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[Music] w [Music] [Music] hey mister hey [Music] mister did you just drag dust up on the steps already swept you're not to helping you're not helping even a little bit hey guys welcome back to ks get out it's wet it's been wet yeah it's been raining I looked at the rain gauge we got half an inch of rain yesterday do you feel like that's a lot moderate or not not very much I feel like for as much as we've had recently it's a lot I'm over the rain it rained all day yesterday it was Sunday we went to church we decided to smack Shannon in the back of the head cuz I can't talk without my hands now so we we kind of tried to take like a rest day I guess is what you would call it yeah I did NAB for a couple hours yeah but rest days for us just mean you just take care of the animals and you wait until it's time to take care of the animals again so it didn't feel like too much but it was what it was it was what it was so today it's supposed to be like 79° 247 humidity it's humid in the camper it's hard to maintain the temperature it's just part of it but we're not complaining it's beautiful and I think the sun is supposed to shine before too long oh look at him there's somebody else here and he's at the end of his outdoor play time he knows it's about time to go back in his crate he took me on a walk this morning don't mind the mess guys it's what we do we live in a camper buddy um I don't want you chewing on that man I not going to you better get over there quick you better get over there quicker than that Brun man that's not for you okay that'll make a big mess and if you eat that that'll block you up buddy bad for you whiny face Bruno not for Bruno that's a good boy we're still working on little name recognition look how big he's getting guys he is so big needless to say not only is he getting bigger his batteries are getting bigger so he is Crate trained when he's not out here with us he's in his crate and he knows to go in there we we call it by name he goes on in we close him in and for the most part as long as we have used all of his battery power he will go on in no problem not whine too much and then go back to sleep and wait for his next outing so he is puppy but he is in that next phase now of just all the energy doesn't stop but he's doing pretty well we just got to be consistent with his training consistent with each other and he's going to be the perfect dog it's only going to take like 18 more months maybe two years he'll get there he'll get there he's a good boy so amidst the rain the homesteading must go on and Shannon has been working on the garden she's doing an awesome job obviously with the rain you can't do too terribly much but we did have a break in the rain the other day and you guys know I got those stairs done for princess Nala she has arthritis and so I built those stairs and we got a lot of great feedback there were some stair Masters out there they gave me some pointers gave me some compliments uh and I'm very grateful for that but I decided to take it one step further so as you guys know the Treads are recycled Lumber the stringers I built from a fresh 2x12 and then all the supports were also recycled Lumber number they have sat out in the elements for the past almost 2 years here and I don't know how long they were out in the elements on the land that we had recovered them from but I thought you know we need a little bit of weather protection and I think you guys I had mentioned a stain that I got for them in the video where I built the stairs and some of you showed concern uh but I found a product that now once applied I'm very impressed with it look at these things now guys they almost look like those prefab deck what are they called deck boards deck boards let's go with that Bruno's helping me clean up so I'm I'm distracted I'm sorry buddy boy well let me see it what's up I guess you Hy come here come here L come here bero yeah you come he berno come here buddy he's like no you're going to take it from me so this and you guys know I got this at Menard's you know I've spent the past who knows how many days going in and out of Menards for no apparent reason but this brand is cabit it's called deck correct and you do have the option to tint it there of course at Menard they got a wall of all these different colors and everything and from the lighting in the store I picked this color this is called red cedar ironically it kind of worked out with our ader onac chairs little bit of clash I don't care but anyway I was going for red cedar because I kind of wanted it to match the office I kind of wanted it to match the shed and I have to admit it does not at all but but I don't care the stairs are functional the cool thing about this stuff is it'll actually fill cracks it claims up to a quarter of an inch now these that it didn't fill were deeper than a/ quarter of an inch but guys there were a ton of cracks in a lot of this wood especially towards the edges like here's a real bad one right here and it didn't fill it in completely but it did a pretty good job more importantly if I get real close to it you see that rough texture that is about a equivalent to almost like 120 grit sandpaper and I know that specifically because I have 120 grit sandpaper right over there that I was going to use on these before I did it but then I thought no I'm going to leave it a little bit rough I hit it with a 50 grit and it accepted this stuff very well you do have to do it in a couple of coats that one can right there was about $35 which is actually not too bad compared to a lot of the stains and things that were more in the 4050 60 75 range I thought perfect $35 $30 Stringer we got 60 $5 invested in these awesome stairs and now they are weatherproof and they have a really good rough texture to them which will help specifically in wet conditions like yesterday and Princess nalie used them just fine so I'm very excited about it and quite honestly it really makes them look like something I didn't put