He was ACCIDENTALLY sent to ANOTHER WORLD, but received BUNCH of MAX LVL Skills as Compensation

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imagine yourself stuck in a NeverEnding snowstorm but you have a cozy warm home and the most OP skills in the world what would you do well if you like big booty big booby har mangas where the protagonist has the confidence of a Karen but if we are living in a reverse world then these mangas going to disappoint you we don't do simp mangas here but but but but but if you like cozy slow Life Style manga so your protagonist is more op than a wife versus her husband on court the this is it plus the art style is breathtaking not that it's hard to take my breath how good my cardio is and the story is about Jin and Jin despised his sister for always ordering him around and acting like she has the moral High Ground even trying to manipulate him to do some stuff in the name of Justice while she herself would never do it so basically she's acting like every single feminist today now we see them in a car driving and also learn that Jin getting his driver's license promoted him to his sister's personal Uber driver after reaching their destination she ordered him to give them one bag which coincidentally had sake in it so she can go have fun with her friends and let Jan transform from her personal Uber driver to her personal luggage carrier because my bro had to carry the rest of the stuff on his own still trying to keep his cool he p picked the bags up took a deep breath in with his eyes closed and suddenly heard a loud sound and saw that he is in the middle of a forest as he looked around and couldn't understand why the parking lot suddenly became so eco-friendly he also realized that his car quickly went to buy some milk because it was missing and then Panic started to kick in he started walking trying to get some signal for his phone phone but instead of the phone signal he only found more nature even reaching the sea after some time so randomly stumbling onto a beach which shouldn't be there in the first place my bro did the only thing one can do in this situation which is yes to eat some food from your cooler and chill out he figured he got lost and that he would have to spend a night here so he started playing Minecraft in real life and building himself some shelter I hope he's not going to dig himself a hole in the ground to spend the night after stroking his stick to heat up what the hell is going through your mind I'm talking about him starting a fire anyways his hands got sore from all the stroking but the night was coming so he had to hurry up and just this on being quick to finish after strok in your stick would be a good thing my bro actually did succeed luckily before falling asleep sleep he thought that after he wakes up this strange dream will be over and bro I have some bad news for you for the last 20 years I have been waiting to wake up from this weird dream and just like me Jin also didn't wake up from this dream and had no choice but to continue exploring in hopes of finding a city but bro only found c c and more c meaning he's on an island p overtook him as he continued to wander around getting depressed and sad but stumbling upon the river Source cheered him up at least a bit because it looked nice he started actually playing RL Minecraft and started building a wooden house a couple of days have passed of Jin doing all kinds of things to survive in this Wilderness from fishing to building a house and even his small personal Onsen so he can finally take make a bath and honestly this image of him looking at his own house I don't know what impresses me more him being able to build such a house or the art style Mah both is amazing Seasons passed and this image is definitely inspired by the first few seconds of Demon Slayer anime and after coming back home Jin mumbled out a question to the void am I going to die here all alone and suddenly Was Heard as a fairy started Ed flying around him apologizing for accidentally summoning him to this world while trying to summon a hero and my bro couldn't decide if he would be more confused by actually being on another world by seeing a fairy or by her saying he yelled out for her to send him back immediately and she did and that's the end of this manga thank you for watching peace of course she didn't send him back she explained how that's impossible but even if that was possible you wouldn't want to go back unless suicide is your hobby because people get teleported here to this world when they are close to dying in their original World and Jin asked her where the hell is he then right now the fairy explained that this is a world with magic and swords just imagine this somebody isach to our world and you tell hey this is the world with computers and cars how the hell do you know they don't have it in their own world anyways Jan asked her if she's a spirit and she said how she was of this world but lost her powers after sumon in Jin here and she kept on yapping and yapping and Jin's face is my face because she is talking nonsense right now and what surprised Jin more than anything that happened so far and