Attacked In Broad Daylight!! We’ve Got To Stop Them.

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hey guys welcome back to the channel thank each and every one of y'all for clicking on today's video I know this last week has been just been uh crazy um our community's been torn apart um it's sad and uh we're going to get through this um you know um our family safe like I said before in the video but um my days have kind of ran together but um luckily um staff and the kids have took care of the farm while I was out um and today I came home about 2:00 and it's time to uh take a break and get back to the farm I got things I got to attend to here and it just um gives me a break from um that that's going to go on for months it's going to take months for that to be cleaned up and um words can't describe it but we will get through this and I just ask that y'all continue praying and so many families tore up I mean so many families lost everything but then again you look and it's just so amazing how the world has come together to help out our community and to see that every day all these people from all over the world that's amazing um we are going to get back to work here on the farm today uh we got to um as I told y'all before we got to uh get these goats pinned up and I will say the next for the next week or so videos are going to be um not in line I've already I already had some videos shot and I just don't I I mean I don't know I we've had a lot going on it's it's been it's been crazy my cousin lost uh uh he was involved in the tornado my brother was in the area um allthough those are safe everybody's safe there was only one casualty and um we got to put up some fence for the goats and I can't wait but um after this video we're going to try to get the other videos shot that we have already had and um we did take a a a trip to Lake tin killer and we had a really really good time we got to meet a lot of amazing people and that video those videos will be coming out so if they're out of line that's what's going on and um just thank y'all so much for y'all's love and support um it it's amazing all the comments and all the prayers y'all gave for the community yes and um and we've also had a lot of people asking how they can help too and now you have you you can link stuff in yes I do have a link if you do want to uh donate to our community um the only thing that I know that's legit is bankir do Bank SL sofware rebuild or something like that I'll put a link in the description box um and and I'll that's another reason I want to go ahead and get this video out there it's amazing how so many people came down uh Dutch keeping it Dutch um ke Uh Kevin with hidden Huts Farm Gary Walker with Walker Farm fam catching up with the Walkers and Daniel lives in the community as well was there and Dusty Baker was there uh Cross Timber bison so uh we all I mean which I wasn't working like cleaning up and stuff my part was more security and working after hours and um you know it's just one of those deals if you see so many people get scammed you don't want that to happen I wouldn't want it to happen to my family I wouldn't want to tap in somebody else's family so um yeah and yesterday um all of us went even uh you went to the Expo yeah and then uh Leighton went out to the Expo and helped out so it was uh it a joint effort you know DJ uh yesterday was going around town they had um a church donate a bunch of gift cards going around town giving gift cards to people and that's amazing amazing it's so neat to see so many people come together but it has been sad this week but we got to overcome this we got to get back with our lives I I do I I wish I could go over there every day and and and and help out and protect but we have a farm here we got to take care of Steph and the kids have done an amazing job but there's other things that's got to be done they've just done the the things that needed to happen every day take care of the animals feed water put goats back in the pen but that's why I needed Brandon here yeah so um today we're going to put up our premere one fencing and try to get them locked up um so here we go follow along I'll leave a link down in the description box if you want to donate to our community and that I do know that goes to our bank here in our community we got goats that keep getting out we got llamas that are out or Ponies are out so we did have a big storm come through last night and we got a big storm coming through tonight tomorrow um yeah it it sounds like it's going to be a bad one too yeah this is going to be a bad one this is hey this is going to be bad everybody chilling I'm getting ready to take y'all to a Greener field so that was the deal once we left for the the Meetup we uh um we pinned the goats up and put hay in there but now we are going to get our Premier 1 fencing out and we're going to try to get that all put up so hopefully you follow along guys I know what it looks like I'm tired and I know everybody's like you need to get rest I've got I got a good night's rest last night we got like seven hours and um that's that's quite a bit for me so it's time to get back on track all right so me and Steph drove around here to the sidew we're going to put the goats to let them eat first um I think we're going to let them eat over here on this side I think we're going to see how much fence we got to go up here and then cut back um then after that we'll link it