This video will teach you how to play the Defect

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chad we are here for one thing today and that is to make youtube content do not forget it we are not here to play the best that we can so that we can teach you how to play the game we are here to play the best that we can so that we can make a banger youtube video so that andrew can get paid and so that people will then come over to the twitch channel and that i will get paid and that in and of itself is the greatest youtube business decision and most intellectual thing we can possibly do has officially been given the twitch chat feel of awesome content that you should come and watch the stream i didn't before today decide what class that i wanted to do the over explained run on uh we've done we've done it on silent multiple times and they've all been unsuccessful to get on youtube just because the run was pretty [ __ ] um but we could do the defect we could do the iron man not doing the watcher only because i'm not i'm not ascension 20 yet i haven't put thousands of hours into her so i'm not i'm not smart enough i would say i am not intellectually fit enough in order to get there all right a lot of people are saying defect most people are saying defect over the iron clad so all right we'll do the defect defect is a guy uh when you start with him obviously because i'm on ascension 20 i'm going to start with less hp not going to start with max hp you do get cracked core which uh lets you start off with one lightning at the beginning of every turn if you don't trade your boss relic which i would say for the sake of this we're probably not going to trade our boss relic just because i want to go over the strengths of the defect where he has uh a lot of really good early game like literally just one mana 16 damage from dual cast is [ __ ] crazy good it is absolutely [ __ ] fantastic and so his early game power is usually very very high but it oftentimes does come from spells so you need to be wary of that going into things like uh like our gremlin knob just as like a general consensus of the over explain runs if you notice the title of the stream it says over explain run from a dumb player i'm not the smartest guy but chat's always asking me to actually take the game seriously so i being the smart guy that i am dressed up in smarter clothes i'm taking things seriously chat i am the professor that is all about sex appeal let us go in you start out with 99 gold in your money pouch uh an ascension 20 obviously you don't start with max hp or maximum uh the 75 hp that the standard defect starts with if you're not playing on an ascension again you have this orbee that gives you one lightning orb at the beginning of every uh every fight that is extremely powerful and dealing damage to the early game foes now let's talk maps let's talk looking at the map chat what to know on act one the first three fights that you find the first three fights that you take will be easy fights those are going to be your one cultist those are going to be your jaw worm those are going to be uh your two laos things like that very very simple easy uh usually minimal hp lost in the fights in ascension 20 you might take like two to i would say two to seven damage is usually a pretty understandable amount depending on the rng that you have um and then you're gonna get into your harder fights after you see your first three fights even if you see a fight in a question mark room that still counts after those first three fights you're gonna start seeing your slavers your thieves your uh your your laos plus jaw worm your various things that can be more and more dangerous that are upsetting i have a dog putting his paws on me because he very much would like to be a part of the stream is it that the first three fights are easy or the first three floors are easy first three fights so if you were to go this path for instance and you were you didn't see any fights and then you get this you know let's say we get the one hp elite right this the next fight that you see is still going to be an easy fight so technically right now if i had the option to take one hp stuff i could get and i could get through two elites at one hp he would be full hp and then this would be my second easy fight my third easy fight and then i would get to heart fights so you could literally get through an act without any any hard fights once again i have an eager student wanting to learn but yeah so uh the first three fights that you take are gonna be those easy fights that's usually so the just the general tip right this is just a general tip this is not a lesson to uh to live by because there's there's different starts right you might you might hit your whale bonus and you might get the one hp elite and that allows you to to go a more risky route to get the start to get the you get nia's lament which gives you the first three fights at one hp that gives you a little bit more uh gusto to go for a riskier path that's understandable you could be the iron clad take a random rare card get immolate you want to take a risk or a more elite heavy path but just a general tip on your standard run a usual good thing to do is take two to three fights right because your potion chance starts out at 40 so let's say you take two fights you get you you have a decent enough chance right you you don't see it in the first fight it goes up to 50 chance you might see a potion in the second fight that potion might give you the eligibility to take on an elite but two to three of those easy fights is really good to plan on taking before you get to your first elite because again in those easy fights you're not gonna be taking a whole hell of a lot of damage and it can give you a couple of cards that will set you up to be able to use your hp to defeat the elite and get a relic um also we gotta talk about rare card percentage because rare card percentage is another thing again i'm all over the place i'm one of those teachers that's going to have 87 of those of the chalkboards that like roll out from under them and i'm just going to pull out a new one and start jotting down nonsense it's all going to be on the test pipo g's in chat when you go into any sort of a card reward now this card reward can be a card reward from your whale bonus from the fights it can be from uh it can literally be actually uh taking the the three potions from your whale bonus counts as a as as a rare as uh as a it ups your rare percentage your rare percentage starts at negative two percent negative two percent of seeing a rare card every single time that you see a common card it goes up by one percent uncommons doesn't matter at all then once you see a rare card it resets it it goes back down to negative two percent right so the likelihood of you seeing a rare card and then seeing another rare card immediately after very low but elites though triple your rare percentage are all those percentages same across all ascension levels no i don't think so i think um that's an ascension 20 thing i think it's a lot easier to see rare cards on lower ascensions oh no it's upgraded cards appear less you can see that at ascension 12. but is negative two not times three not negative six i'm not sure actually funky music whether or not it increases your um like it just takes whatever your percentage is at and multiplies it you know lost gift the little thing that says triples your rare percentage that doesn't actually triple your rare percentage or it triples your chance to see rare cards it doesn't actually just automatically do that what it does is is if you see if you get a one percent increase from seeing non-rare cards you now get a three percent increase from seeing a common card right so it triples the amount so i don't know if taking an elite just takes whatever your rare percentage is at and doubles it or if it says whenever you see an uh a common card it gives you a two percent increase instead of a one percent increase does that make sense either way it's a lot of [ __ ] information i'm just kind of word vomiting whatever i know about the game and hopefully you absorb some of this information general consensus is take a couple of fights fights are good fights are good and here's why fights are good fights allow you to see more cards which are phenomenal so that you can use those cards in order to defeat things right you could use those cards to be able to feed things it increases your chances of seeing rare cards which can increase your chance of defeating things it increases your chance to see potions which can increase your chance of being able to defeat things so fights are pretty [ __ ] good right i know a lot of us are always like dude i'm gonna go like 17 question marks every single floor and then you don't understand or you don't understand why you continuously die every single time by the time you get to the act two boss right it's probably because you're playing way too [ __ ] passively because you're relying on events to give you poggy ass things usually taking a couple of early fights into an elite is it just a general roundabout decent way to think about things it's not always going to be the be-all end-all a lot of times depending on what you get you get a really weak start you might want to be like all right i want to go this way right take these this is let's say let's say none of these are fights this is your third easy fight you're gonna get to upgrade two cards here because you're not gonna lose enough hp in order to be able to get uh in order to be able to like really really hurt yourself my mouse just died one second and then you're gonna go with two upgraded cards and uh three easy fights on your belt of relic to boot and you're gonna take this elite and then you're gonna get to here and decide whether or not you can you can take on another elite right so it's it's all depending there there's different paths for different different every single run but just a general good idea is three good fights three easy fights into an elite or into a campfire into an elite into a campfire it and it all depends again on what comes out the biggest tip that i can give you to take away from playing slay the spire is play to what you are doing next not oh does this thing really [ __ ] do well in my deck in my overall archetype that i'm trying to build yes but does it help you get to the point that you can be that archetype right i think a good example i think a good example was the run that i that i uploaded on tuesday where i took a glass knife over taking a wraith form is wraith form poggy woggy and do i want to take it in every deck obviously rainstorms poggy woggy we just said that it's poggy woggy why why do i have to repeat myself this is [ __ ] annoying but right then i needed front loaded damage we were scaling fine because we had a shuriken to scale our strength we had an accuracy in our debt in our deck to scale our ships but we needed something to just murder someone right out of the gate so we don't take incoming 17 damage on turn one if i don't draw my wraith and wraith form puts you on that clock and if i don't scale fast enough i'm [ __ ] so i needed to play for what i was doing next and that was taking the glass knife and so when you you know let's say we take this path and we get to here and then i get it and i get to hear and like i'm feeling [ __ ] healthy i've got two great [ __ ] potions and i'm feeling [ __ ] good i got through my first easy fights just owning and i'm like close to full hp i've got some [ __ ] that's just gelling maybe going this way and taking a couple of extra fights increasing my rare percentage maybe grabbing an even better potion to be able to handle in a leaf and then going into a double a double triple elite route maybe is the is the is the way to go instead of going this way that's a little bit safer because in act one the question marks tend to be things that will allow you to remove cards a lot of things in act one though you gotta realize is act one events tend to hurt you right you're taking damage in order to get money taking damage in order to remove a card you spin the wheel you're taking damage you're taking 20 something damage to upgrade a bunch of cards taking damage in order to get the the golden idol right a lot of damage comes into that so sometimes question marks aren't super good right before an elite it's always thinking about exactly what i need to do next if you want the greatest chance of winning let's now look at finally after a little bit let's look at our whale bonuses every single time that you get a whale bonus there's always going to be two easy ones ones that don't really affect you uh in terms of you know taking away your gold giving you a curse affecting you any in any sense negatively um but a random rare card right it could give you something like echo form which could be a curse in your deck early but could make you pop off later or it could give you meteor strike and that's something that needs to be taken into account three enemies in combat one hp it's a great one but it's oftentimes a bait let me explain why if i were to go this way like we talked about right let's say that i uh this would be a 10 chance of a fight 20 chance of a fight 30 chance of a fight 40 chance of fight the chances of us getting through there are decent even if we pivot this way and guarantee that we don't get a fight here the chances that we get there like 66 something percent or something like that 60 of a time 60 of the time this is this is not a fight or this is a this is a we get this as our second fight and then we could get this hp at one hp two but then you're halfway through act one and yeah you got two relics that might be good but you've at most added three cards to your deck and you're halfway through the act but it's it's fun don't get me wrong getting that like the little boner from getting to that one hp elite knowing that maybe you're gonna get a second one oh it's poggy but if you're gonna go this route right and this is a fight don't mold about it don't mold about it because now you're getting an extra chance to see cards to see potions to see good things that are gonna eventually help you defeat slime boss cause slime boss is a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] but he's got a cute hat we need to respect that can you take one hp to get easy fights and get three cards yes and that is what i was gonna talk about is a lot of times taking the one hp can be really [ __ ] good like like this is a triple elite route right like going this way you get three elites with a bunch of campfires sprinkled in it might actually be better to go something like this right try to get one one hp elite and then move along but you get a little bit extra juice even going something like this maybe obviously getting a one hp elite is [ __ ] poggy don't get me wrong but you just gotta think about how far up am i in the act like for instance if i went like this let's say that this guy wasn't elite right and i was like all right i'm gonna go boom boom boom boom boom and i get the one hp elite you're halfway through the [ __ ] act man you've gotten one elite and you like what is is your deck 100 gonna win yeah am i gonna over explain every card as well yep this is an overexplained run my voice will hurt uh lose all gold remove two cards removing two cards is interesting um most of the time you'll see content creators removing strikes right because strikes a lot of cards that you're gonna take early in the run are just strikes but upgraded ball lighting cold snap compile driver uh melter a lot of the cards that you're gonna see and want to take early in order to defeat elites are strikes that deal more damage than a strikes and do a little bit more right they have a little bit of a on top of them because smoking at early elites is obviously good we we might know that so when you're thinking about removing two cards err on the side of caution i would say know that your strikes are gonna help you a lot in defeating early fights and thinning out your deck from all of your attacks against the cultists which scales infinitely against the jawline which scales infinitely maybe not be the best idea making your deck thinner so that when you put better cards in it is a great idea right so i would say if you're going to do the remove two card option striking the defend is usually better because you're still giving the same amount of chance kind of to seeing that same type of card right early in the run so i would just say getting rid of a strike early is great but if you're wanting to do the two remove two cards unless you've already added something to your deck which you're not gonna be doing at the whale bonus striking and defend will still thin out your deck give you that excuse that you want across also taking a boss relic we could talk about the boss relic swap as well boss relic swap can give you some poggy