together so I'm going to consider stairs complete project complete I get to mark that one off the list did you hear that that is awesome one less project one less project on the list okay no more talk about the stairs unless you guys have questions shoot me an email comment down below absolutely love this product I've only had it on here for about 2 or 3 days if anything changes I'll let you know Bruno yeah are you about ready go up in your crate and take a nap no well we got to get out some animals I'm out of hay today so I got to go get some hay so they got a graze this morning okay bring them on out I'm ready ready he's been helping me clean underneath the camper he's brought me two napkins three pieces of foam yeah I think we got some 80° days coming up which isn't too terribly hot but when the sun is out it is hot specifically in the camper this thing just takes a beating and it stays warm in there so I think we're going to begin the process of pulling down the insulation we definitely want to get all this soaking wet soggy straw away from the camper before it gets too hot cuz we don't want to run the risk of any straw bales spontaneously combusting which I know is is a more common thing than we all realized before we started doing this so we want to take the necessary precautions get that stuff off of there it'll allow for more air flow under the camper and hopefully help keep it cool the seasonal changes the seasonal changes with full-time living in a camper it's an everyday thing yeah totally worth it Bruno I can still see you just because you're hiding under there doesn't mean it's not not great time come here Bruno you see nothing I see you come here oh no oh no oh no this is a bad idea don't come down on his floor you're wet dude oh you've been out there in the mud and the wet and oh you're show oh that's not the good camera angle for them hide to sensor it sensor Bruno we have him completely under control I promise he's trained to Perfection buddy your private parts are right in my face like this is are you trying he's trying to choke me are you did you literally put your leasher around my neck and grab it oh my gosh seriously dude you are choking him get a puppy guys totally worth it it's sick Bruno it's crate time good boy that's a good crate sad good boy Bruno good really good at selling the sad face mommy look at me look at me oh poor Bruno do you guys want a sneak peek she didn't know I was recording boom what you got there huh I just have some seedlings what is this well I've got some Tomatoes some squash some zucchini some okra I have a lot to learn guys but they're growing they are growing you guys have been asking it's really happening I think I think I mean they're doing stuff some of them not all of them if I Google pictures of what pregen gardening looks like it matches what she's doing actually she's she's even doing better than a lot of what I've seen but yeah a lot of you been asking there's your sneak peek it's all still coming I'm learning now why people do like grow lights and start their seats way ahead of time and don't use the little Pete Moss thingy and so first year I'm learning a lot I just have to say that Spruce Al Lo her that's a weak Stick Dude hi sprues and Hercules is that a piece of straw you goober it is it's the best I could come up with so fast hi spers hey no I'm saying give me some hay oh are we out of hay we're out of hay well then I better get out to grave thanks for asking nicely yeah no problem when we getting out please please he's [Music] learning are you guys ready there's storm in the gate I just opened their last Feed Bag which will last us a long time but they are completely out of hay so we'll let him graze this morning I'll have more hay herk says let's go come on guys follow herk come on big fella look at you stallion Ouija smooth blue and moping mama there's our Girl [Music] Daisy bird runs open got to block him from getting the food and here's something Kyle doesn't know I put the scratch outside the bird run today so it's up there on the ground and they're going to be eting it anyway so that's my bad too slow good job I'm faster than a bunch of lazy goats I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of or not I put the scratch on the outside of the bird run this morning so they're still going to be up there for a while well place still be distracted yeah and it's better than them getting in there and getting into that bird feed yeah I should have stretched before I did that good job getting up there before them yeah I felt kind of fast for a second then I look over they're all walking oh that's hilarious I'm kidding they were trotting a little bit I had to yeah I got to recover now no big deal so while they're up there we want to talk to you guys about a challenge we've been keeping you guys posted on our guines The Nest how it's coming along we got a big update it's been a few days now that we haven't really gone into this with you because we're trying to figure out and assess the best way to address it and we still don't really know maybe you guys can help out if you've ever done this before never did I think we'd be sneaking away from our goats while they're grazing but they've gotten in such a routin that they go to the same spots they run a couple of different circles around that and they go up front so we're testing it a little bit today I've been mowing some while they're out but this is our first time that both Shannon and I are out of their eyesight I mean they're not always looking at us but they can always look up and see us yeah we'll see how this goes so you guys know we were up over 40 eggs I think 42 45 was our highest count 42 or 45 somewhere between 42 and 45 but as you guys know if you've been watching the last couple few videos we had a raccoon start stalking the nest and we showed some footage I think it was two three videos ago of that since then he has come back all hours of the night always a different time it's never the same time or at least it hasn't been