Islam, Christianity, and Prophecy Part 3 (Critical Mass)

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[Music] our presentation today is going to be the third and god willing the final part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of christianity islam and prophecy and today's message is more specifically called critical mass i just want to let you know you know even as i was praying there i said lord i am not sufficient to these things and this is really the first time that i've delved into talking about this subject and some of the deeper themes of daniel 11. i wanted to make sure that i was at peace with what i was sharing it's very kind of an awesome responsibility when you're a pastor and you're teaching the word that you teach it faithfully but i do think that islam plays a prominent role in prophecy now just in the interest of review we always have visitors or some who are watching that did not see the previous programs we talked first about sibling rivalry and i think we made a good case that you can trace the lineage of the two sons of abraham being ishmael and isaac some very interesting things they are the founders of two great peoples namely christians and jews under isaac and you have the muslims the islamic religion under ishmael ishmael the other sons of katura became the founders of the arabs arab people and of course from isaac you have christianity the interesting things about them isaac had jacob who had 12 sons one daughter became a great nation god named all of them they were given names by god and then you have ishmael had 12 sons at least one daughter god said he would grow into a great nation he was named one was from egypt hagar was an egyptian hagar picked an egyptian wife for ishmael and the other of course came from mesopotamia originally but they were the jews later known as the jews they are the two greatest religions in the world today by numbers as many people that have no jewish blood or that have grown into the christian religion all around the world 2.2 billion as of this message and then you have about somewhere between 1.6 and 1.7 billion muslims in the world today the muslims are growing more rapidly much of it biological growth but they're growing more rapidly it's estimated that by 2050 there will be if present trends continue there will be more muslims in the world than christians these are two very influential religions in the world when you look at even the political scope of what's happening in the world today and shared a little bit last week about how it's interesting that in geography you have this northern kingdom where you have italy a peninsula in the middle of the peninsula on the western side you've got the capital many say of the christian religion in the vatican and they make pilgrimage to this place in their holy sites well in the largest peninsula in the world is saudi arabia and there on the western side it is south of israel on the western side you've got mecca another place where people around the world make pilgrimage and it's almost like you've got these two similar yet different religions that are juxtaposed in the world today politically and biblically join me in the book of daniel for a moment daniel 11 verse 40. and at the time of the end the king of the south shall attack him the king of the north and the king of the north will come against him like a whirlwind with many chariots horsemen and with many ships and he will enter the countries overwhelm them and pass through he'll also enter the glorious land and many countries will be overthrown he's talking about whole countries but these will escape from his hand edom moab and the prominent people of adam ammon and he'll stretch out his hand against the countries and the land of egypt shall not escape and they'll have power over the treasures of gold and silver and over the precious things of egypt also the libyans and ethiopians will follow at his steps but news from the east and the north will trouble him therefore he will go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many and he will plant the tent of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain yet he will come to his end and no one will help him and those are some verses that we're going to delve into today it's very mysterious it says at the time of the end what is this talking about we know those verses there from 40 to 45 are very important because if you read the next verse at that time michael will stand up the great prince who stands for the sons of your people and there will be a time of trouble such as there never was since there was a nation even to that time jesus speaks about this great time of trouble such as there never has been and at that time your people will be delivered the ultimate deliverance everyone who is found written in the book the book of life and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake a resurrection so it's pretty clear that when michael stands up that it's over you get the resurrection you get this time of trouble you got the great deliverance so what's happening just before that well i think it's going to represent a showdown where the tensions that have simmered from the time of abraham and throughout the christian era are going to reach critical mass now i know that america is a blessed country and we're a rich country much of the economy of the world is measured by the u.s dollar because it it's a stable currency but we are not the richest country i don't know if you've any of you have been to dubai or kuwait or the united arab emirates um wow uh just to give you an idea united states gross domestic product per capita 57 000 a year united arab emirates 67 000 per capita kuwait 71 000 qatar 146 000 almost three times the u.s they've got enough money just pouring in if you could picture a pipe with money flowing out all day long a very big pipe there is a cataract there is a river of money that flows into these countries every day and it's because of oil have you ever wondered what would happen in the united states even though thankfully we do produce a good percentage of our own oil we are still dependent on foreign oil but if suddenly there was some i remember a california refinery went down not too long ago and prices just shot up and people were waiting in line some of you remember the oil embargo from the 70s