The Worst Isekai Anime

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I need another cone o Yanna Jinky to humanity sit back home okay I'm gonna need to do some therapeutic Schilling before I can handle any more of this this video is sponsored by Azure Elaine one of Japan's most popular mobile games which is finally making the way to North America courtesy of yo star games as your lane is a bullet hell style shoot them up that lets you take control of a fleet of adorable heavily armed battleship girls based on real warships from World War two and while it has the RPG elements and character customization systems you'd expect from a mobile app your victory or defeat really does come down to your raw skill at guiding your customized fleet of six girls through hails of bullets and torpedoes I kind of suck at shmups to be honest and by the second chapter I was already being challenged by enemy fleets which is a refreshing change of pace from the hand-holding and random outcomes of other 'mo a mobile games also nice as Errol Lane has a proper story with popular sayyou voices you'll recognize from anime including Yui Ishikawa RIA kugimiya tsundere Osaka and Yui Horie a the story gives it a sense of momentum that similar games just don't have if you want to see what's made this game such a huge hit in Japan click the link in the doobly-doo to download it for yourself and try it today now back to less pleasant things it takes a lot to make me feel like I've been a bit too harsh on shows like sword art online in another world with my smartphone and Knights ampersand magic but boy the master of Ragnarok and bless Irvine Harry ah sure is a lot I mean it's a lot of nothing but it's a lot of nothing master of Ragnarok and blesser of ein Harry R or more bow for short is yet another ISA Kai or trapped in another world show and if smartphone and Knights ampersand magic were scraping the bottom of that particular barrel then more bows bloody gnarled finger stumps are clawing through the dirt several feet below it if someone made a list of everything wrong with trashy paint-by-numbers light novel adaptations and bargain-basement harem anime and then some anime studio found it and mistook it for a plot synopsis then this would be the dollar store knockoff of whatever they made I'm gonna summarize the plot of this show and you're gonna think that I'm exaggerating some of the deets for comedic effect but I promise you I am NOT Yuto is an ordinary teenager living in modern-day Japan until one night against the protests of his stock factory model childhood friend he takes a selfie with a cursed mirror and is transported into another world which is really the distant past with his smartphone also the world's called a drizzle because if you're gonna give up you may as well give up all the way right after you TOA Rives in this magical land we jump forward two years which makes sense to me I mean time skips are obviously everyone's favorite part of anime so why not start with one future Yuto has become the patriarch of a warrior clan aided by a harem of hot fantasy babes with crazy magic superpowers called ein Harry are all of whom by technicality of a sacred ritual are also his little sisters and daughters and all of whom for reasons that I'm sure are purely aesthetic and historically accurate call him some variation of father Big Brother super amazing exalted Big Brother or master when they're not busy talking about how great he is which is literally all the time there's not a single conversation in this show that goes by without somebody getting sidetracked by how smart and handsome and humble and hard-working Yuto is and also did they mention how badly they want to [ __ ] him because it's really badly I have never in my life seen a piece of video content that feels more like the creator is just jackin himself off in front of me and I've watched Darkseid fill stream 6 episodes in the series is consisted mostly of Yuto collecting new little sisters and daughters like Pokemon stumbling into some of the most awkward and laughably contrived Etsy scenes in anime history and winning even worse battle scenes by looking up tactics on Wikipedia using his smartphone which is solar-powered and gets a radio signal through the magic mirror to more Bose credit it must have been hard to come up with something even dumber than God magically enchanted my phone to make it work in a fantasy land and I'm kind of impressed they pulled it off by this point I think I've demonstrated how on a purely conceptual level this story had all the makings of a hot and noxious dumpster fire but concepts are not be all and end all of anime it's how a studio executes on those concepts that ultimately determines a show's final quality and it's thanks to the hard work of Koski Kobayashi and EMT squared the same director and studio team who gave us last season's siscon trainwreck Alice or Alice that morbo manages to be as spectacularly awful as it is now as you've been watching this video you may have noticed something a little off about this show if you haven't been looking too closely at the screen you might have missed it so I'll give you a second to take a guess what it is I'm talking about do you think you have it the correct answer is it looks like [ __ ] garbage most of the artwork in this show is deviantART tear amateur-hour stuff half the backgrounds are static ugly brick walls and the other half are terrible low poly or even single plain CGI with textures so muddy that they'd look rough on n64 the characters are outlined with these distracting colored borders that I think are meant to help them be composited more seamlessly into scenes but end up having the opposite effect making them stick out like sore thumbs and drawn with almost zero grasp of accurate perspective or Anatomy half the time the animators cheat their faces into a side view so that they'll only have to draw one eye this is a seriously lazy or seriously rushed production and to be clear I'm not pausing the screen to complain about messy in-betweens here that would be totally unfair these problems are everywhere in the key frames which are supposed to be at least somewhat polished and even static images that the show uses when scenes are too hard to actually animate like this despite looking like broken necks Sasuke is not a frame of animation it is a