How to NOT DIE from a Heart Attack [Top Risks for Heart Attack] 2024

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not dying of a heart attack should be the goal of every adult human on the planet and helping you not die of a heart attack should be the goal of your doctor in their treatment for you I'm Dr Ken Berry a family physician with over 20 years of clinical practice experience from Tennessee in the United States and today in this video we're going to talk about the things that are most likely to cause you to have a heart attack sometime in the future and also we're going to discuss why your doctor very often seems to be oblivious to the ranking of these risk factors and what you can do about that in your daily life and how this all applies to overall your health but also to the way your doctor talks to you about heart attack risk factors and the treatments that they offer and the treatments that they don't mention also we're going to touch on the testing that will help you uncover the biggest risk factors for heart attack and why your doctor very often may not order those or may refuse to order those tests now many doctors are either oblivious to the fact that what you eat and what you don't eat has a dramatic effect on your risk of developing heart disease and subsequent heart attack either doctors are ignorant of this or they're too jaded too busy too overworked too non-caring to actually take the time to explain to you things that will decrease your risk of heart attack or increase your risk of heart attack and I think very many doctors are just unaware that this has such a huge effect on your overall health over the long term and so very often doctors who are busy will give you a handout to say hey eat these things and don't eat these things and very often they're they're completely oblivious to the fact that the recommendations they're giving you are actually either increasing your risk of developing a heart attack or are not protecting you in any way and I want to give you a quick example this is a handout from the University of California Davis this is a PDF that's freely available on the internet and indeed many doctors photocopy this handout to give to their patients and you can see on here that they do recommend that you don't eat highly processed junk food sweets desserts that sort of thing you'll notice there's no bread in this picture and that's that's a good thing uh just a few years back there would have been a a whole grain roll or a whole grain slice of bread in this picture but that's now been removed but you can see that there's fruit which is full of fructose sucrose and glucose you can see that there's milk and that's obviously going to be either skim milk fat-free milk maybe one percent so they've taken out all of the healthy dairy fat and and they've left the all of the dairy sugar which is lactose which breaks down into galactose and glucose there's also an absolute portion on this plate of starch now starch is just long chains of sugar uh there's no meaningful nutrition in any potato or any other starchy food but you can see from this plate that it appears that a quarter of your meals therefore a quarter of your diet should be in the form of starchy plants and then half of your plate should be vegetables which are going to contain more fiber soluble or insoluble but still carbohydrates as well and then protein and they're going to always say this should be lean protein as if the fat in some way increases your risk of heart disease or heart attack and this has been demonstrably shown to not be true whatsoever but yet this is still the average advice from the average doctor to the average patient purportedly to reduce your risk of heart disease now you'll notice nowhere on this chart this graphic does it say this is the diet we think you should eat or this diet May improve your risk of heart attack it looks fairly black and white it looks like that there's a ton of research that's gone into this recommendation of the average patient expects that there should be lots of research showing that this is the best diet to eat the problem is is that when you start to go down this brain hole you'll realize very quickly that many most all of these recommendations are based on either observational research which by definition cannot show a cause effect between the foods you eat and your chance of developing heart disease heart attack also in many cases it's it's based on consensus which means that a bunch of gray-haired doctors with long white coats got in room and they voted and said yeah I think this is a diet we should we should eat but you don't that and that's why it's very important that on a handout such as this there's you should see words like May or might or possibly or to the best of our knowledge but you never see that kind of wording on this type of handout and therefore the average patient and rightfully so they take this handout home thinking this is this is proven this is scientifically valid this is what I should eat to decrease my risk of heart attack now let's turn our attention to a study that was published back in 21 that comes from the very mouth of the Beast itself this was published in the Journal of the American Medical association's Cardiology journal and this is a study in women but I would opine that the results of this study applied just as much if not more so to men as well as women and in this study they looked at all of the different medical conditions and how much they are associated with having a heart attack or having coronary artery disease which ultimately can and will lead to a heart attack which could then lead to your death and in this study uh it's a it's a very large very well done study it is observational in nature but we're not wanting to use the study to prove anything we're wanting this to use this research to show something called a hazard ratio and so here is the formula for a hazard ratio and a definition of a hazard ratio it basically means if you have this condition