Basic Help Desk Troubleshooting Session 1 (Jobskillshare, Kevtech)

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and let's go ahead and confirm it on YouTube as well so yes we are live everybody welcome to our Traverse shooting technical troubleshooting videos basically this session is gonna be live with keffe tech and with other people who are already in IT some people have landed a job already and some people are just coming in and joining in for the first time so this is an open type of session and we're gonna learn a lot from different type of people how they think about troubleshooting and this way we can start our this session basically this session is an open session so it can go left or right we're gonna keep it more to the topic which is troubleshooting basic level troubleshooting and a little bit of sysadmin how do you basically talk to sysadmin how what do they do in their part of their job it's a connection is everything selection we'll talk about it so first before I start what I would like to do is I'm gonna share my screen so everybody can just let me know can you guys see my screen once I share right now so I'm gonna share my screen right now can you guys see much my screen everybody okay so before we get into this video the people who are new they haven't done their introduction before the people who are already with us they already know about them the people who are brand new to this you know session can you guys come up on the mic I'm gonna officially call you out if you have might just come up quickly so and just 20 seconds why did you choose this session and you know what is your expectation so Miguel since you're on the on the camera go ahead and and give us a little quick introduction about yourself all right so my name is Miguel most like me when I could say is that I do have associate degree with networking administration security on the reason why I kind of join this community is so finally I don't increase my experience and IT pretty much so at this point I'm still in the entry-level position like in edge concept where although I do have some type of experience I'm trying to gain more that way I could expand my skill at the technician pretty much all right awesome thank you so much for you guys so is easy there are you there ah yes I'm here yeah go ahead and do a quick introduction and then okay my name is ECM the reason I joined this group is that actually I worked in customer service for over five years and I had actually just started in just basics just dabbling and I'm a little bit of like tech support but not really fully and I guess well since we're not one of us a lot many of us are working um I found keV Tech and actually job skill shares videos on YouTube revamp my resume completely actually have already started going through their channels and kind of learning how to troubleshoot and just to basics that helpdesk so it was good to just communicate and also connect with others sharing the same you know platform awesome thank you so much Jerry are you there yes I'm here good evening everybody my name is Jerry lerma been working with an IT person I was working with an IT person for about a year and I decided to try to go for my own and learn more of the IT world when I was working with this gentleman I actually learned a lot from him his things went a little different and I actually went on my own I got a full of customers that I have and I'm trying to build up their their network and stuff all right cool thank you so much welcome back Andy are you here I'm doing do you want to come with the my candy okay so if Andy's not here record are you here yeah I don't know you hear me oh sorry Ricardo Ricardo okay what's up your card oh go ahead and do your introduction ID I didn't know about you but go ahead and do your quick introduction right hey what's up my name is face in the comments I'm a network tech SAS service tech for 12 years I recently got my CCNA but um I join you guys and I watched it so I could learn basically the inner workings of a just a regular IT job like what everybody do everyday basis I try to educate myself more on the everyday applications and the policies and the way you guys do things on the inside cuz I'm trying to work my way in so let me ask you a quick question because you've been watching most of our sessions since you have a lot of experience already already do you think you have learned something as a technician who was already working in IT from the from the past session that we were doing did you learn anything new yeah some stuff I mean my thing was I just recently learned the I did a lot of the follow a lot of the Active Directory stuff that you have shown okay which is something that did actually on the interview I'm not as good as I could be just and then I also follow cab tech I just follow one of his courses he did showing how to restore a Server 2016 and Exchange server which is something that I did for the first time which I never would have done in my job right I never feel comfortable talking about these things in interviews which is why these what you guys show it great so it's like wonderful I've been to these questions well familiar with a battle feel comfortable talking about it because I never implement alright thank you so much who's next so we're here that we haven't talked to Mary Karr are you there buddy sorry I'm kind of pronounced not pronouncing your name correctly I guess yeah yeah you said it right okay so go ahead and do your introduction quickly and then we can move thank you so it's a pleasure to be in this discussion I just finished my ITA information technology administrator some 18 I had a little bit of experience from internship restored to contracts after that and then I almost a year not that I don't have a job in IT and I'm trying to get back into it and my my my challenge right now is to get in back into IT and then I had you interviews like on the phone video and in person but can they can tell that I don't have much technical skills it's on the interview that we had so I can further because they know they can sub-sites review me the company can tell that I'm I don't know what I'm talking about but they need more on hands-on okay thank you so much for joining in Radha you just joined in would you come on the mic and give a quick introduction and this would be the last one and the rest we can just do it next session then maybe if you rather if you're there you can just come up on them by quickly and just do the introduction if you want to rather go ahead in a new you're a guy's rather I think your voice is very you know it's like you're getting it too late right here so um keV you ready I'm ready okay so before we start the first thing what I want to do is I want to basically play this audio from raha because I told him that you landed a job but you can't just land a job in our platform the the one of the thing is that you got to give back to the platform and everybody who lands a job in our platform has to come back and give us all the interview questions and the kind of like experience because that's exactly what you guys are looking for most of you you will you want to know what happens in the interview so it's just a quick audio and let me know if you guys can hear this [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys I know the last the last voice is saying there and he also joined in right now so so what I wanted to basically the reason I played this audio has a lot of something very important know everybody is asking for what Active Directory office 365 printer and these are all they're asking you do know how to use it or troubleshoot it right so it's so important for you to know troubleshooting because in in in if you were in reality if you look at it yes you're learning all the Active Directory stuff from the last sessions these are all actually processes and if you don't know these type of things then you cannot troubleshoot so what I'm basically implying right here if you don't go to our first sessions then this session is kind of like not too useful right are you guys getting the point because if you don't understand what - directory is or let's say in the beginning we were talking about some of the like you know how do you add permissions or how do you add a computer to a domain right there you've got issues going on like this if you don't understand that so this means you're gonna be struggling with Nunnally all of these troubleshooting things that we're going to talk today most of it 80% of the time you will struggle in the real life now that doesn't mean that you're not gonna learn anything from this session you're gonna learn pretty good stuff and it's gonna be directly what we're doing but when it comes to troubleshooting troubleshooting has to be understood you cannot just go and specifically start troubleshooting on a specific issue you've got to understand how to approach troubleshooting so what is the key term right here approaching right how do you approach an issue anywhere you have an issue if a baby is crying you want to know why the baby is crying while you just go don't just go there and you don't apply things were there I'm sure there's some cases you do do do that but you want to know what happened right you want to protect that as well so it's not just reactive troubleshooting it's actual proactive troubleshooting as well so you want to be able to save yourself and your time for in future so the first thing what we want to learn and I'm not like Capitec who's like you know he has a really nice documentation going on my documentation ZAR pretty simple like you know not notepad right so I'm outdated tech right here so the first thing I already played Rahad video right here and first thing is why we need to understand understand roles first in this training in this session now if someone can just look at this what I'm asking why am I asking you this can anybody give me an answer why do we need to understand the roles in IT first before we get into troubleshooting why am i asking that can I say I mean I got a guess yeah go ahead all right my guess would be the better you know your role the more you know how far your limits on what you can work on troubleshooting or whatever you know you know when to stop perfect that's a perfect answer now if the people who are brand-new to this stuff the reason I started with basically talking about knowing your role is extremely important so the first thing we want to talk about if you're going to land a job where are you going to be placed what kind of infrastructure you're going to be working right so the first thing we need to understand is in terms of troubleshooting you have to understand what kind of company what kind of infrastructure you're going to be getting hired so if I tell you that one company is like this and they're calling themselves what MSP right and if this MSP hired you that the the level of troubleshooting the things that you're going to be troubleshooting is going to be totally different than the company that is going to hire you in a very small building like this this is a very small building and this is this is also they're also looking for IT professional they're also looking for IT professional now if somebody knows these two things that I'm talking about can you guys give me an example why would these two be a little different type of cover shootings right there they're not gonna be too different but there's gonna be differences you and Kev tech can talk about this why would I why why did I say that there's gonna be differences in troubleshooting because I basically have more clients more infrastructure more infrastructure so if you landed a job with MSP you are going to be managing many many businesses from this one place so then it would involve more tools more ways to troubleshoot these kinds and then you're dependent on the infrastructure or the design of that company so you can't just you know make up your own things right here so you're very much going to be relying on a documentation of process approvals it's gonna be a pretty hardcore thing for this guy but if you get hired with this company and they're looking for one technician right and they have let's say 20 people then you're gonna be focusing on what how is gonna be your troubleshooting you know basically how you're gonna be troubleshooting it's gonna be very much what they use inside that company so if they use Windows 10 operating system and then they have your few Windows servers right there and they have then specific custom applications then it totally depends on what they are using and your troubleshooting will be very much focused into that right so it what basically I'm implying right here I'm not giving you some kind of image first to break you into troubleshooting I don't want to just start into less guys what are the three W is right here let's talk about who when we or whatever I don't do that I want to first give you an image is my is my image working right now so if you guys are if you guys are not getting it please ask me question cuz this is a time right now okay so is this working is this like are you guys getting what I'm saying or yeah yeah okay yes yep so so we have we're here we have cleared that it doesn't matter we you land a job the the the place is gonna basically kind of like you know it's gonna be a controlling factor of your troubleshooting so if you landed a job with somewhere they're using a lot of Mac's then your troubleshooting goes towards Mac's right if a place is using a lot of Linux then you're gonna be having to learn about Linux if they're using a lot of Windows then you're gonna be learning a lot of about Windows Windows 7 Windows 10 so that's what I'm saying this is we we are dependent where we basically get hired so that's the first concept okay so I hope this is cleared now the second thing is like like this guys if somebody's mic is on and you're not talking please mute yourself there's a lot of noise coming out so so okay so the second thing we want to talk about this go to a new page right now let's go ahead a new page the second thing is we need to understand rules right here so I'm just gonna start rules with this like we have they said this is our career ladder right here like this is a career box and like you guys are like stay right here level one don't feel bad if you're on the bottom okay level one okay and then you have this second you know block right there that we're gonna call this level two right here and then we have this third block and we're gonna call it level three so if anyone can come on the mic can somebody explain to me what is level one when we talk about level one technician what is that help desk help this exactly but help this what kind of what kind of troubleshooting this helped us will do if he's considered level one or she uh maybe reset passwords probably breaking fix hardware's exactly and these are gonna be the first line people right they're just gonna get a ticket and sometimes you may be hired for ticketing what I mean by like you will understand a product some kind of product and then people will send an issue to you and then you will be basically assigning that issue based on that level one knowledge right so you could be also fixing that issue and closing that issue so most likely if you get hired by a very big large organization they have thousands of thousands of thousands of people then they're gonna have hundreds of hundreds of IT people right so then they're gonna have levels and in levels then you they will be basically assigning these calls to different type of people but it doesn't it's not always like this you may get hired with a company and you could be a one-man IT shop right there you could be a sysadmin at the same time you could be a IT person you could be a help this and you could be doing every single thing inside the company now I don't like to promote that kind of IT stuff if you find it great learning move on and go for bigger companies so then you can you know enjoy your IT career based on your skills right so of course this is where what we are targeting today the troubleshooting starts from here we cannot jump to level three while you we haven't even talked about level one over here it doesn't make