so far over the course of I believe four nights worth so I kind of repositioned the camera last night we could have a better shot on it and I brought my traps down here and I actually put eggs herk's actually checking it out right now now so what he's doing right now I've got three eggs in the big trap two eggs in the smaller trap the raccoon I did actually get some footage of it last night outside the Trap and he's a pretty good siiz Raccoon as far as I can tell it's been the same one every time he's not telling friends about it he's just coming and getting what he wants and he gets out the problem is I left the entire Nest over there because we weren't 100% sure what to do with it but the reality is the guies had have abandoned it at least the one that was incubating we have heard some of the girls come over throughout the day but based on the color of the eggs the count and everything I don't think they're laying in there I don't either and we've not stumbled across any others I haven't done an active search per se like I did back when I was looking for this nest and we were constantly trying to find where they were laying uh but they got to be still laying have to be I just don't know where it is yet so last night and here's a little clip of that last night the raccoon sets off the camera we catch him over here just like Hercules he was kind of stretched out sniffing it I cracked one of the eggs in each of the traps that way it would give off that odor and hopefully entice him to go in and he smelled it checked out the Trap he's like n this smells like human something's fishy here walks over to the little trap smells at the outside of it as well again keeping his distance and then he's like why in the world would I mess with these when I have a whole nest of like 35 plus eggs over here and I said I don't know raccoon but maybe you should just try it out it's an Airbnb for raccoons man now he's way too smart you know we've got a lot of 10 20 30 40 acre uh farms and homesteads out here so a lot of our Wildlife is actually very domesticated going from pin to pin you know he had zero fear we're about 50 60 feet from Hercules but the raccoon knows that her cannot get to him so he's just out here Mr Joe Cool raccoon checking everything out I think he's just coming back and taking a couple eggs at a time and then taking him out to his den or whatever uh but I'm probably going to have to remove the entire nest and just leave the traps and see if he'll give in we also got some footage of the raccoon like standing up on his hind legs over here and looking to see if herk was out in his pin and he was like oh no he's not there so he just went ahead and did his thing but he's a smart thing well and we mentioned and you know those of you that watch every video and you watch every second of every video thank you but also remember we talked about Hercules coming over here whenever we had him out grazing with everybody we thought it was at the bird we thought he was concerned with the bird being on the nest or something uh but the reality is that raccoon had been out here he was smelling the raccoon and trying to track it I'm going to trap a herk aren't I [Laughter] I want to snack on the guinea egg Dad no nobody I'll get you a different egg how about that whenever it's eating time I'll get you one of Grandpa's chicken eggs that he brought us yeah you like those don't you so what we thought was him stalking the birds or being you know a nuisance to them was totally off it was that he smelled the raccoon and he was trying to check out the scenario and and uh he was right I wish I had gotten the traps out a little bit earlier but in all actuality with that Full Nest over there and not a bird laying on it anymore that raccoon's got a whole Buffet of eggs before it even has to consider whether or not he's going to try the Trap and we did talk about incubating the eggs if the birds abandon them the sad thing is the bird that was sitting on the nest abandoned it in a time frame that it had been too long for us to get to the eggs and incubate them one of the clips you actually see at night time whenever the Raccoon came over to check out the Egg Nest there was a bird on it and it flew up and fluttered away and it kind of startled them so I think because of that they abandoned it and then between the rain the raccoon everything we just couldn't get the eggs in time to incubate them and I think that they had been left so long that temperature- wise they we just we couldn't do anything with them so this is a Learning lesson for us this go around and next time we'll do it differently but we wanted to see what was going to happen and we've learned from this for sure yeah and dad had told me you know of course with his chickens even when we were living there I can't remember we trapped I think a couple possum and I know he had trapped at least one raccoon before he started uh eliminating them so I don't really know how many raccoons he actually caught or how many times he caught that raccoon but that was the thing you know dad started researching heavily like dep possums and raccoons like hunt chickens and technically no they don't they will kill them and so had that raccoon made it to that bird and had that bird you know like made some noise the raccoon very well could have just yeah annihilated him right there but he doesn't want the bird he wouldn't do anything with it he just wants it out of the picture so that he can get to the nest of eggs and there are broken eggs over here there are yeah so our biggest curiosity we're just going to collect them all are you going to count while I talk I'm counting while you can you I'm going to keep talking yeah go ahead so again our biggest concern is where are they going to lay now this is like the perfect Nest you know they all found a place at night where they could watch The Nest they could alert that bird when something was coming and they did for the most part but I don't know that they're going to try to come back here and lay