it could give you something shitty the thing is that you have to consider is what are you losing right on the on on the silent you're losing starting with two extra cards on turn one which is a crazy good passive that i think a lot of people underestimate it's really good on the iron clad you're losing six hp at the end of every fight which early on in your run matters a lot but later on in your run act three really doesn't mean a whole lot so usually usually i would say that trading your boss relic is very okay on any of the classes honestly all of the classes are really [ __ ] good at trading boss relics because boss relics are usually good will usually make your deck a lot better in the short term because a lot of things just give you energy right and just for energy against any enemy is usually pretty [ __ ] good just being able to do more on every turn is usually just pretty [ __ ] good um pandora's box even usually pretty good because most cards are better than strike and defend but you also have to remember that you're losing consistency right how many runs have you played with cracked core and just going through the beginning fights and just using dual cast to annihilate things you're losing that consistency so it does give you a little bit of an out of the box thinking the early power from especially with the defect the cracked core is nuts this is so much [ __ ] damage i mean literally it's three damage a turn if you never touch anything and that's a lot in infinite it's a billion it could be a billion technically any questions at this point i'm gonna now open up the floor to some questions is going for maximum elites fights ever a good idea yeah so i i think that going for elites is is usual i mean you obviously want elites right there's a there's the old saying that ascension one which makes a lead spawn more often is easier than ascension zero because elites again they give you a chance at better cards with the rare percentage doubling they also um give you a relic which is is nuts they are just harder fights but you gotta remember that your health is a resource just like everything else so using your hp in order to make your deck function later on in the game is definitely good going for a fuckton of elites is smart most of the time it's just no it's it's just having that alternative path and knowing when it's when it's time to tap out and so i would not i would in in this map right here i would recommend going for this triple elite path i i would 100 recommend going for it because if you make it through your deck's gonna be cracked whereas if you go this way right you're gonna get maybe two elites the same amount of campfires but right here this is like a little bit of a dodgy point where you might get two really hard fights here and then not be able to take that elite and then you only get one elite and then your act kind of sucks whereas here you might go limping into the boss fight but you're gonna be a bad [ __ ] by the time that you get there which act do you think is the best to take the burning elite on usually act one and three i would say act two is usually fairly dangerous the burning elites um the the stuff that they get increases later on right so in act one they might only heal for three whereas in acts three or act three they're gonna heal for like six to eight right they're gonna heal for a lot more um so it's obviously harder than later in the the later that you go but i think that the act two elites tend to be the most punishing level of elites so adding on extra stuff to them is usually monka s but hey sometimes you just get that crack deck i i think that going for the burning elite is like if you're not gonna go for it act one you're just gonna know when it's time to take it and most of the time it's just gonna be act three of like all right i guess i gotta go this way that's the only bad thing about not taking the act the not getting a good path that has the burning elite on it early is that act three sometimes you just like show up to act three and you're like wow this right path is really really strong i can't wait oh the burning elite is all the way to the left and i have to go through uh 75 fights in order to get there and he's the only elite on the path no campfires no shops no nothing and then it's it's just kind of pain that you're forced to go down this one this one route what's the weird elite thing with the sparkles yeah so the weird elite thing with the sparkles is that's the burning elite that people were talking about that elite is gonna be an elite that will have more max hp or might might have more strength or it might have uh some plated armor or some italicized armor so every at the end of its turn it blocks for a certain amount um it's a it's just an elite that's harder and when you defeat it you get one piece of the the the trinity of key pieces that will allow you to fight the heart which is act four uh to get to to get to the heart you have to take uh instead of taking a relic at a chest you have to take the blue key and instead of doing anything at the campfire you have to take the red key then once you get all three of the keys you get to go on to the the act four the way that i look at the the whale rewards as well is these first two options a lot of the times when you're new to the game you'll find yourself picking and then this option right here is for people who are very experienced in the game and like that risk versus reward play style and this is for people who are bat [ __ ] insane or really know what they're doing last option is youtube you'll find that i take this a lot i also will take the uh the the enemies and your combats have one hp and the youtube in me wants to go get these two elites at one hp and i'm gonna be so sad when i don't do it when you go for an early shot just with lots of money uh with lots of money or if like if i got like a card here and then i got this to be a fight right and then this wasn't a fight i would go there regardless of whether this was you know i wanted the one hp leader done because at that point if i got two really good cards i don't want to strike anymore right i need to i don't want another card on my deck anymore i need to be able to draw my good cards more often and so shops are very powerful for moving cards i'm gonna do something stupid it's just because we're moving two cards you can like i think that this might be more detrimental to our deck if we were not to get good cards going into our first elite fight because i do like i'm looking at this saying i want to take this triple elite path possibly four elites right and removing two cards and then the possibility of not getting anything good all the way up to this first delete is very terrifying and um this is like 100 chance that this is a one hp elite and this is like a 60 chance that this is a one hp elite so i think that this is actually in our favor to do and it's fine if it's only the first one that's on hp elite but let us go very easy you always get gold and then you get a card reward um usually taking cards early on in the game that are just those upgraded strikes that they can then transition into making your deck better later in the game is usually good so cold snap is is the card that immediately catches my eye um hologram again put uh game three block and then put a card from your discard pile back into your hand usually not the best early because that requires a lot of mana to play with also when it's unupgraded right this doesn't block for a lot and it also exhausts so it's pretty shitty unupgraded and usually is a priority of something that i would like to upgrade same thing with barrage you usually want to upgrade this card and is also only good when you have a lot of orb cards and without a lot of orb cards you really don't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] so it's pretty [ __ ] easy for us to look at cold snap here and say that that's really good for our deck to give us permanent two block every single turn five block when we evoke the orb um yeah i uh i think the cold snap is just the way to go here again hologram great [ __ ] card but just a little bit weak early game and again you want to look for a couple of upgraded strikes in order to be able to deal with gremlin it's just it's gremlin enough most of the elites honestly is is kind of like deal more deal act one elites are usually deal enough damage to them that they die before they deal enough damage to kill you so let's take cold snap this uh by the way um uh that was a 10 chance of it being an elite also we had a 40 chance of seeing potions in that fight which has now increased to 50 chance and also this event right here does count as a card reward for a rare percentage so we have an increased rare percentage i don't know how much it is particularly um and i also think this resets our our potion percentage back down to 40 i'm not exactly sure but i think it does puts it back down to 40 but we get two potions and that's great this is a 20 chance of being a fight and it is a fight that's fine again we're okay with that um increasing our chances to see rare cards again by seeing two non-rare cards heatsinks is a great power once you kind of have your deck going along right now it's not going to do a whole lot for us so i wouldn't recommend putting it in your deck now claw is terrible you'll see a lot of people in claws saying claw those are dumb people don't listen to them we could take a leap here a general rule of thumb for the the defect in the early act is you know take a lot of things that are going to make your deck more powerful in terms of dealing damage and then take one really good block card and that could be an upgraded leap that could be a glacier that could be uh uh a a charged battery um a lot of different things act one leap is very hard to pass up that's what i'm thinking right now is with our potions being able to help us out with hp uh and dealing damage i'm inclined to take this leap here but and it's i'm also inclined to take this leap because we are gonna need a card to upgrade at this campfire and it's either gonna be it's gonna be zap if we don't have anything else to upgrade but i'm most likely looking at that leap uh why is club bad uh because again early in the game you want to be using your the most amount of your cards to be able to deal a large amount of damage and claw is a very late game thing so it's it takes a long time to to build up anyways we're going to take this leap and now this is uh because we saw a fight here this has been reset now it's down to 20 back down to 10 chance of this being a fight we get the golden idol event which you get the golden idol makes enemies drop 25 more gold usually just want to take this one because at the very least you can just sacrifice your max hp which doesn't affect anything that you're currently doing um but remember that max hp will hurt will make things that do hp stuff less in the future so if you get stabbed if you if you have less max hp and you get stabbed at the wheel event the roulette event uh it's less because you have less max hp uh if you rest at a campfire it'll be less healing because you'll have less max hp all of those things need to be taken into account you could even and this is something to consider is take this injury because then if we go to the shop we could remove that card and then continue on but we need to remember what our goal was and our goal was is to go to this shop and use this shop to add a card to our deck so if we use half of our money or over half of our money in order to remove a card the likelihood that we could buy a strong card is lower so i think that i'm gonna take the seven max hp if you take the the curse and then go remove it at the shop all powered to you i'm gonna go with the max hp we are gonna get one one hp elite now um we come into the shop looking for something powerful looking for something that's gonna rock our socks in terms of dealing with stuff um not seeing anything super duper incredible melter is on sale so i'm honestly inclined to take that just because it's on sale loop isn't gonna do a whole lot for us uh it's something to upgrade at a campfire but this on sale melter i think is gonna help us out in future elite fights just by being an extra bit of damage so i'm gonna go ahead and click on that and it's just it's a decent attack it will remove all block and whatever but it's not amazing it's not super bad does shops affect your rare percentage i'm not exactly sure on that actually uh here we get an oddly smooth stone so we start each fight with one dex that means all of our block cards are now gonna block for one more that's great since we took the leap uh oddly smooth stone is fantastic and we come across skim chill and melter again i don't really want a second melter a skim can be great in order to look for cards that we really really want to play uh always be keeping the boss that you're gonna fight in mind chill is awesome right we just took uh the gremlin knob fight which means this elite has a 50 chance of being these centuries and a 50 chance of being the lagavulin chill is going to be great against both of those and the draw really isn't going to help us out until later on in the centuries fight where this is just amazing so we're going to go ahead and take a chill because again we we've taken a couple of attacks we didn't need much more coming to the campfire we're full hp we have a plan in mind that was to upgrade the leap just make this card just beefy as [ __ ] it's gonna block for 13 now with the oddly smooth stone another thing to upgrade can be your zap and the thing with the zap upgrade is you're making a card that's bad be okay that's the thing with zap is you are making the uh the zap go from being a ball lightning minus the seven damage to a target down to a really good a decent enough card to play later on in the game uh versus making a good card great so it's do i want to make a bad card okay or do i want to make a good card great and i think that that's uh yeah how come i didn't remove a strike at the shop because i wanted the power of the strikes going into the elite fights because i knew that we need some ways to deal damage to the elites um if you remove the strike there cool but we also have another shot coming up later on we can move a strikeout too come across a log of wool and fight so we think about the lagavulin fight nighty night thank you for the 23 months man what up bubby welcome back we think about the log of will and fight the log of olin will sleep for three turns and then after the third turn if you haven't dealt damage to him he will awake and then he'll deal his 20 damage 20 damage and then he'll debuff you so he's a really good fight for you to be able to set up and do what you want to do preemptively so leading with a with us with a chill cold snap could be a very solid way to wake him up or we could look for possibly a zap uh something a little bit better we also have to take into account that we didn't play our uh we didn't have a leap in turn one so if we if we procked him this turn we opened up the fight this turn we have a greater chance of being able to play leap on a more applicable turn we also can play melter on a more applicable turn to deal an extra bit of damage um so that's basically what our line of thinking is here it's do we want to be able to play leap on a better turn or do we do we care more about playing melter to be able to get a lot more damage on him and i think that the damage matters a lot more when we're at full hp and we have some stuff to help us out so i'm gonna go ahead and play the chill so we get two block every turn we're gonna wait so we did draw the leap here which is not super good but one thing to think about is we are gonna draw the last cards of our deck next turn and he's still not gonna wake up which means then after that the turn that he's awake for will have reshuffled all of the cards in our deck won't have the curse anymore and will have a good chance of drawing the leap on a turn that he's attacking so that's very very strong i think that's okay all right now we are going to zap use melter first to remove his block just like the card states he awakes now he's gonna start getting taken six damage every turn what do we draw we've got uh 12 block here and then we've got six block plus evoking this or six damage plus evoking this orb adding another orb it's just a [ __ ] on a block it's just nuts the other options are to play your strikes but then you got 20 damage incoming remember we want to take this elite two or we're gonna have to take an elite before another campfire so you gotta keep your hp in mind and that is a very strong amount of damage we are blocking for more and we're dealing damage for uh we can go ahead and use our leap here into a melter because it's our most damaging attack now we have a choice here we will block for another additional