sense right we cannot talk about something scripting or PowerShell stuff like that how to fix things through PowerShell well we have never touched power stuff so that won't make any sense so after this of course enrolls when we're talking about roles then after that you have multiple different roles in IT now I'm just gonna talk about the one there are well known in IT there are many many many out there but we're just gonna talk about few so you have one role that's what sysadmin right I'm just gonna call sysadmin right here and then you have another one that's network administrators so if somebody network engineer I'm just gonna make a little more of like you know clear so if somebody tell me what is Solomon and what is an very engineer anybody knows anything yeah sysadmin mostly responsible for servers and network engineer for network obviously network is everything well I mean like for how traffic going for the network how is it setup swishes yeah no it could be maybe you know even a firewall level but here's the thing a sysadmin can be doing the network stuff too right a network engineer could be doing the sysadmin stuff too but most likely if I said if it's a very big company then that they basically separate these roles so a server engineer or sis administrator doesn't mean he has to only know about server these days you have to know about virtualizations you have to know about web sites you have to know about cloud now so there's so many things for a sysadmin to learn and then why why are we talking about this world like this because this level one has to know because if the troubleshooting tickets come to level one he has to be able to define who gets this car right they don't NIT it okay if you're brand new they're gonna be okay with you for one or two months but of course like if I ask Ricardo after from this many years could he assign a very basic call to a network engineer that's supposed to go to a sysadmin of course he's gonna tell me that would be a piss off type of ticket right if it keeps happening again because they're gonna say hey man I mean you should be assigned in tickets correctly so it saves us time and stuff like that so that's why again you need to know a lot about just overall network and all all fundamentals this is where I'm going basically that you're gonna be asking me okay this video is telling me to to learn learn learn but where do I learn it right that's gonna be another question so the first thing and from my notes we're saying that after this when you want to understand about the whole infrastructure understand about the rules this is for the brand-new people who want to get into IT this is my recommendation and I'll put this course inside our description so we created this course is called IT fundamental we 1.0 and if you come down this course is basically free you don't even have to register that the things basically that I want to I want you to learn I'm not talking about the labs or here stuff like that that's not free but if you look at it and if you click on these plus signs you can click on these videos and start today so you see say it's tell you what transitioning to IT career so you need to understand the what kind of jobs do we do right so then you have this real world daily scenarios in this scenarios we're teaching you on a real camera we're showing you printers we're showing you equipments and we're showing you a different type of you know cause that we're doing on the work so they're like basically about 10 to 15 tickets that we have kind of performed so that gives you okay this is the kind of work that I have to be doing as a level one so that that that what what is happening with this that build confidence and another thing is that we also want to make sure that we don't waste people time like in colleges they drag you drag you drag you certification they drag you and then you at the end find out that this is not what I wanted to do this is not the IT that I was thinking so by just looking at this video for free you can decide today that if you want to invest money time and energy in IT because you will clearly find out that you really want to do this or not right so that real-world video that unit right there is going to really really help you and how long it is about 37 minutes then if you come down it says IT complex infrastructure understanding the complex infrastructure these days is super important I mean we have on prompting working with cloud and inside the own premises we have virtualization working so even as a level one if you don't know how what is virtualization and you know you don't know most of it then you're gonna struggle it's not that you're not gonna be able to learn a job it's just that you're gonna be struggling so now if you come back over here I want you guys to definitely come all the way right here and do not miss this right here where it says core IT Learning for IT professionals this is what I was talking about in the beginning if you don't understand if you don't understand how networks are connected how networks are talking to each other at a very basic level this means you're troubleshooting is gonna suck if you don't understand the model of network then this means it's gonna take you instead of you know three months of learning it's gonna take you probably two years of learning to understand everything some people learn it manually by doing it doing it doing it the same process and it takes some six to seven years to realize that I'm still struggling with my bass right you cannot build a building without a strong foundation have you ever heard somebody building a building without a foundation it will break it will go down right you guys agree with that right so the foundation over here is extremely important you it has to come down you guys didn't have to come down and at least learn about these things because troubleshooting has to do with this TCP UDP IP addresses we're not teaching that kind of stuff in this training right and all of that stuff is pretty boring stuff so just make sure you have a little patience while you guys are going through this so any questions so far wait can you guys hear me yeah okay okay sorry look I feel good okay great so now this is where it's a free course guys in the beginning the whole thing's like what I want you two guys to learn this is a lot of content right there for free now of course the bottom one is an actually hands-on learning that's not troubleshooting it's actually getting into IT that's something you have to become a member we don't want to talk about that right now but the top part is important and then you can come back to YouTube and you can start keeping keep on learning it's exactly the same thing that we're teaching but that's more hands-on like using our labs and everything and later on I'll talk about it I don't want to talk about right now so if you want to stick around later on I will tell you if you really want to get into this hands-on or courses then I will tell you that so now I want to bring in Jeff tech are you ready for just your starting point and then we can phase in to the more technical stuff yeah you could you could you could let me share your screen let me let me take over okay go ahead and you you got you got a screen now all right hopefully you see my screen all right so I want to go over like entry-level stuff Java skills I leave oh yeah that's definitely that's what we want to do into level everything has to be like extreme until our okay so today we're gonna go over a comment entry level help desk issues so the first thing I wanna go over is outlook and I don't want to do it on my I don't want to do it on my computer on my desktop I want to do it on a virtual machine so I already have it set up so I have a virtual machine right over here I'm gonna log into it so if you guys don't know I have a virtual machine that has server exchange 365 and Server 2016 on this and I have Outlook on it as well so nobody just go over real quick and what while keV is logging in 60% of your calls are going to be coming from Outlook type of applications it's one of the most common and most common tickets that you're gonna see is from up why because so many people are using work so that's why we want to start with Outlook so common issues you're gonna have what outlook is our look is not responding I'm not getting emails my outlook keeps crushing my outlook items are going to the recycle bin I just deleted in my folder I need access to a calendar I need access to contacts so I'm gonna go over a little by little I'm gonna go like crazy cuz it's like too much not so much information so I'm gonna I'm gonna show you a couple of things so someone someone's having an issue with Outlook common sense as you go into file you go into options you go into add-ins and you go into I'm gonna if you guys think I'm going too fast let me know and I'll slow down and go into comm Eddins so under come at it sometimes you'll have plugins that are not not affiliated with Outlook and that might be causing Outlook to crash so that's like a level one thing so if anyone has an issue with Outlook it might be that they have a plug-in installer now look that's causing it to crash I don't know if you guys are familiar with that maybe you've seen that before but typically that does happen unfortunately another issue you'll have without look is basically your OSC profile gets corrupted so basically you're all the profile gets corrupted and then basically you can't open outlook whatsoever so another way to get into that into creating a new mail so you go into control panel you go into mail and then you see which is show profile you just create a new one you could just remove the other one so like if I create one let's call Outlook for example and I had okay it automatically generates the server and you hit next and it's gonna just establish the connection and then it should be good after that so now you wanna you wanna you want it to always open with Outlook instead of test so you just changed a default to Outlook you hit OK and you open outlook and when you do that actually it's like opening for the first time so when it does that it opens for the first time and basically you just recreated the outlook profile so that's like another thing you will see with Outlook another issue you you'll see is when for example someone is getting a bunch of emails and for some weird reason some of the emails are going into the trash bin so the first thing you want to check as an IT person is you want to check the RULES so usually there's a rule as co-manager rules and alerts so they might have a rule that's telling it to go to a specific folder or their trash bin so you might want to clear those rules first or see which one is causing it to do that another look issue or another outlook thing that you should know or you'll be aware of is its account permissions so say for example if someone wants access to a calendar obviously on the calendar section you could right click here and go to properties and you go into permissions and you could add the person on the calendar and then you know there's different things you could do here there's owner there's publisher that's editor there's free busy time and then you just add them here so I'm pretty sure most you guys know what this is so there's there's a calendar tab then there's a context tab as well as you do the same thing on context tab and you could add someone here if you want to do like delegation access like give them access to your whole mailbox your contacts your calendar that will be under file so if you go into file and you go into account settings and you go into delegate access basically you give someone access to everything on your account basically so you have you know editor for calendar editor for tech for tat tasks inbox contacts and notes so and that's that's pretty much outlook I can go in more down with it well keV let's let's just stop over here with the outlook and I want to ask a few questions from other people who have been through the outlook stuff so guys is there something that you guys have dealt with in Outlook that you feel like you want to share in this session if you have done it this will help our community as well so do you have you guys anything did anything like this I've had issues where on people when I went to my customers they all complain about their view set look pretty much because they all just randomly just touch mines so pretty much I will fix their view the way it was previously give a migration happen like update will happen pretty much I will fix their view the way previously was before the update hmm so guys one other thing I want to talk about in Outlook is that you know some people will be for example they will be using this command safe mode and while keV is on there what happened with the safe mode is that if let's say for example your Outlook is having a lot of issues right and people want you to troubleshoot now this is for the people who are going for interview they may ask you to run Outlook with a safe mode so see what keV did he basically went in there and he typed outlook slash safe right right that was a command he write that now what happened was that it disables all of the other external add-ons so this way you can eliminate the the problem so for example if there's an issue with an add-on it's gonna basically disable all of the add-ons and it will open the outlook so now what does that tell you that there's an issue with what alright there's an issue with that on right or this this could be issue with other things too so it's like good luck for you to understand that there is an ability for you to turn on the outlook from the windows they have given you this command and why did I bring this up in this session because people are gonna ask you some people will ask you in the interview technical question how do you open an Outlook in safe mode what is the command right there and I basically do the same thing with whatever is doing now the second thing I want to talk about is a very common thing and I'm sure Kevin have seen this is people start clicking on Outlook and it never comes up right Carrie have you seen this it will never come up so where do you fix it see how go a little slow with them and see see what they are seeing here you go right click go to task manager and then you will see Outlook like 10 times like his like his Google Chrome is showing there right like that's his that's his real tabs right there but the outlook will also show like 1015 times and people complain and they're getting mad okay you know it's not coming up I might click on it 10 10 times now of course you don't want to just go there and start clicking on task manager or killing everything you're gonna be in trouble you don't want to do that so you want to make sure that you kind of take your time here now troubleshooting right here because we're talking about your shooting you got have to teach you how to perform troubleshooting as well so first of all be calm right when you go under in front of the computer people are gonna be mad or people are not gonna be happy in the beginning people are gonna have attitude problem people are gonna have they're gonna maybe say something that you may take it personally so the first thing you should learn in troubleshooting is what be patient and don't think about what they're telling you personally and that's the you - iam moment when they start talking that's your moment to grab information for yourself so then you can troubleshoot it with a calm mind so did you guys get this point cuz that's more important than troubleshooting basically right that's correct okay so go ahead Kevin that's why I wanted to just add alright yes so thank you so I'm gonna go over on Excel now cuz those are like the majority of your issues I'm not even gonna lie to you like the majority or outlook issues in Excel issues I don't know it's just common for some reason so Excel is the same thing so here we go into file go into options going to add-ins and then when you click on Add Ins you want to check Excel add-ins and then you also want to check the coms out and so there's another tab called coms add-ins so you want to check that as well so there's usually stored in two places some