then how much more likely are you to have coronary artery disease or suffer from a heart attack and so I crunched all the numbers from this study and I came up with this pie chart which shows you the relative ranking of the different chronic medical conditions that are associated with you developing Cad and or heart attack and I want to go into the this pie chart in some detail and and then this is where we're going to also explore how does your doctor get it so wrong uh and I think that you'll find this very eye-opening and I also think that you'll be able to walk away from this presentation knowing immediately the changes you need to make in your diet in your lifestyle to decrease your risk of coronary artery disease and therefore decrease your risk of having a heart attack that sounds like very useful information now let's talk for a minute about common sense common sense is very often uh denigrated in scientific circles it's like oh we don't rely on Common Sense we rely on research and data which in some respects is a good thing but common sense is common for a reason it's common because it just makes good sense and so by looking at this pie chart it would immediately occur to you as a common sense person that I should probably focus on the largest pieces of this pie I should probably try to reverse or at least improve The Chronic conditions on this chart that are the biggest piece of this pie and indeed I would agree with you I think that's an excellent idea and so human beings by Nature we have only so much motivation we have only so much willpower we have only so much stamina and we have only so much money in our pocket and so you could look at these as limited resources and indeed there's a lot of research in the psychological psychology literature showing that willpower fatigue and stamina and fatigue and persistence fatigue is a very real phenomenon and so the worst thing that a doctor can do is to focus on a very tiny piece of this pie or a piece of this pie that that's invisible to the naked eye because it's such a tiny slice that you can't see it and and all the while ignoring the largest pieces of this pie that makes sense right that makes good common sense and so I want you not only for your own self but also for your family to focus on the biggest pieces of this pie and as you improve those conditions and indeed reverse many of them you're going to slash your risk of having a heart attack and so the hazard ratio tells us that the higher the hazard ratio the the more chance you you have of developing coronary artery disease so no diet no lifestyle no medical or surgical intervention is going to make you bulletproof or Immortal every day when we get up out of bed and put our feet on the floor we we roll the dice right you might get hit by a bus you might get hit by an asteroid uh you might get shot you might have a heart attack and so anything we can do to load those dice that we roll every day load them in our favor that's a good thing that's a good intervention but obviously we want to we want to load the diocese strongly in our favor as possible and not spend a lot of our time motivation and stamina and money on changing the odds that has a tiny microscopic effect versus a change an intervention a purchase that will have a huge impact on loading those dice in our favor now let's look at this pie chart carefully and I'm going to go through uh each one of these risk factors for heart attack and I'm going to do it in a very common sense order I'm going to start with the biggest risk factor right and we're going to move down to slightly smaller risk factors as we go and I'm going to kind of explain to you why the average doctor often misses these risk factors and what you can do is the patient to ensure that these risk factors should you have them are caught very very early and that you can take the needed dietary and lifestyle modification and put in the effort and the willpower and the money to get rid of these biggest pieces of pie first so the first and the biggest by far is type 2 diabetes now every doctor knows what that is and they should know how to diagnose it but the problem is is that around the world in modern society there are millions of people if not hundreds of millions of people walking around living their lives with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes how is that possible you might say so here's here's the first thing you need to know doctors are busy doctors have limited resources just like you and very often they're constrained by Insurance models or by uh National Health Care models that they can't order lab work without getting yelled at either by the insurance company in the United States and a few other countries or by the National Health Service in other countries and so the average doctor when they see the average patient who's 40 years of age or older will typically order a basic metabolic panel a lipid panel a complete blood count and a urinalysis now some doctors will also order a thyroid stimulating hormone most want and so that's the extent of their annual blood work that they'll check on a patient now so while looking at this pie chart let's think about these Labs that were checked so if someone has Type 2 diabetes that has not yet been diagnosed they are doing damage to the all the arteries leading to their heart and feeding their heart each and every day right we know this this is known and so for every day that they are undiagnosed as a type 2 diabetic more damage is done and so the sooner that we diagnose them with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes which in my my experience should be called early type 2 diabetes because damage is still being done there's quite a bit of research that shows that to be true so with this lab panel the only look at their glucose uh balance is a fasting blood sugar now it is entirely possible and very often happens that someone with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes if you check a fasting insulin after