IT Skills Testing, Active Directory, Office 365, Outlook

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okay i think this might work this might work so let me know guys setting up meeting so i think we may go live right now i see something yep yep i think it should be good it should be good should be good right guys okay yeah we're live we're yeah we're live all right hello everyone this is danish from job skillshare and today we are starting a round two of it skills testing i think that's what i named it right so basically if you are joining in right now of like you know you probably wouldn't know what's going on we are a community on discord so me kefta kugelman and our other friends like all the people other members they're all part of this discord community in this community we do different random things to help people out and the community is extremely live like it has to we work with each other if somebody gets a job they say hey i got a job and this is how i got the job and then we learned that experience from that person or you know that person that got the job if somebody gets rejected they also come back and they say this is what happened this is what happened and then we encourage that person help them out and we get our help ourselves because we are i.t professionals ourselves so there is no body who is an expert level or not an expert level we are all working with each other so this is what makes these three communities extremely strong and very powerful uh and that's where uh you know we are doing this so if you're not a part of this community then i feel like you're missing a lot if you want to get into it come here so that's the first thing and i think kaifa will post a link in the chat and she can uh use this chat for you know you know this type of stuff if you have any questions or any link please ask in the chat boss she will post a link and then you guys can join discord communities make sure to join other people like kef tag kuberman we are they're all part of our communities we'll share the links with you too so make sure you join this but what are you doing today we are actually going to round two with abdul he was a candidate in the first uh you know uh testing so if you have missed that today you might seem to be a little confused but not too much by the way but if you you missed that domain controller acura directory when i say that hey i'm going to go back to your help this machine right you're going to be like okay where was this at the machine before so you need to go back to the video one to make this to to make this super friendly for yourself and to make make sure that when you're going to the interview that job interview and when you say that can i be ready technically for this job for this help this job these two videos or the more we are going to put add to this rounds this is going to be the perfect videos for you because that's exactly either they're going to ask you an interview or that's exactly what you will be doing okay just different systems so our candidate abdul are you ready for the test i already answered this question i was born ready i was born ready man i like this because when i asked him for the first time and we just randomly went into the community or like hey who's ready who wants to be on the hot seat he's like hey i'm ready you know i can do this i'm born ready so we tested him and he passed the first skill uh that's the first testing round so uh now what we're gonna do um kevin did i make you uh did i make you a co-host in here i'm gonna make your calls too kev no i'm not i'm gonna make your calls because i need you danish can you also make me an admin on the youtube thing so i can share the links please oh in the youtube yeah not admin whatever it's called on youtube uh it's called moderator okay so there you go you're a moderator right now so haifa is a moderator in there caftec is there here on zoom we have two caps managing this stuff right now okay so how does it work we have multiple people from this community they're in this live zoom meeting right now so they will be talking in between this is not a real testing this is a fun testing you can have a question in the youtube community and ask that and this this would become more of a conversation at the end but in the beginning we'll just be focusing on continuing our test right so let's get on and uh go ahead and log into your systems abdul and we are going to basically see what update is doing so after what i want you to log in is to your machine because you started your work we gave you the machine now you should know your help this machine and you had certain tools available uh inside your machine that you did right rsat if you remember that you did that that was your management tool so today we are going to be doing some real world testing we're gonna we're gonna just exactly do how you're going to be dealing with user so number one you have a user that just started in your company and her name is stacy now most of the time when you become a helpless person right it's not like you're going to be doing everything from scratch the reason they're hiring you because they already have business structure or infrastructure ready for you so everything is already done for you most of the time you are just getting into the help desk to help people out and their processes very few times you're going to be involved in a project where you're going to be building something with a team from the scratch that and that's not usually how uh you know it happens most of the time they hire you when things are wrong okay does it anybody have any question on this and and uh eddie you just joined it i saw you on the youtube this is the video for you because you got an interview in next week i guess and if you miss this video i feel like you're going to miss a lot okay so um go ahead uh uh log into your help this machine this is the same password that you were using so let me know when you are on that machine right now yeah i'm logged in do you want me to share my screen or no uh i think it'll be better for you to share your screen i guess maybe because i think if i i thought maybe i'll just do my screen but i think it's better to just share your screen i'm gonna give you permissions here i'm gonna stop sharing my screen guy and there you go and where's the permission there you go and go ahead you have the you have the you can do that right now okay so guys can you see his screen um we see two screens this score yeah yeah why is this going so i think he's fixing that right now so go ahead um abdul and fix that for us perfect perfect okay so now go ahead and log in to your help this machine and um we want to first test something can you find station first of all stacy is already at it that's what i told you right in this company can you find stacy for us and when we're talking about stacy was added what am i talking about over here add it to what you're mute you're a mute up though you're still on you are there okay it's good okay so we were talking about active directory active directory perfect good job so go ahead and uh first of all find stacy for us because this is a very common skill when you join a company you will be you will be asked to do this for that user or reset the password that users or add that person to a group or you know something like that or maybe change your last name because they just got married you know or something like that so you you gotta you gotta understand all that stuff and you're using the fast version of this right this desktop right updo believes i believe setting the settings are set to fast yeah make it make it uh 90 so we can see your screen pretty nice quality and on the left side you can actually toggle the left side on the top that you see on the on the right side yeah toggle that and there you go and you can even make it more bigger by the way if you want to make the screen a little bit more bigger yeah just click on that and and this will become even i think you're one more click one more there you go i think is it too big anyone who's about to join the zoom please meet yourselves when you come in i can't hear you clearly i said anyone who comes into the zoom please mute yourselves as soon as you come in baby yourself i can't hear you well you can't hear me i i hear her it's just that she said that whoever comes in yourselves when you join the zoo okay okay sorry i think for some reason it's her voice becoming different from me okay all right guys so um first of all show us how would you find stasi okay can we make the size a little smaller because i don't see the start menu okay go ahead and make it smaller a little bit this is better okay is this better kev that looks better okay so i think i made a mistake oh all right never mind yeah good job so let's see if you can find stacy for us okay what's the second method second method could be because you could have 1 000 people you're not going to be scrolling down right so you right click users you would click find and usually you would search the entire directory and you put the name so in this case since it's stacy stacy fine now okay so what if i say that there is a computer available um her computer name is staff1w10 how would you find that computer this computer i would go through uh a look under computers okay it's there but what if there are 5 000 computers there so again we'll use the entire directory and go ahead and find it no that's that's not what's going on over here [Music] since let's see there we go so you need to change the scope of the search common thing common very basic thing but it's something that it it makes people a little you know like why why am i not getting just just attention right there there you go it's right there right yeah so okay that's good you found it right there so perfect good job so two things in active directory you did it no problem now we have this thing stacy's all so stacy is a part of let's say 50 groups and i have a job for you you need to you need to add 100 people and you need to give those 100 people the same groups that stacy had what option do you have to make it easier for yourself and how would you do it by them how would you add a normal user by them first just you don't have to add a whole user right now but show me how would you add a normal user like it's just a single user how would you do that it's just to sing guys don't give him answer right now once he once he fail then give him an answer yeah i don't see the uh chat right now either yeah you guys can help him definitely but let him fail let him struggle a little bit right because that's where most of other people are gonna learn when they kind of like look around right yeah i just want to open up the chat look look at your options attention to detail look what you see on in that box look at it carefully when you add a user where do you add a user do you add it from the search or do you get you got to get out from here you got to do something so i would add it i would get out of the search and i would go to the user profile and usually there's something called members of and i would add the user to that group no listen to me again how would you add a normal user forget about the group right now let's take that away from how would you add a normal user in active directory let's just make it simple first well just a normal user there's usually a plus icon okay what's the other way that's one way the other way would be to right click and new okay user perfect and another one would be command but nobody expect level one to know powershell right um or uh cmd command that's something that nobody expects that so if you're gonna add let's say you're on an ad you already know how to do that so if we go back to our example now we have 100 members that are given to uh sorry 100 groups are like a part of this profile states and i give you 100 more accounts and you gotta do let's say i say okay you can't do scripting forget about that i want you to just add one user and assign all of those 100 groups automatically how would you do that because imagine think about yourself think about this scenario if you have to add stacy as stacy 2 then you have to add and go back to her profile and add 100 groups one by one one by one one by one and then you got 100 more people that are staying in the list so i'm making it easier for you let's make forget about the 99 people let's only concentrate on one more user but you got 100 groups to assign 50 groups to assign to that profile so what you should do to approach first of all if you don't know about this where do you find settings think about just logically just think of in a sense that okay where do i go to reset passwords where do i go to the section where i change the username uh rename the username or what do i do where do i go to unlock a user so do you think that there's going to be an option that will help you yes definitely that's what active directory is for okay so go go to users and give it a try show us how would you find that option so in this case i would go to stacy's user profile okay now hold on and focus my question to you is that stacy have 50 groups assigned to this profile you have to add a new user and you want to make sure that all 50 groups automatically get assigned to that new user so which option would you pick from okay so i would copy stacy copy stacy right yeah perfect that's the answer okay because that's a very common thing you have people from single departments accounting finance i.t sales you're not going to be doing all these groups again in the game right so you got to understand certain features and you're directly to make your job easy and that could be an interview question as well not a lot of people ask this question by the way but i think if you know it that's good for your skills does that make sense yes okay now what i want you to do is this go back to your screen where you have machines stacy have a machine here and the machine name is staff staff1w10 i want you to log in with stacy's account and the password is the same for what you use for this lab okay the password is the same you're using the same password for all this now so i want you to want me to log out oh so stacy has her own machine so go back go back to the machines go back to your lab you already have staff 1w10 on the bottom right so that's your machine this is stacy's machine login to stacy's