep stuff I told y'all you know how many letters we get they won't I want you a preach on uh what was that they need to me preach on night when I was living in Federer who it was preach on monarch programming told me to preach on MK ULTRA now I didn't even pay him no attention but if I would wrote him back I probably said dude how you married see that's the question I'm asking the same question Jesus asked one let the well well you want your wife that the answering of that quest to tell you everything you need to know about somebody that's why Christ asked a woman that question first like your hood well see just in a situation yeah Lou Thesz now y'all Psalm 91 come on say what do we do when they say rise against nation and I'm glad you said that because this is all you can do what do we do first come out of sin some ahem at that point home a good teacher gonna make it one point having don't come out of seen how do I come out of a sin start repenting start with PIM quit justifying your scene quit justifying it called it fornication no it ain't no baby daddy ain't no Livie ain't no fair ain't no friendship dang no bang the guy that I control is this point in case you called it what here that's what it's called this is homosexuality ain't no feeling he wasn't born that way he ain't no gay James ain't none of that stuff nothing like he was just touched he was little and you just got a tendency cause it's the spirit so to stop all that stuff so you got to stop justifying sin see it ain't no disease your heroin addict so you got to stop justifying it say you man ain't no people get on your nerves you just nasty so you call stuff what it is but making excuses for what it is you just nasty got a foul mouth you know you just need to stop being nasty now y'all there so this is what we do a y'all their first one Psalm 91 good this is what I do what I'm doing he who is dwelling in the secret place of the Most High when the nations are raging I go to the secret place of the most high in the shadow of you know see these other Bibles you got to be careful right see how they change that word you know if you know what that Bible just say it said abide in the shade in the shade in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust come on in hell I don't care what Trump do stop telling me what he doing I don't care what he do I got a refuge I got a fortress the whole world can catch on fire wouldn't matter to me I got a fortress my god in hyung's will I trust ain't no Democrat in a rebuttal talk about nothing I'll trust now that surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler oh my goodness how am I gonna make it what's gonna protect me from the craziness coming his truth is what I got to put up his truth cannot be penetrated this is true come on say it's true you got to learn to love the true even when the truth makes you man even when the truth is about you love it anyway that's how you grow when you realize yeah I was wrong thank you for conviction and I'ma change that and go on his truth is my shield thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flies by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday a Thousand shall fall at the right side ain't that good a thousand mean all kind of people round me air but they they all fall there I have a promise that that stuff ain't touching me I don't care about them plagues it ain't touching me come on talk about it do y'all not know look at the worst sicknesses coming yeah I don't think Bill Gates already said we're gonna decrease the numbers about vaccines how does a man sit there I say that out of his mouth and nobody even catch what he said the man said we gonna make people more healthy and reduce the population with vaccines I say see I said did in the report of this one Oh like okay I'll not hear what he said he gonna kill you that's why they giving them kids in vaccines they have autism in two days making it forcing you where you have to do that now Lou Thesz and ten thousand at that right hand but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes oh we shall die behold and see the reward of the wicked that means ain't in it I'm standing way out only with my eyes do I see the judgment come I'm just looking at what's happening to you but I ain't in it y'all better better learn who the wicked is so you ain't runnin with him you better learn who the wicket in I told you never to lose with you you better learn it so you ain't with the wicked some of your people wicked how you going how you gonna be runnin with a heroin dealer and make like they good ok how many turkeys Nino brown give out Nino brown was killing the people with his gold y'all see this is stuff we justified some of y'all running with drug dealers and they with you because they're your people and they giving you a few dollars you just to find that yet when judgment happened you ain't gonna be a way of looking at the judgment you gonna be right there with them getting just the bullet that hit him is you in the car most of the partners that I had growing up that got killed they got killed meddling with people they shouldn't have been with when judgment come from the wicked I only want to be okay I see that but I won't be with you stop justifying this stuff everything black folk do for money ain't good he justifying that stuff y'all running with killers you're harboring chillers in y'all house guns and stuff I seen y'all house these boys going up there killing people and y'all okay with you you think I ain't gonna judge you the boy might get killed in this life but God don't judge you Bobby said if you don't correct your child you got a partner deal that means if you sitting there knowing your son out throat I rise in the neighborhood being a little dog and killing you ain't doing nothing you have a part in this gap get a backbone say you ain't staying here with that I don't need your little $2.00 money but for provision won't we open the door for provision dark and lovely or two three tracks we open the door