[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everybody welcome to the stream it is Tuesday October 17 2017 now we're getting close to Halloween aren't we yeah we are I got some new scenery for explain 11:00 I got the new st. Bart scenery by Nimbus simulations excited to go fly over there and check it out it's a pretty windy day here in the islands and it's gonna make it for a ton of fun I've got to say here's the beautiful airplane sitting here we've got our yoke camera set up today and yes we are indeed in some pyjama pants so how about that lovely as always right yeah yeah it is okay the black bar at the bottom we have a black bar at the bottom for you looks like it is for me as well so I'm gonna move that like that it's gonna be slightly off I think I'll try to Center it the best I can there we got it's a little bit better a little bit better than what we had there all right I always get asked every single video I put out Jeff what is the intro music what is it and I'm gonna tell you cuz I say it every time it's Ethan mix L mix L whatever you want to say it is called in the shadows in the shadows of doubt all right oh cool an airplane just popped right in where we were gonna park that's that's lovely so I'm using the world traffic 3 now so we have actual traffic here check it out bustling an airport actually works I'm gonna move by airplane because he just spawned right on top of me and give a it was like yeah excuse you I'm here it's like alright well I guess you're here so I'm gonna go park back here instead there we go now everybody's happy alright let's get into it everybody just explain we love and have multiplayer yes it does if you wanna set it up you always can all right I'm trying to get this little more centered here there we go a little bit better I guess I don't know not a really not a really good camera for the do you even want the yolk cam because i can remove it um alright let's check we got breaks and all that good stuff alright let's hop up here into the airplane and get ourselves situated we're gonna fly over to st. Barths Island back that way and the winds are whipping there there there like I said before there they're not not doing so so hot so battery life yes please let's turn on in this guy we'll turn you on you on you on altitude not really we're gonna hand fly it so about 2,000 feet or so doesn't matter it doesn't really matter we need to turn our boost pops on both boost pumps go to the on position igniters can both turn on let's give ourselves a position line and H yep anti-collision beacon light on and I think everything else is pretty good we're pretty much ready for engine start have a look outside there she is but yeah so I have world traffic 3 now so we actually have live AI traffic in X plane 11 how cool is that it's pretty awesome I'm gonna do a change here to the webcam real fast because the video is all screwed it's on it's a low light conversation nonsense no let's see it's okay look like it looks like it's alright alright cool well somebody's just fired up it was it I hear him one of these airplanes here maybe it's on the other side of me or something usually you can see their little lights yeah there is right there he's pushing back it's it's it's a fellow in air airplane back there see they're pushing him back right now so this adds so much to the game it's pretty amazing captain frisbee how you doing are you doing I forgot to say hello to some of you guys for your CV BZ how you doing today pro gamer 19:27 keep the face cam well it's not face cam it's just a yoke camera m2 said oh sir Towson Taos aviator Alexander hello as always brother are you doing p-51 five Mustang flyer how you doing dude web cam is ok yeah it's it's I I get the job done alright let's go ahead and fire this baby up so we have all that stuff pretty much ready to go fuel selector little switch things whatever you wanna call them believers they're gonna go to the on position props can come back to feather for now for engine start I'm gonna bring them forward just a little bit there we go and let's go ahead and start the right engine [Music] all right it is turning and it's burning that's what we like to see play good engine start there put this over here to brown test ground mode hit enter on that put this direct to a little bit direct to tff J let's go ahead and get that in there just so we have it C F F again and then J there it is right there st. Barts activate that sucker and we can now see where we're going sweet if we need to if we weren't lost to begin with so now that those engines are good we're gonna turn let's go to this overhead cam camera is a little bit better generators go to the reset and then on reset and then on for pneumatically wanted to turn our bleed airs on fur taxi light on strobe lights we're not worried worried about that right now nope come on I think we're ready to go flying what do you say what do you say she's fired up she looks awesome in the beautiful win air delivery let's go ahead and reduce our power is reduced ms aviary no thank you for that subscription man I appreciate that brother release the parking brake a little bit of prop here and I start rolling here all right that looks good let's go ahead and taxi on out of here we'll set our flaps we'll just do 10 for takeoff here so with the airplane yet with this airplane in particular you have to pull the flap lever down if you're one what are we getting this word engine oil crush your new medical afresh never forget something sure I did who do they want this Ford Oh check out we got a plane coming in check this out big-ass 767 Ameri marriage yet coming in look at that this is what I love about world traffic look how amazing that is guys you never get to get that in x-plane before he said thank you for that subscription brother just watch us landing here kissing them right there beautiful job being a marriage jet airplane how about that you know how rare it is for big airplanes to get to be landing here in Princess Juliana Airport well we just made it just in time to see it that's pretty sweet [Music] it cleared that one project problem we have we have a new medic low pressure still I'm not really sure that's about we'll find out here in a second yeah but you know what with Evan Sachs the traffic the airplanes in this they fly SIDS and stars they're very intelligent AI they actually know how to land the airplane you'll see them moving around in the wind it's it is absolutely awesome this this world traffic puts normal fsx prepared traffic to friggin Shane man absolute shame there is the winner air let's get a let at le t for ten lining up why they didn't give them what we have here which is the Twin Otter it's a very common airplane used down here in the islands there he goes he is out of there in here I'm taking off there - how cool is this he's in the air already check that out 7:57 he's down there turning around or something he turned her he's holding down there turned around probably yup he's in the air guys you already got another airplane coming in but check out the land look how realistic the land lights look like in the day and that incredible and so at night here I'll just demonstrate real fast like if I make the the time get rid of the Sun here real quick check that out like it's pretty realistic man as far as how the landing lights look at a distance pretty good in need alright let's figure out what we got going on here before we get going oh we didn't start the end yeah we don't start the left engine yet we will always taxi on one engine we're gonna watch this little log guy come in here [Music] scraping her head there nice landing there's the other plane up there you can already see him I don't know what that 7 6 7 did I don't be disappeared or what happened when there sometimes if you don't let the world traffic run for a little bit beforehand it's kind of screwed up so alright let's go ahead and start our left engine no I didn't want to hit right I hate that you can't cancel that either if you accidentally click it the clicked spots in this plane are not the best they are not the best guys i taxing on one engine in it in the Edit winter say it's pretty common practice you know it's outside