It was exhausting but worth it! Preserving a Years Worth of Corn!

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good morning friend do we have a project in store for us am I overwhelmed with what's coming out of the garden right now absolutely did that stop me from going and buying 150 ears of corn from a local farmer because they are in season and this was an organic farm and I was able to get them for a good price no it did not we are going to preserve up all this corn right now I do have about a hundred plants of corn in my garden do I know if they're going to produce no I didn't want to seize the opportunity to purchase corn from a local farmer this right here is probably one of my absolute favorite things to preserve the flavor is incredible way better than store-bought frozen corn way better than any corn you're going to get at the store if there's one thing I want to encourage you to preserve well there's a lot of things I want to encourage you to preserve but this is personally one of my favorites so the first thing I'm going to do is just get to work and start chucking this corn that's all just sprayed me in the face all I'm gonna do is start shucking my parents are on their way over to help me and we've got plums here we also have an entire basket I just harvested that this morning of tomatoes all these tomatoes and my number one priority is the corn because I bought it yesterday and the sooner I get to it the fresher The Taste is going to be those plums we've been eating them fresh but I harvested them about a week ago and I don't want any of them to go bad so I want to make sure I take care of these today as well I also have about 50 pounds of zucchini that I want 50 might be an exaggeration at least 25 pounds of zucchini in the refrigerator I've been running my freeze dryer all weekend long with herbs and zucchini and so if that becomes empty I'm going to load up the freeze dryer with something and we've got some cucumbers in the refrigerator but my top priority today is going to be this corn and those plums I am fruit doing food preservation all week long so whatever I don't get to today is just going to go to tomorrow last year I had bought from my local farmer 95 ears of corn and I preserved it up freezing it and that got me up until March so that is why I'm doing 150 years of corn this year because I'm hoping it will get me through one year I can't express how much we love this corn we turn it into corn salsa corn salad we use it in things the flavor is just so good and that's why I think it's worth going through this effort to preserve it up when we were out of it I definitely missed it so I am thinking that this is going to be more than enough to get us through a year because I have almost I have doubled what I did last year we make a corn salad today as a side for dinner and then we preserve it up in four different ways so I hope you enjoy corn preservation because that's what we're doing today I'm gonna time myself to see how long this is gonna take I started at 11 5 and it is now 11.25 so it's been 10 minutes and I have got one whole box full of chopped corn and I have a lot more to go so I'm thinking this is probably gonna what time did I say I started I've started 11 15. I think this is probably gonna take me about an hour last year when I preserved the corn I went to the farmer's market and I bought a bulk amount from one stand and then I went to the other stand that was selling organic corn for basically the same price if I bought in bulk and I bought some of their corn too so I went to two different places this year I went to the farmers market over the weekend and the place that had the organic corn didn't have any corn available because they were between successions of their planting of corn so they had already sold some and they were waiting for their next crop to be ready to sell and I knew I wanted to get to it this weekend and so I knew of another organic farm that's on savi's island I can it's called Bella Organics if you live in the Portland metro area and I knew that they were available and so I called them and asked them do you guys have corn available and she said yes you just need to give me a heads up and I'll have them pick the corn the next morning if I had just driven down to their Farm Stand they would not have had this much corn picked for me and so I just called and said yes I would like to order from you all and so I was able to go the next day and pick up this corn now I did get a bulk price because I had bought so much if I had bought over 50 years of corn they gave me a really discounted price and I had to buy them in 50 increments and so that's why I decided to do 150 this year I've been at it for about a half an hour and I am about halfway done so I have about another half an hour I have my 30 quart stock pot filled with water this is going to take a long time to come to a boil so I'm actually going to get this going because we are going to blanch all of this corn so that it preserves better I have three of these boxes completely filled with the silks and wrappers I'm gonna go dump these and bring them back in so that I can keep filling them up with the remainder of the I don't what are these called silks papers I'm gonna go dump them in my compost system if you if you've asked me about my compost system it's literally a pile in my Woods that I go through stuff like this in I would like to be more intentional about my composting system but that's something that I'm just not quite there yet