up to the fence we got over there then they can eat all this down and then from there we will move them over to the next area so um I know we got three rows at 164 ft I don't know I I'm not good without with seeing how far distance is so we're going to get it out start laying it out and see how it goes so we went ahead and ordered um the um poultry netting because eventually we will have this up here with the the chickens and stuff so we can let the chickens run around after we cut the the wings we also got eight corner post too yeah eight corner post [Applause] the storm and the rain it's been crazy and when you don't have enough of storage space to put everything a lot of stuff gets wet trying to figure this out it's going to be the hard part at least with all the rain it'll be a little bit the ground to be soft yeah yeah this is for y'all guys yeah cuz y'all don't know how to stay in you just going to lay them out well I'm going to get a couple of them started there I got you you can go in behind the building just when we need like the baseball chairs and stuff or where you going to go in front of it I might start taking these must be the gates I guess that's the gate there sure is humid now it is after it's the way it always is MHM I leave room for the gate we pull it I'll probably have to stretch it a little bit more anyways buch the turkeys all the way down there and back in but we may have enough and plus I mean they can we can use that we may have enough to go through here I may have to use a couple pieces of those but but yeah you can go back straight to that fence anyways yeah so that that'll last them a couple weeks and then we'll just move it kind of like it was when we first moved here so it's just right now um putting fence up all the way around it I just don't know what we're going to do over there yet even if we did fence it all in we still need to um we'll still need them in separate pins and things like that so we're just going to do it like this for now and just kind of move it around yeah cuz right there's where I want to go yeah but there's I can use one of those too and it's going to stretch a lot once we actually put them in the pole yeah so right there and even if I have to we stretch it out but even I have to I go get a couple panels that that should work so this is going to work with these three um we do have that other but I was really saving that so we can go around the garden and speaking Garden let's go take a look at it we haven't the garden hasn't actually got dry enough for us to get back in it which we left last Wednesday and uh no last Thursday and met um Kevin and Kimberly with grounds family farm at Lake tin killer and then we went to the the Meetup and then after the meet up we we got we left early because we knew the storms were getting bad Y and we wasn't home scared me probably I don't know we come home done the chores and then that's when everything started kicking off so cuz I think we got home at 8:45 something like that 8 or we is done at 8:45 oh wow oh they're coming up the garden is coming up oh look at our start of our watermelons now there's a couple of them that didn't come up wow that's and Turkey fighting behind you oh he chased them off they're running well that's awesome I'm excited about that looks like pretty much all of them came up yeah we're going to have a lot of watermelons but during the summer you and them kiddos eat a lot of watermelon yeah we love watermelon that's one thing we do love once it dries back up I'm going to come back in and till this really really good so anyways now we're going to stand the pose up stretch it out and see how far we can get it and really I might not stand this up until I get my lawnmower back from my dad so I can go through and cut this really really short so um might hold off like Steph said earlier uh leighton's got a program with the band um they're fixing a get here so we're going to go get a drink and um probably how long is it going to take probably 30 minutes 30 minutes or so and then we'll try to get back out here and get started on this and hopefully I get the lawn more back and then we come through and just mow a path that way nothing's touching it and it'll be good to go so that's the plan we'll see how okay guys so we made it back from leighton's um uh band what was it concert we made it back from leighton's band con concert before we left for the concert we got to cting the turkeys well we are missing one so we went back and looked to where that one turkey was setting well something got her and the eggs so that made me go back to look at the cameras well I went back to looked at the cameras Lo and beho you found the uh co uh a couple days ago on the camera and then we found one on the camera so we are going through setting uh we got some more dog proof traps because our other hand that's laying the eggs they're gone so the possums we got the possoms on the Trap getting the eggs as well so what we're going to do is we're going to set out some more DP traps foot traps and um after that I don't know if we'll have enough time but we'll probably start the video back tomorrow with me and Steph actually putting up the pamal one fencing we got all that all the things that we needed for that so we just got so much to do and you know kind of got behind after the DraStic tornado but that's okay I was perfectly fine um being there supporting those guys and and you and Mom