machine she just said today monday she came in hello guys i'm new uh employee in your company my name is stacey and i want to log into my machine because you gave me that piece of paper right or you somehow gave the password right and now she said in front of her laptop or desk or her office and she's logging in right now this is her first time go ahead and log login stc because that's exactly what users do right and then this is exactly where you're going to get calls tickets so that's the part where you did your job now you're going to get tickets let's go ahead and log in and we're gonna log in as who stays right yeah all right so what's happening over here so whoever created the active directory profile for stacy had some option where she's to change her password before signing in okay so stacy clicked on okay fine no problem that's a normal process go ahead and click on okay now let's wait a second over here stacy is putting cat dog cat dog my puppy name is puppy whatever right and it's not working stacy call you right now and you're sitting on your hub this machine right now because you're there right and she's saying hey what is the password length that i need to use to change this pattern because i'm trying cat dog whatever it's not working she understand the complexity she already know that this is a business it's going to be a hard password how would you verify this so we will go into active directory and i think it's group policy but there's a password policy and okay now here's the thing you are not a domain admin i don't want to give you access to my domain controller where would you go now where would you go first to to give her an answer you're sitting on your machine you got a call hi abdul i'm having an issue right now and now you're stuck you are out your knowledge either you have the knowledge or you don't have the knowledge so if you don't have the knowledge you're gonna say i need help so someone from the chat needs to help you or someone from the from the group because this is your iit team right you're going to say i need help i'm going to assign this ticket to somebody else so go back to your machine now and figure it out because you got to give the answer to stacy right so i'm going to go back to my machine and since i don't have a domain controller i know i have rsat tools so you have the rsac tool right there because it's given to you so what else do you need here how would you verify that and and and if you're totally lost just ask for help i will so i think i have to open up administrative tools and in administrative tools you don't have your policy you can't add good policy you don't have the rights to be policy what would you do okay so i'm gonna so computer management looks interesting to me so i'm thinking maybe there might be something of value there just going to open that to see so that's your that's your kind of like way of thinking like how am i going to troubleshoot so that's good you at least you're trying something right so you're trying some different things over here but i can give you the answer this is not the correctness all right so i won't go down this rabbit hole somebody said raul don't say a company policy it's good to know about you're going to probably walk up to someone that's what i'm asking he can ask somebody to ask for the policy but i want you to technically know this stuff if you don't know this technically then uh this is still you're stuck how long how i mean do you want to know this stuff to make your job easy or do you always rely on somebody to hey help me out so what should you do you do have ability to find out and then before i go out local security policy looks interesting so if this let's go ahead and give it a try and see account policies and i see password policy okay and there there we go okay good job uh what's the account policy over here lockout policy lockout policy well let's click on that there we go okay what's the second method i don't know the second method can anybody else help can i jump in yes go ahead is it to run the cmd command net account which command net account okay go ahead open it up show us show us the easy method so net account save the counter space again does it stay there okay if you're doing a command and when you do a mistake what does this command tell you right there it shows you the syntax the syntax so i think we have to say the name after that or no no look look at what you type and look what they have in there what are you missing oh accounts with an s okay good you figured it out did you find something yeah how easy is that easier way easier go ahead and change our password let's see what happens okay so then i'm going back to stacy's machine go ahead and change your password login and while you do that i am going to do something password has been changed right so go ahead and log into our profile all right good job so here's the thing if stacy please say let's see okay we'll we'll talk about all these commands later on um and can somebody type for her please in the chat too um and then this way it'll be a little easier for us so when you set up this profile is this a word group profile or is this a domain profile i'm not i don't know the difference if i'm being honest okay so if you don't know a difference ask somebody to help you out is this ask somebody just help help me out is this a word group profile or is this a domain account what yeah go ahead domain you said domain right me no i said does anyone want to help or should i jump in because i answered the last one okay okay okay this is a domain account this is a domain account so now remember i think you learned something yesterday you learned some pretty cool commands yesterday what should you do to actually confirm this type of stuff who am i who am i who who am i and then you had yes go ahead and give it a try let's show you dm all right some people are saying to check your properties they will say domain yes that's also correct but even if you log into the local account it's still going to say you joined your domain this is another way for you guys to actually confirm everything but are you typing something wrong here f yes fully qualified domain name so watch this now now it clearly tells you that you're a part of domain right which container which user which is the domain name right everything is in there so clearly that's there okay that's good stuff right there um now here's the thing if stacy gets locked out let's say let's assume she got locked out and she called you that hey i wanna i remember my password but i don't wanna change it yet can you unlock me so you already know that you can go back to your directory and unlock a user right yes so let's say stacy got locked out how would you unlock it from your from your machine help desk machine can you show it to us so i'm going back to my helpdesk machine right now okay i would go ahead to active directory all right and i would since i have stacy's profile right here perfect and double clicking it profile all right there we go ah okay good job it's a little hidden area for a lot of people so new people usually make this mistake they just click on reset password remember she's not she's even asking you to don't resend the password right she's specifically asking you now here's the thing she's asking you now that hey how many times do i need to try before i get locked out how would you find that now you found out from local policies how would you find it out from command line you just did that command can can that command show you that by the way what was that command everybody was was it net user what was that net accounts right yes not accounts so does that show you does that show you that how many times can you try to get locked out can you try it can you find out yeah so we have it open right here and it does show the lockout threshold of five times perfect now here's the thing she's calling you now i'm going on a vacation i but i don't want to change my password can you tell me how many days are remaining in my past 24 days what's that sorry 24 days the length of password how many how many days are remaining for my password to get expired let me make it correct 42 days maximum password age yeah but that's that's the maximum password age that's the age of the past so if it's after five days it's not gonna be 42 it's going to be something less than that right so how would you tell her maybe her account is getting inspired next day she needs to know that does anybody know anything on this is it net account user and then give it a try try typing you you say you should type net net account user and then the user's name i can't remember that's it though okay net accounts for net accounts and then put the username and that's what you're saying right stacey okay or no user and then stacy oh users and then user and then wow probably not i'm sorry if i'm wrong okay so what does it tell you nope can you remove the accounts from there maybe you can type net user yeah net users and then use users with an s or just user just as this this user and do i add stacy at the end or no try it right i mean people have to help you out with this put stacy because you're asking about a simplification it would be it would be a net space user and then space the username and then space slash domain there we go what did you just find right now so the day the password expires yes but look look on the top it says password expires what nine four twenty two no no look at the top password expires never else works now okay okay but but did you find a a command that can really help you with these questions right these are all crappy questions like you cannot just uh you know go out there and uh if you didn't know about this stuff then of course he's gonna put some stress on you right are you gonna have to you're gonna have to go back to like your directory or group policy if you have access to group calls i think that's the easiest way to just run a report copy it put it in front of your box right there right or somewhere did you have it right there but if you didn't know about this then people can actually test you with these things now if you okay the reason i am making people understand this stuff is like this you go to the interview and they're hiring somebody for entry-level position there's a college student who says i don't know anything i just came out of the college i have a book knowledge so the book knowledge person will not be able to do this you on the other hand went with the same skills but you know this stuff you have done some practice on this stuff so you sat on the you know the in the interview and you were able to do these things so it makes more common sense to me as a manager to hire you most of the cases unless you have behavioral issues unless you have uh soft skills issues maybe that may be a big factor but technically this would be a win-win for you right so this is why we say skills and experience experience is what you you do something and you get that experience wins over everything else in i.t that's most of the time right so make sure you guys understand this okay um all right so let's close that and now we're moving on uh to something different now stacy is basically saying that i need to download my office outlook my oh you know this is a common request from office 365. so for the first thing i want to ask you how do you log into office 365 this is a very big skill too a lot of people need to know this these days it's raining so you guys might hear some okay yeah before that do we want to answer the questions and zoom what's that sorry oh card yeah there's some someone asking questions in the zoom chat i don't know yeah yeah you guys can definitely ask questions people are watching the text there's two questions so uh raheel on youtube is saying but without having account with a net with an admin rights you can't run net users and some other commands is this correct now with the net accounts you can run but the main thing is that the expirations and stuff like that you can't run that's true but here's the thing this is where i help this person right he's a help this so he does have access to all of this stuff so he needs he have this access most of the cases when you become a helpless person you have this access so the main the main thing about this is that it's not for users this this kind of skill testing is for him as a helper so you you got a powerful access and most of the time they are kind of like a domain level on the computer they can do anything uh domain admin level but of course we can restrict it down to more uh you know delegate level on the or use you can say okay i want only this or you people to be accessing this many desktops or this many servers you can really do that kind of stuff yeah it depends are you feeling better yes sir i'm feeling better i don't know if you're asking me oh i think he's done okay so moving on um and some of the questions of course i'm gonna have to keep it to the last because if this is going to become more of like training right it's going to be too long to even get to work so how would you get into office 365 let's say for example if you didn't have that page open right now where did you go to get that page those already open it was already open what is that one main common link that everybody should remember for office 35 it's just a it's a universal link everybody should know that i don't i don't remember it but is are you talking about the one for the admin center for office 365 yes and you can ask for help by the way you have in your team so you can say hi can you help me can i can i get some help can you please help me with the cherry on top no how dare you ask me for help it's can you guys hear me okay because donna she keeps playing with your headphones my i think my i think my headphones is having issues like some voices are coming very blurry like it's like very i don't know it's not blurry it's like it's like i hear i have a hard time here okay yeah like something with the speakers okay of course you gotta be an admin to see an admin option in there so most of the time helpdesk is an admin other people are in that so let me ask you a quick question do you know how to add a user in office 365 yes go ahead and give it a try sorry uh one second i'm going to jump in here i was reading an article from microsoft the other day and i don't know i haven't