of you might have an add-in like I give you an example I had someone had I had someone who had Mike abacus cap IQ and Bloomberg under under Excel and they're like why is he keep crashing and then I disabled Mike abacus and then Excel was working fine after that so it turns out that Mike Atticus and cap IQ then work together with each other so basically I had to disable one ad in an ad after that I had to call the the software team and cap IQ and get a different version of cap IQ because it wasn't compatible with it you find out that so I I basically opened up safe phone and I just started unchecking add-ins one by one basically so so guys are you are you guys hearing this point why did I ask him because that's very important troubleshooting he did a process he knew something about a command right right keV yep so he used that and he basically then started to go one by one this means he didn't know from the beginning that hey I am having issue with this one specific area he has to go one by one so that requires patience at the same time he was he needed you knew this process so somehow he learned this process of troubleshooting before he will even get to this part right mm-hmm that's correct yes so then there there's other options you could it's like a lot of different things you could do on Excel and there's also like you right click and then if you could create a new a new a new book or a new tab so basically if someone is having an issue with this specific excel file or excel sheet maybe it's corrupted maybe something happened to it so you might want to go to previous versions like you right click and go to previous versions actually on the under shared drives are on the IT infrastructure side of things you could go back in time and get our working version of that excel file you could do that actually so some companies back that up to three times a day some companies do it four times a day you know every company is different so here you might even want to create a new copy of it and see that fixes that excel file from crashing another thing you might want to do is say for example I'm going to create a workbook right I'm just gonna create this workbook I'm going to put it in downloads folder say for example it still doesn't want to work for some weird reason if you open up Excel and if you go into the blank worksheet and you go into the excel file on your downloads folder it's just pretend that that's the corrupted file right so in downloads folder there's this tab called open and repair so you could actually open and repair the file which people don't really talk about or some people do know about there well so there's open and repair so you can actually repair the file the file keeps getting corrupted it keeps crashing you might want to try that as a so as I worked around to see that fixes it if you do that it's gonna ask you a bunch of stuff it might remove some formulas blah blah blah do you want to repair yes and then it will repair the file after that so that's another thing you might want to do another thing you another thing you might want to do is you might want to you might want to have someone else open it and their Excel on Derek so application because you want to see if they're having the issue or is it like everyone's having the issue or it's just one person having the issue so basically if someone has an excel file and it works fine for everyone else and you know it's specific to that one user or that one person so you want to do process of elimination and see if it's just one person being affected by it so if you know everyone else is working for them so obviously you go to the person that it's not working for them and you have to figure out what's going on maybe they had a Windows Update maybe there was an add-in maybe something recently happened to their Excel for some reason maybe have to run Microsoft Office repair you don't know so if it works fine for everyone else obviously there's something going on with their Excel another another thing is like the last thing for Excel another thing you want to look at and this is a these are all the things I'm recommending these are all Microsoft fixes these aren't there's enough fixes I made up on the fly these are my reason Microsoft fixes so if you go into the View Devices and Printers see this one that says microsoft XPS document reader or writer so if some an excel file is crashing and you set this as the default printer and actually if you said this is another sounds crazy if you set this as a default printer that actually fixes Excel from crashing I don't know why it's a Microsoft mended fix I am NOT making that up no this is because I died working at I work at a hedge fund environment so I'm always having people open up big crazy Excel files so that's something that you might be a weary of I'm one last thing I forgot about this and go to options maybe there is a pure trust Center you want to make sure that it's not macros enabled and also you want to make sure that the location is trusted so you might have to allow the location and trust the location of that specific shared drive or that file in order for that file to work cuz sometimes it has stuff in it that might be causing it not open yeah and just one I want to add one point to this and make sure if you don't understand about specific like you know macros or opening up a trust fund then maybe you should involve a technician that knows this stuff because sometimes macros can lead to hacks so that's just wanted to add one thing that is correct it's actually a vulnerability if you enable all all macros on an excel and it goes for a back door for someone to get into your system what have you so is this anything that I mentioned is this anything that you guys seen before am I making this up or haven't I haven't seen some of it man I'm learning it for the first time what do you guys think that on tip with the arm with uh though with the auto repair with you know when you put the tab where repairs itself I never even knew that existed and I've seen the situation where the Excel will crash and you know so I definitely never put that's a good tip to have I definitely took that down on the nose it's a good point at all yeah same here this is the first time I'm seeing in terms of auto repair excel sheet like really the first time there's a great tip now you you guys tell me how many people are gonna call you about Excel and how many people use Excel in their job I mean you will be amazed every administrative level manager level everybody uses itself right so you think about the calls that you get is a level one heart this type of cause exactly this will level one doesn't go out there and fix a router over there or fix a very big networking issues they're not doing that they're exactly what it gave is teaching you right now this is exactly what you're going to be doing it right mm-hmm alright so I'm gonna teach you guys a real quick trick which darkness has gone over before and I'm gonna go over right now so there's this app called lockout status tool why don't you guys ever heard of it maybe you guys are familiar with it this is Active Directory by the way so now I'm actually going into a little more advanced stuff so say for example in directory yeah say for example let's just go over this person a Wells Aaron Wells and you want to find out what's going on what's locking him out this is actually an application it allows you to check this so if you do select target and four it's just you just do a Wells you hit okay so I would actually show you the server and everything and it will show you how many times they had a bad password count and last bad pasture and that's because I'm the pastor was last set and let me tell you I got a call today from help desk and they were saying that because you know everybody everybody's working from home and this one person is saying that my account is keep getting locking out and locking out so the help desk was like how do i how do I know if which machine this this is getting laughs so we use similar type of tools to know the source so I was like okay he's using his home laptop can you verify that this is his laptop name was laptop micki monkey something like that right so yeah that's that's my laptop and he was keep getting locked out for that then he figured out that he he at one point saved his password in the credential password credential which is in his audio computer and that was keep locking him out so he went in there removed that and now after a day no lock outs so we use these type of tools to make our job easy we've been through this stuff we have shown a lot of scripting in this platform and Kev is showing you two guys right now this is this is that gold right here guys if you guys understand these and how to use these tools trust me your learning ability your troubleshooting ability will not it will not be like a person who's spending a year or two just to know this stuff you're going to be way ahead of them okay and you know also wanna you also want to keep in mind that when someone changes their password make sure they change it on every device they have so that means they're a computer the laptop their iPad everything that they have just make sure to change it on everything because something will lock them out so they have an old password store on any of these devices it will lock them out just letting you know so alright getting back into this so I'm gonna open up CMD and I'm gonna show you a cool command real quick so say for example you get a call from from someone in in your job like someone that needs help with a password reset or someone that calls you and they're like yeah I think my pastor is expired or something like that so you want to do you want to type net use user and then you put the name of the name of the users or like this one's a Wells for example you put slash domain so if you do if you do that command on the command line it tells you when their passwords expire when it was last set it would also tell you what groups are part of and they will tell you a bunch of other things as well so this is very interesting just letting you know this is something that you might want to be using as a helpdesk car or an IT support guy now let me let me hold you out this is a very good command right there for people who are gonna be brand new now let me tell you when a person user is is expired right they won't get a notice on their machine that when they're trying to login most of the time what happened is that if they are in the current session it's basically either gonna lock them out or you're gonna get there and get prompts and everything but if you go to the actual directory the extra directory doesn't tell you that the person user is expired like you can pull up the active directory right now right click on and go to properties it won't tell you that this account is expired so now if you're a brand-new technician you're gonna keep unlocking that person and nothing will happen because the password is expired so you may go to the computer and you start computing things and everything will not be working like application will not work outlook will not work and you will spend a lot of time but here's the thing they fix is what you restart the computer you simply restart the computer and in the computer will tell you that your password is expired you need to change it you see so what is it troubleshooting right here go there think about it for a little bit now since you know this command why would you go to the office and not run this command I mean like that wouldn't make sense anymore now right you've gotta run this command you gotta look at that tool you've got a right-click on that user and see if that person is locked out or not it will save you so much time and when you go out there you already know the fix or why would you even go there if you are in the on the phone or remotely hey can you restart your computer that's it done two minutes and and the whole situation is over right thank you for joining this command this is extremely boring right oh thank you yeah so that's something that's something so I'm gonna go over all right so I'm gonna go over them the another the the the bane device the bane of IT printers troubleshooting printers software issues or printers I think I'm gonna go guys everyone is scared of printers even I hate printers I'm gonna be honest with you so a couple of things you want to do so obviously you're an admin you want to type services over here on the bottom so it would be under admin tools as well so just letting you know and also it would be under task manager so if you go to task manager actually there's a technical service you could do it right here as well so there's a bunch of places you could go and look for it but um say for example someone is having um and this is this has happened to me Ono's has happened to Daanish but a printer shows up online then it shows up offline it's grayed out then it shows up online again and it shows up offline again and it keeps doing that over and over again and you're getting really frustrated and annoyed by it and it just doesn't want to work so you might want to go into what's called prints print Spooner's as a service actually so it's called print Spooner you want to stop that sell that service because that has its affiliated with the printers and you want to start it so that's something that you might want to you know look into if you're having an issue with a printer you might want to reset that services for prints Poona yeah I want to add something to this this type of training because guys convert this training into interview questions I'd like to do this for my live members so whatever he's doing right now think about an interview question so they're gonna ask you about what how do you fix a printer issue from services right well what would you what would you restart prints Pooler is something that everybody knows everybody knows that that's like that's like it's it's fixed right there most of it gets fixed right there so then you understand this way if you are watching this training convert our troubleshooting into interview questions and right now in a in one hour or two hour you're gonna have a bunch of interview questions a lot of people ask us right after can you guys give us an interview questions these are interview questions right you're just gotta convert it pretty much yeah give or take pretty much another thing you wanna you want to do is print management so every compose computers have print management as a tab do you click on that and actually you could remove the printer from here so if you have a printer here you could actually you could actually delete the printer from here and and actually you go into properties as well and you can actually add a printer here too so say for example I'll give you a hypothetical example say for example someone we just want you to add a printer and they can't add it for some reason as logged in as them and you could log in as you can open this as admin and actually edit for them on their computer so you don't have to log them out or anything does that make sense I hope that makes sense so that's actually a fix actually so that's another thing you want to look at another thing you want to look at is under a see local user not now this is a little dangerous cuz you gotta be careful what you play here so there is something called I think when Windows and then if I am correct because I haven't I haven't checked this in a while I think it's system32 and then there's a tab call I think it's called spoon yeah there we go yeah so in this folder there's a bunch of drivers in here and a bunch of printers in here so I'm gonna go and dep with this but if you go to Microsoft it will tell you to delete certain things here in order for that printer to get removed completely from from the operating system or that computer so obviously the the common issue the common fix for for printers as well is obviously if you go into devices and print if somebody asked what if it happens for one specific printer do used to restart the print spooler she happens to one specific printer like is it like yes is it happening for everyone or is it just happening for one person you say well he's saying one