I won't make the same mistake twice! Preserving Salsa Verde and Caramelized Onions

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hello friend welcome back to acre Homestead my name is Becky we are expecting our first Frost in the next couple days so I am going to harvest all the Tomos that I can I left these plants out here as long as possible and so today anything that is remotely ready to harvest I'm going to grab because I know in the next two three days they will be dead so they've had as long as they can to mature out here I'm going to harvest the tomatillos and then we're going to go Harvest some cilantro we're going to go inside and make a bunch of salsa ver in a way I've never made before we're going to change things up a bit I feel like that's the theme of this year is trying new things and seeing if there's a better way we like it my dog decided to come out here with me this morning so so you might see him running around that's tiro so we have two dogs tibo and orbit want that one it's raining out here so I want to be as quick as possible salsa verid is one of Josh's favorite things that I make so I want to make sure sure that I try to get as much of it on the Pantry Shelf as possible we only have two pints left from last year I've been collecting these all throughout the growing season and throwing them in the freezer and so we're going to combine what we've already harvested with today's Harvest some of these Tomos are really small I'm used to them being about three times that size but small is better than none I'm going to go ahead and harvest this cilantro directly into my colander so we can just wash it right when we get inside and put it into our pot Frost also means I need to get those pepper plants in the grow room so they don't freeze but here is our Harvest today absolutely stunning I will for sure be doing cilantro in the fall because this is such beautiful cilantro so the first thing I need to do I might as well get some tatos on the stove cooking down because is I normally work with all fresh Tomos well I have the majority Frozen and I need to measure out how many tatos I have so that my canning recipe is got the proper proportions of acidic food with the onions which is non acidic food and the lemon juice and vinegar so what I'm going to do differently this year is cook them on the stove which is actually what the recipe calls for normally I roast them in the oven so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to start cooking the tomatillos blend them up and then I can measure them and we can put everything back in the pot and get it all cooked up so here I've got my 30 qu pot I have more tomatillos in here actually as well this bag has some frozen jalapenos and cayenne peppers and I'm just going to throw those in there once we get all this Blended up I'll taste it so I know how spicy it is and then I can adjust the seasonings as needed today we're also going to be preserving up a bunch of on onions and so I'm going to reuse these bags that I froze these tomatillos in so there's 2 four 6 eight peppers in here so I'll remember that these are already washed I washed them before I froze them so I wouldn't have to do it once they're frozen unlike a tomato you do not have to peel your Tomos you can just throw them in the sauce and blend that it all up together so that's really nice that this salsa is super easy to make so I need this colander for our Tomos cuz I need to wash the Tomos and peel them so we've got our tomatillos here Tomos have this paper coating and they're really sticky on the inside I'm not sure what C causes that but I want to make sure I wash all that off and I want to make sure if there's any dirt or anything that we wash that off as well just because they've obviously been outside and they need to be washed so I'll compost the paper skins it already smells incredible tomatillos have kind of a limey flavor they're very mild but so delicious this is the last big preserv project we have to do from 2023 Garden or I should say we get to do not have to do there is a purple variety of Tomos that I've consider growing cuz they're absolutely stunning oops we lost one I'll grab in just a second but I had this thought that if you were to turn it into salsa would the purple ones kind of turn a weird brown color so if any of you guys have any recommendations on that let me know if you've ever tried growing purple tomatillos we do need to run downstairs and get a bunch of onions for our preservation projects plus we need onions for this recipe I think I got all of the papers off so now I can wash these and get these in our pot Josh is in here and he's excited that I'm making salsa veridate so I can already smell the pepper at the bottom of this so I need to get this stirred up so that it doesn't burn oh this is actually perfect so it kind of charred my Peppers at the bottom of the pot which is awesome cuz I just I didn't stir it while I was cleaning the husks off okay so now let's go ahead and start chopping a bunch of onions but before I can chop onions I need to run downstairs and go grab a bunch of them so we need onions for this recipe plus we're going to make a bunch of caramelized onions to preserve in a way that you all recommended and I did a bunch of research and it's supposed to be the perfect way to do it and so let me run downstairs and I'll be right back get my slippers back on and we will start processing onions I have an idea of how to get these onions chopped quickly while I was down there I grabbed a whole box of onions and I grabbed lemon juice cuz we're going to need lemon juice for this canning recipe so I grabbed two bottles actually cuz I wasn't sure exactly how much we were going to need okay so we need onions for caramelized onions freeze-dried onions just frozen diced onions and for this recipe I am going to be following the recipe in my canning cookbook I