four which will put us at 17 are we okay with taking three damage or do we want to make sure that we block for enough i think in this case because we've got those frost orbs hanging around for a while i think it's good to take steal some damage here if you break his block without dealing any damage does he stay asleep yes yes he does all right so here the turn is obvious he's gonna debuff you so obviously you're gonna play these two attacks now you have a decision to make do you wanna play this zap here it'll waste this five block but you'll be able to deal a bunch more damage to him going forward so this is where you got to start doing a little bit of math right if we deal six damage to him this turn he's going to be uh he's gonna obviously take six damage people g in chat i'll be at 37 hp we've got this explosive potion that we're willing to use right now um which will put him at 27 hp this lightning orb will be in front so if we were to draw something like a dual cast next turn we could deal 16 damage to him putting him at 11 hp with a melter that puts him down to the one hp with the second lightning orb that we created that puts him at zero seems pretty [ __ ] good to me we draw the dual cast we use the dual cast we go boom we go we didn't use melter it's fine though we didn't need to use melter we use one of our potions we come out with a lot of hp a little bit of gold a nunchaku which is every time you play ten attacks gain an energy good [ __ ] and garbage we're gonna take a sweeping beam here aoe is always good to have aoe is great but we did not find a super a lot of everything but sweeping beam is good aoe aoe is always good to have and going into slime boss it's pretty good thing to have and also cycle is great we didn't find garbage sorry we found recycling all right and we do want the uh the elite into the campfire because if we get take a bunch of damage to this we uh can then rest before we take a fight versus if we go this way we would have to take two fights which we might take a bunch of damage here and then have a tough time with that then we have to rest it's just a comp it's a less complicated decision uh chests when you look at them um there's the wooden chest the tiny little one the ice chest and then there's the big one all that symbolizes is the percentage chance that you have to see a rare relic the bigger the chest the higher your percentage is to see a rare relic it's not always going to happen but when you have something like cursed key and you're like damn do i want to open this chest and get a relic this can give you at least a little bit of an idea to whether i'm going to open up into a poggy relic that's going to make my deck go to the moon or not we get a pair which is going to give us plus 10 max hp which we've talked about max hp it's poggy we're gonna take that also remember that anytime you take max hp in the game it will increase your current hp so we almost got to 69 and that's nice i'd give that an a plus moving in we find another gremlin knob fight which could be a little bit dicey with the amount of spells that we've taken uh we could go ahead and use our um our dual cast here to play a bunch of lightning orbs or to deal 16 damage to him but i think that the three damage plus a 16 damage later on to finish him off it's a masturbation joke that'll be on the test is good so leaving the lightning we're about to deal three passive damage now then once we draw dual cast we can get it for 16 damage just means that lightning will deal that much extra damage as the fight goes on you could consider playing the regen pot here um it would be this turn that you would want to play it but also remember that uh after he does or when he does that little buffing thing after his turn one playing any spells or uh and playing any spells will increase his strength he's a man who doesn't like spells he's a very smorky guy but you gotta remember that playing regen pot there you would heal five that turn which would put you at 72 and then four that turn would overheal you which you wouldn't get the benefit of so usually wanting to get the benefit of your stuff is good also you want to kill gremlin knob within enough time that you don't use the full effectiveness of the potions so yeah smart king is usually pretty good in this fight you could consider playing the zap here but that would just give him more strength and he's also going to vulnerable with us so it just scales the strength even more it's going to go ahead and sweeping beam as we start this turn see what we draw we draw a leap now leap is a lot of block for a little bit of for just a little bit of strength which if we consider right now he's our big brain he's at 35 hp 32 next turn right which means that that dual cast is half of his hp we are again reshuffling our deck so the likelihood that we're gonna be able to kill him next turn is at a decently high amount right decently high it's not super high but it's decently high that we'll kill him next turn i think that playing this leap increases his damage by 5 but blocks us for 13 that's a net gain of 8 hp is quite worth it to me we do draw lethal here this turn so if we use dual cast that's gonna do 16 damage that's 10 that's six that is another 16 that's 32 hp big in chad we played that fight somewhat perfectly in my opinion we get gold we get a happy flower he's happy as [ __ ] man which gives you energy every single three turns you can uh that works between fights too so if you're at the end of a fight you have the time to set it up to kill him on a turn that you have two man that it's on two or uh the counters on two that means the next fight that you play it you'll start out with one extra energy on your turn also notice that we did nunchaku we set that up to nine not really on purpose gremlin knobs of not usually a fight that you get the luxury of doing that but next turn after the first attack that we play will essentially be played for free we also get our explosive potion back which is great anyone keeping track of our potion percentage will let us know that it's gone down by 10 now um and we run into our first rare card being a buffer now buffer's not the best rare card but we do have a couple of things to consider one what are we upgrading at the campfire that's on the next floor nothing it's kind of sucky buffer is pretty good once it's upgraded also guess what buffer's really [ __ ] good into a guy who likes to deal 36 damage once every three turns buffer seems like a very good thing to do here sunder is okay it's kind of good in the early game most things have under 32 hp i think unupgraded sunder is pretty [ __ ] um but upgraded sunder it's just bludgeon with a little bit of a bonus to it uh another sweeping beam fine to add to the deck at this point i think i think you're getting to the point where you're gonna want to remove a strike if you do but yeah that buffer is definitely gonna help us out going into a couple of fights going on again we talked about what we wanted to upgrade that buffer's poggy woggy and uh let's see what we get in this fight we are still at basic fights let's not forget that we are still doing basic fights here let's play the sweeping beam to see if we draw into a cool block card again we got the extra energy we go boom boom boom that means we're only going to take two damage this turn that's poggy you ask me if we can kill this turn that means happy flowers gonna be set up for the next fight perfectly we do have the opportunity to kill we get an ancient potion which will uh give us one artifact so this is one we need to consider what do these two potions give us this potion i think gives us the opportunity to uh not need to rest at this campfire and this potion i think is very good going into this boss um the artifact potion would be really good into a gremlin knob fight but we just fought gremlin knob so we know that this isn't going to be gremlin up so i think that potion's worth leaving behind we find another cold snap a go for the eyes or a hologram hologram could be really good if you didn't have the opportunity to play the buffer when you first draw it because you got other poggy cards to play then you draw a hologram and you want to use that to play your buffer that's a really good idea also gives us a card to upgrade at this campfire we don't find a good card in the shop or in that elite fight um go for the guys is just like the silence neutralized but worse because it comes with conditions it's not a terrible card to take especially if your deck is lacking energy but our deck really isn't lacking all that much energy at the moment cold snap is another fine one to add the only thing is though is you're relying a lot of that that lightning orb damage in order to deal damage and adding too many frost swords eventually just clutter the amount of frost cheers carol thank you i appreciate you thank you for the three months frosty house and chat um so adding a lot of frost orbs a lot of cold snaps early on without some other things can be detrimental i think that a hologram here is fine and we're gonna go ahead and throw it into the deck we got 307 gold so i don't know why you wouldn't want to take a shop here we get the opportunity for an eternal feather which is [ __ ] great poggy omega cool eternal feather is gonna be for every five cards in your deck heal three hp whenever you enter a rest site this makes it so you can you can upgrade more often really really good i could also understand if you wanted to remove a card here that's another very good option to remove a strike make your deck a little bit thinner uh but i think the power that you get from eternal feather allowing us to upgrade our cards and make our cards even better is good another thing we could buy is sling of courage which is actually very strong in elite fights you get plus two strength that damage adds up man if you're against slavers that's plus six damage on your sweeping meme that's poggy uh static discharge would be good if we were into any of the other two act one bosses not really gonna be super poggy here so yeah i think eternal feather is just the way to go spending most of our gold see what elite we got we get the third elite the try sentries not gonna be a bad one again we set up happy flower fairly perfectly here uh so we get a really really strong turn one actually i think it's a fine fight here to also use our regen potion i think we'll be here for a minute um but with that four energy we're gonna be able to leap the block for this guy's attack buffer so that we'll guarantee to take zero damage next turn and get a bunch of aoe damage which does draw the cold snap which is annoying you could consider playing the sweeping beam first but i think we would have played the cards in the exact same order no matter what um double defend here will allow us to hold on to one of our buffer stacks which i think is phenomenal and we'll always go for one of the outside guys we'll always go for one of the outside guys because uh it always goes inside guy attacks both the outside guys attack inside guys attack both the outside guys attacks um our lightning is not working with us but that's fine we'll figure it out here's one of our buffer stacks there uh and this is where the chill becomes very good so chill will spawn one frost door for every enemy in the fight there's a lot of enemies in the fight which means we get to spawn a lot of frost orbs um you could consider doing this in a different order you could consider using zap first and then that the orb so that it would um evoke double orb but i'm considering doing zap and then or chill and then zap so that evokes one of the frost orbs we end up with the lightning orb still there and then we could play one defend in order to fully block so that we don't have to use our buffer charge i think that's very poggy and we do that we get our lightning orb back we use our melter on the low hp guy and we play our defend in order to fully block hog um and we draw enough to be able to kill the guy on the right guaranteed you could go for the one and three gamble i don't advise for it i my luck is terrible also with these oddly smooth stone with one defend we are full blocking against their attacks not needing to use our buffer um here we're obviously gonna have to use our buffer charge perfectly okay with that we set up for this we need to decide which one we want to focus now you could obviously go for the one with less hp or you could do a little bit of number crunching and think okay so if i draw a little bit of damage how can i avoid an attack do i think that i'm gonna kill one of these guys next turn if so you should obviously go for this guy because then you can avoid his 10 damage by killing him killing things is the best form of block but i don't think that we're gonna be able to do that i think that we might be able to kill this guy in two turns though so i think that hitting him is a lot smarter because by the time that it's his turn next to attack we hopefully can block her [ __ ] we draw into a um no defense so here is the best thing to do is to dual cast first will block us for 10 then we get to use our zap so we still end up with three orbs at the end because if you zapped first and then duel casted you'd over block by quite a lot and you'd only end up with two orbs at the end of the day our lightning arms are starting to help out quite a bit big and chat thank you all right don't drown into enough pretty simple turn rng was not our friend there unfortunately uh we do draw into enough block in order to not take any more damage we can get this guy into uh one lightning orb left of killing as well as we get our nunchaku proc which is great we're going to use our hologram here to bring back i think we should bring back our melter again because this will allow us to full block we can use the melter to help hit that guy lightning orb takes care of the guy on the right please don't solo spam in my chat you will be kicked out of class if you continue to do so and we made it out of that fight phenomenally we get another potion we get blood vial to heal us at the start of every combat big along with the eternal feather we've got a lot of sustain we set up our happy flower for turn one of the slime boss fight more big we got an attack potion for the slime boss fight even more big and we could consider one of these cards at the same time we haven't found very much scaling i'm leaning towards that compile driver because it will draw us for two we have a lot of frost orb generation and it's something that we're not required to upgrade at this campfire so it allows us to then upgrade our hologram so that it can be played a thousand billion times and now blocks for the same amount as i defend big and let us go heal up to almost full hp i'm liking what we're throwing down here what do i mean by scaling so there's two forms of damage right there's this front loaded damage i can deal 10 damage to this guy and it's always going to be 10 damage but it's never gonna be more than 10 damage scaling is um if i had you know some obviously some focus to make my orbs deal better if i had the one of our forms of scaling is to be able to add orbs that's that's a very small form of scaling is we can add orbs um but yeah maybe like a shuriken to increase your strength but all of this stuff even this oddly smooth stone is just it's blanket scaling it doesn't get any better as the fight goes on we are our strongest when we enter into the fight essentially um we're not gonna get a whole lot of value out of our out of our uh our happy flower here but we set it up to be able to get value out of it in case we could move along to the second second turn let's go ahead and play the sweeping beam first we get a hologram it's not really going to do much for us here so i think we add the lightning orb for more damage overall in the fight and now is when we consider do we want to draw i don't think so because if we do draw we could draw into our buffer and then not be able to play it and that is cringe so here's an idea we use this potion because we know it's going to cost a zero and now here's the big ticket item boys we could take the sunderer it cost zero right or we could take the claw and we could use the claw twice with our hologram but i think that thunder's gonna be a lot better dealing big chunk damage to these smaller orbs i think it allows us to get enough off and then just to show you if you were to then send a hologram back the sunderer it does not reduce the cost until at zero so just in case you're wondering didn't it effect that we're gonna play the turn i just wanted to show you for for science's sake now we're getting towards the point where he's gonna split right he splits at 75. whenever you get his hp to 75 he'll stop doing whatever he does and he'll split into two he can split at 75 he could split it one it doesn't matter once he gets under 75 he's going to