printers one specific parameter I feel like he's saying just one printer basically you're like how it's connected to a domain and if there are a lot of people sending a job to that printer would we do that in my position if the job is stuck then every other job is stuck after that so you've got to go for restart right I don't know if there's any other solution you know you first have to cancel it if you if we can cancel but most of time we go for Spooner because we can cancel it right yeah you gotta you gotta you gotta delete all the you got delete all the jobs so let's see how this one you see was printing and then basically you you you cancel and just delete all the jobs and then after that you restart the printer they usually will fix that problem sometimes restarting the printer will fix a bunch of problems it's just I mean to be honest that was I was gonna say like restarting a computer restarting a printer will fix most a job but I'm sure you guys don't want to just show up in a room or with a director or something and just go there and say hi I can fix this let me just restart the Machine right it doesn't look good what makes sense you won't just go out there's like let me just restart the machine because I heard that restart being fixed 90% issues I mean try to play around with it if you have thinking even if you have that in your mind that I'm going to restart the machine it's just naturally people don't like that answer right like I could have done that right you don't want to make them feel dumb or something like that right so that's why you want to make it a little a little more political little more spicy in there let me check something put a CMD command or I hope you can figure something nice you're funny man so all right so what about this yeah so another another issue another another issue of man you know I'm obviously like I said I'm going I'm going depth so I'm gonna get out of this for a second another issue is your sound settings which is something really dumb obviously I know you guys probably know how to troubleshoot it but sometimes people have issues where the the sound don't work so you might have to change the default sound they might have a speaker and a headset and you have to give you have to give them you have to set it on the right setting so like say for example someone has the headphones and they're like the sounds are not coming from my headphones why is it not coming from my headphones you got to change the default sound obviously so she go into the sound settings you open that up obviously you have to go into it you have to right-click on it and set the default sound so you have like this recording you know this is for like your microphone and then this is for your your headset basically so another thing you want to know about this which people might not know I'm not sure I'm not sure what Daanish has but this is a Microsoft Windows Update you have to allow the microphone on Windows 10 so I'm not sure if you guys know what I'm talking about but I'm gonna go over that right now so if you go into microphone privacy settings so you have to allow the app in order to access the microphone so this is included for Skype so if you're using Skype in your in your domain or your Skype in your company you have to allow Skype as a microphone setting if that makes sense although i Skype doesn't work Daanish know if you seen this before since uh since you're talking about updates right now you just you just picked on that most of the issues even not this is a specific feature right there but then most of the issues also you have to wait like for example yesterday we were doing what and you are all I should live on are you were doing a administrative tool installation and but you are looking at in yours not coming up or anything that could be related to anything so maybe the Windows is waiting on updates it has to complete its updates for you to get something then so make sure you always keep that in the mind if you go into troubleshooting and you're not able to achieve your goals and you think that that's how ten people did it they're seeing the results why am I not why am I not seeing the results this means maybe your computer is waiting on restarts waiting on new updates security updates you you really got to do that process okay yes you wanna you wanna you wanna sometimes this is like like Donna she said like sometimes you wanna like you wanna a hypothetical Sampson was having issues of the computer you want to make sure when was the last time I worked you might wanna check the latest updates you know you want to see well when was last time I work basically so like this and that has to do with application assesses with the operating system that's to do a bunch of things on the computer so you know you wanna you want to investigate first before used to start troubleshooting you know you want to ask a series of questions you know before you start yeah like like someone's having an issue with a printer and then you you know you remove the printer and then it doesn't work after that for anyone you know let's just you know just gotta troubleshoot everything that make sense all right so would you be would you be okay if I take or because since you mentioned this process and I talk about this process and then you take over again this will give you break to so then you can you know I know you're tough guy but I I'm sure you want to get some break too you know so guys this is important thing that he just discussed process so let's just talk about that a little bit because we talked we started that in the beginning and then we jumped into technical so make it make this training more lively and you can understand what we're doing right now you know these are things these are basic stuff well if I share my screen with you can you guys give me a kind of like a you know kind of tell me that this is working yeah okay so this is actually a part of you know when we when we give out this training or somebody buys our membership they get like multiple different type of accesses from us but you don't have to get it you can go to professor Messer calm and tight professor Messer calm ka+ and troubleshooting process and he has the same flow chart type of thing and everybody has some type of like a chart right there now this is a video but I'm not gonna play the video over here I want to basically show you this chart right here this this is the flow that every technicians kind of somehow uses it it doesn't matter if you have to be professional about it you can you can change things around if you know the fix you can fix your quickly fix it without even thinking about the process but a certain point when you grow in your career like for example I'm doing a sysadmin job where I'm doing a network engineer label job I can't just jump around to certain things there's a lot of things involved in that and with that I'm going to show you a real example in a word document how many things are involved for a sysadmin to fix an issue so that will give you an idea so if you look at number one the first thing that we're talking about right here is what is what is the problem right we're talking about you got a call somebody called you and they're saying hey we got a problem going on right so this is where this is where then you have to know that a lot of people don't even talk about this this is this is where then you have to know what kind of approach are using and what kind of issue is coming from what type of medium what I'm trying I'm saying is this coming from an email is this coming from a phone is this coming from a chat so what am i what am i talking over here you need to have a customer support type of skills cuz soft skills to pick up a phone now you have a phone with you you're doing multi tasking at the same time you are showing reactiveness to do the troubleshooting so think about that now this is not gonna come to you without practice I can guarantee you right now if you go and land a job today without training or without doing this practice I can guarantee you you will pick up the call and you start shaking I'm not joking you start shaking why because if you are not used to this stuff you are you can concentrate your being reactive to do something technically while you need to listen to a person so this is something that requires what and requires practice so how do you practice you basically create more virtual machines just like how keV is using create your own commercial machines and then talk to yourself or maybe tell your you know members or somebody and if you take our training we actually test you and we have done that in this training too we will say hey be loud go ahead and pick up the call and call us and you know they're like stuttering we're like hey bro you cannot stutter this is not a job where you can be okay there's no nothing like that we are we gonna train you so that you become a smooth type of technician right so after that what happens after then you have to think about it what is the cause right here right the cost can be so many thing in troubleshooting there's no end to it nobody can teach you on causes over here right we're teaching you certain things right here because this is the stuff that it gives you confidence but it doesn't mean that me and Kev Tech showed you five things in Outlook then you're now gonna basically you know see this thing did somebody wanted to ask question I mean my own sound right now can somebody bone mute please okay okay so so basically this is after that when you determine the the cause and you kind of like you know go or the you know um okay this is where it's coming from I got some idea you don't want to just go to the computers when you're brand new to start applying your fixes you gotta make sure you test it so inside if you're a brand new technician and you're starting to work ask people ask them - can I get a virtual machine can I get a second machine - because I'm brand new and when you have this attitude to tell people that I want to learn trust me a sysadmin network engineer a level one technician they're all there for you this is how we learn by the way and an IT we are not evil people right we love to teach people if a kept egg has so much experience a new brand new person sits with him I'm sure he's not gonna tell the person don't ask me he he will love to we be teaching that person but that same time you don't want to make up things now this is how a person got fired that we was working with us and at that time he was a sysadmin and we were to help this and now he was telling us to basically you know you need to take out the the the NIC card from a machine that has a built-in NIC built-in NIC in there so I brought the machine to him and I'm like brother how do you take this NIC card from this machine show it to me and I'll just leave this IT job right now and that this is where I got into kind of like a fight with them like don't say things if you don't understand things don't use anything don't make up things so similar goes to resumes do not make up stuff on there and also do not make up stuff inside you know that when you start working I'm not sure that I have so much knowledge if you tell other people that I'm here to learn they're gonna help you so that's what it's gonna really really be beneficial when you starting doing tests and then of course planning comes into the virtual virtual machine and stuff like that and then the implementation with more customer service skills you go into the office you're being nice to the person so this is where I give another example Kevin you may wanna also adding to this I tell people if you started working from the beginning let's say this is your first week and you've got a call from a third floor now would you take up a machine and remote into that machine without introducing yourself or would you go down and actually meet and interact with that person what will be the best thing here the best thing would be to go down meet that person can make connections as a help this person this is gonna help you in future in reviews in performance reviews and when you're growing you the career that's the attitude that people are gonna like they're not gonna just like you're brand new they don't even know you were like I know the remote skills SCCM I know I learned it from jobs could share and I'm just gonna remote into the machine fix the problem and they're gonna be like wow this person is so new in didn't even haven't have like you know no customer service skills right here like he's just he just kind of fixed it of course he's a technical person but that's not what you want to do right here then after that of course you want to wear fine and the last thing the most important thing for you as a level one technician everybody's gonna be looking at you like this like a eagle is documentation if you do something even if it's a basic thing in the beginning document because you're showing something to them now later on this is a good you know skill to heaven this is a good practice but I'm sure a lot of people slack it sometimes I don't want to be like you've got a document every single thing or here you you don't have to say it I right-click on an Active Directory user name then I went to the properties and after that I fixed it and this you don't want to do that you just want to of course do a little bit of basic documentation but if it's something that it took you two or three hours to fix then you want to make sure that it's documented so that's the whole process of course it's even better than this like there's a lot of better explanation than this but that's just a kind of like you know for you for beginners I wanted to add these few points in there to make more sense to you when you do troubleshooting so then I'll go back to Celtic now and he can take or kept you there I'm here and I actually I actually agree with everything you said because there for another you need to document everything you have no idea how many times I asked for something specific and then only one person knows how to do it and they don't tell anyone else so I guess that gets really annoying and then actually we had someone not to sound like you know not to sound like I'm like it's a like we're gonna have a bad company but actually I had to let somebody go because of that there you go I fire somebody because of that yeah they they they it gave really bad customer service and they'd never documented anything and we gave them like more than three chances and it just yeah so the thing is this nope you're gonna either get fired by doing stuff like that or you're gonna get fired by not getting or understanding or taking trainings or training yourself because then it is people have limitations in actually right they cannot go with you for a long long time you're a technical person right they're gonna go with you for long long time so you gotta develop a proper way of doing IT basic and we're talking about doing IT everything is troubleshooting in a key for you right everything is resetting calls fixing my problem fixing a software fixing a printer you know I need this software I need to go to that side I can't get to it my computer slow can you fix it for me everything is troubleshooting more so it gotta have some kind of I'm just dining learning and then applying all these things so now I'm gonna give it to Jeff tech and he can take or and then we'll come back all right and I'll guess I'll be taking control the strain again for mine give me a second hopefully you see my screen ya see my screen yep alright so this is a this is another weird well this isn't now this is a common-sense issue but you know obviously since we're all doing so they're doing level one IT not everyone's gonna know why there's an entry level terrace there's a lot of people that know about IT so obviously you know this is something that is silly is kind of silly that we you know that we don't talk about so power power options so power options right so if you guys have a what are you talking about so so obviously I can't do it on the VM so I'm gonna go on my computer and do it so power options so on on laptops but you didn't see it on this cuz I don't have a laptop so on a lot of when you when you close the laptop closes the lid