that person's been fasting for 12 to 14 hours their blood sugar their blood their serum glucose will be normal okay so when the doctor gets all their lab results back and they look over the blood sugar is normal everything else is normal and so then the doctor or the the doctor's help her cause the patient it says hey all your your lab work looks great I'll see you again next year and that patient goes about living their life and eating the food they eat for another year thinking that they are very healthy now what do we need to do to uncover these hidden cases of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes so every human on the planet when they have blood drawn by their doctor they need to have a hemoglobin A1c checked because this gives us a three-month average of what your blood sugar has been doing and that's a much more important marker for pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes and in many cases that person who had a normal fasting blood sugar lo and behold their hemoglobin A1c is elevated and so it might be 5.7 percent all the way up to 10 percent and the doctor was blind to that therefore the patient was blind to that therefore neither the patient or the doctor detected this person has pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes which is the biggest risk factor four Cad and having a heart attack now what if the doctor did check in A1C and it was normal so there are two other tests that you need to know about and I mean obviously your doctor needs to know about it but in many cases they don't and so you may have to remind your doctor that these tests are also important and that is a fasting insulin and or a c peptide and so you might be producing enough insulin in your pancreas to keep your blood sugar normal or and to even keep your hemoglobin a with C normal but yet be very very hyper insulinemic which in my opinion is another sign of early diabetes and so this patient had a normal fasting blood sugar maybe even had a normal A1C but when you check the fasting insulin or its proxy marker the c-peptide immediately you see that their fasting insulin level is very very high this person has early diabetes but their their pancreas is still able to make enough insulin to keep their A1C and keep their blood fasting blood sugar normal but this this the doctor is blind to this and therefore the patient is blind to this if these very important blood markers are not checked at the annual exam does this make sense and so by asking for these three very inexpensive very easy to to order and easy to perform blood tests millions of people will immediately be alerted hey you're at increased risk of having a heart attack indeed you have the most dangerous risk factor of all for having a heart attack yet millions of people around the world are oblivious to this fact because their doctor does not know to check these lab values in their adult patients the next biggest risk factor for having heart disease and a heart attack is metabolic syndrome and so they're they're a diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome I talk about this in multiple YouTube videos on my channel uh one of the very most important markers for this which is currently on an official marker but I think will become an official marker as word of this gets out is hyperinsulinemia indeed metabolic syndrome is almost 100 associated with having too high of a fasting insulin level in your blood so the three main things that do the damage and lead to that ultimate heart attack in humans is hyperglycemia high blood sugar hyperlipidemia chronically high levels of inflammation and then high levels of chronic inappropriate inflammation in the body specifically in the arteries feeding the heart but truly it's it's body wide it's global but you have to look for these three things and look for them in a meaningful way a useful way or you'll miss them and then you will have no idea that this patient is at increased risk of having a heart attack so again uh another good market for metabolic syndrome is hypertriglyceridemia now the third biggest piece of this pie is hypertension and so by checking the blood pressure we can diagnose hypertension but that doesn't tell us what's causing the hypertension and again hypertension is intimately related with chronically elevated levels of insulin in the blood hyperinsulinemia but if the doctor doesn't check a fasting insulin or a c-peptide then that doctor is blind therefore the patient is blind to this relatively large risk factor for having a heart attack now back to that topic of common sense that we're discussing earlier doesn't it make common sense that a doctor should spend the majority of their time in counseling the patient spend the majority of money testing the patient with blood tests and other diagnostic modalities uh and then the majority of the handouts should focus on the biggest parts of this pie what's the biggest risk factor for developing heart disease and a heart attack but what we find when we when we get feedback from patients uh kind of exit polls after they leave the doctor's office is what did the doctor spend the most time talking about and very often what the doctor spent the most time talking about ordered the the most lab tests to check and prescribe the most medications uh in a kind of simulacrum of heart disease prevention was lipids specifically LDL cholesterol and statins a class of drugs that doctors prescribe to patients to lower LDL cholesterol or rapatha and Parliament which is a new drug class that that lowers your LDL cholesterol precipitously now so your question would be well shouldn't a doctor spend most of their time most of the the lab tests and most of the prescriptions and most of the handouts shouldn't all that stuff focus on the biggest risk factor for heart attack yeah I would agree yes yes it should but it very often doesn't and if you'll look at all the different little pieces of this pie you'll see that total total cholesterol in LDL cholesterol are not