It It Possible To Beat Celeste Blindfolded?

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hello so a while ago I was trying to speedon Celeste and after practicing some parts over and over again I thought to myself hey I could do this with my eyes closed could I well let's find out but first let's set the rules for this Challenge and they're pretty straightforward we will make a brand new save file and any progress on this file will have to be done blindfolded and that's basically it so we turn off the Monitor and let's get going we start in the prologue which is pretty simple we kind of just have to hold forward and climb walls and neutral jump whenever we get stuck but after speaking to Granny we already reached the first obstacle and that's where we start using something that will be extremely useful throughout the entirety of the run audio cues since we can't see where our character is is the only way we have to know where we are on the bridge is to listen to The Rock falling sound and if we jump after 3 and 1 half Rock sounds we can consistently cross the bridge allowing us to finish the prologue and move on to chapter 1 but before continuing the challenge part I think it is necessary to explain how some of the movement Mechanics Work in this game under normal circumstances medeline has access to one jump and one dash and while the jumping part is is pretty straightforward the dash can be used in a lot of different ways and those different ways have different names to keep it simple there are three main ways to dash the regular Dash which is just dashing without doing anything special the super Dash which consists of jumping during the beginning of the dash giving us a great amount of both vertical and horizontal momentum and the hyper Dash which is basically the same thing but while Crouch in which travels more horizontal distance but less vertical distance also if Metaline is still on the ground a few frames after dashing she regains her Dash so if we delay our jump we can do what's called an extended Dash allowing us to get one more Dash in the air and if the platform is too small for that we can also do it against a wall which is called a reverse all right there's a bunch more movement tricks in the game but I will explain them when we get there for now let's turn to chapter 1 the first screen is just a matter of dashing into the walls and climbing them then we use the sound of the spring to cross this Gap and in the Next Room I start to realize the first big problem with this challenge the blindfold wait there's a little issue okay okay there we go okay now we can go back to the game play and this room was very easy just alternating between supers and hypers and the Next Room introduces another very important concept setups since it's very hard to freely move around without seeing the game it's much more consistent to use the geometry of the level to our advantage and finding a series of inputs that always Pets the character on the same spot for example here climbing the wall on the left jumping once dashing upright and climbing up will always put our character on this exact pixel and then we just have to ride the platform to the next room where we neutral jump on this wall to reach the top and dash up after hitting the small wall and this room is where my memory starts to wear out Dash up neutral jump what I missed it I think I quit the title no okay I didn't quit the title okay then we go back left good all right then the next room is Trivial and here we Dash back and forth and fall a little bit to safely grab the wool on the right and after miserably failing the hyper Dash a few neutral jumps is enough to get past then we Breeze through this room and here we use the sound of the Springs again to get past and now this is where I felt very dumb originally my my plan was to do a reverse hyper to land into the berry room which is an overly complicated setup but for some reason I decided to do that but for some reason I was scared of jumping too early resulting in me bonking against this wall like an idiot for 10 minutes and since I couldn't see what I was doing wrong I decided to switch plans and do a regular hyper Dash instead to reach that small platform now this next room was pretty hard but the SP Ming up my setup by failing yet another hyper Dash I still manag to grab the mechanism ahead and reach the next room then we write that mechanism and reach the next checkpoint and after a few dashing Shenanigans it's time to introduce a new movement Tech we're going to use a few times in this challenge the Bunny Hop if you do a short hyper Dash and jump as soon as you land on the ground you will keep the hyper Dash's momentum while traveling a bit more horizontal and vertical distance so we do a bunny hop here to reach the platform on the right and this will change our respawn point to this spot allowing us to easily reach the room above with two dashes then the next few rooms are pretty straightforward and the room after that was a bit tougher firstly because I had to fight with my memory what oh we have to climb up and then hyper Dash and then climb up and then jump left wow my memory is not good okay tap down a bit jump right dash right I think we're good okay now we move on to the last room of the chapter which was easier than it looks mechanisms make a good amount of noise when you use them so it's pretty easy to guess when to jump and the rest is just a series of inputs that always results in reaching the top room so after hugging the left of the screen for way too long we Dash to the right and finish chapter one so we move on to chapter 2 and after carefully maneuvering around the first few rooms we reach the first obstacle course which we can just completely skip with a hyper Dash the next