you alright let's go ahead and hopefully get some go the other way this time there goes mattress tower engine number one we'll give it some landing lights those are already on for some reason we give them the strobe lights ready to go flying we are we are I'm gonna just double-check my generator on the left side be sure it's all working looks like it is but to a good engine starts let's go to st. Bart Island it's fully forward on the prop mixtures good its [Music] parking brake right of course though I something stupid you forget about can we get the motto Beach yes we can my whole Beach special check that out pretty pretty familiar sight right there isn't it I'll have to land at st. Barts then we'll have to come back to Prentiss Juliana as well so we can do the classic motto Beach approach oh yeah the lane lights on this airplane are kind of weird aren't they we have to flip them the opposite way like [Music] there we go a lot better and we're on the new ex enviro 1.07 now which is really awesome I'm gonna make sure that we're clear to go here nobody's down there doesn't look like at least nope we're good to go let's do it oh yeah look at that windsock that's a stiff wind off our Ray inside there [Music] yeah I don't think being married yet I don't know what he did there but I think he just went down there and disappeared cuz I don't have a really good round route to this Airport this is one of the Gateway scenery ones ray here bring in those flaps in [Music] and st. Maarten Island thousand feet one thing we didn't do is we didn't get the altimeter setting all right we're just visually kline I'm not really worried about the instruments today there we go that's pretty good pretty rock a little bumpy for you today sorry about that turboprop Hyatt yeah [Music] cut the I'm gonna do a filter on them that's built on my microphone get rid of the base you can actually cut my voice can cut through the sound of the turboprop here sometimes they get too lost in the base catch straighter what up brother one year you owe me a beer well that's true have you checked out this new Nimbus simulations st. Barts island and what do you think the world traffic 3 I love oil travel 3 man it's pretty awesome it's gonna keep our land lights on pretty much no need to really rush with that you know I haven't tried either well traffic 3 is absolutely off if they must have her explain for offline climbing but you do a lot of online flying so but it's so amazing to see airplanes us out in the distance lining up on final mile and lights is so cool I agree with you captain frisbee flying games are perfect stress release it's kind of like almost people that it's like a meditative it away I'm sorry I mess with my chair here and it was an altitude dummy totally trying to get down to about 59 feet here okay that right engine did some weird stuff there didn't like that don't mind the court where I don't have a tile for st. Bart's island so that's why we're seeing this big line here it's the satellite imagery the ortho scenery oh that's not good let's descend okay apparently that's not good kind of we fly into this cloud seriously there we go it's why out of that said cloud but don't hit any more of them pain clear down there but yeah we're just having some fun world traffic 3 was install it it was not a hard setup at all it took me like 20 minutes and I had everything work run and fine I watched the guy's tutorial on it so it made it even easier for me the right engine is surging a little bit strange check the ground we got a problem just doesn't one with this this doesn't blend well with it we're flying to st. Bart's Island it's going to be one hell of an approach what's one of the most dangerous like scary approaches there is well unless you're an island flyer and you do it all the time we have a pretty damn good crosswind to a right-hand side of Atlanta home a10 only 10 Brenden Wilbert thank you for that subscription brother appreciate that with you twits prime very cool Sturridge a Greenslade that's awesome dude glad you like aviation I absolutely love it myself that's why I'm flying prepare for landing here's our go fool on our props producing some power harriet this puppy slowed down well look at the Chop we've got here we got some some decent turbulence and we're going to also be dealing with the crosswind so that'll be fun here's that right engine doing surges I don't know what over there you see that that's strange actions they're not really sure why it's due and still doing it come on now yeah I see the other little winner we're gonna be following him in sequence ourself and behind this guy right here it's like he's going to the exact place we are going he's lined up to let's do a 3/16 get nice and yeah I don't know what the second engines doing but it's not behaving right at all if no annunciator problems are in like that it's just being very strange see landing this legends doing though it's was acting very dumb give this guy a lot of space so we can clear the runway they're gonna have a go around on our hands very possible now the left engines doing it something's broken behaving good he pressed over there and I was like you landed already hard to say we're gonna go ahead in this line up for into the white our karasov Duncanson flaps in it's 30 cent rate there you guys ready to land this is one hell of an approach it's so much fun to do sporty not too much now and I only get to smile come on engine stay with me we can make it all the way to st. Barts come on for those boats floating there in that crystal clear ocean looks so cool there's gonna be one hell of a landing my friends hold on to your butt's samuel l.jackson would say out of Jurassic Park only bikes no any more so with uncooperative engines he exactly salty dog too much airspeed is in case a legend start Serg again here coming over the hill so we pretty much have to be right on top of the hill and then we most parts hiatus branch and we're also crabbing into the wind at the same time so that's one two Brennen we're down four verses out Rick's there we go we're down baby welcome to st. Barths ladies and gentlemen that's one of the fun one of the most fun approaches you can do and flights them it's a lot it's a lot of work today because we have the crosswind but normally it's not that bad honestly all the left rudder here and using our right engine it'll turn us they keep thank you glad you guys like the landing yeah I mean it's you saw how much I have my hands full here my flat feet it is not not easy that's for sure only thing I don't like about this scenery so far is is like the texture is flickering I don't know what's causing that extra flickers like one of the most annoying things ever [Music] but we'll have to watch that replay of our landing from the hill and from down here by the beach it's always fun I don't have any scenery for saw bus so we're probably is gonna do a round-robin turn around and go fly back it to Princess Juliana Airport drop you guys off here that want to go to the beach at st. Barts there we go Marshall are out there Marshall I don't think it's so much the anti-aliasing it I mean it is a little bit but it's more so just the actual airport scenery itself because I haven't seen it in explain it other scenery so something weird going on there not sure yeah he's just a static dude I tried to delete him on that from the overlay under because I'm trying to make these airports friendly for world traffic you know so we're just gonna ignore him he's not there he is not there not worried about him cuz we pull up here like this turn to the right we're gonna watch our replay of our landing Oh somebody just landed whoo little Cessna 172 did pull that right there have you taken off are they going in the ocean he's going in the ocean he's dead he just died we just saw that happen yeah they're skilled enough to get off the runway here are they alright let's let's watch our landing here back it up back back back it up there we go shift three this bad boy this is always cool to watch right here from where these people are watching let's make sure we can see okay all right here I guess yeah check this out this landing is just so crazy especially when we have the