Isle of Wight Pudding. The perfect Thanksgiving dessert!

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i remember as a little boy standing on a stall in the kitchen helping my mother cook we used to bake jam rolly polly the very first thing i made delicious short crust pastry spread with jam strawberry jam and then rolled baked it was incredible i can still taste it today and me my brother and sister we used to fight over those end pieces the crunchy short crust pastry and the delicious jam in the center golden memories today i'm making an isle of white pudding and that's a twist on the jam roly-poly i love white pudding dates back to the era of queen victoria and the original recipe was currents and raisins laid on top of shortcrust pastry and then drizzled with golden syrup the updated recipe we use blueberries honey and cream i mean what's better than that i start by making my shortcrust pastry and i have a pound of flour four ounces of butter and four ounces of lard i'm going to rub those together until i get fine crumbs once i've got nice fine crumbs i'm then going to add some water and almond extract i like the nielson massey because it's made from the the oils of bitter almonds and it's pure and natural and so just a little splash of that in there if you can't find it i'll put a link to it in the description below then a little water and the water just needs to be enough to bind these crumbs together just keep adding a little at a time we don't want to make it too wet because then we won't be able to roll it out so just the right amount would bring all of this together and we've got a really really nice short crust paste this needs to go in the refrigerator now for about an hour to let that flour really open up to let the gluten start working in there so it gives us a gorgeous pastry once the dough is rested for an hour it's firmed up a lot and it makes it much easier to roll out so i start rolling this and i want sort of a rectangle shape because i'm going to put the blueberries and the honey on top and then roll it [Music] once i've got the paste nice and rectangle shaped then i can add the honey and the blueberries i start off with the honey because that's going to help the berries stick and i just drizzle this over the top of the pastry and then the blueberries right now until october we've got these incredible jumbo blueberries they really are amazing super healthy full of antioxidants look they have this little like gray coating waxy coating on each one and look you rub it it comes off it's just a natural bloom on there to protect the outside of the blueberry from all the moisture and then keep all the goodness and and all the internal moisture in there a little bit too much but um i mean nature isn't it wonderful then i'm gonna put some blueberries on the top and lay them out they stick to the honey which is what we want to do as this bakes the blueberries let out that moisture from inside that natural blue lavender color and it goes into the honey and just makes this incredible syrup syrupy glaze so now i can fold carefully a little slice to help me fold this up if it breaks and cracks don't worry we can fill those cracks in fold that over onto itself so we get this huge sausage there look at that then we're going to lift it onto our baking sheet squeeze together any cracks and any holes in there then it goes into the oven 350 degrees for about 35-40 minutes until it's cooked and crispy and crunchy and then some of the juices will start to leak and run out it's been in the oven for 30 minutes and look at those gorgeous juices pouring out from one of the holes there now the next thing we put some cream over the top now it's time to get really messy and some lavender sugar on the top the juices from the berries have combined with the cream to make this incredible like fruity toffee sauce and it smells yummy the the lavender on the top and i can smell the honey and and that almond that's in there as well we're supposed to let it rest now for about 10 minutes or so but i can't wait to get in there and see what this is like [Music] it's crispy crunchy pastry on the top [Music] and now just a few blueberries on the top just to finish it off and give it a little texture oh wait can dogs eat blueberries delicious i love white pudding all those flavors all coming together the honey the blueberries the lavender the almond and that cream mixed in there with them it's a super easy dish to make and it tastes incredible thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video subscribe below if you haven't already leave a comment give me a click thumbs up and we'll see you again soon have you finished with those blueberries
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 45,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fruit, Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, britishroyals, royal, royalty, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, Gordon Ramsey, dessert, what does the queen eat, royal food, palace food, corgi, royal yacht, royal yacht britannia, blueberries, blueberry desserts, Cowes week, regatta, Prince Philip, Prince Philip favorite food, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving desserts
Id: usE7R_mvCUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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