it shows off the computer so you want to go into power settings and actually change the power settings when you're when you're telling like there's an option here to choose what happens with the lid you won't have it here this is a desktop so you have to yeah actually tell the power settings what to do because some people they want they it close your lid and then the whole computer turns off anyway what the hell happened why this is not working anymore and then some other people they use are their laptop as your main machine so they want to close the laptop lid and they wanna have two monitors what a docking station and then sometimes as a technician or as a tech you forget to change that setting so then you start getting calls with them and likewise display when I'm working why is displayed to not working why is this not working why is that not working so you want to make sure the settings are set up properly prior to giving him a laptop always make sure everything is up and running make sure it's working and then you give it to the to the user the client whatever it is I don't know if done was to add anything to that well why is it so important to know by parsons options now if people are using desktops in their offices right now and there are what they're doing whatever the whole world is doing what right now the whole world is doing what their our remoting him to their desktops most of them right if they don't have laptops at home so what's happening we got we are getting bombarded with can somebody turn on my machine so there are people inside the building one or two people poor people they're running around and they're turning on the machines right now now the other fix is that you can do a vacant land right so you can do that and you can turn on the machine to packets but that creates that creates a security issue for a lot of people they're like no no we can't do this a lot of security people say no we can do this so then you have a fight between the security IT managers and sis admins that's a different level right there but why this is so important because if you are getting these type of cause you got to know this stuff right you got to go into the Machine and then you got to do it for them or if the you if they are complaining about something else on their a laptop and they're saying my computer is after like I I leave her for coffee at my home and I was given this laptop by you guys and then I come back and I'm not even there like for three minutes and the computer is like the screen is off right now so that they're talking about power right right you gotta go in there you gotta go doot-doot-doot these changes so of course this is gonna involve other skills like remoting into their machines and we have a full playlist on remoting and this whole thing started from a remote troubleshooting screen so that's where some people are asking about ticketing system like Ishi similar talking about remote troubleshoot remoting in so those are skills those are processes we have done that in our first videos we have covered ten hours of videos and then our YouTube channels both if you go to tag kept tech and Java share if you're listening then we have specific playlist on different types of skills not troubleshooting okay go ahead all right cool yeah so another thing you want to know I'm just going like basic stuff there's like the last one I'm not gonna go over more stuff too much yeah CMD CMD is your best friend NIT like CMD you can't go wrong with CMD and obviously if you're working in an environment where you need admin rights to to to do CMD you wanna you wanted a whole shift from right-click but I'm gonna do it on this but basically hold shift right click you need to run as admin and then there's a couple of things you could do here like say for example you want to open up task manager you typed ass mg or so say for example for some weird reason group blocking task manager for someone's computer and they don't have admin rights you could actually open CMD as an admin open it for them so they even want to close out a process they may want to do something in the computer and I deal with this all the time so I have different so we were where I work as one company but we have multiple companies within that one company so some companies have group policies some don't have room policy so when you when you right-click on task manager it's not available for them it just doesn't work so they call me and I have to run it as admin and you know do task MGR which actually allows you to run admin as you know as basically in the command line so that's like one one thing you might be you know might want to know or it might be a weary of and obviously you wanna be where your admin tools so if you have your MN tools right over here and you whole shift from right-click you could run as you know same thing with any anything in Daanish analyst I'm talking about anything with anything were you installing a program you have to run as if you're an admin it's gonna ask for admin rights it's gonna say this is blocked by policy this is blocked because you don't have admin rights this is blocked because of blah blah blah you know it's gonna have all that so in some companies they have to admin accounts I mean when I become one regular account and some companies have one admin account only and basically you could basically install everything for them we always have to run it as yourself you know so they will be limited to what they're doing they won't be able to install anything unless they call you and you be expected to install it and Daanish will probably agree with me obviously you want to figure out why they needed why they're installing it you don't want just randomly install stuff on that computer and it could get a virus or something like that so you want to make sure you get approval for that make sure it's you're installing something that makes sense it's not just a random thing that you're installing on the computer I don't have donna supposed to say anything about this i mean the thing is this like i said if your level one like that's what i said in the beginning if you feel like you don't understand or this is a software so a lot of people have policies you know in softwares so if you wouldn't have to do anything for a user here it has to be approved then some places are little open so they then of course you can you know use your best judgment don't just go for something that you don't understand yeah if i had had someone install malware on someone's computer and they didn't know it was my where and then they got in trouble so as soon as as soon as they installed it we have silence silence blocked it immediately so silence grabbed it and blocked it immediately in court let me let me give you guys a tip don't just in the beginning don't just Google scripts or products in the beginning to do your job right now why are we keeping this so low-level in the beginning because even this lower level is not it's not like low level it's basically we're using a trusted computer built in applications that nobody can stop you to troubleshoot why would they even hire you then write that this is like you can use it anywhere throughout the world but then in them in the future we're going to show you more scripts or more tools that can be inside the company already or you can use it to think about that if I have training on this type of tool then they may be using something else so I'm good to go no problem this is how I'm confident in my career because if I got fired today I can go to a next job and I will become a sysadmin because I already know certain skills that I can implement it over there or I can learn quickly Kabri will say the same thing if you get fired from this job you'd probably go to a different place and he may not be able to use the same tools but he can understand other tools so that's the concept of this training because you cannot be training yourself on a specific thing over here guys so one thing I want to basically again talk about and implement in this training is that don't just focus on one specific way of learning open your mind basically that's what I'm saying right that's what we're doing this open your mind to more more stuff all right so absolutely right so also like something for me like I do like Ellen Odonis does this but this is what I do like for example if there's a computer that I can guillo I don't know some companies do this so some for some reason the computer I can't find certain applications on the Start menu and I want to get access to it I usually go into C Drive local C obviously don't know if obviously if you don't know what you're doing here don't mess with this unless you know what you're doing and then I actually run as admin over here so I look for CMD and run as admin on system 32 for that computer does that I do that when someone when I can't get access to a specific thing I do that and this is this is another thing that happen I mean I might tell you nothing to happen me so a user had an issue where you can't click the Start menu you can click anything on the desktop and you can't click the task manager and I couldn't restart the computer so he says there was a there was a you know we go to start menu hit shutdown and restart I wasn't working and the computer is remotely like it's remoted in and and I run shutdown - I which basically and go over that right now so I run shutdown - all right so he just shut down - I allows you to restart a computer you got to look for it and put it in you know put it here you put the name of it you hit OK and you could restart the computer so I was trying to do that and it wouldn't work it just wouldn't work for some reason it just wouldn't work so then I'm like you don't wanted me do this so then I I went on his desktop and I right-click on the desktop and I hit a new folder I started a new folder I started a new folder because I was able to do that and I got into the new folder and I went into task manager and the open task manager from there and I closed all the processes and then the computer works fine after that happened that happened to me oh no it was a weird issue I just just show you an issue that happened to me all right going back into CMD you know it is our seizure command ipconfig you know you could see my IP address I don't care there's IP config release obviously you want to release the dns now why would you need why would you need to know this stuff guys if because a lot of time you either have to do this to find out if this machine have a real IP address it may have bogus IP addresses or it may be required to from another engineer specifically when you work with a network engineer and they're troubleshooting sometimes or network issues you're gonna be in the call with them and they're gonna say hey can I get an IP address now you're not gonna tell let work in here what kind of command sure I used to get an IP address right that wouldn't look good so you need to know IP config now sometimes they may say can I get a a default gateway our DNS so you would do ipconfig /all so maybe kefka if you can run that all with it so go ahead and oh there you go so you get more information so they may ask you these things so what do you need to know what do you need to do your practice find out how many other commands can you use with ipconfig you already know about a basic one ipconfig you already know about /all and he's going to show you release but make sure you go in there and find more more just try it see what can you find out right that's how you learn exactly so there's this thing called IP config slash help so if you do that it will tell you about all the different commands right over here actually if you type - help I'll tell you like renew release flush DNS ipconfig/all renew releases hose you all that so you could actually type help in the command line and it will tell you it will help you it's not you know this I hope it's a help tab right there there's also paying as well so you could ping like a dah de dah de dah de and then you know I would say when I get that because I'm in the server and it's a little mess I'll do the ping one because I I was is this funny that we haven't done we have we we don't call each other like hey keV you're gonna do this and then I'm gonna do this we're kind of like in sync right now so when I when he's done I'm gonna test you guys that you know there's something not working so it's a test time everybody get ready now alright and that should be everything for a level one I could go in-depth but I'm gonna go cuz I want to make this video too long so yeah yeah the thing is this we want to keep it guys in the beginning at least you can absorb I know there are people who already know a lot of stuff but you got to keep in mind that our trainings are being watched by people who are totally new coming from like accounting coming from business area coming from that so we gotta respect that right we we we we're also kind of like helping those people right so if you're ahead of the game then we got all these other videos that we have done for you even over YouTube and they're very advanced stuff out there so make sure that's something you get combined I'm sure you get search thing right so you want to show something an exchange now no I'm gonna go over I just logged into whoever my passwords like that's like whoa exchange okay there you go so guys okay let's take a break next time next time there any other is there any questions from you guys anything that you guys can think that this may be asked for anything so we can just see if you have any questions you mean questions just regarding what you've covered yeah yeah yeah for this time and and if you have more questions about curry related stuff stay stay on we're not gonna take this too long by the way today and then you guys can ask a more correlated question and we'll answer any questions even if it's not related to troubleshooting okay so guys oh it's a little test time right here okay let's let's see because these are the stuff stuff you're getting you're going to see in a very normal business environment right so first of all can you guys see my screen yes we see it okay so guys if we want to when we basically create a machine for the first time right it's a brand new machine and you already know about the processor no I don't want to go there for like what is Active Directory we have done that we have we have added a computer to a domain we have done that so if you're watching us today make sure you watch the video before this playlist so this is in the playlist and every video is kind of like in sync so make sure you watch that video to understand where are these two machines coming from and we're how how am I using a domain controller inside the cloud and how this cloud domain controller is connected to a local business remember this is the laptop in UK this is a laptop in Canada right laptop UK laptop Canada and our whole domain controller infrastructure is in Microsoft data center which are unawareness okay so we already know that we are going through some crazy networks right here now you tell me if let's say for example the laptop from UK sorry the laptop from Canada wants to RDP to the laptop in UK let's say this is a scenario that somebody from here in UK is sitting in the office or in from from home right now the virus is going on and they're saying can I get into my laptop in UK because I used to work over there that desktop is running in stuff like that so how would you guys deal with this sickening kidding kidding anyone while interior right here how would this person connect to that machine will setup repair so we've been a setup we were not have a road network right here how would you get into this laptop UK right now from here from Canada to UK let me make is a notation right from here to here how would I remote him let me make it easy how would I remote into that machine from this machine how do i remote into this off from application remote disco okay remote desktop what is that application name already already lgp RDP perfect okay so let's go ahead and clear this so you guys say that it's already P so let's go ahead and find our DP right so if the first thing is you're gonna find our DP right yeah