even in the top ten of what actually increases your risk of causing a heart attack and you you you're probably thinking well Dr Barry must have made a mistake it must be very high up on this pie chart there must be a big slice of pie no it's not uh elevated LDL cholesterol actually comes in number 13 or number 14 on the list of risks for heart attack so it's not it's not even in the top ten yet the average doctor will spend the majority of the office visit time yelling at the patient about their high LDL cholesterol prescribing them a Statin or problem or a patha to get their LDL cholesterol down and in a a shockingly large proportion or percentage of the patient visits they won't even test the patient to see if they have type 2 diabetes or early type 2 diabetes they won't test them at all to see if they have metabolic syndrome or even mentioned metabolic syndrome as a separate entity they definitely check their blood pressure but if the patient has high blood pressure then they're immediately put on a pill to lower their blood pressure and the root cause is not not addressed and not investigated the next biggest piece of this pie is obesity and yes absolutely obesity is is intimately associated with have your your risk of having a heart attack it's not causative and the more we we dig into the numbers and the data we realize obesity doesn't cause heart attacks obesity is caused by the same thing that causes heart attacks and so in the data that can they can look very similar it's hard to tease out does obesity cause it or does is obesity caused by the same thing that causes heart attacks and in this case I think that that the Obesity even though it's number four on our chart in size in in the size of the piece of pie obesity doesn't cause heart attacks but it is intimately related and so if you are overweight or obese or severely obese then certainly your risk of having a heart attack is higher than if you were of a normal uh waist to height ratio but obesity is not causing your risk of heart attack next is smoking now everybody hopefully in the mo in the modern world knows that smoking is bad for you in hundreds of ways and The Chronic inappropriate inflammation that it causes in the arteries that feed your your heart absolutely increase your risk of developing heart disease and ultimately a heart attack next on this pie chart is elevated triglycerides and so very often in the standard lipid panel that a doctor would check on a patient triglycerides are included in that lipid panel but very often doctors act like they either don't see the results or they act like they they can't have any effect on the results and but and so then they focus all of their attention on the LDL cholesterol which I'll remind you doesn't show up on this pie chart of the top ten and they'll they'll counsel the patient to take a medication to lower the LDL cholesterol uh by taking a medication that does not affect the triglycerides and triglycerides are a much bigger risk factor having high triglycerides bigger risk factor than having elevated LDL cholesterol next is overweight and then next is LDL small particle count this is not even looked at in a standard lipid panel you have to order something called an NMR lipo profile it's called different things by different lab companies but it looks at the particle sizes the particle numbers this is not part of the standard lab workup and so this may be something you need to ask your doctor for after you've taken care of all the bigger pieces of this pie when you get down to LDL small particle number then that you need an NMR lipoprofile or whatever the the doctor's reference lab uses to check LDL particle size and number next is an elevated CRP which is a C-reactive protein and this is a lab that your doctor can easily order but as you if you'll recall the list of labs that are typically checked in a well-patient adult visit CRP is not one of them should it be I think there's an argument that says yeah you should check in in patients over the age of 40 or at some arbitrary age cut off you should check hcrp or a high sensitivity CRP or a cardiac CRP because it makes the top 10 on the pie chart and so it's probably important to know is my body riddled with chronic inappropriate inflammation or is it not that sounds like an important thing and then number 10 on the chart is inactivity so we all know that laying around on the couch or the sofa all day being a sloth that's not good for you it's bad for you in hundreds of ways but one of the things it does is increase your risk of having a heart attack but now let's let's apply our Common Sense principle again if you if your choices are to change your diet and buy more expensive Foods to lower your risk of having a heart attack or to join the gym and pay a monthly gym fee to lower your risk of having a heart attack which one is going to give you the most bang for your buck and it's it's simple by looking at this pie chart you know oh I mean yeah joining the gym or at least being more active in some way that that's going to help me but that's not where I need to focus my motivation and my willpower and my stamina and my money I need to focus all of that initially on making sure I don't have early type 2 diabetes or type 2 diabetes and if I do have it I need to focus all of my resources on getting rid of it of reversing type 2 diabetes Now many of you may be saying wait a minute you can't reverse type 2 diabetes that's a chronic persistent Progressive uh medical condition once you get that that's permanent well that's absolutely not true at all and we've seen this in anecdotal evidence from hundreds of thousands of people now and there's more and more emerging research every day showing that indeed type 2 diabetes is reversible and can be reversed by a known set of dietary changes indeed the American Diabetes Association is now actually talking about this uh as is the American Heart Association and hopefully the American Medical Association will one day wake up and stop trying