Is YOUR Daughter a Magical Girl?! - Public Service Anime

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it can be tough raising a teenage daughter in the modern world every father worries when he first sees his daughter off to a party or to hang out with a boy or to see a Justin Bieber concert but beyond the obvious threats of alcohol promiscuity and pop music your little girl could be facing hidden dangers that you don't even know about the dangers of the occult yes at this very moment your daughter could be consorting with the devil himself and this isn't your run-of-the-mill witchcraft either it's dangerously hip and with-it they call themselves magical girls and across the globe countless families are being figuratively torn apart by their lies their truancy and their misguided use of the dark arts some families have also been literally torn apart by monsters is your precious little princess a magical girl it's high time you learned to spot the signs the obvious ones won't do here if your daughter is spending a lot of time out at night without telling you where she's going she could very well be fighting monsters but she could just as easily be studying with her friends or smoking or mercilessly bullying her ugly classmates how can you know if this is just wholesome youthful hijinks or something you should be really worried about start by talking to her teachers has she been skipping class or taking an inordinate number of suspiciously long bathroom breaks right after looking out the window and gasping loudly does she have a renewed interest in stuffed animals is she frequently seen whispering to or staring at her knapsack or the inside of her desk speaking of desks is she sitting at this exact one don't just look at your daughter though the witchcraft of magical girls can have far-reaching consequences if random people around her school are disappearing or having severe emotional outbursts on a roughly weekly basis that sub resolved themselves overnight that could be a sign of magical girl activity or it could just be a local drug cartel or group of Y and arrays this will require further investigation magical girls often work in teams not unlike the witches covens of the old days so you need to look closely at the friends your daughter keeps do they look like normal middle schoolers to you if they all have their hair dyed in different primary colors with different hairstyles there's a good chance they're magical girls but don't think your daughter is safe just because she has wholesome brown or black hair she could simply be a regular friend that the magical girls keep around to seem more normal but magical girls can use their insidious powers to change their appearances so even if your daughter and all of her friends look normal they could just be fooling you so you need to look even more closely in the last few months has your daughter suddenly acquired between two and four new friends from different schools one of whom is exactly half the size of the rest of them are these girls so wildly different from one another that the only explanation for their friendship is that they were trying to ensure that any outside observer as determined by a focus group could easily relate to at least one of them these are the tell-tale signs of a magical girl team you should be doubly worried if your daughter has suddenly stopped caring about her normal plain looking friends and if she never had any other friends to begin with you have my condolences there's a good chance that she's a secondary magical girl which means that she will definitely die at some point in the near future especially if she has blue hair although depending on the circumstances she may also come back to life the art of necromancy is not outside the realm of these girls wicked magic it's also important to look at your daughter's male friends if she has more than two of them congratulations your daughter definitely isn't a magical girl but if she spends a lot of time with one oddly handsome guy who's several years older than her that totally normal and not at all creepy scenario is a chillie a clear sign that your daughter is mixed up with the dark arts or aliens maybe yes the only conceivable reason that an older man could possibly be hanging around your daughter is that they have a predestined connection edged into fate by magical or alien or maybe robot beings ages ago in all likelihood this handsome boy is your town's mysterious masked vigilante and once he and your daughter awaken to memories of their past lives or whatever there's no turning back for them so what can you do before it's too late you definitely shouldn't directly ask your daughter what's going on in her life this will only cause her to have a sudden bout of absurd clumsiness and destroy some of your furniture as she fumbles for an excuse you must come to her with answers not questions if you do it may be possible to simply talk your daughter down and explain to her that even if she does have magical powers she's a lot better off reporting any monster she sees to the police and getting on with her day but to do that you first need to confront her with hard evidence and to get that you need to get into her room this can be as simple as sneaking in while she's away from school but be careful with this approach as the rooms of magical girls are frequently being watched you can gain access while she's at home under the pretense of bringing her a hearty snack and a cup of hot chocolate once inside you need only look around and see if you can find any stuffed animals you don't remember buying for her the stuffed animal is the key the next time you enter her room it will likely be in a different place than it was before that's because this is not actually an innocent plush toy at all but rather the magical familiar or mascot that got your daughter into this mess in the first place if everything so far has proven true you now have but one goal to catch this toy as it moves to do this simply walk in and out of your daughter's room under the pretense of doing chores or if you feel particularly bold toss it in with a load of laundry it may take several attempts to break the creatures will but it can be done once you've caught the little devil you'll be to get it talking and as an adult with a modicum of common sense you should be able to easily see through its cutesy adorable lies within a few minutes of talking you'll be able to determine whether your daughter is simply helping a friendly alien save the world from monsters or if she's entered into a Faustian power bargain with an elder god if you're lucky it will be the former and your daughter will probably listen to reason even if she doesn't quit you can at least help her by directing her to another video in this series you're transforming body and you unfortunately the tricky soul-destroying kinds of magical girl contracts are all the rage these days because the creature is planning these things all apparently think that they're very clever and nobody else has ever thought of the idea before if this is the case your daughter is probably doomed she'll either die or have her mind shattered or she'll be forced to kill every other magical girl to survive and while you and your trusty shotgun can help her with the latter problem in every other scenario you have but one hope if common-sense won't solve the problem money will if your daughter is about to be taught a poetic lesson about not trusting the forces of darkness you must turn to the darkest force of all the Internet start by posting about her on social media then begin printing t-shirts with her face on them create plastic figurines based on her and her friends if you sell enough of these the sinister creatures to which your daughter has sold her soul may suddenly change their evil plans for her so that instead of reaching that final point where the world ends or she dies she just keeps going on her increasingly profitable adventures forever in a sort of purgatory state where everything is kind of crappy you may find this distasteful but it's the only way to save your little girl's life remember the real magic is merchandising also remember to order your merchandise from American manufacturers and not from heathen communist nations like China Canada or Japan this video was brought to you by the North American Council of figurine producers in association with His Holiness the poke [Music]
Channel: Mother's Basement
Views: 774,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mother's Basement, Anime, parody, Anime Parody, Public Service Announcement, Public Service Anime, PSA, Magical Girl, madoka magica, Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, Yuki Yuna, Magical Girl Raising Project, japanese, magic, princess, magical, magical girls, magical girl (tv genre), madoka, princess tutu, tokyo mew mew, puella magi madoka magica, cardcaptor sakura, anime (tv genre), mothers basement, animation, japan, anime analysis, henshin, superhero, Pretty Cure, Precure, Glitter Force
Id: z2gEkdPZOM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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