even went to the Expo a couple days ago didn't yeah yeah what' y'all do there uh we fold the clothes put out food and stuff that's awesome well I'm super proud of them and um anyways so what on the DP trap these little uh bars here we don't have any more of them to actually put the uh DP traps on so go ahead and take that off so it goes here but you got to have something over it say so it doesn't fall fall off but we was out there trying to bend these things kind of like this here which that wasn't working too well but then I got to thinking hey I bought a welder so um I'm going to try to weld this on and see how it looks we're going to try this guys don't know if it's going to work but we're going to try excuse the shop it's messy but it's just a shop got it there close your eyes all right I got it so I got that off there oh yeah there that looks pretty good to be honest with you so I'm going to hit it a little bit with our old Hammer here bam can I take it and put it in the water yeah lon's going to take it over here and put it in the water let me turn this off first son all right take it over there we got water everywhere you can go ahead and put it right here in one of these wow that's hot ain't it all right show the camera check it that looks pretty good if you ask me for not being a welder all right let's get on sa it's crazy how the things won't tear apart now yeah I'm going use my good traps all right not they're not good traps they're one that I like okay see if there's any see if there's any dog food in there hey bushwhacker is there mhm yeah all right old bushwhacker just laying there in the hay they think it's it's feeding time y'all ain't eating today Bush Walker's been getting more tame yeah he is getting more Ted y'all it ain't time to eat it Ain't time to eat you left the manimals out well they got out so we're once they we get them put up tonight we um we're going to make sure they don't get back out the fence got blowed over so we're just going to get them all back in there and they'll be all right hey girls and guys how are y'all how are y'all y'all just chilling up here y'all just chilling look at Badger Badger's still over there ain't it mhm hi turkey so like I said we lost the one turkey that's where the fence is down but we got to go turn it off before we actually move it we're going to get back here and uh put this trap up he was there earlier today about 9:30 I believe it [Music] was let's let's don't put too much scent down get your bucket how many sting over here let's do two two actual traps or yeah how many traps you got with you I got two of them you got two yeah I have three but the there's two of them that I like is there another one that we can set somewhere else there's one okay all right that'll work this is where they're coming in over here and you got the anchors um in my bucket let's go ahead and get it and come on over here oh what am I doing that's what I'm saying what you doing homie um you me grab the eggs uh not yet let's get them set first so as you can see something has been coming through here look at look at this here the goats have been locked up put a DP right there yeah and we got a camera right over here which that's how we caught the coat coming in and he was over there for see we got the camera right there which this is all from the water but that cow was right here where's his foot marks at to set it oh wait we got an anchor in here yeah we have to find it that's where so get it later let's don't disturb too much um it's the anchor hiding hidden under oh no it's right there there's the anchor so they there's a lot of people that's wanting uh see some more see you trapping and I told him that we've been working on that go ahead and let's get this set we got a couple more to sit and all this rain is from the tornado that we got yeah so that's why the ground's so dry I meant wet all right I don't want to disturb it much cuz he was being really really sneaky but he come through right there okay ah you're gonna have to get this anchor off huh this one's a double anchor just take one off cuz like this is like cuz the mud we put that there that's good okay let see put it back down there real quick all right I just don't want you have to dig it more no we don't all right have we tried to set this in yet I think so here where's your cotton that we have to set it actually set it take this push that all the way back this one's going easy might not have to do that one off five times why he's getting that I'm going to go ahead and set another one right over here set another one right here you going to set two yeah cuz he's going to come through here well what I'm saying is we put one right under the thing cuz it's not that's not called staring like putting it right right there in that open area right there it's a good spot no I ain't going to get him hung up in the fence and now can't do that but I know last time he was you know coming around yeah last time I see him he's like over here but since there's all it's all wet dirt we don't need the all we need to do is just put wet dirt over it put some pick up some of these leaves in stab them in there if we don't catch one this time cuz I know he's here I'm going to start wearing gloves cuz that's what they're saying the scent this one don't even fit right yeah a couple of them don't they're different sizes they're same they're the same thing but they're different sizes that's what