honestly this is a huge twist the fairy said how her intention was to summon Haruka Jan's sister and her friends as well meaning they were all about to die there including gin meaning that if he didn't get accidentally iseki here he would have just died on his own world while his bully sister and her friends would isekai and become Heroes suddenly a whole Army of weird people appeared before Jin and the fairy said how they shouldn't have done that because Jin being here is a mistake but young Snape just told her to shush so they can see what Jin wish is the fairy kept making excuses saying how it's not her fault but young Snape shut her up again while this Granny asked Jin who he is going to choose as his Guardian deity then the young Snape guy explained how summoned Heroes would get blessings to make them stronger depending on their remaining lifespan on their original world and we learned that van attribute is fire used for restoration and destruction rodel's attribute is Earth and Stillness magic cados is flora and Order ice overseas water and healing and Granny pal land and harvest then we have mishto whose powers are light wind romance and capris and Halala rules over light love and beauty and if this is Halala I want to see Haram far now the last one is Pap Richi who's got ice and dark attributes but his power is almost completely gone because he's old and because of this summoning and the fairy started yapping again and this time Jin took the role of Van to tell her to shut the hell up then also explained how everyone who is born in this world vanishes inai to another world and how people like them with these op powers are rare and they asked Jin again who does he choose and my bro casually responded how he chooses all of them grpa explained how his remaining lifespan in the original world is not long enough for him to get all these Powers Plus having multiple deities give you Their Blessings would cause these powers to weaken because of some similarities as mishto nicely explained here how if she feels affection towards Jin getting bestow by P would turn that affection into friendship while getting bestowed by Halala would turn it into love thus those Powers can't work together making them weaker and my BR Jin is slowly getting lost in all their talks so the grandpa asked him again to tell them what he would like and then they will decide the best powers for him and after some thought Jan said how he just wants to live a comfortable life without his older sister in it plus he'd basically like to fly so he can freely explore the world and the yaep in fairy said how Haruka is a hero with strong sense of justice so Jin's wish is kind of weird and Jin asked the yapping fairy what abilities did his sister get and she said how his sister is basically your usual protagonist of all the other mangas with skills like domination and all magic and my bro almost became an atheist because he was left incomplete disbelief Grandpa then started giving Jin powers and his powers there were so many of them that you would need a person who reads those medical disclaimers to read them magical ability Mar production healing cookie storage transition exploration bra for to like freom separation and hero killing hero killing hero killing kind of sticks out here but J agreed and then received the blade called all kill blade and the name definitely implies some nice things but this means means that these deities misunderstood Jin and thought how him saying that he doesn't want his older sister in his life menant that he wants to kill her this is getting golden he also received a pouch of powder that speeds up vegetation growth and old Richie trembled after a quick glance at Jean I mean who wouldn't with those Powers he's got Jean asked if he can take the puppy with him and that explained how he would get no blessings from it because it's old and weak but mro has no idea the best blessings you receive from dogs is unconditional love and friendship I would know I literally have six dogs right now van started casting teleportation Magic on Jin to send him to a safe house and after a moment Jin found himself in front of a huge mansion with some beautiful scenery in the distance he also realized that his appearance had changed and after walking through his house bro realized that he's lucky there's no taxes in this world how big the house is there's food fish even a nice warm bath and after relaxing a bit Jin used his appraisal skill to learn how to polish rice so he can cook up a meal for himself old rich is sleeping and D decided to give it his all to take the best care of Richie that he could he then prepared steak as well to eat with rice said eat the and started eating the meal honestly brosi this manga is so cozy that I don't even want to make jokes about it not to ruin the mood I love it so far Jin laid on his bed to sleep and thought how everything that happened so far was definitely weird to say the least but right now it feels like he's in heaven and that's all that matters because his slow cozy life is about to finally begin oh I forgot to tell you the name of the manga is I got sent to another world but