IT Support Training - Day 4 - Exchange, Browsers, File Sharing, PDQ, Imaging

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welcome to day four video for our members that are taking the guide me to it program and actually our subscribers on youtube as well they because these videos are uploaded on youtube so i hope that you have enjoyed day one day two day three and day four now why are you taking this again a reminder is that if someone is taking our program or any other programs that includes like a plus learning so it's very targeted towards a plus certification and yes it's going to add a lot of value a lot of hands-on labs are given in this platform but there will be certain things that will not be covered because that's the nature of this job and the career because we have to then learn something on the fly at work so these day 1 day 2 day 3 and day 4 videos are kind of used that way so that's why when somebody is in our program we tell them that after you finish our first weeks of sessions which is from week one to week seven and when you finish the extra skills that includes these four days which is a lot of hours of training it basically makes you ready for the level one and even a little bit level two jobs in it and that's any it support level jobs after that you are going to go into more deeper into windows 10 and that is where you are going to learn more corporate level skills like deployments image management and things like that and modern image windows 10 skills you're going to go a little bit deeper into something that is more specific here is a more broader type of skills that you need so keep on going don't give up when you finish this extra skills videos with week one and everything that is given over here trust me you are no longer a person with a very basic knowledge you are there you know your stuff then you can actually go into some some places any places and you will understand basics and after this of course you can go for more advanced programs that we have but i think this is a great way to start just make sure you apply all of these video skills that you're learning from these videos there are long videos so take it slow and then try to implement the labs in your own virtual environment like virtualbox or anything that you have now for our members over here this is where when we do a live discussion we come together and we will create a kind of like a schedule where everybody will get together so if someone cannot make it to that schedule of course they have to see the video of that live training but what we do is that we don't cover theory after that that's why we are saying uh to our members again and again and reminding them that make sure you finish these videos before you see us because that's where in these live trainings we have done that we have covered some of the basics and and kind of like lectures we don't want to cover that again because of course that there's no way for us to cover this in a program where there's no live sessions but we are adding this additional value where we are going to bring the live session uh one time and people can join and then you will be able to kind of perform the same labs that we have done in our previous trainings uh you know before this model so join us in live trading when you make sure you finish these extra skills in your program and if you are lagging behind from the week one week to a week three if you haven't completed your labs make sure to go back to your uh training program and and at least kind of cover the videos quickly and then do the labs more because you want to learn more practical skills from this training and then when you're you're basically finished with these first weeks we are going to start working on your resume and after that we are going to push you towards interviews you may fail few you may pass the few but that is what we are going to do we are going to make you practical so you can go out and apply for jobs so good luck with this stay for make sure you finish it fully go back like this let's just move away here so the agenda for today is this uh here you go this is the area that you guys need to capture in your mind right now that this is what i need to learn from today's lecture important like this is what you need to know for your level one job right there right exchange basics not too advanced stuff browser stuff you know think about it if microsoft office is all on browser if you have to if you go from home and you have to work from browser if you're in even in your at office and you're working with the web-based applications like accounting web-based application marketing web-based application how many times you're using a browser almost 90 percent of your job is on the browser now right so your your calls your your users calls are coming from where outlook we know that they're heavily using it so we know that outlook that's why we went in so detail about it but if you think about it what are some other places that you're going to get calls from when they're using browser right right so you got to know how to troubleshoot a browser some of the things are extremely basic like you just need to refresh a browser or you just need to reset a browser right this is what ali is going to show you and then other thing is so important is file sharing everything that we work in our company is connected right you you're accessing some uh uh some drive that they call it a company drive or accounting specific drive or a sales marketing specific drive right and you put your folders in there you gotta understand how that things happen how is it happening so you have to have a very good knowledge about file sharing so not to stress too much in my training because remember all of this stuff that you guys are gonna learn today from here all the way from browser to here is phase two stuff in detail but phase two a lot of people tell me and call me man danish i like your life training they're so interactive and you're doing phase two is more like a video and you do simulation and you do a lot of training yourself so it's kind of boring so that's why i want you i want i like to do this in my own training too because then when you're doing that boring training then it makes sense to you okay because that's how people lose their attention because they they give universities give that access the one that i'm giving you colleges give that access and boot camps give that access but they give them ahead of the time they give them they say do that and they already lost interest they cannot do it so we're doing we're doing it we're reversing this learning right now a little bit okay but here this area right here let's go back i need to know how to how to use uh erase you know okay i messed it up this you guys see this what i'm doing right now remote remote software install and inventory and this is imaging by the way so this is imaging this is something that i'm saying that you guys don't need to push too much on it this is level two level three stuff this is a junior admin stuff but if you know it this means you are gonna already know advanced stuff and your mind will work a little bit better than a level one person just like what we were teaching you in active directory how we were teaching you you're way better than a normal person who does who has a plus knowledge right so here you have a little bit better knowledge than a normal level one technician who cannot think ahead here you will have a thinking at least i'm just opening up your mind to a little bit more like you know okay it can be done that way too if you have to go manually visit the office and you have to install a software you can also do it from your office as well but i'm going to have to teach you some policies around this okay does it make sense so far yes yes yes sir okay if nothing makes sense make sure you stop me because that's where you want to ask me i didn't i didn't get it you know okay so let's go back and the first thing we want to discuss is exchange today so let's start with exchange so now you may be asking remember why what is exchange exchange is the server right in the company and that exchange has what emails everybody email boxes are in where in exchange so i want you to focus and i want you to look at your the screen that i'm showing you i want to show you something what is this what did i open right now you're in the admin center it says up there of what 365 office 65 and if i had to do a message tracing where do i need to go uh so all and then where do i need to go with where well hold on there's something missing here let's go back from the start you see if you don't see like that why why why couldn't i see that because my session was already logged out right oh so you guys are dmv client you have like a bunch of it okay so now i'm gonna go back and why i didn't see that because i was already logged out so here you go perfect example about the browser troubleshooting if a user would have called you right now that i'm not seeing certain thing in the browser but you know that it's there what would be the reason you just saw it right oh i was long i was logged out locked out yes my session was expired i saw that i was on but actually my actual session was expired uh on the browser right so uh now if i go back i should go where to do the exchange stuff admin okay and here what do i do now and do i see exchange now yes yeah there you go simple issue with the browser right i had to just log in refresh it and now boom my my issues result so i want you to give a nice uh look at look at this right here all of you should pay attention right here look at this what is it what is it called exchange that means admin center so everything that exchange has to do is with what most of that that stuff has to do with emails right you see that way mailboxes yeah groups resources so where are these mailboxes getting created when we were in office 365 right from the start right when we were adding a user we said that this person should have access to the mailbox as well the all remember that 22 applications access in that there is a mailbox as well we checked it basically this was already checked so automatically office 365 gave a mailbox to or in a in this cloud format right but if you think about it if we if we are not using a office 365 in this company then what are they using then if you're not using office 365 in this company what kind of like what is their solution then in terms of what email emails yep like what was it called outlook i forgot outlook is a client but they are using exchange server right so you look microsoft is giving us exchange server right here this is exchange server microsoft is giving us exchange server and we can only see this front end we are not touching the server we cannot get into the back end of the server right we cannot hold the server right microsoft is controlling it and microsoft is giving us that exchange feature right there right so now we can go in and do things from web does it make sense for now okay yeah vanilla i can't hear you again okay can you hear me yep i can hear you now so this is does it make sense to you yes yes sir okay so now we decided that look we don't have office 365 we're not going to go for that technology and i can tell you my last person who i trained was he already got the job then took my training why because he got the job with no training and he luckily got the job so now he is in a rush to to learn these things he was he was just not feeling good about it he was like okay i really want to learn this stuff from you so i can go to work so he told me that we're not using office 365 why is that because most of the hospitals most of the very high sensitive areas do use exchange type of solution why because they don't want to put their data in the cloud social security medical data stuff like that but that doesn't mean that cloud is not secure this means that they're just not taking that option they may be even more secure than their servers right but let's say they didn't so now you also need to know a little bit about exchange internal but it's so similar that you don't have to learn anything new let me show it to you you're gonna be a little surprised right now all right so let's go oh man where's that phone you see this is where i struggle this thing doesn't there you go okay so now if i go take you back and let's go back to the practice lab now you maybe say where can i get the exchange server this is the power of your labs right here you have one year access to these this forty eight thousand dollar value this is the whole lab is about forty eight thousand dollars right so this is what i say that you have a massive access if you really wanna become a proper engineer in future too and you need something we we're just gonna go around and just this is a perfect example like i was like telling a member that we don't have exchange we don't teach exchange we're not gonna install exchange server for level one but here you go we got a solution we just went into one of the labs what is it called design and deploy deploying microsoft exchange server 2016. this is what i was talking about that even this stuff you got to be a very advanced engineer to know the stuff right so we're not even touching what's what are they teaching in this lab we don't care about them we we need exchange access here so if you go to the last lab here monitor clients connectivity you see right here these are exchange servers right here let's look at the p p lab mbx these are three exchange servers they already gave us so this is exactly how you're gonna join a company and they will have a server for you are you guys gonna create a server are you guys gonna deploy a server no right you guys are going to work on exchange to do the same thing like you're doing in office 365 just like we created office 365 i made my system administrator hadi hadi added you guys and you guys are doing level one stuff this is exactly what's going on over here so here's a little test for you this is a business right now and we already told you that there is an exchange server out there how would you know what is the domain in this business tell me the name of that how can i find out where would you find a domain like where is type of stuff where did you saw like see these this kind of stuff if you go to a company and you say i want to find out what is their policies or what what kind of domain name are they using which where you need to go what kind of tools right click right click right click on the windows thing and go to uh system perfect so what do i what's the domain here oh right here practicelab okay if i tell you who did i lost right here i lost someone oh i lost later so you guys want to wait a little bit because this is a little important stuff i don't want her to okay you know so let's let's talk about a little bit more because this when we come back it's going to be the same area so guys if you say that it's is if i have to type a domain name do i have to type the whole or do i have to type something else probably something before that you know like okay so let me give you an example of brunel and uh eddie if i have to log in here it says domain slash username do i need to put the whole domain or do i need to put something else you have put name and then right okay so you're not using a whole fully qualified domain when it's when it becomes a slash right there you're just using the net bios name now how do you find the net bios name brannell watch this okay in your domain controller right now i'm in my domain controller right i'm gonna go where where is my where's my active directory running phone how do i open active directory i'm gonna go to start and i'm gonna go where's server manager right and how do i open active directory from server manager uh uh you go to tools tools and then you go you open active directory from where you use that that one uses the computer active directory and users and computers so here's another way you can find out your domain name but if i want to find out what do i need to type in that slash area i don't need to type the whole thing it's not going to work how do i find this i'm going to right click on and then go where properties and look at this bernal okay this is what you need to type to be able to access to be able to uh i'm sure you probably call an id person and you are getting a prompt for software installation you cannot download a software yourself in a company it prompts you right and then they have to come come in over here and they have to type something that something is this this is what you need to know it's called pre windows 2000 it's called net bios so you gotta type this specific area slash the admin username and the password and then everything works and it is case sensitive if you look at it this all of this is in what so it's very important stuff right here because this is where like you're troubleshooting you going there and uh installing a software on a company's machine or installing more advanced softwares or anything that you do in a network environment you got to know this method if you know this method then of course the rest of the things are easy and you're not going to be stuck so if i ask you again without going to the system where what where else can i find the domain of this this this new company that we're working on right now you said to go to active directory and how do i go to active directory you open up the uh server manager right there i open it from start i open server manager then directory and how do i find that specific thing that i'm finding out where's the netbios click on the domain there and go to properties and then yes and then it's free windows 2000 that one all right now watch this if i if i hired youtube right now and i say that guys login to exchange uh administrator like just like you log into office 365 and you click on admin this is exactly what you're doing right now so you're going to have a link like this it's going to say what exchange administrator admin center or and the other other link will be for users or for you to log into your web mail this is called this is exactly the same thing that you're doing in office 365 but it's internal and companies can enable it to be accessible from outside as well right so now both of you if i ask you if you're an admin and you have this message comes up you're going to say continue to this website what do i type over here now uh we're going to type in the domain name which was all capitals uh perfect practice labs uh i forgot and in this in this company the username is administrator right we haven't created a new username yet right so let's say an administrator is the powerful administrator and that cannot be a case sensitive because that's a normal administrator account right and the password in the practice lab environment is we're looking look on the top right here all the lab and all the labs are right here okay you guys see this yeah whatever you're seeing it where are you pointing to the little eye this is information little eye on the top so make sure if your camera is on the right side make sure you put your camera down because that's behind your camera here okay look on the top right side now okay so if i click on this little i i can look on the left what popped up there's a little pop-up came up [Music] so what's the password for this this username password a path w zero rd and even in the lab right here it tells you that what is the domain right here right okay but that's just to make it easier for you i mean i'm sure the company is not going to have something like this right so if i type now password here and i sign in now is this looking is this looking familiar to you guys right now oh it looks like the web-based front-end it's exactly the same thing as office 365 but it's just not office 365 it's running from a local server inside this company now you guys see what's there's no difference it's actually exactly the same thing so let me take you back to that exchange center right here uh where did it go there look at that look on the left side dashboard recipient permissions mail flow mobile hybrid and now if i take you back to the practice lab permissions compliance management organization protection mail flow almost the same thing right okay the flow is looking the same but of course you're gonna have a little bit different features here and there because some feature microsoft is controlling and some feature here you are controlling but you're not doing this stuff none of this stuff you're doing it because most of the stuff is being managed by a administrator system administrator okay uh-huh okay so now the question is if you got a new person started and you were giving access now if somebody tell you to okay what is exchange admin center you know what it is right you can log in you're gonna say this is something that a system administrator will be installing but i will have to have access to the admin center so then i can basically do my job to eight mailboxes or maybe you will start working in a company and they will say eddie we got a new person joining it and the person name is helpdesk create a mailbox for help desk this is your job right there so how would you create help this first what would be the first uh scenario go back to day one training try to try to use some of the thinking over here how can we add a user in this company where should i go first don't look into this this screen right now you have to think about it that where can we add a user in a company from the admin center of uh no no no darnell got it got it active directory uh remember eddie i said focus on what i'm saying where do you add a user in a network oh so right so whenever so that's another thing that i wanted to teach you guys that if somebody's taking a technical interview from you don't try to focus on what you're seeing on the screen if they say that look into the screen and then tell me something that's different but if they say something generically and say how do you add a person into this network so you may get confused you may start looking at the screen and of course that's just going to take you out right yes they might say instead of saying um uh how do you edit they will say where do you edit that will be more appropriate right want to say where do you edit you know obvious obvious answer would be active directory now if they say how do you get it then you know obviously they're asking for the steps and probably you know i'm not sure everybody's going to be able to you know list step by step correctly but maybe somebody who's an expert at experience he could tell you but most of the time they would say how do you uh where do you edit and you just activate it thank you and in this situation if bernal says act your directory he passed the interview i'm sure people will not go to two details after that unless they want i mean it's up to them but sometimes people want to make it short right they don't want to make it like a long interview for one specific thing just okay directly okay i know what he's talking about 90 of the people cannot answer this question the reason for that is that this is not a part of a plus training and they never they were never taught like that right so they get confused well i don't know right that's not an answer people want to look for right so now we want to add help this guys help me out where do i add up help this account how do i have this account on here uh click on uh users right right click on users okay right click on users go to the users i'm going to expand this and go to where users and i'm going to right click you could new new then user if i don't do this process can i add a user somewhere else yeah you can go to uh the top there's a button with the character guy let me uh let um leila come in leila there she is yes something happened with my internet connection i had to reboot the whole thing okay all right guys uh um apologies for for bernal and eddie i gotta go back because if i miss this then leila is gonna be confused throughout her training okay yeah i know so some of the things in the beginning i don't want people to miss it because it's just too hard to explain this stuff later on then okay so layla are you ready yes okay so uh here you go um basically we were talking about um exchange right you're gonna learn about exchange uh stuff and i'm gonna ask pernell and eddie to help you out in this too so then they can even get better at this as well so if i ask you leila this is where what is this place right here if i open this and you look at my screen what did i just open exchange admin center in what uh microsoft 365. in 365. okay so remember like i said uh companies i know i think you were there when i talked about the hospital stuff like some companies will be using uh internally so let's forget about this right now let's say you went into this company you got hired with this company and this is your first day and they gave you they told you that we're using exchange admin center right uh so they are gonna give you just like office 365 we give you the admin access they're gonna give you the admin access to exchange certain center and you don't need to worry about where the accenture center is coming from where is it running from that no no that's not that's something you will not think of right you're just going to only think of where is my admin access that's it right right so then we then we double click on this and they're going to give you this access you're going to say okay and let's say they think you know this stuff and they say leila this is your admin access let's go ahead and log out from here this little it's a little cheating when i i was actually showing that so they can say leila if you see this message right here what is your domain how would you find a domain in this new company now let's say you just joined this company after my training how would you find a domain right now for where you need to go to find a domain um is it the account you were given layla at dmv client one it's a count but where would you find let's say you were all alone and you're like what is your domain because so many of my calls are going to be relying on on me knowing the domain name so where did we create the domain name on the server but where do i need to go in the server to find that um is it systems system