It's A Miracle I Saw This! I Almost Walked Right Past It. Mudlarking on the River Thames at Low tide

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now first of all I thought I was imagining  things I um quite by chance saw this here   which I thought was some decorated glass  for a moment but then crouching down I'm   looking at this now and wondering  if it's actually a [Music] gun [Music] okay interesting object alert what is this what is that curious give this a little  wash look there's a handle here some kind of little uh can like  an oil can or something let's give it a wash let's see what this thing is I think I'm going to be  washing it at home to be honest H interesting okay you know what I'm going  to pop that in my bag and give it a good   clean under the tap at home but it does look at  all intents and purposes is like some kind of can watch this space for shot is so clean  you can practically see it in HD sorry sorry first bad joke of 24 no but  really though it's always so nice when you   can see what you're looking at and there  isn't a layer of thick sludge everywhere   now down here I've seen what I think is  a little skull now it could be the skull   of a little dog because I found little dog  skulls in this area before yeah there we are look um could be a dog could be a cat what  do you think give it a little unfortunately   there are no teeth in there it's  very small though isn't it for a dog I'd say that could be could be a little cat now first of all I thought I was imagining  things I um quite by chance saw this here   which I thought was some decorated glass for  a moment but then crouching down I'm looking   at this now and wondering if it's actually a gun  with lots of concretion on it here I don't know   I could be wrong we're shortly going to find  out what makes me think that is this bit here   so I'm now going to find out we're going to  find out now oh my gosh yes that is that is a   gun isn't it that's definitely a gun that's been  there for a while no is it a BB gun is it a real gun it's quite I mean it doesn't look like it's about to   go off but I will be careful it's  quite heavy let's give it a little rinse and and let's see what's on it  and then you gun people out there you   might be able to identify it oh  so it's a a cult by the looks of it well well well well certainly  wasn't expecting to find that   see that horse there and then it's says CT just above unexpected find you just never  know what you're going to find down   here do you well as per the rules  of regulations I will take this to   the police station and hand it in but  I want to get a few photographs of it first voila today's gift from the Tams is a gun and look over here this gun-shaped hole where it's been for some time it would appear here I'm on a clay pie hunt and I've seen a bit of stem  here look and I am hoping that   there's going to be a bit of length  to this so come with me and find out look it's going in there  oh how long is it going to be   I wonder how long is it going to be  oo let's come around the other side [Music] right oh okay I think something is  going to emerge oh there it is and   look it is actually it's a little bit  broken but that does not matter it's   beautiful all the same well  welcome to the world little pipe just out here I've spotted a button  but not any old button it is this one here   and it's a tiny threeh hold button I've got  a few of these and we don't really know for   sure what they were used for some of them  are quite nicely decorated possibly gloves possibly I don't know I think somebody  even suggested underwear but I'll show   you the other ones I've got what do  you think they were used for three hold buttons I've just been scraping around  here and this is this thing is popped up It's Curious isn't it I can't  tell at the moment if it's modern   or if it's something a little older  part of a clasp or part of some jewelry it's quite interesting though and quite pretty M what could this be further investigation required now there's something here  which is either a shell or possibly a spoon let's get this rock out  of the way right it's just here definitely looks as if it could  be a spoon let me just change the   way I'm sitting oh what's that oh  button there we'll get that in a minute come on little spoon get you out of the it's coming makes a change from a pipe extraction  doesn't it there we are look a little spoon I   wonder if it's got anything on it let's go  and find out let's find some water here we go it might be silver actually what is on there you know what  I think there could be something on there   but I think we will have to wait  until I get home so I can clean it properly I mean there also might be absolutely  nothing but we will find out later on I also saw   a little button here where did I put it oh  it's there look just a plain a plain little button a button and a spoon just been scraping around here a bit and  look what's popped out a little button and there's   definitely a maker on here which is great news  so we've got Stevens is that Jay Stevens from   London yeah Jay Stevens and Son London I think  so I will be able to look him up or her up it's always great to find a name on  a button or anything for that matter   it's brilliant to have something  to look up it just brings the find alive now look over here this  makes a change I usually find   mobile phones but this looks like part of an old phone remember these everyone remember these well the tide is Dashing in  but it looks as if before I go we   might get a little pipe extraction just here look   so let's see see if there's anything  going on underneath here there's any stem oh I think there is there's going  to be a bit you know let me just come   around here a bit so you can see it a  little bit better I think it's going   to be an 18th century p P right  out you come out you come little pipe and there we go very nice  18th century pipe probably from   about 1720s or so let's go and give it a little rinse my boots are rinsed at the same time yeah there we are look woohoo thank you River temps oh yes and look it's a   rainbow a beautiful rainbow just look  at that it's exactly what I was hoping for don't you just