it's in the mountains in reaction I chose Comfort over strength if you want to read it yourself which I highly recommend at least because of the art style which is like that Kanye West song gorgeous now we see Jin living a cozy life for a couple of weeks where he's doing nothing special and is still getting used to his new powers like appraisal which is probably the most boring skill but if you think about it it's literally having a Google search in your mind and my bro isn't about that Adventurer life at least yet because the quest he's on right now is just to learn how to prepare more delicious meals and after realizing he'd like to have flour but has no wheat Mill to grind wheat to flour he decided to check the map and visit the nearby town and go shopping there and this map is like hey Mom I want a map of Europe no son we have a map of Europe at home after finding an interesting City he used his teleportation ability and swamped there faster than me saying famp and after realizing that monsters live near this city called kenam Jin decides to become even stronger by doing some quests here and becoming an adventurer he wanted to register in the adventurer Guild but first he spawned himself some Hoodie so he doesn't stand out and then went shopping for stuff he needs and of course stuff his Richie needs as well he also saw a healing potion which reminded him of video games and what's up with these isai protagonists getting mesmerized after seeing healing potions for the first time anyways Jin scanned the potion with appraisal so he could make it himself later on and then went to buy some farming tools and got a grape trellis as well and and thanks to this manga I've gained some really really valuable and useful knowledge and I finally know what Tris is the old lady told him to buy some weapons and leather armor if he's a new Adventurer because metal armors heat up quickly during summer and my bro thanked her and left he bought a goat Monster leather armor a waste pouch and an inventory bag and as the day was slowly coming to an end he went to nearby in to spend the night and he can't just teleport back to his Mansion to spend the night there because teleportation magic doesn't work I mean it can't be used while in the cities basically it's kind of like hearstone in World of Warcraft quickly teleporting you back to the player Hub finally tomorrow he visited the guild to officially become an adventurer and Bros honestly one more time I highly recommend this manga there are so many details here which if I included all this video would end up being two hours long just me doing three chapters of the manga anyways as Jin was reading about monsters around this city he was greeted by a guy who would be his escort while Jin was doing the first Quest and learning the basics of becoming an adventurer and Jin told Dean how he needs help because he doesn't know how strong he is and then explained how his current two star silver rank requires him to Mentor five Juniors so he can rank up and dinin is the last one he needs to Mentor now Jin got a bit nervous and instead of saying Jin he introduced himself as Jean and Dean laughed because their names were kind of similar then a girl yelled out at Dean for choosing adventurers randomly and Dean told her that he doesn't want to be a companion of another Noble and two of them started arguing how another guy called chis should do it instead of him with which this girl didn't agree and she kind of got startled by Jin's unamused face RZ as Dean continued arguing with her she looked at Jin again asking him with a whiny voice hey can you say something but then Emil this girl heard Miss Kaa telling her to stop and Miss Kaa even apologized to Jin because he had to see these guys arguing like that Jin then realized that he's familiar with The Vibes Dean and EML are having they are siblings which reminded Jin of his sister which of course he loved so much but he decided to withdraw his request and this surprise den and made Emil happy because she to his siding with her but after Jin told Kaa that he doesn't want an escort after all EML got shock to the point of getting these lines all over her body Kan apologized again and Jin left taking the book he was reading earlier with him while walking through the city and thinking how every sister is paid in the ass misto popped out in front of him asking him why didn't he use separation skill then and instructing him to speak to her with his thoughts only because right now only he can see her and mro got hella weirded out because she could read his mind I mean going through your search history is bad enough now you're not even safe in your head this is whole another level of being bad but she told him to chill out because she can hear his thoughts only when he directs his thoughts towards her she then explained how if he uses separation skill on people the person he used it on will stop paying attention to him but if he uses it on a group of people the bigger the group the lesser the effect of the spell is and my bro was just thinking how he needs to use it on one person and one person only now a quick question for you bros do you