At the Last Trumpet

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good morning and welcome to north lake baptist church so good to see you it looks like we've got a few getting that last vacation in uh before school starts in hall county boys and girls i know you're excited to get back to school hopefully teachers maybe but we're so glad to have you this morning guests we want to welcome you and thank you for joining us this morning as we worship our lord and savior jesus christ yes we have gift bags for you in the back uh if you want to pick one of those up on your way out feel free to do so there's a lovely coffee mug in there that you can have a nice cup of joe with in the morning church let's open up our bulletins and look at our announcements children we'll have sunday school zoom this afternoon at 2 and students this evening high school middle school students will have sunday school zoom at 7 30 and also on september 6th we are going to begin a middle school and high school sunday school class at the normal time at 9 45 back in the education building in room 212 on september 6. so look forward to getting that started back for our students church we are also we've finalized up that ministry placement team report and our church budget that email is going to go out tomorrow morning to get those reports to you that you can look over if you have any questions please feel free to call the church office and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have then on wednesday we will send out a ballot email so you can approve those reports and we can get started with our new church year ladies i'd like to draw your attention to a bulletin insert uh there it says jesus is better he's the better revelation the better sacrifice the better priest jesus is better it's a study in hebrews by jen wilkin for our ladies on monday nights from 6 30 to 8 30 p.m starting on september 14th and there is an online option if you want to attend if you don't want to attend in person you can contact andrea howell for those details and her number is there on that insert so ladies uh look forward to having that bible study time together the writer of hebrews in hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 and 29 says this therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken let us be thankful by it we may serve god acceptably with reverence and all for our god is a consuming fire let us pray heavenly father we come before you today thankful thankful for our church thankful for our families thankful for our health most of all we're thankful for our faith in jesus christ our strong foundation who cannot be shaken father as we worship this morning may your fire burn within us through the power of the holy spirit bringing to mind the sin that so easily entangles our lives that we might be that we might repent and be forgiven for father we want to be holy as you are holy it's in the powerful name of jesus that we pray amen good morning north lake let's stand together this morning you'll find words in your bulletin let's sing about the solid rock uh christ our foundation the one who holds us and sustains us every day we're gonna sing together starting with my hope is built on nothing less my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness [Music] when darkness seems to hide his face i rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within [Music] is blood is all around my soul his way he then is [Music] when he shall come with trumpet sound oh may i then in him be found dressed in his righteousness alone for lest you stand [Music] is [Music] amen christ is our solid rock and we do look forward to that day as it said in the fourth verse when trump shall sound and we look forward to that day when christ calls us home to be with him and it's at that moment when we realize that we are really nothing and christ is everything and then we do we're going to sing and we're going to say just as it tells us in revelation is a little bit of a review if you go back to revelation chapter 4 and look in verse 8 it says and they do not rest day or night talking about the four living creatures around the throne they do not rest day or night but they continually say holy holy holy lord god almighty who was and is and is to come and then if you move forward and look in revelation chapter 5 and then you look down in verse 8 of chapter 5. it says um right there now he had taken the scroll and the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints and they sang a new song talking about who is worthy to take the scroll and then he goes down to verse 12 and it says with a loud voice it says worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive glory and power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor glory and blessing let's do that this morning let's sing to the lord and seeing holy is he the unto his name [Music] we are a moment but you are forever lord of the ages god before time we are a vaper you are eternal love everlasting raining on high holy holy good god almighty worthy is the lamb who was slain [Music] highest your name be unto your name we are the broken you are the healer jesus redeemer mighty to save you are the love song forever [Music] is the lamb who was slain [Music] highest be unto your name [Music] holy holy lord god almighty is the lamb who was slain highest praises honor and glory be unto your [Music] is [Music] unto your name be unto your name [Music] amen holy holy holy is the lord god may be seated i also welcome your house the lord so good to see you here today for those of you who are here in person and for those who are joining us online we're glad that you are all here with us if you have your bulletins we'll be going over our prayer list it's on the back page james chapter 5 tells us the prayer of faith will save the sick and the lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven and that's why we do a prayer list is because the lord asks us to pray and bring all of our cares before him we begin today with praises we do praise the lord for our young people being able to finish up awana last time and have our drive-through last sunday