good good okay that's uh the first thing i right click and i go to what systems and then where do i find the domain name look look on the bottom what does it say domain oh practice lab okay so number one thing guys you should take a note to yourself right now when you go to a new company right click on the system and first find out the domain it's going to make your life easy trust me by knowing the domain why because after that your job is dependent on you knowing the domain name or else you're just going to be running around okay so number one you took that note you're gonna do that part uh when you start the uh working in a company but layla where else did we created this where is it coming from we created something right in this server right this is just a system but where do we created the domain what's the yes in the server but what makes a server so powerful it's a domain controller it's a domain controller but what makes a domain controller where do we manage people active directory perfect there you go remember active directory is so it's just too important for you guys number one you guys need to know how to find a domain you found it fine but even better than that if you can get to the active directory part you're just going to make your a job 80 easy because you already know the whole system now how you're just going to go to start and you're going to open server manager and then the first thing you should do is what or if you don't have a server manager in your company they may give you what tool are rsr rsat are set there you go so you're going to open our set and you're going to go where you're gonna tools active users and computers and and there you go linda your domain is right there okay right so from here first of all you know the how the company is set up you can find the groups you can find the user you can see how they are naming their user you can see what kind of so you see so much you can find just from one place just from one place you found so much by starting even on the first day you got a lot of knowledge right now before somebody even get into this stuff with you right right so now i want you to focus on here this is not what i'm looking for i'm actually looking for if they give you an access that okay you need to log into your exchange like this they give you a link and now they say layla you need to add a help this and you have this person starting after a week you need to create their account and create an exchange email box if you see something like this leila how would you type that over here like what what where can you find that domain that they're looking for this right here we know it's what we know it's but it's you're not going to be using the in it what you're going to do is this you're going to right click on here and eddie help me out what do i do properly go to properties and leila look you're going to find this right here okay this is not com right now right right so when you log in over here what are you going to use you're going to have to use this right here from that properties that's that bios right there okay and then we said that administrator in this company is the one that is the main admin we didn't add it to help this yet right so i'm going to basically log in right now as an administrator because that's the guy who created this whole thing and look at this and i was telling eddie and bernal that do you see any difference between a local exchange center and look at this one this is a cloud-based isn't it the same thing almost the same thing look at this dashboard reception recipients permissions organization mail flow and if you go back to the local one isn't it the same thing mail flow everything is the same right yes so by knowing the office 365 and working on that one you can get away with the exchange stuff too because if you tell somebody that i know the knowledge of office 365 they're gonna say okay that's fine we'll teach you exchange too it's exactly the same you see how it works yes but you can also tell them that i have not only that i have actually did a training on my own and practice lab on on premises exchange center so what are you doing right here you're selling yourself you're making yourself look good you're putting a positive point inside the interview right there you got my point okay so now if i tell you and i we this is where we are leila we have to add a help this account over here so how do we add a help this account right click right click go to new and then we go to user but let's say i don't want to do this can i do this some other way leila yes you can yep on your right left hand side exactly so guys now watch we're going to add help this account this is your task right now and you guys should come over here and do the same thing because these labs are 60 minutes after when 60 minutes are gone all of this stuff is going to be wiped out now that's the bad part of practice lab and that's the good part that we're giving you that 30 days access on the servers for this reason because our training is not designed like this our training cannot be done in 60 minutes right our dating has to be stay there for 30 days and that's why the combination of these two these two becomes very powerful for us but this is where you are learning specific things and and remember this training is designed for what for exchange administrator by following this stuff right here but we're not focusing on that so that's why i want you guys to not lose attention like i don't want you to go to the left side oh let me see what's in the module module six then of course you just lost you just went somewhere else right you have to follow my video and do what i'm doing right now okay yes so here we have added this help this account with the same password in this lab you can pass you can give it whatever you want so is this a domain admin or just a normal user right now just a normal user perfect how do i make it a domain admin right click properties remember perfect perfect i like this i like this flow i'm not waiting too much add and check lines domain admins and you apply and okay okay we want to add now we added a domain another uh help this account but we want to add a new account he's not a he's not a domain admin now i want to i wanna just add let's say eddie in here so let's add eddie okay so we added eddie now so okay guys so what happened here you are the help this or you're this administrator whatever you are and eddie joined the company you took this on the paper that your username and password is this eddie started the company for the first day and you were sitting with him and you're teaching eddie how to log into his local exchange email box this could be either outlook or it could be that web link so remember in the companies they can also give you the web access like this so you look at the link right here this is a local link they're giving you right this is what's going on inside the company but when i logged in i immediately got logged in as who man who is this if i right-click here this is who admin so i need to do what sign now i'll sign this is a very good part right here so we added somebody in active directory right we added eddie in active directory but in office 365.1 we added active direct eddie in office 365 we checked mark a option that he should also get mailbox in there did we do anything like that in this we didn't do anything right i don't think so we just did eddie so if eddie has to log into the exchange can eddie log in uh i don't think so because i'm not in the i'm just a user on the domain an active directory okay so if if i am uh if i'm a member or if i'm a staff member and i'm eddie later you're the you're the help desk leila what would you ask him first let eddie call you hi leila uh i'm having some issues what would you tell eddie first like if he said i i cannot access my email what would you tell eddie first um whether he's registered in the domain he's he's a part of domain that's why he is able to log in but what would what would you try to ask eddie so you can understand what's going on whether he has a mailbox account oh yes he's missing a mailbox account that's a so but but you're going to ask him something right to get that right right like he's so you're going to ask him what uh okay eddie uh eddie's calling you that hey um i'm having an issue lela i cannot access my mailbox you guys give me a link to login to my web the first thing you should be asking eddie is what kind of message are you seeing on the screen so eddie's saying that yeah i'm seeing a mailbox couldn't be found for practice lab eddie so that should immediately tell you to check what whether he has a username and a password whether he has a mailbox you already have a username and password that's why he's able to get in right right okay so let me get into that give me one sec give me give me one second guys okay okay another thing you guys want to look at it if you look at it says a mailbox couldn't couldn't be found for practice labs slash eddie so whenever you're looking at something and you're trying to figure out what the domain is so anything before the slash that's most of the time would be the domain okay so could be anything um and if you see a dot instead of a any name dot that's another indication either you log in on the local machine or uh usually dot slash means a local machine so you might get confused like dot is a domain but it mostly would be let's say you have a workstation that's completely locked out you can't even connect to the domain uh so usually a lot of times admins what to do they will log in locally and the way they would do it is they would put dot backslash and their username or a the username would be of that account created locally on that machine so that would they would use that to log in to the machine and then try to troubleshoot and connect to the domain or all the network connectivity you'll see so if you ever see a dot slash in the dot and i i know it has something to do with block there's a dot there's two dots right all right good thank you yeah so this is a perfect situation because this is actually a troubleshooting because today the whole training is kind of towards more troubleshooting rather than showing too much of like what the process are your you guys already know the processes right now it's more of like how do you utilize your actual directory learning and now everything is getting in everything is getting in sync everything is becoming like together right now right you know that eddie is a part of active directory but eddie is missing something right now so you already checked him out that eddie was up and he was able to log in if eddie could not even get into this part this means that eddie is not using his password correctly so or you gave him a wrong password right that would be a first step right there because eddie would not be able to get to this uh uh you know a screen basically he would not be able to get to the screen so eddie can do two things right now and you can even be the person who will be troubleshooting this stuff or you may be the person who will just be assigning a ticket to another level level two guy who knows this stuff so right now you see your job could be just knowing what eddie is experiencing and grab that information and send it to level two but most likely in the company you're gonna be doing this stuff okay so how do we fix this we're gonna log in as who to add eddie to give him the rights we're gonna log in as an admin right yeah perfect okay so now i'm going to log in as an admin and remember this was a case sensitive so if you guys are practicing and you're trying to like do without case sensitive you're gonna have problems okay i think you spelled practice labs wrong it's missing a c p r c oh good job there you go we already got the technical person we already got a technician working with us now eddie is already an i.t person right now guys so okay so now leila you went in there you so you went in there you logged in and like okay eddie eddie eddie eddie can you find eddie no so how do i add eddie into this new you use your mailbox and then what you're going to do is we're not adding a new user right here we're going to do what existing and there you go you just started you just added eddie boom eddie got added and you can let eddie you can disable eddie by going to the webmail or you can enable it you can disable his phone if you don't want him to add this outlook to the phone you can do all that kind of stuff but people don't do that right you're going to enable all everything right so now that you have added eddie let's go ahead and try it again can eddie log in to the webmail this is this is the admin area he's not going to get access to this so if i go back to my let's go to dc2 right here yeah and let's do a refresh one work okay let's go back and let's open it oh what happened and he got logged in right because i already put my password in there so because i added the mailbox all you did layla is to tell them to go back close the browser reopen the browser and boom he got the same information that you got in office 365 you're going to pick the right uh time zone and now i'm going to click ok and boom eddie is inside the email if you want to confirm is this really eddie i'm going to click here and that's there you go eddie just got added so you guys did a job that usually is something that you definitely will come across if they're using exchange server not using office 365 this is exactly what you're going to be doing this is a ticket for you any question about this yeah go ahead i mean i can play the tape back but since i have you here which me which server did we go to add me as a user the exchange or the domain controller the domain that's a good question so the domain controller have links if you remember me in the beginning a company will give you these links on the computer so it doesn't matter where this is coming from but for your your understanding this is coming from where it's coming from this server right here this is the exchange server right here right and if i want me to click on that server let's go to the server this is the server actually this is the actual server right now you see that yeah so this is the exchange management shell so not to confuse you guys more if i was an exchange administrator i would be working on the shell right now meaning i need to back in that can access i need to know all that commands and everything to to to work on this server but that's not you right they have given you a help this machine and they help this machine you log into the help this machine and only they're going to give you what bernal they're going to give you this link right exchange shortcut that's it so you got the admin access and at the same time you got what you can create mailboxes and you can now find out how to actually do things but here's a question to you guys what is this what is the most important thing over here how did you find eddie through what active directory active directory there you go the reason i'm going to come back to your directory every single time because if you don't know this clearly you don't understand it you're directly part remember your job is hard if you know active directory from the back end everything is coming from there your job is super easy in itunes that's how it works okay yeah my training is almost like eighty percent on nectar director to be honest like i like to teach everything else but if i if i can get this thing really nicely like you know i can teach you this stuff then at the rest of the stuff you're going to learn on your own you just have you will have the ability to learn on your own but your core will be so strong that none none of these things are going to matter to you okay okay all right so that's kind of like the level of exchange knowledge you need to know you don't need to know anything else other than this nothing more than this if they if they have something more they will have policies for you they will have scripts for you they will have a step-by-step guidance for you and they don't even expect you to know the stuff that i just showed you make sense okay okay so you guys understand that if you want to practice where do you go right you're going to go to your practice tab you're going to log in and you're going to which which lab are you going to open and deploying design in designing deploying are you going to touch all these other things no right you're going to come over here on the bottom monitor incline you're going to open it once your machines are up and running if it's not running you just need to turn it on okay you see how it's often turned on and then you're going to go to dc and then you're going to go to active directory add a user and then you're going to go to the mailbox and then add eddie into the mailbox okay all right so now we're going to move on here so this right here is super important for you guys i mean this is like you that's like your current active the active the job like just like active directory you know you have to do that part you need to understand browsers very well and not at the master level nothing like that you just need to know a little bit more than a normal user you just need to know a little bit more than you right now because you guys are working as a normal user right now right you got to be a little bit more than that in terms of browser so ali are you there i'm good so my wife is clear yes yes great and you all are watching my screen now yes yes good so in this uh session we will discuss something related to the browser and the common one and the most widely used browser is google chrome you know something related to internet explorer too but the google chrome is on top these days so we will analyze this browser here so as we open this browser and you will find that on the right top corner you have these three dotted icons and this is called customize and control google chrome right so for customizing for adding purpose or want to troubleshoot you just go here and click then you will find this menu over there on the top you have the new tab if you that's obvious if you want to open anything left side so you can go on new tab or if you just want to open a new window and like what is the difference between new tab if you open the new tab so there is another tab open on the same window this is the window and what is the new window it is what if you click there and select this new window option so it's gonna open in a separate google chrome video window right so these are the top options then if you further go there you will find incognito window this is what it is it is for the private browser yes from this tab you can do whatever browsing you want to do and it will not cap your record even it will not make the history of what you have served right yes so if you want to hide your web activities your surfing activities and if you don't want to make records or maybe you have some kind of activities related to where you're going to hide like you're accessing some servers you're excellent of sensitive uh machine sensitive desktop session you're taking with your client and you want to hide all the addressing all the tracking so you can open this incognito window and there you can easily serve on those private sectors right and if you wanna experience this so let me show you let's say if i open incognito and here if i open the google chrome google website and then i just close it and here you can see on the fourth tab we have the history and if i click over there so it's gonna tell me all the history but currently we already opened the google website but it didn't make it history it didn't record so that's the difference between two of these tabs then you know the history tab here you can manage history or you can make settings for the history like if you further expand this history tab so there you're gonna find the browsing data and if you explore this so there are plenty of things like cookies what if cookies cookies are the little tiny files little tiny you could say a tracking file that may get copy on your machine when you launch any website and that cookies are designed for various functions for various purposes but the legit website use cookies to track the user whether the user is legit a a normal user or the malicious user so most of the website use cookies to track the user intentions why the user opening the website what sort of surfing users are doing on the web page which section the user sees most in our website that's why they use cookies but cookie are also used to track user information so it has both positive and negative uses so when you search [Music] in your browser so it collects a lot of cookies in your cash cookies and you can find the time rings from here let's say it is last last ever so you can change it to your whole browsing time since you turn on the machine or since you installed the operating system like all time or you can define the weeks like four weeks seven weeks 24 hours it is up to you then you have cached images and files these are what it is when you open the website you obviously see some images some icons some of some kind of files that just open with the website like give file animated animated files so these are those files so you can clear these cache images these files so you can recover your space that has been used by this browsing stuff and if we further move to advanced so here three or four options added and there you can see passwords and other sign-in data this is what when you use your browser and you most likely open your accounts you log into your hotmail or yahoo account and in that way your browser asks for you to remember all your password or most likely google mostly asked to save your password so if you click on that save password thing so what will happen your browser start saving your passwords and username and whenever you reopen that website it will suggest you that use your username and use this password so if you want to clear this history if you want to eliminate those records you can make check over there and then clear the data so all the passwords and the sign-in details will be mapped out then you have autofill data form this is what during account creation you just encounter with some forms like where you have to provide your first name last name your birth date your identity your country your city your postal code or the form data so if you want to clear all those information that you have provided in the past on any of the website so you can also make check here to delete all these data all these data then the site setting thing this is another option we will show you later so here i click on the clear data so it's gonna delete all my history cookies cache and other thing and here if i further explore this site setting option so i can define the permission level like here on the cookies and site data if i block this access so all those website that through their cookies on the user machine to verify the user intention will no longer open on your browser because you block their cookies because before opening of any website it it through their cookies to the user machine to the user address to find the intention to find the user legitimacy if you block the cookies so the website will not proceed so i'm not gonna block that cookie then there's a location thing it's just what it defines your current position where you are so you can block or unblock this thing that the camera microphone motion sensors and these are some javascript and flash these are some languages that works with the html to to show you different designing and different animation that uh brought on the website so if you block those javascripts and flash so it may disable some of the features of website like when you open the website you often see some kind of banners appears on the screen automatically and some kind of motion pictures appears on the screen so like sometimes um companies have specific you know uh applications that they have bought from vendors right these applications are let's say like not available on public so the company support will tell you can you guys make sure that java is allowed in the browser right so this is where you need to know how to then come over here and actually see oh is it allowed or not allowed if the application is not working you have to at least come to know where are these settings and this is why you're kind of like knowing of course to be honest 98 of the time you're not going to come over here and do things because most of the application these days are very much in compatible with browsers right they make it that way but there could be a scenario where you're struggling with one user and for some reason that user is just not seeing what other users are seeing so and you you know that it's a one specific browser is having an issue so first of all you should always uh do troubleshooting on two different browser i'm sure you have seen an i.t person will come into you and say okay it's working on ie but it's not working on firefox so that's where you need to then understand that okay it's related to the chrome or firefox and you need to get into their settings then to find out the issue okay right then you have other images option you can define or you can block these images axis on your surfing then the pop-ups this is so disturbing disturbing thing when you're accessing certain website they they add some advertisement with their website so what happened when you click on any of the link and there are other windows automatically opens and that seems to be so disturbing and also these pop-ups contain some malicious coding that may run automatically from the web server to your machine and make some uh communication to download to make a transfer some kind of coding and malicious files to your machine so we recommend we always block these power popups and there are other softwares in the market we integrate with our browsers to block those pop-ups so here you can define but this google-based pop-up blocker uh works like 50 percent sometimes it didn't block the popups so we have other uh antivirus kind of applications available and we have separate pop-up blockers applications too which we can integrate with the google chrome so it will work about 90 or 100 percent to block the problem and i will show you how you can add