single piece of complete detailed artwork that several people looked at and said yeah that's acceptable to broadcast on television what the [ __ ] is even going on here even ignoring the thumb monsters passing for humans in the background stain Thor the central figure in the image is a mess I have no idea how he's supposed to be swinging his hammer to hit those guys behind him either he's whipping it around the back of his head sideways or he was bent over backwards limbo style a second ago with it on the grin behind him and he's swinging it overhead from that position either way it just looks stupid and the line of action doesn't even carry through his whole body it curves down through his arm and torso but then it stops at a hard angle at his legs which are squatting like he's gonna take a poop or something it almost looks like a scrapped draft of this slightly less embarrassing action pose from a couple seconds ago that they threw back in the fill time which I wouldn't put past them considering they followed up by repeating this image from less than a minute earlier in the episode slowed down slightly in case you missed his half drawn bird face and broken neck the first time and do I even need to say that it looks worse in motion the action scenes in this anime are so bad that I'd honestly be more embarrassed if my mom or roommate walked in on me watching one of them than I would with the ecchi scenes the copy pasted CGI soldiers look awful on their own and they appear to be way too sharp against the often blurry background art one action scene is literally just yellow dots on a blue background I also can't think of any anime that I've ever seen with horses that look this janky but they don't just cut corners with the unimportant elements this is the big climactic fight animation that's supposed to punctuate the opie it's used at the front of every episode so logic would dictate that it would be one of the show's more impressive sakuga moments but the characters movement on this flat stretched out ground texture is so choppy and poorly composited that it looks more like an early FMV from a 90s point-and-click adventure or like a Newgrounds animation than a professional anime production from 2018 and the fight that this is supposed to represent is even worse in the anime itself ask yourself how would you choreograph a fight between a lady on horseback with a katana and a man in a chariot with a giant hammer perhaps some sort of wild chase over uneven terrain with lots of collateral damage no that's too expensive but maybe we could have them circle each other trading blows no that's still too much how about we have their horses stand perfectly still next to each other while they swing their weapons using only their upper bodies and then add some blur effects and camera shakes in post to make it look a bit last shitty yeah it's not great and that's probably the best action shot in the series so far most fights are a blur of close-ups and other cheats used to avoid any complex motions at all costs because when they try anything complex you get nonsense like this of course this is ostensibly a harem comedy not an action series so this low quality animation would be somewhat forgivable if the characters were interesting or the writing was good but then you know that this video wouldn't exist if that was the case Yuto himself is not so much a character as he is a cipher for the audience a vehicle through which they can vicariously have their wishes fulfilled and while this is true of a lot of ISA Kai and harem protagonists morbo is insultingly transparent about it he has basically no personality between being hard-working really smart really nice and um well his flaws are that he's not physically strong and he thinks too lowly of himself not taking enough credit for what he achieves by applying his historical knowledge from the internet yeah you heard me right his chief character flaw is that he's not aware enough of how gosh darn great he is and that's even more [ __ ] insufferable than it sounds every time someone complements him on one of his achievements he wins to himself no it was just a cheat in an obnoxious pantomime of fake humility that makes me want to just punch him in the face and the male supporting cast so far is no better it consists entirely of dumb old men who exists solely so that Yuto can yell at them for being dumb to impress girls jerky confident guys who all die instead of being given a chance to submit to the wolf clan like the girls are for some reason that I can't put my finger on and this dollar store knockoff of Gilgamesh from fate oh and a couple of nicer older guys who offer a bit of good advice and help the girls and fight sometimes but most importantly are way too old to potentially move in on the harem essentially every man in the show is written to be as unthreatening to Yuto and the audience members projecting themselves onto him by proxy as humanly possible and as for the women folk well this is a lazy harem anime so you know the drill by now you've got the serious violent one with a secret crush on youto the big-titted [ __ ] one with a secret crush on youto the meek little sister type with a secret crush on you toe and the awkward engineer type girl with a secret crush on you toe and these twins one of whom does the deadpan stark thing while the other one is literally too [ __ ] stupid to function and also their actual children because of course they are and yeah that's not even the worst of it in one of the show's bids to demonstrate what a great friggin gyuto is we see him stop in the middle of the town's market to glower at a slave trader selling a mother and her little girl after a bit of thought our kind-hearted hero from a century where literally nobody thinks this practice is OK purchases these two humans thereby supporting the evil business that as the city's leader he could easily just been and decides to keep owning them but promises to be really nice about it at first this mother and daughter are treated as forgettable background characters but of course we know that they'll be back because one of them appears in the harem roll call for the opie which one I'll give you a hint it's not the mom that puts this all incest harem lolly count at 3 which is the threshold where Nobuhiro Watsuki officially endorses your show but let's put a