afternoon where they received their awards normally we have the award ceremony in here but things being what they are we did it as a drive-through this time and we're thankful for them completing their studies last week we also had new members join katie cargill and jerry and carol mendendorf we praise the lord for that also one i want to add this morning is our son david jones this is his first sunday as pastor at enid baptist church up in alto georgia and so we're praying for him as he begins his ministry and also we'll be doing a ordination service for him next sunday night now that will be offline but uh you for those of you who want to be a part of that we ask you to come back next sunday evening for that as well i also want to continue to remember those in our circle of influence who may not have yet received jesus christ their savior and would you pray for them and ask the lord to use you in order to bring them to faith in jesus christ you see there on our prayer list those in our church family that we're still praying for alain sallee will be having surgery tomorrow so be in prayer for her and also one day i added frank gray continues to have some heart issues with afib and blood pressure problems so he's asked us to remember him as prayer as well we pray for our parents are expecting children also under extended family and friends you see the list there and we're adding ricky smith that's arlene's brother and uh he had a heart procedure this past week so we pray that he recovers quickly i want to remember those in long-term care and also want to remember our missionaries serving around the world today we've been asked to remember our missionaries who are in north africa and the middle east who've been distributing food from our world hunger fund to help a lot of what they call day laborers who have been cut out of work because of this cobit thing and so we're distributing meals for them so that they have something to eat and so we pray for our missionaries as they work in that context also we continue to remember our nation our president and with this uh ongoing it looks like maybe uh the coronavirus is starting to turn around and maybe we can get back to some semblance of normal before too long let's pray to that end amen and let's go to the lord in prayer father we thank you for this day that you blessed us with a beautiful day outside your holy spirit on the inside of us your believers and lord it energizes us and revives us and lord we thank you for your presence among us we do pray for those we've just listed on our prayer list that need a special touch from you today also there's others being lifted up even now maybe too private to put on a public list but lord you hear the desires of the hearts of your people and we thank you lord that part of your salvation for us as you seek to communicate with us through prayer and through the study of your word we pray lord as we continue to study through your word that you would reveal yourself to us by the same holy spirit that inspired the writers all those years ago lord bless us today as we worship you for you are worthy of it and we pray this in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] man thank you amy anybody recognize that tune amazing grace my sins are gone if you can't think anything else to be thankful for this morning be thankful for the amazing grace of god because we've been studying revelation there is coming a day when that's going to run out and the judgment of god will come we've been blessed for the last to almost 2 000 years to be living in the age of grace the church age the times of the gentiles and so we have had the amazing grace of god that allowed us to have the opportunity to receive jesus christ and be saved from our sins and not have to endure the punishment of that but as we get deeper into revelation we will see that that time will soon be over and so if you've never trusted jesus christ won't you do it while it's still called today if you have your bibles please open to revelation chapter 8 revelation chapter 8 as we continue our study we're going to be opening the seventh seal and as you open the seventh seal that's the beginning of the seven trumpet judgments and that's where we will begin today chapter eight verse one and when he opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour and i saw the seven angels who stand before god and to them were given seven trumpets then another angel having a golden censure came and stood at the altar he was given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne and the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended before god from the angel's hand do you ever picture your prayers doing that like incense being lifted up to heaven before the throne of god then the angel took the censer filled it with fire from the altar and threw it to the earth and there were noises and thunders and lightning and earthquake so the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound the seven trumpets start with a sequence of events that will be the answer to the persecuted church that we saw back in revelation chapter 6 verses 9 through 11 that says i saw unto the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of god and for the testimony which they held and they crowd with a loud voice saying how long o lord holy and true until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth then a white robe was given to each of them and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were was completed you see down through the centuries the people of god have been ridiculed and misused and abused and forced to endure troubles and trials and tribulation during the church age during the last 2000 years and instead of taking vengeance or getting even or getting bitter they forgave and we've studied about forgiveness on wednesday night and what does that mean it means turn the matter over to god don't try to fix it yourself you let god take vengeance so they turned the matter over the lord in prayer and they trusted him to judge righteously and the bible here tells us that the lord does not forget those prayers for justice he gathers each