Italian Chef Reacts to GNOCCHI by @JoshuaWeissman

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ladies and gentlemen today we are reacting to Josh Westman New York Joshua has one of the best YouTube channels ever and I love him can he make gnocchi let's find out lick it [Music] have over 1.6 million views while mine are not here only has 271 [Music] 000. what's going on here on YouTube huh let's watch the video and let's see if Joshua is better than my normal typically when I make pasta people are like Dash I don't have that fancy roller or this or that guys this is hilarious you're making gnocchi you probably already have the ingredients and you don't need any fancy tools let's try New York meat potatoes just a few ingredients eggs stuff that you always have in your own kitchen Bravo Joshua I like the way you say gnocchi Joshua say it again but if you're making gnocchi he knows how to say it laughs pepper parmigiano [Music] hmm that's a nice dog [Music] oh why did it burned I'm not have you watched golden rims in your TV you're Joshua what are you doing here it's really nice little sort of Brown what is it did you fry the gnocchi what happened to the Yorkies are burned what happened okay so we're making gnocchi yoki's super easy you only need potatoes egg flour and that's it actually yeah that's it simple always make the tomato sauce for gnocchi okay always she loves it gnocchi is so easy you don't even need a recipe matter of fact you shouldn't because every potato isn't exactly the same that's right that's what Nonna always says you need to feel it with a fork and when the nut and soft put it through the Masha put it on Masha anyway we'll go through this together start off with three big boy russet potatoes around two pounds Place those in a pot and cover with good old H2O that's science for water bring that up to a boil and boil your titers for 30 to 45 minutes or until easily pricked with a fork but not total mush let's try Okay so yeah 30 40 minutes okay the water is cold that's very important you put it in cold water you need to touch them with a fork you need to be able to touch them and see how they feel pull them out and peel their skins off you can do this by hand or you can use a peeler okay what he's doing now is all the work is very hot I don't recommend you to do that what you do you get the skin off first oh you cut them enough first with the skin on and then you put them through the potato Masha and the skin won't go through because it's still too small the holes are too small so you can do two options peel the potatoes first before you boil them or cut them enough with the skin on and then you pull them through the mash I peel them afterwards to avoid water lock oh Josh and that's a little mistake now from here we need to mash them while they're hot how you do that is up to you I personally think a potato ricer like this one works really well I'm getting it nice and fine so that thing is using that that potato rice or whatever he calls it that thing there is what you can use yes and if you cut the potatoes enough you don't want to peel them because sometimes people say I don't want to peel the potatoes you just cut them in half boil them and then you put through this you will see the skin is not going through that thing it's not going to so do that hey a good forking or with a hand Masher is also totally cool Mash took him okay once you do that with the Masha you need to let it rest you can't make a Milky when it's too hot okay it should be a table all right Susan right this Susan is the new gnocchi Queen needs to be capable like a almost a room temperature okay but not too not cold and it should be a little bit a little bit slightly warm right right Hussein so what he's doing now with the fork don't stress the body don't leave it alone then let your potatoes cool just enough so they don't hurt your little thingies when you mix from there you'll add one large egg give that a mix till thoroughly combined and a generous pinch of salt then start mixing in some all-purpose flour a small handful at a time just until it starts to come together begin kneading and adding flour intermittently until it comes together to a beautiful smooth bouncy dough that shouldn't be too sticky like this that's right so you put the flour a little bit at a time you never know you might need more or less every time it's different right Suzanne that's right we always feel we always need to feel it with your hands the dough should not be hard should not be too soft it needs to be a good consistency it looks like I did a good job with it though very important you do not make the dough if the potatoes are too hot it will be a disaster okay that's why the potatoes needs to be almost at room temperature if the potatoes get cold then you cannot make gnocchi so they need to be the right temperature like in a way that you can still mix them with the flour and get the dough out of it okay they get too cold if they do not the door will break apart the 300 grams of flour look doing it by eye you'll learn a lot better and it's more fun you got to get a feel for the dough now but I will see Josh right now it's all about the field so once you're gnocchi dough is ready but I will say it again now once you're gnocchi divide into four even pieces then Dust one of those segments of dough with flour as needed and begin rolling into a long tube sort of okay okay everyone's got