where people around the country were waiting in line what would happen if the trucks could not deliver food in north america in our cities you think everyone would behave well a couple weeks go by shelves would be stripped in a few days once people knew that the trucks weren't moving i'm not trying to give terrorists any ideas they already probably thought of everything but we're just living right now on a hair thin trigger i mean everything is hanging by a spider's web right now so many things could happen that would quickly send the world into a time of trouble that cannot be imagined well if you look in revelation 8 13 i looked and i heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth because of the romanian blasts of the trumpet of the three angels that are about to sound so the last three trumpets in the seven trumpets of revelation are called woes and a woe means a time of great sorrow distress or tribulation that also translates that well from the greek additionally so the seven trumpets in revelation often when they went into battle they communicated with trumpets paul says in first corinthians 14 if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound who can prepare for the battle and when jericho was taken they had seven trumpets going around the city and they blew these seven trumpets for seven days they weren't marched around the city once for six days seven times on the seventh day 13 times around the city but they sell at seven trumpets they blew the trumpets the city fell they attacked their enemy trumpets often had to do with battle in the bible and so these last three trumpets of the seven i don't have time to study the seven trumpets with you right now they're well let me say this got several sevens in revelation got seven churches covers the history of the church from the time of revelation first coming of jesus to the second coming of jesus it's the spiritual history you've got the seven seals in revelation it covers the political history that influences god's people from the first coming to the second coming and then you've got the seven trumpets they cover a military history from the first coming to the second coming battles and forces and powers that would be at odds and it's not talking about all the kingdoms and all the wars of all the world you'll wonder does this prophecy talk about china or the inca indians or does it talk about the you know some of the other nations no it's dealing with the nations that would have a direct impact on god's people and the proclamation of the gospel so it starts in israel it expands from there through europe where the gospel spread and it became the foothold makes its way to america are you aware that america sends out more missionaries than any other country in the world that more mission dollars come from america than any other country in the world so it shouldn't surprise you that these places that have been the guardian of the message are the ones that are principally mentioned in prophecy so then these three prophecies if you look for instance we're going to go next to the rise of islam and if you read in revelation 9 go in your bibles you turn a little bit over and it's talking about that next trumpet and the fifth angel sounded and i saw this fifth angel is the first of the three woes i saw a star fall from heaven to the earth to him was given the key to the bottomless pit he opened the bottomless pit and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so the sun and the air were dark and because of the smoke of the pit then out of the smoke locust came upon the earth now if you live back in bible times they would say smoke is coming there's a forest fire and then when the smoke got closer it wasn't smoke it was locusts a plague of locusts now i read to you last week if you read in judges chapter 6 it talked about when the amalekites and the midianites and the people of the east cover the land like locusts with their camels these are the people that comprise the arabs and it describes them as locusts and they ate everything in the land that's why gideon was threshing wheat secretly because there was no food the locusts ate at all the arab enemies at that time and so this would not be the first time there was a battle between these two peoples so here this smoke coming out of the pit is describing the birth and the spread of the religion of muhammad who was this influence you know when an angel falls he's not a good angel an angel is a messenger and he got these messages out of this cave and i don't believe it's the truth and this whole new religion grew up it's interesting it all took place right about the time of the counterfeit christian movement which was 538 islam well it's hard to peg a date when it really became a religion but about 612 is the time that the historians put on it not long after that another group came up and they had their own version of the bible they did have some christian trappings and roots and of course catholicism's got a lot of christian roots but it was co-mingled with some pagan religion just as islam had a little bit of lunar worship co-mingle christianity had solar worship commingle so this is what's being described here in chapter 9 in the first 12 verses talks about these locusts prepared for battle and this is the first trumpet uh or the first woe of the fifth trumpet most christian expositors martin luther sir isaac newton historian edward gibbon and many others all saw the fifth and the sixth trumpet in revelation 9 as the rise in the spread of islam and its battles with the eastern and western christian world that was growing there through europe and again i mentioned it started about 6 12 and it's incredible rise from almost nothing one reason they rose so quickly is right about this time there was a terrible plague in 542 and it lasted almost 200 years it came and went you've heard of the bubonic plague well the first bubonic plague was called justinian's plague because it started in constantinople which was also the same place that the muslims first attacked as a capital of christianity and during that time 50 million people died and it so devastated the christian world that at that same time the arabs that were pretty much isolated from a lot of that they exploded in numbers through arabia and they were of course great traitors during that time