split so this is where you just start having to do some mental math right right now we're going to deal six damage to him that's going to put him at at uh 83 he's not gonna split the stern and then next turn if he takes another six damage he's gonna be at 76. still or 77 excuse me still not splitting so maybe don't play this strike because then you're guaranteeing him to split next her regardless of whether you think it's time to split obviously we're gonna use our buffer and we're gonna use our chill to gain one frost orb and then we're gonna chill we've got happy flower again this turn i think this is a phenomenal turn to split we've got four mana we can play all four of our damage cards again the rule of thumb is is to duel you could right we can we can do the mather there's two ways of playing this excuse me there's the dual cast right that's 16 damage plus that three damage is 19 damage right 19 uh this will split or you can deal 19 damage and then you'll have three orbs still for the rest of the fight or if you play cold snap first it will deal that extra five damage and you know where that's going right you know that when you play this cold snap and then you dual cast you know all of that damage is gonna go into this guy versus if you dual cast first and then you cold snap once they split you might really want your lightning orb to hit the guy on the right but it might not and so it comes to how low do you want this [ __ ] to split and i think that usually right now we still have one buffer stack i think that at this point we definitely want him to split here but i think getting him to the lowest hp possible in this specific case is better because we're not already getting him to a massively low hp if i had a bunch of focus right now i would say it's better to keep the uh the lightning orb in play but since we don't that five damage i really think is going to matter um so yeah let us go let us do both we are gonna get a waste of our nunchaku which is unfortunate but i think splitting him at 41 is phenomenal we still have this potion that we are willing to use i don't think we need to use it now because the the hp is relative right they come out both swinging hard rock hard to be honest um remember we still have that buffer stack so we can uh now we can now probably use our sunder and then into our potion in order to get this guy to split at the lowest hp for his final little split um and then we'll just use the buffer stack to eat that or we can split this guy because when they don't attack this guy will weaken your defense and the uh the yellow slime will weaken your attack and i think that in this fight especially with all these smorky [ __ ] attacks coming up it is more in our benefits to smork with our frost orbs available as well then to um yellow is this not yellow i'm colorblind is that green is green why not dual cast before cold snapping bro i explained that for like a solid five minutes before i did it if you weren't paying attention in class i'm going to have to ban you all right we do actually draw super well here we draw two attacks that can deal with the uh the small orbs so we don't take incoming damage we also can play one of our slimes so we don't draw it again and he's going to weaken our defense but we're most likely going to be able to spend his entire turn splitting him next um he's going to split at 20 because when it's an odd number they'll always split at the lower value um we can't get him to 20 so it's just best to defend here we're not gonna take a whole lot of damage yeah we're only gonna take six that's the first damage we take in all fights honestly not all that bad here we can deal another 12 damage seems pretty good to me we're getting all the slimes out of our deck he's coming out of 213 hp boys we get that [ __ ] slam we get that [ __ ] big we get melter he's almost dead not taking any damage this was a pretty productive slime boss fight if you ask me don't get the nunchaku in the perfect place if you wanted to be the most anal you could have waited until you drawn zap play the zapper with a delta three damage and then you could have taped your nunchaku i'm not going to be super anal about it because i'm not into butt stuff there's three cards that we saw the amplifying would allow us to play buffer at the same time and you're like oh my god amplify buffer that's really really good here's where we got to start thinking into the way that the game works right we have a 19 card deck we add that card to our hand it's gonna be a 20 card deck we're going to draw five cards a turn and maybe be able to play another a card that allows us to draw a card like our sweeping beam or a compiled driver right but the odds that we draw amplify at the current state right there's a lot of things that can affect it going forward but in our current state the chances of us being able to draw amplify and buffer on the same turn and then also have the mana to be able to play both of them almost zero it's very low it's not gonna it's not gonna be super uncommon but it's very low so even though it's like a really good idea for buffer sounds poggy woggy one in the chat if you agree just something to consider right if it's your best option it's your best option and that's perfectly fine i'm not saying don't take it i'm just saying these are the things you have to consider right rainbow pog so you gotta think about rainbow one of the worst things about rainbow is actually upgrading rainbow because it does an exhaust rainbow's one of those cards that you like to play and it kinda only happens once usually not always there's decks that couldn't do it but rainbow's a really [ __ ] good card unupgraded gives you a lot of orb presence thank you for born for the 500 bitties i appreciate you one and then you've got echo form echo form you got to think about this all of the forms are like this how the [ __ ] do i put this card in play right now on our current deck we don't really i mean the best way that we could put it in play is with these kind of things we do have the energy we also have the expendable hp if we have to lose 10 hp in order to get echo form in play we've got the resources to be able to put them to be able to put it in play right we've got the max hp we've got the healing we've we might get bloody idol that will allow us to heal every time we pick up gold right from swapping out golden idol with the event so we might be able to think oh we take echo form and then in the beginning of act two we try to take a bunch of events in order to find the bloody idol events and also we can heal a bunch all sorts of things going into this and obviously echo forms a pogi card don't get me wrong it's obviously arguably to me i think it's the best form deck of i mean obviously the the watchers form is is is omega poggy don't get me wrong but that takes scaling time this [ __ ] next turn i'm fired i'm firing my synapses are going right if you want a serotonin rush echo form demon form takes a while wraith form puts you to sleep echo form pogiwoggy so i think that all three of these cards are decent here i think that they all are i think that echo form is definitely the best one again we talked about amplify rainbow i just don't think is going to accomplish a whole lot uh in terms of we need to think about the greater scope of what is our debt going to do to kill things right um and right now we really don't have a lot of ways to kill things outside of just hitting our face against [ __ ] right and if we played this rainbow we could then have a dark orb that scales but then we got to get to the dark orb and to do that after we've played these two cards we've literally only got that in order to get to our orbs right getting to that sucks [ __ ] balls man so it would make our deck really slow enemies could scale up do some more damage to us make it make our world even harder so echo form honestly even even though it's that card that might not be easy to play at the moment we are about to see three relics that we can try to be able to put something better in play right with with the amplify of like oh we could try to see the relics and put it in play better really the only relic that's going to do that is birdcage that we have a greater chance of seeing stuff uh seeing the better cards of removing strikes or runic pyramid other than that but with echo form you got runic dome cursed key sozu uh snekoi nuclear battery uh ruining pyramid again right like all of those relics will make echo form more playable so we're going to take equiform any questions chad before we go to the relics all right relic first chad all right all right thank you for subscribing so here we come across three relics all of which are phenomenal rooted pyramid will make it so you don't discard your hand at the end of every turn that's [ __ ] great inserter is one of the most powerful relics in the game will give you an orb slot every two turns just more orbs [ __ ] awesome coffee dripper something that people are oftentimes scared of it gives you one extra energy but you can't heal at rest sites but are we forgetting that we have multiple things imagine not reading the stream title before entering the stream pogo pogo's a chat the things that our deck can do to heal is really really good and now i know a lot of people are saying inserter is scaling yes but we need to think about right what did we talk about earlier on today in the in the lecture what do we need to do it will make our next fight the best that it can be so that we can do orbs do frost sensei shut the [ __ ] up so we need to think about what we do for the next fight if we run into avocado how the [ __ ] are we gonna get echo form and play with free energy it's gonna be rather difficult it's gonna be rather difficult and that inserter hey it's not gonna go back to college this is my domain inserter is not gonna make it easier for us to do things next fight and right now we are in a very detrimental position to lose or to lose a lot of hp early on which would then make us rest at campfires which would then make our elite fights harder which would then but give us a higher chance of losing but if we want to be able to get this echo form and play often if we want to be able to uh have good scaling because echo form is scaling right we're talking about what's our scaling echo form some pretty good [ __ ] scaling right but in order to be able to take these next couple of fights i really think that we're gonna need a lot of energy to be able to put a lot of things in play right like two leaps with echo form is just already poggy inserter is poggy don't get me wrong and i know everyone's like insert or consume right but you also have to remember that you have to get concerto you have to find a consume and then you have to have a deck that can actually play both of those things and right now our deck cannot will not get much benefit out of inserter we have three cards in our deck that create orbs one of which exhausts one of which costs one mana and only gives us an orb that does three damage to something random so inserter really doesn't feel like it's all that good a coffee dripper on the other hand sounds [ __ ] poggy woggy alright let's move on all right we are back up to 72 hp here's what we gotta we got to think right what is our deck trying to do we've got a bunch of these relics we got a bunch of [ __ ] like we we [ __ ] loaded up we took four elites last act let's just not forget that we took four elites we found the golden idol we bought this at a shop we're [ __ ] owning dude here's how this game works though act one we talked about the first three fights that you take are easy fights and then they're hard fights after that act two two fights and then it's hard fights after that plan accordingly you don't want to be running into avocado x mushroom rat before you get into your elite fight maybe playing for it now what did we talk about right we've got these healing things and another thing that we would want is more [ __ ] healing because there's an event in act two that if you have the golden idol you can trade the golden idol for the bloody idol which instead of dropping more gold gives you five hp anytime that you gain gold regardless if it's after a fight anything like that so i think that us taking the maximum amount of question marks early on because let me explain act one question marks removing cards gaining gold taking damage those are the three things that you're gonna do in act one maybe getting a curse act two a lot of the events in act two are much more favorable right you've got the bloody idol you've got the the betting on the on the fight in order to win gold you've got uh the apparition event you can even get the thwack event that a lot of times you can be maulding to see but also can give you two rare relics which is [ __ ] poggy um or i think it's a rare and an uncommon uh yeah there's there's there's a lot of things that you can do there's a lot of very there's probably something i'm missing the chat's gonna name here and i'm gonna be like yeah that one too um there's a lot of things in act two that are in events that are really [ __ ] good for you act two events are poggy wonky and knowing what those events are it takes time right it just takes knowledge of the game but it'll help you out vampire event yeah we could get the vampire event i don't know if i would take the vampire event honestly if i had runic pyramid i would probably consider it more but the vampire event would allow us to trade our blood vial which is cool let's take our first fight we get an avocado thanks so do we want to take 21 damage no draw me buffer balls [ __ ] hey buffer come on down man we get to duel cast that so we get four buffer stacks quite poggy this attack that he's gonna do here where he does this has this little thing on him if he deals damage to you he will heal but he won't deal damage to us so he won't heal eat [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] uh what do you want to bring back so if we play hologram twice we can bring this back then we can bring this back let me give you something like this drawn to that we could do something like this opinion on onyx countertops teacher we drew we did draw our meltzer which is probably not a super good one but it's okay we got our buffer stacks we're doing all right uh here let's just go ahead and try to full block so we don't use our thing we'll still deal one whole damage to him biggs and chap thank you uh here probably using our compile driver so that we can draw the most drawn to the melter kind of nuts we do use our nunchaku proc we can continue to deal damage to him here um we need to block for 12 in order to full block so let's just do one of these into one of those and that extra energy is definitely coming into play kind of nuts boys big all right uh these cards are balls uh these cards are pretty bad i don't think we want another hologram because again hologram unupgraded is that card that you want to upgrade at a campfire that is kind of necessary to upgrade because it doesn't block for a whole lot but then you feel obligated to do it instead of upgrading a better card so i'm not really super big on it claw's bad don't look at claw auto shields is also bad because if you play it you have to play it before you add any block to your thing and if you play it with echo form it'll only play once and then the second time it doesn't do anything so it's kind of a waste it's it's can be okay in the early game but with echo form and what our deck is doing do it for the claw no i am the greatest teacher of all time would you like to offer the golden idol to get the bloody idol whenever you gain gold or whenever you gain gold heal for 5 hp that's nice now i think that these question marks are not as good anymore and i would like to go this way take our second good fight into a shop this seems good this seems good that seems good this guy on turn one on ascension 20 is going to give you the debuff that anytime you play a power or a spell it will add a dazed into your deck but you can also suck my ass also this bottled echo form is pretty poggy one in the chat if you agree man he uses i promise you that i can i can promise you i will not start saying sheesh that will not become in my vernacular uh we could full block here and i think that's probably pogba we are adding a lot of days to our deck but eventually we will use our uh eventually we'll use our buffers and we're okay whenever that happens which is now now we're gonna use two of our buffers that's fine does that stack with the thieves taking back gold yes so yeah when you when you go against the thief fight you will have to take back your gold from them and you'll do that on top of also um on top of also getting the gold that they had which will also heal you so yes you'll heal 10 for that fight yes uh here we could look for another uh compiled driver which i am a-okay with it right