their own techniques there's no right or wrong everyone can do whatever they want but doesn't cut four pieces you can one let's say one strip at a time let's say you get at this match of uh dough then you cut it into three straights and then you get little snakes I call them little snakes that you do like he's doing now little ones and then you cut them a little bit at a time into pillows but this looks like too big to me looks like it's gonna be a huge tube like you called the or snake like I call it like a funny potato snake of sorts till it's nice and long and about three quarters of an inch thick and cut that into segments that's huge I mean they're big potatoes they're very big which is okay everyone makes in different parts of Italy in your case and make different your own family you make the gnocchi the way you like it but they're pretty big they're about one inch long using either a bench scraper or a knife then continue that with all of your dough now to help speed this up you could totally bring the homies over and well obviously to kiss you good night but yes speed now once you've got your huge damage if you make it smaller probably easier to eat easier to to mix with the sauce and maybe that absorb a little bit more too pretty large I've never eaten in so large here little gnocchi's you can either call it a day and use them as is or if you want to add some functional shape you can use a gnocchi roller or even a fork to press and roll your gnocchi to get this nice creased design it also give the design why you do this because this little um I don't call it lines or whatever they're called on the gnocchi they help to absorb more sauce when you push them in with your finger on the inside you get that hole in one side that absorb the sauce then on this side you get this rough no side that absorbs the sauce more it's a little detail it makes a big difference now the reason I do this is because that looks cute as a croissant but it also helps hold more sauce and you guys know how I feel about sauce place the finished gnocchi on a baking sheet generously dusted with flour now before we boil and go to flavor Town let's first discuss some sauces first up pesto I love the basil Susan loves mushrooms and pesos so beautiful Mano now it says you have to make gnocchi with my sauce and I agree nothing better than the basil tomato sauce by Nonna but the pesto is pretty good and they look good I love me a traditional hand ground pesto but this more modern version has Superior coatability simply take a third of cups that was very round or 55 grams of pine nuts place them in a cold pan and heat over medium heat stirring often until lightly toasted blender you're gonna add two large handfuls about two cups of fresh basil three cloves of fresh garlic peeled up obviously please one cup or 90 grams of grated parmigiano reggiano a little bit of salt and pepper to taste your toasted pine nuts from earlier now begin blending that now you're probably gonna have to add a small splash of water just barely enough to lose all the ingredients are fantastic they're perfect but the basil the poor basil you're cooking the basil right now first you do the garlic and the pine nuts and whatever you can add for the oil and everything else mash them blend them blend them together the basil should go right at the end you don't want to warm up the basil you kill it okay you put the basil right at the end yeah and you just blend it for a little maybe 20 seconds 15 seconds and that would be enough for the basil pastel to be ready right now with a splash of water you're making a smoothie and you can see how runny that is that's not the pastel that I want to see in your kitchen Joshua you can do better than that always put the basil right at the end when you make pesto you can see the video on my YouTube your channel search for Vincenzo's pesto Nate don't add too much or otherwise it'll get too thin I add a little too much here oops once it be oh you realize he knows that he knows another mistake it comes nice and smooth while it's blending stream in a half cup or 120 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil you can also add a little more if you want it creamier but I think that's a good amount right there my friend is a bit you know wrong the extra virgin oil because first okay you added too much water when you could have replaced the water the extra virgin olive oil and immediately place your pesto in oh God run it is it's beautiful I like it I mean I I like it it's beautiful look how silky beautiful beautiful beautiful but it's not the pastel that you could paste okay it's more of a uh a basil sauce and the next part's super easy take your gnocchi get some water boiling season your water generously with kosher salt toss it that's a little salt but you know what it's good because the water should be salty there's no salt oh he did put salt in the young people a bit salty there's also salt in the pesto a bit too much salt maybe one tablespoon of salt in the water it's always enough balance you know balance that's what we need in life it's in 10 or so pieces of gnocchi per person and you're gonna boil this for about a minute potentially less or until they begin to float then get yourself a bowl use a spider to remove your gnocchi place your hot gnocchi into the Bowl along with it you know how you tell when the gnoc is already when the gnocchi comes to surface well they are