tried it but um could you try this for me in a web page instead of could you try admin from what i understand they changed it from portal to admin they have multiple links it may work yeah maybe a one another option but okay so that's incorrect okay they have they have like office you can go from multiple ways but it opens different applications so you could open an admin and make it a favorite and that would be a different link but one link that you guys all should remember is just totally it's very basic so how would you add a user in office 365 okay great job yeah i should be talking so i opened the navigation menu i went to users i went to active users and then really what i'm looking for is a plus sign with the user icon which is right here and add user and here we have the whole setup for adding a user try to zoom out so it fits the page better okay so now stacy is calling you yeah it's too small i think people want me so stacy is calling you right now from our home mission she's not inside the business um inside the inside the company and she said that i want to download outlook and i want to run output on my home machine but i want to download where would she go and do that that's a very common call right everybody needs alcohol to exit so where would where would she go and go back there's a whole machine in your lab and that's called home machine action so you can go back in there and log into that home machine on the right side first of all i want you to verify that is this on domain or mac so again we're going to run the who am i command forward slash fqdn all right so is it on domain or not no it's not on domain okay if that's not like what i like for example if i say is is there a second method for you to find out very clearly from a graphical method gui what would that be like is this machine in a word group or a domain so uh then that method would be i'll go to this pc okay i would right click this pc i would go into properties and i'm looking for right here and and says it's belongs to a word group here it's belong to word word group so what does that mean is it managed or not i'm not sure it's because once they're both saying different things now okay if it says domain is it managed yes if it says word group is that managed no no word group is basically not managed most of them when people are asking you stuff like that in the company it's gonna be they're asking you about the domain client server client type of thing right so if it's not connected to the domain it's not managed right because every time you buy a laptop or desktop chrome at best buy those are not managed that's your personal computer right so another person cannot log into your laptop when you buy from that best buy or that or somewhere like private right but here you could log into other machines with your account but your account will not work on her machine right here because this is a workbench so here's the thing she's asking you can i download outlook and how would you do that from office 365 jamie yes everybody will be able to see this video on youtube it's recording right now it's going to be only in two three hours it's going to be the same video so i i think there's she can go to the web portal and then they would give her the option to download the office can you find that option where that would be like would you like us to show show us that where can you find that option yeah sure so i would open up internet explorer and then okay okay so you're just gonna go in there and basically uh you know log in with that so don't worry about that this is kind of like the test that i wanted to see if you knew you could get into the portal so normal stuff this is going to be basic right you download the outlook and everything now let's go back to stacy's work machine because i already put the outlook in there so we're going to save some time so go to spaces machine now and and configure output for us add the email address and the password and uh do that for us and when you get to the point where you need to put the password i'm just going to take over your machine and i'm just going to put the password in so make it easy okay so you're on her arm on the staff machine right yeah yes so go ahead so just reiterate i have to go into portal and uh the office suite and download the office tools actually look for outlook is it there i think maybe i may be speaking i might not have downloaded on this machine maybe i might have done it but i think i get it there we go okay good all right why are you getting into teams oh i'm stuck and i would connect click connect ah good job let's see if you can figure this out now so you want me to add her to the outlook make create well is it you tell me we said that it's the office 365 account which one would you pick exchange outlook office 365. yeah so then i would click office 365. okay abdul doing good under pressure yeah he is definitely doing good under pressure it's not easy to 30 people are watching him on youtube and probably 15 plus here on zoom right does anybody else by the way anybody else in this chat did they figure out what he did wrong right now can anybody figure out what he's doing wrong uh what's it's not connecting so can anybody figure this out he one thing i can first of all tell again he's too fast right he's not holding he's not looking at the screen as good as he has a lot of confidence but he's too fast he's going zooming in and clicking on things and and the screen is saying something more what's the domain for office 365 ah who's that again sorry i just i guess kevin the other couple okay man you're just nice nice pickup so so abdul you do you see your mistake look you were logging in first of all try to figure out when i say office 365 right you're logging into office 365 so maybe you should just hold for a little bit and see that am i even using the right email because i did not sync 80 with office 365 over here you id actually directly has nothing to do with office 355 but what are you using to log into office 365 for the domain you're using what what account active directory account right yes because that's getting automatically picked up because you're on a domain right yeah so what should what should you do to fix this so i didn't even tell you by the way what was the username when i was 65 or anything like that that's something you as a technical person sometimes you need to figure things out i mean not everything can be can be given to you by not every technician is going to be like a trainer or a mentor who's going to be sitting out there and reading your mind right so you definitely got to step back first of all hold on a little bit also like let's just hold on first first game watch what's on the screen because when you click on the first time when you open the office right it was right there it was saying that stacy at coffee's for kev so how can you fix this where would you go to find that information to make sure you know the information first then you do this type of stuff right because you could be spending 30 minutes with stacy right now and try to figure this out in her home machine and she's looking at you you're looking at her right now but 30 minutes are gone right now and she's getting frustrated right this person oh man what's going on how can you fix this so this is what i think i should do i would well we what we would do is go to the staff machine you know the helpdesk machine and go into the portal that we have and find the credentials no okay you're almost there but you're on this machine already so why don't you check the machine that's on the domain right now if you log in as a user right now right type in this pc right click properties and what does that domain tell you and let me correct maybe let me correct it so this machine is not adsync it's not 80 connected to the office 365. so this method would would be working only if it was connected right so so i think your first approach would be still okay you want to know what's in office 365 because these two are separate right now right we're using it directly local separately this this active directory and he has a separate account on office 365. now in real businesses by the way it's not like that right you when you buy a domain you have an 80 connected to your office 365 so when you add something in active directory it gets synced over to office 365 that's not what's happening over here because he needs to know that what if this company is not using ad connect method what if this is a small business and they they have something like people calling from home he has to know where to go back to the admin center right so abdul you had that access before where would you go back and figure things out over here like where is that email where is that domain name all that kind of stuff so what's the domain name over here dmv jss.micro on okay now i say that you want to log in as stacy right now so stacy called you hey i'm i want to log into my office 365 from home machine how would you verify this stacey is there or not okay so i'd get out of add a user to see first if she's already added or not okay so wouldn't wouldn't that be your first step like when i say add stacy you you got a call from her directly from the home okay you you missed something big right there right because you you did the same step in next year directory in low collector directly and the reason we did that because just to show you that some things are done for you some things are not done for you as a technician because that's your job so you miss that because it's she's not even here you can't even add her away and you could probably use another oh wow you guys heard that that means like stop this and run away so it's like a thunderstorm going on right now but anyway at stacy quickly show us how to do it on office 365 and then show us how would you fix that issue for stacy now you're on the call say hey stacy oh i'm sorry your account is not here let me make sure i fix this first or can you give me some you know five minutes or ten minutes i'll call you back or maybe you don't even want to tell her if you don't want to be that bad you know just hey you know i think having some issues right here with officer cloud let me just call you back in 10 minutes i'll fix it and then you do this part quickly right so now go ahead and show us how to do it to be honest i think i love office 365 more than active directory now it's so easy it's web friendly and everything right so you could use the same password over here just to make it easy and make sure you uncheck the the bottom required the user password and um go with that kev texas i'm sorry i'm sorry stacy i don't see your account here let me add you right now and help you set up your email and computer yep you can definitely do that so okay so now let's wait on here um what do you know about licenses like if are you going to give every license to this person or would you like to know more about licenses yes so licenses to me to me that would be like permissions to certain abstract that she could use so i think we would want to limit them in case there's something that she just doesn't need to use and if she's saying i'm missing certain apps from our account where would you go to fix that in her account like right now where would you go just find which kind of access would you get what kind of apps could she get with this access where would you go look at your screen there you go okay so you have a whole list right there you can check or uncheck this is where people can in the businesses or in companies environment usually a lot of people don't use everything they don't want to give every single thing to people they have e5 licenses they have e3 licenses they have they have so many licenses by the way and some licenses are not even available to public they're available to more like government sites or some something like that or maybe private type of you know uh 80 premium two type of licenses where you have a lot of powerful access from microsoft but anyway that's not something you're going to be doing they're going to be only coming over here check uncheck that's your job check uncheck add a license remove the license so go ahead and click next roles um of course as an administrator as a uh help this person you you gotta understand how old works so if you guys don't know anything about our roles make sure you guys go back to office 35 documentation and really read about you cannot make somebody a global admin and you know there you go you just gave a whole access to somebody you need to understand these rules so at this point she is not an admin right here so you would not touch any of these books right because she is this normal user so let's go ahead and click on next and add now that's this is important piece right here this is a lot of people will put like job title and everything but like i said if it's connected to the actual directory those informations automatically get synced right because you don't want to do repetitive work that's just to give you some kind of hint that companies you may go to the company say hey i have to use a client twice or maybe i can use it in one place go ahead and click next and finish so now you added stacy would you be able to resolve that issue that you had the mistake before where she can log in into office 365. yes can you go back and fix that so exit out of that and we're going into stacy's home computer since she requested us no i think it was our staff computer because we didn't put outlook here we put it on staff yeah okay so how would you fix it i think i'll click nuts stay to try and okay here we go so is it stacey at dmv [Music] while this floats there was a question um can you guys hear me okay better now here clearly kevin okay so the question is thank you um what if you fill the information here and i think when they say here they mean um like the address and the things like that what if you fill the information here and sync with ad will ad override the information you cannot you cannot add information here if it's already synced from id you you cannot even edit that it's already added right so when you when you even go into office here yeah you cannot add it in office that's how it works you have to go back to ad to fix it does that does that make sense yes absolutely so this when you add a user on ad that's a on-prem user getting to a d sorry