know who that person is a his sister B his sister C his sister or D his sister misto whed away and Jin was about to leave the city to finally go and farm some monsters to level up after leaving the city he was following the book he brought with him and according to the book the first monster he would encounter should be the hornless rabbit monster and we learn that they are called hornless not because they have no horn but because their horn is Tiny something like you being called Johnson lless Jin then spawned his all kill blade and shortly after he encountered a rabbit which which which was a normal non- monster rabbit however this little guy was a diversion because a hornless rabbit snuck up from behind Jin and attacked him and while it was charging towards him Jin was quick to react and greet this rabbit with a polite slicing it in half gesture followed with another polite gesture known as storing its dead body in an inventory bag now Jin was happy to be able to defeat it in a single stroke because he practiced a lot and has a lot of experience with ending things quickly with a single stroke he then gathered up some medical grass and berries so he can craft a potion later and as he crouched down to gather these mushrooms as well spider sense is tingling and J quickly turned around to see what new monster is trying to befriend him from the back now hey it's a Care Bear with a horn and with an old San first I got to apologize for this Roar especially to purple ban bro I never thought I would scare somebody dozing off while watching my videos anyways a second after the Roar the bear dozed off in Perma sleep making our protagonist a bit scared of how strong his all kill sword is and then misho suddenly appeared again suggesting Jin to use magic and explained that he doesn't have to wander around looking for Monsters he can use his search skill and my bro turned into shroud as he gained Aimbot and spotted a hornless rabbit faster than a fat [ __ ] who sat down too fast misho then explained more of his cheat skills saying that he has a variety of spells at his disposal and just needs to think them to activate yo can you hear the raid in the background bro what the hell it's dude why is it trading so hard now this is proof the rain that you can hear right now that I am officially an AI for all you guys wondering in the comments whether I am AI or not anyways rabbit decided unwillingly to be Jin training dummy and Jin used his wind slash ability turning the eyes of this cute little bunny into crosses and Jin was surprised but Greatful to mishto for helping him out as she was whooshing away she told him to be careful with his magic because not many people can use magic in this world and she disappeared Into Thin Air like my arguments do when talking to people online Jin decided to go back and sell his loot but wasn't too sure about how to handle this bear booty it being heavy like that night manga we've recapped a while back a bit later we see Jin in the shop with his bare backpack and of course the shop owner wasn't left speechless because something like this happens every day especially with low-level new adventurers after seeing the graveyard more like hangard of monsters behind the shop clerk Jin remembered his mental fortitude ability basically allowing him not to be a little [ __ ] and get scared after seeing all these carcasses hanging and I know I would probably start crying in this situation but hey this isn't about me right now we don't have to talk about me the clerk said how pelts are in Peak condition and told Jin how selling them in the adventurers Guild would yield a higher price but remembering Dean and EM from The Guild motivated Jin to sell his loot for lower price just to avoid them while waiting for the appraisal of the pelts to learn their price Jan decided to go to the building next door to learn about potion crafting and it seems that these potion recipes are written in that noodle alphabet also present in our world and skimming through it Jin figured potions won't be too difficult to make and why is he going to craft these potions when he can just use his restoration spells to heal himself and my young naive viewer Jin is playing 3D chess here because he plans to heal himself with potions so people won't figure out that he is op shop clerk showed Jin a Magic Stone and Jin already read about it in the guide book where we learned that this is also loot that can drop from the slain monsters but it's really rare thus expensive so my hair is also expensive because it's rare right right however Jin wasn't impressed with the side and bro just be careful with these words not impressed with size he sold the stone off as well and went out in the city to get some food before the nightfalls and again the author decides to flex on us with his drawing skills where we see Jin casually strolling around the city admiring the food and finally deciding to stuff his mouth with a huge tasty juicy sausage because who doesn't like sucking on that greasy sausage trying some sour fruit turned his mouth into a poorly drawn star and then he continues strolling through the city looking at different