Israeli company on the edge of finding diabetes cure

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I'm looking at the cluster of islet cells and this is to cure diabetes on such an important day on the healthcare calendar the world and Professor Ariel Revell are zoning in on one thing access to healthcare is the number one factor for healthy life with diabetes better access to Quality diabetes education and Healthcare is exactly the theme for this year's diabetes campaign Global awareness of diabetes happens each year in November on the same day the first most important thing in diabetes is to diagnose it the major most important issue is the access to health care and you need insulin available in some parts of the world it's very difficult or expensive now you might not know this but but over 463 million people are living with diabetes all over the world now in 2019 diabetes caused 4.2 million deaths it's predicted that by 2045 up to 700 million adults will be diagnosed with the condition it's also a leading cause of cardiovascular disease blindness kidney failure and even leg amputation what we are talking about now is an artificial pancreas made of real human cells Professor Revell says he's working on a cure not a treatment using human cells that act exactly like the original human pancreas but it's still in a pre-clinical phase pending a pre-investigational new drug application we are able in our company to produce those cells which originated from stem cells and stem cells are cells that are derived from Human embryos and can be taken to any cell in the body I was diagnosed when I was nine and a half years old six and a half years ago and I was six I'm 16 years old now it would be a dream come true for not only me for millions of other teenagers and people who have diabetes cadibastem's product islet RX is for the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes it aims to free patients from continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels and repeated insulin injections Israel is classed as the number one country in the world for highest leg amputations due to diabetes complications maybe this is a sign that we need to be more in control of many populations that don't have enough awareness about treating their diabetes it's ultimately about keeping diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight
Channel: i24NEWS English
Views: 38,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Israel, News Desk, diabetes, health care, i24NEWS, insulin, world diabetes awareness day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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