very big so they're very heavy to come to surface but they will that's why you also make them smaller when the gnocchi come to surface okay so you put a knock in boiling water after a few minutes they start coming to surface and that's when you can start collecting you don't go all the way down you just simply at the time you collecting gnocchi they come to surface you put them in the sauce maybe at the time okay the generous amount of your pesto to taste of course add a splash don't call it pastel please Joshua I love you don't color paste though two of your pasta water stir aggressively to get that nice and emulsified and that is your pesto gnocchi place your gnocchi in a shallow bowl along with some extra sauce add some fresh grated Parmesan reggiano a little bit of fresh cracked black pepper and that is a show me how it is all right it's pesto time I feel like a lot of people are gonna complain about this because they're like oh yeah it's not traditional you got to do with the modern patch okay and I agree with you yeah modern day so it's I like it yes it's traditional but you can do with the blender follow my way my Technique we did today you can call it paste so Joshua don't be offended but it's cool I mean it's your own way of making it not saying that but if you tell people you're making basil paste you should do their way you are good because you told everyone you didn't make the real person the winner okay everyone knows you know people out there they do stuff like this and they call it Facebook it's not Pesto Italian grandmothers would probably be disrespected by this and I understand Joshua is respectful [Music] also look how beautiful first off stunning look at this this beautiful Vibrance I mean that is that's how it should be it feels very honest so you know it was in there for a while because probably took some photos and stuff and the the soul is the pastel to combined well with the parasite it's a little bit cream and I was running as it used to be it's totally perfect melts in your mouth but salty yeah I love it it's good it's really good to me this is actually like one of the better pestos I've ever had and you pick up a piece of when you pick up lick it now next up we're doing another non-traditional sauce which is sauce Mornay get yourself a meal s what are you doing inside sauce pot to that you're gonna add one and a half tablespoons or 28 grams of unsalted butter heat that over medium heat as soon as that butter melts add in one and a half tablespoons or 17 grams of all okay so you're making Bechamel who is that together and let that cook and toast for about a minute or so keep whisking constantly and then from there you're gonna slowly add one cup or 240 milliliters of warm hole that sounds good it sounds really very heavy extremely heavy but it sounds good all milk whisking constantly keep going keep pouring and mixing until all of your milk is added and you have a nice smooth beautifully thickened sauce reduce the heat to low continue mixing once your sauce reaches a consistency like this turn the heat off and add half a cup or 35 grams of grated gruyere cheese and a quarter cup or 21 grams of grated Parmigiano-Reggiano top of the range alfredo then just whisk all that together until beautifully smooth creamy and cheesy finish your sauce with a little bit of salt and pepper to taste the salt so much you get along with my normal and a little bit of fresh grated nutmeg just a few minutes at room to Nutmeg is so important for Bechamel it's such an important ingredient sometimes I'll replace it with cinnamon if I don't have a nutmeg if you can get nutmeg the nutmeg oh yeah attempt this will begin to sort of get crusty so just keep it heated and stirring until you're ready to use it make sure not to burn or boil it now again boil your gnocchi just until it begins to float pull it out put it in a bowl add a generous amount of your sauce Mornay toss in a little splashier pasta water and mix aggressively and look at this beautifully emulsified sauce looks kind of reminiscent I'm gonna try this I love this I'm a big fan of bechamela so I'll try this listen to Mac and Cheese almost finish it with fresh grated Parmesan or reggiano and a little bit French is say it better now reacted to Joshua's last time one dollar lasagna and he says reggiano very well parmigiano parmigiano first cracked black pepper bro thank you ah yes this is like mac and cheese but more sexy I will call these on a maca Fredo Pepe because you got pepper in there too it's just beautiful it's a great creation okay one more this one's gonna be a fried Sage butter and Yogi nice and crispy too why everyone is doing this why did God the Ramsay started this train why do you have to make the gnocchi crispy the gnocchi should melt in your mouth Joshua you're so good don't copy got the Ramsay you can learn from you do that get yourself a 10 inch non-stick skillet toss in three and a half tablespoons or 50 grams of unsalted butter set it over medium heat let that melt now once that's nice and hot and bubbling toss in half a bunch of fresh Sage let that cook for about 10 seconds or just until it begins to get a little fragrant I just love the balance age flavor is so beautiful on the side we've got got my gnocchi boiling again once the gnocchi is fully cooked you're then going to remove it place it in a hot Sage butter seasoning The Taste with salt give it a little toss now let that