love rainbows I  always look upon them as a real symbol of hope I just flipped this over and  look what greeted me a happy little bee I guess that's a sign to be happy or maybe  it's a sign to just be I think I better take it to remind myself of those  two things be happy and just be to be or not to be hi everyone thank you very much indeed  for watching my video and for listening to   my philosophical gamblings and my bad jokes and  I promise that there'll be lots more of those in   2024 so don't go away anywhere so before I start  I just want to say a very Happy New Year to you   all this is my first video of 2024 and I hope that  the year has started off really well for you and   that it continues to do so so thank you for coming  along on that muding outing and yes indeed there   are some odd striking finds amongst this lot here  in front of me and uh I guess I'm going to start   with the one which jumps out at me the most and  that is this gun here now before I start talking   about it a couple of things obviously when we find  guns we do report them to the police now I just   wanted to show you it first and do my video first  and then I will be taking it to the police station   although I think it's pretty old it's practically  fossilized and for anybody who may be concerned   there's absolutely no chance that this is going  to go off it literally is covered in some kind of   almost concrete which has probably built up over  the years and that includes right over the end   here and yeah so really there's just absolutely no  way that this gun is accidentally going to go off   so please don't worry about that and once I finish  this video I will be taking it down to the police   to show them and get their thoughts on it now I'm  not going to go too much into what I think it is   because I know for a fact that there are many of  you out there who are pretty good on ammunition   and guns and who can no doubt tell me but of  course I did have a little look and we can see   that it is a cult gun so it's a cult gun and as  far as I can see in my very brief bit of research   it could be a 1902 cult gun at least that's what  I'm really hoping so please let me know if you   think I'm right I found um a few pictures online  of guns that are very similar to this and the   1902 one seems to fit the bill quite well because  it was actually also used by the British during   World War II it was issued to the homeg guard so  could this gun this this fossilized cult gun be   a remnant of World War II or is it something to  do with criminal activity is it more recent I'm   throwing it out there what do you think what do  you think I have found a few guns on the fores   shore now and it's always a bit of a shock to find  them this one it was pure luck that I saw it there   and it was actually really high up at the top  of the tide line and so yeah a rather lucky find   really and I wonder how it got down there onto  the river I mean I once found a a hand grenade   and that also would have been issued to the homeg  guard during World War II so I just wonder maybe   after the war did somebody just throw this in the  river who knows gets your imagination going though   doesn't it my second find I'm going to talk about  is this this beautiful can here I have given it   a little wash and you can see it in all its Glory  just here and indeed I'm assuming it's an oil can   I can't think what else it's going to be it's got  like a little bit here which may have opened and   closed it's got something here which presumably  the spout went on and this handle here and on the   bottom it's got stamped half a pint so presumably  would have held half a pint of oil but the most   interesting thing that it has stamped on it in two  places actually is an initial it has a w or an M   but I'm pretty certain it's a w stamped here on  the bottom or rather scratched into it and also   just here that is what looks to be a w scratched  into this oil can so I'm imagining that this oil   can was the very precious property of William or  or Walter and there was to be no mistake about it   this was William or Walter's oil can and wo Beed  anybody that tried to use Williams Oil Can it was   his property he scratched his initial W into it  to make sure that everybody knew whose oil can   it was and so the question is is how did it end  up in the temp's mud and was William absolutely   heartbroken to lose his oil can or Walter  or anybody else or Willamina it could have   been will amina's oil can it's not necessarily  William or Walters but here we have it an oil   can now full of mud and not oil and I'm presuming  it's from the 19th century and if indeed you're   looking at it think that is not an oil can then  please let me know and tell me tell me what it is find number three let's have a look at this  skull now on that particular area of foreshore   there were a lot of ships which would have  had um ratting dogs little tiny dogs on them   to catch the rats and maybe also cats so perhaps  this is the skull of a cat which was once upon   a time on a ship a few hundred years ago it  could of course be also from a modern cat and   I'm pretty certain it's a cat I reached up  behind me onto my skull shelf as you do and   pulled down my other cat skulls and here they  are all three of them the three cats so this   one is the most most recent skull find this one  was found on a beach so it's nice and bleached   this one is obviously um a lot darker which  could mean that it's older pretty definitely a cat now what else have we got here um now Williams  or Walters or Willamina oil can was not the only   object to have an initial on this spoon which  I found I came home and gave it a good cleanup   and it is in fact an Insignia plate silverplated  teaspoon probably Victorian early 1900s and on it   it does have a little initial it has the initial  bee on it so maybe beatric or Bobby or Billy put   the sugar into their tea with this lovely Insignia  plate spoon what else have I got down here okay   so now a few smaller objects this interesting  little object here could it be part of a watch   Winder or part of a piece of jewelry it's quite  curious and I have no idea what it is actually   so if you've got any