and the religion of islam spread and so you notice if you go to verse 9 so revelation 9 1-12 is the fifth trumpet in the first woe it's the rise of islam and it says they would torment there's a number associated with it they would be tormenting christianity they didn't kill them they tormented them like the sting of a scorpion it's not a deadly serpent for five months now when we look at these bible prophecies and there's a time period what's the principle we use a day is a year the biblical month had 30 days that's why the 42 months comes to 1260 days because they're 30 day months it's the only way those two could be reconciled that's 150 days in five months right 150 days a day is a year 150 years and started in 1299 at the battle of buffum the turkish muslims began a persistent assault on the eastern roman empire and constantinople in 1449 exactly 150 years later the conflict with the eastern roman empire or byzantine empire it became a vassal state it's submitted to the ottoman empire which was a muslim power exactly what the prophecy said would happen now you go to revelation 9 12 it says the angel doesn't want us to lose track so he says one woe is past behold two more woes to make up those three are coming these woes the first two woes are a battle between christianity and islam could it be the third woe is more of the same that's what i'm putting forth now if you read in revelation 9 14 it talks about four angels and it says these four angels and i'll read this to you saying to the sixth angel who has the trumpet so this is the sixth trumpet he says release the four angels who were bound at the great river euphrates so the four angels who had been prepared and you got another time period here for the hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind this represented a different woe a different phase of battles that lasted over 300 years between islam and christianity where now they started attacking the western roman empire and they basically had already swallowed up and conquered the eastern roman empire and well you know before i get into that it talks here about four angels i just want to emphasize this a little bit you read in revelation 7 about four angels holding back the four winds of strife here it's talking about four angels at the river euphrates now keep in mind in the book of daniel you've got four kingdoms that end up coming down and attacking israel or at least occupying israel first was babylon across the euphrates river medo-persia came across euphrates river greece alexander went across the euphrates and came back to israel rome had to come in from the north again all these empires came from the north and so the territory of solomon reached as far as the euphrates river and it meant an enemy force is coming in so you got these four forces well now you've got them coming back and they're being released to attack the people of god and this is the sixth trumpet or the second woe let's look at the time period here and i'll have the numbers up on the screen for you in just a moment if you've got a day and an hour you've got an hour a day a month and a year well an hour even in the bible there were 24 hours in a day you can read where jesus said are there not 12 hours in a day and so you've got 124th of a day or 124th of the year is exactly 360 days to the jewish year that's going to be 15 days then you've got a day which is one day then you got a month which is 30 days and you have a year which is 360 days you add all that up and you end up with let's go ahead put there we go thank you you add that up and that comes to 391 years in 15 days this is incredible because if you start at that earlier starting point of 1449 it extends to 1840 and at that point the ottoman empire lost its independence and authority it requested help from other european nations to continue existing and what's incredible this is one of the rare times in history most of the time we understand prophecy clearly looking back jesus said when this comes to pass then you will know and so we always try and produce property to say what's going to happen more times than not we say oh after it happens we go oh but this is one of the rare times in history where somebody studied the prophecies and predicted in advance what was going to happen and it happened how many of you have read about josiah lich and when he studied this prophecy back during that great millerite movement when they were anticipating the lord's cover coming he predicted using the day for the year principle the ottoman empire was going to fall and even predicted the date it would fall based on the date it started and it happened well that really inspired everybody else that 1844 was a good date which it was they just had the wrong event but it was very interesting that the ottoman empire which had expanded during that time fell now i want to go back to go to revelation 9 and we're going to be reading the verses from 13 on then the sixth angel sounded and i heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before god saying to the six angel who had the trumpet release the four angels who are bound at the great river euphrates so the four angels who had been prepared for an hour a day a month and a year were released to kill a third of mankind now some have wondered what does that mean a third of all humanity well it was maybe as many as a third of the soldiers involved in the battles over this 300 year period or 391 year period that would have been more accurate because the armies of christianity was decimated during this time verse 16. so the number of the army of the horsemen was 200 million million now every commentator i've read on that said uh we're making a mistake here now i don't know what does your bible say king james is yeah and um you hear i'm reading the new king james it says 200 million million and many other versions put that the reason is that number is actually two myriads of myriads the problem is the word myriad is an in it it's a unprecise number matter of fact in the book of acts i think it's chapter 20 it said myriads of people came to hear the word of god well it wasn't a hundred thousand um so you'll see that word is sometimes used as an indefinite number it may sometimes mean ten thousand and sometimes it can mean a hundred thousand william miller who i agree with on this he believes