you know we're all just on this journey called life and right now my compost is dumping it in the woods we're back in business so far I've only had two that have had a little bit of a bad spot on it just looking at this one this one looks like the worst so far I just went to the farm and got a bold price and they just counted them out I did not go through the effort of checking everyone this one has the worst damage on it all I'm gonna do because most of it's good break that off and I'm going to give that to the chickens and the rest of it is totally fine when I wash it off we'll eat it it'll be fine so those ones were the worst ones I've only had two other ones and it was just the top few kernels that had any sort of little damage on it so I'm really happy overall with the quality of this corn it is absolutely stunning I do have corn out in my garden and it has been a roller coaster of emotions when it comes to that corn I'm looking at it right now and the corn cobs are just starting to form I didn't want to miss out on opportunity of getting corn in my freezer so that's why I bought this even though I do have a lot of corn in my garden I don't know if it's going to produce and my gardening is not something that you know Josh and I are trying to survive our lives on it is a passion project for me I love it I love the satisfaction of being able to grow my own corn or grow my own produce but I know that you know we can't survive off everything that I grow and so I have no problem supporting a local farmer and supplementing what I can't grow and why I do what I do is because Josh and I love eating really good food and this is so good plus it feels really good to support my local economy foreign this is the last one and it is 1208 right now so this took me less than one hour to get all of this processed plus I ran to the compost one time I think I'm gonna go run to the compost now again empty my boxes so I have something to put the kernels not the kernels the cob once we cut the corn off the cob I'll have somewhere to put the cobs because I'm gonna have a 150 cobs all the cobs well I was just about to tell you what I was planning on doing with all the cobs but I haven't fully decided yet so we'll figure it out together I think our water is about ready so let's continue to set up so we can have kind of an assembly line once this corn is blanched I do need to fill up this really big bowl with cold water I also have some big big towels and I'm gonna lay these here and probably one on this counter but I need to clean the counter off because it's got all the silks on it so I find that I have less stress on a day like today if I clean up as I go and I need this kind of clean anyway because I'm going to put my clean corn that's blanched on this counter so I'm going to wipe it down get it clean and then I'll put the towel down we'll probably have to put the blanched corn on this counter here I'm still waiting for my water to come to a boil so I decided I do have quite a bit of silks on the floor I'm not gonna go crazy cleaning or anything but I don't want to keep stepping on all this stuff so I'm just going to take a second since I'm waiting to get this cleaned up one of my absolute favorite things I made last year was corn relish and I only made a single batch because I had never made it before and we loved it it was so good on tacos in quesadillas anything you want that corn kind of flavor and the one that I made last year is out of my favorite canning cookbook I can link it down below and I'm going to make it exactly the same way I made it last year so while I'm still waiting for my water to boil I need to chop up some peppers I have poblano peppers here and then I need to dice up according to the recipe I need one cup for one recipe of finely diced onion and I am going to go ahead and get two cups diced now this is a water bath canning recipe so the recipe needs to be followed exactly to the tea you can't just go making up recipes when it comes to canning because it is a science it's not an art it is I mean there there's an arc to it but it's follow the directions to make sure you're canning safe for you and for your family so I'm going to get all these measured out here our water is officially boiling I can probably get about 15 or so ears of corn in here at a time and I'm going to cook these for three minutes saved I put 25 in there so that means I need to do this one two three four five six times right one two three four five six yes 150 so we're gonna put the timer on for three minutes we have well water I don't have enough ice to do an ice bath and so our well water is really cold so I just filled that big bowl with cold well water I'm gonna get this corn it's been four minutes actually out of here I just have a bowl here and I'm gonna be very careful because we're working with really hot corn and really hot water this might take me longer than the actual blanching process of moving the corn from here to here I just pulled out some marinated meat from a freezer meal that I made because with all this yummy corn you bet we're having corn for dinner and what's better than fresh corn than something grilled on the grill so I just pulled that out to thaw so that when I'm done in the kitchen with this big old canning and food preservation day I can just throw some chicken on the grill and we can have an easy dinner it's gonna take a second for this water to heat back up I don't think it's going to take us that long to get all of these blanched because I have