IT JUST WORKS: King Nothing

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being a father in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a very weird situation because throughout all of the parts the father figures of the series have either been god-awful or they were dealt a bad hand there's also a very high fatality rate when it comes to being a father in Jojo but one dad so far has managed to maintain his relevancy not be evil and avoid dying so far that's norisse k Higashi kata the fourth with his stand King nothing maurice k Higashi kata the fourth or should I say josuke higashikata is one of the main supporting cast for part 5 Jojo lien while also being the head father figure of the higashikata household if one understand his role in the story and possibly his future in Julian we should first understand the meaning behind his name so nerese kahega Shikata when broken down means constitutionally or more literally the composition or natural makeup of helping which makes sense given that his birth name is also josuke higashikata which also means helping or always willing to help this fits norisse gay as a character because of all the characters in Jojo lien Maurice gay is the one used to progress the plot helpful ways first by taking josuke into his home then you have maurice k introducing jos gated joven maurice k telling josuke about Kira's plans maurice get helping josuke against the IM iraq stand user and then of course nuri ski helping josuke track down both the Roca Kaka and introducing him to the plan appraiser he is the most helpful supporting character in all of Julian he's also the alternate world equivalent to josuke higashikata from part 4 now he isn't a direct reincarnation much like Diego and Johnny were but more of a twist of the original josuke first point of reference being his design both josuke Norris gay have very outlandish hairstyle they also both wear heart based accessories they also both possess a very scary serious nature that they hide with their overall upbeat in kind personality though Naresh gay isn't a complete embodiment of Jos because Gabi is also an embodiment of a piece of him but we'll get into that later now nerese gay during the events of Julien has two major motivations the first being to keep the higashi chaya fruit collar going as strong as possible with high quality fruit and then of course you have fitting his name nerese gays desperate attempt to cure his family's disease because you see he was originally planning to confront Yoshioka akira on his approach to curing his mother as Halle Joestar Keira was suffering from a very similar illness to the Higashi caught a family but since Keira passed away he was unable to do so Maurice K has shown a strong desire to protect his family both by giving information to damo about josuke to protect his family and then begging josuke for forgiveness when he couldn't actually protect him and then of course nerese case seems to be planning to offer himself up as a sacrifice to save Tsurugi when the time comes and his Rock disease begins to affect him wish of course the solution to both of nerese case problems comes to him in the form of josuke telling Maurice Gaye that there is a branch located on the higashikata estate that can grow a Roe Kaka this magic fruit seems to be able to cure both the rock disease and if Maurice Kay can help find it maybe help save his family so in order to hopefully help nerese kay tells his surrogate son information not even his firstborn son knows and that is the location of the plant appraiser which is a sign of absolute trust to josuke though this isn't the first time that Maurice gay has demonstrated his trust towards josuke the actual first demonstration of trust was when he showed and explained his stand King nothing King nothing is a powerful long-range stand with a tall humanoid appearance it is comprised of many jigsaw puzzle pieces which it can break off of Maurice Kay or itself to become multiple separate puzzle pieces it also is a very gesture s design with a cap and belt hat for its head design and its neck has a very weird headdress not to mention the balls adorned over norisse k and king nothings design resemble that of juggling balls now this is normally roar would tell you the stats of the stand but King nothing lacks any stats at all all we know about it is that nori skate claims that it cannot battle and in its range is basically limitless so I guess we move on to abilities then so ability wise King nothing has two major abilities the first being jigsaw Anatomy this ability allows Maurice K to deconstruct King nothing into multiple puzzle pieces and reassemble him in another location this allows no rescate open lock doors from the other side or sneak his stand into areas which it couldn't fit otherwise the second ability and the main ability of King nothing is the jigsaw sent tracking this ability allows King nothing not only to track anyone and anything based on their scent but also allows an array sky to reconstruct the tracked object as well with the smell becoming a physical thing the function of the ability is actually very similar to Moody Blues in which one Maurice K is tracking a person King nothing changes shape to that person and begins to walk where that person is though it is also able to track objects the same way when it sniffs out joband handkerchief and makes the shape of the Rococo which is the scent found on the handkerchief the one downside to King Nothings ability is that it does not inform nor escape when the scent is found and you have to rely on the fact that you're paying attention enough to notice that its ability is worked at all now the reason behind the name King nothing is actually very strange as the themes of the song King nothing doesn't really fit both Maurice Kate or King nothing though that's only if we read it as the song is directed at Norris Gare King nothing but it fits if we view the song as Maurice gays perspective because the song King nothing is about a person who amasses as much wealth as possible and when they finally get everything they wanted they realize that they are a king of nothing and the money that they worked so hard for is worthless in the end this is because Maurice gay isn't a greedy person in fact he's the very opposite of that he values quality over anything else he hands out money to his kids whenever they're in need and he uses any of his remaining money to ensure that the product being sold at the fruit parlor is top quality he cares so much so about the quality of his fruit that when the fruit parlour begins to take hits financially Maurice Cade doesn't start lowering the quality standards he sticks to his guns and he's a man who always sticks to tradition even when it harms him because as he views it if he were to break from this tradition in order to obtain well he would indeed become a king of nothing himself though then again what type of king is a joker I say this because one of the most interesting themes I've noticed about Maurice k is actually based on the gesture design I mentioned earlier you see in my Tsurugi video I mentioned that all of the higashikata family are based on playing cards and along with that I meant the cars that help sir Rudy hinted that josuke was the Joker of the Higashi caught a family deck of cards I also feel that nerese gave fits this role as well now a lot of people assume that nerese K would be the king of the family and that's a pretty fair assumption but he could also be the Joker or the fool and not to mention that his motivations and determination match those of the fool tarot but also they match the pre-established pool that is josuke because as you see they're both named josuke they both have goals to acquire the rococo crew in order to cure a sick family member narita Yosuke both have deadly tempers when it comes to people who harmed their loved ones they both possess stands that somewhat resemble a jester in a way they both are characters that possess symbols from the original josuke on them the anchor on josuke soft and wet and the heart belt on nerese k it is also hinted at the fact that nerese k & josuke have very similar personalities very early on when nerese K gives josuke the Yankee tests which a Yankee is an old term for a delinquent youth much like the youth that josuke from diamond is not crash was based off of and when josuke is identified as a Yankee this establishes gapi as this parts josuke but then maurice case surprises him by revealing that he was also what would be classified as a Yankee giving the two instantly a personal connection from the get-go and then lastly they both actually represent the fools approach in the future which in order to succeed one must find new answers either by going out and finding it or creating a new method because relying on old practices will only result in everything staying the same both new risque and josuke need the new ro kakaka they need it to save someone they love and they're both working towards finding it in their own special way because the ro Kaka Kai and any other hands would just result in another King nothing now if you enjoyed this video and like to help support more videos like it in the future I have a patreon over at slash minion at the bad guy and this it just works was actually the winner of the January it just works pull and if you want to vote for the next it just works episode in February then please head on over and support at least three dollars or more and you'll be able to vote in the February poll also if you want to become a king noting yourself but also want to enjoy the ride a head on over to fundamentalist show slash human in a bar we're the kinds of dirty jokes doesn't exist buy yourself a copy of shimoneta and you'll be king nothing but you know you also have like excellent dick jokes so often never Neverland
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 428,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hIa3cS2GwKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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