can link all my canning supplies and food preservation and kitchen supplies down in the description box if you are interested in any that I'm going to be using today for every 5 and 1/2 cups of Tomos we need one cup of onions I have no idea how many Tomos we have in here probably 20 to 30 so I'm going to pull out my food processor this is what I'm thinking because I'm going to be blending this salsa anyway and we're going to be making caramelized onions for the freezer I think I can use my food processor and I can use the slicing attachment I never use the slicing attachment so I can use this if I can find my slicing attachment not my chopping attachment H I got to go look in the garage I'll be right back I found it I've got a room in my garage where I keep my cooking equipment that I don't use regularly and I kept this which is great so let me go wash this off and we're going to use this to process quite a bunch of the onions today so I got a big bowl to put our sliced onions in probably need a bowl for compost too food processor out let me see how I want to set this up to be as efficient as possible so I need my cutting board here by my onions and then probably put the food processor on this side I've never used the slicing attachment before so I'm curious to see how it goes this in there oh you know what the hole for my kitchen aid is kind of small oh that needs to be stirred I just put the lid on that pot so that the steam can trap in there and start cooking down those tomatillos so we can blend them up and then weigh them so let's just try this so This is actually going to be my compost bowl cuz I know we're going to have a lot of compost so what if I core it it probably be faster to cut it in half peel it and then core it is that going to fit no this might not even be worth using my food processor [Music] well I've already gotten it dirty so I'm going to use it for at least the onions we need for the salsa ver my thoughts on the food processor for this project not worth it so what I'm going to do instead because I don't need the onions chopped that fine for the Sals of Aid day CU I'm going to be blending the whole thing up anyway onions and all so I am going to actually switch my focus real quick because it's going to take a minute still for that Tomos to get to a point where I can measure them out so I want to actually get onions on the stove caramelizing because that's going to take a good 2 hours the last time I did this it was the absolute worst food preservation project flop I have ever had it turned out horrible and what I had done was I caramelized probably 20 lbs of onions I sliced them all I caramelized them on the stove and I was going to pressure can them and I did pressure can them and all the recipes said to put a ton of sugar in them but when you caramelized onions they are extremely sweet just on their own so I didn't want to add the sugar because it was like four or five cups of sugar and so I just pressure canned them without adding the sugar and something happened in the pressure canning process they were horrible one of the worst things I have ever made they were bitter and disgusting and so I had shared that with you and a bunch of you had recommended freezing caramelized onions well I did a little bit of Googling and everywhere says that that is the ultimate way to get caramelized onions so that you can use them at any time super conveniently so that's what we're doing so I'm slicing my onions very thinly I'm going to get at least half this box probably caramelizing on the stove so that this can be working for us while we're doing other things so whenever you cut onions for caramelized onions what you want to do is cut them from pole to pole so instead of slicing them this is the root end and this is the flowering end or the greens end instead of cutting them this way you want to cut them from top to bottom so from root end to flowering end that way the cell structures stay better intact when you cook them I'm going to use both these burners and my rooster pan so that this can go a little bit quicker we're going to start with some oil in the bottom of it and one full cutting boards worth of caramelized onions I'm going to season this generously with salt and we are in business this is starting to cook now now it's already smelling delicious in here so we've got two projects already started which is fantastic the next thing I want to do is freeze dry a bunch of onions for making onion powder and I just emptied my freeze dryer I can't actually turn my freeze dryer back on because it needs to defrost cuz I already already ran it two times without running the defrost cycle so what I'm going to do is just prepare the onions get them on the trays I already have some trays in my freezer so I needed to empty my freeze dryer one because it's done and two I need my freeze dryer trays so that I can put some onions on these trays and pop them in the freezer to prefreeze before we stick them in the freeze dryer so I'm still working on this project of freeze drying a bunch of goodies for my nephews for Christmas and so I've got here strawberry plums Tomatoes we're going to turn this into tomato powder today to use as a tomato paste substitute I freeze-dried the Skins you all had told me that I needed to do that and so I went ahead and we're going to experiment with that today so these are the strawberries I purchased from a local farm and they already smell incredible I am using myar because these goodies are going to be going on a plain cross country with my parents to my sister and my nephew's house and this is going to be the easiest way for them to transport these freeze-dried goodies these strawberries I'm going to go ahead and put in a jar for us if you're not going to store it for a crazy long time you can store your freeze-dried Goods in a jar with a good lid on it and that keeps them nice and sealed