room is slightly more tricky but after an overly complicated setup with a very unnecessary reverse super we reached the Next Room skip the cut scene and do the first big oopsie of this run now I think I have to dash and jump there I up I have no idea where I [Music] am what what happened where am I did I do it [Music] okay after those few incidents we come back to where we failed last time and this time we don't forget to jump and after that the next rooms are pretty easy until the next checkpoint which introduces a slightly annoying mechanic badeline badeline will follow all of our movements with a small delay which doesn't really make setups more difficult but it makes salvaging a failed setup less less likely anyway we breeed through the next room with ease and after a few more rooms we reached the first really difficult part here we will have to grab all of those four coins while keeping track of where we are and avoiding getting hit by battan and despite finding a decent setup it still took me a while to get through it first we hit that wall on the left and dash ight to grab that coin and after two quick hyper dashes we can land exactly on this spot then two dashes can reach this coin up there and we immediately Dash right to avoid battleing and now since we have to travel a distance smaller than a dash we'll just have to move forward a bit and hope for the best and after a few fails we manage to grab the coin and immediately Dash right after hearing the sound finishing the room with a little wall bounce then we get through the nest room in the most scuffed way possible and this part looks a bit difficult but it was actually not that bad we hug a few walls to line up properly and after getting the coin we can just superport to the left wait a little bit and fall to the left and now we have basically the last room of this chapter which was quite difficult mostly because of its length first we grab on this wall and slide under the secret path then we Dash back and forth in this little zigzag and after spamming dashes to the left we very carefully grabb the three coins and after almost dying because I forgot there was a wool here we finished the room and then the rest of the chapter is basically just holding forward and climb up until the telephone rings all right chapter 2 is done and this chapter made me realize that I severely underestimated how difficult this challenge was going to be and with how much of a difficulty Spike chapter 3 is I definitely needed a lot more practice in order to beat the game so I posed the challenge for a little while and went back to practicing okay after a few weeks of practicing and finding better setups we're ready to tackle chapter 3 and we breeed through the first few rooms all the way until we go inside the hotel and get welcomed by the second worst mechanic in the game for blind playthrough dust bunnies since we can't see how they rotate we basically only have two strategies the first strategy is to precisely time all of our movements after respawning since the dust bunnies always responds at the same spot after dying we can somewhat predict where the first few ones will be after a respawn however the slightest timing mistake or hesitation will prevent this from working and the further in the room the dust bunnies are the harder it is to keep track of where they are so when that happens we will have to switch to the second strategy pretending they don't exist and praying for the best and in this first room we're going to use the second strategy which is definitely not the most reliable but after enough attempts the Stars will eventually align and allow us to progress to the next room then this room is Trivial and now that's where we can start using the first strategy if we immediately super to the left and wait a split second on this wall we can consistently avoid all the bunnies and clear this room with ease then we fold towards the door and here these platforms up there are really annoying to reach without seeing so we're just going to skip all of them with an extended hyper Dash in the Next Room we can follow the position of the wooden platform by listening to the sound it makes and here I remembered from my no jumping challenge that we can just slide under this wall with two dashes and then we just jump off this wall to reach the next room which was pretty annoying the problem here is that those little boys rotate very fast so just jumping and praying is not a very viable option here so instead I had to figure out a more consistent setup If We Hold left after dying and dash once we can grab that wall while avoiding the bunny and with two more drums we reached the wall on the left but now we're running out of stamina so we will have to chain neutral drums all the way to the next room which I slightly struggle doing but eventually we do reach the next room where a simple hyper Dash is enough to get past the obstacles and oh no not the coins but this time it wasn't that bad since once again we can use the sound of the wooden platforms to time our jums and after carefully grabbing that last coin we reach an extremely annoying room and this is where we're going to start using a little trick you see in theory you could just perfectly memorize the precise position of every single obstacle in every single room in the game and then the challenge would be easy however in practice it doesn't work like that and your memory of the obstacles can become Twisted the problem is that in a blindfolded run you can't use your eyes to see what you're doing wrong so it can be hard to fix this Twisted memory and one of the few ways to fix it is to intentionally Die For example here I didn't remember how early I had to move to the right so I purposefully didn't touch my keyboard and let