plea he collects each tear he hears the cries of his children and according to verse 3 they become the censor of the wrath of god in chapter 8 and verse 5 the lord prepares to pour it out on earth just as those last trumpets prepare to sound and as we're reading this i wonder if it ever crossed your mind we're in the bible have we heard trumpets before remember what i said before there's very little new stuff in the book of revelation it's just the rest of the bible that you hadn't read so what you need to do is outline the book of revelation start over in genesis and then read through the bible and you'll find out that there's very few new things in revelation just new to us because we haven't studied the other part well seems like i remember trumpets being mentioned way back over in the book that everybody skips in your daily bible reading leviticus leviticus chapter 23 tells us that there are seven feasts there are seven holidays on god's calendar and one of those feasts involves trumpets of course the first feast is passover passover is early part of the year 14th day of nisan which is the first month of the religious year for the ancient jewish people it usually occurs between march and april you all remember when easter comes some years it's in march sometimes it's in april well easter always coincides with the jewish passover for really good reasons that we'll talk about in a few minutes the purpose of the passover is to remember god's salvation for his people from the bondage in egypt you'll remember the last plague was the plague of the firstborn and if you'll remember if you took the passover lamb and you killed it that night and you took its blood and put it over the door posted your heart what would happen yeah the passover the death angel would pass over your house and not go in there and kill your firstborn but all the egyptians who did not do the passover obviously they lost their firstborn that night so that was what they're supposed to remember at passover is how god had taken care and provided a way for his people to have life when judgment came the second feast also coincides almost runs at the same time starts one day later called the feast of unleavened bread 15th day of nissan same time as passover usually lasted a week and the purpose of the unleavened bread feast was to remove leaven or yeast or bacon powder from the house since leaven puffed up bread and made it look like something it's not it became an illustration of deception or sin in our life how many of our all know that what that's what lebanon does is it puffs up you take your average loaf of bread and let the kroger handle it no i'm just but anyway you'll find out that when it gets smashed really the loaf of bread is only about that tall but when you got leaven in it and so that was used as an illustration of sin sometimes we get puffed up in ourselves and so that's what it meant to take that out removing the leaven reminded people to live sinless unpretentious and holy lives it also showed obedience because they had to be ready to follow the lord's command remember the lord had told pharaoh let my people go well he was going to let them go and when they went there's going to be in a hurry they're going to have to move so fast they wouldn't have time for the bread to rise so again it's a symbol of not only holiness but also obedience the third feast was the feast of the firstfruits it happened the day after passover sabbath course sabbath old testament time was saturday and so it occurred on sunday and the purpose was is somebody went out in the field and the grain was still very green very small at this point but they went out and they cut a sheaf of that green grain and it went and waved it for the lord consecrating the harvest because one of these days just even though we got a small bundle right now the harvest will be huge it will be large and we're asking god to bring us a great harvest into the future and then the next feast was called the feast of weeks or what we call pentecost it was seven weeks or seven sabbaths plus one day so it was 50 days following passover and again the purpose there was to consecrate the wheat harvest at the beginning of the growing season and it was represented by two loaves of bread nobody really understood what those were but i'm fixing to tell you in a few minutes so hold on anyhow there's two a symbol of two loaves of bread and that's what you presented at the altar of god on that day and then following that there was a break in the holidays for four months there were no holidays it was a long growing season in the summer it's when the grain is out there in the field doing its thing turning from green to gold as it matured and as it did its thing toward the fall harvest season and then does anybody remember what the next feast is after the growing season the feast of trumpets imagine that the fifth feast is a feast of trumpets first day of tishri which is the seventh month which is september october for us and all the purpose that was is to announce and prepare the people for the day of atonement that will follow 10 days later but on that particular feast they blew the trumpets before the lord and it's interesting in numbers chapter 10 and verse 1 and following it tells us that they used two silver trumpets and two different trumpet calls and these different calls were differentiated you could tell by listening to them just like when i was in army we used to have bugle calls we had one to get us up in the morning wanted to put us in a bed at night you know bugle calls throughout the day and these here were two and they stood for two things one of them was to call the assembly to get the people of god together and the second would be an alarm for war if they were under attack then they would sound that when everybody would know to start reacting and doing what they were supposed to do in case they were under attack so that was the trumpets the sixth feast would be the day of atonement if you see it on your calendar it's called yom kippur and it's a solemn assembly of israel it's more of a fast than it is a feast you didn't need much on that one basically what you