sit undisturbed for about two to three minutes or just until it gets beautifully crispy why do you have to make gnocchi crazy but you just don't get it what's the beauty of it I never tried okay I never tried okay I like potato skin to be crispy I like chips to be crispy why do I need to have crispy gnocchi please tell me crunchy and golden on one side flip and repeat on the other side now from there you actually can serve it directly out of the pan get yourself a bowl if you look at them they look nice but they don't look like yucky to me and they're so big daintily place your gnocchi in your fried Sage leaves into that bowl there's a little bit of the butter on top and finish with some fresh Parmesan reggiano and that's all you need Beauty and simplicity I don't want to say anything bad Joshua for me Joshua you're amazing everything you do is great but first you put a butter sauce in there then you put in gnocchi which looks nice then you put more milk on top and then you decorate it okay we've seen this one all over the internet I'm so tired of the term Sage brown butter but that's what it is but I'm also sick of hearing it all the food bloggers are like so today I mean Sage brown butter cookies and I also made a sage brown butter pancakes this is uh this is the best Joshua you're so real and that's what we love about you thank you for Victoria everyone's making this you've done it because everyone is doing it so you have to do it I'll try I promise I'll try but you can see that they're tough basically a fried gnocchi fried in the pan it's not deep fried it's nice and glossy you've got some Parmesan why why reggiano that you've shredded on top so he sleeps it doesn't even stay on top it doesn't look so good and we get a little leaf of fried Sage which crunchy and flavorful you know I hate on the sage brown butter and yet it always comes through the flavor texture the richness it's not too rich put more butter in here if you want and just yeah I mean that's what it's all about butter inside so you need more butter just have it like swimming in butter look look how tough it is you see stuff see how it pulls it apart I don't want that another one I need that sorry but the gnocchi itself is like beautifully cooked the inside it's bouncy melts in your mouth it's Rich it's it's developed a nice sort of like crispy crust I mean you could hear it all these sauces are really easy to make but this one for some reason hits the home the best it's great for it's great for winter this is a little bit heavy for right now I'm gonna go to sleep now this is sort of like all encumbering very simple way to make your note so go to bed have a good sleep wake up make some Yogi stop saying that you're gonna make it because the time is now do you want to know I agree just do it just make it it was a great video to watch uh what have I learned I've learned how to make a beautiful beige Alfredo paper so it's beautiful a mix of bechamel sauce Alfredo not really a feather but we have to put afraid in there always put a thread in there and catch your paper together beautiful great with gnocchi gnoc is a bit too big but it's your personal choice you decide are you like your gnocchi I like my gnocchi smaller especially some people are the bigger some people like a small one the best there was no place so that was pretty good nice it was not something I would try but always remember you put the basil right at the end even if you make it with arugula or you make a parsley put it at the end you don't want to warm up this beautiful fresh ingredient the fresh leaf that should be gently Blended and it turns out creamier too the balance age I love balance age but making a gnocchi crispy you could have added more butter more parmigiano in there and toss it toasting gnocchi but not until you make it crispy just toss it to give the flavor and then you serve it you know it's so easy you don't have to make a crispy but Gordon Ramsay have created this those bloggers copied Gordon Ramsay everyone made this butter sage and now even you Joshua made it do not get these things into your head please don't follow these bloggers anymore and Gordon can learn from you so don't watch garden please okay you cannot cook Italian but you make a good beef wellington so guys thank you so much for watching this video Joshua please make a carbonara ah come on make a carbonara for me call it carbonara I want you to say it I want you to make it for me I want to react to you come on Joshua it's time for you to make carbonara all of us are waiting for this moment this is an invite a challenge to you Joshua please everyone go and tell Joshua thank you so much and see you in the next video reaction video maybe with Joshua making career
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 214,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Italian chef reacts to joshua weissman gnocchi, joshua weissman gnocchi recipe, joshua weissman gnocchi sauce, joshua weissman, how to make gnocchi at home, homemade gnocchi recipe, reaction, joshua weissman but cheaper, italian chef reacts, italian chef react to, italian chef reaction, italian chef react, chef reacts to carbonara, joshua weissman gnocchi, italian chef reacts to gnocchi, gnocchi italian chef reaction, vincenzo's plate reaction, vincenzo's plate
Id: 9K49EBdTToc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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