Metaline di to the bottom row of bunnies which made me realize it was a bit lower than I thought and after doing the same thing here I'm going to kn dash at all I'm dashing too late I eventually fixed my Twisted memory of the room and managed to get past it all right now that we have the key we open the door brw Force Through the bunnies and we reach the first checkpoint of course it's a [Music] labyrinth okay now that we spoke to osiro we've unlocked the doors and the order in which we clear the rooms is actually very important here since it slightly changes the layouts of the room so first we go to the top or at least we try to I have no idea where I am let's be honest [Music] okay we don't fail the setup this time and reach the top room which we quickly breath through until this room avoiding the first few bunnies is pretty simple but those guys up here are a lot more annoying and we kind of just had to dash and pre I think I did it and then in this room we crossed the Gap with an extended hyper and finding the right distance to cross this Gap was a bit annoying but with enough attempt we get through it oh one out of three okay now it's time to move to the bottom and here we have another example of precisely timing every move to consistently avoid the bunny cycles and the next room is the complete opposite we just Dash and pre after that the next two rooms are trivial and we press the second button okay now after suffering a bit more in The Labyrinth it's time to deal with the third button which was by far the hardest one the first two rooms can be chased by just spamming dashes but this is where it gets a lot more annoying avoiding the first bunny is not too be of a deal but this part was absolute hell because of this tiny Gap forcing us to move in the air and this little guy preventing us from setting up safely so first we have to pray for the bunny to not be in the way and immediately Dash to the wall on the right then we carefully tap down until we hear a water splashing sound and with a jump to the left we can consistently grab this wall now we have to pray again for the bunny to not be in the way and immediately slightly jump to the right to try to line up with The Gap yes and after spinning 10 minutes in this room we move on to oh no this is even worse this room took me an hour because this jump is a nightmare with how fast the bunny is moving here the odds of getting through by brute forcing are very low and the worst part is that even when we miracle LLY get past it we still have two more unpredictable obstacles and I did die a few times on them oh that was so close oh no but after 30 more minutes of struggling and a little bit of trolling for my cat we finally get it yes all right now we can press the button and after grabbing the key we finally reached the next checkpoint and since it's already been 2 hours and a half since I started chapter 3 I decided it was a good time to take a little break okay this room was just a matter of jumping back and forth to avoid the bunnies and this part was pretty hard getting on the platform was already a little bit annoying because we have to move freely in the air to reach them but the real hard part is here firstly we don't even really know where we are in this platform and then we have to maneuver around a weird shape to dodge the bunnies then we carefully Dash through this room and now it's the Moment of Truth the one part that gave me the idea for this challenge can I actually do it with my eyes closed well let's find out okay let's go I knew I could do it all right the next room was also quite annoying because there was a lot of a but I found pretty consistent setups so after brute forcing the bunny jumps for half an hour we Dash left and quickly grab the wall to position properly and after a few more dashes we reach the last checkpoint and most of the rooms here were pretty simple except for the last one it took me an hour and a half anyway if we hyper Dash right after we respawn we can avoid all of those bunnies then we wait a little bit on this wall and we bait o Shiro down here before jumping on the next spring then we very very carefully climb those walls and this is where it gets very scuffed I couldn't find any consistent setups for this part so we kind of just Dash from platform to platform with very little precision and we pray to be lined up correctly to land on this wooden platform and here we can use that platform's wood sound to locate where we are and once we fall we pray for this bunny to not be on the way and after getting here I started panicking and randomly hyper dashed finally okay we're back for chapter 4 and apart from a few neutral jumps here and there the first few rooms were fine and after talking to Granny we encounter a new game mechanic wind currents in this level wind will constantly push us towards a direction and as annoying as it may seem it was actually really not that bad and in fact it can even help sometimes and there's two things we're going to do a lot here to help maneuver around the wind firstly if you crouch the wind does not push you anymore which is pretty convenient and secondly wind currents have some interesting interactions with climbing walls which can help us tell where we are anyway we do use both of those interactions in this room to climb the walls and easily Dash to the next room which was also just a breeze and the next one introduces yet another mechanic clouds and clouds are very nice because they make a very distinct sound that makes it easy to tell when to jump and if we pair that with the walls here we can consistently cross all the gaps and here I remembered from my speedrun attempts that a hyper Dash from the previous room makes you land exactly on those platforms the next two rooms are nothing too