anymore if I'm a guinea and I'm using my little PE brain sorry guies you got a small little brain I wouldn't continue laying here but we're going to find out so if we remove all of these I buddy yeah are you curious what she's doing so we're going to remove all of these see if the hens will lay anymore over here um if not we're just going to have to start paying attention to where we hear them mom what are you what what can I help you I appreciate it buddy so yeah learning experience guys and I know I know there's a lot of people that are going to be like hey should have done this you should have done that guess what you didn't know until you did it or you watched a video of somebody else doing it we don't know either well we were really hopeful that they actually would hatch some eggs and we would just need to put them in a Bruder but that just didn't happen no it didn't this guy is so curious as to what you are doing herk man she's taking all those eggs dude what do you think of that man some of these are really down in here too yeah and I've noticed the color change you know I don't know if that's from being out in the rain and the elements and whatnot but compared to the white ones that we had in the early days these have got a much more Brown tent to them and it could just be that you know they started laying more eggs and that's more what they look like there are some broken shells down there so what I think I'm going to do eggshell is just leave a few of them down here then and see if the hens come back okay let's start with three and lay over here can you feel that on your back sunshine that was Sunshine that was nice it's teasing us here it comes again what do you think buddy got to get that pin of yours dried out don't we yeah so it is unfortunate that we have to dispose of this many eggs but we'll do it differently next time now is it worth float testing them to see no you don't think so no not after they sat on them for a week and a half in my opinion no I will not eat these eggs I'm just going to throw it out that way I will it may be worth float testing just so we know but what is float testing going to do we need to see if anything has started developing I don't think you can tell that from a float test I agree but they spotted us stay up there little Mario you're okay buddy nope there's nothing going on down here bluy bluy bluy hey BL you going hi honey stay up here whoa Hercules don't have to be done yet come on guys come here goaty goats come on come on goats no little Mario come this way buddy come on guys okay so the bird knowledge and learning and experience it's going to be on going for sure but speaking of birds I think I hope we should have enough dry weather this week that today I'm actually going to begin prepping the subfloor for the chicken coop this spot which has now been rained on for what six or eight inches worth of rain over the last couple weeks week so much rain I don't really know don't quote me on that especially if you guys live around here you probably know how much rain we actually got but that helped condense this that helps so that I don't have to Tamp it a whole bunch it's pretty level I do have the 4x4 post I'm going to put it on skids just like I did the shed that way if we absolutely wanted to ever move it we have the option but also I'm going to build the subfloor just like I did for the hay shed down there for my shed just a traditional 16 on Center 2x6 subfloor and that's where we're going to start and I may actually use the rest of that deck correct that I used on my stairs on the floor to help with a a little bit of the moisture barrier and of course we still got to line it with other stuff and all that good stuff but I think that would be a great way to help weather protect it chicken poop and PE protect it as much as you can and you know we're just going to learn worst case scenario I change out that flooring in the future but I am excited to get chickens I love the guies I wish we had 30 more I wish we could have got some out of that but it is what it is we're going to learn eventually those guies are going to reproduce or I'm going to go just buy some more Kat and we're going to go from there but one of these days I'm going to sneak off and I'm going to come home with some chicks it's going to be a surprise to her it's going to be a surprise to you so Chicken Coop build is going to commence today and I am so ready for it I know you guys are too well the nice thing too is now that the birds aren't sitting over there by where all of our wood pile is you can go through it and not have to worry about disturbing anybody that's very true yeah yeah my goal I think I have enough lumber for all of it except for the sheathing I think I have enough lumber to use recycled Goods for the floor which should save us about $ 250ish dollars give or take those lumber prices are all over the place all the time we've been waiting for spring and summer to better evaluate our health of our trees and something that's taken us this long to really kind of think through like the cycle you know when the weather starts to look like this and youve got the thick foliage like this you're not going to go out there cutting down dead trees or I'm going to have a 100 ticks I'm going to have poison ivy which I'm already kind of breaking down l a little bit uh it's just not good but what you can do in this season is you can see what trees are dead and need to come down mark them and then you get to the next season where it's clear and you go out and cut them surprisingly enough if you guys remember we had the land cleared partially it's been over 2 years now yeah but look how long it took some of these trees you guys if if you saw the videos this was thick I mean just as thick as the rest of our woods and so the guys on the skid steer and the excavator it's really hard not to hit the trees whenever you're trying to do that stuff and move logs around and all that stuff some of them took some major bark hits some trunk hits specifically