food shops even finding some sake and even a whole roow nety I mean Pig whole roast Pig so he bought a ham sandwich and devoured it like the sandwich is a planet and my bro is Galactus as the day neared its end Jin went home and saw his dog Richie sleeping after coming back home and realized that Richie is whing so Jin tried to heal him but to no avail because Rich wasn't sick it's just getting weaker and weaker due to the old age so Jin just let him sleep and get more rest this is so sad man especially because I too have an old dog 12-year-old dog and seeing him get less and less energetic ah it's so sad bro now the next day Jin decided to visit the Royal capital and said something no girl ever said after seeing you pantless wow it's huge he got a city guide map from the guard and the guard told Jin that he can pay kids to show him around but they might troll him and lead him on to take more money from him and as Jin left and paid the guard for help the guard told him to look for a blue-haired kid named Leon and after reaching the city Square he saw a ponytail boy just chilling and Jin nicely asked if he is Leon but I guess this Leon guy is practicing his facial expressions to look like a lemon pretty sour and J was a bit nervous because of this but still asked if Leon would guide him around the city and Leon's attitude would earn him a title of Karen if he wasn't a boy so Jin started apologizing but Leon dropped the attitude and said how he will help Jin out and Leon told Jin that the best place to visit is the stronghold because of the amazing view from a top but of course ordinary low lives come like Jin can't visit it and M Jin was just staring in disbelief thinking how he never expected Karens to be known as Leons in this world and Leon looked Jin dead in the eye and in a threatening voice said let's first get something to eat then we'll visit my friend who's a famous owner of a clothing shop and J was as amused with Leon's theatrics as I am with all those one second one like bro fell off comments and seeing how all houses are sharing walls din asked for the reason why and I love the reason because walls are taxed in this city so sharing a wall with somebody else means that you pay half the tax for that wall and I love it I love taxes if I go to heaven and there's no taxation there is that even heaven then Leon continues explaining how almost everything is taxed here and Jin was trying not to speak too much because speech might be text as well but he did ask Leon about the large building in the square and Leon said how that's bow of spirits and inside it is a beautiful garden with constant stream of Clean Water Leon was getting irritated at Jin because he isn't a good person to be guided around the town and I know you're thinking how that makes no sense but it makes perfect sense look if I hate you for no reason I can just come up with a random ass thing to hate you for so yeah it makes perfect sense then a wild Alfred Petworth appeared calling Leon a miss oh it finally makes sense all that nagging and the attitude Leon actually is a Karen and seeing Jin's confused face Leon explained how this is a butler a person who serves a family but that was the last thing that caused Jin's confusions right now the butler told Leon how someone is after him her it whatever and a guard named Lilith appeared urging Leon to leave the city but of course Leon doesn't want to comply he can't be a car I mean she can be a Karen if she complies and Lilith quickly grabbed her and tried to tickle his bowels with her fist and this is the best treatment to cure kinism Butler commented how Leon's bowels weren't in a need of a tickle and Lili yelled out for the butler to use a potion to heal her but the butler explained how Leon leaving the older hide family means that she can't use the family's Fortune anymore and J was looking at all of this as as confuses me after watching D movies and hearing them talk about all these families planets tribes Wars with all these random names as if I have memorized the entire books completely Jin then took out his potion and gave it to Lilith to use on Leon and Lilith was trying to figure out if Jin is like Leon's dealer or what but she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him in the wagon as well and Leon casually decided to slurp up an unknown concoction from a stranger because what the worst that can happen dying I said worst not best even Jin was uneasy after Leon chug that potion like me chugging slurp juice while needing only one more Shield to be full while my friends left at one HP L thank Jin but Jane was just questioning his sexuality because he was stuck in a wagon with two young girls but all he wanted to do is leave the wagon Leon then came to her senses and yelled out that she doesn't know the reason for her family exiling her well from her family and Lilith flirtatiously winked back saying how Leon's younger brother is a bigger Karen than Leon is so he probably pre-ordained this to happen somehow and after hearing about sibling family feuds again Jin was just trying to figure out where Steve Harvey is hiding right now after a bit of time they reached the