interesting and on this part jumping on each of those clouds with the wind current would be a bit annoying so I used the first one to go towards the berry room and now we respawn on this platform and that's why I start noticing that there's a little problem wait did I forgot to turn the screen off wait did I oh my wait there we go that's much better anyway now that this problem is fixed we use this new respawn point to skip the first two clouds with a hyper Dash and after a few neutral jumps on this wall we reached the first checkpoint which introduces yet another game mechanic that was a lot less enjoyable than clouds the problem with those moving platforms is that we kind of have to freely move them around obstacles which makes it complicated to find consistent setups and although this first one was not too bad it starts getting complicated here first we very slightly tap right to find the edge of this Cloud we grab this platform uh there we go and then we try our best to maneuver around all of those obstacles and we climb up to the next room which was pretty simple just to hypas This Cloud using the wind climbing again falling a bunch and jumping to the next wall so we can reach the bubble and the next room was a little bit annoying because this cloud is very easy to overshoot With the Wind current but once you reach it the rest is not too bad and this room was pretty hard but that's where the speedrun practice comes back in into play because after using the wind climbing again to reach this platform we can skip the entire rest of the room by just doing two reverse extended hypers on those wooden platforms and we continue with the speedrun strats by doing a super on this Cloud to reach the moving platform and we can do a cool respo trick here to skip an obstacle and then we reach this nightmare of a room which was actually not nearly as bad as I thought it would be first we we activate the platform and immediately Bunny Hop towards the falling block and the most annoying part was falling from this wall at the right moment but eventually we make it to the platform in the Next Room we avoid most of the obstacles by doing another reverse extended hyper and then confusion strikes again don't tell me that I ran out of stamina at the very top wait I did not oh I did it okay anyway in this room we just used the wind current to our advantage and after breezing through the next few rooms we reach yet another new mechanic snowballs I don't like them but thankfully they make us sound when they spawn so we can maneuver around them or we can just accidentally avoid them in the goofiest and luckiest way possible then we Dash on this wall and hold forward until we hear the landing sound and then we can just Dash upright to dodge the snowball while the wind current kindly pushes us back towards the platform and we kind of just repeat the process while moving from platform to platform the next room was comically easy and here we used the wind current again to kindly push us towards the wall and it's time for the last room of this chapter first we spam left while the wind pushes us forward in order to grab this Edge then the next few jumps are not too bad aart from some timing issues but after a few attempts we get the timing down and finish chapter 4 we got it wait we have to go to the we got it okay all right now let's move to chapter five which was actually one of my favorite ones because it has a lot of goofy stuff the beginning of the chapter is basically just holding forward for a while then we barely land on this platform We Vibe to the bubble music for some reason then we grab the key open the door and speak to Theo real quick then we jump on this moving platform um I say we jump on this moving platform and damn it ah there we go and after not using the platform in this room we reach an interesting part here we have to ride this bubble for a while and dash up to the secret room and at first glance it might look very annoying to [Music] actually a very interesting mechanic because although we can't see them they make a sound when dashing and they're also not the most intelligent creatures so they can easily be baited into helping us and this room is a perfect example of that grabbing those two coins manually while avoiding the monster would be very annoying but instead we can just grab that wall and let the monster do the job for us it's kindly going to grab all the coins while we just move to the exit and in the second room we can once again bait the monster to help us climb those obstacles by just waiting on the walls after that we reach one of my favorite rooms in the game because here we'll literally just wait on this wall and the monster will singlehandedly grab the first coin sacrifice itself for no reason and grab the second coin as well and then we just have a free path to the exit and just after that we reach one of my least favorite rooms in the game game this room is pretty long and if anything does not go according to plan it's easy to get lost anyway first we grab this wall and wait for the monster to sacrifice itself then we bait it towards this wall jump on it and quickly go to this platform so we can bunk it again after it hits the wall then we grab that coin while dodging the monster and this is when I started panicking I did it I did it all right we reached the next checkpoint and after talking to the [Music] mirror we take a bubble into another Labyrinth but we actually don't have to do this one if we go to the left and dash on this platform we can skip the entire Labyrinth by just doing an extended reverse super then in the Next Room we let the monster sacrifice itself again and after missing the platform a few times we move to the next room and we use the same monster bonking strategy a few times