these will be gone in a matter of a day or two cuz they are so [Applause] good these are plums from the orchard here on the homestead and then this bag I'm going to put apples actually I think I'm going to put these in a jar cuz I already did four bags for my nephews so I think I'll keep these ones I just tried one of these plums and I don't know if it was the plum let me try a different one I'm kind of nervous to try it now okay that one's really sweet that first Plum I tried was so incredibly tart it was like eating a warhead did you guys used to eat those when you were a kid we didoo they were never my f favorite so here I just put an oxygen absorber in here and I need to write Plum on here cuz you can't see the contents when you use myar I'm going to put just the month and the year and each one of the bags going to my nephews is going to get an oxygen absorber just so that the these strawberries stay nice and freshh and freeze-dried these are strawberries I'm so excited for them to open these they've been asking me to make these I didn't know that my sister just told me I had made them for them maybe like 9 months ago or so and they've been asking for them ever since I would have made them freeze dried fruit and sent it to them before but I just didn't know they wanted them so let's go get these sealed I'm just using my vacuum sealer I'm not vacuum sealing these myar bags I'm just sealing the tops of them so that they stay fresh these are all going to my nephews for Christmas if you are interested in a freeze dryer they are on sale they have a Black Friday sale the whole month of November and I will link that sale down below so this is my little stash right here where I'm collecting the stuff that I'm going to send to my nephews I have four bags of dried or freeze-dried apples now I've got two bags of strawberries one bag of plums and then the other the last fruit that I'm doing for them is I have a couple trays of bananas that are in the freezer soon as my freeze dryer is defrosted I can load it back up the last thing we're going to take care of is this potato skins tomato skins not potato skins these are tomato skins we're going to get these in the blender I'm excited to try this a bunch of you had recommended it and so I couldn't ignore I couldn't ignore the recommendation so let's see how this goes oh it smells delicious I just had a really interesting thought that would be really good with this using this in an alfredo like a chicken alfredo you could get that delicious tomato flavor you want like a pink sauce but without adding a bunch of liquid like stewed tomatoes or something like that kind of like when you would add maybe sundried Tomatoes you want that tomato flavor but you want it to be a cream sauce you know I just inhaled it in my nose this I I think I'm going to like this so what I'm going to do I need to get a lid on it I think I'm going to put it right on with my other spices so that it reminds me that I need to experiment with this the next thing I want to get done is get some of these gallon Ziploc bags filled with diced onions for easy easy meal prep one of my favorite things I love having diced onions that are just Frozen in my freezer because if you're going to cook them up anyway you can't even tell that they were frozen they cook up beautifully they actually cook up quicker than fresh onions just straight raw onions into the pot and so I love having them in my freezer you can so if you find onions on sale this is a great way to stock up on something if you find it on sale or if you just want the convenience of diced onions without going through the effort of dicing them and freezing them you can purchase in the frozen section of the grocery store pre-diced onions and if that's going to help you get dinner on the table on nights where you don't have the energy to cook go get yourself some pre-diced onions from the freezer section they also sell pre- diced onions and peppers I used to buy those all the time when I just needed something fast and easy I would pull a bag of peppers and onions out of the freezer and that's kind of what gave me the idea to start you know purchasing local or growing my own and getting them in the freezer that way so I'm just going to take I don't know probably going to take me 15 20 minutes to get I want at least two of these gallon bags filled if not more with diced onions and I think it's going to be faster if I actually go ahead and chop cuz I'm always trying to look at being a little bit more efficient in the kitchen when possible I love being in the kitchen and hanging out and just getting projects done like this but I also like to be a fish so the idea is I'm going to chop the tops and bottoms off you know what I should probably do chop tops and bottoms off just keep getting a bunch of those and then take a minute peel them all and then dice them all so I'm just going to do that so that I'm not picking and dropping my knife a bunch of times I'm just so these onions I've got my onions on the stove cooking I knew this was going to take probably an hour and a half to 2 hours and I've got my tomatillos thawing and starting to cook down I knew both of those projects were going to take some time on the stove so that's why I've kind of listed out and I'm trying to tackle other projects at the same time so that I'm not just idle in the kitchen while I'm waiting for those two things on the stove to either be finished like the onions or for me to be able to do the next step for the tomados like add the rest of the ingredients so here when I was slicing these onions they were they had actual dirt on them so after I went ahead and sliced them and peeled them all I knew that I needed to really clean my countertops I needed to wash all the onions and I needed to wash my cutting boards before we actually dice them into their final product because I don't want all this actual