that that number was saying two times two hundred thousand that would be four hundred thousand well it is interesting that in the siege of constantinople the um mahatma had an army that numbered at least 350 000 and so it's talking about this incredible army on horseback but it's it's not necessarily giving you a specific number and it says thus i saw the horses in the vision he used principally cavalry and those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red and hyacinth blue and sulfur yellow they did wear iron breastplates and they did have blue garments and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions and out of their mouths came fire and smoke and brimstone now many of the many historians believe this is describing the introduction of gun powder the muslims were some of the first who began to take from the east the knowledge of gunpowder and use it in warfare for cannons and arms they were primitive rifles but they saw the smoke and the fire and the brimstone firing out of the front of these horses and they'd turn around fire behind them like a good cheyenne soldier and they'd see him coming from the front and the back and they'd hear the roar of a lion they couldn't describe arrows don't make that noise when you shoot them and so it's talking about it's like a roar coming and you can read this out of their mouths fire and smoke and brimstone and i think that this is describing some of the early firearms i've actually got pictures i think that you can see here on the screen one artist's rendition of an early ottoman cannon yeah there you have it firing and if they could fire their cannonballs were made of stone back then but it would fire one and just blew the walls to smithereens they um it could fire one mile which was a lot back then i think the germans invented a cannon that would go 20 miles but and then some of the small arms the even the early paintings you can see that the ottoman soldiers they did have primitive guns that they used back and they thought well maybe he was describing this envision now we get to the seventh trumpet the third woe and right now friends just in case you're wondering up until this moment i've been talking about what's behind us now i'm getting ready to talk about what's ahead of us or we're on the threshold of right now revelation 11 verse 15 it says the seventh angel sounded you know several things happened between the second woe first world second vote and then the third woe between the fifth sixth trumpet then there's several chapters then you get to the seventh trumpet the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever and the nations were angry and your wrath has come it's talking about a time of unprecipitated international turmoil not a nation the nations and your wrath has come a time of judgment a time that the dead that they should be judged a time of judgment and that you should reward your servants it's the time of reward and the prophets and the saints and that would be a resurrection this is similar with what's happening in daniel 12 and the end of daniel 11. those who fear your name small and great and so with that introduction now i'm going to jump to daniel 11. now i should tell you as we go there i don't have time to read all 45 verses and expound on them but i'm going to just show you i'm going to cherry pick a few verses i'll just be honest with you that are pretty easy to understand so that we can get to the verses we're considering for instance if you look in daniel 11 verse 2 it's talking about persian kings and now i will tell you the truth behold three more kings will arise in persia daniel is having the vision during the time of i believe it was in the time of cyrus i'll tell you the truth behold three more kings will arise in persia and the fourth will be far richer than them all by his strength and through his riches he will stir up against the realm of greece you've heard of artaxerxes and history calls them xerxes the first and this king any of you ever heard the story about the 300 spartan soldiers that were able to resist the persian advance this is the xerxes who had an army that they say numbered somewhere between 600 thousand and one million that is a massive massive army he invaded greece but he didn't succeed in taking it and he was very rich and this is what's being described here in daniel 11 verse two and jump over now to verse 3. daniel 11 3 then a mighty king will arise who will rule with great dominion and he will do according to his will and when he is arisen his kingdom will be broken and divided towards the four winds who do you think this is talking about that's right that's alexander the great who was a mighty king incredible general very young considering what he accomplished and he came from the north matter of fact several of these kings you're going to find out are coming down from the north and when he died he died they don't know if it was a combination of malaria or he drank too much and died through some kind of alcohol poisoning his kingdom was broken up there's different rumors and legends about what happened some of his generals when they saw that it looked like he was going to die said who will rule in your place and ostensibly he said the strongest and at one point he tried to take the hand of one of his generals he put it on the hand of a concubine who was pregnant at that time with what would be a boy hoping that his dynasty would continue but that didn't work out and it ended up his kingdom was divided as the prophecy said towards the four winds of heaven the four generals carved up first they tried to do it peaceably and they ended up all fighting among themselves because power corrupts they wanted more power and his kingdom was divided among the four generals you also find this being outlined in daniel's chapter eight as well seven and eight and that those generals being lysimicus cassiander ptolemy and seleucus and those you see a map up there about the pink is one you got a gold color there you've got uh and cassiander by the way is the piece lysimicus is the gold ptolemy is the uh the green and what do you call that light green color you call light green yes thank you very much other girls i thought had about 12 different names for that one color but uh we've only got one and um and then of course the dark green would be the um