going to the cloud is just think so there's this connector in a system in a server it's called ad connect and these two connectors are working together so there's a cloud connector there's account inside your office 365 there's a big big account with some numbers in there and it's going to say 80 connect blah blah blah 80 sync something like that that account gets connected to your local active directory account those two accounts get connected through your admin rights and then whenever you change something those values gets synced after 30 minutes you can't push it on powershell you can go to the powershell and you can say run those changes right now and those changes will happen and that's what most of the technicians will be giving those power show to you so that by system right this is the powershot you guys need to run this immediately on this powershot does that answer my is it somebody's question yes very clearly thank you how was you how would you how would you think abn 0365 well that's that's a course right you will go to office 365 uh or as you react your directory you will download the collect connector on the server and then you need to be a domain admin and you need to be an enterprise admin for that to work so then it's a it's something you have to follow documentation i think i did show that in one of my training when i was doing it with kef keftec i believe something like that i think i did that yes you did okay go ahead and now sign in so uncheck that that piece i don't care about that just go ahead and click ok so now what you're doing um is you have set up outlook for a user you're setting that outlook for a user right now but let's say we are having an issue with the outlook right now and stacy is saying that hey my outlook is having an issue while you fix this can i get to my emails what's the other way to fix this position right now because casey needs to work she needs to get all these emails she is she has meetings going on right so you got to do something for her quickly outlook is not working just click done on this one while this is happening abdul if you need help ask well yeah yeah so my immediate answer would be i'm probably gonna ask for help but my immediate answer is maybe we delete her profile and add it again why since it's not working right now i would that's what i ins and nothing's on it maybe just okay again okay so that's gonna be too hardcore in interview i would not even talk anything about deleting an interview right that's gonna be too scary for interview right and manage like oh this person is gonna start deleting things all right then yeah let's open up the question let's open up the question guys he's having an issue when outlook absolutely is not working on office 365 what can he do to get things going right now immediately send a test email test email where back to another user hold on question outlook is not working the application is not working on office 365. how can he make sure that stacy still works have you used the uh sorry kev do you want to go yeah i was gonna say i reused the webmail app that's what i was gonna say too webmail so if you guys know about office 365 maybe that question before somebody answered maybe i don't know how much you know about obviously but if you know about obviously five the office revive is a web-based uh system right it has all these applications that are available on the web right so the first thing you would do is to make sure shipping did to our email so then you can later on fix this issue but at this point he needs to get to our email right so you could sit here try to fix this for next one hour or 30 minutes or try to do all these other things but she wants to get an email right now it's right now kind of situation so how would you get to the web mail for space uh so to me that that thing i would think to go somebody's saying go to c drive and cut the profile you guys are not like this make sure he needs to get to her email right now so you can't troubleshoot right now right you need to give her access he's uh she's opening up the webpage and logging my friends so log in from the office 365 website yep with her credentials perfect what is that office 365 i'm just trying to do a google search i don't know the website is it just okay like i said keep it simple guys keep it generic you're gonna find everything from this link and it's gonna be easy for you right so stacy just logged in right now and go ahead and cancel that click on outlook email there you go it's simple right so if somebody if let's say for example if this company is heavily using outlook office 355 don't you think they're going to ask you something basic like this if they're using heavily office 365 i'm sure and you put that on your resume too because you're going to probably use our template it says right there office season 5 administration right and if you don't know how to open this and you put that on your resume i know you're lying [Music] [Laughter] if i get roasted in front of you guys that would be i don't know i don't want to say anything priceless why why would you why would you troubleshoot outlook if you got to give them wet melee why would you do cutting pace and copy whatever don't do any of that yeah put you put give an alternative solution don't don't don't you know get them stuck on on their computer okay now that that's immediate right immediately you need to get that thing going but now here's the thing how would you troubleshoot that because stacy says that i don't like web i know i used it for a little bit but hey we fixed my outlook i'm used to i'm used to a full application it has more features in there so i need to get this fixed how would you fix outlook now um the first thing that comes to mind is maybe open outlook in safe mode if that's okay show us how would you do that that's a basic interview command by the way people are gonna ask you how do you open outlook in the safe mode what command is that or how would you open it yeah i know it's the command but i don't i don't remember the exact syntax okay and that that's it's too basic this is this i'll give you a hint it's a run command not a cmd command it's a run command okay windows are all right it goes there you go oh that's good that's a good tip right there windows are try to understand the shortcuts of keys too they're they're good to know by the way oh you can click with the windows key and heart okay cool all right you want to be doing that on this lab this is a web lab right yeah so what do you what should you do to open outlook in a statement yeah i could use some help here does anyone need does anyone want to jump in or if you want me to do it come on guys if you guys don't know if you guys don't know this go ahead hypha it's outlook sorry it's outlook uh space uh forward slash safe isn't there supposed to be exe or no no okay so it's already open so i'll close it all right just close it close everything try it again try let's let's let's let us see this progress again okay so yeah okay so let's it's building the profile let's say you've figured it out okay the issue is to do with some kind of blah blah blah and you fix that you you run this command it's opened up right now okay now great now let me ask you this what if this is not working what if you you do this and it's this error outlook blah blah blah corrupted it can't open close it blah blah blah it doesn't open up any error i don't care what's the other method would it be the rain soul outlook you're going to jump into outlook all the way this whole big application you're going to restart it restart it without giving another try i i forgot maybe there's this kind of command to troubleshoot or repair repair okay there's one well is it are there any other better troubleshooting for outlook are we going to go into control panel in mail type in a control panel okay now here's the thing yeah that's good how uh how would you find this mail information that's common stuff people should know control panel right now there you go open it up put it in programs or we're going to icon smaller yep categories large boom right in the middle you see males half about a quarter dash is your question related to the um the end task one task solution it's coming it's coming i feel like you love that one right it's alphabetical order there you go okay there you go all right that one is my favorite and email tracing is my favorite we're gonna get to that yeah we have mail open now what i don't know let's add our profile let's add that email address my friend are we gonna show okay email accounts so the email is all there the email is over there but can you repair stuff from here i see the ripper okay all right let's add it boom first name dot last name email address okay now let me stop you right here just listen this is the issue that's the second fix right you first did the safe mode you found something in there and maybe you remove the add-on because that's what safe mode would be mostly for right because you're getting in it cuts down all those add-ons and you get to find out some issues with that right you that that's one thing second picture you came over here you probably removed the profile once put the profile again if you could let's say you're having issue with this method this is not working this is you're still logged in still error next step show me another tribute oh how would you delete it in uh on the computer itself the profile you know where it's located that's where i'm going right no i don't know where it's located unless can somebody help him out where is this this outlook ost is ost right yes find it for me yes wait is it pst or ost it's ost okay so file explorer click on file explorer c drive oh okay oh hold on hold on hold on drive double click users or do me a favor click on view okay click on view up up up okay click on view um click on file name and extension hidden items let me check both of them yes please all right now let's go uh click on her use her name look at look at my fingers guys five go ahead uh let's see this is where i'm stuck i have data right i think you're gonna go to aggregator that's what i updated yep yes okay six six excuse me outlook oh it's not there okay i'll give you that one i'll remove that i'll remove that step again because you messed up we'll go back one i mean give me one thing right here you guys took how many steps to get to this you're still you're struggling right i see what you're saying there's a faster way to get there so now close this closes i'll take over so you see this file this uh page right here where it says uh mail setup yeah like the box the box it says data files in the middle the second option okay open that and then see up on the top open file uh location it's uh it's one two three four yeah five so did you did you guys get this look at this nine steps got totally boom gone just one click does that make sense yeah so this is uh one of the easiest way i would say the reason for that hidden one is not easy because i mean it's not easy that's the simplest answer right and you're going to have to unhigh fives and all that kind of stuff too you don't have to do that for this so what can you do over here to fix a issue that is just crazy man this thing is not getting resolved with the repair with reinstall putting a profile back in there it didn't that profile also didn't fix it what can i do to still fix this issue i'm just going to right click and see the options but anyone can just join time in at this point i'm thinking about windows uh credentials am i on the right path here so what i would do windows credential would be more of like a log in using them that you do log in boom there's a prompt prompts are not going away you're not getting into it this is more corruption right outlook opens up profile get hung frozen or your computer totally goes to blue screen because of the small thing right so there's something going on you got to really fix that right just delete it no no no don't do that um so there's two options i don't know which one danish is looking for so i'm just going to say both you could cut the profile and paste it on to the desktop and then have outlook recreate a profile when it opens or you could rename you could copy the profile rename the original to like the same thing plus test and then paste it uh paste the the one that you copied where do you want me to paste it one psychology that would be in the same in the same location that you're in so do you want me to do it do you want to take more i just i'll do this one if you want me to just go ahead wait which which account are we on uh staff staff whatever you change you'll have to disconnect no you're good it says on the top the lab can tell you how many people are on the lab to watching but by the way anyone who wants to learn this stuff this is probably one of the kind of like the last picks that you can do right you can what have high files on this machine right now so one of the last pixels you can do is to come back to the outlook and rename the ost and then restart the output again what happens with that is basically it will re restart the whole profile again okay so it can't um it can't do it because the uh file is open so what we're going to do is we're going to close it and i noticed you're doing the dot nst is the other file or it doesn't matter it doesn't um sorry it doesn't matter thank you why did you copy huh did you copy i did copy it why oh you want me to cut it no i you you can rename it first that's what you said right so what i was gonna do is rename it okay sorry copy it rename it and then please what would you copy and then rename oh just okay i get what you're saying yeah like i don't know oh why would i copy and rename so it doesn't turn into this part of the reason yeah happy maybe what could you just mean it i mean i don't understand the point of copying do you understand what i'm saying right [Music] can anybody explain this to me why would she copy this and not do anything after that you're just adding a step in there that that's basically not useful like you're copying then you're renaming it doesn't make any sense unless you copy paste it somewhere it makes more sense but you copy renaming doesn't make any sense to me right that's just i guess step in there with okay good so now it's not altering the contents okay wait one second i get it i get it okay hold on now here's the