now we have a lot of mana to work with and we can just draw for a bunch let's go to this this uh this shop here where we can grab a capacitor for cheap and also remove a card and not take prismatic shard wow boy do i like not taking prismatic shard it's kinda nice let's go ahead and take this capacitor because it's gonna allow us to have more orb slots we're gonna remove a card from our deck preferably these strikes here it's gonna be quite nice here's a thing to consider though right if we're trying to make more orb cards we're trying to make more orbs do we want more orb cards like possibly a ball lightning with balls because we are about to head into two elite fights we have no potions we could consider taking this colorless potion in order to help us defeat that elite or we can consider taking balls which will help us with our uh nunchaku i think balls is good adding more orbs to fill in our capacitation slots very poggy would you like to remove a card or upgrade all strikes and offends i don't think that i have to be a super intellectual person to see ooga booga upgrade all my stuff is better than removing a card most of the time obviously the remove a card there is in case you removed all of your stuff by a pandora's box or some other form of garbage but upgrading is nuts here you could consider uh compile drivering first but i'm looking probably at uh playing the echo form then using capacitor then blocking which means we don't really care that much about uh about using that compile driver it doesn't give a lot of damage off first but what does upgrading him do they all deal a lot more damage or block for a lot more it's big all right so now we need to consider what's gonna be happening in the coming turns and and what is the best thing to be able to do with that this guy next turn he's gonna or this turn he's gonna entangle us which means we're not gonna be able to attack next turn which means we're gonna really wanna rely on using our block mechanics um this guy if he has the debuff above his head he's gonna add he's gonna weaken you he's not doing that which means he's just gonna continue to attack us this guy is gonna always add three wounds to your deck which is [ __ ] shitty as balls uh so yeah this is uh this is not looking good here we can use our sweeping beam twice to deal 12 damage to every single person that's a lot of damage don't get me wrong but it's really not achieving a whole lot um it would put us at seven on our nunchaku counter which then we go eight nine ten that's three more attacks it's pretty difficult to do unless we draw two attacks um put your onto our chill that's a lot of block i do think i'm gonna play this draws us our defend and our buffer uh which buffers not the best here holograms not the best here because buffer is just gonna be used on both of their attacks it's really not gonna achieve us a lot if it was the opposite order and this guy was gonna attack first i would say that's probably a better idea um i think the better thing to do here is probably it's probably hologram is it hologram sweeping beam again i don't want to draw into another good card though block hollow block does get us there but then we're not dealing a whole lot of damage although we just did deal a whole lot of damage but not to anyone in particular and next turn we're not gonna be able to attack but we're not gonna be vulnerable which is okay so maybe we can consider doing that let's see we're blocking for 15 which means if we block for that additional nine we're over blocking versus we could play the strike and deal nine damage or play zap i think zap is really really strong here you're on par for nunchaku next turn we can't get nunchaku next turn yeah we're gonna take six damage here i think that's good because if we drop if we draw chill next turn or leap we should be fairly good with our echo form do you draw a chill um could dual cast the chill it'll spawn six frost orbs doing three and then evoking one of the last three which would block for two times five times five is ten ten plus five uh ten plus five is fifteen so it's pretty good versus that blocks for 19 but also doing that would only allow us to play chill once so i do think that it is better to do this only play the chill once so we still have our frost orbs i think ultimately we still take zero damage here we do get weakened for next turn still aren't vulnerable which is uh definitely poggers i think here dual casting our ball lightning is good we do have nunchaku this turn we can think about we could also dual cast our leap though uh let's see how much damage we have we have five plus six plus six plus seven so plus six is eleven eleven plus six eleven plus 6 17 17 is 24. so 24 doesn't get us there on that guy so i think that that means that we have to attack twice um if we add on an additional five damage that doesn't do anything but if we add on an additional uh nine damage if we dual casted the melter that does get us there so i think it's i think it's melts around this guy and then play the rest of our stuff we should be pretty good we even get that hit which is [ __ ] great [Music] um i think going after this guy since he's gonna continue to add wounds to our deck is the best are taking a little bit of damage not super happy about it um right now we have 19 damage incoming we block for six innately which means we're good to do this we are weakened again not omega poggers here definitely going to dual cast this get the most stuff out that we can i think it's actually better to bring back the ball lightning use it again so that we can guarantee that guy to be dead and then we're guaranteeing him dead as well um yeah we can't we can't help the fact that we didn't get a good spot for a happy flower but we do have a good spot for nunchaku and we get a five health heal from our money we get a mummified [ __ ] head which is [ __ ] awesome every time you play a power cause of course concealer that's really good uh when we get a potion of capacity get two arm slots once for a fight and we come across a charged battery a sweeping beam and a go for the eyes all right that's uh some good ass [ __ ] that we're finding here boys all right things to consider charged battery let's see what elites are we going to be fighting here we are going to be fighting either stabby book or are we going to be fighting the gremlin battery doesn't really help us in a gremlin boys does help us into the stabby book oh well but sweeping beam makes the gremlin boys oh mega [ __ ] dead sorry i need a one second charge battery bay to art fund what am i right now chad that's what i am boys can you repeat that stuff on the mummified hand i wasn't able to write the notes down fast enough before you change the slides we could do charged battery beta art that's a good it's good fun i just spilled water all over myself someone get someone get my mom oh no i spilled water all over myself i guess i'll just have to take my shirt off thank you for subscribing pog love your stream and the trip hey develop thank you very much for the two months should i go jacket no shirt chat thank you very much for the two months i [ __ ] appreciate you much love so yeah like i said we although charge battery is really good for the deck don't get me wrong because if you dual cast you get two extra energy the following turn all that kind of stuff right um what does it accomplish us in terms of the next thing that we're going to fight is it good in this in the into the snake [ __ ] yeah do we already have a lot of stuff to mitigate damage from the snake [ __ ] yeah do we already have a lot of blocking stuff yeah is this just to defend minus yeah sweeping beam however is more aoe to be able to deal with the gremlin guys which i think is more of a threat to us i think we're going to take the sweeping beam over that and go for the eyes really isn't going to accomplish a lot honestly right now so i just don't think it's all that good uh chili fish thank you for the fall we go here we go to 46 hp we can't rest so we're forced to upgrade uh i think that upgrading our capacitor or upgrading our echo form is very good upgrading our zap is phenomenal to make it cost zero uh but i think i think capacitor is just an easy one getting your powers upgraded is great especially since we got the mummified hands makes it all that much better and we got the gremlin man big all right hello gremlin man it is good to see you doing gremlin stuff more like tongue no lips please don't fail me i need this class to graduate uh-huh i kind of want to use our dual cast here because if it hits both of these guys we're in really good shape we're in really good shape um we're gonna use oh wait it doesn't matter whether we use the compile driver or not because we can't draw that was a very good turn so if you kill both of his guys he has a 20 chance of attacking if there's just one left he has a 50 chance of attacking and if there's two left he is 100 chance of attacking after he buffs so keep that in mind foggy uh what order do we want the orbs here probably i think we want this orb in front now do we want to play the chill i think so even though it's only gonna give us one and we can technically get more value this is a 50 50 of weather hill attacker nuts it's all up in the air um now we need to worry about whether or not we can kill either of these guys to make it a 50 chance of attacking next turn or we could use our buffer but then we only we use one of our charges now we do have the possibility of using our uh our hologram to bring back maybe our compiled driver and then hit that guy we just need to draw into one attack and then we've got plenty of them down there i think compile driver is probably the play huh yeah i think i think bringing back compile driver here is definitely a play but then we wouldn't get off our we don't get off the echo form that's that's a that's a bit of a problem huh we could go for a hologram into gambling with the ball lightning it's not a terrible play mummy hand that is also very true you're right you're actually 100 right chad i am too focused on the big picture here yeah it's true i think the play here is with the mummy hand we have to think even bigger some might even say even wider i couldn't imagine our goal actually this is actually a really good turn and let me explain why because this blocks for six those two will full block will full block meaning that we can save our buffer charges so if we use our hologram here we're gonna bring back the ball lightning we're gonna use the ball lightning here it hits that guy that's fine that's okay we use zap and then we buffer which guarantees to make gekko form to constant zero which is pongi so he's going to attack this turn but we have two buffer stacks we've got two buffers stacked up he's doing 16 times three uh we can block for nine times four which does that block that blocks for 36 which blocks for uh 15 plus 16 which is pony which does in fact as they say champ get us there all right now he's gonna go back to doing his thing let's use our sweeping beams that we've talked about here they're omega-cool [Music] and allowing us to draw all of the things that we want to do now he has a 20 chance of attacking this turn he does not because he's a giant [ __ ] [ __ ] we get a billion attacks off even get a duel cast on his face and he falls down what a [ __ ] [ __ ] and we get on the back of it all one we get five hp five hp don't forget it from our money it's bloody out of play don't forget that frost prime did it he's a [ __ ] genius and we also get a data disc we start each combat with one focus our damage orbs will be dealing more damage our blocky orbs will be dealing more block and we get a cultist potion which you gain one ritual which means every single turn that you gain an attack for that fight you get a strength which is really good we run into a skim plus uh a bullseye or a charged battery again uh the bull's eye a lot gives you the lock-on effect which means if orbs hit that for the next turn for the next couple of turns they'll deal 50 more damage just vulnerable for orbs very good don't get me wrong very very pogers yeah so i think that this skim here is just absolutely [ __ ] phenomenal i think that our deck wanting to draw more stuff is exactly what it wants to do it can rely on the defense in order to be really really good defensive cards early on we've got the scaling now with the data disk we don't need more defense in my opinion we've already got a lot of energy manipulation i think this skim plus is phenomenal in act 2 you have a higher chance of seeing um upgraded cards and in act three it's even higher to see upgraded cards so taking upgraded cards when you see it is good um again this is increasing our chances to see rare cards by it being a a rare relics by it being a chest like this we get a bottle tornado so on turn one we now get to have a power to be in our opening hand that will make another card in our hand cost zero i do think that the best one to have is echo form because getting that off early in the fight is really good usually because enemies scale throughout a fight and also like in terms of fight like this on turn one they don't do anything so it's very safe for you to use the bulk of your energy also if we place fights smart and we set up our happy flower to always be on turn one of the next fight we'll have five energy to play with plus a zero cost card in our hand it's really good it's really good unfortunate unfortunately we don't get to take the pellets it's a very good thing um all right i'm thinking now i'm thinking now with my brain and my brain says that this ritual potion is [ __ ] useless right we gotta think about what are we needing to do what are we needing to accomplish right the collector fight is a very deadly fight that's coming up very quickly for us in order to beat that fight you have to scale rather quickly and then it gets a little bit easier later on and so i think that a way to do that is not with the ritual potion actually but i think that it's with a focus potion i actually think that we need to get rid of this potion and gear up because i think we're strong enough to defeat most elites that come our way i think that the way that we defeat the boss though is possibly with two extra orb slots and two extra focus i think that's perfect all right let's go take this question mark which i think has a pretty high chance of being a fight well it's technically a fight you were knocked unconscious this fight is uh actually annoying to be honest i'm not gonna lie this is actually a very annoying fight um i would like one of these two to cost zero thank you uh the guy in the front again is gonna weaken our attack the guy in the back is going to vulnerable us if he's doing his weaker attack he's not though so right now it's good time to focus him since he might never vulnerable us if we just get to kill him uh he's gonna he also can do the entangle thing which is [ __ ] stupid and dumb and i don't like it i think i want to draw just like a billion cards yeah because remember we have echo form right now [Music] so [ __ ] this guy let's go ahead and do this let's go ahead and do one of these we can't kill that guy this turn let's go ahead and play this makes our defend constant zero easy yeah and we're setting up to being able to deal with the the next turn quite well we can't attack this turn but we can do something like this make everything in our hand constant zero we're not super scared of these guys get our nunchaku proc here um i would like to kill these guys relatively soon but i would like to kill him next turn so that our happy flower is now set up now we're at a point where we very much care about setting up our happy flower intelligently especially if we want a chance at taking that next uh fight that can give us uh a rare stuff now the only bad thing there is we don't get that five hp heal from uh the bloody idol but we do get the two hp kill from the blood vial if we go into this fight we are set up with our happy flower we know what the fight's gonna be it's gonna be the uh the middle slaver from the slavers fight that adds wounds to your deck and scales the strength and a gremlin knob which is extremely [ __ ] scary but gremlin doesn't do anything on turn one and the slaver starts off quite weak so we still have the option of being able to put our ecoform in play and smorking down the guy the the the gremlin knob but it puts a little bit of a rut in our plan because i think if we're going to do that we're definitely going to use our focus potion like we really really really will need to use our focus potion but if we can get down the gremlin knob fast enough we should be pretty okay in the powerful fight with many rewards if you beat him you get a rare relic and an uncommon relic so i think it's good and it counts as a lead fight for your rare card percentage hey level 100 boss they give the 