so is this the one yeah yeah perfect okay great so what do I you to put right here to get into this machine IP address that machine IP or the name or name name name let's do the name perfect laptop UK is that this is what's happened oh man it's already in domain this is some test something done Eddy you so you gotta go back if you are confused about domain stuff this is already done so now if I click here this is what's happening guys exactly right now people are sitting out there and they're calling ten fifteen type of tickets and a calf can verify that the ticket is about this right now as we speak these are the ticket that you're resolving right now what's happening over here question I can connect okay pink post okay that's a good point right now let's say if this machine was not I mean of course we are showing you in a virtual environment everything is about you in a majority of the time in normal environment you don't see the Machine right you don't see the machine so what would you do the first thing to find out about that machine yeah ping it perfect you got a paint that machine so where do I go to ping that CA me perfect so the people who are brand new this is the stuff I know it's gonna look too weird to you or something very strange but once you do this like ten times the people who are already done that they may be laughing right now I know right I know I know you guys are feeling like that right now but put yourself back in there for the first days you went opening a CMB is a big deal for a new person right what the hell is CMD right so now what do you do you're gonna write that first this command that it's gonna stick to you for entire your IT life you cannot get away from ping command I can guarantee you on that right so now what do I should what should I tell guys laptop okay now I'm a network engineer and you're telling me be loud I'm gonna pick on you again I'm gonna always pick my dear I won't leave you great so why not I'm like Balad uh what's going on with this well I see you have IP v6 address so you would probably want to use IP IP but me for um guys I've gotta come down in two minutes cap can you take or just for two minutes I have something important just one or two minutes yeah sure so I guess has shut off a TV for tears so you see that there he ping and there's a reply you see here right yeah um just usually they use ipv4 well my mother's pinging yet so you see there's a reply and he was unable to connect does that make does that make any sense I guess the port on the remote machine closed it could be one of the issue what's the point number three three eight nine yes how do you how do you allow the port on the machine of rule Windows Defender or Windows Firewall I sorry guys I just came back okay guys so if a network engineer is telling you V loud or anybody that okay is it pinging so you're gonna say yes it's pinging right yeah and he's gonna say okay can you give me the IP address of that machine how would you give that your stuff well this e8 e : man are you were giving ipv6 that's that's not what I want I want our okay be like before ever you would need to turn on them you need to turn on is it yes how would you find that out is it honor of how would you find that out uh ipconfig/all I peeking okay so now is there any other method guys for you to find out ipconfig sorry the ipv4 I think of that adapter settings from ping let's let's make it more specific well I would need to ping the IP address of the remote machine if I know that anybody isn't that isn't there a flag that you can add to get can you put ipv4 right here like this okay it's not working I guess you need to looks like slash or something there you go good with your job so look at this knowing commands can help you very much in this situation right now all you got it to you all you gotta do right what - for - for now you got - for sorry now - for - for and you got the IP ipv4 right this type of this type of knowledge can really really like you know help you when you are actually working with a network engineer or assist admins of course you can do ipconfig/all that's another way to do it I'm not saying that's wrong that's actually right you're also right Eddie you can go to the graphical GUI but how many steps did you took for that you took like six steps to find an ipv4 right so this is what you can make your life easy but if you know these things right there so now guys if I can get into and I can the IP is working right now then as an engineer well tell you what Vlad yeah bro this is not a networking issue like well I would I would the next step what I would say like can we check like is your firewall like that usually firewall let's say I'll turn it off - if it's on or off maybe it's already off right now I think we already turn out yes it's it's probably all for weekend I think turn off this one thing right here - but it's connected to your domains I don't know if this is gonna be a good idea okay here we turn it off here okay I think I think the first thing would actually ask is the LGP configured on the old machine and like remote stop oh okay good there you go so how do I fix that ah I got the system start system I go to start I go to what system then system in system info about ok and remote setting remote settings perfect ok hello the remote connection ah it's such a basic thing guys but it's such a everyday kind of thing that you're gonna definitely at some point hit this ticket for sure right because how many people are remoting into this machine into specifically today the reason I'm doing a lot of remote troubleshooting is if you landed a job now this is what you're dealing with and of course after this is more other remote tools like teams you can take over the screen zoom you can take over the screen think we're talking about a real RDP right course those are other things and that we have it a full playlist in our jobs cos share Channel and then the full playlist is about how do you use Zuo assist how do you use zoom how do you use this and that how do you use any canady use all that we have done that so if you want to enhance this learning now you should actually go and do that part right there ok so if I do apply right now then what happened after this I can I do RDP right now guys yeah sure sure should worry you should perfect it should should work now most of the time a lot of people then have this problem if they're using their home or do can you guys see my screen by the way yes we see it okay so if you see it listed right now which calf tech already talked about this prompt is gonna be always you're gonna come across at always how are you gonna come across this prompt through software installations through evaluating the admin rights to joining a computer to a domain to RDP so this prompt is very important for you and now she joining up accessing a site that is active directory control so if there's a website that you use as a soul or authentications kind of stuff from your local local on-premises network then it's gonna give you all these prompts inside the browser so you can still lock yourself out from this so this is a perfect place where people start locking themselves out how do they lock themselves out because your computer usually should show something like let's say a careful tech is gonna show something like this right and then the password on the bottom it's gonna be something like a local machine name not a not this demo DC here so if they're keeping doing that and doing that then it is one won't work it won't work nothing will work so then if they change their domain and they don't put the right password they will lock themselves out so that becomes an issue right so where do you need to now learn about this type of troubleshooting you need to know about what what is it what is that where do you fix these issues when people get locked out in Active Directory Active Directory perfect because we have done Active Directory like millions time now in our platform so make sure you guys go and type jobs could share at your rhf Tech after directory and you gotta find gazillion amount of videos from us trust me it's like too many directories like oh well because that's such a such a place and such a first call requirement for you if you don't understand that Active Directory thing then of course now you're stuck and this is why I wanted to do this lab with you guys why because if you didn't know about Active Directory can you guys use a common sense over here would you be able to fix this issue if somebody get locked out right here probably now ask later so let me tell you why then the whole core of this video was what to you gara and stand the process you gotta understand the network at that status at least such a basic level so you do not get stuck in here now I can train a person like for 15 hours and doing troubleshooting troubleshooting troubleshooting and to be honest I will not even cover point zero point zero point zero point zero point zero percent of the world troubleshooting that's happening in the whole world right now so it doesn't make um it's making no sense for a for a professional or for a trainer for a mentor for youtuber to spend that kind of time without teaching a proper way of the first areas like the the at your dirty stuff so if you think about our training in when we started with a with a with kept tech in the beginning we started with what the first video was one about a career the second video was what we started to create a whole domain control from scratch so even though that was not your part of your job and now you understand how this whole network was created in the first place then we when we phase you into Active Directory and then you started to learn all these troubleshooting so it doesn't make sense to you guys these days now that what why we are doing this in sync does it make sense and they think no I want to say is like you could sit here and teach somebody all this but the thing is is that it's not about doing it it's about understanding why you're doing it that's that's something that you know gotta keep in mind yeah perfect so of course after this one if username and password is correct you can already pee in today the job is over I mean the ticket is resolved the shooting part is over the rest is another thing maybe you may get another call that I cannot print locally now I cannot open my audio from there and of course you can go long and long and we'll never finish it so that's something you should learn you should Google things and find more issues or if you are not taking stress I'll say if you know this much don't take too much stress over here for level 1 people if you know this much land a job and learn what you're gonna see that right is that that's my concept of telling people you don't want to get into becoming a master before you even land a job it won't work you will just burn yourself up am i right keV taking this one yeah you're right you're absolutely right I actually wasn't ask you to as I asked you like I'm I'm trying to already - my you Kayla computer and for some reason it's only showing me on one screen I want to use both my monitors how do you know yeah there you go like this is gonna be another like if you have two monitors right there then you got to make sure you go into the RDP settings and your the the settings and you have to turn on certain features in there some of them are either you have to either turn on the printers or you gotta you know turn on the minded like he was telling me in one of his live sessions when a person couldn't do a full something about resolution right you talk about it and then he was saying the hey will use his citrix for that citrix is controlling that stuff i can't fix that on or RDP so this is where then you of course you gotta go understand the product that company is using and that's where what what do I said to you if you know about RDP if you know the basics of getting into the machine then let them teach you that stuff if it becomes a specific product later on let them teach you that that's why they they're okay with that that's why you heard raha on the phone in the beginning the person was who was hiring him he hired him with almost no experience but he told him that I went through all this training and everything so I know all this stuff so he's like okay why don't you learn these other things like log me in team you were stuff like that because that's what they used right so he wasn't expecting him to know all that stuff he just told him to can you just kind of go outside and learn it on your own and Rojas did that he's doing that right now okay his we're all in this meeting by the way I wanna see how are you there okay maybe he's busy okay guys I'll be back I gotta feed the dog okay sure no I wanna I wanna I want to use both of my monitors why is it not working I was only working on one monitor so one of my monitor is basically I pick him in and trashed him so here's the thing guys so I set up a monitor today I think I'm gonna show this right here on the uploaded right here so let me just pull up right now what did I did for this one so there could be many reasons for that right if you are using there are many different type of solution for this so let's say for example I bought two monitors from my brother I'm gonna upload that video by the way today so I have one monitor that was using HDMI and I have one that was using VGA right so what happened was that when I went in and I logged in and wanted to basically help him out he wasn't using the right settings for one of the monitors that he went to remote again because the right side monitor has a lot of resolution on the left side monitor wasn't like that so our DP has limitations right so basically you went into the RDP settings and since these are virtual machines I can do that right now but you basically go to the world the RDP settings and you have to basically then pick the monitors settings from there there's a resolution settings and then still the monitor was not actually working correctly how you want it you're gonna you cannot do two monitors like this like if you're sitting remotely you can't just do like screen I'm gonna go from left to right monitor like that that doesn't work in RDP unless I'm kinda outdated on this maybe kept that can help me with this but I couldn't do that so what did I did for him I was like okay you gotta use a different tool for this kind of stuff so we have this tool call I don't know if you know about cap tech I use it on this machine right here let me show it to you Mouse without border have you know have you ever heard of this one I don't think so right so when we got into RDP right here this is the tool that probably I'll make a video so on the left side he has a monitor on the right side he has a monitor and he has a second machine and he can use three machines by going like that in through the network I know it's a little advanced stuff and I'll make a video on this but this is what we did for him and I wasn't able to fix that issue because one of his monitor has a very low resolution and one of the monitor that he bought is a curved monitor so the monitors this big right so that didn't work for him so I'm not sure if you have a better way to do this give I don't have a solution for that for this kind of two different monitors that have a very extreme lower level and a very extreme high level resolutions what do you think about that no we we we usually have them we usually have a good editing uniform so they use the same two monitors it's not two different monitors it's not gonna work and that's a common issue in the companies right if they buy if a director say that I really love that curved monitor can you guys buy it for me and if your your team has already bought let's say a very low resolution all type of monitors then you have a problem right there then you have to buy at least either the two exactly same monitors to make it work or you gotta basically come up with at least a little better monitor that has a higher level resolutions or else you're gonna have a lot of issues and that's a very common thing that we face in IT of course then you have more you know solutions for this but it gets more advanced like I said the one that I'm using I