thing what if this see that's why i i wanted to rename it first no no you copied and you pasted it in the same place what if this is the 40 gigs file are you going to wait here for three hours to get this now what you cut it and you paste it onto the desktop ah okay now show us that how does that look okay here's the thing think about it what is the ost file we're looking to regenerate it regenerate it so uh if you when you rename the file is it going to get deleted by outlook or you're going to get changed by outlook it's not going to because it's going to create a new file with the same name that i used to have so you don't have to cut it or move it anywhere it's you could just leave it there yeah that's that's that's another way yes definitely okay abdullah tell you so i'll open outlook again now are you opening outlook oh no it's male sorry danish when did we do the copy paste one that was the master last resort one remember we never did copy paste i literally watched it yesterday sir watch it again we did cut we did no we did copy paste too okay and if i show you guys that we did copy paste what are you gonna give me um maybe i'll just give you i don't know some we'll give you a point we'll give you a point okay all right i'm ready to show you guys so guys did you watch what happened right so what happens it's gonna say okay i'm i may have some crazy corruption going on and nobody could figure this out and then again we're not alpha programmers we're not microsoft programmers we did not build our book ourselves we're not going to know this right most of us not going to know this stuff so you're not going to know that exact error why this is happening at code level thread level id level pid level no forget about that crap right you want to go and get this thing fixed quickly because you don't have time so what you want to do is what you just did over here is this first of all when you copied when you cut it the reason you cut it because what if this is a 40 gig uh you know 40 gb uh file you don't want to be leaving 40 gb in the computer like that and we did have a situation where people have a huge ost files and then they something happened to it you don't want to be leaving that in that computer you can just take it out put it on a usb but you don't want to also delete it too because what if you delete it and the server has some crazy issue going on there you go the server cannot give you the emails anymore and you don't have the file over here and this person will be mad does that make sense at least when you didn't deleted it you had the opportunity to fix if you delete it it's gone you don't have opportunity anymore does that make sense yeah so can't you restore it if you just delete it like that what do you mean restore it from recycling then no once you permanently delete from recycle bin unless you are a forensics expert maybe you can but you can you and i can you at my level your level you can does that make sense yes you can you can't rely on the recycling bin it may completely completely unallocate you can rely on it exactly and that's why i'm saying that your skill and my skill we can't do that unless we work on our forensic stuff yeah but we'll have that kind of time can i can i ask him a question yes how do you fix an issue on outlook if someone cannot search i think you made a video on this yes i'm asking him i would answer repeat the steps that we just did unless there's something in particular you're looking for when you say search what are we searching for kev um if someone cannot search for emails on the search engine on outlook how do you how do you fix that okay i will close the app and uh refresh it again is there anything else you could do besides that sure login logout no nope they'll get something in there if i sing i was i found the video i was told to copy i was told to cut oh man okay so in the same video you told me that i could copy it ali did it he he renamed it to test i copied it it doesn't matter you were there and kevin was there guys listen listen there's an option how she's changing it now she never instructed her to copy but then i jumped in there don't do copy and i explained it to her why copying is not good she didn't use that part and dude so this is what you call half you know half stone pizza pizza for me i'll send you that dress i got you there you go my friend you're on the right track um is it will we change something from here nope but it's there somewhere yeah it's there you're getting close maybe quick access advanced advanced access nope okay then go back to the idea there you go you're in the right place before the quick access toolbar no before that you were in the right place not there before advance uh-huh search what's that button on the right what is that the indexing options okay see what it does you ever heard of that you know what that is i know indexing is like searching and organizing but yes not this in particular uh do we troubleshoot it right here troublesome search and indexing to fix that issue what are those two buttons do what happens when you click on them oh i don't know when i click on them yeah the other one's another one's on the top not that one modify okay we're gonna close out that one and click the other one advanced try your help this password helped us try again or i think maybe the uh the username is help desk one maybe that might be it this doesn't work you know lock yourself up yeah like too much chances here maybe kept you can help him so we can move on you want to go to your active directory and check your account yeah that's what i want to do now oh that's nice did you just lock yourself out no almost two more tries they gotta log into this one now this has to work i don't know what the password is okay i don't know why this is working the other one's not that fingers oh go back go back to that machine take your time yeah okay it's all good i'll try that same password again please i don't know is that account correctable help this or was it helped us one yeah it's well i'm not sure but in the computer login it is it says slash help desk okay how do you fee how do you i mean how do you how do you verify is it yes or no you can't just assume things now right you gotta verify as a technical person you gotta wear film right yeah so we're just gonna go into active directory okay and we'll go to help test okay properties account is it one yeah it is one help this one you see your mistake right yeah so how do i verifying is is one of the best thing you can do just go back verify all right yes can't you do the uh dot backslash no or does that only work on the that's the computer computer name you don't want to do that here yeah that's just the computer name you're talking about how to change the yeah check it out how do you change that yep more choices use a different account by the way this what you're doing right now is just that's what we do every time we get a call when somebody gets logged out this is where they're having issues right either they're not putting the right domain either they're not putting the right net bios name whatever it is right they're not putting something right in there they get locked up got it so yeah now we have advanced options open yeah it's free you see that button called rebuild you ever seen that before no so if someone's having an issue with searching you you will rebuild their index and i've seen this so many times in the help this uh box to be honest it's just crazy i've seen this so many times like i can't search my email i can't find an email i can't do i'm trying to search for an email for two weeks ago and i can't find it just you guys remember this is a great tip right here um so we'll click see what happens you would rebuild it it's just going to go back and rebuild the index of course just like you you have done web website stuff that's kind of like exactly the same it's just going to bring the indexes back right yeah that's that's awesome because that's this is very common things that you're going to come across and knowing makes it it gives you more confidence it's nothing more than that right this whole thing is about just getting more confidence knowing a little bit more about troubleshooting and more than knowing this step by the way is how you approach these these uh issue because issues can be millions of issues out there nobody can teach you that stuff right but when you know how to approach these issues what kev says sometimes process of elimination mindset keeping calm looking at the screen what this error is about does it give you more errors and stuff like that then you proceed much easier and you become more and more better with technology right it doesn't matter where you work it's the rules apply everywhere any job right in i.t so that's pretty good stuff right here okay let's move on let's move on to something more now let's let's say stacy says that i am waiting for an email so i sent stacy an email and i want you to to open her email and figure out um on office 365 level now i'm not talking about outlook i want you to open office 365 and stacy should be getting some email and then let's talk about the email like how would you troubleshoot spams or stuff like that or tracking um that's one of the yeah one of my members got an interview question how would you track an email in office 365 so he answered that i will go to my outlook application and then i'm going to search for email that was a wrong answer he didn't get a job not because of that because maybe other things but when they say how would you track an email in office 365 they're not talking about your application here right they're not talking about desktop version application right they're talking about office 365 administration right so how would you track an email and that's a very common call in the business right people are saying hey we had an important email coming but it's not in our inbox how would you figure that out so first of all what should you do to do something like that so when you make me when you bring up administration i want to go back to the help desk machine and go to the admin panel for office 365. first what would you do would you would you just look at her email first right what's going on right so let's say i sent her an email right now she didn't get into her inbox how would you find it she's calling you right now she's saying that abdul i didn't get an email from this company how would you start the process i'll used the alphas 365 admin panel and i don't know i haven't looked into it as much let me go back and now again let's say i call you on the phone abdul i'm not seeing an email in my inbox you're on the phone how would you respond okay i'll i would say that must be frustrating and we'll i'll take a look at it right now and i'll take a look at it right now so what should you do right now because you're on our machine right now so we go into her outlook account yeah yeah that's you see what where i'm going here it's not just about your shooting it's about mainly how you process this whole thing so you're going to the outlook right now so you went to the outlook she's not seeing that in the inbox can somebody help him too that where's that email i'll look in archive or junk maybe or even spam finding it's not an inbox i'm having an issue i actually have one more suggestion i know like there's certain kind of like permissions or policies like send and receive some people nothing to do with that just focus on the question again abdullah i don't see this email in my inbox can you help me and you say okay let me get on your machine and let me help you out focus and and think about what what's that refresh the inbox you refresh but it's still not in the box yeah i could i'm opening up the floor open up the floor you can check for email what is another way you're just in the application but you can if it's web-based you just go ask the user to log into portal office 365 at them log in that's a good that's a that's a great suggestion but if you look at the screen and if i am the client right now and i say i don't see my email in the inbox and he said that let me get onto your screen let me get on your machine to help you what should you do on this i would check the bottom to see if it's connected to uh microsoft exchange if it's online it's connected right there um i would refresh it at the top you refresh it it's there okay and then i would wait let me let me say it again i was gonna do the control uh the control one don't go don't go don't go anywhere don't do that i am stacy i just called him this is the outlook right in front of me he picked up the phone he says let me get on your machine and i tell him that i don't see my email in the inbox rethink the game now did he check the spam and the junk and all of that did he check it he didn't check it that's what i'm i don't know i was eating sorry so so first of all look you guys are jumping into solutions here right but you guys are not focusing on on the screen which says right there one email in the junk i was about to say that yeah i was about to say that attention to detail yeah like that's it's a common thing for the newbie that they're gonna jump into more advanced solutions but the solution is too simple does that make sense yeah i asked that first but you're like you can no no no no you can try and just show it look if i say you're gonna tell me that is it gonna be in the jungle is it gonna be are you gonna go to the interview and tell the person who's gonna be in the jungle is it gonna be in the spam is he gonna be in this that person be like hey are you trying to what are you gonna put like all 50 options in front of me and then i'm going to say one option that's right right they're not going to do that are you saying are you guessing like you know you gotta and i also say that multiple times just to get your attention back towards my question right so here's the thing okay now let's make it a little bit more fun a little bit more trickier now they don't see it in the junk mail either how would you fix that spam come again this was that sorry the question again it's not in the junk also i'm a ceo of this company i got a contract i'm waiting for in 15 minutes somebody has to send me that contract and i'm eagerly waiting for that and i'll say i need to get that email man they sent it i know they sent they told me they just call me the another