extensions and integration with the browser and you will find these same options in your mobile phone when you open your google chrome setting in your mobile phone you will find the same options on your phone browsing so it will benefit you on both desktop and phone based thing then you have these codes pdf document you can allow this allow to open because there are a lot of files available on the google the pdf extension so if you blog or let's say you got a call that i'm unable to open the pdf file on my browser so you have an idea where this could be done and how you can troubleshoot and you just in a minute just get understand that may the user maybe the user have this pdf feature turn off so you can easily turn on that feature and then user will access the pdf document and then we will move to the extension the one which i talked which i explained you previously what is extension let's say if i download some pop-up blocker application and i'm gonna i'm gonna add that blocker in my browser so what will happen first of all this application must have some extension to add in any browser like mozilla and chrome and once you install the application this application extension will appear in this way like you can see the google docs offline and there you will find this button so if you didn't find the enrollment of your pop-up blocker so you can click on this three dots line and go to more tools and here the extension settings click to it and it will take you to the same location and then you will find like your internet download manager all extension will start appearing here once you get installed in your machine and then you can define like you can turn on or turn off so once you make on that extension you need to reset your browser and then you will find the involvement intervention of that application in your browsing right then after we have remote tools in the browser like the bookmarks and this is the important one because during browsing we we often thought that how we can record that website how we can record that particular link that particular location that we want to re again we then we want to uh did it again in any of the time so we often do this thing like let's say if i open the google and i just search about tss okay not just as it will find different things job skillshare okay enter and then it will show me the different links let's say i reach to the ig career training and i don't know how to get access again on that same page so what's the best option in the browser we i have is bookmark this tab i'm gonna click to the star and then click to the done to record that location where i've been and then i just online on some other day and i want to revisit that location so what i will do just click to the three dotted line icon then go to the bookmark and there in the last i have it career training bookmark this is the recording this is a record of my previous access and there you go it will take me directly to that location so this is what it is like you're [Music] tracing you're making your um your you're defining your previous location where you were and you wanna stick to that location and every time you didn't uh able to learn the whole website name so once you open the website you can easily bookmark and the best thing is what is what we can transfer these bookmarks to other browser like here you can see we have option input bookmarks and settings so if we have the previous bookmarks on our other machine we can copy that file let's say if i open this there i got this whole panel and let's say i've done a lot of browsing on my microsoft edge on or my internet explorer and i want to import all those bookmarks or all those web pages that i open on that browser so i can define the browser here which were and then it is providing the other option like you want to kept that book browsing history or you want to make uh you want to impose your save passwords your search engine your favorites so you can define all these by making checks or you can click and you can click the import and click to the done so what it will do it will just import your previous other browsing history from other browser to the same one now that's pretty important because think about it so many people are going to be using changing their computers or you know one from one computer to another computer or they may be moving somewhere so you need to know how to import the current favorites because if somebody's working on their computer for let's say six years i'm sure they're gonna have a lot of lot of favorites and they're not going to be happy and i'm sure you guys are in the same situation when you call to help this rit team and you worked on something for so long you wouldn't want to just lose that information i'm sure you're not going to be happy right so think about that now you are putting yourself in the i.t issues and you have to then kind of take care of this stuff make sure you don't just go go ahead and reset their whole browser without asking them and for safety just make sure you take a import and and back up their favorites specifically favors a lot of people love to to make favorites you know to make their job easy so you don't want to make it hard for them and in the same way you can show your all bookmark on the top by enabling this bar let's say go to the bookmark and if you make check on show bookmarks bar so all your bookmarks the recent one will start visible here on top so all the time you are not supposed to go there and just launch your bookmarks you can directly click over on top so it will list all your written one and then we have other network-based settings in the browser too like if i wanna make my browsing secure so i will click to the street dotted line open the setting and then i will go to the advanced here click to the advanced setting and there you have this privacy and security tab it control your scripts and then have a click to the more and on the top you find the same browsing so this is the option you mostly turn on because the safe browsing will secure you from bullish's website the website that contains some dangerous content or some malicious code that may directly runs to your machine or the those websites that i talked before that contain the cookies or track your access tracking your ips tracks your location so it will tell you it will alert you when you're using those website and you have seen when don is just going to design and show you about accessing access of the server and you find that it says you are at risk and you can proceed your own risk so this is what this is the safe browsing thing if you turn off this safe browsing it will not alert you it will not stop you to surfing such internet areas then here you have further further options like send a do not track requests with your browsing traffic you can turn on and turn off this thing or you can allow sites to check if you have payment method saved so you can make allow or disallow all these options then the certificate tabs this is for the integrity of the website because you can if you're working in an environment you're working in any corporate sector so mostly you download all the certificates and then you can apply all the certificate through the group policy so all those websites that are allowed according to their certificates can easily log in user can easily access those web pages because their certificates are verified and are allowed in the group policy so in this tab you can manage the certificate thing then this appearing setting like how you wanna present your google chrome how you want to change your experience like font size customized phone do you want to show your bookmarks bars how much you want to zoom all these things then the search engine if you allow this so the search engine will start appearing in your bar so all the time you will not you don't have to open the google i get this i get this uh when i was in help this so many times people will call me hey uh i'm trying to search something and it's always going to yahoo i don't like yahoo change yahoo for me so then this is why this is a ticket right you got to know how to actually go back in there and change the search engine for that person inside that browser so in chrome this is where you see that you have to just go in there and just click on google to yahoo to google or something here you can define default browser currently it is google chrome if you want to change or your google chrome is not your default browser so you can make default by click there and it will take you to settings and then the choice you made here on choose an app will become your default browser and further if i scroll down so you've got this language setting spell checker and there are the downloads here you can change the download locations let's say you let's say you're working in a domain environment and you redirect your all the users download folder to the server location what i said i mean that if you want to keep track all the downloadings that are going on in your domain environment so for that you redirect all the download folders in your workstation in your cloud workstation to the server location so what will happen whenever the user download anything in their download folder they seem that this file is in their local machine but what happens actually these files are directly going to the server location and you can keep track on all those downloads so here you can change this download location on just local machine the folder redirection is another topic related to the work policy i just discussed for the example but if you want to change the local directory for the downloads you can simply click to change and make any folder there that receive the downloading and here you got the option ask where to save each file before downloading it is what during any downloading it just directly download the file on the provided location but if you want to chain down uh you want to change the location where every time you're downloading those so you can allow this option you can turn on this button so every time when you supposed to download anything it will ask you to provide the location for that and then continue running background apps when google chrome is closed there are some apps working with your browser like there are most of the time it is downloading something let's say you you have made through your pro downloadings and these are keep going on and you just forgot and you close your google chrome so if you allow this option what will happen the downloading will keep on but your browser will not available on the screen so it's up to you you can allow or disallow this thing and use hardware acceleration when available when your hardware is free you have no more other application and you're just only using your browser so if you make this option on it will use all your resources all your available hardware capacity to provide you the best experience of browsing then you have this computer proxy setting and it is sometime required when you're you're you are using the proxy server for accessing web like like it is what you have servers in your network and you want that when your user try to access the internet they are supposed to go through our servers so in this way we can keep track their browsing stuff how they are using internet and when some malicious person from the outside try to crack the user so first they interact with our server than the client network so that's why we create this proxy thing what it will do it will redirect the user traffic to the server to the dedicated server which we create and design for that proxy thing and then the traffic will flow to the internet so all the time your server get exposed to the internet but your client machine get hide it behind that server this is the whole proxy concept in this networking so here on the script address we can define in the manual proxy setup we can define the proxy address like which server we want to make the proxy server and the code so what will happen let's say if i type so this will go to that server that proxy server and then proxy server communicate with the dns to launch this website so the dns will just only know about that proxy server it will no not appear that there is a client behind that proxy server who is requesting for that page right so we can uh this is the fact that you guys don't i just want to clear it because this may be a little confusing for them to know the dns servers and everything so this is the stuff that you're not going to be dealing with this is going to be given to you you're just going to be told to put this into proxy address this is the port just put it in there and that's it that's going to be your job they'll tell you to remove or you can change it yeah and they'll just either tell you to just turn it off so you you're just kind of like you know you need to know where it is where this where do i need to put that information and you don't need to know what it does basically because that's a little too advanced okay level one so uh that's it i'm done and if you wanna add something or they wanna ask something so all right i'll take over and then we can ask questions so can you guys see my screen yes go ahead i've always i've always been confused about file servers so a is windows server of a file file server i mean obviously i think so no exactly it's a server we're just calling it a file server but it has more features which i'm going to tell you right now i'm going to go into that how you make how do you tell a server that that's a file server it's just a feature in there right it's say something the operating system will be same windows server maybe he's asking about that okay but you can use this basic files sharing feature but the operating system will be windows server okay thank you okay so to you you will get it even more when i show you this right now so then the lab this is what you guys are going to do the same thing you will log into your lab right yeah you're going to log into your own labs both all of you not right now after when you finish this whole training right yeah so let's go ahead and make the scenario okay so here's the scenario guys so if we open a server which is the domain controller so it doesn't matter if you install a new server and you join it your domain you can do that or you can use your domain controller i'm just going to make it easy for myself and for you guys you can use the same domain controller right here okay it doesn't matter like this is this is just a server right now and you can add a new server just add it to your domain and that could be also a file server and so what i do is i need to go and basically do all control delete yeah and i need to log into my server with the password that i given right so in this server we know that we have a active directory but first of all what is the difference between why are we using server for file sharing why can't we use bernal machine to share with other people anybody because because the server is more powerful right the server is more powerful yes that's a good point right here so let me just show it to you so on the left side we have a server on the right side we have a hub desk so if you ask me why are we using a help desk versus server i want you guys to pick something over here okay i want you guys to focus on that so if i was to share a same file on both machines i want you to first see how we share a file that's the number one thing if we have to share a file i'm going to go back to the folder here and i'm going to open this pc and i'm going to open actually no forget it forget that we're going to make a file on the desktop right click on the desktop you're going to go what create new folder and we're going to call it share on server okay server we're gonna do the same process bernal and layla on the desktop now okay share on client so how do you share a file with users we're going to right click and you see we have two options give access to specific people right so that's not what we're going to do over here that's something for you to just kind of like give access to another employee if you want to do that that's not i'm going to share i'm going to show you a better way of sharing how i t people do it okay you're going to go down to properties and you're going to click where pairing oh then you're going to do what advance sharing and sharing and then you're going to do what this folder right okay now this folder we picked it right yeah okay now guide me how do i share it on a desktop right click your thing click property sharing what's the difference between a server and a desktop guys tell me you can use more users on the server a lot more a lot more way less this is not even this you can even go on further look at this you can go even more than that so this is the power of server server is designed for simon i can never pronounce this simultaneous right i can never pronounce this simultaneous connection is what you have a file that somebody needs to access in your in your department let's say for example you have 10 people now fine with 10 people you can get away with the desktop because it has 20 simultaneous connections right yeah so 20 people can 10 people can connect to help this machine but what if you have 1 000 people now this is not a remote desktop connection guys this is actually getting into a file but putting a path i'm going to show you that and if 1000 people connect to that file from desktop then what will happen they will get denied at the 21 number right yeah yeah but on the server more than one thousand people can connect to that file and grab that file and put the files and do whatever they want to do right so number one we have to use file server and that's why when eddie asks us what's the difference this is the only difference it's the same server it's connected to the domain it could be a different server too connected to your domain it's not a domain controller but by the way i'm doing this on a domain controller but you don't have to create a whole domain controller again remember in your lab you're only using one domain controller that you have already created that's the king you cannot have two kings okay okay you can make more servers and connect it to the domain and that's it it's just a normal server with more power now make sense are you guys getting this lila yes yes yes so so okay let's remove this now and we decided that look we're not going to use file sharing on a desktop because it it's not something that people do right so we're going to key we're going to still stick to the server right here and we're going to create a file sharing by clicking on apply but look what happened what is the network path right here this is very important for you guys to know this stuff because people can test you to know how much you know about i.t and this is a simple thing just like a ping command people can test you this what is that but what is that like what if somebody showed you that what is that it's saying that's the net the path the network path that's the network pad that's the shared path so if you had to access this path from an external machine how would you access it it's on this server remember this server is right here is in somewhere else in the building and this machine is somewhere else how do i access this spot from this machine how do i access this path do we have to go to the command line no right click properties and then you have to copy the shared file uh in virtualization from this that you can copy things you have to know where to actually go right so let me show it to you if somebody wants to test you this is an easy way for them to not hire you basically right so so keep in mind this is a normal thing very basic thing an extremely important thing you have to go to there's two ways you can open this you have to go to the windows explorer not if not internet explorer remember windows explorer right you open that and what is that that's a file explorer right so look at the bar right here you have the ability to type things in here right yeah so what you what do you need to type over here ac 100 but before dc100 what do you need to type backslash do we need two slashes yes two slashes are the one that is a network network path okay dc 100 then what do i need to do i can't see it's way too oh it's uh yeah let me see if i can make it up is it good enough now yes yeah but why is it not coming up that's kind of weird is my machine oh you know what here's a is a mistake right here so if i go and a little i have to bring it down a little bit okay because i cannot actually i can see the bottom one so if i go to my machine how do i know that i'm not on the right profile this is this is important because you guys are gonna get stuck over here if you log into this machine with a local help desk account nothing will work remember that it's not connected to a domain if i open active directory look i'm going to get an error i'm not going to be able to open this active directory you see this i'm not going to even i'm not even getting any kind of response in there right so i need to restart this machine and i need to log in with what account i need to log in with the account that's in the active directory of this server remember that right so did we add it that helped us in my lab i'm sure we did we're going to go to users and computers this is a good troubleshooting right here and we have helped this right here right yeah but when you log into this machine you got to make sure that you're logging into the domain help desk not your local help desk remember at the beginning where you were making the machine you you needed to add that local admin in the beginning right right that local admin cannot be used for this kind of stuff because you already now join this machine to our domain and once you add this machine to our domain then you will be logging in with the help this account from active directory not your local on but same machine help desk if they log in with the administrator account so they can use the active directory and all other controlling features i don't get i don't i don't get your question what's that sorry i like on the helpdesk machine if i get log on with the administrator backslash xyz domain if i if i'm using the domain administrator account on the help desk machine oh you mean this one yes yeah definitely but that's also a domain account right yes but what i'm basically saying in here is like this like you got to make sure that you are logging into the domain uh profile so if i double click on here watch what happens it says right here help this right but i'm not sure if this is a domain account or it's the local account so how can i confirm it i gotta click on what what i have to click on other user and then you see on the bottom it says domain so now ali's point is right you can put the administrator account but remember in our lab we were not using administrator that much right we were using you you as i helped us because we created you and now you're going to log in as you in this uh helped us just to make it clear right so now we're going to use help this and now i know for sure that this is the helpdesk account from active director directory so anywhere you get stuck and you open active directory and you see a error that your actor directly doesn't have access or anything know that you are not using a correct account you have to go back and log in as a correct way right the one if you're watching this lab you just have to log back in there and do exactly what i'm doing right now so if i open active directory right now yeah why is it not opening oh there you go i'm just being a little impatient right here something is not right with this machine but i did play around with this machine a lot guys so i don't know if this i totally screw it up because i was actually one of um whatever scenario was that i had to um one of the director told me that we needed a vpn type of connection for our clients and we need to limit their internet access from home so then they can connect to our network and then they have to use our networks or a very complex thing so then i was actually using this machine to practice i'm like oh i need to do this and this so i think i did mess a few things over here so let me find out first if i did that because i feel like i did remove some of the things from here and that's why it's not working so look at look how i'm troubleshooting things oh there you go why am i not able to do certain things because i messed up my lab in a way that i remove the dns this dns has to be connected to what my domain controller right yeah so this is something you guys learned in the first day remember cmd you're going to find what yeah cnd id and then you need to come back over here and you need to make sure you have all this stuff so again all of this stuff is for you guys to troubleshoot and you guys can get better with this stuff because the more you do this kind of stuff the better you're going to get in this right yes because people are going to ask you where do you change the dns or give you the ipa address and all that kind of stuff all that stuff will matter then okay so if i come over here you see uh naming blah blah blah is missing it's not working i'll come over here let's see if i can still do that look what happened just one dns value messed me up right right but now everything is back normal i added the dns now it knows oh my king is over there i need to go back to my king so it got connected active directory came back up no problem right you have to change the name of the machine or no i didn't change anything it was already connected to the domain and everything all that stuff we have already done it this was something that i did again like i went to this adapter and i removed the dns because i had to apply some other settings on it and and i forgot to put it back and now we have issues right right so now coming back to our our uh file sharing if you guys can remind me how do i get to this path all right file explorer on the bottom on the bottom perfect and you click the you you working in the path the network path from the left side excuse me so look at this before it was not coming up right as soon as i type slash slash dc 100 you see my share right there can you guys find out yes sometimes i'm not going to see this because we're using a domain the domain