have three machines in front of me right now and I can go through all these three machines but that's not RDP anymore then it's like you need more than what a Kevin was saying that you need Citrix for certain things and that would be dead we also use die Tyrion there has its own tools to connect to machine so that has its own way of connecting to the monitors so there's a there's a bunch of solutions for you but at the same time as a level one we don't want you to get into that detail because you're not gonna be fixing something like that especially for first week of your job or the second week of your job you won't be able to do that but if you really want to understand and kind of like in the beginning how do you recommend just making sure you go to the local resources of the RDP you go in and check these things out right here cuz that's gonna matter right here right if this is where you're gonna come across and you're gonna basically started to playing around with the the voice that people are gonna be calling you they're gonna be calling you by the printers which is a very common one that they log into the machine and they want to print from their office machine right from their office machine and then of course you gotta you better understand this process or they maybe want to using their local machine and stuff like that and then sometimes if they are VPN in they're using a VPN and then they're using RDP and then you're they're using all these settings there's a lot of issues that we're facing right now there you go keV is that checking it says like I know what you're talking about okay guys so one last thing I want to discuss today in this session and then we're gonna end it and we're gonna make session two on this because this is such a big area that we're just I keep making videos what do you think EV is that a better way to do it and I'm still waiting for our IT dance-off we didn't do that yet I'm gonna do that at the end of the video I'm gonna do that when this are askew I'm gonna do a dance-off right now okay so guys one last thing I want to talk about now is that okay these are certain type of things that we discussed right now and and kind of like you know giving you a practical start to kind of like a feeling of it so if you think you're a brand new person you're watching this and back man these guys are like too fast or this is just too much for me in the beginning then what did I tell you in the beginning you got to learn what fundamentals right you got to learn where the things are starting from how things are connected TCP UDP if you're doing already P what kind of connection is it using if you are inside the network is it LAN LAN pan can man chant and know there's so many right so then what is that right there's a hubs and there's switches and there's routers so certain things you just need to understand at a very big level right fundamentals often then you can slowly slowly phase in if you want to invest money then of course you can take this type of courses like which is hands-on labs right there I guess you can see this is a CompTIA type of courses and it's a hands-on if you don't want invest money then go for professor Messer comm he has a free content the same content but it's free videos everything is like the radical videos and some demos and then you have kept tech channel full of real-world stuff basic stuff every day's posting videos so it's a combination of learning multiple different type of things to become an IT profession you're not gonna become an IT professional from five or six or seven sessions I can guarantee you you're not gonna become even if you land a job that doesn't mean you are an IT professional I do professional when I say I give rationale this person held kind of I can go over the level one with without even thinking that's a that's an IT professional like you know in my work because that RT person can get fired anytime and he can learn a job anytime but you as a level one right now if you get fired by just learning how to RDP you're gonna learn another job be really hard for you right this is so you gotta you gotta understand this what we were telling you right here we're telling you that there is some learning required before you do this and the learning is provided to you for free the first phase why here this hole right here this is like a huge amount of content right here all this stuff if you finish it and you jump into our YouTube videos I think you're good to go but then of course some people want to do more hands-on stuff then I want to also give them ability because I have members sitting in this training they have spent a thousand dollars right there so I want to also tell them that you guys have what you guys have a practice lab a $48,000 ready for one year so why would you even waste this excess keV I sometimes give this access to people in trainings and they never open it and I'm like you spend that kind of money and you're not gonna open something so powerful right here that we're giving you you have paid for it so my suggestion to people is that if you then you know are interested in knowing more advanced or hands-on stuff then you got practice lab right here and go for it open these labs right here if you click on comptia a+ all the things that we're discussing it's like 48 hours of content is right there hands-on so you can see it has everything security issues practical issues um you know change management every single thing that you can come across so you don't want to lose this access with our YouTube channels those are real-world scenarios those are live there's a things are happening with then you have more professional learning that you can keep doing it to develop your skills right so now last thing I want to jump into is one example to you because we didn't touch this admin and we're not gonna go into system in this session but I'm just gonna give you a feeling of it a touch of it right because I have spent so much time in this area too so now guys if I am let's say downloading a Firefox on this machine right this is a normal user he's using a Firefox machine and I think I haven't already touched this this this part right here so I want you guys somebody to volunteer of what's happening right here what's happening why how did you how do you determine that I'm not allowed right here because of this message yeah it says your system of user contact your system if Sara for more rights okay so who can give me a better answer that where's this getting blocked from it's not like a group policy issue perfect hit the nail right there no it's a great group policy okay if I want you to confirm it to me how would you do that you cannot log into server you're not a you're not a sysadmin you can log into my server right now how would you confirm this win-win - you don't have access you don't you don't get this back kind of rights as a as a first technician with joining this company for the first day you don't get good policy access I will take screenshot of that and send it to the sysadmin let me tell you something here um another thing that's very important before we end this training is knowing where is everything logged so what am I talking about if I say logging what are we talking about when we were who do who say that Jerry Nate Jerry J is a program I'm sure he's and I said so guys event is something if you have to leave this training I want you to - to go to your own event we were inside your computer and you're gonna be amazed if you're looking at this for the first time how many things your computer is logging like everything that you do in this computer is getting locked you log in you log out you click on something you have errors you have problems going on your event beavers are already telling you stuff right so if let's say for example you come over here and somebody says can you prove it to me that this is group policy would you go you're gonna go to Windows security security or applications no application application there you go so what is it what does it say guys right there Firefox patroller it the it's right there but I wanted to basically show to people is that certain things are hence you can you can do anything about it if they have blocked it and now here's another problem with this not every application will give you a system and mr. have docked it now what are you gonna do it doesn't give you a message it just goes away you're still gonna come back to what take your event you're still you still have to come back to events because this is an example it was it was by design I blocked it right but not what if you have application that is having a normal issue like you double-click on it and nothing is happening you click on it and you get some weird error where should you come first then go to the wins right and it's not gonna be so sweet and sweet and simple for you in the beginning right then I'm gonna just say oh we block this application and we have this maybe sometimes will be some some weird error and then after this what should start what should kick in after that if you don't understand this message and you find out ok this is a message about this and this and this this is the warning this is the event ID right here what will be my next approach after this I would take ID number sometimes they provide you a link on the bottom and you can search it through the metal rules or if you got beyond your level you could give that to your admin or you can use one of the best friend in ite is who Google Google Google ok Google is also best friend but also you should be in a community now today I want to share another tip with you guys on you by already know from my training and other people Spiceworks heard heard of this name anyone ok write it down Spiceworks spice work has more than probably six to seven million right now I'm how did it so it's the people that you're looking right now kept egg or me there are tens of thousands people who have better experience than us and spice works now that should tell you something now if you went to Google you figure you can figure it out right and you did all the research you did all your troubleshooting then you take all that you know Curie or question and you did it one you went out there and you now asked a specifically IT professionals in their community for free and in two minutes they're gonna start sending you solutions now is that isn't that a better idea friend right there so you got Google in there but then you you went in more specifics because you cannot call me the Danish I was checking your training on YouTube so let me there's an issue going on can you fix it for me no we don't do that mentors our training don't do it because we can't do that I mean what are we gonna be fixing people you know issues or we're gonna be training people right is this not gonna work so this is my my thing is I do not rely on me do not rely on keV come back to our trainings come learn from us take advices from us and everything but a certain places at certain time we cannot even help you legally right if there's an issue going on inside your company Kevin keV is not allowed to remote into your machine and accompany all right so you can but you can you can definitely use what Google you can definitely use Spiceworks because they can only suggest things to you and then you have to apply that right so this is one of the example that I wanted to do now how did I do this and how how this whole thing is happening that's of course there's a sysadmin level stuff I can go back to policy in shirt you but it's gonna get too big but before we end I want to just to show you what are we gonna do next time is this right here so I'm think this is something that if you guys want to see okay hey I'm really interested in knowing this stuff for this is what I'm talking about right so guys this is about I don't know about a hundred tickets or about a hundred and 50 tickets watch how what it is I cannot either rail tickets it says I cannot open Microsoft team it says I can't provide this side cannot be proved I cannot be open because this is having a secure issue and on the bottom that I don't want have you seen these videos I'm sure you have seen this the site can be reached right this is the real it's the real tickets that we're dealing with this these days as I hope this or as a sysadmin both we work together and then of course if you guys started seeing this type of messages in this session I'm sure you guys are gonna pass out right now because if you see now a sysadmin is what dealing with this type of errors assists I've been getting to and then he get this type of errors I get this type of errors and I need to understand these type of gibberish you don't know so then I get into more detail and detail and detail and as a sysadmin I don't just kind of like this is what I wanted to show this at the end just to give you an idea of what sis admin usually sysadmin don't have the ability to just give out the ticket or image machines to any anybody else assist I mean is higher and they get paid more why because they got a what they got a fixed issue they can't say I give up they can't say I give up I'm gonna give it to another person now I'm sure in some companies they have the ability and everything but that's just sysadmin is not designed for that's why they got the job they got this 80 90 100 K a money right there because they are dealing with a error like this in the beginning they're gonna see a a side cannot be reached so the help this job is gonna be what to wear off' i that this side is not working overall it's not just a one specific machine issue right if it was a one machine issue then it's a helpdesk all right you could have fixed it by many things like maybe open a different browser maybe it's something is wrong with IP address maybe you can totally re image the machine this is your master golden key machine like image right you just give the new image new machine and your problem solved right you can you can get away with many things right right but let's say if this this after this is this is not an issue it's a whole or all company issue then a system admin has to know this type of stuff now how many how many people have when I when I do is side down a pool how many of you know this stuff nobody over it yeah well you say that Kevin okay keV is there a video maybe where did you go so so guys a sysadmin has to know if it's a if it becomes a level issue where a technician cannot resolve or technician have a sign it just assignment because the Fisher says this is not my job right here I checked it with all of the machines that I know and it's not working so guys this is it's going where it's going to Sicily so a system in need know something in very detail they cannot get out of that detail so that's why they pay them what they pay them that's the next level right after helped us S&S because you need to understand this code right so if you send me this code right now I say this makes no sense to me I need to know I need to get a better code than this this is not a this is not the code that I want right so as a sysadmin then I need to get in to do something to generate a code like this now this is a the issue that's going on with that site a real error is this so anybody looking at this screen can somebody tell me what's going on over here Ricardo is like what the hell is this man no no sir oh yeah something is secure server so long something to do with the sequel server now this is a great point but here's the thing now as a sister I mean what do you need to know well guys need to figure out a secure server you know I want to know the reason I show you this example it's just one example but look how many things I need to know I need to know about server I need to know about the web server I need to know by the things running inside the web server I need to know about the config file of the server then I need to know about what sequel server because I know this issue is with the Secret Service it's just not right something is not right so as soon as you of course after that when you realize that there's an issue going on then the other the other thing about sysadmin is they this person has to be really good at finding information and how do you do that you've gotta