did it was a ritual of repentance and of affliction to cover and put away your sins and to restore a right relationship between a holy god and sinful people and even though it's on the calendar in leviticus chapter 23 the explanation of how you observe that day is in leviticus chapter 16. and then the seventh and final feast is a feast of tabernacles also called the feast of booths 15th day of tishri five days after the day of atonement lasted eight days it was a time of gladness you exchanged food and gifts it was like we do christmas but you did it for eight days and he also involved camping and this had to be fun for the children because mom and dad would set up a a tent or a booth in their backyard and it represented when they left egypt remember the lord took care of them he provided for them even though they didn't have any food he provided manna and quail and all kinds of things out there to take care of them even when they ran out of water he would provide water in the desert and this was to remind them that in their days of camping in the wilderness the lord was good to them and the lord provided so god commanded the nation of israel to keep these seven feasts year after year every year as reminders of his blessing in the past and also as symbols of his plan for the future and that's why jesus was so careful at the end of his earthly ministry to be in jerusalem at passover time because see god the father was going to use this calendar in order for to fulfill his plan of salvation in the person of jesus christ what happened to jesus at passover if you remember jesus died on the cross at passover time in jerusalem he was the sacrificial lamb that took away the sins of the world through faith we apply his blood to the doorpost of our heart and therefore the death angel passes over us and does not kill us that's why it's so important to have jesus christ your savior and lord before he is our passover matter of fact in the new testament first corinthians 5 7 paul the apostle writes for indeed christ our passover was sacrificed for us so yes jesus was very careful to be clicking off the list here on these holidays the next thing that happened to jesus is he was buried when was he buried well he was buried at the feast of unleavened bread now jesus was sinless so it wasn't about him taking his leaven out but second corinthians 5 21 tells us that jesus became sin for us that knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of god in him so at the cross jesus removed our leaven he removed sin from our life by his sacrifice on the cross and according to ephesians 4 jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth to take away our sin some of you may remember the old hymn we don't sing it much anymore but living he loved me dying he saved me what buried he carried my sins far away i wonder where they got that well they got it from looking at the calendar at what god was up to in this world on the third feast jesus was resurrected from the dead on the feast of the firstfruits notice it happened on the sunday after passover sabbath jesus rose from the dead paul the apostle didn't miss this at all he jumped on it in first corinthians 15 20 but now christ is risen from the dead and he has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep or of christians who have died for since by man death came by man also the resurrection of the dead for as in adam all die even so in christ all shall be made alive but each one in his own order christ the firstfruits and then afterwards those who are christ's at his coming remember what i said about the first fruits is you cut a green sheaf and you waved it before the lord and saying we're looking forward to a great harvest sometime in the future well that's what jesus was if you remember not only did jesus rise from the dead but a few of the old testament saints rose with him it says in matthew but that was the first fruits but what it did it projected into the future one of these days the trumpet's going to sound what the dead and the christ shall rise and there'll be a huge harvest of all the people through the years who've been godly and trusted the lord for their salvation so again that's the first fruits then what did we say happened after the first fruits well then came the feast of pentecost jesus had already ascended into heaven on day 40. but here we are on day 50 and i wonder what happened at the feast of pentecost well acts chapter 2 tells us when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all in one accord in one place and suddenly there came from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind it filled the whole house where they were sitting and then they're spread among them divided tongues as a fire and one sat on each one of them and they were all filled with the holy spirit and begin to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterances y'all noticing that this tracking right along with those holidays that we were told about way back in leviticus 23 nobody reads about it anymore but the lord is still on that calendar jesus is coming through and he's checking the boxes he even came back in the form of his holy spirit on the feast of pentecost and then remember we said it was symbolic there were two loaves of bread presented before the lord and that represented a soul harvest in the last days of two groups of people that were very important to the lord and that is jews and gentiles matter of fact the ministry to the gentiles began right there at the feast of pentecost acts chapter 2 continues and there were some dwelling in jerusalem jews devout men from every nation under heaven and when this sound of the holy spirit coming came the multitude came together and they were confused because everyone heard them speaking in his own language there were parthians and medes and elamites that were dwelling in mesopotamia judea cappadocia pontius asia phrygia pamphilia egypt and parts of lydia adjoining serene visitors from rome both jews and gentile proselytes cretins and that are you hear that i'm all over the world not only were jews being saved but also people from all over the world the gospel was