already gives you some kind of shares that's like part of the domain but if they're using a file server you're not going to see that these two sysvog net login you're not going to see this you're going to only see this right here okay so there you go boom we got in and now if this was about let's say uh somebody from marketing oh i don't have access so what's up with this now this is a proper call for you guys right now they're gonna call you they're gonna say i i try to i i looked at the documentation because a lot of time i t people have documentation right people are gonna follow the documentation yeah i put the path in there and now i'm seeing this uh you need permission so let's do a little real real world call right here bernal i'm calling you right now pick up a call and how are you gonna how are you gonna pick up the call first good morning this is bernard and i t l desk how can i help you hi bernal uh so basically i was following the documentation on how to access my marketing folder but when i put the path and i already know the path so i'm doing everything correctly but i'm getting this error it says you need permissions to perform this action and the servers share on this server what uh i don't know what to do can you help me yes could you hold on a second let me check into that all right so now everybody can help with each other right now bonnell is like lost and he's looking at eddie and andy is looking at layla and man what do i do right here all right so now guys help each other out you got to think you got to think smartly don't look into don't look don't focus on this error too much but look at the bigger picture look first on the left side what you what should you look at on the left side to see where can this be be fixed you need to click yeah sure advance sharing advance sharing perfect add permission permissions oh ah there it is so i need to add who the person the help desk health desk is coming from where active directory active directory perfect this is why i like to do this practice because you found an active directory right there right oh okay i see you're not a part of active ready but right now we're not saying that you guys are talking to each other right now yeah bernal uh add her add him to this uh actual directory and give him full permissions and again based on the policies you're going to give them permission you're not going to just throw full permission or give somebody a domain admin rights or any anything related to permission never ever give full permission without asking this is something that are going to be told to you they're going to help you you don't need to worry about that but do not just go out there to solve this issue and let me just give a full permission this person is going to be resolved you will definitely be in trouble if you do that okay full permissions like you just you just gave a you know a whole uh access to somebody right okay so leila just dropped out so okay so here you give a full permission vanilla and then we're gonna click okay we're gonna click on apply and okay and then you're gonna tell a person to do what could you um try again see if you could sign in again oh there you go done did you get a big point right here like where this was coming from why did i focus so much on active directory today does it make sense to you guys now yeah if you didn't know about active directory do you think you can resolve this issue no i don't think so it would be difficult it'll be difficult i mean you would have been resolved it by somebody coming to you hey you need to add that person into directly but now think about it immediately somebody told you about something so new that you didn't know right now you're thinking what the hell is active directory now think about that stress at that moment you're on the call somebody told you about active directory and now bernal all of a sudden you're thinking about active directory for the whole next three nights of your life right yeah you're sleeping and you're talking about active drifting man what was that that was actually directory i need to learn about that yeah you see that how this is how we are thinking this is why we are thinking a little bit different than other people and we gotta make sure that we cover these things because a lot of people think that these trainings are four or five hours but if somebody look at this training here i can do this in five minutes it's not about five minutes it's about this whole way of troubleshooting and understanding is what makes it four hours of training right so that's the main key of this right so okay you did that we create scenarios we create the real environment so you can easily learn how to troubleshoot issues because in other training they just train stuff they just show you the hardwares the servers how to install but we create the scenarios the troubleshooting areas and then we taught you some skills to pass the those areas where you find issues so this is the training that's different different from the others that's why we create these servers these machines and we are providing you the real time scenario so as you work and as you perform those tasks you will just feel like that you did some internship you had some work somewhere because everything will be same as then as in the environment okay thank you ali definitely that helps when another professional talk about his experience you know um so here i'm trying to do something else right here i just want to quickly do things before you catch me i'm kind of like very fast right here just to make sure you don't catch me you know oh i guess just i can still access it because i give full access right here so the thing about this is this like you're gonna get a call uh you know about this folder you're gonna have uh like you know different type of departments different type of folders that are going to be using so a normal call will be like that but nail it the one that you just did right then another call would be like this person left the company can you make sure that you remove that person uh or no not after company or they they move the department they are not a part of finance now because in finance because in finance they deal with a lot of critical documents right so let's say they tell you that we want this person to be removed from finance because they move to sales so then you're going to go where you're going to go to accounting or finance whatever that is you're going to go to properties you're gonna go to security right and then security you're gonna see if that person is in there then you have to remove that uh you know username from there if you don't see in security you can go to file sharing on top of that folder sorry i'm in the wrong folder i need to be on the top level right here you're going to go to properties sharing right yeah advanced sharing permissions and you're going to do what you're going to remove that person right yeah because that person is not part but they may call you can you give this person just a read write i don't want this person to delete our document so then you're going to remove what full permission and change right and you're gonna click on apply right you have to click on apply for it to work by the way and then they can go so now what is a second method to log into this pad we we already know we can go into by by putting a pad like this we already know that right by slash slash and putting going to serve what is the second method the second method to what to access that path [Music] you're going to click on this one and then uh just run no no cmd i'm not gonna say okay can i do run and look at this i gotta do the same process oh dc and it just popped up right there you see that yeah nothing later just joined what are the two slashes mean again network network path somebody show you slash slash as a network it's a network pad or using a different machine lil are you here yes okay so leila we did that called what did you got disconnected when we were doing that call yeah my internet keeps throwing me off so um no problem i don't know so so basically what we did we we right click on this we went to properties and we went to sharing and we went to advanced sharing and then after that we basically gave a permission to who to help this then help this was able to log into this machine and then bernal called the person that hey try it now i added you in the permission you see so permission is very important but that permission is coming from where active directory right right but now guys this is another scenario right now okay let's say and here's another thing people are not going to be using desktop to share folders like this i'm just going to delete it okay why not because you're sharing a file on top of administrator account you see it's not a real way of sharing this because it's like going through a computer slash user folder and then to administrator and 10 to a desktop so there's too much layers out there every time you share a file it has to be on kind of like root level like this you're going to go to pc you're going to go to c drive and you see now here you can create a share folder share so what this is it's way less paths like slash slash dc 100 slash and then there you go you got the share right there it's not like slash slash dc the username the desktop and then the folder you get you get my point like before when we when we shared the file we shared it right here users administrator desktop and the file was right here so look on the top how many pads are we using look at that e first of all the computer name will be there then the c drive then the user then the administrator then the desktop and then you have the folder so to minimize this whole path system right here you you go straight to where go to c and you add a folder right here now how what's the difference between this and the other one look how small it is you saw the first path right that was so big right and now you see this one is so short and it won't have too many excess issues why because it's not going through so many different paths it's just going straight to the computer you gave it access now here's a question if i add a folder right here i already added a folder and i give you guys a task right here that hey make a folder sales in c drive under share folder and in sales i want you to add the 300 users in the sales department are you going to come over here are you going to add every single person in this in this folder no a bit too hard to do so tell me bernal how do i share this folder first like what would i do the first step you just did that with me right how would i start that let's right click yes and properties and share sharing yeah advanced here in here okay share this folder sales okay so this this is what eddie that's a network path so if i want to access this right now can i access this when the help does account yeah okay you say yeah right so sales got it we can why is that don't have permissions you know but well when we tested over here we didn't have that permission i mean we didn't we have to add a permission why did this person logged in correctly i mean if let's do it right now let's do it again what's going on over here if i add a a file on a on a desktop of this user check this out guys share two i'm going to make a new folder okay and i go to properties i do the same process did i edit this helped us yet i didn't do anything right apply and okay right same thing right why am i getting a error i didn't do anything i didn't do anything at all why am i getting allowed don't you have to i didn't allow anything this is in two new folders remember i didn't add in anybody so if you guys go back to my explanation what are we doing over here here we are sharing a path from c drive and share and here you are using a pad if i double click on it this one watch this one oh come on come down what's the difference guys that's a long path it's a long path because your share is looking going here then going here then going here and usually computers are not computers don't like this computer don't want you to because you're just kind of like this this is an admin account you cannot just bypass admin account that would be too easy for people to break into admins and uh profile so people don't use this so i have to specifically go into this folder to add a hub that's why i didn't do that over here why can't help this access this right here what's the reason because if you go to properties on the server and you go to the sharing and you go back to the advanced sharing and you go to permissions because we have what everyone everyone with what with what rights read only we read right so the read writes even with that permission it doesn't work with a long path doesn't matter does it make sense everyone doesn't have the right to go through the help that's a hub this uh desktop and to open it up it's got stopped it got stopped somewhere here it's not stopping anywhere because it's it doesn't have any profile in front of it it says it's a c drive it's a shared folder it doesn't have any profiles right no because the c drive can be seen by anybody right layla logs into this machine eddie logs into this machine where nail log into this machine you all can go to the c drive and you can see what's in there in in the top level not going you cannot go too deep in there but you can see the top level right there right yeah so this is the reason we were not asked to go in there but if i add a new folder for our practice if i say i want to add a new folder can i add a new formula let me call you now pick up let's pick up the call and i'm going to call you hi leila hello how can i help you today so then i was looking at the documentation and they told us to uh access the sales folder and i'm using the path and everything and actually got into the folder i can see i mean inside the folder but my manager told me to create a folder inside sales folder but when i try to create one i get permission access what do i do how do i fix this just give me a minute and i'm going to assist you with that so what i'm going to do i am going to uncheck read oh you're going to uncheck read full control allow full control nope you're going to get fired okay you're going to give full control to everybody that's going to be a bad thing right what you do this is a helpless user what should you do over here add perfect you are going to add you're going to find first you're going to find help this we're going to check names right here right is it helped us model for active directory no yes right yeah okay so you added the help that's with the read permission and you do what apply okay okay and what are you gonna do you're gonna go back down to the user we're gonna tell them can you try again it's still not working you have to right click and let's go back [Music] why is it not working guys you added the help desk it came back over here why is it not working we're trying to we're trying to we're trying to do something right we're trying to make it action here look look at the permissions or what permissions did you give this person yeah so what do you need to do change them change you gotta add a change in there there you go it's still not working should i go back yes nope let's do full control now why is this not working watch what happens now okay it should work by now by depends if i had to restart the machine or something there you go so what did i do did you refresh i refreshed it took a little time but another thing is that i had to remove everybody from the top level because that's where the conflict is then right you gave everybody read rights then you gave help that's full rights so because everybody is everybody right so it's confused right now it is saying am i a part of everybody yes and you also give a help there's a full right so now it doesn't know right so whenever you are dealing with folders like this a lot of times the companies will have specific folder for each department like for example if i go to sales right now we have sales right here in the c drive right they're going to have another folder as well they're going to have another folder for marketing they're going to have another folder for accounting i'm sure you guys have seen something like this right in the company they have their own folder right yeah so this is where you need to then come in and actually go into the folder and go to properties go to security go to advanced sharing and then you're going to add a person and give them rights or remove the rights now do remember that it doesn't mean that i'm showing you this method that every single person is following this method sharing can be done in multiple ways whichever is in sync with their company's practice right whatever they're using but you just need to know how sharing works this is how it works you guys are you guys getting the point any confusion so far i was a little confused when you name when you name the you you name the file on the uh not on the on the domain controller yep you you were sharing a file and then you can give it a different name when you share it it could start as sales and or you're not you're gonna change this because it's gonna break what it's gonna break all the paths right here right okay you have to add a new because in the companies that's how they design like i said this is a very well planned thing it's not something you are going to be planning you're going to go to a company and you will already see a bunch of departments in the list like this and your job is going to be to go in there and add people remove people add people remove people add people remove people make sense yeah when you become a sysadmin then you're going to be you can then you're going to sit down and you're going to do a design plan what how what kind of format do i want to use so this is called basic sharing guys this is what i call basic stuff but but if you come back to my original point i want to add 300 people to that sales uh folder how do i do that first of all what do we need for 300 people by the way you're gonna you need to act as a director of people active directory perfect what do we need what do we need an actual directory by the way they can have the access right to the folder oh what do we need to manage 300 people in actual directory do we need a group ah we need a group so you're going to come to users right and you're going to have to have some kind of group you're going to right click go to new and what can we do here similar stuff in office 365 too right yeah yeah you're going to do group and let's call it what what did you say sales and i'm just gonna make a distribution because it's not a security group and now we got a group so how do i add people to the group if i have to if i have to accomplish that task to make my life easy all of these 300 people got to be in the group right yeah so you're going to double click on the group and do what first and then add the names the names and who do i add let's say helpdesk right yeah and you just add of course you don't add 300 people to the group like that if you do need you need more advanced skills which is something you can learn later on but at this point when you join the company they will already have people in the sales your job is going to be somebody new came into the company and that's exactly how you're going to add a person to the sales group first then you're going to come over here if they have a new share file and they ask you to add these 300 people and give them access to this folder then what are you going to do are you going to go there one by one or you're going to give a group access profile access are you going to go to properties and then go where sharing i thought we'd share this folder i don't know why maybe i'm doing something wrong no no i think we are inside here sorry this is where sales you see i'm i'm going in right yeah and now this file is shared i'm going to go to proper permissions and what do i do here and then name of the group find it why man i look why did i put a wrong name hold on let me who just got in here ali okay so we got a new issue going on we're unable to even find that uh group name in there and what's going on over here do we have to i don't know is it instant we don't have to do group policy update force up that gpu no no so if you want to make sure that our group is getting synced from rsat because remember we're using our set in the hub desk you can always go back to server manager and making sure that it is really coming to your active directory right that's another thing right you're doing it on your machine but is it actually implying inactive directory and it clearly is right right back in there c drive advanced sharing permissions ad why is that maybe because of the distribution that's weird oh okay i see the distribution when you do a distribution this is mainly used for outlook i kind of forgot this but you don't see how it's on the security and everything started to work yeah go back you see yeah oh there you go the group just came in i gotta confirm that i don't know why this this was not like this before maybe i'm missing something here but definitely that's a part of it you saw how i fixed it right i went back to security changed it came back searched it again and boom everything is back on and now what you're gonna do what after this you're gonna send the email to the whole group guys you guys are all added to this group go ahead and access it right that's it this is what what did you you clicked on security instead of distribution yes i changed it from here watch this distribution to security and i applied and you see how it changed oh did you get that yes yeah okay guys so another question that you may get a lot in the on in the interview question as well too is i can you go and map a drive for layla for that sales for that sales uh file that we have the sales shared file that we have on the server i don't want later to be typing maps in and remember users don't know these things slash slash all these things these are kind of little bit you know technical things for them right so they want something easy like i don't wanna i don't wanna be typing slashes in there i want it on my computer like i'm like a drive yeah so they call it what map drive so a lot of time they're gonna ask you in this in the interview do you know how to map a drive does anybody know um no right okay so to map a drive you need to know where to go in the computer so watch it carefully if you're gonna open a file explorer you're gonna right click on this pc can you guys guide me now oh it's right there okay so now you guys already learned how slashing works so what do i need to type over here um that's your server not job skillshare that's a domain this is server name oh so it's just same thing remember the path we shared that folder and it gave us the path that path is the shared path right but we have to type the same thing that we did in the normal like how to open it up right backslash and we're going to do what sales right and look at this and it worked right did you do uh dc 100 dot sales or slash sales okay so we did this dc warner says slash let's if you want to give them a overall access to a like a uh like a group drive that everybody has departments and you can see all the departments in there because you have to work with other groups as an accounting person you need to put a file for another group right somewhere but a map drive can also be used for personal drives so they may say do dc100 slash whatever right p drive slash layla does it make sense wait but mapping it mapping it does that mean that we're giving it this path to the that's the path it has to take exactly so okay let me let me explain to you guys so you have a c drive in your computer too right everybody right yeah you have a d drive for for a cd or usb kind of stuff right yeah yeah mapping a drive is what what is it called on the top right here what does it say network location network location so when you do the slash slash dc 100 slash whichever folder you're shared you're basically adding it over here so then a person doesn't have to do this again and again so when they log into the computer again and restart their machine all they got to do is to open their file explorer go to this pc and you gotta drive right there without you typing anything and you'll just get in there right if you want to make it more easy for them you can drop it you can i thought you can you can drag you can drag and drop it and you get the shortcut on the desktop so they log in and there you go they'll just double click on it and they got into the file so why what yeah i'm sorry i don't so i don't understand i understand that that's a shortcut to get there but it versus what what's the option like is the other way harder yeah i mean think about it if you if if i if i tell you that you need to access a a shared drive on a server you need to put your timesheet in there so are you going to go every day and try to do d slash dc 100 slash sales enter you're going to go to sales and you're going to put your uh you know uh timesheet and let's say you close this again now bernal are you going to are you going to like me if i tell you you're going to do this every day every day you're gonna come here i'm sure you're not gonna like me right you're gonna be like hey there gotta be a better way right right so a better way to do this is multiple ways you can just drag and drop this on your desktop and boom you just save the the the saw you made it make the shortcut right is that is that called the shortcut that's a shortcut but what's this one look what is this and what is this okay this is shortcut but what is this a network drive this is a shortcut of a map drive so then you should ask me a question why do we need two shortcuts when we can make it easy for somebody to just drag and drop on their desktop why can't we just you know do that for everybody right so the map drive has more ability right if you look at it does the shortcut tell me how much space is in there and anything like this do i see anything no right but if i open a map drive right now oh come on if i open a map drive can i see the space and a map drive can have more ability meaning through group policy through other methods i can push out map drive to the whole building and you don't have to do that you're not going to be