he is doing on this and he is sniffing sniffing so then when he comes across he's going to have two sniff when he sniffs this one he's stepping that one sniffs that one he can step in this one using my hand as a hammer and it's going in locks ow what are the chain locks I got them oh those things yeah we have a I still have a ton plus the ones that I just got sent to me this in here you don't have to tap do you you have to tap all of them here that's going to uh hold it down real quick you don't have it deep enough to where you have to tap it there oh you forgot to put your Pur in oh yeah all right get that going be enough yeah that's good all right so we know that the uh we know the coot is coming through here so these eggs here are no good we got them out of the incubator the other day and they're no good what happened to that the thing it got wet so it just where did them other eggs fall they they're in the back I set I sat them down slowly all right um so we're going to put some of these eggs here break them up so when he does come it'll force him to come through there and hopefully we catch him but I'm going to put them back here so we'll see what happens so reason on doing this whatever um which I'm pretty sure is a CO got the eggs and the mama so we're going to set them there hold I'm going add one more thing it's not an egg two years now actually one year mosquitoes are hurting me bad they're not hurting they're just that thing's bad to the B all right so hopefully we catch this dude tonight I really really hope so watch out oh yeah you want to set a DP right here huh you want to set a DP right there I don't want to set it this close I well I'll set it right over here actually lighten bring a couple of those eggs we'll put some eggs in here wait where's the the DPS at they're in the back I'm going to put a couple eggs in here bring me a couple eggs what you turn those up for I'm just covering them up I don't want to put it put it there that close son close to the fence uh or we can also use just another one of these sticks things all right we just got to stop it that's just all we got to do I mean that's which it it's so heartbreaking it just seems like every time that we're gone or if we're not here that's when things like this happens look at that little rabbit yeah right there yeah see but that seems like that's when it happens so we got one more trap I'm going to set over here I figure put it right right in that area yeah or put it down there we'll put it right here under this tree yeah let's do that all right all right guys so what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and put a trap here and we're going to put some eggs up here and then um when we go back over here we're going to show you we went over there and got the we had two traps over there so we went over there and got one so I found the rest of the turkey and um we'll take you over there in just a second and show you we're going to go ahead and get this set now not the body we found feathers with feather there's a bunch of feathers and stuff so we'll head over there in a minute it's rock yeah but easy rock cuz it's it rained so it's easy to like take up ow Thorn yeah okay I thought it was broke like the other one broke cuz I thought I thought the things were Twisted but it wasn't me see if feel set off easy oh yeah that sets off easy just see if it closes all the way okay closes all the way and sets off easy that's all we really need man it's so hard to get yeah that might not be happening learn from Pro you learn to YouTube Pro boy this is like your first time ever s not this time but like this is your hey hey you tra you didn't Trap Back in the day no I didn't Trap Back in the day didn't Grandpa Eddie used to no or uh oh I don't know I forgot I used to hunt every day I bet I could do that with like Cs and srels and stuff we should do a survival challenge one not oh yeah like the whole day like during summer we can only hunt like squirrels we have to food make our own dispatching dispatch our own food if he misses that one he comes right there here to go for the bait and this proba might not be how y'all do it but this is how we do it on Eddie Family Farm ain't that right son yeah y guys we got this one and I'm going to take you over there and show you what that looks like over there all right guys so we're running over here to show you what we was talking about it's which we've been staying here but throughout the day we're gone so when we come over and got this other Trapelo we got to looking and there's turkey feather there turkey feather there and then turkey feather there more feathers and it just keeps on going um over there turkey feather so we're we're going to also get the cameras back out so we can try to monitor what's going through over here um but it's just one of those deals is what do you do what do you do so I'm going to let him start on this I'm going to try to fix this fence real quick wait poor turkey they're all over softare is going to State and track they're use we're letting them use our bus well I think I think we're going to I think they were letting them use them they're let they're using our bus bus seven but but we got bu M now um it's either they're letting them or they're keeping them it says it still says Davis on it but yeah that's nice of them do that though cuz there's like all over the news like cross town Rivals are still friends or something