crosswind like it is [Music] [Music] as flat as I could get it but hey you know what that gets us stopped that's all that matters let's watch room that's it it's a lot more dramatic from this angle back here tell me that's stupid sound [Music] like the engine starts and [Applause] yes [Music] sound in fact they go away bug right when you come over the top of the hill there you have to dive it down pull that power completely throw that crab out with the rudder land it the best he can in a crosswind reverse thrust elec windsock right there it's insane one crab you landing you're absolutely right man all right we're done there let's go back to this zooming in is really makes it it's like a real man some might be going on with the engines and I think I know what it might mean all right so parking brake is pulled so let's go ahead and kill both engines there we go that looks good we can go battery off Jennings can come off as well so let's go ahead and go off off I hear that Cessna out there dead in the water I know what the hell he's doing so that's good right click on the doors to open them right I don't know not sure how you open the doors on this thing [Music] really not sure oh there goes somebody taking off let's see if that it's another le t 410 let's see if you can actually get off the runway I don't know after after the last one we watched this looks pretty challenging for these dudes [Music] world traffic is not good enough for this Airport man it's a tough Airport but Jesus not sure what the hell was going on in there let's see let's go into our controls here and we will go to do joystick and I'm gonna go to this tq6 I think we have is set to one throttle that's what the problem is yep rattle and then the rattle okay so you need to be throttle one and you need to be throttle too there we go that'll be much better alright let's go ahead and fires baby up you guys go ahead and get your get all the stuff you want to get out we're heading back so be ready for it battery comes on another airplane getting ready to leave or land or take off or whatever hiren another sucks why are they taking off right there they're not that no wonder they're not making it they're like appearing in the middle to run away and then taking off hey he made it though check that out let's give it up for him on that one not too bad dude not too bad pretty impressed with that honestly why is this uh bein dumb exposures like to hire something like that it's causing this the B low frame rate on the on the camera that's a little better now I guess alright so let's go ahead and fire his baby up I got believers let's move these forward for a second go forward this one over here goes forward all the way hopefully someday there we go put those back together kind of all right there it's gonna be fine bring this flap synth igniters can go on both of those and we are ready to start engine number two we're gonna be firing both engines up on the ramp since we have a short taxi [Applause] [Music] there goes [Applause] oh yeah open the door from the inside you're absolutely right I forgot about that that is true I forgot you can do that see explain is so different compared to I haven't I haven't flown explaining so long can't you tell why are we getting a bad frame rate on this webcam it's it's driving me nuts it is absolutely driving me nuts is being so stupid we'll see alright let's go ahead and start he's bring that forward there we go let's go ahead and start engine number one opening outside view on this one [Music] [Applause] here we go all right that's too good starts it's gonna reduce these back a little bit for taxi and we're ready to rock and roll here after we get these both chins on set and on we set end on let's go fly them parking brake is released and will hold short there um I'll show you the the world traffic radar so we can see all the aircraft around us test the reversers [Music] and encima worked at all did it the nurse not only its reversing like that's the problem I'm having they're not using the reverse button now see it is but it did work when we landed so I don't know what it's doing them all right cool crops Ford maybe that's why captain Mason 17 I'm using the virtual fly yoco the Newark quite expensive yoke like 800 bucks measure them turned down the audio of the game a little bit here for you guys there we go not too much bit of power here oh yeah they say the world traffic radar let's do that plugins world trout radar or it or display I'm a beauty ffj look at all the planes in the area here ten miles from us we got that we do we're gonna hold short we had a 410 landing so let's hold short for that 410 so we don't get killed we got one two three four arrivals right now coming in let's see what Princess Juliana is looking like a couple of rivals in there small for 1080 42 that's cool yeah so we're gonna hold short here for this guy to land hopefully it doesn't get somebody killed or hopefully they can actually land it without getting killed I mean wait for him here I'm gonna pull that partner break while we wait let's hoping it's the agony of them here oh there he is whoa dead look at AI trying to land I mean okay so yeah so let me explain the reason why are seeing these guys be pretty ridiculous the reason why the AI is acting the way they are is because Nimbus simulations did not build this Airport for world traffic 3 meaning that like the landing like the centerline and stuff is not designed for area AI airplanes the land its way to the side as you can see there so we have to do some some fixes to this Airport to make it working with those guys cuz their nodes are all screwed up and they're disappearing and stuff because of that reason so let's go ahead and okay we're so having problems with that right engine it looks like why recycle the booze pump here whoa another one they're trying to kill us Jesus yeah this isn't a grass strip all right let's get out of here where we get killed these are fully forward a little bit of power here I get up this hill oh nevermind parking brake son of a all right we're good look virtually yes I have the mv-1 10 I love that airplane the Bandit such a good airplane alright we're gonna do a 10 degree a flap here you're ready to go and power oh abort that the is going on here Jesus just try that again then we have reverse thrust airplane just completely did some weird stuff there let's try this again hold the brakes full power cross wind component and release the brakes I think was the cross wind component I didn't half correct but you got to have in there while that is some wind there we're in the air that left engines now surging what is wrong with this airplane those are floating airplanes right boats not airplanes yeah that's some jank stuff happening there my friends this engine is garbage and that's really Surgeon bad during this emergency booze pump on or something what is it doing [Music] now it's okay as I'm pulling back I think it's something to do with the props like our screwed up bringing in our flaps here nope still doing it I don't think there's any failures turned on there shouldn't be any failures turned on to be perfectly honest with you [Music] not that I want an aircraft flight here we go and it failures there shouldn't be anything failing failing here now see everything's fine fix all systems I think it's just something to do with the plane itself I've never seen him do this before so hard to say what the hell it's actually doing goodbye st. Bart's been fun flying a deathtrap today once we get the princess Giuliano we're gonna have to change into a different airplane something a little bit easier to fly there goes that left it and see last time was the right engine this time it's the left engine doing it we have something it doesn't like [Music] I'm turning Niners off bad I'm not really sure why the hell it's doing that to be perfect honest with you doesn't make any sense to me like we're okay now sit back down at 2,000 feet I wish it was a Falcon 20 captain Mason the Falcon 20 is one of my favorite airplanes of all time did they make one cuz I I don't believe there is one no the winds not stalling it's it's something to do with the it's a glitch it probably needs like a