you gotta use like note that you gotta use like even some tools that can look for specific issue right they're so weird this is a point I'm pointing right here I'm looking for what sequel and then I need to change a sequel value and after when I fixed that the site games back up and the developer is happy the users are happy but I just wanted to show you there's just an example to you guys that a sysadmin training is not a joke right it doesn't it cannot that's why I tell people that you cannot become a sysadmin without going through level 1 for this specific reason how can you fix this that this kind of have a question yeah go ahead when you scroll down those are all those are instances right like all of these aren't that are coming up on that particular term or so if something happened yes sorry I'm having a little trouble right here hold on yeah go ahead go ahead yeah like um when you when you saw the thing when you saw the error with the sepal right like one of those are interested so that's a problem do you have to look for where obviously that means something is broken somewhere on that server one of the scripts so you got it so you would say earlier they would just clear up wherever it's causing that error in this specific example of course you have to see and what the exactly the error is of the errors basically it's not pointing to the right secret server at all it's just that though a server was upgraded a site was upgraded to a new server and now somebody didn't do a good job with the config files they didn't upgrade at that and now we have this issue okay right but the first issue is actually not a sequel issue if you look at this one this is not a sequel issue guys this is actually a part of that but this is different issue so if you see a message like this what what could what can happen here I put some information right but we can we're gonna go over this stuff don't don't stress too much about this stuff some trouble your DNS something to do with the DNS so basically this side is down because it doesn't have the right IP address there's no IP address in that server so it's just if you don't have an IP address assigned to a website and how can you open the site won't work right so anyways guys don't don't put too much stress on this right now because this is this training is not gonna this gonna go somewhere else then so but I just want to say that you see this document right here this is all help this tickets right here and we're gonna go over one by one these are all real real tickets so this is right here this is gold right here for you guys so if you guys want to come back to the next session we're not gonna talk about to reason and basics of verjus going straight getting to the tickets like this and we're gonna talk about so if we can talk about these tickets and trust me if we can finish all of these tickets in in one or two sessions to be honest you got an experience of let's say six months a worth of professional experience right because we do things repetitively and these tickets are what these are unique tickets so you make these tickets and multiply into then another 15 similar tickets then you got like 500 tickets right there right so that means to all my three months or six months that's how many tickets probably are resolved and if you learn this stuff this means you have that kind of experience this is such a goal for you guys and nobody have taught us like this we have learned it on a job and we spent so much time repetitive or credit or repetitive repetitive and then we get to the point now why am I doing this repetitive crap I need I need to learn better than this I need to learn something different right guys this is it for today I'm also exhausted I'm exhausted if you have any questions right now basic related questions please ask us and we can talk about it first thing I want to ask people that did you guys like this training people who are in yeah thank you so huh like I know you guys these are like tickets that you guys are sharing like put scenarios is there resource where like a person like me like I lab I like to lab all the time right I like to like simulate something right is there a resource back get like those type of tickets and then like we create them and then we do it myself when you guys know about so so definitely so definitely there is there is no this is why we are doing this because no one have this type of training outside and that's what we're sharing it's based on that but there is nothing out there that simulate a basically it's gonna be inside a course so let's say you're taking a let me show you so if you're taking and I'm giving an example you don't have to go and buy these labs I'm just giving an example okay so you can go to let's say for example you're doing a 300cc and a lab right so if you're gonna come over here on the bottom let's see I don't know if this is a good there you like configuring a syslog for switching and routing right here right so I take it is basically is gonna tell you as this administrator needs to sorry engineers needs to you know get a syslog connected to a router so then it can get what it can get all the logs right here that's kind of like a ticket right but then there is gonna be a scenarios inside the networking courses inside any type of courses that's gonna be troubleshooting type of sections so there is no specific course out there that's designed by ticketing we're the only one there are doing this by in our training so you won't see a you won't see a full-blown course based on let's just talk about everything about ticketing it has to if you look at it outside right now recorder okay so recorder the problem is that you a lot of the courses are designed by what by certifications right so if you if you take comptia a+ certifications their focus is going to be only in comm k plus certifications and they're gonna have a lot of learning and then they were both troubleshooting right so you won't see a course yet that it's gonna be only based on ticketing now that's what we are doing in this next session we're bringing all these tickets out there so we're gonna talk about it and maybe do a little bit touching in their labs well we won't be doing all these tickets hands on it doesn't make sense we're gonna spend one hour in one ticket that's just right but you know all right so we talked about it to make it more you know for people to understand these tickets basically yeah and if you if you are also interested in this this is also our partner but we give this in our own live training but you can also go to their site directly test comm are not sure if you probably heard of them - yeah so they're they're actually sessions and scenarios are also based on let's suppose there is a system and measured her and then he has to do this and this and this and this so that's kind of like a ticket it's not gonna but the record it's not gonna be real like this one because this is what's we're here we're basically experiencing this right it's not gonna be like this no courses are gonna be that way right you know what I study certification for so long and it's like I want to get to the action you know like when I see this the ticket this is the real action right here group good fifteen why people can't do this because one ticket can lead to so many different skills like I just explained this Systems Administrator it started to help this and then after that the help this went it went all the way to sequel server to IAS I mean how many things are you gonna learn and one ticket then it's now a one ticket will become one pose like a one ticket will just become one course then that crew so that's why people I got you but this is a it's like a human energy we don't have that kind of energy to do this you know but we can definitely get all of the tickets at once and just talk about it because just talking can give so much knowledge to people that definitely can be a very good thing so any other questions or anything from other people oh my one question hmm so for the CompTIA country just in general because they change like the polythene turn them taking exam so is there going to be online or postpone it till didn't get situated or I mean I heard the CompTIA is actually going online but I mean I'm not a I'm not a certification fan right here so may be kept tech might like this kind of stuff but I'm more like I'm I'm into more real world skills I feel like people can do way better in in the beginning with the skills and then later on if you once you get into IT the nature you can use and utilize certification for your benefit that's what that's my mentality that's how I have successful my career and that's the people that are getting training with us kind of like they have the same mentality so but I'm not promoting this if you want to go for certification then I would definitely recommend you go to some of the channels that are very focused on certifications they can really really help you maybe can have more information yeah so to ensure that I answer that question so CCNA and con ta plus they're both talking about it so there's gonna be on lunch you should be able to do it from home so it's not gonna happen now by the next couple of weeks that you're gonna be able to actually take the exam at home instead of you actually go into a physical place because all this crit or this craziness that's going on right now they they are they're doing everything online at home so you'll have the option to do that and they'll mail you your you know they'll mail you your certification if you pass hopefully that answers your question my god that's like the last thing I really think about certification I just move focus on hands-on working things like that yeah I'm gonna be honest with you I mean it's like the Nature Center but a lot of my experience the tech skills knowing what you do is what gets you the job at least the certification gets you looked at so if you're in the field and you know what you're doing to get those extra certain then that keeps you alive in the market you know order me but no one is important yeah that's that's where a lot of our people are coming to us right they have CCNA s and you have all these certifications but they can use it so I'm like all we are saying is that why do it's such a hard way why don't you learn the skills first and then you know utilize this certification for your benefit later on because those becomes like a paper to you at the end you know you really gotta understand what we're teaching you I have to be honest is like if you can go or free content free YouTube content you can do so much that will take you to different levels right and that's the that's that's the thing with me like Java shooter doesn't like he probably knows and I did this in live video before I had someone that was they had like a thousand certifications and then when I went to train them or ask some questions they knew absolutely nothing so they had a bunch of certifications and didn't know what they were talking about so you know obviously anyone can read a book and memorize the answers and answer the questions and then get the certification but then we actually do the hands-on training and you actually question them about that certification you don't know what the answer is and you know you're in trouble you know that you're gonna get hired it's just so guys at the end I also want to share this because I was about to forget this now remember we are not just sharing practice lab or test Ofcom we or self or a skills based platform we've been doing this for five years so throughout this five years if you look at it right here if you remember you can go to this three thousand plus videos and this is a gold right here because we are actually creating videos on top of the labs right now so if you feel like you want to learn about troubleshooting all you gotta do is you type troubleshooting right here just watch what happens if I just drive troubleshoot then there you go you got a bunch of videos about Windows troubleshooting booth errors all the stuff you can go all the way down down down I mean I like I said it I can I can keep going with these videos and it will never end so just to show you our ability that what we are bringing to you is just crazy right here because one we are bringing practice lab another we're bringing test our comm and then we have our own ability to create certain things and Kev if you look at 3800 video people just like what are you people like in the beginning about the hell are oh are you guys just sitting there making videos every day what but at the end people don't know that we are actually a platform I have seven people working with us right so they are engineers there are sysadmin x' they're creating this stuff so if you are interested in this kind of stuff of course this is not gonna be free I'm paying this kind of stuff right so a lot of people they have to also keep that in mind that if you want to use our resources like lab servers routers and then have this type of ability to just go and type anything like for example I want to know about SCCM and just type as you see em as a as a term and then you start learning about it of course this GM is not there that's a bad example that was a bad example here WD is I was confused so if you took WDS right there and look at this WDS came up and that's kind of like advanced skills that we're talking about in the future that say how do I deploy a machine like ten machine 20 machines using WDS so you can learn these types of terms from our own site so you only have to go outside to have you know a certain level of understanding but from the beginning we have just too much too much access right here so don't get lost in this stuff we're gonna be there for you every time we do these kind of sessions use it for your own benefit cuz did these are free right whatever we have taught you all this stuff that we're doing this is free stuff and this is quality stuff this is the stuff that people have they pay for stuff that only when they need something from us as an equipment or our hard work that's it that's what we're charging you for other than that we're there for you five three four hours every day on YouTube we're not charging people for this stuff and we also appreciate you trusting in us that you're spending so much time with us so I appreciate that because that also is something that you know that's shows that you guys are trusting us you guys probably love cap Tech and you know probably follow me as an as a mentor over here I respect that because so many people are respecting us so that's a this is something that we also love it and that's what makes us give give this confidence and this positiveness that we're coming back for you guys okay so I think with this we are gonna end it if you guys have more questions make sure you put in the comment section of this video and of course next time when we meet again we're gonna expand this troubleshooting area even more because we're gonna create a different playlist and troubleshooting will just go in there so maybe tomorrow if captives already did his troubleshooting I'm just gonna grab his links and just put it into our playlist so this way it doesn't become we have a one long video to break into troubleshooting and then we have a small videos to just go back and forth with different things right after would that be a good suggestion all right guys so alright guys so we're done over here thank you kept that for again for being with us and also for everybody is any anything last comment before I click that cancel but you're good all right guys see you have a good night and again when I teach something for 3 or 2 hours I have to sleep for 5 days so we didn't do dance at this one because I can't do dance right now I'm too tired but kept promise next time when you dance so that's good alright guys take care thank you so much and be safe up later later there thank you
Channel: Jobskillshare Community
Views: 18,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: level it troubleshooting, help desk skills
Id: EdjgBrUxScA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 56sec (7796 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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