like that because of the tornado we know half the people if you live in Davis you you know everybody don't yeah you know everyone and S all right we got that set but while I'm over here I'm GNA go ahead and try to get this fence up so we can get the donkeys back in their pin it looks like it might have come open at the this corner here leton go ahead and uh drive it over here which we're going to extend this here for the uh ponies and stuff cuz they ate that down pretty quick it's pretty neat to see how that works do you put it on the yeah I was about to say do you put that on the that one or you all right there's nothing so we may have to stretch the stretch the rest of it as well when we get over there but right now um the ponies and stuff are fine they actually stay up by the house at night so we got one more spot we're going to set a DP actually two more spots DPS ain't hard to set wow find me an area where they're Crossing son okay like with a path there's some better down spot back there oh there's a path right there there's right there yeah that's down can't really see over there but I think there's a couple Footprints over there can't really see though so what we're going to do is go ahead and just set a DP right here yeah you want to hop we're going to hop over the fence this is still our property though so we're allowed to hop it right no we're just going to set it right here okay yeah oh I see how they're getting through though they can get through that don't they yeah I just thought you were to use that one so we're just going to put it right here let them come on up let them come on up I guess I need to make sure this is going to sit don't know yeah that's mie what the dog food let's see I mean there's some hard pieces in there oh well that means the rain got in it is there not a rubber pieces there how'd that happen I it was on the whole time too I mean screw it we're going to have to wash our hands anyways but we're going to have to wash them good was coming through right there on that other trap question mark trap question mark there should be that trap there somewhere that's what I'm looking for right there it is oh set off a it it's already in there let me get another one we'll set it and we'll be good what you do set it right here yeah and then just push [Music] down get a egg okay drop it around the Trap and the moot to the side if they want to play we can play we got two set over here we're going to back up and I kind of want to I kind of want to go over here and and put some eggs where that that uh that turkey was see if they come back yeah cuz I know I know it's going to be one of those pums coming getting the eggs so anyways while we're driving over here to set this camera out I'm going to try to find some of the footage of all the Predators that have been coming over here um especially the last couple days but uh yeah it's crazy hopefully we can get rid of some of them and I know there's so many yall going to be upset but I'm just that's that's on y'all if you if you had to deal with these things taking your animals you to understand the batteries keep done which we tried some of the rechargeable ones they don't last long at all what rechargeable ones batteries oh yeah yeah we still got a I still got got to go feed and but we'll see what happens all right let's go ahead and set one more son and like I showed you earlier you can't see it there's feathers all right there but how many eggs are we going to put here too I'm just going to put a a few four that's how many she had last time these are brand new and a brand new steak that I made myself happy about that let's just see if it get the hammer the bad thing is is these poles are so long hit that with one hand only hit yeah that builds that muscle when you get more in it it'll oh well you got to get your look it did fit though but yeah it barely did sweet it ain't going to come off no all right get that dog food this dog food really ain't no good anymore cuz it got wet I guess somehow it leaked through that lid there all right so that puts us three DPS four foot traps no five four four four foot traps and um yeah but uh one more thing while we got a little bit of Light sun we need to go through here and put up some of these uh fence deals and get your brothers and sisters come over and help too guys come over here and help us we're going to start putting up this fence real quick how much are we doing I'm going to take a shower just after all right all right come on over here we're going to put up fence real quick all right so I guess when need to be on the inside then I guess all yeah they're all on the inside this is going to be a gate yeah I'll deal with that in a minute that's Rock we're going to go ahead and just put this up like this what about this I'll deal with this I just want to get this off the ground so nothing actually so we're going all the way down there we try to get up much as we can I just want to get it off the ground so the the rain and the animals don't get hung up in it is the garden um yeah the garden looks good we got watermelon already growing really yeah can I go look we'll look after this okay all right put this one in I'm glad this uh rain got this uh ground like muddy yeah it makes it easier don't it yeah used to be y'all remember doing this when we first moved out here yes it was a pain in the butt but now we're used to it yeah it's fun huh yeah let's keep on bringing