famous closier Fame who looked like Albert Einstein if Einstein was wasn't a genius and Leon asked F to help Jin with clothes and she apologized to Jin for the unfinished tour and started leaving and Lilith gave Jin a ring which he could use to find her if he ever gets himself into any kind of a problem as if all that happened so far was some kind of a solution and not a problem Lilith also explained that Leon's true name is laora and that she's flat chested bro bro imagine somebody introduces you to a stranger and says so yeah this is David and his little penised and Jin couldn't believe that flatchested girls exist in mangas after they left my voice cracked no no after they left Jin was trying to figure out where the clothes are in this clothes shop and a mate came to take his measurements and used kaguni no jutu to do it faster and a bit later we see Jin leaving with shopping bags which he then placed into his magic storage he decided to get something to eat eat and then buy some books and then head home where his loyal Richie is still sleeping he read the book and thought about making a lamp to help him read easier during night but then remember that bro has more magic spells in his repertoire than do strange and Ed his light ability and then spawned a small shining orb and contemplated all the chaos that happened today and as he was thinking about Leora and her demon demeanor we get a quick look at at Richie as the boy is slowly waking up and I don't know if I ever got excited about a dog waking up but Richie is slowly waking up boy but of course the author is not going to slowly introduce us to Richie waking up as we get a few months time Skip and see gin and Richie walking through a forest and learn that Richie wasn't actually old but just tired for some random ass unknown reason but hey I won't complain if all dogs turn young we see Jin preparing for winter and thinking about all the things he needs to do he planted a Seedling and used that magic powder no no it's not cocaine Ryan Garcia it's the one that speeds up the growth of plants as we see saplin turning big and hard faster than your wee we after seeing manga up high for the next stour Jin decided to go to kenam City to sell some loot he got from hunting and while strolling through the city he noticed a pinkhair girl following him and if I remember correctly and then figured that she probably thinks him strange because he's buying stuff for home but is staying at an inn so he casually decided to become Elon Musk and buy himself a house in this town and a bit later we see him house shopping and actually buying the first house he stumbled upon you're flexing with your 3K watch my Bros buying houses on a whim he even helped with finishing touching to the house but while he was doing all these activities he was being completely perfectly stoked because he couldn't notice em at all not at all and as he was about to leave the town she yelled out warning him how the demon Forest is way more dangerous in these colder times because it's soon going to be winter but Jin tried ignoring her and just saying I know I know leave me alone but she did seem genuinely concerned about him and while running after him she tripped and fell and hurt her herself a bit but my bro gin decided to reverse gender roles and just ignore her completely and leave the town but he didn't have more luck outside as he ran into her older brother who remembered Jin but Jin just ignored him and walked past him and this guyy is pretty cool because he apologized to him for being in his way but he asked Jin to come to the adventurers Guild to help out Kaa who was being scolded by the higher ups because she let a great Adventurer sleep and D Traders Guild instead of the adventurers Guild and then explained how it's not ka's fault but Dean and Amin's and Dean being Giga humbled apologized yet again and Dean agreed to visit the adventurer's guil under one condition that Dean doesn't let em get close to him plus she needs to stop stalking him just completely avoid him at all times my Bros is really traumatized by his sister that he can stand any kinds of sisters in this world Dean said how he'll deal with Amon but asked why is Jin that way because his sister is super cute and this is super weird I mean I don't have a sister so I wouldn't know the feel but calling your sister cute this way I don't know man it's weird I don't know even Jin thought how this is giga weird and told Dean how she isn't his type and Dean asked him what type of girls does he like and he said tall girls with big butts like Jennifer Lawrence wait wait no that that's from the different manga Jin thought how he'd probably be into girls completely opposite of his sister that look kind of boyish I'm not going to comment on that but he suddenly remembered laora and said how he doesn't like girls who look like boys after all but just girls who aren't too feminine Dean then told Jin that as an apology he'll take him to a place where rare plants grow and Jin agreed thinking how Dean would be a cool guy if he wasn't such a sister lover we see Jin found King klant which is used to enhance the taste of alcohols they