the the help of this 30 quart pot if you are new to food preservation I can link my favorite food preservation equipment down below this was a gift I probably would have never bought this pot myself and it is definitely one of my favorite canning pieces of equipment now I'm gonna put this lid on here and let this come back up to a boil I'll probably have to empty this water and refill it every other time I want to try to stop the cooking process on this corn this is also a 30 quart mixing bowl my mom gave this to me for Christmas one year and I thought she was very silly for getting me a bowl this big I can't tell you how often this bowl comes in handy with all my food preservation Shenanigans I get on I get two around here I'm just gonna keep repeating this process until all the corn is blanched and then shocked in the cold water and I'll do a couple other things to set up for some of the other projects I have been preserving corn for many years I think this is my sixth year doing this and my favorite tried and true way is to freeze it I've always loved to freeze corn it's fresh it's delicious it thaws beautifully for at least me and I've never tried pressure canning up before I've only been pressure canning for three years I think and this year I'm experimenting with some new pressure canning projects how am I going to know if I liked freeze corn or pressure canned corn better if I don't try it I don't ever ever buy canned corn in the store that's why I've never taken the time to pressure canned corn because I just don't buy it but today we are going to experiment with pressure canning some corn to see if I like it but I'm only gonna do one small little batch because if I don't like it I don't want to go through the effort of doing a ton of it [Music] I still have two boxes to blanch but these corns over here are cool enough while I'm waiting for my hot water to come back up to a boil I'm going to start cutting the corn off the cob and I'm going to use my favorite tool and it makes cutting corn off the cob really easy so I'm going to start stacking some corn over here I currently don't have any corn in the pot boiling because I want that water to get really hot again I think just keep putting corn into it it's kind of drop the temperature and I want to make sure it's hot I have this bowl this is probably not going to be big enough for all the corn on the cob but I can at least get started here's real time of what it takes to get the corn off the cob and the cool thing about this little tool is the the blade is curved and so it goes around the cob really well it is not necessary to have this I've used a knife every other year but it is nice to have this when it comes to this big preservation day I have completely filled up this whole Bowl and my plan was to get all the corn blanched before I started making the relish I mean actually cooking it but I'm running out of bowls so I think I'm gonna go ahead and on the stove I'm gonna get that relish start cooking because I have all the other ingredients ready for it but first I need to empty this get this in cold water and get another set of corn in here because I'm putting so many ears of corn in this one pot it's definitely dropping the temperature of the pot and so it's taking a while for it to come back up to temperature between uses I did empty my cold water and I put new cold water in because that was almost room temperature I just looked up a recipe for corn Cobb jelly and corn cob syrup so I might be trying those first thing I'm going to add is 18 cups of corn I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get all this to fit in here I'm going to turn the stove on I'm going to add my onions and peppers I'm gonna add eight cups of white distilled vinegar now we're gonna add two cups of water and I can see that this is not all going to fit in here because I still need to add six cups of sugar I'm gonna put a pause on this I'm going to turn the stove off because I'm going to need my big stock pot in order to finish this so I've got room in my bowl now so I can continue to keep peeling corn off the cob and I need to empty this real quick here it's getting a little crazy in here right now there is generally a point when I have one of these days where the overwhelm does tend to set in and I think that's just part of the process the cool thing about this time of year is it as crazy it is busy it is overwhelming sometimes to be completely honest with you but the beauty is it doesn't last forever and in the middle of winter we are going to have the taste of Summer it's going to taste so good and I'm gonna be dreaming of having my counters full of tomatoes and my refrigerator flowing with zucchini so it's just kind of cool to live this way where you live in the season and you really know you know you feel the different seasons the abundance of the harvest season and then the quiet and calm of the holidays I'm so grateful that Harvest does not come for me during you know Thanksgiving and Christmas when I love to focus on you know having parties and hanging out with family and kind of doing it's a different kind of busy and it's kind of fun that we live or you know we can choose to live this way where we can put up the Harvest when it's available and we can enjoy the quiet and craziness I guess of the holidays too I was gonna say the quietness of the holidays but I think that at least in our family it's busy around the holidays but it's a different kind of busy than this type of busy and it's just fun