until we reach this room here we first bait the monster into break this wall and then it's just a bit more baiting around until we easily find the exit then we reach the next checkpoint and find Theo in a crystal and this introduces a new mechanic the crystal which also introduces a new MID game where the hell is Theo [Music] anyway in the first room a super can consistently hit the monster on the way then we baited against the wall to hit it again and when we do manage to find Theo it's actually not that bad the next room is not too interesting and in the following room a simple hyper Dash can consistently knock out the monster on the way making the room pretty easy and after walking forward for a bit we send Theo flying to the moon the moving platform conveniently blocks the monster here and the next room was just a matter of throwing Theo around and walking to the exit wait I forgot to take Theo with me all right now we are in the very last room of the chapter and oh that was a tough puzzle I tried a lot of things in my practice runs goofy setups where I try to bring Theo to the left regular setups where we just try to use the main path but despite trying none of that worked but after a lot of tinkering I found a solution after reaching this wall the monster will Dash on us making it easy to bounce on its head then we bait him against this wall to jump over it quickly throw Theo through the Spinners and after baiting the monster one last time we Zoom to the exit and in a last minute effort Theo saves us from the monster allowing us to exit the room and finish chapter 5 wait I forgot Theo again all right two more chapters to go and to be fair chapters 4 and five were significantly easier than chapter 3 so let's hope this trend continues with chapter six please anyway after a good night's sleep we Zoom back into the game ready to breathe through chapter 6 in the blink of an eye and as soon as we spawn in chapter six we are already welcomed by our number one worst enemy in this challenge feathers unlike regular movement where you have a lot of options to consistently travel a precise distance feathers are entirely controlled by using the directional Keys which is terrible for consistency and this very first room which is a complete joke in a normal playthrough is actually not that easy in this challenge because the room is very very long and even grabbing the feathers can be an issue but since there are no spikes here we can hug the walls to align properly and a lot of the obstacles here can be ignored by bonking into the ceiling and after hitting the ceiling a few more times we grab that last feather and move on to the real beginning of chapter 6 which introduces two more mechanics water which is pretty straightforward and Kevin and something we will do a lot here is holding climb up after hitting a Kevin to safely rest on top of it after that we have the first real feather obstacle course and ah hello you didn't move the camera right no please tell me you didn't move the camera there we go you can stay here anyway this room is a good example of how annoying feathers are going to be here we have to zigzag around those spinners but being precise with feather movement is very difficult but something we can do to help a little bit is listening to the Feather Sound and trying to time our inputs to the rhythm of the feather it was still very annoying but it helps a little bit and the next few rooms are basically the same thing with varying degrees of difficulty then we take that Kevin to the top tediously and after reaching the next checkpoint we run to the right dash on this wall and we spam neutral jumps to the top then this room is pretty simple and the next room is where we start having two little problems the first one is that we need to take this feather and we don't have any walls or ceiling to adjust our positioning on the cevin so I don't really know where I land and the second problem is that this section is l long and the jump timing is pretty tight but for this problem we do have a solution which is to listen to the Kevin's Grunt and jump after 17 GRS oh I did it then this part was just a matter of setting up properly and this room introduces yet another annoying game mechanic bumpers firstly bouncing on them can be somewhat chaotic but on top of that they do this tiny movement from left to right which makes them even more unpredictable but thankfully this one wasn't too bad but after going through a little Labyrinth we start seeing how mean those bumpers can be not only we need pretty precise movement to not get thrown into the Spinners but this bumper can even send us back to the previous room which confused me a bit what but even then this room was not too bad compared to how much of a nightmare this one was this is basically a compilation of every difficult thing about bumpers bumper movement making the setups inconsistence a moving bumper sometimes blocking the way a gap to go through another bumper throwing us into the Spinner's half of the time and after all of that a long jump in the air so first we wait a little bit for this bumper to get out of the way then we Bunny Hop to dash on the side of this bumper and hopefully get through the Gap and here we do a bunch of climbing and neutral gems to consistently regain our Dash on the bumper and we use it to reach the wall and after a final blind jump we finish this room after 30 minutes of struggling in the Next Room we wait for the bubble bouncing sound to grab this feather and after doing boun ER hell it's time to do feather hell now and honestly there's not much to say about this room apart from the fact that maneuvering around those obstacles without seeing them was really hard and after those we even have bumpers randomly blocking the way which