reaching out the times of the gentiles had begun here at the feast of pentecost right on schedule well after pentecost remember what happened there you have the long growing season you got that four month growing season there's no festivals no feast or anything going on during this summer growing season that's going on and so far this growing season has lasted almost 2000 years on god's calendar it's a time in history when there's not a lot going on prophetically speaking luke 21 calls it the times of the gentiles peter in acts chapter 2 called it the last days jesus in his great commission that's how we come up with the idea of a church age he's calling out people until then remember lo i am with you always even until the end of the age so we're in the age of the church uh that's going on uh right now and it's a season that we've been living in for the last 2000 years it's a season we're living in now it's a time of worldwide evangelism it's the great commission of going into all the world and preaching the gospel and people from all over the world have been and are being saved the question then is what's next what's next what's the next thing on the calendar that we need to be expecting as christians a trumpet sound that's what we're waiting on we're waiting on the trumpet and that's where we're getting to here in revelation uh next event will be the trumpet sound now i know matthew 24 36 says we do not know the day or the hour that jesus is coming but if the lord is consistent with his calendar and he's been pretty consistent so far wouldn't you say he he clicked off every one of the boxes my guess is and you can write this one down if i end up being a false prophet i'm sorry but anyway i believe that one of these years soon and very soon the trumpet will sound for the coming of the lord and i believe it will happen in september october time frame at the feast of the trumpets how many of you think so so i mean so far jesus has tracked every one of those things and i believe he's going to be consistent all the way through to the end so is everybody ready in case he comes in september of this year all right i got a couple of amens hope the rest of you are ready anyhow according to leviticus 23 numbers 10 the beginning of this period will be started with two trumpet sounds there'll be the sound to assemble which i believe will be the church of all the ages we call it the rapture first thessalonians 4 15 for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep or who have already died and are in their graves for the lord himself will descend from heaven with what a shout and the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus shall we ever be with the lord and all the people said amen and when does it happen at the trumpet sound at the last trump and then there'll be another trumpet sound a sound to alarm the tribes of israel for war which explains a ceiling of the 144 000 israelites and we saw both of these calls in revelation chapter 7 which is just one chapter back from where we're at right now you see the gathering of the church in heaven you see the gathering of the tribes of israel who will endure the great tribulation or as john called it the wrath of the lamb that ends with the greatest war of all time known as the battle of armageddon so the next event on god's calendar after the last trumpets will be the day of atonement yom kippur the judgment day the day of the lord when the sins of the world be punished and evil destroyed you got to remember in old testament times the way they celebrated the day of atonement is they took two goats two goats were chosen to deal with our sins and if you remember one of the goats was sacrificed they killed that goat to pay the price for the sins of the people and the other goat was designated as a scapegoat all your sins were confessed they actually put their hands on the head of the goat and they confessed the sins and laid it all on him and then one of the priests took the great this scapegoat uh way off far away into the desert and released him while this was going on on the day of atonement back in old testament times during this ceremony the people were actually faced with two choices then you could reject god's plan of salvation if you did it said then you would be cut off from the community of faith and you would die in your sins the other option was you could repent and afflict your soul and confess your sins if you did that then you would be forgiven and you would continue to live on when we get to the trumpet judgments revelation chapter 8 at the beginning of the end of the age the apostle john tells us in first john 4 10 and this is love not that we love god but that god loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sin propitiation a big old word means atoning sacrifice he came to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins so jesus is the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the people and being the son of god and possessing both life and immortality jesus could fulfill the job of both of those goats on the old testament day of atonement jesus could not only be the sacrificial goat that died for our sins but guess what he could rise again and still be the scapegoat that carried our sins far away from us and so in old testament times uh we're just like old testament times when it comes to our choices we have two choices as well if you're willing to repent and afflict your soul and confess your sins you can receive his gift of forgiveness and life then you'll be raptured you'll be caught up you'll be taken to heaven like we see in revelation chapter 7. but if you refuse which is the other choice then you'll be cut off as it says in leviticus separated from the community of faith left to die in your sins when the wrath of god is poured out in revelation chapters 8 through 16 with the seven trumpet judgments the seven vial or bowl or cups of judgment that are being poured out that ultimately culminates in the battle of armageddon so that's the day of atonement so what is next next will be the feast of tabernacles which is time of rest the people of god and we see that fulfilled when we get