ptolemy seleucus is the uh the light green and so those were the four divisions now i want you to notice as you look at the map before we take it away there's one little strip of land that connects them that little strip of land is called israel because there in saudi arabia from where muhammad came is a vast desert much of it was not easy to inhabit and whenever there was a battle between africa and asia they crossed over through israel they often came down from the north matter of fact i might pause here and just bear that out a little more this is further down on my notes so i'm going to dig for a little bit yeah if you read for instance in the book of jeremiah chapter 25 verse 9 behold i will send and take all the families of the north and it's important to understand this because we're going to talk about the king of the north king of the south it says i will take all the families of the north says the lord and nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon now if put the map back up for me for just a moment please cheryl yeah you can see babylon is actually when you're looking from a satellite babylon is more northeast and east of israel but they always came in from the north because they couldn't cross through the desert there was one time when nebuchadnezzar went the direct route took a great risk and crossed the desert because his father died he had to take the kingdom before someone else took it and he rode full bore through the desert and took the shortcut but you could never take an army there because of the exposure you'd lose them and there was no food along the way and so they always came in from the north and you'll notice that these kingdoms babylon and medo-persia and greece and rome all came in from the north you can also read that by the way in jeremiah 1 15. it calls it kingdoms from the north that would come and before i leave the subject of the king of the north satan the the king of the north is ultimately god remember satan he wanted to exalt his throne above the throne of god you read in isaiah 14 13 for you said on your heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit on the mount in the congregation on the farther sides of the north the ancients at night noticed that when they looked up at the heavens the stars closer to the pole move very slowly whereas the ones closer to the equator were spinning and the stars didn't move the earth moved but they figured that the center was up at the top where it was more stable and they saw god is enthroned in the north of course israel's in the northern hemisphere so you could see why they would see that and so the king of the north on earth see jesus said the king of this world because the devil tried to hijack our planet he wants to be the king of the north and so in these prophecies the king of the north is talking about earthly kings that want to conquer god's people that are taking the place of god did that all make sense i know i'm talking really quick because i've got a lot to cover and i'm looking at the clock all right talk a little about alexander the great go in daniel 11 2 20. now i told you i can't cover it all so i'm jumping daniel 11 20 there will arise in his place as after the greeks fell in the north at least the greeks fell to the romans they still had the southern kingdom there in egypt it says there will arise one in this place who imposes taxes on the glorious kingdom well this is really easy to figure out because you find the answer to who this is right there in luke 2 1 came to pass in those days there went out a decree from caesar augustus that all the world should be taxed and that's exactly what augustus caesar did matter of fact it's mentioned twice in the bible look in acts 5 37 after this man rose up judas of galilee in the days of the taxing it was so big the taxing he did was sort of a universal taxing that it had a high point in history so the jews referred to it oh yeah the days of the taxing and augustus caesar he basically took a census of the whole kingdom so that he could accurately impose taxes on everybody and talks about him in daniel 11. so now we've transitioned you can see to where the romans have replaced the greeks in the north then you get to daniel 11 25 he will stir up his power in his courage against the king of the south with a great army and the king of the south will be stirred up to battle with a very great and a mighty army and it shall not stand for they will devise plans against him many commentators believe this is describing when now the roman power has transitioned into into the roman church after augustus caesar about the time of justinian that christianity was legalized during the time of constantine and now it's transitioning more into a spiritual kingdom in the north that's fighting with a spiritual kingdom in the south islam that had taken the holy land namely the crusades are being described here in daniel 11 verse 25 mighty armies crossing the ocean the king of the north against the king of the south but don't miss that this is very important gotta take a breath make sure we all take a pit stop here i want you to hit because i know i'm going it starts out talking about political battles and kingdoms but when you get into the time of jesus it starts turning into a spiritual kingdom because the nation of india of israel christ said you know my kingdom is not of this world he said the kingdom of heaven is at hand and now it became a battle for who has the truth the whole purpose of the beast power have you read daniel 8 cast the truth to the ground and practice and prosper cleansing of the sanctuary is restoring of truth about god as well as many other things so it's this is all dealing with the big battle for the truth because the truth is what saves it's the gospel that sets people free it sets people free so then you get to daniel 11 33 no i'm sorry daniel 11 31 and forces will be mustered by him and they will defile the sanctuary fortress and they'll take away the daily sacrifice and place there the abomination of desolation this is describing what was happening where when catholicism became a power it compromised it's the big catholic compromise of the gospel that's what the reformation was all about they began to they were praying to idols they were you know selling salvation with indulgences and you it was became works