ideas please let me know now  for the two buttons this one here has Jay Stevens   and son London and so perhaps these guys were  tailor or Outfitters I have had a quick look on   the good old internet but I haven't found anything  about them so if you can find anything about a Jay   Stevens and Son um who may have sold clothes or  who were tailor in London then please let me know   it's always fun to research these buttons and try  and find out a little bit more about who issued   them and then we've got this tiny button here this  three hold button and like I was saying we find   quite a few of these and we're not absolutely sure  what they were used for but I've got a few here   and some of them have some really nice little  delicate designs little patterns on them and   so if you've got any theories on what they were  used for then please let me know in the comments below um so I found this which is quite funny  because I find so many discarded mobile phones   or or cell phones if you're in the USA and it's  obviously not quite as usual to find pieces of old   phones like this and I knew I had a few pieces of  the old types of phones and I've been scrabbling   around for them and in the process I did actually  come up with three more of these little d stying   plates from the phone so I now have four of  those I remember years and years ago when my   daughter saw a phone like I used to have in my  house when I was a child like this one which is   actually a toy phone but I found it washed up on  a beach several years ago but anyway many of you   will remember these types of phones but when my  daughter saw a real phone like this she had no   idea how to use it which was quite funny to me  actually cuz of course we or many of us grew up   with these phones and so um yeah how many of  you still have a phone like this um and how   many of you youngsters out there would know how  to use a phone like this if you had to whilst I   was searching for the older types of phones pieces  that have been found I also came across this which   was given to me some time ago by my friend Tobias  Netto also a M AR a metal detectorist he found   this so this is also part of an oldfashioned  phone so it's not just cell phones that we   find on the Ts for Shore we do occasionally  come across remnants of the older ones hello hello so that's it for most of the finds there is  of course the broken clay pipe here it's really   black inside actually you can see where it's  been smoked um many many hundreds of years ago   in the 1700s this pipe would date to about  1720 I think so a curious little selection   of finds here as always and who knows what  is going to come up from the temps in 2024   um we will have to wait and see so before I  leave you I am now going to to just do the   draw to find out who has won this lovely Oak  Leaf and T's Garnet necklace here so here we   are on the pick a winner site I'm going to put  the link to the video here and select a filter   okay now I asked people to put a comment  in the comment section followed by hash River temps and it was actually in the video a  few weeks ago of when I went round London placing   messages in bottles all over the place asking  people to do something good with the contents   of the bottle so if you saw that video you may  have entered and quite a few people did enter   we've got 576 comments so let's see who has  won are you ready are you feeling lucky let's   pick a winner and it is knit this once Nicola  it's a pleasure to watch your enthusiasm not   only for muding but also for your fellow humans  you've made my day watching you scampering around   London Merry Christmas and see you next year  but first next Sunday cheers Sarah well done   Sarah you have won the oak leaf necklace with  a little tempar on it well done congratulations   again Sarah get in touch with me and send me your  address and I'll get that necklace to you as soon   as possible and commiserations to everybody else  who did not win and don't worry I'll be doing some   really good giveaways during the course of 2024  so I think that's pretty much it for me now I'd   like to say a huge thank you again to everybody  for watching this video and indeed watching all   my videos I really really appreciate apprciate  you all thank you for all your comments and your   feedback your suggestions your your help with IDs  and I'm really hoping that you're going to come   back and confirm to me um what this gun actually  is so keep those comments and suggestions coming   I really appreciate them and thank you too to  everybody who has donated to my Kofi site and   to my super thanks I really appreciate your  donations thank you ever so much but most of   all thank you everybody for being yourselves  and for being such a great community of people   it makes such a difference in this world which  can be a bit mean and nasty sometimes to have   such a great group of people to engage with and  so I'll finish off with my um little be find here   and maybe it's a message to all of us to to be  happy and to just be and to not think that we   always have to be doing doing doing things all  the time and achieving but you know what just   being is absolutely fine and so I hope that  for the rest of this weekend or the rest of   this evening or afternoon wherever you are that  you find some time for yourself treat yourself   and just be in the moment take care everyone  I'm really looking forward to seeing you again   very soon for lots more adventures in the mud in  London and elsewhere take care and see you soon bye-bye acquaintance be forgot and never brought  to mind should all acquaintance be forgot in days   of side for old life sign my dear for [Music]  sign we'll talk a c of kindness yet for days [Music] of and here's a d friend and a hand of th   we talk a of kindness yet for  sign for all sign my dear for all we'll talk a cup of  kindness yet for all and the [Music] sign [Music] should all acquaintance be  forgot and never brought to mind
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 770,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _D85wEW2AS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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