to revelation chapter 20 which will be i don't know months from now but anyway revelation chapter 20 you'll see the millennium the thousand-year reign of christ where people will be blessed beyond measure as jesus christ the prince of peace rules and reigns this earth from jerusalem and all will be well so that was my introduction so now do you see how the seven trumpets fit into the revelation this is the last trump this is the last trumpet call to the world as we know it first corinthians 15 5 paul says behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump and the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall all be changed at the last trump matthew 24 31 the lord will send his angels it says with a great sound of a trumpet which i believe that's what we see in chapter seven these two calls will happen simultaneously the first call 144 000 jewish witnesses will be alarmed and sealed for the battle that's coming the second call will be the call of the assembly the rapture of the church he calls us to an assembly in heaven then the seven trumpets of judgment will sound and the call of the world to repent prepare for the ultimate day of atonement when god is fixing to come and take away the sins from the world in the form of judgment again as we talked about before the judgments that we see going on in chapter six are the type of warfare that we see going on for the last two thousand years but once we turn to chapter eight here all of a sudden you see supernatural judgments these are not man-made things that's going to be happening uh beginning in chapter eight and verse seven you'll see trumpet number one it says hail and fire will be thrown down on the earth destroying one third of all vegetation chapter eight verse eight trumpet number two looks something like a mountain being thrown into the sea will turn the seas into blood chapter 8 and verse 10 trumpet number three you'll see something like a burning star falling from heaven and it will make fresh water from rivers and springs taste bitter chapter 8 and verse 12. trumpet number four we see the moon the sun stars dim to two-thirds of their power chapter nine and verse one trumpet number five a star or angel falls from heaven with a key to bottomless pit releasing unidentified flying objects also known as demons they look like flying grasshoppers or locusts and they will torment people for five months and people will be wanting to die begging to die but cannot chapter 9 and verse 12 it caused trumpet number five the first woe you gotta remember in biblical speak woe is a term used for judgment it translates the hebrew word oi do you ever say oy whenever you get hurt apparently jewish people say oi where we normally say oh or if you're speaking yiddish you say oy they which means woe is me these words are used to describe the horrific grief hopelessness and despair as the judgment of god falls upon the earth chapter 9 and verse 13 trumpet number six the four angels of the euphrates that cause them will allow a 200 million man army to come from the east by the way this may have slipped past you back in 1990 but they completed the ataturk dam and the ataturk dam can dry up the euphrates that flows to syria and iraq and also we now have a nation on earth that's capable of fielding a 200 million man force and that would be china the first and only nation in history capable of fulfilling what's mentioned here in the bible this is the second woe we're told it's the second woe in revelation chapter 10 and verse 14. all these judgments are used by god as trumpets as wake up calls as alarms to tell a sinful humanity that it's time to repent but sadly if you'll turn to chapter 9 and look at verse 20 and 21 twice it says they did not repent well all that's going on well all the supernatural things that's happening in the world that man can't account for we don't have the technology we got plenty of technology now but we don't have the technology to account for the judgments of the trumpets nevertheless they still will not bow the knee and repent of their sins but the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands nor that they should not worship demons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood which can neither see nor hear in their walk they did not repent of their murder or their sorcery or their sexual immorality or their thefts we probably need to pause there a minute if you underline things in your bible you need to underline those two they did not repent you see i think we get the idea that we can repent any time we decide we want to but as i've already mentioned early and i know it causes no small degree of stir because i've got enough email and stuff to to make me feel good or bad but anyway after the rapture as i've said before after revelation chapter 7 the ministry of the holy spirit as we have known him during the age of grace during the 2000 year times of the gentiles it will be over it will be taken away according to second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7. in romans chapter 11 verse 25 it says the fullness of the gentiles will come at some point and when they're full they're full in other words the age of grace will have passed by so my friends if you're going to be saved you need to do it while it's still called today don't assume that you've got seven years after the rapture of the church takes place in order to have some kind of a miraculous revival and get saved i don't think so if you're not jewish your number's not going to be up to be saved after the rapture notice here it says even with all this going on they couldn't find repentance kind of reminds me of hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 the sad story of esau do you remember that paul writes in hebrews and says be careful lest anyone fall short of the grace of god lest any root of bitterness spring up and cause trouble and by this many will become defiled lest there be any fornicator or profane person like esau who for one morsel of food who for a little bowl of soup sold his spiritual birthright for you know that afterwards when he wanted to inherit the blessing he was rejected for he