literal dirt in my final product so I'm trying to get the countertops clean and I had a second here so I went ahead and I grabbed jars out these are cleaned washed jars just in the dishwasher for jarring up our salsa ver day when it is done our onions are looking pretty close to being done but we're going to let them cook for a little bit longer and our tomatillos are almost ready for the next step the kitchen is much cleaner it's actually clean now I went ahead and swept as well just to get any of the dirt up now I want to get these onions nice and clean because they have dirt on them I also got the freeze dryer trays clean so that if we have enough onions to freeze dry we can just put the onions right on there I need to rinse off all these C or all these both of these cutting boards feels like a lot I also want to get some garlic peeled for the salsa ver day the onions are almost done but I want that pot to measure out our salsa veridate in so it's going to take just a second for those onions to finish and then we can move on to the next step with our salsa ver it smells incredible in here I need to get the other side of this one clean I'm just going to individually [Music] wash I want my onions to drain just a little bit before I dice them so that when I put them in the freezer they're not spping wet so this is the perfect time to move on to take care of these beautiful onions I hope I really like this cuz if I do I could do twice this amount but this is a lot of caramelized onions we love caramelized onions on all the things in kiche on Pizza on burgers and how nice would this be cuz these will thaw I think incredibly quickly but before I can get them in the freezer I want them to cool off cuz I'm going to freeze them in Ziploc bags so I don't want them going into the bags hot so I need to put them on a plate get them out of this rooster pan so that they can cool quickly and we can use this rooster pan for our salsa ver day so I'm going to lay this out a little bit thinly so that there's more surface area and they'll cool off a little bit quicker and now we're going to go move on to our salsa ver I'm going to turn the stove off but we're going to use this pot it just has onions and salt and oil in it and not very much oil at all so what I'm going to do is blend this salsa ver day up with my immersion blender here trying to put that on back backwards and then I can put it from here into here as I measure it out and we need this pot for water bath canning the salsa so it'll work out that I can get the salsa over here cooking on the stove I can wash this out fill it with water so we can can the salsa an immersion blender is one of my absolute favorite kitchen appliances and this one's amazing I can link it down below it was a gift and it has revolutionized my [Music] cooking I'm going to need that immersion blender one more time but let's see if I can find yeah here we [Music] go but first I want to measure out and figure out how many batches of salsa we're actually making so for one recipe it's 5 and 1/2 cups so I'm just going to count the cups as they come out that was hot I got it on my hands so that was four I'm just going to count how many cups we have in here and then I'll do the math at the end and figure out how many times we are going to make this salsa Verity that's eight 12 [Music] 16 17 this might be unconventional how I'm going to do this but I just nestled that in there I want to get every last drop out of here cuz this is my husband's favorite thing I make well probably not my favorite favorite but one of his favorites I don't want to spill it cuz then I'm not going to I'm going to lost count 17 18 19 19 cups so for every one batch which is 5 and 1/2 cups we're going to add one cup of onions so I think what I'm going to do cuz this is already cooked really well and I want to get my onions and garlic super tender as well I'm going to actually cook them in here so I'm going to go measure out my onions I'm going to use my pre- chopped onions these ones that are super thinly sliced because these are going to cook up fast so I'm going to measure my onions out we're going to blend this up too so it's okay that they're a little bit chunky that was actually the perfect amount of onions we needed for this I'm going to turn this back on get my onions in there I need to reference my book again and one thing you can do is you can substitute lemon juice for vinegar and I always do that when I make this recipe the recipe calls for white vinegar and for lemon juice according to the National home food preservation it states that it is safe to substitute lemon juice for vinegar but you cannot substitute vinegar for lemon juice so in in of using the white vinegar in this recipe I'm going to substitute lemon juice bottled lemon juice and I don't have lime juice in my house and that's what this calls for vinegar and lime juice so I'm just going to add the equivalent of lemon juice so we are going to add 34 cup lemon juice per recipe now I want to get all the onions off this measuring spoon into our pot we're going to add our washed cilantro our chilies some more jalapenos the last thing I'm going to add is one whole head of garlic I purchased this garlic from the farmer that I purchased my extra peppers from this year and my extra onions from I'm just going to leave them whole because we're going to blend them but I do need to get the papers off obviously so here so as soon as the onions peppers and garlic are soft then we can move on to the next step this day is just working out perfect with different things aligning for the next task so while that in away I'm going to go ahead and dice up these onions for the freezer this doesn't quite look like enough onions for me just to dice and put in the freezer for Frozen and for freeze drying the freeze drying onions I'm going to turn into onion powder the only onion powder I have in my