10 months i think that our deck is very much strong enough to tape very very very much strong enough to take this we get a really good opening hand too [Music] so again we want to focus this guy i do think that we want to use this focus potion as well hopefully we can get another good potion going into the boss fight but if we don't we don't also remember uh using powers do not does not upset gremlin use powers powers are poggy powers are poggy now we can consider do we want to block and preserve our buffer stacks right now we're only going to use one this turn if we do this we will use zero i think that's far better even though he's gonna deal a little bit of damage to us that's okay we still have four buffer stacks that's pretty poggy he makes us a little vulnerable owie no you know that's that's what he wants us to think let's try to draw as many cards as we can we get a bunch of good [ __ ] here we've got our nunchaku right now it's good we could draw into our ball lighting i actually really like that plan we draw into our ball lightning and we get to go uh ball lightning into i actually think we play zap here and it's just a bunch of [ __ ] damage yeah i think his app here is good we only use one of our buffer stacks it's really really good 37 damage a little bit monka but i think we're fine let's go ahead and do this draw into some good [ __ ] that's what they call that good [ __ ] now we don't get our happy flowers set up that is that is that is a monka i will you know if you guys typed love into the chat for the 1100 boss that would be [ __ ] poggy but if you also typed monka i would understand we get a duvu doll which is just basically one strength because we only have one curse in our deck don't really plan on adding many more we get a white bee statue just giving us a potion after every fight which is really [ __ ] good since we had to use our good potion we get a hundred gold which only gives us still five hp in healing but it's poggy uh and we get our fire potion which is a decent potion coming up since we uh now can use potions every single fight and we get a couple more things so let's think about what our deck's doing right now our deck draws a lot every single turn [ __ ] great but it doesn't always play all of its cards wait a minute we could get it to play more cards if we had more energy oh sorry i'm acting like a [ __ ] teacher right now i'm getting into the i'm getting into the role play of it all i don't think the chill is really going to do a whole lot for us here we already got one it's really been underwhelming most of the time uh darkness is is pretty good it's not terrible we don't have a lot of orbs right now that we're cycling through mega quickly so yeah i think turbo here is definitely the best choice it'll help us out on a lot of turns when we get to like you know dual caster skim or some [ __ ] and we get another [ __ ] slavers fight god damn it [ __ ] this is not that good of a fight i'm not gonna be not gonna lie to you chad i'm pee peeing my pants right now professionally speaking of course i am uh peeping my pants um we do have the turbo it's very good so i think we do want to duel cast our actually maybe it's better to do this to dual cast this we do have a lot of draw here this is good very good very very very omega ponders and let's go ahead and just throw this one out here on that guy because we know that we're gonna be able to block most of the turns for enough but we are needing to worry about uh the fact that we're gonna get a potion at the end of this fight and that that might be better than the current potion that we have bring back that uh ball lightning actually do we want to bring back the ball lighting right now no we want to work that up if we can to have a good turn one the following fights yeah we're good yeah we get another plus one strength right now dude the best card that we could see at this current moment is a common card chat do you know what it is again i'm being the teacher i'm getting at the role play it's a it's a barrage barrage would be really good um barrage would be fantastic we get an upgraded reinforced body which isn't the worst especially with our dual cast i mean with the echo form being bottled it's kind of just like a free turn it's really not all that bad uh go for the eyes is good it's not that good actually uh ftl honestly not gonna do a whole lot for us at the current moments but yeah i think i think an upgraded reinforced body when you duel cast it is is pretty good it's a bit of a monk ass fight ain't gonna lie bit of a monka you know what i'm saying monk has you know um is this a fight where we don't play our echo form i think this is still a fight where we just echo form we play the defense you play echo form it hits the melter which is great could have considered using our speed potion there all right we block fully here great good stuff good [ __ ] i think we are definitely within our reason to be able to kill this guy now oh it's technically order we should end on that first but we are a-okay all right it is an okay turn for us to go ahead and kill him off we do have our thing in place we get a fruit juice which is great um i'm actually going to take that over that uh i'm actually gonna take it over this we're probably gonna drink it almost immediately remember when you use fruit juices though that it will help you at resting in campfires which we can't do but it also hurt us more when we take damage at events so do we want any of these cards though i'm not really feeling them man i mean we could take a third sweeping beam but how many basic attacks do we need in this deck before it's just clutterous i think it's right now also i said clutterous not clitoris i did not say clitoris the word that came out of my mouth was not clitoris also if you don't take the left fight here you're dumb as [ __ ] professional teacher [Music] in this fight if you deal more than 20 damage to him she's like pretty much guaranteed to uh want to heal next fight or next next turn so if you can just continue to deal large amounts of damage to the big man you're usually in a pretty good spot we're gonna skim we're gonna draw we're gonna continue to slap we deal so much damage man why the [ __ ] are we like borderline dead all the time like what the [ __ ] why is the left fight better because left is the cooler directions dumbass all right proc up our nunchaku as much as possible we got the happy flower in a good spot we're gonna go ahead and drink our potion we get a stack in this big of a deck not terrible not a terrible card not super useful for us though it is a stack plus and then it does get plus one so it's like a stack plus plus it's four minimum if there's no cards maybe it's good enough against like later fights against the heart it's really the only card worth selecting there hello world's terrible again we don't need another chill all right if we go to 38 hp here what should we upgrade what should it be boys should we finally get the zap upgraded probably echo form we're always gonna be playing echo form all right 40 hp for the fights pretty okay turn one our use of uh the nunchaku there was not as good i kind of want to dual cast this gives us a [ __ ] on a block pretty good doing a lot of aoe stuff here is pretty good i don't really want to use my powers outside of dual casting them so i'm gonna say no actually it's okay to say no sometimes chad yeah then i think uh we do full block quite easily i adjust my glasses you guys all give me tantalizing looks from across the room i really want to duel cast that man but i guess we might not have the option to here not overly opposed to doing that i was just you know somewhat opposed i think we can go for the gamble here that our orbs will take care of everything like i said the gamble baby this is not that good of a turn what a good use of our happy flower poggy all right still going to go ahead and uh dual cast this pretty good time here to let him play that uh blocking for 31 we could do seven times two is 14 14 plus this 9 is 21 21 plus 9 we could take one damage that's fine oh zero damage wait i did my math completely wrong or i did it right or i did it wrong i don't know dude i'm not a doctor what are you a doctor dumbass got him um all right i'm kind of happy with that draw there i'm gonna elect to not play anything else so i can dual cast my buffer next turn does she summon does collectors summon dudes indefinitely uh she'll summon dudes i don't know what the percentage chance of his for her to summon dudes she does just randomly decide hey it's time to summon dudes by the way it is dude summoning time in case you weren't aware i think we just used one of our buffer stacks here and i think that's fine to deal some damage we have four of them they're an unlimited number right i think the mac she can have out is three not sure yeah there's nothing stopping her from summoning more so here we're going to do this so we replace the the orb that we get rid of we dual cast for a bunch of damage and then add the orb that we got rid of back pretty good damage she's gonna summon next turn not bad again i'm wanting to keep my uh my defensive orbs around a little bit not just overload on the lighting the fight has gotten a little bit easier though because she has uh do i need to focus these guys we have a lot of aoe i guess all over aoe is kind of gone we could also use this potion since we're guaranteed one i don't like using my potion unless i super have to but buffer stack away my friend first time using turbo in the fight we don't even have to use our buffer stack is this the greatest slay the spire gamer of all time now is about the time that you can just kind of go for it did we lose any hp this fight chat i think we just perfected the collector fight wow that's good on the points get some gold heal for five get the essence of steel not the best potion but it's okay and then what do we see for a rare card garbage garbage we see garbage [ __ ] okay let's explain at least what these cards are mummy hand meteor strike big mummy hand meteor strike big it's not terrible since we have capacitor it's not awful i should say um it does reduce our ability to block but meteor strike is actually honestly the best card here in my opinion uh usually it's pretty hard to play but with with the uh mummified hands and with the turbos and all of the drawing potential the odds that we draw them both on the same hand are actually quite high um and being able to play it it'll happen more often than not uh thunder strike is just pretty terrible we don't make enough lightning for it to really matter uh and by the time that we scale up to that point it's uh reboot is a card that i think a lot of us take and we'll be like on turn two and we'll have shuffled like eight cards into our discard pile and they'll be like damn i really need something good i'm gonna play reboot and you reshuffle your deck and then end up drawing those eight cards again before you draw any of your good [ __ ] and it just can kind of ruin your momentum it can also make it a lot better don't get me wrong i don't think reboot's terrible but i think it's pretty [ __ ] bad here especially since we have such a large deck if we were like looking to get capacitor in play and we were down to like the last 10 cards of our deck you'd be tempted to play reboot but then it could make it impossible to play it so i'm unironically going to take a meteor strike and hope that we get another energy relic here um well we do get a relic here busted crown will give you an energy but you take two less cards at every card reward not super good if you're still wanting to like flesh out your deck because again only seeing one card will slowly increases your chance of seeing rare cards and then you don't really get to choose but you know the rare card that you see chat's going to talk this content that you're watching right now has officially been given the twitch chat seal of awesome content let's just go over the relics because we should right we went over busted crown it's really not that good if you're trying to still see rare cards which we definitely are our deck is not super strong we'd love to see a bias cog something like that um philosopher's stone is really really good up until you get to the heart fight and it just makes all of the multi attacks that much harder to hit i get one energy but one every enemy has one plus one strength uh again we kind of have this to counteract it but not really but another thing is snekoi which snekoi is one of the strongest relics in the game less so now with a lot of the cheaper cost cards being buffed on characters like the silent um but it's still easily hold on i'm gonna unplug my mouse easily one of the strongest things in the game literally because it says draw two additional cards that is like why it is so unbelievably strong it says draw two additional cards every single turn but also you got to think of like what's a good way to play echo form is it better to play echo form every single time for three mana or is it sometimes good to play echo form for zero mana and then make another card in your hand cause zero mana and then the next turn even though like a card might cost three it might be a leap that costs three and it blocks for 13 with oddly smooth stone and if i play it twice that's 26. is three mana for 26 block good that's almost an impervious yeah it's good a lot of the time right so you got to think about your card quality in terms of what am i like even though my turbo might then start costing a little bit more or you know it might am i gonna be okay with chill costing one or two it's the card quality right am i okay with playing two mana it'd get 18 block yes i am right am i okay with playing three mana get four buffer stacks but make two cards in my hand cost to zero yes i am am i okay with meteor strike being really [ __ ] easy to play now and me being able to play it twice to go for infinite mana yes i am right you just gotta think about your card quality even though its sweeping meme says i cost one therefore making me cost 50 of the time more than one equals bad you also have to remember you're drawing seven cards a turn so even if that you draw that one and it's bad you might draw this one and it's good you might draw this one and it's good you might draw this one and it's good there's other options on top of again card quality right if i dual cast turbo when it costs two it only costs two the first time so i still net gain for energy out of it out of dual casting a turbo with my echo form and then i can go into drawing things right any questions about snekoag all right chat moving on into act three act three is very much like act two where the first two fights are gonna be your easy fights then getting into hard fights now you have to remember if you want to fight the heart we haven't taken any keys so that kind of does limit the directions that we can go and that looks like we're gonna have to take four fights into uh no more campfires for the rest of the act uh maybe another elite uh [ __ ] balls it's a pretty tough act for us but our deck is going to do a lot and as long as we play smart we keep our intellectual wit about us we can get youtube content thank you for the six months and bout to appreciate you baby to the fantastic content i love you i love you so [ __ ] much make me all right now every fight becomes a peepo g moment all the time let's go over what these enemies do chat you're my only friends give me book recommendations preferably fantasy genre the gone series gift five subs true gifting five stops is probably good um so yeah every fight is gonna be super intellectual this guy of course he's gonna attack a couple of times then once that timer had series gonna explode deal 30 damage to your face this guy is gonna continue to buff and give and give attack randomly but once he gets up to a certain amount of thorns i think it's 19 he will non-stop attack you this guy will continue the repulsor will continue to put dazed into your draw pile until there's a certain amount then once there's a certain amount of things in your draw pile he'll attack you as well so usually it's good to focus this guy that's the best one to do i think the best thing to do here is we're going to go ahead and do something like this we're going to slap a little bit something like this do some aoe damage that's fine because the likelihood that we'd be able to uh kill this guy is extremely high so we go ahead and start off with something like this pretty good hit him with something like this quite good hit him with something like that him with something like that we can draw two we draw into a buffer that caused zero makes her defend cause zero intellectual fight dude the demonata series i haven't heard about that in the long ass time dude i i have done all of that never played slay the spire but i have always seen you play it so might