doing that but that's how it works right so then you have a map drive for many other purposes too you may have a map drive for a sales team and you may have a map draft for your personal stuff like layla mail drive but but that folder is on weird that's on the server so if i say let's go here now go to this pc and let's say we say that we're going to create a new folder for layla only right layla yeah so i'm going to share this with layla but of course we don't have a layla signed in right now so i'm going to say hub this is layla kind of thing right okay so in your in your testing when you create a account in active directory as layla you log in as layla then who are you going to give access to layla right right and here i don't have layla so i'm just going to use help this right so if i want to map a drive for layla what do i need to do first right click on my pc then map drive what do i need to type here now [Music] is right you got to go all the way to what what's the path is so some people may have dc100 group slash layla you got to go all the way you cannot if you have access to the back pad then yes but if it's a personal personal drive you got to go all the way because if you're working for a company they have 1000 users you cannot just give a a a an access to a a 1 000 user right there right right you have to go all the way to the layla's last path then you're going to say finish and now layla is at it there you go so leila can be working in a you know in a folder right here for accounting for sales and she's done with that and leila can have some personal pictures or something like that for our dog or whatever it is and she can come over here and put it right here right so here's the thing this is called basic sharing right look at this right now can i control layla by by putting a file or there anything can i control a little bit basically if i say guys don't just put your videos that you went for vacation don't put it in our map drive that's our that's our network drive why are you hogging our space right yeah right lila can i control you right now yes oh oh no you cannot because this is mine yeah so i can control in one way i can say that leila cannot put anything in here this means i'm going to give you what rights read works but in the companies you got to be more i mean it doesn't work that way right you still have to put some stuff in your your your drive right right so let's say for example you come over here and you put a text file that's fine it's a text file but you come over here now you put another file and we're gonna change the this file to mp3 file now and how do you change the file in text file into other format you're going to go all the way to the bottom all files and change the extension right here mp three or four so what i just did i create mp45 right here right so lela can do anything right now right if i give lila rights to to do her work which i want her to do her work but if i wanna tell lela del leila you cannot be putting your videos in here that's just too much right it's like you're putting a videos on our system and and we're losing the space because of you so how can i restrict layla and i just do it with with basic read change and full rights i don't think so right i don't think so so where do we go to kind of control this stuff is one way but that's too tedious and nobody's going to do that the folder itself yeah so for the four data sets so why what we what are we going to use to control them we're going to go back to server and that's where advanced things will kick in now you don't need to do this because this is a system i've been doing it but you need to know what is happening so then next time when you're troubleshooting you know what's going on okay so remember if we have to make this server more powerful where do we need to go or let me make it if we need to add a feature or a role into the server where do we need to go windows administrator windows okay server manager right now because this is where you can get the rules and features at it right right right so we're going to do what manage rules and features we're going to do what next next hold up next go back yeah next yeah okay we're gonna go all the way next next next right so now guys listen to this right here this server is already an active directory server but if you have a different server that you installed and join into your domain that's not going to be an active directory server but it doesn't matter like i said server any server can give different type of roles and features right as long as it's connected to the domain so now look at this if we're gonna we're gonna talk about files and sharing where do we need to go we're gonna come over here files and sharing we're gonna expand this and this is what we're looking for file server resource manager so we got to give this server more rights to be able to do what we are trying to do with layla right now right so we're gonna add it we're gonna click next next install everything is next next installed and don't get into more like why oh what's this the screen and everything that's just admin stuff right there right that's where i'm stopping you really like you don't need to do too much oh that feature this feature that another feature what is that feature that's all so assist admin came into play right now hadi came in i told hadi hey we're having an issue with leila man he's not she's always putting her dog pictures in there she's always putting her videos in there we gotta we gotta stop them and you're like okay howdy's like okay i got a solution right here howdy went in there and he's like okay i wanna put server server resource manager in here to control layla in here okay wow i have never done anything like that but that's so interesting to see um how you can control everything on the sabbah like you can control everything you know you could limit pretty much what i can put in the shared drive anything like i said you already know about group policy right group policy can even limit you right on all that kind of stuff but this group policy can become very tedious this is why they have added this feature because it's much easier to do this right okay right so we install this file server feature so whenever you install the feature in a server where do you need to go and open it up then okay can you guys find that tool [Music] um so for us to take care of leila we need to know okay how do you call me and ali is asking me okay danish what's the what's the file what's the sharepath the first thing we need that right so i'm going to tell how the her path is you're going to first go to where file screen screen management right so i'm going to go over here and i'm going to say to holly i'm going to hey that's the patch okay okay good right click on it oh no right what am i doing i'm zoning out a little bit hold on okay i need to click on file screen itself so you're gonna click on file screens right here you're gonna right click here and look what's happening create new file screen okay so i create a file screen in the server you cannot put slash slash you are already in that server you have to get in by browse right that like that okay so browse and where's our where's our path help me your out disc it's in the local disc right yeah and where is layla okay that's why they fold up all right so now i found later and i want layla and they give you like a they make it easy for you to like they you can actually uh who do we well i thought i lost somebody so guys okay i'm i'm getting near to my mission to lock down later a little bit right now okay so you see right here block audio and video file there's a template but i can also create a customize if i can put a i can even because there are so many different file types i can even type a file type that nobody can put this kind of file type in our shared drive right but i'm just going to keep it simple block audio and video file but what did i do right now i created a screen on top of that share does it the are you guys getting it on top of that share i created a screen by using what feature file server resource manager resource manager now if layla goes in here and she tried to to put the video or audio from her usb or whatever let's go ahead and she's like let's say she got this nice video and she had to share with everybody in her department hey guys come here i got a nice dog video and i'm going gonna show it to you guys and there you go she put like mp4 in there right she's downloading this huge file in her folder and she's gonna say save and replace and okay and oh i saved the same text file here sorry about that let's delete this one is mp4 a audio videos video right sorry you're good you're too good we messed up something over here okay we messed up okay where did we messed up though what are we doing find my mistake we're not the z drive this is ah good good job uh eddie i mean look we're not in the layla we're actually working in sales right now so we gotta go back where we gotta go back here we're working right here but our our filters is set on where leila so let's do the same process in layla's right now let's see here we got the file so she can put a normal file in the right document text file excel i want her to work yes she's doing her work no problem with her she's not complaining about work right we're not messing with her work right so now she suddenly decided to put a 50 gb file of her dog or cat right all right there you go what happens now i don't have permission so you guys see how controlling it can become right and how why we need this because of the issues like that i mean we had these issues why they why did they develop this feature because we had these issues right layla yeah people were hogging spaces complaining we don't have space anymore so you have to control your people too right what's stopping them from changing the name of the video file to text and putting it there sorry what what's stopping them from taking the video file changing it to text file putting it on there yeah so what's stopping what's stopping her what is what is what's stopping her right now this thing the screen file oh no i thought you were asking them a question no i'm asking you oh yeah the screen share like this because um you define that block audio and video right i'm saying okay if you go on a desktop right if you change the file extension can you fold it right oh go to the z drive you were in earlier a z drive the does the maps the z1 go up sales oh okay right so take that uh the new text document does mp4 oh you mean like drag and drop it yeah oh okay okay good one so let's say layla is being very tricky right here okay she added she put a usb and she put it on our usb that mp4 she knows that you know if i rename the file of course she's not going to do that right it's going to be a full blown mp4 file directly right and she just copied and drop it into so how did there you go all right so now hit cancel go back to the mp4 now change that to txt oh you were saying that you can trick it yeah just put txt let's find out are you okay guys this is a good uh scenario right now why am i not able to change the extension here i'm sorry what why am i not able to change the extension this is not thc this is still mp4 i'm not able to see like look at the types right here because you just changed the name of it not the by the way this is an interview question i actually came across this somebody can test you this is very easy stuff right here because this is a normal stuff that works in the company so if i come over here how can i change the extension of a file because this is still mp4 you have to click right click you have to click on view and look on the right side file name and extension show that watch this you see so when i show attention you look at this i just changed it to dot txt dot still mp4 is there right so hadi is telling me to change it to what hadi x txt txt so i change it if i change it this way it's going to break this whole file and it changed right there right now i'll drop that in there so say how do you saying okay go ahead and now drop this into here so there you go now you can you can save files there you can save file but can layla open it no you never open it you won't open it i'm sure so this is why i mean they're not no they're not going to develop a system that's going to be dumb enough for people to just change uh extensions and they will just make it work because renaming renaming won't work and drag and drop won't work so what i was trying to tell you guys was i was trying to show you guys they're going to be users out there who are pretty smart and they're going to act down they're going to try to do this stuff yeah you're going to try to do this stuff and you might be remoting into their machine and you're going to detect something like this and you know you can question it but you know if you detect something somebody's trying to violate the policies in certain ways you know just tell your manager say hey this is what i've noticed and things like that and you know they can take actions depending on uh you know what the company's policy is so you're going to run across a lot of users who are pretty sneaky and trying to find the loopholes in the system i used to be one of those until i got caught but it's okay so here's the thing leila if you try to be very smart and you try to do this again and again and you try to like trick the system and we see that you are kind of like how would you say how would a system administrator know this stuff look at this i can even see what you're doing right now exactly what you're doing right there your machine your name you're trying to save it over here and this is why when ali was showing you in the beginning how we use event viewer for anything any errors any uh events a system administrator have like an eagle eye on you right now see that he can see everything right so then he will call you later that okay you're trying to do this like 10 times why are you doing this right right and it can be also automated that message that you just saw i can get an email i don't even have to go here it will come to my email that's some now we do this for security reasons too because assist assignment is not just uh there is a security administrator in the company sometimes you will be working in a company that you are like everything so the companies that i work mostly i am kind of like a half security person and i have to do certain things like this for crypto remember that uh uh what's that uh lockheed crypto came in and encrypted the whole bank and the bank has to pay the hospital has to pay about 350 000 and somewhere ransomware there you go so for that in defense to that we had to come across a lot of these type of things like this so we have to find let's say a hundred thousand different type of uh extensions and it has to be automated so anytime you would hit our systems uh and it did hit it and they were not able to encrypt our files why because that extension was blocked so this is where you can make big amount of money because the things that you can do later on with this so now you know right now you know there's something more advanced out there later on you can do these things it gives you more motivation to learn these things right it's like hey there's more i can do i can make my life much easier much and i can make my i.t work much interesting because now i can you see how i can see everything i can do everything i can manage everything so i can manage 5000 users with no issues i don't care my skills are enough to manage 5000 users but your skills may not be enough right now right so this is where your goal should be to move up like that so the training is designed that way right i would have never shown you this if i thought if i was going to teach you a plus kind of stuff there's no way i'm going to show you this this whole example today why because i wanted to make more money then i wanted you to come back i would show you level two stuff then i will show you level three stuff then i'll show you some uh customized stuff so then how much money am i gonna make out of you guys one thousand dollar more another thousand dollar more so i'll probably make six thousand dollars out of you easily make sense yeah but we're not doing that we don't want you to come back and take this this type of training again you know learn everything you have and move up and when you want to move up then then come back and invest because now you're making more money because of course that's different skills that's a different totally different career right right okay so that's done file sharing is done of course like i said you're going to go back to the and you're going to learn every single boring stuff about sharing like what is sharing what is this what is ntfs what is that all that that uh you know text type of stuff like you're going to open this file sharing facts and it's going to tell you system roots any and it's going to bore the hell out of you so that's fine you know you have to deal with that but now now it is now if somebody asks you about if you got a call today and they're having an issue and they're seeing permission issues you know what it is right yeah i'm sure you guys need to do more practice but at least it's not gray right it's not like totally out of the blue right right okay so now uh moving on we're gonna move on because it's a flow right now we're gonna learn about software installation right now right a software installation can only be done because you know about what file sharing file sharing because you need to have access to install something so now it will make more sense to teach you software installation because you know how file sharing works we're gonna learn how to install a software right so i'm sure uh by working in your own company how many times you have requested your helpdesk to install a software for you i'm sure you did something right yeah anybody can can anyone give me an example what did you requested and what did they came and installed for you anything that rings a bill yes so for example um sometimes we're remoting out to facilities i may ask not me i did ask could you install um what's the software name forget the name of it but i asked them to install something to help me with vpn so i could remote out to my facility probably like some kind of any connect or whatever they are using yeah yeah um it's like a software yeah i see so any software it doesn't matter what you're installing in the company as a user you don't have the rights because you're a domain user you're not a domain admin right right so for you to practice this yeah go ahead um so like my company we have a software center where you can um install software there are specific software that you're allowed to install but not all of them so does that mean now they give you the rights to install those kind of software oh yeah that's so that's a that's like okay so they have done a little proactive approach because they're not some certain softwares are so generic that everybody's calling right i need a browser i need firefox i need this so they are already approved so a company have a system that they can approve softwares and put it for you through some system where you don't need rights for it you simply double click on it for example in bernail situation he could have went to that system the system has already given him rights so bernal can even install it from himself so he doesn't even need to call it but like i said that's not going to be a scenario in most of the companies most of the companies don't like to give that kind of uh you know availability to users they will call helpdesk for everything right right so it's company to company i don't i mean like i said if that if they give a user rights of course they're still going to use that but there are going to be a situation that you're going to get a call that that's not a part of that uh you know approved software right then what do you do after that so the first thing is to of course this is again a policy thing you got to make sure that whatever people are requesting uh you know that this software is allowed for me to give access to a user because you have to then ask a co-worker a manager or somebody to the hey can i really install this software or you can ask them what is the procedure of installing a software so then they may even send you a form or maybe they say hey it has to go through a process or they may just say no just do your own research make sure you're not installing a bad software if you're confused or you're not sure then ask me as a manager i can approve it make sense yes so the first thing you guys should do for practice you guys should log in to your domain controller machine and you should create a an account like a dummy account or a normal user account in active direction okay because what we're going to do we're going to have to learn it how users log in right so we have let's say we create ali in here okay eddie are you there he's making standoff yeah i was just sneaking some soups all right okay sorry sorry no i was just making sure that you're here so we're gonna have to click next here we're creating ali we created ali now and i'm not gonna make ali an admin right i'm just adding a normal user here right yeah so for you to practice on a machine you can pick up any machine you can even build a new machine but why invest that kind of time when you have the one machine that can do everything for you you all you all you have to do is to sign out from the machine that you are using and you log in as who to test ali right you're going to log in as ali local user yeah yeah not local ali is an uh domain user we just added ali into which into where oh we added actual directory so you gotta log in as ali consider ellie just sat down in front of the computer this is his first day he have everything outlooked everything you did all that job right there but ali is coming for the first time and ali is let's say uh what do i call ali is let's say a man how do i which one should i pick right here let's say ali is a marketing manager and he needs to have access to certain tools or ali is ali is used to firefox let's make it simple ali just came from a different company ali said done it from the computer you did all that stuff before right you added it to domain you put the outlook for him everything is set up for ali but ali still needs something else now right so ali calls you let's do eddie ali how do you go ahead and pick up the call uh hi this is iit help desk eddie speaking how can i help you hey eddie uh it's my first day i logged into the computer everything is working fine thank you for for setting it up for me um how can i uh install uh firefox on my machine um i can you help me with this then what would you do now uh i would tell him let me twist this scenario right here a little bit remember let's say eddie you just started working in the company now this has to be a little bit political statement in here okay i'm going to add some politics in here so bernal and leila watch this out this is little politics in here let's say you are you started your work and this is your fifth day in the work and let me just change it a little bit let's say ali is an old employee he's a director and ellie called you the same way you picked up the call and i'm a director now and now you're talking to me i need a firefox on my machine how would you deal with me this was assuming that i would know whether that's allowed let's say it's allowed so go ahead and pick up the call and kind of flow let's do the flow okay uh hi this is it help desk eddie speaking how can i help you hey eddie uh hey how are you um i'm actually um i need a actually firefox because i have to do a lot of work and some of the things i like to use firefox for and my other computer so in this computer i don't have firefox uh and i know it's a proof software so can you help me out with that uh what would you do sure uh do you have do you see on the bottom of your uh task on the bottom of your screen do you see a letter e you can double click on that okay and do you see a window open up yes and do you see up on top there's like a area that you can type in it may have uh so you can uh move your mouse inside there and and then uh hit backspace and it should clear out let me make it let me make it fast forward i know google i know how to go to firefox okay but here's a wrong this is the wrong answer right there okay why actually why why what's the politics behind this if you remember and if i asked in the beginning i say you are this is your fifth day and a director is calling you what in it makes more sense for you to say hey let me come to your office and do it for you think about this this is your fifth day you don't want to be getting into do this do that do this and you already knew you may even not know how to even do this process correctly and you're already pissing off a director right now it doesn't look good and it doesn't look good anyways leila you wouldn't you wouldn't want someone to so brand new to tell you and guide you which you can just walk for two minutes come down to my office and do for them right why why do we prefer doing that because you gotta make a relationship customer service is one of the main thing that you need to make sure you nail it down because that's where you're gonna become a proper i.t professional that's where you're gonna get a raise that's where you can go out of that business and know how to deal with users very quickly because that's something you got to keep in your mind i'm not going to like it if you're a brand new person and you're just like man this person didn't even come in you know try to communicate with me right and this is my support person you see so the first political that's why i call it politics right there yes because you gotta go in there you gotta make that connection take over take over their machine and then do it for them okay that's one scenario but you may say hey what if the person is working remotely then yes you got a remote into that machine right now remoting and skills are you gonna learn in phase two once you learn in phase two we're gonna show you a different videos from us because it gets too advanced then so then when you go through the phase two phase then you will get videos from us we already done this on