to lived out the seasons and feel the different seasons I guess enough rambling I'm gonna refill this with some cold water because not only are the corn dropping my boiling water but the corn is warming up my cold water food reservation day like this the feeling of overwhelm steps in and right now it is because there's just a lot going on everywhere so I'm gonna get this out of this is the last of the Corn which is great and then I'm going to rinse this big pot out and we can get our corn relish simmering the cornmeal sheets to simmer for 20 minutes and then the biggest thing is that my big 30 quart Bowl I need that 30 quart Bowl so that I can finish cutting all the corn off the cob and that's kind of my bottleneck I have more big bowls but right now they all have produce in them one of them is outside with a bunch of stuff in it one of them is in the refrigerator with a bunch of stuff in it has all the plums in it and so I'm kind of down my big bulls and that's why I'm using a bunch of little bowls for the corn and I'm I just want to get this corn cooked or blanched I should say so that I can get that bowl in use cutting the corn off the cob we did it now I'm going to turn this off and I'm going to carefully because this is extremely hot water I'm gonna pour this down the drain and in this pot I'm going to transfer my relished here's the reason I had to transfer it because I need to add six cups of sugar to it six I think I said nine cups earlier but I double checked the recipe and it's only six now we're going to add two tablespoons of canning salt or non-iodized salt remember this is a lot so two tablespoons is not that much in the grand scheme of things I'm gonna mix this together when this comes to a simmer we are going to simmer it for 20 minutes foreign all the corn is cooked so I'm going to get all the corn out of this bowl so I can reclaim this bowl which is what I've been wanting to do and then I'm going to tidy the kitchen again because that'll make me feel less overwhelmed the thing about this bowl too is it'll help prevent the kernels from going everywhere because it's so big it'll keep the kernels that want to fly away in the bowl so this is what I mean this is what is kind of stressing me out this kind of mess so I'm gonna go give these to the chickens I am going to keep some carbs to make corn Cobb jelly and syrup but I don't need all of them so those ones we'll go to the chickens these bowls are full I'm just going to take these and put them over here I'm going to clean the counter and then we'll we'll do the rest of the Corn in that big bowl so we're not going to have so much corn popping all over the place and making such a mess none of this will go to waste let's all go to the chickens and they will thoroughly enjoy having a nice sweet treat I'm gonna set that box down there because I think I only need to keep like 12 cobs to make the jelly so a majority of them the chickens will pick every little last bit off of them and they will be happy to do so thank you so look who's in the kitchen gonna help me my mom's over here for a little bit and she's going to help me continue to cut the corn off the kernel or the corn off the cob so Mom let me show you how to use this sure it's kind of like a potato peeler except it's more corn I have found it's the easiest to hold the corn and do it only half at a time yep and you just go around it's it's round so it comes off pretty easily and then I turn it over all right looks good yeah so while you do that I'm going to start packaging the oh and then that just goes down there are the chickens gonna get those carbs yes I was thinking about that when I looked down at the chickens when I drove up yeah all this corn I was thinking there's gonna be some happy chicken happy chickens happy hens so I'm still waiting for the can I sample yeah you can have as much as you want I'm still waiting for that to come to a simmer it's going to simmer for 20 minutes is it good oh that's heavenly not offsides on savi's island oh very good I'm gonna grab some FoodSaver bags and I'm gonna get those as you hold on to the second side it's slippery it's like a grease there you go you got it greased now this is way easier than using a knife that cutting it down onto a plate which is what I usually do I don't think I'm getting it as deep as you did sometimes I go around twice okay well I guess yours are kind of narrowly looking too yeah that's my thick instead of freestanding it works easier for me to hold it down on the on the bottom of the bowl so I'm not trying to balance it now that my mom is here helping me this is going to go a lot faster I am going to start packaging up The Corn for the freezer I have found my favorite way to do it is to use a vacuum sealer and so I am packaging them up in different increments I do end up writing on all the bags I end up doing four cup increments three cup increments and two cup increments and that way I can pull them out depending on what I need pot is officially simmering so I'm going to turn it down just a little bit so it stays at a simmer and we're going to have that simmer for 20 minutes and I'm out of my pre-cut bag so I need to go make some more bags to make it as long as you want yeah or as short as you want oh that's a good idea the bag that I was originally filling the corn in were quart size bags and so those fit four cups really easily but I know that some recipes I don't need four cups of corn the four cups of corn is more if I'm gonna make the salad that we're gonna