pick it up this is the day to do it my friend striker's on there for 21 months i forgot we do have the white bee statue so we can get the dex potion here i love it a lot more than the uh i like dex potion a lot more than the the plated armor also one thing we can look for right now is an ancient potion to pair with the speed potion so that we can get a permanent five dexterity for a very hard fight for us now uh none of these cards really interest me at all right now we're not looking for advanced attacks losing our focus doesn't appeal to us at all so we'll skip for now it doesn't matter what does plasma do again it'll give you one energy at the start of your turn and then if you evoke it it'll give you two energy as soon as you broke it all right interesting fight here for sure we're gonna go ahead and play this get our zero cost card play this get another zero cost card i think that's great play our defend gonna draw bring back that because this costed zero originally not from the mummy hand we can draw another additional card we're just defending right now apparently defenders of tomorrow not the best user for nunchaku but i'm not super maulding about it not gonna lose sleep over it to be honest you can just go ahead and just rinse this guy really quickly not that big of a deal do we wanna get our happy flower on two though i think so actually i do think we would rather have our happy flower on too just a min max right we're being intellectual gamers today playing the best that we can [Music] i'm hungry anyone else hungry i think 140 block might be enough this term intellectually speaking of course you're hungry a duplication motion love it a lot more it'll be really good in a hard fight to get two echo forms off two meteor strikes a killing blow when we need it again not really looking for into these advanced strike options you could take another sweeping beam plus if you're really out there trying to make it happen captain but again you gotta remember we got snekoi low cost cards not quite as good let's move on let's take this shop at 285 gold we get a [ __ ] frozen egg for the rest of the act for the rest of the thing we could have everything upgraded all of our wonders in the world upgraded with this no campfire [ __ ] act so frozen egg is probably pretty good making all the powers that we see for the rest of the thing upgraded also we have exactly 205 gold and we have exact amount of gold for what you can get that means that it was meant to happen not you know it's not gospel to look at but it's yeah is calipers iron clad only no calipers is anywhere allen purse is anywhere just a rare it's a rare relic so it's hard to see capacitor is another cool thing here if we had the barrage i would consider capacitor we don't we're moving a card here not really the the we don't we're not really worried we still draw our entire deck in four turns because of snekoi plus all of our draw options makes it even faster not super worried about that yeah we could take the the the waffle not really looking for max hp increase right now we got 80. we're pretty big yeah i think frozen egg here is nasty nasty and we do have to go for the burning elite unfortunately so we got gotta go the hard way hard path it is boys one in the chat if you are hard yeah i'm gonna play the turbo here so that we can get off not just one of our ball lightnings but two of our ball lightnings now we got raining lightning down hard for knowledge true yeah also my very hot professor um so our options here since we're getting hit for so [ __ ] much i think is honestly to try to uh kill one of these guys if we can um honestly using our duplication potion here is probably gonna be very good it's gonna give us our nunchaku proc as well as we draw into our meteor strike which uh doesn't actually save us all that much is it better to use i think it's better to do this we were hoping for that now we can use some of our mana on blocking which is good so let's skim we run into [ __ ] we still have to take 11 damage here unless we use another potion big now we don't take any damage here are the gliders wearing suits this stream too yes a hundred percent this guy will respond this turn not that big of a deal we still full block this guy dies to death good dead to death we get a flex potion which could be really good as soon as we find that [ __ ] barrage that we want another turbo not really looking at it leap plus not really [ __ ] with it streamline not really [ __ ] with it yeah can i explain that fight mechanic yeah so if you kill one of them they'll regen after two turns they give you one turn of being dead and then they'll respawn after that did i only get two frost robes because one was rejecting yes when they're regening they're technically considered dead via the fight mechanics meltzer's very good right now nothing like one shot in a baseball and turn one a chat i am not a fan of baseball baseball can suck my ass yeah baseball sucks that's what melter was made for that's what the beta art says all right good [ __ ] we're still not worrying about the happy flower right now it's not super bad a storm though i think is crazy good whenever you play a power channel a lightning orb and then it'll combo with the mummy hand we'll also draw this on turn one with our echo form plus five other cards we also get an essence of darkness which will fill up every orb slot that we have with the dark orb because it will evoke all the orbs that we currently have so it's really good for a get out of jail free card on a good turn so yeah let's take a storm going into the burning elite again burning elite is the elite plus a little bit else could be max hp which is usually the most dangerous increased attack which is good or hard against multi-attack targets like the nemesis uh it can be regen metallicize and we do get one of the hardest ones which is the uh which is the uh very [ __ ] angry uh nemesis monka okay yeah it's it's safe to say monkas here chad it's okay to say monk ass if you were thinking right now tristan am i monka and am i essing yes i would also monka ass right now yes of course he does the big attack turn two like he always does that's what you expect from this clown absolute piece of [ __ ] shadow that took a little bit of damage here i'm gonna go ahead and use this potion actually it's on a bad turn but i want it to be available for this during all the dark orbs like uh opened up for this turn so that we can rinse this [ __ ] like the [ __ ] [ __ ] that he is um how much damage do we do this is 52 damage plus evoking all of these orange which is 39 plus 39 so 39 plus 39 is 40 plus 40 minus 2 which is 80 minus 2 is 78 78 plus 52 round about a lot of [ __ ] damage [ __ ] [ __ ] we get a bird face turn which is whatever you play a power you heal for two hp please and thank you that's very poggy of you to give me that um and we get an amplifier which means we can play more powers that seems awesome to me amplify is [ __ ] good you could also consider a consume here honestly could consider consume do we like consume it's consume omega-poggers yeah consume is omega-pox consumes is pretty good now do we want to go for another elite fight the answer is an overwhelming pogie mm-hmm all right so killing that guy is good we just need to kill and then block for that that's our goal right now kill that [ __ ] and then block for the rest so i think we open up right now with a double chill poggers then we go ahead and drop this bad boy omega poggers now we can guarantee to kill that guy we've already blocked for that guy we're in [ __ ] good shape man tristan have you been working out because you're looking in good shape [Music] no i haven't actually been working out there chad thank you for the compliment i do appreciate it a lot and we go back to full hp get a fear potion to boot you know equilibrium's not terrible i would take it if it was upgraded actually considering that it's with snekoi it's both good because it could cost zero but also bad because you could keep a hand you could like need to block right and you could play it to block and then keep a card keep a hand around that sucks balls so yeah i think equilibrium is pretty bad again we're going over it we don't need to go over again why these extra strike cards are that are that good and now we go here we heal back up to full we're going to upgrade our consume because that's omega poggers we're gonna go to this this uh this this chest here remember we unfortunately have to take this which is fine because we only have one campfire left and we're gonna have to take the other key it's worth considering equilibrium for the soul consider consideration of keeping capacitor for double casting it it's not you're not wrong you're not super wrong um so there's actually a line here uh there's a line here that is interesting it is to play this okay so we actually have to play echo form it does still give us the zero cost zero guys thing the plan was there if it drew something that costed zero you could then guarantee to make echo form cost to zero but don't want to take the risk there we don't have to this fight should be pretty easy once we start to scale up let's go ahead and play our buffer twice that should allow us to get to the into the danger zone uh let's grab you because i'm not super keen right now let's do this [Music] i'm not super keen on not duel casting my not duel casting my capacitor in this fight so once we draw a capacitor we want to make sure it's able to be casted twice foggers do you evoke uh do you evoke when losing orbs no you only evoke an orb when it's the right most and then it gets pushed off the uh consuming will consume your left most orb good question though pogger's question my friend you are poggers congratulations you're poggers never punished why would i ever be punished i've never i've never been a bad boy as they call it i have never had anyone refer to me as a naughty boy if you do take one damage to trigger buffer but that's fine uh the way the head fight works by the way is whenever you play a card the giant head receives 10 more damage from the attacks so it's obviously good to be playing your attacks later on in the turn if you can if you can't right if you've got other things that you're doing it's all good we're all chilling dual cast the consume and it just gets rid of our uh our orbs that we already took care of right because we already gained the energy it's not like it's gonna take back the energy that we just gained no you consumed the orbs let me take back the energy it's not gonna do that actually so don't need to mold about a chat we can actually like turn our brain off a little bit to this fight uh because we have the buffer stacks and there's no way that we're not gonna kill him in the next two turns calipers we would like a calipers here we get the courier that also starts with a c uh not the best and i do like liquid bronze really get into the heart fight so we're gonna go ahead and just keep that one around it a cool headed is great a little bit extra draw could cost zero could be made to cost zero pretty good let us move on [ __ ] also starts with c yeah and come gang okay thank you thank you for explaining that you were just talking about [ __ ] gang that's what the whole thing was is that we were talking about you're talking about [ __ ] gang i understand now that you've told me that you were talking about kum gang that makes complete sense now that you were just talking about come gang sure everything that you've said now makes sense good job um yeah we have we have definitely reached brain turning off points the only thing that can make us turn our brain up even more is if after this fight we see an echo form and of course i see to this run beforehand today so i know for a fact that we're gonna see it and everyone's gonna be like oh my god how did he call it when in reality i knew from the start so dumb ass you know a good teacher always plans his lessons smile is this the first run i started earlier today yes i didn't see the shadows capacitor is really good because that means that we can now use our consume more to make more focus and then poggy woggy and foggy stuff okay now going to a shop here is not going to be like omega [ __ ] poggers so i think that we avoid going to a shop and we look for more methods in order for us to actually gain gold like fights which could be this path we can see more cards and then we could have a better shot in act four i don't think that the shop here is gonna be all that good take the shop remove strikes no i don't think that we need to worry about removing the strikes right now they are bulking our hand a little bit or a deck a little bit but with snekoi again it really doesn't matter we've got snekoi plus one draw two draw three draw four draw five draw uh and probably miss six straw we got a lot of [ __ ] draw so i think we're okay duplicate a card an intellectual might say that it's really good to duplicate the claw in your deck but the smartest person that you've ever met me frost prime intellectually speaking would say to to duplicate the echo form will the second one be bottled no it won't no no um it does not bottle the new one it does upgrade it though because uh we had we had frozen eye so it does upgrade it which means that this one has its own benefits but it's not bubble um yeah let's go take more fights professor i am hard and about to bust a nut completely understandable you know what actually this is the perfect time to use the power potion here so that we can grab this biased cog and make our meteor strike constant zero biased [ __ ] yes yes yes oh my god chad give me your bias [ __ ] all right now we have three echo forms which means that this will now be dual casted as well uh which means that this will now be dual casted as well which means we can now play this we have 11 energy by the way just in case anyone was keeping track of the amount of energy that we have pretty good pretty good stuff a focus potion seems great uh none of these cards are all that interesting at this point you're just looking for like something to tippy top off the deck and not just over flood it with garbage so the fusion is is not even considerable in my opinion you could think about it but then as long as you think about it and end up thinking wow that's a bad card i shouldn't take it then we're thinking we're thinking correctly so good job thinking what would be the worst boss here uh definitely definitely uh definitely a hundred percent a bad draw time eater or awakened one but i still think that we're omega pogba's no matter what we do because we have each other chad at the end of the day we're together okay and don't forget that you have me and i have your donations and gifted subs so chat by the way it's um empty your bit while it's a clock so if you guys are just real quick you know if you're just not busy at the moment if you've got something to do i understand but like if you just empty bit while it's a clock not not give me one bit rtd unless that was the only bit that you had but you bragged about it auto refilling i bring the bits and the eight months into this relationship oh my god gotcha thank you thank you for the bets thank you for getting me oh no chad he's at two hp whatever will we do and here are your bitters thank you thank you for the bitties we getting in tropic bro not very interested in entropic bro and i'm not interested in any of these it's a little bit too late for genetic algorithm honestly if i had seen genetic algorithm like here probably would have taken it because easily with echo form we could stack it up but it's definitely not worth it to take it right now you could do the math on it and it's like it would go to three and then five here out of my lungs then in the second fight it would go to and then in the act three elite fight it would go from to 11 it would go 11 plus 13 so go to 13. and so then it would still be like a decent amount of block but that's only if you get them echo formed every single time which means you're not echo forming a better card so not omega poggers and here there's two really good upgrades here a meteor strike just increasing the damage of it or your creditors have already basically stolen my money but they're not usually this forward about it oh recall true we do have to recall you're right we have to recall recalling is very intellectually smart yeah yeah recalling is probably intellectually intelligently pogiwoggily the best play for us to do there intelligently speaking this is a very annoying fight actually the best play is to go defend stack echo form and see hopefully it makes one of our powers cost to zero but this is really monkey boys it did at least oh my god we [ __ ] god damn heckin balls and the wieners okay all right i don't think we use our focus potion here but we had to take off the glasses for that one boys all right we're good get two more echo forms into the