youtube as well then you're gonna understand the whole remoting stuff right it's it's much and just it's much easier for you to understand it that way than me explaining it to you and i'll spend another two hours okay so that's that's two things right there you got to make sure in the beginning i don't even want you to do remote stuff i want you to go and go knock on their door get into the computers let me take off but if they are having certain type of if they already downloaded a file and they are having some kind of prompts then maybe it is worth it to just remote in but again if it's a local business please walk in there for how many days for at least three months or two months just to know them just to know everybody once you develop that once you develop that connection with that people then of course it doesn't make sense for you to to walk into the to building for 10 floors out there you walk in for something so small you already developed the connection they already know you you can even joke around with them hey let me do it remotely right now this is such an easy thing let me just do it for you even then you're not guiding the person you're actually taking over the machine have you seen so many times the i.t person will just take over your screen because they're you certain type of systems which like i said you're going to learn later they're using sccm they're using either some kind of cloud tool or they're using some kind of remote tool and they take over your machine which is something you're going to learn later because you can only do remote troubleshooting when you can do manual troubleshooting you cannot do remote troubleshooting if you don't even know how to do it manually right yeah make sense to you guys yeah that's why you are level one in the beginning because they want you to do everything manually so you understand if remote is not working then you can at least fix it by going out there but if you can do it remotely that means you went above your skills and now you're good you're comfortable you got into the machine and you you're so smooth that you can walk around the machine you're not just playing around there with a machine like left and right right you don't know yeah so it it buys you two things if they call you then you're gonna say hey let me come down there there's a there's a big thing for you right when you say let me come down there doesn't mean you're gonna start running out right it buys you what time a little time so you do what your research research look at and you go there so you don't look bad in front of them it's not going to look good if you go there and you're trying to download a file and you don't even know how to even install a file manually for them right on their machine right in front of them so that practice this is why i like to say that in my recording so then you understand it's not just learning skills it's how to use it how to politically use it how to be better at customer service right yes so now if i want to download install firefox there's certain methods right the first method is this you're gonna go to google just like you do it at home right you know firefox download right okay you're gonna click on download and you're gonna click on download now leila you're watching it right yeah and simply you just run the file right that's it right and and and then download just started right no problem right yeah this is we call this a manual installation of a software right yes what's happening now username and password but but you can what do i need to type over here guys if you look on the left side how do i find what do i need to type over here this is very important we need the do we need the domain path again i'm not sure yeah so where do i go to find that we know what we know we know what it is right dc 100 the prompt is going to be always a net bios name which we remember you're going to get these type of prompts all over the the network right it doesn't matter what they do if they don't have access they're going to get this prompt so you got to understand this so dc100 then who are installing it for them right why didn't it work it says username password is incorrect oh it's incorrect but here's the thing here's the thing this is going to confuse also you guys you still need to make sure is dc 100 correct in this lab is this is correct net bios remember when we were installing active directory there was an extra zero zero right there you see why it's so important to know that yeah but luckily for you guys companies will not make it that hard for you they will be using what cac hq headquarter so easy hq slash hub that's cc slash help desk bank slash help desk right they're gonna make it easy the reason i made it hard for you so you understand that what's happening over here okay so if i type dc 1000 help desk is it working yeah yeah now and so you get calls just like this this is not because the user cannot install a software this is because the user don't have access permission the permission is coming from where from active directory group policy active directory don't say group policy active directory so active directory is right there but now is it making more sense to you guys why you guys learn active directory first yes again i'm going to keep saying that again and again again and again because if you get these things down that's it you got into i.t the rest is you see it you look at it you research you go to google you ask people but you know what it is make sense yes oh i mean it can be that the software installation can be like this i mean look at think about it let's make a scenario right now how else can i make my life easy to install fire if everybody's calling about firefox firefox firefox then one thing is that we should have a system and system like layla's one right they're gonna put firefox for you you don't call us but like i said what if a company is not using that type of system what else can you do to make your life easy like if i ask you bernal you have 300 300 users in your company right now and the 300 users all of a sudden ask this new thing came in in firefox and everybody i want firefox because it's so awesome they have this new thing in there 300 tickets burnell that's for you 300 tickets are you going to go to their offices and start installing 300 like that no i gotta do it on the server on i'm sorry on there let's not even go that far yet what can you make it even manually let's say you still have to go to their office or you can remote into their machines using some kind of system which you're going to learn later on after phase two but let's say you can even do that but how can you make your life easy what can you cut down what step can you cut down to make sure you're not uh insta downloading firefox again and again downloading so you're going to go to server and you're going to make a share okay yeah and in the share let's say this is it folder now okay so what are you going to do you're going to put firefox in here right you're going to download it once did you get this why did you click in the share like so you're going to go you're gonna go to the share in the server because listen in 300 machines you're not going to go and download firefox again again and again and again and again and again again right yeah all you have to do yes this is still manual by the way you got to go to the machine or you have to remote in the machine and all you got to do is to go to the share folder like that right and just open up and then run a i don't of course ali don't have access to that folder we have to give access it but he has to open it from there and that's it you're done and then you're going to still use what user name and password for 300 machines that's still pretty manual guys even if you download the firefox in the share folder yes that saves you a little time but still that's pretty manual you got to still do all the process right or another method is this a people some people are not at their desk they say hey why don't you do it when i'm at the meeting or maybe i'm telecommuting just do it then so you're going to log in with your profile so then you're not going to need that username and password you just directly install it right but bana that's still 300 users you still have to log into your machine think about that time logging in go into the share double clicking on firefox so let's say 10 minutes 10 minutes multiply about 300 machines that's still crazy right so how can we make this more easy for ourselves so this is where guys we gotta we gotta twist it a little bit now this training you gotta learn more well-known tools in the market that if you talk about it they know you're an i.t person why because millions of people i.t people are using certain product to do this kind of work so that makes you an i.t professional why because you know about a product that makes our life easy that makes our resume start talking because of the keyword so let's go ahead and open the resume here so that we don't forget why are we doing this training again so if you guys remember you guys are doing all this stuff right here but products are important now we're not going to cover every single product in this resume because it's a phase two it's a combination of videos and then after phase three we're gonna send you some videos it's a combination of a lot of different things that makes these these things talk right so here you go why are we gonna talk about this product today because if you go to internet pdq are we this is what we're going to talk about if you go to and you type pdq look at the titles help desk system administrator help desk help this i know are they talking about pdq in there start let's see yeah guys you see how we do these things now look at pdq right there does it make sense to you now why we why we choose to put products in our trainings because that makes you look good in front of people that makes you talk like an id person that makes you sell yourself because you know more than other people now nobody will teach you this stuff in a class because they can't it's a company it's a vendor they cannot go into vendors and we can do it because that's how that's a design of our training they can't do it why because then every vendor will say hey comptia afless is a non-profit company and that's uh why aren't they making why aren't they saying our name is it's like a it's like a sale for them right why are they favoring a company out there but do we care are we not we're not nonprofit right we we don't care we made our own product nobody's telling us what to do and whatnot right nobody can we don't have a body here right so we only do what we think is the best for you right now so a plus can do this while we can so we have to put these products out there to make your resume talk so when they start scanning your resume they detect these key terms by systems so then they may put a key term in there to say pdu look for pdq look for sccm look for this look for that and boom your resume comes up right there because it has that key term so is it making sense yes yeah okay so now let's go back to make our life easy we need to know about pdq pdq is extremely simple software that basically came from a systems administrator background these guys are systems administrator plus programmers so you can see their skill level is kind of like on a different level because there are programmers and they're like us so you basically turn me into now a programmer i'll probably create a program to make your life easy right so they did the same thing so for pdq you need to install it on the system first and we will use our server okay so we're gonna go straight to pdq you're installing this on what on a server okay so guys on a server things are more restricted so you see i'm not able to do that how can i get away with that you're not gonna keep adding every link in here right so you're gonna close this close everything and you're gonna open server manager okay and you're going to go where local server because in the server you have more restricted security so you need to make sure you turn off the ie enhanced security configuration to off did you guys get that yeah so you turned it off and now if i go to ie and i try to go to google it's not going to ask me for all that security question you see that right there you see i can get into google without any problem because i turn off the security okay so then you're going to do is pdq deploy is a download here we're going to do pdq deploy download once you go in there you're going to click on pdq download this link right here and we are going to install a free version of pdq we this guy is the owner of this actually i don't want to chat with you man when i set the cookies okay so i'm going to download free now here's the thing i don't want you guys to get confused with pdq and you have to learn it so much and everything just know that you can do this practice it and use it in your resume but if you want to learn this at a very advanced level you can go to the youtube channel they have tons of videos they have thousands of videos on how to deploy things okay so that's not something that i want you guys to get in right now deployment is even again that's like acura directory deployment can have its own job and you can be making 80k or 75k by deploying a softwares to let's say 5000 machines you got to be a very good skill level to do this stuff by you doing it this right now to get understand that how it works okay so we're going to run this application selena you're following right yes making sense hey once you download this do you have to go back and turn the internet explorer security settings back on or you have to turn no no you don't know just leave it yeah of course you're not you're not doing this at all work servers right you're not going to have access you're going to be doing help this machine but i'm just showing you they may already have a product like this already so you're learning the skills of deployment rather than saying oh am i going to do this in my work or not you have to approve you have to get approved before you install something like this but what i'm teaching you they already have something like this in your office yeah to make your job easy so all you gotta know after this is to learn their product how they're doing the things while you already have some kind of you know knowledge how deployment works okay yeah so danish um just one quick question um so the difference you can't just go pdq download you gotta do pdq deploy yes yes good point you gotta do pdq deploy because they have two products one is inventory and one is deploy in inventory we're gonna come back later on okay okay so we're just downloading a tool that can make our life easy for that what that 300 machine i don't want to be going to 300 machines to install firefox or any other products out there right i want to do everything from my machine i have this machine or my server so once you install pdq you're going to click next accept agreement just click next next with everything okay install so here another uh thing will come up and while i say that you've got to master the active directory part of it because every admin level application is going to be like this so we're going to launch pdq so what do i do we're going to use which version free so which account can i use over here you see pdq software is smart enough to go out there and says that you are a part of a domain and this is the domain name so it already picked the domain for you and it already picked the username that you're using so all you got to do is what with the password and we're going to click on finish how did it know we were the administrator again because this application is smart enough to know that you are a part of active directory you can go and pick it up for you okay that's built in application that's not me it's just that's how they build it yes so there you go all you got to do is install put the password of the admin account and now you are a system that can do that 300 machines job for you so how does it work in pdq it's very simple and why we love it why millions of i.t people are using it why they are putting this in job description because it made our life extremely easy right so they have this package library right here so in their server what they do is they put software for you which is already common for deployment for example 7-zip you probably heard that right yeah zip file zip file 7-zip uh many different files right but you're not going to get access to this stuff because this is what this is paid oh this is paid stuff and they only allow you to do only certain things but we're not gonna we're not interested in that i mean you're not relying on their library you're gonna create their own package you gotta understand how deployments work right so let's say have you guys heard of filezilla by the way anyone filezilla it's a ch it's the transfer file right makes it easy yeah any uh layla bernal you guys any heard of that file or any other file that transfer files or anything no no first time basically it's like a client just like a vpn client you install it and you connect to a server so other people can give you files big files through that software okay so in this case let's say for example um eddie knows about it so eddie requested that i need a filezilla on my machine and then 300 other people requested we need a filezilla on our machine so we already know the manual way right you can go you can download filezilla and you can run it and you can install it got it right now how do i deploy filezilla to 300 machines that's kind of scenario right now right so before i deploy a software what do i need to do with the software itself where do i need i mean like if i need to deploy filezilla where do i need to get filezilla from i mean if i want to download i already said download if i want to get the filezilla i need to go to filezilla's site any type of software you got to go to their link and download it first right to the internet so i gotta go to google and download filezilla file let it download so i'm gonna go to what lily i'm gonna go to their site right yeah and i'm gonna download this client let's say this is the client and i'm gonna download it so in any deployments you got to make sure you download the file first before you do any deployment you can't do a deployment if you don't have a file right right so in deployments the way it works you still need to make a share folder because other users are going to get it from this folder so it got to have access so any type of system that deploy files gotta have a folder okay so we're going to make a folder here and we're going to call it deploy and i'm going to do the same sharing properties where do i go sharing advanced share this folder and i'm going to give permission to everybody and i'm just going to add domain users mean everybody whoever is a user in our domain make sense yeah right we're done right so what's the path double box live 100 deploy okay so now i need when i'm downloading that file where do i need to put that file in that path right and there you go you're going to go to c and see where do i need to put this decline and i'm going to save it there right so guys if i put that in there into the in the into this folder is anything happening will it go to 300 machines right now no no you have to share i already shared it but i'm not doing anything i didn't do anything with the application yet right right so i gotta open this application now again to create a package every time you deploy something in a company you create a package okay a package contains what what do we just downloaded what's in there the files that is it um a package should contain the file that i need to deploy right yeah so now how do we create a package in pdq you're going to click on this little icon right here so you see this bernal yeah your package new pocket i'm gonna make this little bigger right here you see this right here package yeah so package is right there we're gonna create a package for the first time and i'm gonna basically come over here and then what do i do i need to name the package right file okay once you name the package and you're gonna come where on the bottom steps right what do you want to do with this package then it's going to do what i want to install it all right the rest of the things are blocked because we don't have that and that's advanced we don't care about that okay install so now this is where things gets technical and i just want you to know it and practice it by watching this video but don't get into too detail okay so what do i need to do install file is what what is that so as soon as i picked executable look at this it created a share look at that slash slash c dollar all that stuff is there right and on the bottom it created this command line but let's forget about that for now and i'm going to save this package we saved it i'm going to close it so what happened here guys we created a first i'll say one you create a package right okay now you tell me did i deploy it to this machine no no not now yeah right but now what did i do oh yeah you just downloaded this to the pocket out there in your so to deploy it to the machine i got to go to the deploy all right okay and you're going to go to deploy once so here's the cool part and why we love active directory and these tools and everything because it's connected so if i have 300 machines in active directory all i got to do in the choose target and look what active directory computers okay and boom whoever is in my actual directory 300 machines are right in front of me right so i can pick all of these three machines right now burnell and i can just drop it on the right side and i can shoot it out but here's the thing if you're a brand new technician would you ever take a risk like this no way now this seems pretty cool and if somebody say hey eddie go and install 300 uh sorry ready go and install filezilla on 300 machines and you're level one and you just started working and this is your third week are you gonna go to your boss and say hey that's too much man why can't i use a filezilla out there you're probably gonna get fired why because you're just jumping too ahead right now right but here's another thing about this too it's not about just suggesting to somebody what if you deploy filezilla to 300 machine you're so new to it and because of that filezilla deployment you broke all 300 machines now what happens now you see why i like to stop my training and kind of like make sure i give you some warnings because if you do deploy this filezilla to 300 machines guys your guys your life is going to be hell right if it break that machines right there because of your deployment you got a problem yeah so the first thing you should do in a deployment is what you're not going to blindly pick all the machines you're going to do what pick maybe one to test it yesterday but you're not going to pick also a ceo machine to test it right no you don't want to break from a ceo machine you have to have your own testing machine so the first thing you should do in your company is to request them hey i'm so new to this stuff can i have a testing machine so i can learn and whenever i have to install the software and when i if i have to do it manually can i have a testing machine they'll give it to you okay all right guys let's take a little break i'm having a hard time breathing right now so i kind of stopped my beating too much when i'm talking i'm a little i'm struggling right now so let's take a ten minutes break and come back okay okay all right breathe a little bit okay all right let's go back to the deployment we are right here and let's log into the server and let's log into this ali machine because we got to deploy this to 300 machines and ali is one of that machine right so now using what machine guys help me out which machine is this help this and we already picked that so we're going to click ok and what do you do now all you got to do you pick the machines and this check mark represent what this checkmark represent that the machine is currently live it's working if you see if you see a triangle or some other check mark this means the machine is not up and running so what do you have to do you have to turn the machine on right [Music] right yes and if the machine is still not getting through then this means there are some certain issues going on meaning the firewall is turned on or some other technical issues that's going on that you can research then why this is not up in the network but most likely if it's connected to a domain it's working in a network you won't have issues like that okay so i clicked on deploy now so watch what happens but now it's going out there and you see the status right here it says connecting right are you guys watching my screen [Music] there's lots of noise in the background i think we're here ali okay oh okay there you go okay we're better all right so guys it was connecting it didn't connect it i mean it's on the network yeah it failed so what's up with this why is this happening okay now here's the thing you guys this is an i.t why are you guys in i.t professionals now it failed so what should be the first thing for you to troubleshoot this issue think about it like i mean what should be the first thing you guys should think about like okay the machine is not getting like you're not seeing this right like you're not gonna have a virtual machine like this which you have two machines right there it's in a building somewhere right you're sitting in front of your machine burning and you're doing deployment you cannot see that machine right right so the first thing what would you do to first figure out is that machine even up and running can we ping it ah perfect the first troubleshooting thing that you need to know thing it's so simple but it's so important that even if you have a 12 year or 12 plus year of experience like me i'm using it every day you got that lily yes you got to master the no to know that okay if i cannot access that machine somebody's uh is getting failed this means my machine is not accessing that machine so first thing you should do what and how do you do ping command and then the name of the computer which is uh help desk 100 it's been working here timed out nope why is that not working good well has