oriented and transubstantiation and so many of these doctrines that were unchristian slipped into the church well then you jump to verse 33 and face of this great catholic compromise is the reformation and i'll read there and i'll read through verse 35 and those of the people who understand will instruct many yet for many days the day is what here for many years they will fall by the sword and flame by captivity and plundering this is describing what believers went through during that time of great compromise jesus said you'll be hated of all nations it's describing a time of 1260 years of suffering and persecution that the church would go through you can read verse 34 of daniel now when they fall they will be aided with a little help god will sustain them it's like the church was still prophesying but it was clothed in sackcloth god helped him but it was restricted because this is battle going on between the devil and his angels and god's forces and some of those of understanding will fall a number of martyrs fell to refine them to purify and make them white until the time of the end because it is still for the appointed time you see this won't last forever the end is going to come go down to verse 36. then it says in daniel 11 36 then the king shall do according to his own will and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god we've read in revelation 17 about this religious system that would speak blasphemies putting herself in the name of god speak blasphemies against the god of gods who is that and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined shall be done it won't last forever and this is talking about a revival of papacy and the the arrogance and putting themselves in the place of god now you notice we've gone to daniel 11 36 now we're getting to the main passage that we can we considered earlier and that's daniel 11. we're going to look at verses 40 to 45. now at that time this is the prophecy of the end time at that time of the end by the way that's when we're living now the king of the south will attack the king of the north all right i think the king of the south is islam i just look at what's happened through history the first woe the second woe it was the spread of islam the third one why did the prophet s separate out those three woes is the battle between the sons of ishmael and the descendants of isaac that are now the two great religions of the world today and it is a very powerful wealthy growing religious power but it's not the truth and something's going to happen now if you say pastor doug what's the attack going to look like i don't know some might have thought it was the twin towers but i think it's going to be bigger than that something's going to happen you know right now the leaders of the western world are very um conciliatory towards islam because they know that if if there's an incident that the feelings between the people of these very religions these two principle religions are growing threadbare and if there is some major assault i read last week in the news that there has been shatter according to the cia or homeland security that they hear that isis is threatening an attack on rome maybe even the colosseum or the vatican not just i'm not making this stuff up friends you can read anyone else read these things what would happen if isis assassinates this beloved pope do you think that the world is going to sit back and say let's just all love each other it's just a few radicals what would it take i don't know but i'm saying that there could be some event that would trigger you know if if the flow of oil is somehow cut off people will put up all kinds of things on the news people will watch about different terrorist things that are out there happening to other people i heard someone say once when you're out of a job it's a recession when i'm out of a job it's a depression and as long as it's out there somewhere but if all of a sudden you can't buy stuff at the store and you can't get your gas at the pump you're gonna and someone in politics says you know we need to get a force together we need to get a coalition from europe and we need to put an end to this folks are gonna go yeah you're gonna put gas in my tank let's do it and if we're outraged because we feel like christianity is being attacked or a way of life's being attacked but something's gonna happen where it says the king of the south will do something to provoke some major incident the king of the north don't know exactly what that will be but the king of the north is not going to sit by anymore and talk about peace you read here it says the king of the north will come against him like a whirlwind now you know prophecy tells us other places that there'll be a confederacy of christians protestants in north america will be foremost in stretching their hand across the abyss to clasp the hand of catholicism and them joined with spiritualism under that threefold union they're going to then compel the world to believe a certain way you know it's hard for you to take powerful moves like that unless there's some scary event people get scared and they'll put they'll sacrifice all kinds of freedom and i think that an attack from islam a major attack is going to precipitate a coalition of christians it's not an accident is it just me or have you noticed pope his first time francis visiting with the leader of the russian orthodox church greek orthodox church leaders of the charismatic church in north america leading protestants in north america protestants in south america he comes from south america this pope has done more and made more overtures to bring together christians from around the world why because they know that history is going to repeat itself that islam is growing they are losing a foothold in europe both through immigration and multiplication islam is spreading through europe and they realize that the future for christianity is at risk and it's going to take some major event you know we're not proud of it but it is a fact that during world war ii when we were attacked at pearl harbor all of a sudden our japanese neighbors that we all loved were put in camps and now we're horrified looking back and we think that would never happen again and what happened in germany whether or not that would never happen again well prophecy tells us a time of trouble is