mix go ahead and draw our entire [ __ ] deck um we have to remember here that whatever we play is still going to be dual casted so we could dual cast this but then we're at 11 so we need to like really really care about what we're playing and when we play it um consume here is not a terrible play actually i'm actually not opposed to going down to one orb slot and then getting one fat big fat throbbing robbing uh thing off this is an easy turn what it's time you to do exactly anytime you play uh 12 cards in between every single turn you will end your turn automatically increases strength and then starts smacking even more all right not looking that bad boys give us a bunch of energy going to the next turn even gonna hit him with one of these actually this is 10 11 12. yeah that's perfect sounds like a [ __ ] he's a very methodical fight you can't just kind of play your cards willy-nilly i don't really want to duel cast another meteor strike it would get rid of all of our orbs i mean we could if we do if we did the meteor strike uh we could probably play another 12 cards this turn but not super wanting to do that not really wanting to this blocks for two out of three hits so we're like we're in a really good spot just doing this all right we got we get to play three cards twice next turn good um not awful not great [Music] i don't think we do we play consume here we want to draw first no i don't think we play consume i think this is fine to do something like this let's draw a bunch of cards that's exactly what we [ __ ] want that's what we wanted look at our block it's a 69 that's a [ __ ] poggy number intellectually speaking of course it's a pocky number by the way just intellectually speaking okay he's going back to half hp here i literally wasn't paying attention the way the time meter works is when you put him below half hp he's going to uh reduce all his debuffs and then he's going to go back to half hp wasn't paying attention too focused on the 69 it's completely understandable no one's gonna blame me for that okay people in the youtube comments are gonna blame me for that holy [ __ ] by the way the amount of people in the [ __ ] youtube contents comments that are like tristan you really need to think better on this one turn at 72 minutes into the game all right we have reached a point chat where i could probably just press e and never think about the game ever again but that'd be stupid intellectuals don't do that youtube backseaters pago like i love the people to death man but like i don't give a [ __ ] like i love you as a person but i don't give a [ __ ] about what you're telling me i should have done at this point of this run respectfully of course pressy simulator no i'm pretty sure when he vulnerable vulnerables us it's not pressing simulator anymore [Music] now it's kind of pressing simulator yep all right we do have nunchaku primed up didn't really get our happy flowers super in order but as long as this is donu and deco we all type pog [ __ ] my [ __ ] raw okay uh intellectually of course by the way can you explain why this is a bad fight this guy gets plus two strength every single time that you play a power we play a lot of powers all right let's see what we got definitely actually gonna use this focus potion one billion percent is there a way for us to block this turn nine plus nine plus five that's 23 block not getting there caveat though all you do you sweeping beam get plus one energy back that's really bad actually i actually think you're chat we have to play buffer and hope that it gives us consume at one and if it doesn't we have to play storm and hope this gives us consume at one this is bad that's the worst outcome that we possibly could have had this is uh yeah this is monkey s boys this is monk as territory point precision thank you for the five we're gonna play out of our minds but sometimes chats even the best minds of the world poop twice a day sometimes if they're healthy and they [Music] i don't really want to draw into my second echo form i really want to play it twice okay so what are the odds here then we can not only play echo form twice but then we then play capacitor twice and then we draw into sweeping beam when we draw reinforced body and get to play it for a million block uh not the worst thing in the world so i think that we are going to bring back a do we have anything that costs zero and draw i think it's skim pooping up to once every three days is normal it actually is right okay we have successfully blocked chad good for us i would refer to that as a pogiwogie fight that we just played would you agree with me chad would you agree that we played this fight quite poguagily we did get uh double decker dick at some point um at some points of the fight i think that's okay we do have two voids coming up hopefully we draw on this turn like i said hopefully we draw a void this turn nice what are the odds of drawing a second void okay we still have a buffer charge we do still have one whole buffer that we could use sometimes maybe all right we could think about consume here chad let's think about consume really quickly out loud if we were to consume we make all of our orbs deal three more damage which is a total net gain it's a total net game of nine but then we lose 12. but it's nine more per turn and then these also block more so i think we do go boom boom boom boom and then we just do it once we don't want to do it twice we just do it once just once just once and now we can just end our turn anytime that he's doing this [ __ ] dummy stupid attack he heals for 15 but we deal 45 this is 28 times three recurring for blocking for 28 times two um i would like to not get rid of all of my orbs so i think doing this is better i'm doing that is poggy that was pretty poggy i liked that again don't really want to use my my uh consume again if we had gotten our uh one capacitor off a couple of times that would have been super nice nice nice nice go ahead and go boom boom boom boom boom later skater or should i say idiot dumb dumb idiot intellectually speaking of course now we have 148 gold going into the uh act four so we should be able to remove a card if we really need to by a potion that could help us in the act four elites um also we can actually upgrade at this campfire don't need to don't need to uh take the key here what's the point of the heart damage at the end it's just your score for the run uh after you beat the heart you'll see the the score again it's just the score you get more score if you like don't take damage versus elites don't take damage versus bosses um if you take four of one card it's called a collector bonus uh um yeah it's just how well you did in the run and also it's like that damage that's under the heart is like a collective damage that everyone's done over time i think it's broken at this point but all right meteor strike is really really good just to get a bunch of extra damage on it cool head it's really good because it will draw a bunch of extra stuff i'm gonna go with cool headed so it'll draw me an extra card why not echo form it's bottled in our opening hands and we have mummy hands super necessary [Music] so mirror will allow us to duplicate any card in our deck chat's saying triple echo form i'm saying chat no that's bad that's no that's not good it's actually to take another capacitor all the echo so that we can then use consume more often way cooler it's way cooler intellectually speaking i know that towards the end of this overexplained run i haven't been super over explaining that's cause i'm tired and my voice hurts i hope you understand let's feed together thank you for the brand new prime man i appreciate you why not storm plus uh because right now our deck is not hurting super hard in the beginning of the game um and i think that against the spire shield inspired thing you really want to have a good early game especially since they give you those two burns on turn two um and does like you know 40 damage the guy on the right so having a worse turn one by putting another storm in our opening hand by cluttering our opening hand to not be able to get another uh another better card i mean it could be good too because double storm could like kill things right you could just murder the entire run but i think against the heart you could you playing another capacitor to be able to consume a bunch more times it's just omega cool all right again none of the decisions i'm saying are absolutely 100 of the time correct i'm just going off based what i feel is correct every single time that i play right uh we actually want to draw something first so that whenever we echo form it'll make something else cost to zero which is cool also they're both attacking on turn one which is quite a bit of damage unfortunately the chill is good now too as they did decide both to attack on turn one we can chill then we can meteor strike we can attack to draw a bunch of stuff attack to draw a bunch of stuff capacitor again it's okay we do heal a little bit don't forget we're not super in danger we are in danger but not super danger you know what i'm saying um we can deal a metric [ __ ] ton of damage to this guy i don't see why we don't just do that all right now we can focus on healing by playing our powers multiple times with bird face turn which is really really good fortunately we're only gonna get this one off once do we care all that much i think we actually do and we want to be a little scrutinistic of it that's okay yeah i think i think i think we are allowed to scrutinize our hp just a little bit and wait until we can dual cast that buffer to get an extra two hp and min max just a little bit also we can try to set up our happy flower which actually if we can kill this turn works perfectly i don't know how easily we'll be able to kill this turn but i'm sure as hell wanting to find out uh would go for the double draw even though over the double damage it doesn't look like we're gonna be able to kill this turn it's okay unfortunately all right now how much do i want my thing to be on i think i think we do want our uh that to be on two so if we do nothing right now we should eventually be able to keep our nunchaku and then at least get this on one even if we kill him this turn but it doesn't look like we're gonna have to kill him this turn is he gonna do the [ __ ] big block again you [ __ ] this [ __ ] melter yes but melter chat will ruin our nunchaku that's what i am that's what i'm wanting to care about but i think we care about happy flower more than on chaku so i think we will do it i was thinking i'm using my brain and i'm thinking all right we're going to 74 hp we get blue candle which doesn't do [ __ ] anything liquid memories is great it does help us heal in the middle of the fight but i'm not super wanting it i am going to take this bullseye i think stealing a little bit of extra damage to the heart might be super good or being able to i think it's between bullseye and reinforced body because reinforced body is really good block on maybe turn two when we get a bunch of damage coming our way i think we're not lacking on damage especially with our um our liquid bronze i like body a little more yeah up to 76 hp at the start of this you do have to be careful here uh because if you play the buffer and then you take the b to the heart damage it [ __ ] you it does [ __ ] you it will it will remove your buffer which is really really good for the turn two does the heart scale yes very much so the heart will scale first by doing a bunch of debuffs to you and then we'll slowly scale its strength for a couple of turns and then rapidly scale its strength to dealing 20 times 15. yes yes it does all right so let's play very carefully let's go like this uh we definitely want to do this then do a little bit of that drawing into consume not omega poggers but whenever we play this buffer it is actually going to guarantee us able to be able to play consume so that's good because if it makes the dual cast cost zero we just play meteor strike then we dual cast and we consume we still get our buffer stacks we still get consume what is this max attack uh i think dealing like 1300 damage which is impossible to block so you're just dead so that's about it it's a max attack um okay so unfortunately here it looks like we're not gonna be able to use our buffer stacks next turn maybe blocking for that much is is quite a lot yeah we do want to use our thorns potions of course yeah this is uh quite unfortunate for sure i think it might be time to use our liquid memories because i really don't want to have to use this if i don't have to i kind of want to use my liquid memories and bring back um my leap so that i can draw more cards but i don't know what i'm going to draw into that's really going to help me i mean one of my reinforced bodies would be fantastic but i think it's just gonna use our buffer stack so there's not a whole hell of a lot that we can do about it i'm not worried about us dying here i'm more of just upset that we have to do it i wonder if it's worth to draw though what if it's worth to use our stuff to draw and then we could set up for a nunchaku next turn like maybe liquid memories can be used far better next turn or something it's really up in the air could also bring back our consume and consume again right now i would use our buffer though yeah i think if this was skim i would allowed to use that but i'm not going to we're just going to end the turn we get the void out of the deck which is somewhat of a positive all right and here comes 67 damage which we most definitely will be able to block for it which is nice do we care about getting that dual casted capacitor off here i don't think so actually i think it's literally just play this twice and pass i think we very much care about that we have another capacitor in the deck we'll be okay there's our other capacitor and now i think it's a really good time to bring back our consume do that again can you perfect the heart yeah you can is it easy no it's not no it is not at all all right pretty easy turn here play that go like this bring back that i don't even think we need to bring back i mean right now we're it's for mana and it's going to be dual casted like that's so much so let's just bring back something that can um i mean honestly maybe just even a cold snap consume again no we we need something that costs a little well no because we we have to play this we want to bring something back that causes zero so we'll bring back this actually we could bring back the turbo here's a play we bring back turbo we go like this then we play this we play that we draw a bunch with our skim see if there's anything omega cool to play we could play our turbo and draw two cards not sure because we just shuffled our deck so that void's long gone down there get a little bit of extra damage off each [ __ ] heart not terrible comes the four times 15 attack i think a really easy play here is hologram bring back turbo and reinforced body dual cast the turbo dual cast the reinforced body probably could have done a little bit of damage beforehand but i actually think 140 blocks is poggy so eat [ __ ] i am gonna do a little bit of damage with the dual cast as well i think that's good we also have the thorns damage playing a massive role in this big somebody even saying um i think that playing two meteor strikes here it would do one two three four five six i think it's actually really good because with all the voids that we might draw in the coming turns i think that it's good to have extra energy for our reinforced bodies uh don't want to actually put out another i want our block orbs what gave me thorns a potion that we kept around for a while and there's the reinforced body um we want to play consume here i think we do consume is fine take four damage it's okay i'm six times 15 we're currently blocking for two times 15. uh six times 15 is uh 90 right and this takes care of that we play meteor strike first it goes one two three four five six yeah oh my bad you're just [ __ ] dead hey heart are you are you i don't think you're playing i think you're playing i i think you're playing um overwatch because meet your strike youtube boys this content that you're watching right now has officially been given the twitch chat feel of awesome content that you should come and watch the stream or they're they're just doing the chat triggers at random times like they do all the time and i'm just standing out here looking like an idiot that was a three-hour run for me that's a long [ __ ] time man my god you
Channel: Frost Prime
Views: 33,608
Rating: 4.9395657 out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, defect, the defect, overexplained, how to play slay the spire, ascension 20
Id: 2Vakx1rSpA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 48sec (9288 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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