house right now is red onion powder from last year's onions I still have probably about a pint left of that so I'm going to prioritize freezing these onions and then maybe a different day if I don't have enough to freeze I do have some onions on some freeze dryer trays that were bolting and they needed to be used up or they were going to go bad so maybe when I go clean downstairs from the onion Harvest and I I want to hang some of my onions up then maybe that's when I will tackle that project if I don't have enough here but we'll just see as I dice them up I'm dicing these to the the size that I would like to have for in recipes so just kind of like a small mediumish dice so that they're the correct size when I go to cook with them and you do not need to blanch onions when you freeze them I've had absolutely beautiful success just dicing them throwing them in a Ziploc bag and then pulling them out you will find yourself or at least I should say I find myself pulling those out all the time cuz it's just so convenient so I'm already sitting here waiting for my salsa to cook might as well tackle this project so when I need to get dinner on the table quickly this is one last one less task I need to do I think what I'm going to use are my bag holders I'm going to reuse the bags that had the tomatillos in it because they just had washed tomatillos in it no need to have those go to waste could use silicone bags too I just don't want those getting the onion flavor in them cuz I think the silicone bags might grab onto some of that onion flavor well maybe we'll have enough to freeze dry cuz I want to get two at least two gallons Frozen going to check on My Salsa okay I think this is done actually I'm going to turn it down and let it simmer for a little bit longer I need those Peppers to get soft I feel like these onions are becoming exponential and so I think we're going to be able to get some freeze dried for sure I'm going to put these in my inside fridge cuz I will go through these relatively quickly because if I have these made up they will get used diced onions is one of my favorite things to have on hand and it's even better when they're from the garden or from a local farmer our onion seasoning mixture is done so we can get this in with our tomatillos see if I can do this without making a mess or burning myself so we want to get all this mixture in with our Tomos because this has all of our lemon juice and our garlic and Seasonings so now I'm going to go clean this pot cuz we need to use this to water bath Canon I want to get all this mixed together and then I want to give it a taste test to see if we need to adjust any of the salt or add a little more lemon juice if it needs a little bit more zip to it we use this salsa verad for salsa that you would with chips and salsa we use it for green enchiladas we use it as a sauce for burrito bowls oh my goodness that is so good it doesn't need anything I don't think it's got a good Zing to it the salt is good the heat is good there is a little bit of heat to it cuz I left the seeds in but that is phenomenal I think Josh is going to love this let's get this started up I'm pretty proud of this this is all either homegrown or locally sourced minus the salt and lemon juice so big accomplishment in this pot right here let's get this Jarred up I do need to finish washing that pot and getting it on the stove to start warming I like to can My Salsa ver in pints because that's how much we go through when I make salsa ver or green enchiladas and I don't like to do it in quartz cuz it's just too much for josai I have 2 4 6 8 10 12 pints out right now I did not have to can any red enchilada sauce this year because I canned enough of it last year so that was kind of nice from all that I Jarred up last year I only have two pints so I think that between those two pints and this here that is going to be more than enough to get us through the year it's amazing to me how the small Tomo Harvest throughout the growing season really produced a ton of Soul severity we had four plants out there but only three of them produced anything and when I would Harvest Tomos I would only get a handful at a time I think maybe at the most I got 20 at a time but mostly they were coming in you know 2 3 5 10 here and there and I would peel them wash them throw them in the freezer and I had some in my garage fridge and some in my inside fridge and I just not realize how much those small tiny harvests really added up to create quite a bit of salsa ver so I'm super super pleased with this year's Harvest and it has me rethinking I was thinking I was going to plant like six or seven plants next year but maybe I don't need to maybe I could plant four plants this coming year 2024 and we will get more than enough so I have to think about that now I have come to the conclusion that I don't I must have donated my water bath caner so I've been using this pot and I love that this is a double use pot now I can use it to make stuff and I can use it to can and so I'm totally fine and love canning in this I did get a rack that goes in the bottom of this it's a rubber rack I didn't have it on this day when I made this but next time I water bath can in this I don't have to use a towel cuz I have this rubber rack that I can put in the bottom of this pot that worked out absolutely perfect for getting one load of jars in there and I can process that once it comes up to a rolling boil for the proper time I have to look at my book I think it's 15 or 20 minutes but I will double check in my book so once it comes to a boil I will set my timer I had one more of these Tomo bags that was still good the other one ripped down the side so I figured let's use this Ziploc bag for one more bag of diced onions and that way I can just use this bag up and I'm not throwing it away and then the rest of the onions here I'm going to get on two freeze dryer