to make profits on things that don't help patients and actually try to help patients again but currently that's not the case so if if a patient has limited resources which is true and if a doctor has limited resources which is true then they should probably be focusing on the top three biggest slices of pie from this chart may be the top five uh so if you're if you're a smoker that's number five on the list come on stop smoking what are you doing okay but this is those top five biggest pieces of this pie is where you need to focus all of your resources and indeed where your doctor needs to focus all of their resources on keeping you from having a heart attack so with the information you're now armed with you may be a little bit emotionally upset saying well okay this all seems to make good sense what the hell is wrong with my doctor why has my doctor only wanted to talk about my LDL cholesterol for the last 5 10 25 years excellent question so what's wrong with your doctor is your doctor ignorant yes is your doctor stupid no your doctor is very intelligent but your doctor has succumbed to something called the diet heart hypothesis or the lipid heart hypothesis which a few decades ago became very popular in medical research and in medical practice for a variety of reasons and I want to talk about a few of those reasons for just a minute so that you understand what's going on when this hypothesis became very popular uh multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical corporations did a lot of research on medications to lower first total cholesterol but then as the research came out showing that having elevated total cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart heart attack at all they started to focus on LDL cholesterol and so billions and billions of dollars were spent by the big Pharma houses on finding pills and injections and infusions that would lower your LDL cholesterol and then hundreds of millions of dollars was spent on Advertising these drugs once they uh were given approval and so the big pharmaceutical houses there they have a vested interest in doctors believing that lowering the LDL cholesterol is the primary intervention to help your patients avoid having a heart attack and in at least some countries like the United States and New Zealand advertising directly to the consumer the patient you to make you believe that lowering your LDL cholesterol is the number one intervention that you can do that you can spend all your resources including your money on to reduce your risk of having a heart attack now let's talk about the big food corporations back when the the lipid heart hypothesis became very popular all the big food manufacturers decided to remove saturated fat from the products that they sell as food in the supermarket and they decided to put lots of grains and and they stopped being afraid of sugar they would they would put enough sugar so that it was a tasty treat whatever the package was you were buying at the store and they so in in doing this they have actually made the epidemics of early Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome hypertension obesity and high triglycerides and overweight they've actually made the epidemics of all those risk factors for heart attack worse but they were protecting you from the previously villainized saturated fat because they were afraid that would raise your total cholesterol or your LDL cholesterol now the big food manufacturers have spent billions of dollars in product design product manufacturer and in marketing these products to you so they now have a vested interest to their board of directors and to their shareholders to keep making profits from the products that they designed based on this fallacious hypothesis so you have these two goliaths in our modern world big Pharma and big food who are making billions of dollars each and every year promoting drugs to you and promoting foods to you that are that that that are only imported in the light of this disproven hypothesis so are you you're starting to see the there are and so in very many cases regulatory capture and even governmental agency capture has occurred because big Pharma has a revolving door between the drug regulation uh arms of your government wherever you live in the world they so you'll be CEO of this pharmaceutical company for a while then you'll have a very high placed position waiting for you in the federal regulatory body that regulates drug manufacturer and and promotion same goes for big food and whatever the food regulatory bodies are in your country and so they they're very close uh buddies friends at the top and so who winds up suffering from this it's it's too patient two populations it's the patient which is you and it's your doctor because your doctor is rendered ignorant because the the research that is pushed out to them it misleads them and that's why your doctor currently only wants to talk about your LDL cholesterol and and very often doesn't even want to discuss your A1C or check it definitely doesn't want to discuss your fasting insulin or even check the lab and also they will tell you dietary advice like hey you need to eat lots of whole grains and eat lots of fruits and vegetables and eat very lean meat if any meat at all and if you're going to drink milk then drink skimmed fat free one percent Dairy this is where all of this is coming from and so your doctor almost certainly is unaware of this pie chart and the relative risk that comes from having these different medical conditions and so very many patients are starting to print out research studies like I told you about earlier and starting to print out pie charts like this one and take it to their doctor and say doctor I don't understand why is your main goal to reduce my LDL cholesterol when it clearly doesn't even appear in the top 10 list of things that might give me a heart attack and this is a flustering question when patients ask doctors this question because it forces them to do something that some