restart of X plane or something like that cuz I did a flight earlier today and I didn't have that problem at all so I don't know what the hell it's calling caused them with that not really sure what it is yeah try try flying this spruce cute there you go Chad all the 96 I'm glad you like the YouTube channel and glad to have you here on the stream man we are full rich there's no difference there see nothing to do with that yeah I wish there was a Falcon 20 and some one of my favorite airplanes of all time I really wish them I would make one one thing I never had to do before and I have to do now is look at the scan the skies for actual airplanes like VFR style never had to do that before we are about to get to the ortho tile that's why it's like that have the satellite imagery let's do the airport we're gonna enter a pattern so we can make sure that there's nobody on short fly and learn anything like that but you can actually open the ATC menu for four world traffic and you can say I'm taking off on this runway so the AI knows that you're doing it and they won't interfere with you or like they'll actually give way to you and stuff like that so that's pretty cool we'll have to mess with it some more yeah engines seem to be working fine now I don't know what that was all about there goes again no there's not very good ortho us sources for the Caribbean unfortunately I haven't found any good ones they all kind of are crap have some fun flying over these hills here we're gonna join a right downwind the runway you can see right there of our 10 o'clock there yes hold behaving a little strange here let's get ourselves in a pattern so we can check for other airplanes for wheel and pull on the props about 800 feet here's where we want to be for our pattern altitude a lot of boats out there there's definitely something wrong with this airplane I don't know what the hell's wrong with it but it's not behaving right but it's not to the point where I mean we could shut that engine down and fly it on one engine but it's surging but it seems to be still working so I'm not really sure watching for traffic in the pattern I'll see any nobody down there holding short or anything keep going this way make sure the coast is clear without winbush pushing us to the right man that is a lot of wind I'm not sure what they're actually set at but they're they're pretty up there today this bad boy down so he get some flaps in here laughs ten start to turn we don't want to get up there in them clouds and we'll be able to see anything but I'm still Ani and blue line this bad boy another turn there we go just squaring it up a little bit perhaps 25 perhaps a good mixture is good the blue line here and return in the final now lie to the two white lights right there on the glide slope we're gonna crab in that wind oh yeah we're gonna do a little approach don't worry about that that's the fun part gotta scare the tourists - flaps 34 now yep that'll work let's do a low low approach here for the tourists I'll go can you go then you go down look the way you didn't know pull that power a little bit of left rudder here let's get our let's get a good landing here there we go verses are out make our left turn right up here clear the reversers 2xe to the gate watch our Elena here in a second I want to see the the motto beach landing airplane that was there earlier is gone now we got a little sustenance sitting over there now it's pretty cool right here there we go BAM all right let's let's watch our watch our beautiful landing here we had from the beach towel view beach view let's hang out like right here and watch this landing classic is that engine screwing up on us and I was a pretty good land and that was pretty stuck right there I was pretty happy with that there's that one again from over here there's that wonderful bug of the sound [Applause] they need to fix that that's just terrible [Applause] go here to the ramp that we parked out which was right over here pretty much this one wasn't it I think it was over here actually yeah we're here right here actually watch the taxi in because that's always fun and I'll check out what you guys are saying what game is this explain xi as it says right there like these pajama pants I love a man they're very comfy they're comfy indeed Derby dinner in 58 I'm doing well man how you doing that beautiful and beautiful beautiful man love it go ahead and kill him not too shabby alright let's go ahead and take care of that Annalise can come off good turn that guy off there we could turn these off position lights off all that stuff goes off stuff goes off battery is off there we go we made it back here we can open our little doors go to the back here open this up as well there we go and now we are on the ramp here in Princess Juliana Airport let's let's do a little bit of plane watching shall we I think that would be fun let's see if we have any arrivals coming in we can watch the AI top one of these right here that they actually do in real life ah let's see here plugins world traffic radar we have one for ten coming in that looks about it even 80 miles away we got a 737-800 coming in well he's not too far out there there he is right there the 737-800 series so we could pretty much we could watch him land he's at 9,000 feet so he'll be here soon actually kind of dilly-dally in between but there's a small little guy coming in still and I don't know whenever he's gonna be here let's see or display radar display actually I can show you I can show you what real world traffic's all about in st. Louis because I have it all set up in st. Louis so I could do that let's do that instead this guy yeah why not we don't care what airplane we're in we're gonna go to st. Louis Lambert International Airport let's put ourselves over here on the FBO ramp and that looks good there 12:24 local start a new flight and I'll show you guys what tell world traffic's all about cuz it's pretty amazing to watch pretty cool indeed planes a lot bigger in the inside than I thought yeah it's a it's a puddle jumper but it's uh there's a pretty good pretty good sized airplane not bad at all I'm gonna get some mom music going here so we have something to listen to while we're waiting it's not just dead air you know let's turn it down a little bit there we go now I'm gonna show you guys what world traffic is all about because it's pretty incredible honestly well yeah I know but there's there's there's usually enough traffic to watch and Lambert especially in the evening time when you see the the rush of Southwest airplanes there we go so we can open up world traffic by hitting shift f8 and here it is right here I'm gonna tell them where this we were in st. Louis and we'll just say that we're going to MCI and we're gonna be at 15,000 feet and we'll tell them that we're departing here at time is it right now it is 1224 local time so 12 24 it will say 12:30 departure time actually we're gonna change it to the let's make it 1500 and arriving at 15 45 that way there's some traffic coming in and out it looks good there and you just hit create flights that's all you have to do it even creates military flights believe it or not which is pretty neat I'm gonna absolutely start killing my computer because this takes a little bit of time to do there it goes it's generating the flight plans then I need aunt banning and think that they could be good to get there yeah yeah check out together good to get a good mood loading ground routes yeah your island-hopping earlier loading ground routes there we go and now we have traffic as you can see over there you got Southwest Airlines of the East Terminal even got a tall suite they got the the Santa Fe one isn't it and then got American Airlines over there we have Cape air and stuff like that let's go to the outside view here check it out yep New Mexico one right all right tells us right there on the nose yep New Mexico one that's what it is got Southwest back here some transient parking you've got well they have an le T there but it's not supposed to be it's supposed to be United is pushing out it's supposed to be air choice one back here with a caravans but we're gonna watch some of these guys here just watch what they do but