found no place of repentance though he sought it diligently with tears can you imagine a more pitiful sight than when you see the world literally coming apart and you feel like i need to repent but you can't find repentance in your heart that was the shape that esau was in and that's the shape that people are going to be in once this time that we know as age of grace the church age is over at the rapture chapter 11 and verse 15 is trumpet number seven we have an announcement from heaven it sounds like the hallelujah course the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and then it says prepare for the third woe we've already had two woes now comes woe number three and woe number three is ready or not jesus is coming first time jesus came he came to bethlehem sinners were offering forgiveness as he became a suffering savior but the second time jesus comes you're going to see sinners in the hands of angry god as he comes as king of kings and lord of lords so we need to be prepared for that actuality it will be as it was in the days of joshua do you remember the days of joshua they blew the trumpet how many times yes somebody helped me seven times and what happened the walls of jericho fell down and guess what then the people what entered into the promised land i wonder if there's any connection there seven trumpets are going to sound and then the people of god enter the promised land into the kingdom of heaven but will be to those who are left behind as we close are you paying attention to god's calendar i know we look at our calendar some of you may have been looking at your calendar while i was up here preaching i mean you got so much to do next week ain't no telling what all you got on your calendar but are you watching god's calendar because his calendar is clocking right along too it's ticking right along we don't pay much attention to it because it's located in leviticus chapter 23 but we've seen the death of christ at the feast of passover we saw the burial of christ at the feast of unleavened bread we've seen the resurrection of christ at the feast of the firstfruits we've seen the sending of the holy spirit at the feast of pentecost and we've been living for 2000 years and the long summer growing season what's next what's next on the calendar somebody tell me what's next a trumpet sound my sermon's been about trumpets come on work with me people what about you do you have any sense of expectancy of urgency concerning the day of the lord are you saved are you sure what about your family what about your friends students what about your classmates that you're going to be going back to school with this week what about your co-workers folks at work are you ready if today the sun should turn dark and the trumpet sounds if not trust jesus today seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near because time does run out you assume that you can repent forever but you can't respond to the lord while he's speaking to your heart let's pray father i thank you for your word lord sometimes it's hard to understand it's doubly hard to understand because we don't dig too deep but lord you are consistent in all your ways you have a plan you have truth and your truth is marching on you have a calendar and sometimes we don't pay much attention to it but as john is trying to tell us in the language of the revelation that you're still on that calendar you're still working lord help us to pay attention help us to be aware if we're already believers ferrari christians help us to be concerned that the hour is late and then the times of the gentiles will be over and if there's someone here today that does not yet know jesus christ our savior and lord we pray that they'll take care of that while it's still called today that they'll afflict their soul they will repent of their sin they'll ask jesus christ in a prayer of faith to come into their heart be their savior be there lord we pray this in jesus name amen now's our time of invitation our altar is open if you want to come and pray i'll be standing down front if there's some decision you need to make today maybe you've never trusted christ your savior i'd love to pray with you and show you how you can know that you know that you're saved before you leave the building today now you've already been saved prayed and asked the lord to come in your life but you've never done much with it you've not been taking the first step of obedience to be baptized he never never joined the church and got involved in the discipleship becoming a follower of jesus christ once you do that maybe been saved and baptized your church membership to somewhere else you feel like the lord is leading you to come to this place and find your place of service here i want you to join our church today maybe there's some other need in your heart of life that's what this altar is for listen to the voice of the holy spirit if you're watching online we have a number on your screen there at home so give us a call we have some folks with standing by the phones to talk with you and pray with you today listen to the voice of the holy spirit as we stand together and sing our invitation won't you come is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of god a place where sin can heart will last into the heart of god oh jesus blessed redeemer sent from the heart of wait god thee be to the heart of god there is a place of comfort sweet near to the heart of god a place where we our savior oh jesus blessed redeemer the heart of god to the heart of god [Music] there is a place of full release [Music] a place where all is joy and peace of god oh jesus blessed redeemer sent from the heart of god [Music] of god there is a place of quiet rest place where sin cannot of god blessed redeemer sent from the heart of god [Music] there is a place [Music] a place [Music] oh jesus blessed redeemer sent from the heart of god [Music] thank you for being here today for your attendance for your prayers
Channel: Northlake Baptist Church
Views: 4,141
Rating: 4.8742137 out of 5
Id: tPnmJFP8me8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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