ceo told me i just sent it to your email man i sent it to you this is a screenshot here you go and you're like in the middle now between two ceos right and the ceo is like i need to get this email it's you went in to see your machine he's like huh inbox junkie man i don't see so where is it where's my email fix it now pick me pick me we'll get we'll pick we'll take care of it don't worry go get a drink of coffee that'll be taken care of i'm not gonna i'm not gonna pick uh high five right now because you know you already done this pretty nicely so hold on on that hold on refresh hit send and receive send and receive didn't work what why that why the hell is my email now here where the hell is it fix it right now don't worry we will you may you may think about that too because your ceo probably wouldn't know the stuff send and receive right that's pretty basic for a lot of users too right they might just click on it what if the user say i already did that i already just send a receive i know my outlook is connected what if this is a techie person now right i already checked my junk mail i want my email i want my email i need you to fix this now i need you to fix this right now i had an important email that i was looking for and i can't find it fix it right now all right so what i'm thinking is somebody says somebody says webmail okay go to email cause you gotta try that too what if you were client designing you should go back to the first person who gave you that tip right he did give you a good tip you should go and open the webmail so let's find it in the web i mean you also want to make sure the sender didn't mistype the recipient name what if the sentence says i didn't mistype anything i sent it correctly it's accounting and they sent you the screenshot too now you're like man am i going to get involved with this you did it right or didn't but they sent me a screenshot can i verify it before i get into the reward of you did it right or wrong right it's going to be a little bit gray area for you too because you don't want to get up there and tell person that you did it wrong right or maybe did you even did it right like that you're right right but can you have the tool to figure this out that did this email came through or not so we're not we're already past the junk email phase so yes so we already paid this it's not there anymore yeah it's showing there but for unless it's you it's not is it i don't know maybe it's a problem with the sinking or something like that remote into the sender's computer and make sure it worked okay so here's the thing you went on the web mail right do you really think that's going to be a sinking issue on the web no could you do something on the web to make sure that it's not a syncing issue what would you do on the web usually when there's an issue with the caching what do you do with the cache clear cache clear cache what do you do with normal website issue you refresh you reset the browser you did all that still not working pick me pick me [Laughter] let me think let's let him think about okay now i'm gonna give you some tips you are what over here now are you a normal user are you an admin i'm an admin so what do you have right here i have the the admin panel for office admin panel right here you see how you should think when you see something on the user and you got something better with you as a technical person at this end you cannot fix this so how can you go back and fix this type of issues so i'll go into my help this machine and log into the helpless machine okay because it's already logged into office 65 you could also log into obstacle from anywhere by the way but that's already logging yeah so here we are in office 365 of the admin center perfect good job you're getting close now sure you can ask for help now help from me okay no it's fine if anyone else wants to help i know that answers does anybody else know how to use the user likes anything wouldn't be an issue if they can get to emails right they could if they see other emails it's not a licensed issue right okay and i would google uh i will google them that's a perfect solution but at this at this point he probably won't be doing that the ceo is sitting on his head right he's like let me google that i hope that doesn't happen to me but yeah happens to me all the time google has arrived he's got rhino skin click show all show all right on the left hand side somebody somebody just posted something a good scenario is too broad it is abroad but uh you know we already checked some of the basic stuff so you right you you come down you're already putting now there's a third party spam filter closing this this is where we buy apps go to exchange yeah i'm just closing out the apps it's running a little slow okay so go to exchange watch me get this wrong after i've been waiting for it all day you got this confidence and then we are going to do mail flow message trace oh okay at the time you go yay i like that what the hell is going to close itself where's my email i sent it to you awesome kevin at [Laughter] but look at this they're saying that message trace is being moved and this is one of the key thing about microsoft they will move everything they will change everything if i made a course let's say 30 days ago tomorrow maybe the layout might be changed but the skills are the same by the way my four years old course have this right now and you can still take that course and get the same skills by them so that's free and click on the go to go to the new message trace no click on that blue link yep the yellow part yellow okay and then message flow again and danish that's on youtube right that's not what you do that's on the website you just have to get a free account on jobs for sure yeah got it okay what's up sorry mail flow of course yeah message trace now look somebody may say that what what if okay this is is this something i really need to learn no you don't need to learn guys you don't need to learn this to master this stuff it's like do you know this stuff so you get better than the other person who is taking the interview that's all that matters so do you want to invest this kind of energy to learn this stuff it's really your choice right but you would rather go to are you are you going to go to 20 interviews to to find out that i have i have better people than me are you trying to learn this stuff to be better in that turning to use use your common sense does that make sense yes if you don't know your comments better your answers are going to be better you're telling me about yourself question is going to be better you impressing somebody is going to be better rather than somebody who just came scared of the college and say that look i did my implants i invested my money in energy and i'm not going to learn this stuff so whatever you you i don't i don't believe in you so this is where i'll say good luck you're gonna you're gonna make it maybe luckily you will make it from other people but competition is too high these days right we'll talk about this later on but let's go ahead and start tracing let's start at i'm just going to click the button starter trace yep and you'll buy by who stacy hold on so let's i didn't tell you who were the email sender we somebody sent you from our site so would that be internal or external wait some somebody sent it to our side yeah from outside somebody sent it to your inbox external external yeah so type support at okay oops kill org and enter there you go okay that's you find you and now who are you sending this email to who is this who who's not getting this email in your scenario station right yes okay go ahead and start that and start searching search did you find the email yeah it's filtered as spam right here if it was blocked that's super cool man if it was blocked would it tell you the status i i would assume so maybe yes right so now what can you tell your ceo no it was our system i thought it as spam i'll get it soon yes just say you found it you'll get it soon you found it you get it but here's the thing you gotta you gotta answer that's where you just the skill that you just learn is something that you know you're going to come across whether it's office 365 by the way whether it's some other application now when you learn this skill think about it if you go to a company they may be using some type of spamming system right so you already learned this skill i think my son is just attacking me right now so guys you guys have to take over for a second and he just what do you what do you mean it was what do you mean it was it was in spam what is that what you guys can think of don't say that it wasn't funny was it spam no no it was it was just in there we got it all right i'm gonna get your email right now for you what can i do what will you say to the you guys can take over to do this then let me just make sure you use it what would you say the ceo if it it was blocked by spanish what would you say okay i would just say this will be rewarding for it so you don't make yourself look bad all right there's two ways we can do this one we can pass the book to kevin but you know it's i think it's kevin's fault he messed up with the configuration settings i think we need to get rid of him no but seriously what would you say like on a help desk in a help desk environment and you're actually troubleshooting it and you find out a spam like what would you say to a ceo i'm not really sure why i came in here let me do some more investigation for you i'll get your email for you though why is this email blocked though oh why is it why isn't that allowing our system is it on something to do with policy because we have very strong security measures is there anything i could do to avoid this in the future you can white list the sunday there you go or the domain you can say well in order to avoid this in the future i added this domain name to the excluded uh extruded this domain name from the spam filter so now it just shouldn't happen again yeah there we go can i do a scenario yeah because do you do that under under your admin rights or per the user setting you there are no admin rights because if you're going to be dealing with domain you you do need to do that but at the user level you can also do that by the way if you go to your outlook you do have the ability to do that can we walk through that i think that's that's it yeah you can go to the outboard right now go go to a stacy's outlook go to the stacy's outlook and how do you open our outlook settings by the way that's another another ticket for you stacy's calling stacey's saying that i need to and i need to white list this domain not unjunk it by the way but show me show me both how do you unjunk an email and how do you white list an email do we go into okay this is my question do we go to stacy's account or do it can we do that through admin center you can do it from the admin center but that's just a little complicated right now let's go to just stacy's machine and because she's calling you and you're guiding stacy right now go ahead and show it to us okay okay okay so you're going to go to stage these machines where would you go then i'll go into all of you all outlook settings good job mail and then i'll go to junk mail okay move email from these senders don't move email from okay oops you were there yeah scroll a little too too far down yeah so these safe centers and domains and you could write a whole domain in there right it gives you examples right there right so if the ceo is saying that look we got a new vendor that we're going to be working with i want to make sure that nobody gets blocked from their thing that you would probably go back to the exchange side and probably add the whole domain at that level or if this is one user complaining about just one specific user you may not want to just whitelist the whole domain in there does that make sense yeah so you want the specific email not the so does that does that answer the question yes sir thank you but again for people who are really interested in this kind of stuff and try to understand more about the back end and you know i would say definitely take the course because that's where you go in more detail right me i'm more focused on like talking to people like to talk to people so so here's the deal you you figured that out but the main thing that i wanted to teach over here is not about just office 365 by the way it's a common normal thing if you know that things doesn't get through like that and somebody gets into this gray area of somebody say i sent it i sent it this is a screenshot so then you need to know as a technical person that there is some type of filtering going on at that level firewall whatever they they're using right this is the thing that you learn when you start working on the job two thoughts on this one person will say let this person learn on the job man why are you doing this stuff my idea is a little different i'm like why if i can teach this stuff why not learn it right now learn it right now tomorrow when you get to when you get a when you get to see something like this on the job you're more confident you're less stressful so that's my point right there i'm working for stress over here for people rather than teaching you one tiny mini skills or telling you to go back go to the job and you're going to learn everything on the job that's how we all learn it you should learn it that way too are you guys getting where i'm going yeah i know i know i've learned a whole lot with just this exercise so there you go and it makes your job scenario i i think it's a little bit of both i'm sorry i think it's a little bit of both i mean depending on the learner and the environment on what you can learn is taking notes and at least if you have that supportive environment to learn and understand that but when i get into the game because you're going to see it again yeah and it depends on the environment uh the only thing is this that you can never replace the learning on the job never right that's just impossible right for any trainer any mentor but when we say that let's do skills learning or things like that it just opens your mind a little bit more technically you you think more much different than a person who will think that i'm going to learn it on the job right so it's a slow process for a person with that mindset because they think that i'm going to learn it on a