we thankfully got pretty lucky with allowing us to finally reach the next checkpoint then we quickly talk to Granny again and after some carefully planned bumper route we go through a water Labyrinth struggle a little bit on this Gavin two three and we already reached the next checkpoint which reintroduces badine so we give her a little hug and similarly to oiro badeline does a little sound when she throws a projectile so we can use that to dodge them however they do travel pretty slowly so it can be hard to estimate the distance anyway despite basically every room being difficult there's honestly not many interesting things to talk about in the first few rooms it's kind of just the memory gauntlets then we bait the projectiles up to dash under them and in this room we use the sound of the projectiles to time our jumps then we have a few simple rooms with easy setups and after a small panic attack I don't know how I got her we meet again with our number one enemy the first feather is not too bad but the second one yeah it was tough but eventually we do get it yes all right in the Next Room we do a fancy setup to consistently land in the middle of the bumper and here it's pretty hard to estimate how long we have to fall in order to reach this green Crystal but instead we can just jump to the left to avoid it entirely and after a little hyper Dash we manage to calm down battad just kidding she's even angrier [Music] [Music] e yes all right now we managed to reach the very last room of chapter six which is by far the hardest first we jump towards the first feather and make sure we don't hit that ceiling then we Dash right to grab the feather while dodging the laser we hold down just long enough to bump on that little ground here and we Dash upright to grab the wall and after a final feather obstacle course we fall on the bumper to get our Dash back and with two more dashes that's it we talk to balene again and finish chapter [Laughter] six I do not want to know how many death that was anyway now it's time to move on to the very last chapter in the game and in this chapter we can dash one more time in the air which is going to be very useful so we breathed through the first few rooms and this one was a bit annoying because it's hard to control movement in the air but we get it down eventually by timing it to the spring sounds then we skipped this room with a bunny hop the next room was basically just a long memory puzzle and we already reached the last room of this checkpoint which was pretty trivial so we move on to the next room and meet again with our good old mechanisms which still make a ton of noise so that helps a lot on these walls a neutral jump into an upright Dash can pretty consistently reach the spring and after conveniently waiting on this Crystal to get a triple Dash we meet another old friend which was not that bad here we kind of just hug the right wall and fall on the spring and this room might look a bit annoying normally you're supposed to jump on this mechanism for the first Gap and full for the next one but instead we can skip the mechanism entirely and then a full jump conveniently grabs the very last pixel of this wall so we just release grab an instantly Dash twice then we jump around those smiley platforms and it's time for another check Point room which was also easy we just hit a bunch of walls grab this Crystal with a dash line up with the wall and zoom to the next checkpoint which reintroduces the dream blocks and I love dream blocks they make a lot of sound when you grab them and they look goofy although I can't see them so I can only enjoy the grabbing sound anyway we use the grabbing trick here to make this room trivial then we use the sound of those Stone platforms to time our dashes go in this Barry room to change our respone point and clear the rest of the room and after some zooming in the dream blocks we use a berry room again to regain our dashes make extensive use of the dream blocks grabbing sound and we reach the last room of this checkpoint which just like the previous ones was also pretty easy but now the game decided we've had enough fun and reintroduces us with our good old friends now this first room was pretty easy but it starts getting more complicated in this one we get on the first platform by doing a super into two dashes and after barely landing on this platform we use a triple Dash under here to reach the last one and then we just pray for good RNG and in the Next Room we just fall into the berry room and retry to spawn over there basically allowing us to completely SK the room and after some more RNG we reached a very difficult room firstly it's very long and secondly there's a ton of those guys so first we tap left so we can hyper Dash to this wall and immediately climbing it will always avoid the first bunnies and with a full jump followed by a neutral jump we can easily Dash through this Gap and then we have to pray for bunny RNG a few times then this room is a complete joke and we have another difficult room where we need to do some more fancy setups with hypers and supers and a lot of hoping for good RNG oh yes then we have a bit more an annoying bunnies and even more annoying bunnies but after all of those bunnies we finally reach the last room of this checkpoint and unlike the three previous ones this one was very annoying because once again despite trying my best to find good setups those bunnies move way too fast to keep track of them for too long so we kind of just had to hope for good luck yes that's all for today all right we're back for more so after a little catch intermission oh well we're ready to continue the challenge and the first few rooms were nothing too bad until we reach this room which is the return of moving platforms and basically every