doctors have not done in a while and that's the thing doctors love to follow algorithmic medicine which means they have a flow chart basically if the patient has this then you do the following things that makes the practice of medicine easy leisurely almost a doctor who doesn't have to think they don't have to read all of the latest research they don't have to think about well what if humans eaten for the last hundred thousand years because that's probably a pretty healthy diet we maybe should stick to that and so that that your doctor and therefore you are much more susceptible to Falling prey to marketing from Big pharmaceutical corporations and from big food manufacturing corporations and that indeed is what appears to have happened so knowing what you know now you can begin to understand why when you go to the grocery store you see lots of Highly processed food foods that are high in carbohydrate high in sugar high in grains highly processed ground up wheat rice oats and corn and other grains and also high and vegetables seed oils because vegetable seed oils are very low in saturated fat because that's what the big food manufacturers think all doctors and all people are afraid of and so you buy that in confidence knowing they wouldn't sell it at the grocery if it were unhealthy for me and those Foods liberally uh give you the the top things on this pie chart type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome hypertension obesity high triglycerides and in fact when you stop eating those foods that are high in sugars high in grains and high in vegetable seed oils you'll notice that your markers that your doctor should be checking at your office visits the markers for type 2 diabetes improve and metabolic syndrome the markers improve and hypertension your blood pressure actually starts to come down and you start to lose stored fat and so your obesity marker or your overweight marker start to improve but you can quickly see that the big food manufacturers they won't make as many billions of dollars or Euros or Pounds if you stop eating their highly processed packaged foods and you start to eat things that actually will improve your type 2 diabetes like lots of fatty red meat and lots of eggs with the yolk and lots of see fatty Seafood if you start to eat those things then the biggest food manufacturers there's their profits will start to suffer and their stock prices will start to decline and they don't necessarily want that on the other hand when we look at big Pharma they're making billions of dollars a year treating your elevated LDL cholesterol which is number 13 or 14 on this list and they're also making billions of dollars treating your type 2 diabetes aren't they when your doctor finally discovers it they're making billions of dollars treating your hypertension and now your obesity there's there's more and more drugs that are gaining approval to just specifically treat obesity uh why is that they are very happy because in the end you have to realize that the the fiduciary duty of the boards Boards of directors of both big food and big Pharma manufacturers their fiduciary duty is not to you the customer their duty is to their shareholders and so if they can make billions of dollars not acutely killing anyone right but perhaps leading to chronic disease that can't be blamed on them that an attorney can't sue them for and proven a court of law they're going to do that because that's how their profit model is set up and the the person who ultimately suffers from this is you the patient you're the one who's going to have these risk factors which also damage your body in hundreds of other ways you're going to suffer in hundreds of ways but ultimately you're going to have a heart attack years sooner then you should have had a heart attack because none of us are Immortal we're all going to die but if you could put off a heart attack by five years 10 years 20 years that would be a great Victory don't you agree and so by by not helping the big pharmaceutical houses and the big food manufacturers to make billions of dollars but rather by spending your limited resources of willpower and stamina and motivation and money you should spend those things on reversing the biggest pieces of this pie that I'm showing you I hope that makes sense now I spend the the great majority of my time each day looking at all the research about this pie chart basically and how to help people understand how to get rid of the largest risk factors first that's that's currently my career and if you'd like to dig into more detail about why doctors say foolish things why do they focus on the the 13th biggest risk factor for having a heart attack rather than the number one two three four and five biggest risk factors I wrote a little book called lies my doctor told me I had a little YouTube channel where I try to help explain directly to you the patients the consumer the customer the person this is how you can get rid of that biggest piece of pie on this pie chart how how can you get rid of the second biggest piece of this pie how can you get rid of the third and fourth and fifth because that's what's going to load the dice in your favor so that you can have a heart attack 20 years from now not 10 years from now or not five or three years from now nobody wants that I hope this video has helped you uh to understand your true risk factors for having a heart attack this is Dr Berry I'll see you next time
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 453,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prevent heart attack, coronary artery disease risks, coronary artery disease, causes of heart attack in young age, heart attack causes, heart disease, heart health, heart attack, causes of heart attack, causes of heart disease, what causes heart attack, what causes heart disease, risk factors for heart attack, risk factors for heart disease
Id: BIg8A_i4hhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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