job so everything every day is more like a learning for that person but how many businesses are going to open up their systems for you to practice on their systems right their their production systems right they're not going to be doing this kind of stuff with you sitting and teaching you tiny many things and teaching you something like this they're going to just tell you if you get a ticket learn it from our documentation stress again for a new person it's really up to you that you said it's up to the learner then can they take that kind of stress and say okay you know what i think i like that method let me just go to the job take the stress over there i'll just take care or you may be a learner like these people who say that you know what let's just see what this is let's just practice it tomorrow i know a little bit more than another person maybe i'll learn more on the job on top of this learning so it's up to learn but you're right thank you for that okay thank you so you wanted to add something haifa okay so this actually happened to me a few days ago and this is something that i did in my live training um what if i am clicking on outlook on the application at the bottom and it's not opening it's literally not responding it's not opening it's not doing anything uh how would you troubleshoot that so are we talking about uh task manager just ending the task and just reopening it that's exactly it so sometimes it's open uh in a few tasks right so like outlook is open a couple of times in task manager so you just have to close them out that was my baby ticket for you no no that's good though um discord did that exact thing to me just right before this i opened it and nothing happened i ended up restarting my computer just just to take the easy route out but i think that going to task or going to services exactly is exactly what you need to do task manager and then close it out yeah so it was open like twice or three times hi kobu man um kevin do you want to take over and give him a scenario sure um can you open up outlets for a second yes sir there it is i don't like the way this looks can you change my view settings no problem what would you like i want the emails to be down with no preview panel no preview panel okay we can figure that out anyone can jump in i haven't i haven't messed around with the exchange i've helped with the tough stuff somebody else jump in and help the emails to open down so there's bottom and what was the other request and remove the preview pane preview panel for the emails remove the preview panels for the email off there we go and that should that should take care of it is this what you wanted um remove remove the bottom see how the email still on the bottom remove that part too sure there we go yep another satisfied user i'll give you another scenario sure um can you set up a new meeting on my calendar for tomorrow at 2 pm eastern time for my uh live training sure we can do that right now so i'm gonna open up the calendar app oh now look through outlook yes look set up my calendar meeting so to me when he says that i think to open the calendar application or i would go to the web portal and go through calendar and set it up set it up on outlook for me i want to see my i want to create i want you to create a calendar calendar meeting for me at 2pm eastern time on my outlook anyone want to help him icon at the bottom icon at the bottom okay i switched on tomorrow at 2pm friday oh no my mistake take your time take your time all right i'll be i'll be right back in two minutes okay okay and that is that it yep there we go can you can you give me um delegation rights to your calendar delegation rights yeah so i could write on that calendar read and write on that calendar so when you say that i'm thinking i have to go to the admin center and do some kind of settings change from there no i could do it from the actual computer itself from the outlook itself how do you do that how do you do calendar settings on outlook anyone want to jump in anyone how do you get how do you give someone access to your calendar hear it sorry you have to share it how do you do it i think i found it so we would add you from an address book and what what's the email adjusted so i can imagine we didn't do it that way that's not the way that's not how you would do it yeah anyone can jump in how do you how do you give me delegation access on the calendar anyone is it in file and maybe properties guys just imagine how many common tickets these are going to be like imagine how many users are using calendars especially outlooks oh wait was it one of the options at the top sorry did you go over the options no not those ones the little boxes the little boxes the little boxes of the calendars on them next to new skype meeting okay no i did not today next sunday's day [Music] by the by the way admins would be asking for this it's like i need access to sections such as calendar okay so maybe it's in properties yeah this is what i was thinking but i guess no you wouldn't you wouldn't share it like that you wouldn't do it that way all right so we're going to high fizz away which is file and uh options options i don't know if this is correct i'm just calendar calendar let's see if it's down here somewhere it wouldn't be here by the way no okay i'd be wrong anyone wanna help anyone how would you give someone access to the calendar someone on youtube yeah limitlessly go to share calendar bottom left which i see right here so i'll just toggle that thank you for already trying to give access to you're trying to get access to this calendar to someone else how would you do that oh wait what's the little what's the little two people at the bottom next to the calendar oh no that's teams isn't it what's under the send and receive button see never mind scroll scroll up so scroll up to your calendar on the bottom left hand side scroll up see i have you have the scroll go all the way to the left all the way to the bottom left so a little bit go a little bit a little right towards the other calendars like the bar there's a bar on the left between other share calendars and other and share calendars do you see that it's on the left hand side in the bottom left okay i see it right here the outlook app is just freaking out right now sorry what are your tasks go to your calendar okay so right here yeah go up to your calendar yeah right click on it right click on it right click right click okay right click properties properties permissions permissions then you would add people in here that's how you give someone access to a calendar have you seen this before i never would have found that never saw it the second way to do it calls out of this pressing go to file oh in the top left hand side okay go to account and settings on the middle account settings right and right there's delegation access click on that [Music] and then you would add a delegate right here i really feel like danish is going to throw something at me because i feel like he taught me this that's the second way to do it well this work for outside users outside the domain cast no that's still this is the two ways to do it you have any questions for me pobu man asked can you map a shared mailbox for me we can try together i don't know how to do it right away unless we go to ost we go to properties and copy that file path if if that's i think i think let's make it easy first because what is a shared mailbox that's that's now the first thing is that on office 365 level let's get out of the application level because it is it is complicated for a new person if somebody asked you where would you find share mailbox on office 365 let's say we have an email hr at dmv blah blah blah right how would you find a shared mailbox in office 365. and it is going to be heavily used in office 365 why because it doesn't contain license you can have a mailbox and they call it sharemailbox you don't need a license for that so that's why people use that a lot because it doesn't cost them so how do you guys find a share mailbox on office 365 and that was one of the questions in interview when somebody went for a company that were heavily using office 365. help this normal helped us job is it the admin sensor yeah go find first of all that's a good good approach i like now that you're you're thinking that okay if i can't find it where would i go first because i have some admin access so go to the admin nexus and try to search around okay so now where would you find share mailbox thinking groups okay good job and sure did you find it yep guys is he correct i would think so yes it is so now here's a question stacey's calling you i'm a part of hr team they are going to send emails to hr not me hr i'm talking about hr at dmv jss on how do i open share mailbox common interview question stacy's calling you right she's on her machine right now she opened her web mail i'm not talking about application level right now we're not talking about that just she opened her web mail and she's asking you how do i get to my share my box how does she get to her shared mailbox this share mailbox hr at dmv jss so from her application side so she's on her machine right now so you log into her screen right you as a technician you went let me let me fix it for you let me show it to you by the way how would you do that so you're gonna go to her machine right first yeah so go ahead and do that and show it to us because you were logged in as stacy log in as stacy and how would you log in to hr share mailbox i'm not talking about desktop version right here forget about this one so you want us to go the web version the version yeah because if she's traveling she's go she's outside she had a longer laptop she's not going to have a configure for her right so she's going to need to get to this quickly i want to get to it show it to me so you log into our outlook but you want to get into hr at blah blah blah how would you do that hr at dmv because that's what they use collaboratively right with other team members so i would scroll down i see manage groups here so maybe click that are you managing a group or a share mailbox uh i i would think the the mailbox belongs to a group which is the use you can use your tips on the on in the text somebody's saying something and that's correct so owa click on the top right icon and open another mailbox okay top right icon which is referring to yes google man they use that because there's no license to pay right and it's very easy to set up ah good job there we go so how would you find that now so we're just going to type in the hr yes find [Music] should you type it i see when you select it just okay so hr you're typing can you type in the whole thing just type it out hr what hr type it up jss on okay click that okay all right oh i'm having an issue i'm having permission issue you can use text somebody's giving you tips again limitless combo and uh garrett guys thank you so much you guys are um definitely helping us you have to get information and desktop it will auto populate he's asking the website and these are your technicians right like if you can't fix it you just go and ask your co-worker right a skill because the idea of this whole training is not to show the stuff right here it's about to learn the actual skill the actual skill is to go and ask go google right that's what we do as an it professionals nobody's perfect over here nobody know hundred percent stuff i don't know almost seventy percent i remember these things now even though i did the course on it some things i don't remember i don't know yeah you ask for help i don't look at microsoft they change things every single day i'm not there sitting there trying to learn that stuff but i know that i can go back and fix find things so what's happening over here you as a technical person where should you go and fix things you have to go to the admin panel side and add her to the group since he's not added to it okay so how would you go and fix it because you know you learn the skill now i like that because now you're moving quickly you're saying oh if i don't have it here i think i have some rights somewhere you see that's what i'm talking about you're learning the skill like an experienced person by the way you're not running around now you okay now you need to go back and figure out where was that thing and now you say okay let me just see find something we can find it try to see if you can figure this out now i would click edit email addresses to see what's in here trying to edit an email or ask for help or whatever you know yeah i'll open the floor if uh what i'm thinking is edit email address because if anyone has any suggestions i'm looking at the zoom chat and the youtube chat you can still add in the box yeah it won't work because there's no um access so right now a common issue is that you don't have uh permissions and in anything like that because the web-based application they have designed everything the same way so it's gonna be almost the same thing for any other thing groups share mailbox whatever anything is going to be almost the same thing because it's a web application they want to keep the ui almost the same right so how would you go and give permissions to this mailbox can somebody help him i thought you did this we're going to i am vacuuming give me two minutes okay click rolls so first start to see what do you have in there like in the share mailbox you just right clicked on it can you click on that button can you see other things try to try to get more out of it maybe double click on it maybe double click on it try to find more stuff in there so like that's just an email stuff right maybe you can double click on that and what i'm basically trying to make you understand is that in office 365 everything when you do things you have to click on it you have to actually click on that specific target to get more out of it right click gives you more options but double clicking give you more options right so it says right click on the hr account you will be able to add the delegate right clicking and there's a thing they may change this by the way tomorrow while we're doing this today they might change this tomorrow so can somebody help him where can he go in here and try to fix this issue is it memorizing edit that's what i'm thinking edit memories ask the question again please i just got here managing questions he's having an issue with