make later today I would probably pull that out or if it's gonna be like corn and bacon as a side dish or corn as a side dish or something like that but sometimes I just need like two cups of corn so I am making these bags a little bit smaller so that I'm not you know using a quart bag for just two cups I'm trying to customize the size a little bit better I personally prefer the ones that are pre-made to me this is not my favorite thing to do having to make a bunch of custom sized bags but I have this so that's what I'm going to use I'm using my new vacuum sealer which I absolutely love the last vacuum sealer I had I got at Costco it only lasted me one year and the thing I like about this one is it doesn't suction out all the liquid from the corn that was something I had a hard time with the last one and this one you can custom vacuum seal it I'm going to take a break from filling these bags because our relish is ready for the next step sure smells good it's really good on tacos it's almost like a corn salsa kind of so once I run out of my frozen corn then I start using this as corn salsa so is that corn chilies and onions simmering they did yep what are they simmering in vinegar and sugar I want to be able to get as much into my jars as possible so I'm going to take my what is this called a spider colander yes I think so and I'm going to kind of pull up a bunch of the Corn so that I'm not just filling it with a bunch of the liquid I'm going to put some of the liquid in first actually so we don't get air bubbles I will de-bubble but this corn recipe is a water bath recipe which means that when we fill our jars once they're filled we can put the lids and the rings on and everything and then we can put these jars in boiling water and we can boil them to make them a safe product to put on our Pantry Shelf the reason we can water back can this recipe is because this is a high acidic food corn itself is a low acidic food but we added the vinegar which now makes this a high acidic recipe and that's what makes it safe to water bath can now we are going to be doing some pressure canning with some of this corn and the reason we have to pressure can corn by itself is because corn in and of itself if you don't add vinegar is a low acid food and to make that safe to can you have to pressure can it when you want to kill the botulism spores in something you have to heat that product up to a higher temperature than boiling and that's the difference between water bath canning is we can make this product safe at boiling temperatures because there's the vinegar in it but if we don't add vinegar to a vegetable like corn we need to heat the product up to higher than boiling and the only way to do that is in a pressure canner so that's why I can water bath can this recipe versus the next canning recipe we do with the corn we have to pressure can canning can feel really intimidating when you get into it but as long as you follow the recipe then it is a very safe thing to do but you do need to follow the directions I did have to check the headspace on this and the headspace was for half an inch and then the processing time is 15 minutes once this comes to a rolling boil this water is pretty hot obviously I had my hand in there so it's not scalding but it's about the same temperature as the contents of the jars that's what you want so you don't get thermal shock and jars breaking this feels really good to basically have one project done because I still have probably 50 ears of corn to shuck off the cob my mom's help was very helpful but I'm gonna get back to it foreign it's definitely more enjoyable when you have a friend or loved one in the kitchen with you on these big preservation projects so it was really nice that my mom was able to come over and help me for just a little bit I don't always get to have you know the help of someone in the kitchen and so I just appreciate the fact that you take time out of your day to spend time with me as I do this because then I don't feel as alone in the kitchen so I've got my headphones in and I'm just listening and continually this marathon of removing the corn off these cobs it was a lot on this day but so worth it about 20 years of corn ago I thought I was done and then I look over by the sink and I have about 20 more ears of corn left so this is the I have two more after this one and I decided I'm going to try pressure canning some of this corn I have never pressure canned corn before I'm going to use my electric pressure canner just this try I'm gonna do one round I love frozen corn I've been doing this this way for many many many years but I've never tried pressure canning it before it might not be something I like might be my next favorite thing I don't know until I try so I figured it wouldn't hurt to get a couple jars and the way I make a lot of this corn into is I turn it into corn salsa throughout the year and then I don't think I would like though canned corn in corn salsa but fire was going to make like taco super oh we just finished the last one as I was talking to you and then I'm keeping these cobs I'm gonna put these I'm not gonna get to the corn jelly today I'm gonna have to package them up and I think I'm gonna throw them in the freezer just because I've got other more pressing things to do than this in the next week but if I am going to make like chili or taco soup white chicken chili I think it might be easier just to open a pint jar of corn instead of having to get it out of the freezer so we are going to make