no backslashes this is how it works with things so definitely uh for command line stuff you have to go back to day one what ali was teaching you so make sure you guys focus on that because that's something we already already covered right so day one is definitely is going to be important for you because if you don't know how to ping then it's going to be hard for you to do your job right so we already know it's not working but who can verify to me that it's not working because where where is the confirmation timed out okay that's fine but that's still not a confirmation right [Music] the information is that it's 100 loss right you guys get it it's not working the thing is not working so so the first thing you need to do is to make sure is the computer on is the is the ethernet connected to that machine right there for certain things the computer is on you check the ethernet ethernet is working you went into the machine and you did ipconfig on that machine it's getting an ip address and that machine can get to the internet so you know that this is not a network issue right so you got to know that okay what else is happening in this machine remember every single machine comes with what [Music] yes every computer that you buy comes with its own personal firewall so that's by default is protecting you right interesting in the company company you don't use this internal firewall they use much bigger level firewall so that's where they don't get they don't come across issues like tiny money issues because a computer may be blocking something right so companies manage their follow that's why we're not getting into firewall because in where are you gonna where are you gonna learn about firewall in security right you're going to learn all that in security right here firewalls you see this vernell you're watching here yes yeah yeah and we're not going to touch too much on firewall here because you're going to learn on that but for you to do this lab you got to turn off firewall how do you turn off you just need to simply click on it but can a normal user turn on firewall so what do i need to what do i need to type over here dc dc 100 100 or 1000 it's hidden right but now that's why i made it so i want to make you more confused right okay all right so now we need we can turn on firewall for this person because i put my password i turn it off turn it off turn it off i have to turn off all three profiles right yeah so now i turn off the firewall can i do the ping again yes try it again to use that command easily you gotta hit the upper arrow there you go and you see you don't need to type it right so leila tell me what's happening now now it's pinging it's um getting response and confirmation what's the confirmation zero percent zero percent loss right the top one has what hundred percent so that's how lila you find out if the machine is working or not so in technology ping can be used for many many things and that's how we kind of check the machine is on okay if it's on then maybe it's a firewall issue maybe it's a different issue maybe it's a data issue you gotta you gotta do all that stuff right right so bernal if i try to redeploy this again this package what do i do now i gotta right click here and i gotta redeploy right okay and i'm gonna click deploy now but watch the status right here guys connecting connecting and there you go got connected right and it's running but the thing is this in deployment this is something that is advanced for you but you got to know this thing deployment doesn't work like you're just going to make a package you put a software and you store it on the machine it doesn't work that way it will never work this is going to keep running but nothing is happening it got copied over to the to the machine but it doesn't know what to do [Music] right all this product did right now it picked them the file filezilla and put it in that machine but it's not installing anything so to be this is for future to become a and hold on i'm thinking right now for future if you want to become an advanced engineer you got to learn how command line works if you rely on a gui for your life you can never become an advanced engineer why because you're too dependent so for softwares to deploy or to do things in future i don't want to mess your mind right now but in future think about command line so this is a perfect example why because this will never ever install on that machine i gotta board it i gotta go back to edit this package so look in the bottom right here command line right here you see this i gotta check mark this and give it a command to this exe to do what right it's a little advanced for you guys i know that layla's probably thinking man okay that's a little too stuck too much stuff right not just layla but that's what i'm saying if you want to become a real proper engineer and you want to go into deployments or anything like that you got to know the command line but you don't need to know too much right now because they made our life easy even a gui type of people what do i need to do to get that command line i do i need to make my own command line no right i got to go back where i got to go back and i got to go back to filezilla and i got to find what kind of command do i need from you to put it into this package so i can deploy this to my staff members so i need to type filezilla silent install switch it's called switch i know it's a little bit too much for you right now but trying to grab the concept of it so the company whoever makes a product they will give you the switches they will give you the command line you don't need to create it but what i want to show you here not the main thing about deployment what i'm showing you when i'm making something different right now i did this whole thing for a purpose what am i doing right now what am i doing i am googling are you guys getting this point that even if it's advanced stuff i am actually googling right here so you've got to master you got to know how to google you got to go and do the google on your own to find solutions you cannot rely on a company you cannot rely on danish you cannot rely on spicers you got a google so you see i googled because i i'm looking for a command from filezilla so i did what i type filezilla silent switch and there you go they even though in in the first shot i found it styling setup so to install that application silently what do i need oh slash sorry my son just came down so he was like [Music] okay so if i need to if i need to install this silently what which which which switch do i need which command do i need uh i say you need a slash s but where i don't know whether you put it silent insulation is it the is what is what is documentation telling us by the way later silent installation and what's the details what is the detail to attention capital s what i basically showed you guys today is not just deployment i showed you how detailed you have to be when you're doing research you cannot just go and start googling and just copy paste things right you see i could have simply copied i said slash okay i'm gonna go and put slash s so i will use what i'm not gonna use a capital and i missed a big point right here it says must so you got to master the way to google and to be in there and to have patience enough patience to stay there for a little bit to understand what they're asking you to do right right and this is a skill that a lot of people get annoyed get frustrated and give up and try to do things quickly and um and not wait on things and uh i'll give you eddie eddie was doing stuff right eddie you were like hey after two minutes you found that solution right day one you were struggling with something right and you're like if i were to watch your video for two minutes i would have now wasted 20 minutes of my work right right so what i'm implying over here is that you got to build the patience of looking at documentation or reading a video or looking at a video or doing something other than that to be honest it's not going to work i mean you're you're going to just give up at some point right so what what in this documentation we learned we need to use a capital slash s in our deployment so you got to do what command line works like this in in deployments you got the product you got the extension you got to do space slash s and you're gonna save the package and what are you gonna do i'm gonna redeploy again and deploy it now so now watch what happens guys copying running what happened when it's successful wow so now if i had to do this process for 300 machine this took me about three seconds so the 300 machines will get in what in about 10 minutes because the network has to work right a little bit so 10 minutes a job that will take you probably three days you've done it in 10 minutes okay now do you guys do you guys know how it works this is how i t works we're not crazy we're not crazy to do these things manually right we gotta come at some point to this position to do this so you make your life easy you're making eighty thousand dollars and you love it why you love it because you can do certain things to make your job so easy and you can go home sleep come back oh okay you got another 1000 deployments no problem you got a coffee make the package click boom and done but don't mess it up because that boom can become pretty big boom for you you know yes sir i still don't understand why why do you have to install it silently i i because you don't want you don't want 300 people to be calling you why is filezilla coming on my screen right it doesn't make sense like if you have to deploy a software to 300 machines you don't want them to see it right when you first installed it remember it said it couldn't do it it couldn't it couldn't because we put a slash out there slash s that's silent that's why we went out there we went out to the product we told them do you guys have a switch for this software to install silently and they have it no i understand that part the part i don't understand is the first time we tried to deploy it remember you said look at the box it said unsuccessful so then we hit ping so why wasn't it allowed i still don't understand why the first time it would have deployed the first time was what what issue it was access issue firewall you couldn't even connect the first one was firewall the second time we fixed the firewall it copied over but it didn't know what to do so you have to tell it what you do then right you have to put a switch in there okay and then it went out there and then started suddenly because of that one switch that one little slice that was not easy yeah it needs a switch but here's the thing don't focus too much on deployment right now i don't this is not my point over here my point was what documentation okay at your level you've got to understand you're going to be heavy on documentation you got to follow documentation any because nobody expects you to know the stuff deployments and everything that's too advanced for you okay but what was important over here was documentation and attention to details of the smallest thing like must be capital i did a practical example to you to to show you two things one deployment so just it gives you some kind of idea in future second to make sure you don't run from a documentation so in terms of my training every video is four hours you cannot skip my videos by the way because if you do skip it you skip a lot of things yeah yeah is it gonna be painful yes it's gonna be painful and do i want it painful for in the beginning yes i wanted i mean in the beginning i wanted painful why because i want you to develop the patience of listening to the video and listening to the documentation rather than skipping because if you start skipping you can you will not achieve your goals and you're going to have too much too many problems so my recommendation to you and by the way my part is ended right here so this is another one one more thing that ali is going to show you and he's not going to that's another thing imaging is a big deal right here in i.t but you're not going to do imaging right away when you go to the company they're going to teach you imaging everybody who lands a job in this field as a level one they teach you imaging but knowing like deployment how deployment works knowing how file sharing work knowing how uh imaging works you have an you have an open mind now right right so any question about software deployment or anything like that so at my work uh recently we got um what was that called windows 10 redstone 5.0 and we were required to do our own installation was would you consider that assignment installation or would you say it again sorry was the installation of what so there was a time we received uh windows 10 redstone 5.0 um so i restarted my laptop and a window popped up saying you know you need to install windows 10 redstone 5.0 and it was a mandatory installation so um i was wondering whether um you would call that a silent installation or yeah redstone is something i never it's not i never heard of it it's probably some kind of customized thing based on your company but when they say that you have to turn on the machine like this and they started to install on its own or were you inside the operating system i was inside the uh the you know in windows 10 operating system so it's just everybody received that message you know that's a software yeah the redstone is a software you're already in the system so that's that's a silent installation yeah somebody created a package they gave it to you all you got to do is to double click on any yes and that the whole flow started off but they weren't pushing it so this is a more reactive kind of thing right you gotta you got a ceo walking by and say you need to push 300 softwares to the machines right now and they need to get it so he pushed it and now everybody got it silently you see filezilla is right there but this one is a self self service kind of stuff that you're talking about right you go out there you open it up and you open some kind of portal and you click on redstone and it started to install right um no i didn't go to any application to install it was just it popped up the window the message um and then i just had to click install yes but that's still not a full silent they wanted you to click on it oh okay yes you can do that from this software you can do it as well you don't have to put silent s but the software has to have ability to give you that option okay so rest on was like they sent it out to you and you only have to click on install and then that's it everything is after that right yeah yeah it's kind of like a partial silent install okay but they already did a deployment so sometimes you don't want user to even click on something you just you just want to deploy right because i cannot rely on my user to click on something right they may click cancel and that's it they kill my deployment right there right right then i gotta be dealing with another call hey you know why did you kick cancel or do another deployment it would become a problem right right i've been curious to know about how you know people would just push this for us to install you know it's just you you you you know you're pretty much curious and wonder how it works so now now i know so now you've seen it yeah so yeah see this is what i the point is like this you don't want to become a master of this please don't try to get into there and try to learn deployments at the highest level of that's not you you're not going to work on this stuff what i wanted to imply is that what was my focus here documentation documentation and opening your mind so now just like you're saying that to me now i have an image i have a picture how it's working it makes your learning more easier right right you're not like you're not gonna think right now more and more and more about certain things because now you've seen it right so if it makes your learning advance because phase two you're gonna learn a lot of phase two you're gonna love the first three gonna learn there's a lot to learn right now so we don't wanna confuse you that's why the overall image has to be shown somehow one way or another way i had to show you this right right to make your face to learning easier because phase two learning is not easy if you don't have this kind of knowledge because their teaching is targeted towards a plus again they have to make sure that you pass exam they don't care about job here they're caring about what exam so if people are not passing exams by taking tests too so what will happen they will not buy their product hey your your your your skills or your whatever you're teaching is not worth for me to pass exams so why should i pay money so they are not wrong by the way guys they're talking their study over here is not wrong at all but their focus is something different their focus is a plus exam so they're tied down right now they can teach you more things they can put the everything that we have taught you right but they can they cannot make the score so long that nobody can finish it does it make sense to you guys yes yeah if i was a seller of trust me i'm not going to be teaching you the stuff that i'm teaching right now i'll be focusing on exam i'm not going to be focusing on skills but by teaching your skills now all of this stuff will make sense so you were doing two things in in this so tomorrow if you feel like you want to go for a plus certification you have already finished a certification right there you're 80 prepared after phase two to go and sit in an exam because on the bottom look at look at this what is this right here comptia a plus score examination right here you can even do a whole practice for a plus and you're already ready for a plus so we are now wasting your time over here we are also teaching you skills at the same time you're getting prepared for a plus but do you need to go for airplus that's your personal choice i don't recommend it right you got so much knowledge right now i mean honestly you got so much so many you can just say i'm just going for a plus on your resume and people buy it people don't care about that stuff people care about what is extra directory what is office 365 what is software deployment what is file sharing what is printers blah blah blah all that kind of stuff that's that's what they care about yeah i have a plus and network plus and i didn't know nothing until you are taking this class wow so now now if you go back to phase two how do you think about it how easy is going to be now like for example if you go to phase two and you're doing a file management and you talk about files sharing there you go you got an image now oh danish was doing that in a domain controller an active directory you know now if you go back to let's say system management and then they're teaching you something about let's say active directory i already know that how do you know how to join a computer domain but now you're going to know more examples two radical examples more dictionary type of examples and i hate and i hate that kind of stuff in the beginning because it poured the hell out you know so guys one more thing and i'm going to come back then i'm going to ask you more questions and everything but because i have to tell you what's going to be next after this right but at this point we have covered almost everything that you need to know in phase one but i'm gonna come back after imaging two so then you have another thing added in your in your mind which is already getting fried right now i know that uh so just 20 minutes 20 15 minutes and then we're gonna end this uh training okay okay so uh ali are you there hey don is with us before ali comes um one question when we are installing the software yeah i'm sorry it's oh yeah it says um save or run why are we not saving where are we running uh that may be two you know maybe another wait wait say it again i'm a little lost right here when you say what when we're installing a software at the bottom it asks questions do you want to run or do you want to save and we always choose run as opposed to save oh yeah okay so in the software deployment you're only downloading a software and placing it in the share folder you're not running it you're not doing anything you're just saving it into deploy folder right here you see my screen you're just only going to save the file over here let the deployment do everything else for you so you're not running a file over here right you're not installing a file on a server you're deploying this package to 300 machines right there right okay okay so now ali will take over i'll take a little rest in here and i'll come back because we got to finish up what's next and everything of course that's going to be just talking here ali will take not too much time and here's the thing before i start i want to tell you one thing if you do not get anything about imaging don't worry about it you got too many resources about imaging in future and nobody expects you to know about imaging this is even more advanced than software deployment so if it's if it's like your mind is about to blow just stop your mind and say okay i've seen it i'm going to come back to this video after 10 days and i'll watch it again i don't i don't care about this you see this so i want you to uh build the attitude of that right now like right now you watch this video get whatever you can but don't try to kill yourself okay yes even if you want to close your eyes that's fine it's gonna get boring right so let me share my screen first okay so here can you see my screen yes sir so just for the little introduction this is called this imaging service and through this feature we can install operating system on on multiple machines which doesn't have the operating system at the time and for that we need to configure the dhcp server first so i will go to the tools and then open the dhcp server and first i need to turn on this scope and scope is what it is the range of ip addresses that will assign once requested so i just activate this scope and then i will go to the property go to the advanced and change it its mode for ip assigning because i have two options dhcp for those machines which have operating system and they are requesting for the ip address and the second one is boot is prep this is for the bare mental machines the machines which doesn't have the operating system just only hard drive and other system resources and needs some os to run so i'm allowing my dhcp server to request both kind of curies for the dhcp machines which have operating system and the body strap for the other machines that are totally new doesn't have any operating system but they have the power and they are on the network right so clicking apply to implement the setting then close this dhcp now i'll move to the tools and there we have this windows deployment services and here i have the server we're going to use this plat dc-01 for the deployment services so currently it is not configured so i'm going to right click to configure this server and here i have two options i may create it as a standalone server or i can integrate it with the active directory so currently i have the active directory so i'm going to integrate it then i will change this directory because we mostly contain the operating system so we use other drive for these functions these operations and here on pxe server initial setting we will make check on respond all the client computers known and unknown this is why because the new machines the bare metal machine are those which are unknown at that time so we are allowing our deployment server to respond all the clients those are known and those are unknown too and here this service is almost created and we need to start this right click on this server and right click go to all tasks and then start now the server is configured but we have to add the image file and the boot file in those two container so first i'm gonna add the image file right click to add image and i will name it test this test another one and click next and here i need to define the location where my image is stored and this is the network location right now plan tm01 where i have this windows 10 image so double backflash p lag tmz1 backslash win10 backflash sources then install dot whim windows image this is the actual file and it got the file you detect the file and click next and now it will take two or three minutes to add this file from the network location to this windows deployment server first it's going to check the integrity of the source file then it will add in the server in the same way we can add other windows images like windows 7 windows 8 whatever the operating system we want we want to install in our multiple machines and by using this windows deployment services you're eliminating that that effort that energy where you supposed to go on each system insert this ios drawer ideas that contain operating system or insert the usb to boot the machine on the windows setup you're eliminating this part by using this windows deployment services and after the creation of the server you will find that all your machine will just show you the screen of installing setup it will take you on the first basic tab to install the windows basically in other terms you're installing a windows 2 network okay when you say uh bare metal machines are those going to be virtual machines no that's going to be a real office machines but here we will show on the virtual machine it can be blocked yeah in the lab it can be both but most likely when you use imaging in the company they're going to have a product like this and system administrator will do this whole setup you're not going to be doing this so they will tell you to go to the office and turn on that machine and just let's say you know how you boot a machine and say you want a booty from cd or a usb or a network they're going to tell you to boot this machine from my network and it will automatically uh it will automatically basically uh pick that machine [Music] sorry you automatically pick that uh image that what ali is showing you right now once it gets post it just get the power electricity then your machine will ask for the ip address to that windows deployment server and here as you have seen we configured the dhcp server first that dhcp server will fulfill its request and provide the ip address and after that it