getting into share a mailbox he needs to give some permissions out here so how can you do that okay so we want to add stacy to read and change okay okay so how would you add that user so stacy okay does it show up you're searching in what right now this is a to be honest if i tell microsoft to fix this they should pay me because every single person do this mistake this is a ui issue this is a design issue by the way look he just straight went to start searching in a res in a list that's not even there there's nobody and you're trying to search in zero list right now i did the same mistake right and everybody does the same thing so you need at the top add permissions do you guys agree if i tell microsoft they should pay me right yes yeah because i made the same mistake yeah it's broken it's not broken the design is so clear to so many human beings the straight go there start searching hey it's not that you got to go up it's bad news i like it i'm looking and anybody's looking at me right now they take my idea i'm gonna sue you okay don't don't try to do that now make sure you give me credit you'll be hearing from haifa all right go ahead and add it yeah you'll have to deal with me and nobody wants to do that don't steal it i like it i like what garrett is saying and uh i like what you're sharing the knowledge man i think you know a lot of this stuff so definitely you see you see the problem right here right they have some issues going on with this stuff but to be honest overall office 35 is amazing like it is beast it is changing a lot of stuff and even they are getting jobs office 365 at like a support level meaning you're going to go in there you try to support this stuff as a technician they just this job right here so if you guys are thinking about it and getting into careers maybe this could be your career you can really grow in this career by the way office 35 is huge and people are making huge amount of money in this stuff you become that kind of consultant trust me you're making an over 80 90k in dc area if you know this stuff not not the healthy stuff uh i mean like getting what time you put my heart you put my hopes up you can't make 80 90k i don't know me maybe yeah helped us gasp as a help desk in maryland does it help this uh not starting not starting but maybe like like what kevin type of position that would be very unique overseas jobs yeah but i meant starting you guys i'm not starting i wouldn't oh no no no no way that's like you're talking about kev tech or anybody like that like one percent and let's talk about the 99 they're not gonna get they're not help this has helped us let's just help the season two level four most of the job right level one level two level three the the the price goes around 45 over here in dc to 65 right if you go if you see someone getting more paid getting paid that's just that company's just to you right after that level this is sysadmin network engineers that's where the level starts right and then they make the 80k 90k 100 based on their skills so you did this process can you go back and try it now sure but i just want to say one thing real quick before so you know everyone said this is kind of like a ui issue but i'm going to play devil's advocate here so say there's like a bunch of users that are you have like hundreds of thousands of users whatever i mean hundreds of users in this read and managed group so maybe you need to search them because there's so many on this one list so maybe that's why they have it like that to get that one particular user and remove them that's just my two cents so now we're going to go back to yeah but still didn't make sense to me why they would have a search bar right in front of that right we all got confused by adding a person right not searching yeah all right you can refresh on that that was the right link oh refresh this one yeah let's see what happens did it work yeah all right good job that that's like that's that's like nine that's like 75 percent helped us can i get send on behalf permissions can i get mailbox access can i get delegation rights blah blah blah and do you know now the re like can you guys understand the reason why people are asking about office 385 so much because almost everybody's using it out there like universities colleges they're all converting to fs265 very fast right so you would you would understand why people want this skill from you why are they asking this in the interviews even though none of this stuff is thought at a plus level and that's where my problem is that's where this platform exists like i'm a baby of this issue right we were born because of that issue because my annoyance is with that when a plus don't teach this stuff then we got a problem why people are cannot land a job while other person can land a job because the other person was well prepared you are not prepared because you didn't do this effort preach it so that is something that i want to tell you a person who's watching me and say why am i not getting a call this is the reason you're seeing it right in front of you there's nothing to hide there's no scamming going on over here it is what it is basically you don't take that effort somebody else do it they get the job unless you get lucky so i think for today it's enough what do you guys think well i wanted to ask him really complicated questions i'm just kidding i'm just kidding if we if we're going to end can we review yes go ahead what do you want to remove no no he might like go over everything i think i think you meant go over everything that we did oh well not me indeed the reason my my problem my favorite well it is on video my bad my bad yeah it's on video so we can go back but here's the thing for people who want to learn this stuff i have a free full office 365 course it is old but it's gold right it is the same stuff it's the same stuff you can change it there yet so i'll put the link yeah the appreciated yeah i'll put the link inside the description of this video all these four courses everything that what abdul just touched today all these free courses are for freely available on my website right it's 300 plus hours that i've i invested for the past six years i've been picking up skills skills skills and updating this course so there is no comparison wise like i don't compare that to money basically it's value basically you either take it you use it you become level one and level two type of in your mind you like that yes you gotta go to the job you gotta understand the infrastructure but if you have this knowledge you will move up very quickly a person who don't have this knowledge don't want to take this action fine you can do that on on the work you may you may be better that way you got an option that's what i'm all that's what i'm saying basically to people that you're not stuck with one type of learning you have different solutions now if somebody says i want to learn something more in advanced stuff of course my platform is built for that you can't get practice lab library access you can't get the labs that what he's using you can get a lot of video that we have here we have 4 000 plus videos by the way on skills so you can you can get that but you got to pay for that of course that's more like hands-on stuff right labs nobody's going to give you their servers for free so i'm being just real over here to people right because i don't like to play around with but we have videos too that we collaborated too and we collaborated with and when i collaborate with kev tech the combination of these videos are 1 400 videos on skills by the way guys that's six years versus kev tech he has also about almost the same years so we combined all these years and just made up everything i made a course out of it so it's very powerful for people this is the reason why people come to us i don't have a plus i don't have a degree i don't have experience and i landed a job now this is something when you tell this to a new and brand new person who can comes out of the college or maybe who have learned something different way they think this is a scam or a you know you guys are listening right now i never heard of that stuff so you have to invest some time into these communities to understand what we are doing i wouldn't i mean i'm not i mean think about it i spent almost like three hours today for what just to prove it to people that this stuff works use it make your life easy your stress level is going to go all the way down like that you're going to become a better technical person and when you become a better technical person you think a little different you think a little bit outside of the box it doesn't matter if you are an expert you're just doing things smartly like i am not an expert i'm not at that level where keith and other people are like on these youtube channels they're experts they are the real teachers i'm not a radio teacher the only thing is that i only invest in a research where i think that if we do skills learning and we basically learn something that you're going to see on the job and we convert that into more of a uh education formal nms learning management format it will help you like 10 times more that's my idea and i'm sure a lot of people are doing it the same it's not that i'm inventing this idea i'm just basically working on the same vegas and making it better for you guys so i hope you guys liked it what do you guys think do you guys think it was beneficial yeah should we continue this to move more into advanced a lot already can i add yeah i've been that i've received training in for itil comtia a plus never plus and security plus and really i learned a lot of the skills within outlook just on the job and i learned a lot more just in this last few hours because it's going to come up again but it have i seen those issues in my work environment no but i know it'll come up again and i i i feel much more confident now if anyone had asked those questions thank you right so so again i didn't i didn't receive those skills that we learn in outlook and none of the courses that have taken but wow i mean the whole world is using office you gotta learn it so i want to say thank you to abdul for being brave enough did i did my uh is my thing not working my microphone no no it's working oh okay um every time danish does that with his microphone i think that it's messing up because i used to have that problem anyway um thank you abdul for for being uh the i don't want to call you a guinea pig but like the guy in the hot seat in front of so many people you handled yourself so well you did an amazing job um and yeah um thank you to everyone else for joining and like pitching in and thank you to dhanesh and kevin for your time stephen kobe man everyone who came you guys are awesome does anybody else want to say anything the new people or any uh yeah i've got something to say so um again abdul you did a fantastic job i don't think i could have done everything you've done um but i do i am starting a a help desk job soon and my direct supervisor has already told me i'm not going to be there for you to answer all these questions he said i need you to hit the ground running so for the fact that donis is out here putting this stuff out and and showing us these minuscule tasks that might seem trivial but really it's important to the job so it is it is a big deal and and we appreciate you guys okay by the way guys this is exactly what i do in my lifetime and let me tell you hifi is one of my lifetimes she did paid that's not cheap training this is not what we do in our training but we have like a lot more going on and we give resources that's why it's expensive but this is exactly what i teach by the way so when i tell my line members that i don't i don't go by like i'm gonna teach something on the live training so i cannot teach it outside that's how i like to do things right if i feel energetic i feel like good this is exactly what i teach by the way um if you guys like this video make sure you guys thumbs it up because you know it does give me more motivation when people like this stuff so please please hit that like button i don't like to do this stuff in most of my videos but when i spend so much time i i feel like maybe um you know one like would you know make me happy so please if you like it great if you don't like it dislike it because that's your option um other than that we are going to continue the skill testing to a next level if we find something more of a level one and he wants to try this for the first time we call this a hot seat so make sure you join the discord community the link is there and you sit on the hot seat and we'll test you right because you may have a different experience you may have a different flow and we'll correct you just like what we tell abdul that you were too fast we corrected him but if abdul is a person or somebody who has more advanced skills then we will take this training and we will do a part three get into more advanced stuff like group policy software deployment imaging and we're going to move on with this and this probably will become like a complete training for people who want to learn skills but with that i want to say thank you last mo last time the people who were in the chat pool people really helped and give all these suggestions and tips i really appreciate that you spend all that time with me this video will be on the youtube it will be on the discord but if you're not on the discord you're missing out okay say take care everyone and we will end this meeting right now thank you good night okay thank you everybody he was a good boss he was great at role playing two kevin's myself no was that muted when i was saying thank you and everything yes i'm so sorry i'm so sorry what my fault i'm so sorry no no no not the whole thing just okay okay oh it's gonna actually start again why are they saying okay okay and then you know what happened you know what happened i was like how do i close zoom like i'm looking for buttons right here like you know where's that okay it's right there guys take care bye guys
Channel: Jobskillshare Community
Views: 36,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: it skills, active directory, office 365, help desk interview
Id: Wb7cSHheFT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 37sec (8557 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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