be opening the door brother coming out with fresh bundles and if I wasn't saved today brother I told you I'd be the biggest heart dealer in the world I would sell that that's better than crack that's a ten billion dollar your industry that's better crack that was more than crack you don't crack with only five billion here what I mean it was like in the city when that big I'm the Lord y'all quit harping that stuff you heard what I said see some sister old cccccc you shouldn't wrote me you didn't say that but see she wrote this thing on YouTube about well I love his preaching but he does sound like he's just always on their sisters and I said well have you ever been corrected in your whole life if anybody ever says something to you at all now you ain't got to be on the brothers comments because they getting judge you don't believe me who's in prison our black man Kate still a piece of candy can't breathe wrong they made laws for us to go to jail they literally made they literally criminalized everything a black man do I remember being right up here when we was growing up we grew up here in the projects they criminalized that you can't stand out where you grew up that got all of us trespassing charges they criminalized being where you live black men ain't getting away with nothing ain't seen it didn't get away with nothing so I said 100 I said you know your problem is is that you think you good you think because you had a baby that you good you think mother who had made you good but y'all know motherhood is basically built upon Finance because if you couldn't get a dollar what you had to baby and then you don't find out how often is this just gonna pop up when they couldn't win with Trump then pull the plug all the plug is gonna be pool we coming back in style black man you'll be in style in a minute you being styled in a minute you will be in style they be loving your hustler think about your love the loving because the Bible says seven women are gonna take run to one man in that day coming back around so don't be write me that foolishness because brothers is just a million black men in jail that's why I know black men and getting away with nothing the problem is you can got a free pass because nobody correct y'all I said it for all y'all feminists and envy and sisters leave ain't gonna hang on want me to dog she wanted me to dog the brothers ain't no dog brother I'm gonna do that I know better than that the man is the head I said it make your man right there the man I said the man is the head I said the man look I'm around here today this message is this message it's like mixing frosted flakes and corn new fruit loops and then Captain Crunch it's all mixed together take which bit you won't we got to stop that low and I'm gonna get in that not only me get in there I was trying to check out what we do when nation rising against nation but we gotta get we got to get that right stop going on stop saying these brothers just stop doing it but I listen listen listen one thing I learned as a as a black man is that the world is not the same for me that's why I trained my sons now and I noticed for a fact because we have 45 acres of land out little bit past a town and when we and when I ride there as a black man and I ride down these country roads and I see them look at me I know exactly what they think even though this land is mine I still know that in their mind they don't have to honor me as a black man when they see my songs so I tell my songs keep your shirts on your muscles be glistening they get scared it'd be intimidated keep you sir at all your muscles is listening in the Sun they not just that melanin is the melanin is speaking melon is going to cuts in your body and they see in your strength you know they Wyatt they wipe over us secretly cracking I had he's already asleep so I every black man know he black every black man we know we live with that we'd be going in store a pocket full of money as they look to feel father still father right he stole nothing still father we raise our voice SWAT team coming stop all that there was a trick to divide us s of people so we don't come together say man I let me get down Lord let me get time cuz actually you know what we got a good man my wife was up six o'clock is morning we was cooking this morning so we cook the meal her every Sunday me and my wife we cook that's our way of giving back don't be trying judge judge me yeah we serve I'm a servant pastor so we don't let y'all get down there and get y'all something to eat but let's get done with just 91 then I'll be done the other only with our eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because that has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high the habitation that's it this is the season to make the Lord your avocation get all the way in God come on say all the way come on say all the way Amen stop messing with the edge of God get all the way in God that's where your safety is there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels what charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone thou shall tread upon the lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon shalt not I mean chef they'll trample under feet because he had set his love upon me come on say you man he had set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he had known my name come on say my name ain't it funny how this is what we need to do in the last days benelli messing with the name now the way I clarify I know they've got many names for God now many names for Jesus many names for the foot from the most high I will tell you call on the name that delivered you it's the name that delivered me when I didn't know God I called on the name and that name delivered me and it delivers me still ain't no name they even persecute me but that one name so call on the name that delivers you say man yeah I'm not gonna make I need if the Most High if he is my habitation then I ain't gonna get mixed up on what who to call I'm calling on the