it back this way this way cuz we're going down there at the angle we changed our mind all right guys um thank y'all so much for for watching the video and and just like I said I know the beginning of this video is this kind of a downer and uh but we're going to get better at it you know we're going to recover from this I cannot thank our friends from up North I cannot thank Gary Walker Kevin and and Sean with keeping at Dutch and hidden Hots Farm them guys coming down here helping out is amazing and um you know they just called up one evening and said hey we got equipment can we come I said well let me do some checking um that's when we found out that everybody was meeting at the Expo and they showed up and I think uh it was Daniel Dusty Baker with Cross Timber bison and then arms family Homestead if y'all don't know them and they all paired up and they they got after and done a lot of clean up uh today before we left uh Kevin had to leave yesterday uh but today before we left we all had uh lunch together and uh it was a great time all right guys before we close this video I've already closed it but I'm going to put this in front before we close it um the kids have got some gifts uh Addison's or Bray's birthday and then they got some gufts in the mail so we want to let them open this we'll let you open the first one here I believe this is for you says brayy oh what is that let me see I'm going to pop it it's probably a balloon the no a kinetic sand but like oh wow I'm what does it say I don't know it doesn't say anything oh it got a smiley face oh sweet that's awesome all right this next one here I say some of them um some of them's been here for a little bit but too much going on this is a box I don't know who this goes to got a it's actually a receip I think that's our receipt there I one chocol Supply oh yeah this was for you Brandon oh kind of for all of us but it's oh okay uh be traps fly traps fly traps oh yes Y and there's two four six of them awesome yeah we'll definitely set these dudes up because summertime flies get crazy out here yeah and I'm thinking I'm wondering if they'll maybe do bees too I bet they will they look like it it's honey so all right so we got another package here it looks like as y'all see there's already some hair bows M hairun for Stephanie and Addison Stephanie and Addison she'll probably get them but you get I'll get one pack she'll get one pack and that says brayy oh my that is awesome this one says brayy oh my goodness I have this shirt that's awesome you got now you got two well maybe she get some small they know you very well don't they or maybe she get small and and then we got another one that says Bray that look like a present oh I could tell oh it's a crown book oh it's so big though that is awesome look how many pages there are holy cow that one keep you busy for a while oh yeah 200 2888 Pages y here's a card mama and two stick oh look at that but today your day well I guess today's special day it's stickers oh this is stickers oh you got stickers and stickers you got stickers in here and she got one more page of sers all right and it says April 19th so they know your birthday so you're you're a sweetheart a kind heart and you're Braveheart too you're delightful and bright you have fun being you hope today's just as great as the nice things you do happy birthday princess Bonnie Miss Bonnie got this for you that is awesome let's see this is a Bray oh I know that Man birthday was perfect huh oh that's awesome show everybody they look like this one looks like Elsa this is brayy candyyy this is Addison this ISS K come on over here buddy Chas it was behind the behind the camera behind look like it is and this one says brayy oh my God another shirt that's awesome look he knows you well though or she she knows you well huh and then Leighton got got a a rabbit too and last but not least Miss Cas Eddie warning attack rooster have to you have to put put that on that that that pen up there with the chocolate huh I should put it on my a wall you going to put it on your wall why because you're the rooster you're the attack oh you can put it on your soon to be chicken wall huh or we can put it on your phone and we take a picture of it and then you put it on your screen he's all about that phone because he had my phone for about an hour of videoing outside that's awesome that's awesome all right guys thank y'all so much for your love and support to our family hope you have a wonderful night God bless it's always great when you get to have fun with a friends but um anyways give us give us a week or so video's going to get back on track thank y'all so much for your love and and support to our family and our community and uh we'll see youall on the next video God bless l
Channel: Eddy Family Farm
Views: 27,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family time, family fun, homestead, home stead, family vlog, family friendly, family vloggers, farm vlog, cute animals, farm, farming, homesteading, homestead goats, cog hill farm, homestead farm, homesteading family, homesteading for beginners, farm life, homestead farm life, homesteading channels, how to, farm life for kids, tractor, farm work, life, royal family channel, family vloggers channels, off grid, fifth wheel, living off grid, eddy family farm, arms family
Id: wvFEGRtKRlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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