gem here requires pretty tight timing firstly we land on this platform push it down and immediately climb this obstacle to land back on the platform pull it up a bit and fall on the left to grab the edge and we have to do all of that very quickly and after bonking on this wall of a few times we barely land on the platform and clear the room into an even harder room first we land on this platform and we use two triple dashes to avoid the obstacles while maintaining proper positioning then we super to that wall Dash back to the platform and immediately hyper Dash towards the wall after landing which is very easy to mess up then we jump climb twice on the wall Dash up left and panic so close but after a few more minutes of trying we get it again and move on to the next rooms which were significantly easier this room was just a matter of using the wing grabbing trick again and after bunny hopping to reach those platform we reached the final room of this checkpoint which was once again mostly just using the w our advantage and we Zoom to the last checkpoint before the summit which was one of my favorite Parts in this challenge because there's a lot of interesting rooms now the first few mechanisms are nothing too interesting it's mostly just careful maneuvering around them then we use the sound of those blades again to dodge them use the triple Dash trick with this Crystal to cross that Gap and after going through these bubbles we reach this famous room and because I'm dumb I thought it would be cool to do the door skip but then my brain tried to convince me that it was a bad idea until I realized door skip is actually easier than trying to press the buttons but wait how can this be in which way is it easier to time your dashes so precisely without being able to see well that's the thing it's not but we don't have to do it in reality all you need to do to go through these doors is to grab the bottom of it and dash through them and there's something we can do to make it even easier when we grab a wall the game is more forgiving with the grab window at the very end of the wall so if we just Spam the grab button we're eventually going to fall all the way to the bottom of the wall and then we just have to dash to get under the door and repeat this process for the next one all right right now we've reached the last room before the summit and it was an interesting one the first few jumps are simple but this part was a bit annoying and I often ended up jumping too high but eventually I got through it and those moving platforms are not nearly as bad as they look and then we just have to dash to the bubble no why did I hesitate [Music] okay now we're Dash to the bubble again and move on to the very end of the game the summit of the mountain all right the first few Flags here are pretty straightforward apart from this one where I kind of forgot where the wall was but things start getting a bit more complicated when we reach those Springs because this jump is pretty tight then this part is a lot easier than it looks since an extended hyper here can allow us to skip the walls and now this is where things start getting difficult here we're kind of forced to precisely maneuver around the Spinners with very little consistency so it's going to take a few deaths to get past H what by okay after this difficult flag things calm down a little bit before becoming even worse but thankfully there's a few things we can do to make it easier first we purposefully dashed late to grab this little wool then we use the sound of the spring to time out our movement and once we land on this wall getting on the next one is not too bad and the rest was easy yes and thankfully the next F was even harder first we tap left a little bit and dash right to avoid the Spinners then the next few obstacles are not as hard as they look but this is where it gets a bit annoying here we have to get all three coins and getting the time clings down to reach the Springs took a little while but after 20 minutes of attempts we managed to grab the three coins oh oh let's go and despite looking a bit scuffed the next flag was a breeze this one was not here the space we have to dash through is very tight so it's very easy to dash into a wall of spinners but eventually we get the timing down and the next flag is a lot more complicated than it looks like because dashing through those gaps is not easy but on top of that we need to perfectly control our movements so we can land on top of the spring allowing us to get past the route okay and now this flag was a lot easier than it looks basically only the first jump is hard but after that the last two dashes are very easy and the next few flags are just as fine so we Zoom through the next few rooms until we reach the last few flags flag number four was nothing too bad but for some reason I struggled landing on this spring but once I got it the rest was fine and we reach flag number three flag number three has a feather you know what it [Music] means oh let's go and now it's time for the very last flag of this challenge first we Dash to the wall and use a few wall jums to consistently reach the spring then reaching this wall was the hardest part because the timing is relatively tight and aerial movement is still very inconsistent but once we find finally grab it the rest is just a few dashes and just like that we finish the [Music] chap and that's it after 22 hours of looking at a blank screen we reached the very last flag and after a few more dashes we beat the game and we finished this journey on battling's Words of [Music] Wisdom
Channel: Rhododo
Views: 39,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QV8L4fBCt64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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