trays and we'll get those frozen so that I can process those into onion powder now what I'm going to do for the onion powder is a little bit different then dicing the onions because I'm going to be pulverizing these onions I do not need to dice them finely I'm just going to run my knife through them enough that they fit on the freeze dryer tray I'll leave the the onions a little bit on the thicker side I could probably even leave them a little bit thicker than I did there you don't want anything to come up above the tray so I can you know have them be A4 of an inch or so that one a little thick you want to be able to get them in the actual freeze dryer and the food doesn't bump up against the top tray but because I'm going to turn these into onion powder I don't want to take the time to finely dice them or anything like that and this homemade freeze-dried onion powder the flavor on it is incredible it's so good homemade dehydrated onion powder is really good too if you have a dehydrator just don't make the mistake I did make sure when you dehydrate onions you put your dehydrator in the garage or on your back deck or wherever you can do it but don't do it in your house it will really stink up your house I did it with I dehydrated onions in my in my dehydrator in my laundry room everything that was in my laundry room had to be re-washed because it all just smelled like onion no one wants their clothes as much as I love onions and I do like the smell of onions I do not want my clothes to smell like onions so that was a oops try not to do that again oh this works really well actually just cut it in half like that so instead of slicing like this like I was doing I'm just slicing it like that and I think that I can get even more onion on each tray now when I run my freeze dryer with this I'll be able to have not only red onion powder but I'll be able to have white onion powder as well which will be nice okay I officially now have all the onions processed that I peeled I still have a ton of onions downstairs in that I harvested and so that's going to be a whole different project but for today we have conquered a lot so in the freezer this bag goes so we got three 1gallon bags of onions and I am thrilled with that I'm just going to take a second while I'm in the freezer here and organize it I've been slowly cleaning it out and so I actually can have everything organized perfect how I have it organized is I have one section with D's like pizza doughs and pizza crusts and um pie crust and then I have nuts and then I have vegetables now I have onions and fruit over here and then a meat section so just trying to keep it a little bit more organized it's not perfect but it's better than it was at the beginning of the growing season so I'm going to go put the Toppers on these and get these in the freezer so now I'm going to go ahead and get these caramelized onions packaged up I'm doing about a half a cup in each bag or so and I want to freeze them flat so that they thaw really quickly so we'll probably able to get two more out of this so that's five total and I'm really excited about this that will exponentially give me a convenience item on a day I maybe would want caramelized onions for a burger or pizza but would not have the time to to do it I could just pull one of these out and they were cooking the whole time I was making the salsa ver so I was really able to get two big projects done basically simultaneously today in the kitchen well we got more than two but two projects on the stove I should say plus all those diced onions so I'm going to say we got three big projects done today simultaneously so I've never done this before but what I read online and from you all in the comment section this works really well so we got five baggies in the freezer I'm going to freeze them completely flat so that when I go to thaw them they'll thaw really quickly cuz they're so thin for oh no we're going to say they process for 15 minutes I see one that I thought it broke but it didn't it was just tipped over on its side it must have been boiling a little bit too hard there this was one of the last things I would want to explode cuz I only got these well I'm happy about it we got two I haven't even counted how many we got yet I think this is going to be the perfect amount for Josh and I for one year so that's good for planning for next year I had three plants out there and they didn't produce as much as my other Tomo plants have produced in the past 2 4 6 8 10 12 12 pints and 1 half pint well that was a fantastic way to spend this afternoon I already have dinner done so we can go ahead and relax for the evening so friend thank you so much for taking time out of your day to spend time with me as we got 2023 is salsa ver day accomplished I am very proud of that I'm very excited to have it on our Pantry Shelf Josh already gave it a taste test and said it was a 10 out of 10 which is fantastic it's not too spicy for him I always kind of worry about that just a little bit but he loves it and so we are going to use that to make all sorts of yummy recipes oh I even use it in things like chili like white chicken chili and stuff like that so if you want to watch a few of my other videos between now and my next upload I can pop those right here you can go enjoy between now and my next upload thank you for being here along the journey as we planted the seed we planted the plant we harvested the tomatillos and now we have made it into salsa Fa Day and coming this fall and winter we will turn it into a ton of different yummy dishes so thank you for being here thank you for being you and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 244,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 06lQxKbKd8o
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Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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