it's pretty awesome day I get pushed out and then they disconnect the towbar they back it away and then they taxi out it's pretty awesome I do like it I'm sure some south of us will be moving here soon enough let's make it in the evening time too so it's a little bit better look in here with the lighting there we go and let's look and see what's going on here [Music] here's the other band all right we've got some airplanes it's populating in right now if some arrivals coming in nothing too crazy right now yeah it's still it's still definitely loading look at that Southwest is pushing back over there Oh simultaneous pushback classic Southwest style there's another one getting pushed out United is pretty much ready to go here but you can see they don't just in saturn out of here they actually get pushed out they wait for the Pushcart to get moved back and there he is right there he just pulled back the whole time and he's taxing out he's gonna hit the belt loaders maybe not but check it out they have actual turning nose wheel steering not bad for a I aircraft by Bluebell so the program is is pay where it's twenty nine ninety five but the AI planes themselves are freeware yes tako eighty-three this is world traffic three we're watching just watch Southwest over here they're always busy but the winds good socks around here somewhere oh there goes American Airlines take it off check it out [Music] took off on runway one two left there he goes anybody else over there getting lined up train going down their tracks there this Southwest axiom these Southwest sir taxiing out now check that out and they should go over to Roman one to left that's where they do it in real life there's a united taxiing over there pretty cool Tinkerbell it's all explained another one there and there is he's doing the actual sin so if we open this up again we can watch him flying out but watch it's actually doing the SID he'll actually go out there and fly too I believe that's funky intersection and he's already starting his turn out for his departure which is pretty awesome and then we can see the Southwest arrivals we got a a 175 coming in though that's pretty sweet okay man he isn't hurt that's the Southwest taxi if I've ever seen one right there good god man do there's K fare over there I gotta do some work on the gates on that side so the UPS and FedEx will park there so I'm still working on that let's go over here to the other side of the airport we're we're parked on the ramp [Music] at least then now we can watch them taxi out and take off [Music] yeah they taxi just like Southwest does because look at the difference between Southwest taxi and United like United's going pretty slow compared to these guys here they are in a hurry to get out of here and they're pushed back out there and now look like it nobody down there American Airlines is pretty dead [Music] and he's taxiing over to one two left I think those other guys good I don't want to write or they're gonna take off somewhere else let's have a look here at the radar and we have our rivals off to the north-east which are out that way in fact we made it a little bit darker at night you'll actually be able to see the the lane lights way out in the distance which is really neat that's pretty good right there we'll start seeing them in the sky here once they get closer to the airport there goes somebody taking off one of the Southwest's already on the move they don't waste any time do they and put its gear up and he's out of here that turn direct to his intersection he needs on his departure on Arnav there he goes it's incredibly realistic look at that waiting for those airplanes to get closer once they get closer I can't wait for you to see the the landing lights light up in the distance because you can see them like ten miles out beyond it's incredible [Music] the South was their stuff Lacerda united go he might have know he's over there IRA taxing were the one to left so they're all going to once he left just like the real operations of st. Louis as Cape air right here Boston 152 there's a plane way out in the distance look at that that's those are the landing lights that's how far out you can see them in that amazing one of the biggest pet peeves I had back in the fsx days was the AI aircraft there you wouldn't see there they're laying light so they're on top of the runway and that's not what it's like in real life this south of us has been cleared for takeoff and these guys are holding short for him all once you left let's go back a little bit more here [Music] when he made that turn and we no longer see his landing lights now so that's pretty cool there's stuff left lining up [Music] let's watch this takeoff [Music] [Music] he is on his takeoff roll the other ones already getting a line up in a wait looks like [Music] potato potato absolutely he's making his turn here he goes on his way and the next one is already a probably rolling by now pretty close to it there's the other airplane there's one out there way out the distance this would be an epic takeoff shot right here as a plane right over here in the distance see there so if we go to world plug in the radar display here we can see that that's a you'll sus now right there coming into land it looks like there's our departure that 737 we have Cessna 421 coming in and to Southwest and then the AE 175 flight and they all take off at different spots of the railway just like you know it would be actually in real life because of the whole you know difference in the and the passengers and all that stuff and there's the other departure there and he should make a turn to if unless he's going to the same spot and they'll they should fly the same exact Sid if they're going to the right you know the same they they're utilizing the same said they follow each other which is pretty freakin sweet [Music] having airplanes actually follow SIDS and stars there's a little stuff in there 421 Cape air coming in to land look at that it doesn't get much more realistic than that [Music] [Music] you see a little 421 he said me making he's me laying on once you right looks like yep there's his turn there goes the united trj and then there's the 421 lining up on final look how cool that is we should have another arrival to that other little stuff that should be around here somewhere they land really well too for being AI areas miss landed Southwest get ready to take off and these guys are all on their departures see he made the left turn II once he went to a different spot that United flight wherever the hell he's going but like there's the one we saw the first one that took off and then they're both flying the same sins so look at that they fly the identical SID it's pretty unbelievable stuff man there's another Southwest flight [Music] as you can see there they they fly that they actually fly into the like whenever the wind's bouncing them around they handle a win pretty well actually no more empty skies in explain eleven exactly could mean any more happier there's the other little stuff coming in way out in the distance somebody right there flying overhead now we should be seeing those those Southwest arrivals here soon here they are in here yeah here's a 175 he's on the bluff downwind now so we should see him right over here actually there he is right there there's the CRJ that took off back this way to the right and then the Southwest is right over here there's the Southwest right there using his turn right now [Music] got to Cape air flights coming in that's about it let's let's go watch the landing from down here at least Southwest arrivals [Music] there he is on his left downwind now that's Southwest flight all right that's the 175 isn't it yeah it's the e 175 and then the Southwest is behind him and then we have a 421 arrival we'll see how they sequence these guys and there's the Southwest right there making his turn but look how far away you can see those landing lights pretty good man and I love watching them turn final because it's so realistic wait a little bit longer then I'm talk to you guys yeah so there's normally no traffic and explain 11:00 it's a pretty dead world unless you use the default AI and they're very dumb and they don't