dinner tonight with this I'm going to clean up let me get this in here so this is all the corn other than the corn we've already packaged up in these bags and we have two four six eight nine bags I think so let me do a little bit of a reset again because again this is a little overwhelming to me tis the season it's a good kind of overwhelm at the end of the day I will sleep well because it's a good kind of tired it was worth it in the end okay I need to regroup here let me go wash my hands first because they're sticky my whole entire body is sticky today that corn is sticky let me go ahead and get the dinner going after I clean up next so that that can be in the fridge and then for dinner the only thing I have to do is actually Grill the chicken we're just gonna have a corn side dish but I've got a couple ingredients I need to get for that out I think I'm going to make it in this bowl so let me get this packaged up and I'm gonna get to clean here is an honest look of what this counter is looking like and don't even look at the floors because they are a design disaster I thought it would be easier to take my corn that I have already pre-packaged and put it on a baking sheet so I could move that around easier and then I'm going to get these corn in a Ziploc bag so I can just throw these in the freezer for the corn jelly and the corn syrup apparently it's supposed to taste like honey kind of I'm not really sure I've heard good things about it I've watched a couple videos on it and I'm excited to give it a try and I wanted to get all of them in one bag so I'm struggling getting all of these in this bag but it does help my my feeling of overwhelm when I can pause on and kind of Tidy Up part of the overwhelm feeling I think is just the the clutteriness that is going on and so it does help just that's my personality it does help me to kind of do a little reset and so that I can kind of regroup re-get my thoughts going and then we can get going on dinner so I was just checking that pot to see if it was boiling yet once it's boiling we'll process it now that the kitchen's tidy I'm going to go ahead and get the side dish it's kind of like a it is a dip but it's so good and I was thinking it would be really good with just some chips and some grilled chicken for dinner tonight so we're going to start with a cup of cheddar cheese I'm gonna go in with two cups of the Corn I diced up a jalapeno we're gonna get that in there that's a fresh jalapeno and then I have some freeze-dried cilantro I'm just going to crush that and get that in there the recipe calls for green onions I don't feel like running to the Garden right now and grabbing it I've got to stay focused on what I'm doing inside I do have some red pickled onions here so I'm going to use those instead I think that's going to be delicious it also calls for a can of diced green chilies I don't feel like running downstairs so I'm gonna add some of my home canned chilies then we're going to add equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream my chilies the water bath canner is officially boiling so now I'm going to start labeling these bags I don't think I made enough bags to fill with this corn so I'm just gonna get going I'm gonna put two cups of these I put three cups in the other bag so I need to write three cups on those and I'm going to write the year friend this is Monumental we got all the corn off the kernels we've got dinner started we have the canner going we've got the cobs prepped for another project and we can just get going on filling these back so this feels like a great great step I end up pausing doing this and I decided you know what I should get the pressure canner going because I want to get the pressure canner going because I want to try pressure canning so I end up pulling out my electric pressure canner and we are going to be going on that project next I thought right now would be a good time to get the pressure canner set up I'm going to use my countertop electric pressure canner here and what I have found when I am pressure canning the best resource is the manual that the canner comes with but this is for the stovetop one so I need to grab my other one this is for my digital pressure canner now you cannot water bath can corn unless you have it in a vinegar brine like I do over there so whole kernel corn I'm going to do a cold pack method we need it's on page 23. I have my water to the correct line there's a line in here where you're supposed to have it and hold Kerner corn we are going to process pints for 50 five minutes and I'm gonna do pints pressure canning was definitely intimidating to me when I first started learning to can I actually didn't pressure can for many years once I became a canner but it really is a lot easier than water bath canning and I think the reason it's a lot easier is because typically a lot of the recipes at least that I have done are not really recipes that are going into the jar they're ingredients that are going into the jar so for the corn all it is is corn salt and boiling water that go into the jar versus typically when I water bath can I'm making a recipe like the corn relish is an entire recipe Jam is a recipe and things like that so once you get over the initial you know intimidation factor of learning to pressure can it is really really easy and you'll get more comfortable the you know the more you try it and I've definitely found that my digital canner makes pressure canning that much easier because it takes a lot of the thought out of