coming such as there never has been and you know human nature has not changed we've become more sophisticated but people are still killing each other in different parts of the world let me keep reading the north will come against them i'm in daniel chapter 11 still verse 40. like a whirlwind with chariots and horsemen and many ships this can't be understood now i doubt you know we're gonna have chariots they'll probably be humvees and tanks and uh you know they're trying to describe moving massive military but a great confederacy of military many ships in a navy will enter the countries not country countries this might be some of the islamic countries but you realize it's not just a terrorism that's happening in europe in america it's in africa it's in india it's in indonesia it's in the philippines everywhere i've gone in the world they are having friction with their muslim neighbors now this may not happen next year it could happen in a month i don't know when it's going to happen but i don't think the prophecy is going to fail i think it's going to happen this will be the third whoa it'll instigate what they call this third caliphate you know they have the first one that took place there against the eastern christianity and then western christianity and then maybe the u.s we already know how they feel if you read the news keep reading and it goes on to say many countries shall be overthrown but these will escape from his hand this is a little bit mysterious but i'll give you a theory edom moab and the prominent people of ammon now those three countries bordered israel edom moab and ammon if you look in the old testament you might remember that king jehoshaphat great king was attacked by a confederacy of it says the moabites and the ammonites and the people of mount seir mount syria is the same same group same threefold union attacked you remember the story where jehoshaphat went out in the battle god said don't fight have the priest sing and the priests went out singing and while they went out singing the moabites and the malachites all turned on each other and attacked each other so he never actually had to engage them in battle and you can read about that in your bible can't remember the verse but trust me it's in there but even more than that moab edom and ammon were all related to abraham and they're related to islam they all believed in one god originally they practiced circumcision they were sort of connected and so the reason that it may be saying that edom moab and ammon shall escape is there may be big groups that will come over and say look don't attack us we want peace from the muslim world or we'll convert i don't know what they'll say but there's going to be some countries that will escape i don't think it's the same modern countries because they don't even exist now so we must be talking about spiritual terms the moabites and ammonites have all been conquered inner mary disappeared and he'll stretch out his hand against the countries and the land of egypt shall not escape egypt was the last holdout for the king of the south and he will have power over the treasures of gold and silver and precious things this is saying he'll have control of the wealth you know that wealth it's interesting that so much of the world today is powered by oil and that oil is where it is because of a world being cursed back in the days of noah and it's almost like the blood of a cursed world is what's powering everything but it translates into tremendous wealth and i know the politicians will always argue that we entered the gulf for you know purely moral reasons but i can almost guarantee you that they were also thinking we need to preserve the flow of the oil which was money and whoever conquers these countries will have control of that fantastic wealth and power russia is striving to have control of the pipelines for europe and the gas lines because it's you're controlling the air for the economy for these countries venezuela is in a terrible decline right now because they had overspent based on their oil and the oil prices went down and they're having an incredible recession there and they're on the verge i think of a revolution right now keep reading also the libyans and ethiopians will follow it as heels but this is an interesting verse but news from the east and the north will trouble him my charismatic friends read this and they think that means russia and china i don't think it means that at all read in isaiah 41 25 i stirred up one from the north and he has come from the rising sun now does the sun rise in the north sun rises where in the east and so here isaiah says i stirred one from the north he's come from the rising sun he will call upon my name he will trample on rulers as on mortar this is what as a potter treads clay revelation talks about jesus treading down the potters and breaking the pots that jesus is the one and so titans from the north and the east are talking about the real owner of the throne in the north the real one who comes from the east jesus says as lightning shines from the what from the east to the west how's the lord coming from the east to the west so what's making him nervous what makes the devil nervous he's come down with great wrath because he knows his time is short time for what before jesus comes the bible says that the devil says satan have you come to torment us before our time they know that they're going to be cast into this bottomless pit and ultimately into a lake of fire and so tidings from the east and the north trouble him so it goes to say therefore verse 44 he will go out with great fury the devil's come down with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many time of trouble such as there never has been who are the ones he wants to annihilate those who serve the king coming from the east it's going to be a great battle against god's people and he will plant the tent of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain and yet he will come to his end and no one will help him it talks about how the kings turn on babylon in the end and none will help him what does it mean he'll plant his palace between the seas you've read where jesus said when you therefore see the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place that's matthew 24 15 then that let those who be in judea flee into the mountains there'll