do much this follows like real this is real traffic in real time and it's pretty incredible [Music] absolutely madcap they're gonna making the actual real world flights at that particular time table and they fly citizens and the stars for departures and arrivals as you can see these guys are on the same star he's doing the same thing that guy was doing there where I changed the music as we always hear this song now let skip that one alright so now that you 175 is facing away from us we don't see his landing lights anymore see let me see some ground traffic here but no departures that was pretty much the little Southwest rush right around that time around 4 o'clock in the afternoon there's plane departing that's the South let the last Southwest we saw the part there all three of those guys are flying the same Sid here comes our 175 now it's interesting to see how the 175 is gonna land if he's gonna land on one to ride if he's gonna actually land over there on runway 2 9 because they sometimes do sometimes they don't we'll find out [Music] Chad you're watching airplanes in real life right now that's awesome what's up officer Jacob 22.98 a solo this is actually X plane this is a era this is a world traffic 3 not 2.0 2.0 is pretty much obsolete this is 3 and it's way way more sophisticated [Music] [Music] see what the what they're doing here [Music] oh he had him sir oh I see he would had him go way out because we have a Cessna 421 coming in so they actually do sequence for each other and what they do is they'll actually sometimes sit there and they'll do a hold until the pattern is pretty much clear but the 175 is going way out here to make his turn we have an American a 319 and our Southwest 737 is holding right now for they're waiting for this fourth one the land first before they come in and that's what they're doing which is this guy right here he's facing right at us I'm gonna have his land light on yet he might be landing on rowing one two left he's doing a short approach [Music] I got to redo all the ramp lighting for this Airport I have a lot of stuff to do still left on it you gonna lay it there he goes he just turn his landline on this is a small little Cape air 421 it doesn't matter I think he's gonna be laying on runway one two left honestly yep only need three miles between arrivals and I've seen them actually separate pretty decently missus watch this guy's turn here what I love is they have the GAR planes like these little Sussman's they do a lot shorter arrivals they don't go way out there for like five miles and then turn final you know yeah I think it's laying I want to love and find out here oh and he's laying on the cross no he's not laying on the cross runway he's gonna land I want to write the look at this look at this hotshot pilot look at that turn that was pretty good gotta give it up for him on that one [Music] [Music] nicely done [Music] and some planes out there their arrival [Music] another one up there [Music] so what they're doing there's the that's a 319 and the 175 is on final so looks like he's gonna be landing on the new runway runway 2 9 or 1 1 and this guy's laying on one to right and there's that Southwest see how he was out there holding for them he got now in sequence so they're all going to be flowing pretty pretty decently together now these are all the airplanes in the air close to the airport right now [Music] there's the Southwest there [Music] the interior lights on plates work at night depends on the model of the airplane there that 175 lined up for runway one one heard this little Cessna to stay [Music] we'll find out here we'll just watch these arrivals and then that'll be pretty much that I just wanted to show you what world traffic's like pretty amazing I thought the same way whenever a long time ago jiffy but I look I left and never looked back again [Music] yeah we're just watching some world traffic then I'm gonna hop in a plane and go flying around here we can spot some traffic [Music] [Music] let's make a little bit brighter out for everybody here there we go nobody to park nobody'll even though we this was about as dead as the real airport not a damn thing for miles tougher these arrivals so we have coming in I'll keep the radar display up now I'll just keep them the left-hand side so we can keep an eye on it no that's up thirty-sevens getting turned again I don't know why he's a lot of turning him very strange I'm not worried about it back to the airplane let's get a different plane [Music] to get them together it'll mean some 65 [Music] that's gonna make me start a new fly Oleg you just pick a plane I hate that there's somebody getting ready to take off he kind of swept under the weight right I don't know it's that little 421 you just tax him back in yeah that's the 175 laying in there on the runway one one should get them should get the good to get down there are we giving a new flight no problem but to fly to fly [Music] Arenado grand caravan he's always a good one [Music] the 737-800 X is the X is the 0 mod 1 that's what that is try to find out what the hell happened to my sis now [Music] there it is air foil abs that's what was under [Music] they handle the movie now you know I don't have a 737 max [Music] loading in we're not flying any jets flying GA [Music] oh cool I remembered world traffic that's good though let's make it a little earlier in the day then [Music] nice evening fly it but right there's good the Sun going down the sky adventures airplane [Music] come on load in let's do a few orbits here so it loads in the scenery and everything there we go come on keep loading it it was a good thing to do just sit there and do orbits around the plane it's fine all right that'll work Master battery is on feel as I'm both listening why do the field mixtures not working at all [Music] I'll get that one he is sixth there's a mixture mixture one I'm gonna chain it - it would just mixture in general yeah it doesn't work I don't know why it doesn't work but it doesn't work okay I have them set up where it should but it's just not doing it all right beacons on it gets deaf all right fantastic here I'm both let's go ahead and feel pump it but you then and we'll start it we got a good start there we go all right we're doing the music let's go flying around st. Louis in the night or the evening time so we can watch the traffic from the air a little bit more fun that way crack that throught a little bit we're gonna lean this bad boy out a little bit here I mean spark plug fouling taxol a good all right cool I think we're pretty much good to go here whoa hello that was a weird sound get closer to the stem thing wrists down okay chin hair it's called a beard my friend there you go parking brake is released a bit of power here put her headphones in so it's not near as loud I kind of like it this way so we can hear the engine such a good sound set in this plane which accidental one to left let's go up and have some fun it's like hey bear is vaccine in yeah I remember what the ADC window is Missy here real quick I think it was old traffic ATC activated to see I think it's shift F 11 yep there it is once you left and we just hit enter there there you go now that now we told the total world traffic we're taxiing to once you left so they're AI aircraft won't interfere with us or they'll give away and all that and that should go away soon oh yeah it's going winner that's all right though what's up Superman 8:28 I haven't been over to spear to st. Louis to check out the AI over there they don't have any crown routes over there so on what up Costa fam where does that sound bus is ever gonna land you just forever destined stuck up there circling turn our panel lights on here the yoke nice - AXI speed down here - one two left we'll do an intersection departure - we don't need very much runway all right take offs good we'll do our run up to I know the altimeter is got to be around here because it's usually 500 something that's close enough I'll just squeak sounds reminds me of being in the real airplane it's crazy good heading it going here we're gonna make it up down here Oh a nice husky if you're on McDonald oh I know you're talking about yeah we're gonna take off right