CAU a rabbit and roasted its meat and while eating Jin complimented Dean's combat abilities and explained how he Jin lacks technique but relies on brute strength and seing him have the body physique of Ty and Lannister Dean kind of doubted that suddenly grass said Russell Russell and grass usually talks like this when somebody's moving through it and we see laora approaching them and Jin was confused why she's walking through through the woods alone in her current situation and she said how she wants to hunt a beer and yes yes that's exactly what he meant what are you hunting in the forest not why are you walking through the forest while being in a fugitive state from your family laora told Dean her name is Ash to hide her true identity and she even apologized to Jin for her behavior last time while Dean just wanted to finish his meal Leon I mean laora I mean Ash joined them and ate with them and she said how she staying at an N but the price of one gold per day is really expensive to which Dean told her that they are ripping her off and she said how a polite pinkhair girl told her about this and both Dean and Jin got the same image in their minds de immediately started justifying Emil's actions but Jin told him that the way he Praises his sister is weird and then like an acoustic guy he is responded how his sister really is cute Leora told Dean that a spirit is following his sister and how even Dean has a mark above his head that he got from that spirit and J immediately looked towards Dean to try and see the mark and there was a rose stuck in his hair which almost made Jin burst into laughter he reached for the rose to pluck it out and I guess the rose was an off switch because de immediately fell down paralyzed and laora explained why that happens and said how it's it's pretty impressive that besides seeing this Mark Jin can also touch it because besides Leora the only other person who could see the marks was her father but neither of them could touch it and she warned Jin to be weary with this ability since other people will want to use him if they realize he has it Jan thought how they need to help Dean because if they leave him here like this he might morph into bear food as soon as a bear finds him and laora asked Jin if he's good friends with th and my bro was like nah this is the second time I've met him in my life and this really put a smile on leora's face as you can see she said how they got to help him out but first asked Jin if he can see the spirit that's following her and after a focused gaze Jin actually saw a bird trying to make a home inside leora's skull and this shocked Jin who thought how that's probably an explanation why Leora is your everyday Karen and Leora explain how she's feeling dull pain from this pecking but the worst part is that it's just Giga annoying after a close inspection Jin noticed a light collar around the bird's neck and used his appraisal skill to learn more about it and the notification explained how this bird is a spirit from Alder hiide family sent to make Leora more manly this is freaked up bro freaking freak Leora told Jin how her father cast this Spirit Bird on her to make her a worthy successor and Jin asked what about her brother and she just continued explaining how her father wanted her to be stronger while trading so Jin asked that besides strength and stamina isn't it odd for a girl to try and turn into a man whoa whoa whoa whoo Jin I didn't know you were transphobic bro well honestly like 99% of all the humanity throughout the history were so I guess it's not that rare to care read that title Jan asked why doesn't she release the spirit and she said how her father ended up in a coma so he couldn't dispel it and she asked Jin if he could actually help her with this and he told her that after they go back to the town he will try but she explained how she needs to hunt bears and not go back to the town and suddenly Dean woke up and continued the conversation from a moment before he fainted and started apologizing for Emil's behavior and explained how he doesn't have to apologize because it's all this spirit's fault leading them to do bad things Leora said how a lot of men in the guild got the mark from AML uh I guess this Mark is like a metaphor for simps in this world that's why this bro even SED for his sister and they agreed to take AML to Bow of spirits to get rid of hers then apologized yet again because he has to go back to to and that's something you have to apologize for and he told laora that she needs a conveyor if she's going to hunt bears and when Jan was confused with the meaning of this word Leora explained it to him like it's basic knowledge like it's 2 plus 2 * two that Conor is a person to help carry the loot gained on the Hunts after a bit we see DIN and laora in the forest fighting wolves so well that conveyors had difficulty carrying that loot back like me when I carry my friends in literally every single game we play together they talked about where Jin will remove the spirit bird from Leora while walking back and she said how she might be out for a couple of days because of it so the best place to remove it should