it and I really enjoy it I still love my stovetop pressure canner I use that a lot too it just kind of depends on my mood and whether I'm going to be in the kitchen and can kind of babysit it you do need to babysit the stovetop one a little bit more and so I like both of them it's just I use them in different applications just depending on you know what I'm doing so here I'm adjusting the head space making sure I have the proper headspace on each one of them I debubble it I have found the easiest way to de-bubble is to use a chopstick we're going to get the lid on this and we're going to get this going now that the pressure canner is going the water bath canner is going dinner is started I am going to start vacuum sealing these bags now what I have found that I love about this vacuum sealer versus the one that I bought last year is it doesn't suck out all the moisture out of the Corn my last vacuum sealer when I would vacuum seal corn it was so tedious because the it would vacuum seal out all of the liquid and it would mess with the seal and so only like half of them would seal and it was I was having to open the bag and redo it and I have found this one is working really well now I've only been using it for a couple weeks so we will see how you know I like it at the end of the food preservation season but so far it has been a huge huge benefit compared to the one I was using last year now here is the corn coming out of the canner it processed for the proper time I'm going to get these out of the canner and I'm going to put them on this placemat and I'm going to let them sit here overnight and then I will mark them what they are take the ring off and put them down in the storage so here I am packaging up four cup bags and part of the reason I did this is because I was getting tired of filling bags and then part of it I was thinking I would use these four cup bags for things when I use corn as a side dish we really like to saute up some bacon and then put the corn and saute that together and that makes a really yummy easy side dish so that's what I was thinking I would use the four cup ones for and then I realized my two cup ones I instead of using a whole cup measure I was using a 3 4 cup measure so I'm going in and adding just a little bit more to each of the two cup bags and then I'm going to mark on each one so that I know what it is so this is not my favorite thing this is not my strong suit labeling but I do force myself to label every single one of the bags so I know how much is in it and I know that what year I processed it the canner is going now I have the dishwasher going and I am almost done I think I have one more package to package up and there's a lot of liquid at the bottom so I'm trying not to get that liquid in my bag I was giving the FoodSaver a little bit of a break because I don't want to overwork it because this is a lot so I've kind of been going back and forth between food saving like sealing all these packages and and packaging them up and I'm on the last one here I think I'm just going to get the last of this corn in this one bag and I put three cups on there but I think it'll end up being four cups so I'll just rework that and am I ever glad to almost be done with this this has been quite a marathon of a day it is 4 15. canner just has to count down now and I just need to continue to seal these we got 10 pints I think of our relish and we've definitely got a Year's worth of corn this is it feels like way more I did 95 years last year and I did 150 this year so I guess it is twice as much as I did last year but while for some reason it feels like so much more I'm gonna put this one this one okay I'm I'm calling that done put that in there my floors are extremely sticky my counter is extremely sticky and I have a whole nother I still have a week's worth of food preservation projects I need to work on every day this week I think we're doing a big Marathon food preservation project because it is that season tomorrow I am doing tomatoes and tomatoes and I didn't get to the plums it's 4 15. it's going to take me a good hour to do this I need to clean up so that tomorrow I feel refreshed and ready to go so tomorrow I'll probably start with Plums and I have a lot of tomato projects I need to get to so I'm going to call it here for today so thank you so much for hanging out with me as we got all of this stuff done I will continue to work for the next however long it takes to seal these plus there's more in the pantry that are still just sitting there waiting I already put the first round in the freezer and then I do need to clean up this area because I want to feel ready to go for tomorrow so thank you for being here if you enjoyed this I can pop a couple of my other videos here you can go enjoy between now and my next upload I will let you know how I like the pressure can cord that might be easier than this it certainly takes up a lot less freezer space to have it on my Pantry Shelf but time will tell what works the best so thank you for being here thank you for being you you can go watch my other videos here and I can't wait to see you next time bye friends
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 421,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food preservation, canning, freezing, water bath canning, pressure canning, bulk food, batch food, preserving the harvest, eating local, home grown
Id: jqq6cMMjsxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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