up here have some also ortho cedar here in st. Louis so you get to see how beautiful Missouri is winds are pretty much right off right at about 2 1 0 R so it'll be just fine you see the wind sock over there which way is pointing okay it's the Southwest plane some weird popping stuff happening there and I'm sure what's going on with that all right that's good right there let's go ahead and pull our parking brake here and we'll go mixture rich and we'll go to 18 or rpm right there let's check the mags is our drop back to both left side back to both attempts good pressures good backs good little quantity or I mean feel fine he's good it flows nice I'm happy with that that'll power patrols are freed correct miss your stuff there how to do now is just some final stuff air strobe comes on lane light comes on Tex he'll be offered and we're ready to go fly-in Bill's a king air tagging off there he goes romi looks clear to me let's close our window I'll keep the headphones I'd though we can hear the beautiful sound of that lycoming engine lucky official this is a payware add-on it's called airfoil ABS 172 it's absolutely incredible the closest thing you can get to fly in the real thing I mean it's pretty spot-on [Applause] take a nice tour around st. Louis why not start our turn here to the right it's advanced time a little bit more hair so it's better there we go a little better-looking or the plane vacate normally there yeah awesome Alex 90 not smoking good when I climb out we're in bravo airspace I'll keep our lane light on for now eternally right here that's Square to st. Louis Airport right off our nose about that in that distance there's a plane landing right there one in 200 rpm set and up to three thousand feet we go look at that down there that's so cool it's Southwest taxiing gotta American just pushed out and we can see the lane lights easily right there and that's what I really really love is just how easy you can see landing lights in the distance you can beautiful evening for the flight check out the ortho scenery it's pretty good there's that plane landing there look at that got one right there and then one right there who is that let's see that is going to be a Cessna 421 and that's Southwest Lane and they're finally Southwest made it look a little archers right there that's amazing yes so that's the Southwest guy their land and finally we finally made to the airport before 20s I used to work at the airport used to work at this Airport let's set the background this way 3500 is good there and pull it back and we'll watch that Southwest plane go bias it is there at 421 should be landing right there or he just did land one of the two yeah look at that Southwest 737 there and so freaking cool man he's just over the Missouri River right now just watch out for traffic law we're doing this it's like we're okay for now gonna pass off on our right hand side here areas yeah in the new colors too and as amazing let's climb up to 4,000 feet we're gonna do some stalls and stuff like that I'll be fine like a right turn and we're gonna head over to where the st. Louis be Lars look at that we can see the other airplane out in the distance there as he's on his final approach steer clear of him we're gonna be able to 4,000 feet so we seem like we're pretty close to each other right now that's highway 370 right there this is highway 70 that takes you to Kansas City is the Mississippi River here read a man DK we're just flying around having fun we're gonna do some stalls and stuff here I'll just send back down 4,000 feet watching out for this traffic we'll do some tight turns and then we're going to do some stalls what plane that is that is United you 175 landing be sure to stay on the other side of him here one over here to the practice area there goes we're gonna do some clearing turns to make sure we're good for traffic here it's pretty good there all right looks good to me so we're gonna do a turn to the east we're gonna do a tight turn let's get back down in 4,000 feet so what we do is we can see here we've got different roads right here let's all go to the north we're a VFR flight we're not really we're not looking at instruments much and we're gonna pull our power back here get back down to 4,000 feet once we get it stabilized then we're going to start our turn will do a steep turn to the right which is 45 degrees so we want to be right between about right here 45 or so it's 4,000 feet they're bringing the nose up and we'll start a turn to the right and we just kind of look outside while we do this maybe add the power a little bit but other than that we wanna make sure we maintain 4,000 feet and a little more than that right all right there's where we want to be that power and if we need to we're gonna roll off on the north heading here holding that 4,000 feet and about 2200 rpm my back pressure here there's the West and you just look at those roads there and you'll know where the North heading is and will roll off right on the northern heading right like that and look at that we're right at 4,000 feet are we starting to do one to the left I lost losing a little bit out through there's a little more back pressure there we go it's always fun to do these in real life because you get so many positive G's the 4,000 feet come home and chase it too much here and then you roll off right like that lost like a hundred two hundred feet max they're probably 100 the steep turns let's go ahead and do a pair of stall power here about 59 rpm I love the airfoil ABS 172 bring that nose up get into the arc there we go start putting our flaps in dump all our flaps in here 60 there let's go ahead and want to get about 70 knots here so we can simulate if we were landing sometimes these things do not want to go down let's go ahead and let's make this a little bit darker at night so I can just see what I'm doing perhaps let's go back into the day actually there we go oh it's just wearing your cloud that's what it is alright there's that nose down listen does not want to does not want to speed up there we go oh it's freaking fogged out I know why I hate that these defroster Zoar what the hell eat cabin heat you have an error why not all right there we go all right start pulling back let's install this bad boy [Music] is the Buffett and recovery but didn't want her didn't really want to stall for us there at all not sure what that was about let's do a pyro install bring our flaps out in slow increments here let's get back up to 4,000 feet yeah we were dealing with that stupid dog in that in the airplane I was like what the hell is this I was a plane there there we go that's what we're doing plane right out there in front of us all right let's get back up to 4,000 feet as wondering I was so foggy in the damn cockpit all right 4,000 feet was going to pull our power back now I want to simulate a power on stall which simulates this on a departure not an arrival these don't use any flaps this 4,000 feet that'll work right there oh we can be slow fly that'd be fine there's 70 knots there let's go ahead and go it's not yep power there like that and not that much rudder like that and now we're going to stall the airplane on based on angle of attack here [Music] wait for a wing to stall here there was right there cover this man that the right-wing stalled you want to make sure it with all that rudder you're giving you how to make sure that you don't get it into a spin all right let's make a turn to the south let's do some slow flight that's always fun to do is to send back down to 4,000 feet now since we gained all that and here yeah about 15 rpm here I'll come back down at 4,000 feet and we're at these speeds the airplane doesn't need very much movement at all to get it to rotate so we're gonna do a turn to the west let's go ahead and do it you just do a little bit like that and look at that it just creeps her right on over there and slow flight you don't have to worry you know that you very much at all roll off for the West let's do a turn to the east and left just a little bit don't need much see we're just about on the verge of stall or holding that 4,000 beat right there we're gonna get the stall horn that's fine happens quite often in a in