will create a file transfer setup file transfer communication from that machine to the wds server and then it will got its windows image file later on we'll show you how it will work just waiting to is this this is a lab with documentation on this thing vlab. yes it's a lab in the practice lab windows server administration fundamental and if i go back so these are the modules and i just select third one network installation of windows okay oh by the way uh for those that can't see like me i went on top of the zoom and i clicked view options and zoom ratio 150 and i can see really good now i can and i can grab and move the screen around kind of like what uh danish was doing where's that for the last day where's that option i don't know what which where's that zoom on zoom on the top is this view options it says [Music] yes you are viewing ali's screen and then nexus says view options if you click on that zoom ratio 150 percent well we don't see that i'm not you don't see that maybe he just enlarged the size of my screen i'm full screen but i'm just saying i can see great now i can see uh all that little pr that little the you know the little print i see it pretty good well you know what you know what you're right so you have to be using the application i'm using a web base so yes yes yes you i do i do see now i'm trying to add the bool image you can keep talking and just watch what i'm doing so this is another network location backslash plat dm01 backslash windows 10 sources boot.wind that's the file and click next this will rather complete fast all right now we are done with this server configuration we add the image file then we added this boot image and we are done with the server configuration now we will move to the platf01 dm01 this is the machine that have some virtual machine that we're going to use as a bare mantle to prove this concept now this is this is the part of a job that you may be doing right you're going to go to the machine at office you will log in basically turn on the machine and basically say okay turn uh uh how do i say this start with a network not from cd not from a hardware that's what ali is showing you that's going to be probably your job in a company and you don't need to know what ali have done before this because that's a sysadmin he has to do all that kind of stuff okay so here we have the server manager and from there we're going to launch this hyper-v manager this is the hypervisor used to manage multiple virtual machines and there we have a machine plat s802 we will use this machine to prove this concept so right click there and go to the settings and here first we will remove this network adapter that is attached already this is the new network adapter that doesn't contain the pxe boot the xc boot is a boot you can use to boot machines directly or the network without having an operating system so first i'm deleting this network adapter and i will add the one that contained the pxe boot feature and that will be legacy network adapter click to add and there you go what's the difference between uh legacy network adapter and the network adapter legacy network adapter is kind of old network adapter that contain this feature to run machines directly over the internet network that doesn't like when you post your machine when you turn on your machine it's gonna look for the operating system and then it will directly jump to the hard drive to get the boot file but when we have this pxe-based network adapter your machine will look for the ip address let me show you in the in this training just now i'm just deleting i'm just making none my dvd drive because i don't want to boot my machine with the dvd drive with any disk so i just made this setting to none and okay apply now i'm going to turn on the machine and just focus on there you will got your answer and here i just click to start this is the post i just turn on the machine and when it starts it will it is looking for the dhcp server you can see here and you can read from there that it contact to our dhcp server and then the tstp communication is started and it is now downloading the boot file so this is done because of the legacy network adapter if look for the ip address then it turn on but if it doesn't have this legacy network adapter it will just look for the cd drive usb or the hard disk that's the difference between those kind of adopters [Music] so you're saying if we're doing the pxc thing boot up thing it needs it it's gonna it needs to go to the legacy adapter yes the legacy because in this hypervisor they named it and they showed this feature in the legacy adapter but there are a lot more network adapters available that contain this pxe booth feature but in this hypervisor they just kept this feature in the legacy network so this this is the part where basically you're gonna be just given and shown in the company you're not gonna build this you're not gonna create an image you're not gonna go in there and just kind of like do this whole server part you're just gonna be shown okay this is the the way to do it um let me show it to you they're gonna probably show you the whole process why because every different company uses different type of systems right and somebody has to have a very good command on this stuff because they don't want to mess up their machines right they don't want to mess a messed up image in there so they never slow or this uh having a lot of issues so that's where it's important uh to just kind of know what imaging is but not getting into extreme detail of you just now messing around with your whole mind like oh my god how do i need to know about servers what is wds and all that kind of stuff that's too advanced right now that's level two level three kind of stuff right but people will make you do these things in the company because the the end part is it's kind of like a help test right you're going in there turning on the machine for assist admin or you're putting it towards a network installation they want you to do that little parts right there so that it makes their life easy right and yours too so at this point i guess what's going to happen after this is you're going to see an installation window you can even make it more automated if you want to depending on how more advanced you get into this kind of stuff but of course that's not going to be a part of your training we don't do this even in a in a very advanced area people won't spend that kind of time so this is this is kind of like done after this you don't you don't do anything after this okay you just have to do the like you know what you did right now just going to give you a little radical understanding what did you do what did you do look at my screen right look at my camera you instead of putting a usb instead of putting a cd you told this computer to go grab the installation from network yeah and the rest when you see the installation is the same what you did in virtual machines right next next next windows 10 30 gb blah blah blah and just install the whole window right yeah and then what you did you installed you created the local user hub desk and then you connected this machine to where to it where did you join this machine to we joined connected to a domain right domain what is domain active directory directory so you see you see it's a process that you have to do again and again right so once you know this everything is working like that then this it makes your life extremely easy so ali let me take over right here i think it's it's kind of like the rest is just kind of screen is going to come up it's because they install the windows right sure sure okay but again if you guys do love imaging kind of stuff watch my screen i'm showing you a screen right now my youtube channel has you know 1 000 videos right there right you can probably type anything and start learning from youtube videos so this is one of the video that i created four years ago and i'm showing a proper imaging from scratch in the youtube video you see how i'm going to the computer real computer i'm even showing you where you need to click in and this is the this is one of the so here you go here's a different software that i'm using so nobody's gonna start training you on different different type of softwares right so you just need to know one and you just kind of like oh okay that's how imaging is done then you go this is what i'm talking about right here what ali is showing you this is where the boot is coming from right so it's getting booed up there you go they got connected and it's it's talking to the server and you see the computer has not found blah blah blah so you had the computer in there i this is even more advanced what i'm showing in my youtube video so you know the whole imaging is done and there you go you got 30 machines operating system done in about 30 minutes so later on you want to come into this later don't want to stress too much about it right now because this is not the time for you to invest time on videos like these because that's kind of what do what confuse you confusion right so for you to know what imaging means is enough for you to do well in the interview you can say what i have done the lab on imaging but i haven't done it practically so this is something that i am eager to learn more you see you i'm gonna you know put some spices in there right i i would love i would love to learn about imaging but i did my lab so now you're not just kind of like blind or you're not like uh you don't feel like you don't know about it they know that okay imaging is a technical term but this person knows about imaging teaching is a different thing they will train you but it makes their life easy to pick you because why hey this person already know about imaging i don't need to go to the whole concept of imaging again you know and that's something you're going to learn so much in installation of the in in phase 2 i mean you're not going to get away from imaging in phase 2 either look at this i'll take you right now show it to you if you guys come over here system components this is motherboard peripheral storage networking wireless networking mobile devices system implementation there you go you guys you name it pre-installation right there you see this windows installation right there they're using what pixi which he's talking about ali was just showing you that stuff pixie stuff post installation virtualization file management and then you can go more in advance in advance system management you probably are going to go more even i think there's a wds probably somewhere over here if not that's fine no need to worry about system recovery how do you recover a system restoring a system all that kind of stuff is in there so we don't want to push too much in the beginning because then you're just going to start getting out of track okay so okay that's good uh is layla here yes okay okay guys so we are basically done with phase one officially so thank you for that's five hours of training right here but we have to change our timings because i think we never never finish on it says two o'clock but two o'clock is nothing i think we have to be more open today that this is gonna take more time because right now we have tested this with many many times and we felt like we can finish it we always think we can finish it but we never finish so here's the thing there are certain things that's still missing even from phase one but we're not talking about just like imaging we didn't go into extreme detail about it because i know you guys are going to go through that in phase two first so then you will get more theoretical understanding of it and then i'm gonna show you a playlist that i made on youtube for you guys for people who done my training i have done a full uh you know training on youtube as well so that it makes sense to you guys as well so i'm doing that for youtube purposes just to help other people out there too who doesn't want to take my training but at the same time i'm trying to my target is first my members right so i say you guys did the training you guys did the phase two hey go back to my virtualization playlist i've done a whole six videos on virtualization and in that i show proper servers everything so when you watch those videos again then it will make super super sense to you and you'll start learning more and more and more and you become even more comfortable so phase one is not totally over yet because there are many things that we have done on youtube that i want you guys to see but i'm not pushing you towards that right now why because it's not it's not like it's not like on target then right so officially we are done so you guys have rest of the days probably like two to three weeks so all you have to do is this guys you must follow my videos again remember that patience kind of thing do not give up don't get annoyed that is a big video and stuff like that because that's your test right there you got to build that patience inside you so to do this my suggestion to you is this if you can invest money please buy a second monitor if you're doing it on one monitor please buy a second monitor try to hook up a second monitor for yourself try to learn that because a lot of people are going to be asking you to set up a second monitor so it helps you one to understand how to do that second it's gonna be a lifetime investment for you throughout your career because if you look at it i got three monitors in front of me and i cannot get you doing my training in one monitor right right so i've got manager right here i got a monitor right there i got monitor right here so for me to do multiple things and to learn things i have a let's say if i want to learn about powershell so i got powershell right here on the left side and i'm doing powershell right here on the right side and i can pause the video and i can do it pause the video and i can do it you're not doing back and forth right here right the reason i didn't say that in the beginning of my training because i don't want people to be thinking that oh man we got to do investment for this training what if you don't like that what if you feel like i could just watch a mobile phone and i would just follow it but that's still you know come on this screen is too small for you right right number one suggestion please do an investment buy a second monitor learn how to do a second monitor stuff on your own try to figure it out because that's a call then open up these videos and go over it step by step exactly the same way even if it gets boring take notes in that bone the boring time is not boring by the way that that the the most that we are talking about and you we are doing back and forth those are these are all quality information you could simply take my free courses but in my free courses i'm only one way remember i'm not talking to bernal i'm not talking to eddie i'm thinking that i am doing the best job but you may not get it at some point right but here i was talking to you directly so take notes take notes okay take notes take notes at the end to be honest this 14 hours of work will become like a 40 hours of content for you why because you took so much notes and you're gonna feel like you work in a company for six months then when you're ready after three weeks of training then i'm gonna give you phase two i'm not gonna just throw a phase two on you right now but if you feel like you one of you have done it quicker and you wanna get to phase two i have no issues right you it's your access you're going to lose the access quickly right if you get it right now you have one access right there you're not going to be able to finish that and you're not going to show you're going to you're going to lose both by the way right you you have only certain days in the server right yeah so you gotta finish that first then you're gonna go to phase two you're gonna finish that you have three months in that then once that's over you're gonna have your resume and we will tell you to go like go crazy on these jobs you're going to shoot out your resume you're going to shoot out your resume and i'm going to keep telling you how many times did you apply you're going to have to tell me you about at least 50 places before you got a response and once you get a reply from them from them you're going to tell me and we're going to help you more then we're going to specifically target that company and what are they teaching if they're teaching more about imaging no problem we go back to the imaging in the in the practice lab we have imaging tutorials i'm going to throw a lot of videos on you then right hey i did this video this is targeted so you got to have patience with me since similarly i i'm doing this thing for you and you're doing this thing for yourself too like okay i could simply say hey this is my flow and if you guys don't do it i'm not responsible but i don't want that because if for me to make this platform more successful i want i have to make sure that you guys get job right because you're going to be the one that's going to be selling my product then so to be honest that's how business works and i'm not just trying to sell things to people i really want people to do this thing i want to do it with my heart because i have a passion towards i could have simply finished finish this training uh at three o'clock to be honest i could have made it very quickly for you and you probably would be a little confused but i could have i could have made it in such way that you would have accepted that but we didn't do that so i invested everything for you but you got to be also uh you know honest to yourself and to you to the training and the quality of this training that you've got to be patient and you got to do this all over once one more one time again okay okay do you want us to get rid of start from scratch get rid of the domain controller no no no don't get don't get like i said domain controller if you have created it it's a one-time thing and you're not creating domain controller again you got the idea you know what it is and here's the biggest tip if you forget everything else in this five hours of videos i don't care about that but here's the biggest thing do not get stuck if you feel like you can do it skip it training is not where you need to master things you need to get an idea you you worked on it you got it and now move on because like i said the example people have gotten this job without knowing abcd of it but they struggled in this career for a long long time and took the stress to learn these things you are not doing that i'm not trying to make it harder for you you went through this stuff you're going to go through it you're going to do it if you feel like you something is not working skip it phase 2 skip it i don't care but you gotta you got to at least know what it is and then come back to me i skip this many things and then i will explain to you so then i don't want you to get stuck basically because a lot of people get stuck right they want to master it they want to i want to make sure that i can do this perfectly there's no perfect in it so i hope you guys uh are satisfied with this training um if i ever missed something or i said something directly forgive me because i like to sometimes get direct because i want to make sure my point is clear um i would definitely apologize if you guys have taken anything you know i i i never get personal but sometimes i get too direct so that's just for you to get the point okay nothing nothing nothing personal over here so day four guys what do you guys feel about therefore uh lots of learning once again uh you you uh we went into you you covered a lot in four days i i i i don't know how uh you thought that uh you could do you you're gonna do it in two hours you know because we spent so much you know like you're so passionate about it that you just you know you give a lot of value for for the price it i'm i didn't know you it was going to be so one-on-one i mean it's almost like technology is amazing it's like i'm it's like you're next to me it's it's been yeah and in two hours if you look at it two hours you have you also have to think you guys are three people right so one question can lead us somewhere else another question can lead us somewhere else but i do not compromise on quality i'm not going to say hey stop or something like this i'm going to try to explain to you or or at least show you the core stuff you don't miss anything because if you missed something let's say for example if layla would have missed the active directory day one and she said i'm gonna join you guys tomorrow because i'm sick how would i tell leila to take another training why because it won't make any sense right you see leila how important was that your director throughout your whole training it was like a core right you got stuck with it everywhere you went it was there right bernal like that's how you felt right it was just like you couldn't get away from them right right so we have the we have done a lot of research on this by the way like i didn't i didn't just sit down on this chair the day one my day one training was like oh guys let's just do active directory and this is that no i learned all of this stuff by my own mistakes i did other methods too and everything it's just that of course yeah i got lucky in a way that i kind of thought of some things that i think this is something extremely core and my my base was built on this so i i got more stronger in it but to be honest our our past trainings that i did like let's say three years ago they didn't have servers like you guys they had to build their own labs so think about that too there's a lot that changed and a lot that made this training uh work that way if it was one person i could probably say three hours would be we would have done in three hours at least with me i mean he spent three four hours with me as well so what do you think layla now to be honest uh before i joined jss i had uh reached out to university of minnesota i reached out to other centers that offered comptia a plus but then i was i went specifically two years to look what you're offering and i could to be honest i felt like it met um exactly what i was looking for it tailored pretty much to what i was looking for and uh sure enough now we've done the training um it has actually hit the spot like this is exactly what i was looking for hands-on training um you know in the past it didn't make any sense when i you know when the i.t guy told me about active directory and stuff like that i need to reach out to the team and i was kept asking him what do you mean by that but right now it makes perfect sense even with the deployment uh you know i remember asking a friend of mine god i just wish i knew what this all means but then yeah so far i'm happy if you look at this resume uh the most of the things a lot of level one people ask like if you can even answer this expertise area because they're gonna pick this resume and they're gonna ask a question based on that expertise right there right and that's kind of like the starting point to break the ice between you and hr manager so even if you start something oh i know about ticketing system i know about office 365. now again remember we removed ticketing system from this specific training because we have a new uh videos on ticketing system we don't want to invest any time on boring stuff so that's something that's missing remember i said there's something missing in there too so there of course we didn't finish vpn firewall and where are we going to learn all this stuff in the test out software right in phase two and then after that after that we do a mock interview we don't just leave you like that you get you get tested right i'm gonna call you and i'm gonna say leila go ahead this is your interview and i'm not gonna help you right so you basically then get to see even more stuff now this is just the beginning guys we have a interview a real interview a person who landed a job and many other people who have given us their user sorry their questions and one person actually recorded the whole interview with a manager so after this we give you a resume with notes with audio with everything in there so you it goes to a different level right there we go we go crazy on this stuff okay so you're not gonna feel anywhere that you're missing something i just wanna i just have one request from you guys that don't get into tiny minor things like if you see a semantic antivirus that doesn't mean you need to know about semantic antivirus itself you just need to know about antivirus nobody nobody cares about this stuff right if if i can get if i can tell you right now if i give you the resume today or even if you take the tempted resume and you start applying to positions you may even land a job that's how it is you may even land a job but that's a luck right there right you're still not prepared but you can still give it a try there's nothing wrong with that what do you think well um yes i want to continue want to learn some more um it's good i like the idea of the hands-on and the direct the direct um some kind of background stuff somebody back there i'm sorry okay okay probably okay that's fine yes but i like the direct um relationship that we're having which is much better than um in the university you know they just give you a bunch of stuff and no no guidance more or less you're on your own but i like the fact that you you're teaching us one-on-one okay this is it and i like the questions too um how would you deal with this um if you ask this how would you do it that that's very good um very excellent um it helps us a lot because it makes me start thinking about um okay how would you do this how would you um answer this question if if given um so i got a lot more to say but right now i'm just processing everything
Channel: Jobskillshare Community
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Keywords: help desk, job skills, top it job skills, it jobs in usa, help desk career, how to start it career, find jobs in usa, help desk job interview questions, microsoft it career, job related skills, azure courses, help desk courses, systems administration, how to start helpdesk career
Id: o-6vCrIHSM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 259min 24sec (15564 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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