name that came when I was lost the name when I was in jail the name when I was when I was in a car wreck the name when I was fighting for my life the name was somehow stabbed me in my back see I know I that's the name I've been called it a long time so you know get me up off of that cuz that's the name I need now now you now you can have whatever you want to do you can go away how would I you can go with all these different names yeah well that's good I didn't say that one this Ebru name butt butt butt butt butt butt butt in this dispensation he still answers to Jesus in this dispensation then let me prove it so I can go when these guys tell you the name of they call Christ now they always have to say that they are saved the Hebrew name and then they are saying that's the name for Jesus but you telling me this is the name for Jesus so in this dispensation the world knows him and Jesus he still answers why people would even be offended with that it's just a transliteration it's just translating you can transfer it if you translate my name into what Greek it'll be Stefano's it's is that so so if you call me stefanos that's just the Greek can't saying my name do you see what I'm saying so why people upset now just because I mean stop doing that getting people confused about the name they need to call on in the last day call on the name that works he's he shall call upon me and I will answer him and I will be with him in trouble I would deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation this is what we do when nations rise up against other nations generally fear hallelujah make the most high your habitation hallelujah make the Most High come on say make the most high my habitation this is a season where you must plead the blood of Jesus over your house I said this a while back it's very funny that when I said there's a lot of stuff started to happen but as the Death Angel runs throughout the land you need to have the blood applied to your doorpost and to your lip you need to have the blood of Jesus Christ on your life I was looking at the news I said crazy delp's people just driving cop little distance and I'm like love the death angel is in the land it's the plagues of Egypt stuff that you cannot explain is going on and it's very vital to have the blood of Jesus a plateau you like for when the enemy or the death angel sees the blood he must pass over you so before your children leave out to go to school when the Death Angel comes through some psycho to snatch my child let that demon in that person see the blood and say not that one we must pass over them the blood is your protection in this last hour so father right now we plead the blood over our life we plead the blood over our house I plead the blood over my children I plead the blood over my cop I plead the blood over my bedroom I plead the blood over my mind I plead the blood come on plead the blood blood of Jesus saturate my life hallelujah the evil that will come now might do other you pass over me pass over me any racist this man at me let the blood of Jesus calls in the past over me let my house be like Goshen in the midst of Egypt whatever happened to Egypt don't let it touch my house let my marriage be secured by the blood that any wits or Delilah that Satan was sent out to me let the blood of Jesus make them Passover hallelujah even when our children would make a wrong decision end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time let the blood of Jesus Spidy Spidy lot of Jesus spied them even though they were ignorant spared them hallelujah blood of Jesus over your husband that when he go to work the girls sitting over the way batting eyes had enough the blood of Jesus may cannot seal blood of Jesus it's time to have the blood apply hallelujah hallelujah and the way you applied to blood you'd if you pleaded you say it was out loud there are some places where you go you gotta say look before I go her I plead the blood of Jesus over myself in my mind anything dirty and hurry and he spirits in her I plead the blood of Jesus against you because we are fighting a spiritual battle and the blood should be applied to everything you do when you get on the road don't just jump in the car plead the blood over that car hallelujah because you want the spirit world to know that you not saving yourself that you're trusting in a faith and a power that is higher than you hallelujah come on lift your hands to the Lord let's pray I'm not gonna give off the call today hallelujah if you heard this morning and you don't know you know you know time is short you might have known the Lord you might have walked with him a little bit you may not have never given him your whole heart but you feel convicted today the things we preach is not to hurt or to harm anyone is to force you into a decision we don't force you to serve him with forcing you to make a decision and if you here today you say men of God I don't want to go out of this place the way I came to in I see the hand of the Lord has been on my life saved me from so many different things my friend got caught up but the Lord spared me and I know what must have been a purpose that he didn't let me go down that road so for that reason I don't know I need to give him my life today so that I'll be sure that if anything was to happen to me I will open my eyes in his presence so we're gonna pray today together to make sure our salvation is sure come on say father in the name of Jesus I come to you now I recognize that I have sinned against you I ask for your forgiveness let your blood cleanse me from all unrighteousness I believe that Jesus died and rose again so that I could be free I thank you for your freedom in your most holy name I pray amen get a loss of praise [Music]
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 197,109
Rating: 4.8698187 out of 5
Id: FUqnToVXz2k
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Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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