pause on that for a second we have one more prop girl to talk about here when he's not using it too irresponsibly [ __ ] up the timeline by introducing modern science to the Bronze Age and probably creating a future where Trump becomes the president or something ridiculous like that Yuto uses his smartphone to make nightly calls to his childhood friend just to make sure she knows he's okay but not to his parents they're just left to assume that he's dead or whatever I guess well ok to be fair it is vital that he regularly talks to meets Keith because even though she doesn't have a personality to speak of she serves as his all-important excuse to not bang all the hot girls who are constantly telling him how much they want to have sex with him the series really wants to sell that indulgent fantasy of harem girls throwing themselves at you but it's a light novel series so actual sex is off the table I call this the highschool DxD principal or having your cake and not [ __ ] it too but as pg-13 excuses go this has got to be one of the all-time dumbest remember you toes a teenager with zero sexual experience he hasn't actually seen this girl in two years and he may never see her again and he never actually told her how he feels so he's placing all of these invisible expectations on her to wait for him through the best years of her life based on a crush that we as an audience can clearly see as required but he doesn't know that while ignoring a bunch of girls who he's clearly attracted to and who've told him they're attracted to him the way that this is all framed is about as unhealthy and selfish as teenage sexuality and anime gets and that's saying a lot although on the bright side it means that you toes not trying anything with those three literal children in his harem instead we just see them get naked and throw themselves at him and the show goes out of its way to make this even more uncomfortable than it usually is in anime because not only do we see two of the lollies the twin sisters push each other down to share germs as their character introduction in other ecchi scenes they have dialogue to actively and explicitly remind us that they are too young for this [ __ ] which I guess makes it better for the lolly cons in the audience but it's more what's the word I'm looking for horrifying and off-putting for everyone else as flimsy as excuses like she's actually 800 years old our for token lolly fanservice and harem and ecchi shows they really do help for people who just want to squint past that unfortunate aspect of the culture and enjoy all of the other fun sexy nonsense that anime gets up to repeatedly calling attention to the fact that say your protagonist is having his toes sucked while getting a non-consensual boobie backwash in front of a horrified and embarrassed child who is his slave is to put it mildly a bit of a mood killer not that there's much of a mood to kill in the first place because the art and animation and the fanservice scenes is just as terrible as it is in the action I'm not gonna spend too long breaking down the problems because we're on YouTube and what I've said so far if not edited very carefully is already a recipe for demonetised but to put it flatly it's just awkward to look at the characters barely move and when they do their poses and movements are stiff and decidedly unsexy and unnatural stuff that's supposed to be soft and jiggly is practically rigid and on top of their heads being turned to the side awkwardly half the time their faces are so flat and dead most of the time that nobody even looks like they're enjoying it which is weird because when you look at just the dialog these are some of the most openly DTF girls in harem anime I've said this many times but I can forgive or at least forget a lot of nonsense and harem and edgy comedies even the really creepy [ __ ] as long as it's clear that the creator's actually care about what they're making and are having fun making it it sucks when these shows get overly prudish or take themselves too seriously but it equally sucks when the people making them have clearly just given up like I couldn't really find a place to organically insert it into the main body of this rant but even the sound design in this show is laughably lazy in one scene in Episode two the music needs to swell dramatically but the song they're using is just a flat instrumental track so whoever was mixing the sound just raised the volume of the track it's such a half-assed solution that I'm kind of impressed with it competent director and passionate studio could have turned this light novels mediocre and questionable premise into a dumb fun sleazy romp like how not to summon a demon lord or at least something passively mindless like in another world with my smartphone the bars for both the harem and Issa kai-shan rizzardo stressing lilo yet morbo manages to fall well short of both of them well I've seen worse harem anime you'll have your day Morocco I honestly can't think of a single youkai show that I have enjoyed less than this one and I guess in a sense that's kind of an impressive achievement I really don't know what else to say after last week's pick-me-up video I sure chose a hell of a show to bring me right back down I'm just gonna go stare at a wall and think for a bit but while I'm over there you guys should feel free to tell me what other anime you think represent the absolute worst of their respective genres or the best when I can feel positive emotions again I might enjoy those I tell you to hit like and subscribe while you're down there but life's meaningless so whatever I'm Jeff through professional [ __ ] signing out from my mother's basement
Channel: Mother's Basement
Views: 2,125,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Imouto, Harem Anime, Light novel anime, Bad isekai anime, In another world anime, the master of ragnarok \& blesser of einherjar, the master of ragnarok and blesser of einherjar, hyakuren no haou to seiyaku no valkyria, Anime Analysis, isekai anime, Sword Art Online, fantasy anime, in another world with my smartphone, overlord iii, SAO, Mother's Basement, Worst anime, Terrible anime, anime (tv genre), video essay, Anime, Crunchyroll, Azur Lane, Battleship Girls
Id: 2dAIvjuj1dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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