be a time of trouble such as there never has been jesus is quoting daniel 12 a time of trouble such as there never has been read in second thessalonians 2 verse 3 paul says let no one deceive you by any means for that day the day of the lord will not come unless there is a falling away first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he as god sits in the temple of god showing himself that he is god so when it talks about this king of the north this beast power setting his tabernacle in the holy mountain it's talking about that final beast papal power that confederacy that says i am god worship me and if you don't worship the beast in his image can't buy and sell ultimately there's a death decree seven plagues fall great time of trouble it's gonna be a great time of wrath during the small time of trouble it's going to be pretty severe too but you notice the scriptures are all lining up it's talking about when you see abomination of desolation standing in the holy place christ is talking about that same thing we just read there from daniel chapter where it says that he'll plant the tent of his palaces between the seas in the glorious holy mountain you know my guess is that when this coalition of powers from the north christian coalition different from the other christian coalition that a confederacy they're going to say israel is our friend and because you know if there's this great islamic struggle against the west there will probably be an attack on israel at the same time and they will use that as an excuse to protect our jewish friends they will enter the promised land literally i really think that may literally happen i'll tell you there's nothing more that a lot of arab countries and not all but many of these arab people and countries would love to see israel displaced they won't even acknowledge them as a nation that would be a good excuse for this military to come in and create a beach head there but more than anything it's talking about spiritually that the beast power is going to put themselves in the place of god asking for the prerogatives that belong to god and we're going to have to decide who do we worship are we going to worship their way their day are we going to worship the way god says and the time he says you all know what i'm talking about the bottom line is going to be worship bible begins with two brothers being told to worship god one worships his way cain does it his own way man made worship and he gets upset at his brother who worships the way god says and he kills his brother the bible ends that way it's the story of jacob and esau one flesh one spirit it's a story of isaac in ishmael and these are the two powers i think in the last days this battle between true and false is going to be played out between these two counterfeits now i'm talking about counterfeit christianity and i'm also talking about islam which is a counterfeit religion but you're going to see a wave of muslims coming to jesus i believe i think you're going to see a wave of jews coming to accept christ as the messiah and you're going to see a wave of people who are trapped in babylon fallen christianity coming back to the bible jesus said many sheep i have that are not of this fold but they will hear my voice and they're going to come out of babylon and there's going to be one fold and one shepherd and so yeah there is a time of trouble coming i'm not worried about that i think there's also a time of great evangelism that is going to come because during this time of persecution jesus said you will be brought before the kings and the rulers of the world to bear testimony for me because people are going to be tried for their faith and so that's a quick overview of what i think is coming cheer up it's going to get worse but then it'll get better it's going to get really good because it says michael will stand up you know what that means when it says michael stands up when somebody starts picking on my kids i'm going to stand up and in the context of the king of the north persecuting god's people the lord says michael will stand up not only does it mean he ceases his intercession the judgment is over now he's going to come and act and he's coming for his people and it says they will be delivered everyone that is found written in the book so that's the big question all of this is very interesting but are you in the book have you accepted jesus i don't mean in a political uh organizational way because there's going to be plenty of political organizations that take the name of christ they eat their own bread and wear their own apparel they use his name to take away their approach but they're not real are you going to be someone who has a personal daily saving relationship with jesus where he is the lord of your life and you do his will because you love him and you want to please him that's what it means to be saved to accept that he died on the cross to save you from your sin all of these prophecies are just helping us know the time in which we're living and god wants us to know don't wait because the time comes when probation closes and it's too late so now is the time to accept that uh call and to come to christ i want to be ready amen i see the final events are happening all around us and but we don't need to be afraid jesus promises he will protect his own can't get enough amazing facts bible study you don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more truth-filled programming visit the amazing facts media library at at you can enjoy video and audio presentations as well as printed material all free of charge 24 hours a day seven days a week right from your computer or mobile device visit you know that noah was present at the birth of abraham okay maybe he wasn't in the room but he was alive and probably telling stories about his floating zoo from the creation of the world to the last day events of revelation is a free resource where you can explore major bible events and characters enhance your knowledge of the bible and draw closer 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Channel: AmazingFacts
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Keywords: Doug Batchelor prophecy, islam catholic, bible, muslim, amazing facts, quran, sabbath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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