most sad would be this big guy right back here and so what you can see is we are missing a big patch of bark right here right here and then pretty much everywhere you see that light brown that was either the skid steer or they were carrying logs that came through and hurt that obviously not something they were doing intentionally and we didn't mark the trees we wanted him to save we just said you know this big or bigger try to keep them around so this guy unfortunately we are not seeing anything up in the limbs I'm not seeing a single Bud of fresh Leaf nothing it did have some last year you can see them down here this is probably our biggest victim what I didn't notice until recently was that we actually have more out here in the open like this guy again taking a major hit down here but it literally took about two years for it to take effect and so this one has absolutely no growth that one right over there same story and again he's got a little bit of road rash down in the bark I think that guy's in trouble and I know we've got at least two if not three over there on the other side of the the bird run most of these are going to be easy drops with the exception of that one over there that's leaning right toward the burn run so it saddens us these were trees that we originally did want to keep but if you're going to build up here you know we were open to the fact that some of them may have to go um I'm actually open to the fact that they kind of decided on their own so Shannon and I didn't have to try to pick which ones go or not that's true the unfortunate thing is I don't have a sawmill yet and it would be nice I know this guy right here and the first one that we looked at there is definitely some millable Lumber out of that especially that one you know yeah it goes up in splits and you may actually be able to Mill each one of those splits but I just don't have it and I do know that a lot of the saw mills around here are Pretty stinking backed up right now not really sure what that's about but we're going to need to navigate that I'm not I'm not any hurry to get them down these guys are not going to fall on their own for a long long time but it is something to note so that if and when we decide like hey we need firewood or if we come across a sawmill or somebody has a sawmill that wants to help us out a little bit these would be perfect candidates for that very thing I do feel like there's a lot of really straight trees though that we can get some really good Lumber out of that one right there you know if you think in 10 12T sections that's every bit of 30 F feet before you would have to stop Milling you're not going to get a ton of lumber out of it because it's not a huge diameter tree but I bet we'd be surprised how much we get out of that though hly so the reality is that Lumber goes a lot further than you give it credit for and especially if we continue to do this with the trees on the property that we know need to come down Mill them use them for lumber man we could have enough lumber to do a lot of different things with yeah and Miss Grazy Daisy hi Miss Daisy everyone I'm czy Daisy you are too cute what about you little attention stinker can we not pay attention to Miss Daisy for a minute no Mr Hercules she's so cute though her but yeah we were talking about it last night we've got 11 of the best goats but as great as these guys are they stay on our property when we're grazing of course they kind of try to stay close to us man it's time to start utilizing them and their eating abilities to help us maintain the land which was the original intent of goats remember it is the original intent we just had to raise them to where they got to this point [Music] [Music] I'm Daisy I'm very Grazy come here buddy photo bomb thanks come here dude yeah this would just be perfect for them if we could get this part available to them fulltime I need to calculate about how many acres it is but if I'm guessing I'm going to say somewhere between five and seven acres if we ran it all the way over to the edge of this Trail here okay but like all these little saplings they love these little oak leaves just that low to the ground boy it does take on a completely different look this time of year H oh yeah it does it's it's my favorite I absolutely love it I can do without the bugs but I love the sights well it's even it's actually it's just hard to even imagine in the winter in the fall that it's going to make it back to this but it does every year yep boy look at this opening right here those are the big Oaks right there those White Oaks and I took out 80% 90% of the saplings beneath it look you almost have my trail connected I know it just got to have the vision and follow through right yep and the time oh yeah and there's that look how happy they are though we've got to get some fence real soon I think these guys are pretty grateful too I have to agree well guys we love and appreciate each and every one of you we thank you so much for coming on this journey with us and as always we'll see you in the next one bye can we try this mic test again I don't want to take a nap well I know you don't want to take a nap but we're doing mic test right now I want to stay out with you well what if you do a mic test with us we'll let you stay out for just a little bit okay mic tested let's stay out for hours look at that brown handsome
Channel: K&S Get Out
Views: 25,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, homesteading, homestead, beginner homestead, shady acres, rv living, farmstead, guard dog, farm life, modernhomesteading, lgd, goats, farm animals, doss farms, grandpa doss farms, goat farming, funny goats, funny animal videos, animal farm, family friendly, family, camper life, baby goats, new life, new farm life, cute baby goats, baby farm animals, small farm, goat farm, kioti tractor, tractor work, puppy, goat grazing, free range, guinea fowl, eggs
Id: wsu63b83iDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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