probably be at the inn and she told Jean how she got a meet with the butler in this town as well but she doesn't know when and my Brin figured that the in receptionist ripped laora off because she's used to using her Butler's brain and not her own and when I say using her Butler's brain I mean her Butler using his brain for her Jin told her that she can stay at his place and this is how you get a girl to come back to your home Bros tell her that an evil spirit is haunting her and that you can exercise it at your home I mean this is how you do it if restraining order is your goal laora asked if she can take a hot bath and Jin started preparing one for her immediately and after setting it up he told laora how he'll wait for her to finish and be upstairs meanwhile and went and prepared a bed for her and this manga is unique Bros I told you because I honestly thought that this hot bath was a setup from the author for Jee to accidentally see her naked and somehow even realize that she isn't flatchested but carrying two massive Giga hidden yukes but no no no we got none of that For Better or For Worse we see them getting ready for the exorcism and then carefully touched the light collar around the bird in hopes the bird will stop pecking after it was removed and he was right but laora almost fainted and fell into his arms touching chest to chest but my bro wasn't excited the slightest since her chest was what flat earthers believe our planet looks like we see the spirit bird sticking around with them as well and while laora was sleeping Jin took care of her and the house and Richie now after a couple of weeks laora still wasn't waking up but din was suddenly visited by mishto rudel and pel who told Jin they have a favor to ask of him and that's to give names to the spirits who fled here and they also mentioned Jin's sister and said how she has been using her magic like Mr Beast is using money not conservatively at all and they're afraid she might do something rash in the future they explained how the more spells his sister uses the more Spirits get used up and vanish because of her domination ability and how namina the ball of light that accidentally summoned Jin here she also warned his sister but she doesn't care too much about it because namina can absorb power so that's why she doesn't care rudel said how even though Jin said he wants no connections with his sister whatsoever they need his help now and bro is rudel that Snape guy van and they just randomly changed his name or am I going crazy grandma also explained how this spell spamming that his sister is doing is going to have an impact on a lot of places around the world and Jin asked what does she mean by that and they instructed him to just take a look through the window and after my bro did he saw spirit balls stacked upon one another like we're playing claw machine and this shock Jin while that young girl spirit mishto I almost forgot her name she explained how they ran to Jin these Spirits because he has Liberation ability and they ran from his sister who has dominate Spirits ability and Grandma explained how if he names these Spirits nobody will be able to dominate them but rudale rudil it's not rudil it's rudale oh my God but TR said how this depends on Liberation magic being stronger than the connection between the person and the spirit so befriending them first would be a better option and they're talking about all of this like there's half a spirit outside and not half the world's population but the easy thing is that he can give them literally any name even name them after numbers and my bro Jin just like me is trying to figure out all this mess these Creator spirit are talking about they went outside and Jan started naming them and do you remember how earlier I said he decided to become Elon Musk well this is also why he named the spirits red X1 green X1 la la la la la and after hours and hours of naming them he wasn't even done with 10th of them so he decided to take a break and check on leora's condition so he teleported back to his house but mishto followed him and asked who is Leora and Jin show told her and said how he freed her from this bird spirit and mishto yelled out oh no a maen crisis oh my God what do you mean a Ma's crisis this manga is going to fry my brain Bros I mean not in a bad way but I expected it to be a cozy life type of manga not all these chaotic complications that are going on right now and I'm so sorry for ending the video now I've actually written a script for a couple more chapters but if I edit them this video will come out after GTA 6 launches I will serve my time in Cliffhanger jail let's get 2K likes for part two I'm working on Part Two for the last video and it will be uploaded on not be Chad the second channel so subscribe there as well you can find it in the description always stay awesome like this Bros and peace
Channel: Nodby Chan
Views: 97,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa, manhwa recap, manga, manga recap, anime, anime recap, manhua, anirecap, manwarecap
Id: zZMUPnl-Fug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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