slow flight [Applause] means that you're doing it right for the most part you mind going to the east goes down a little bit here and there we go [Applause] we are like that [Applause] they're on the east [Applause] let's go ahead and recover so this left the nose to come down like this [Applause] and power here about 2000 rpm bring the flaps out in increments let's head back to the airport maple-bacon what's that brother do some touching goes here on growing one one since much traffic in the area no one's using it so we certainly can pull our power back to 1500 rpm and we had the flaps up so we actually do a slip so let's do a slip with a 1,500 there and let's slip the airplane over now that we can lose a lot more outs dude and not gain much speed doing it we get down to about 1,500 feet here before we get to the runway I'll put it during the daytime for you guys too so we can actually see what's happening here there we go [Music] it's an outer marker for runway 1/2 right we come out of the slip I'm the glideslope for the most part right here still slowing her down 1500 rpm is fine go 5 10 and the wind definitely picked up down here didn't it yeah we'll do a touch-and-go and then I'll take you guys over downtown I have seen of st. Louis city X now which is really really cool laughs 20 we're power for altitude and pitch for airspeed let's pull my power back and we'll get right back down on the glide slope I say the flap parla but more hair highway 270 right off our nose st. Charles Rock Road off to our right look at the scenery you know watching my airspeed here there we go [Applause] it's pretty bumpy it's our shadow there on the left a little bit we'll go Power Idol over the piano keys here in our market for the ILS and idle power indoor round out here and start the flare and we're now laughs it that wind is kicking trying to get it off the ground there goes Wow way too much speed let's go fly at you downtown in front of us you'll fly by because we can now let's just let's go back down to the album feed I'm gonna be up too high for this there's highway 70 on our left there we're about to cross over hi 170 maybe these instrument lights on anymore since replying during the daylight hours now and just for the fun of it let's go ahead and just move our camera forward I guess we can yeah I forgot with airfoil ABS kind of weird as for spark off on our right-hand side and that's Clayton right over there Oh in 70 airplanes pretty fast man the fuel is uh it's good right here about 17 gallons in each tank Olo turbulence will back our power a little bit here somewhere out there right there that's pretty good another right about here 2,000 feet very bumpy though 2,000 feet not gonna lie let's take the time a little bit later in the day so we could see this beautiful evening lights there we go thank you city always looks good at night there we go nice and smooth there right there so I'm talking about burn our panel lights on here give me a nice little tour here of st. Louis right here this is highway 40 highway 64 this is highway 55 and then it splits off to 44 and that's 44 right along there that's 55 takes all the way down there the brewery is down there for Budweiser and goes down a little bit more as we cross highway 64 40 here on that left-hand side it's gonna be downtown that's the union station right here we'll make a little turn here and second that's Union Station right there it's the FBI building their Saint Louis Arch of course the courthouse is right behind it then we had the Edwards don't Jones dome over there that is the new stadium that's the bush the new Busch Stadium so the where the Cardinals play how do you see right there there it is Union stations would be pretty cool building look at that thing all the trains go right there that is the Sabbath Center we're sorry the Scottrade Center Sabbath's is the other side that's what the st. Louis Blues play right there and there's FBI building there's Busch Stadium here's those arches the courthouse building right there but they're on our left that's Tucker Boulevard right there there's the courthouse right snug behind here that's the it's a rotating restaurant on top of that building there is the arch there's the courthouse you see right there arts looks awesome at night that's downtown airport right there on the right you see cap Moonbeam fly in and out of there all the time it's a train yard here look how pretty that is and there is a good view of the skyline right there Spira turn this way this is highway 70 here runs all along there like that this is the new Martin Luther King bridge I don't think it's there though then you look Martin Luther King bridge right over here yeah I don't think it is Gateway International race was around here somewhere pretty close to it actually gateway that's pretty far away but it's over in there can't really see it too well we'll do a left Dowling for Roma one two left usually some police cars down here on the highway would usually Cillian spot one they will code three down the highway this is pretty much everything you see here is freeware except for the airplane this this is explained 11 by default with ortho scenery on top of it using ortho for XP hello there's some turbulence and then I'm using city X or Saint Louis which is free as well but by default explained loving out of the box looks like this it's absolutely amazing you don't have to do really much at all to it at night or way it looks yes'm good turbulence bouncy bouncy right around 2,000 feet and then changed this week s yeah police officer anymore sometimes you Sam sometimes you don't there's a plane landing out there so yeah at 7:37 or something down to 59 feet we go I hope I hold down 59 feet we go and this turbulence isn't messing around at all hey Yeti what's up dude this is something choppy wind today man this would not be a good good day to take somebody up for fun scare the bejesus out of them there's a plane lined up to land out there Stephen tell them landing maybe not chip mm there we go taxi donate one to left yeah about we land on ones who left just let them know with all that traffic in careful for caution wake turbulence we should be pretty good here though because he's gonna be laying on one too right looks like another plane in our nose another arrival you got power here and absolutely beat up the right now couple planes coming in to land air I think he's landing on runway 1 1 it looks like so Elena one two left before this guy gets in you should be laying on one to grade studies put me down I'm the land yup he's laying on one you know he's I want to write that plane is play another eat 175 start our turn to once you left here I think the other guys laying on that side it looks like yep we're good in a marker the piano keys here we go to idle cutoff idle power and round outs flare here it's a little bit of love Rider won't need much today there's a plonker I was definitely a plonker not the smoothest bring our flaps up my window sweet or that other plane landed yet Brian short finally oh yeah he'll and gonna take him along at all it was a Southwest 737 thanks go over to Z to the ramp so I just went down we lost all a little bit ambient lighting we had to have turn our panel lights on yeah this is a 172 SP a little squeak sound you hear that's that's very very very realistic the volts are low because we're at idle power whenever you go to idle power does that the real airplane does that too now come on I need to hit the laning like dumb thing I just pulled this and now it's being done there we go yeah I would say it is I would say it's ideally Prime yes I would just a stupid thing there goes that finally and we are here ladies and gentlemen we made it back to st. Louis in one piece in the evening time planting one plane landing out there looks like it's pretty sweet but yeah I love world traffic 3 a lot I explained 11 we need to do some more flying again I'm gonna be I'll be brushing up on my flying skills for commercial flights again so we'll be doing those they'll be a lot of fun but guys thank you so much for hanging out with me on this wonderful Tuesday and I will see you all next time take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]