This BEGINNER Level Card Trick Fools Magicians. Best Card Trick Performance/Tutorial

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[Music] all right guys so today i'm going to be showing you one of my all-time favorite card tricks and i really really do mean that because one it's a super easy card trick to perform and two it's actually a magician fuller so you can really fool a lot of people with this trick and i can't wait to show it to you guys so without further ado let's get right into the performance so today's trick is going to be sort of a mind reading trick but it's not really a normal mind reading trick so i'll explain why a little bit later but for now i actually need the spectator to go ahead and just select any card that they like out of these 52 cards here so we're gonna do this by having the spectator just call out stop as i dribble through the cards so they can call out stop whenever they like stop okay go ahead and take a look at this card over here i will turn away but please go ahead remember this card the best that you can okay so once you're done remembering that card i will just spread out the cards here and you can go ahead and place that card anywhere you like into the middle of the deck and you can go ahead and shuffle the cards spectator go ahead take the card give it some riffle shuffles give it some overhand shuffles give it some cuts do whatever you like because it really is up to you so at this point the card is hopelessly lost in the deck and like i said this is a mind reading trick so now we're going to move into that aspect of the trick so normally when people think of a mind reading trick they think that the spectator has to send over the information of the card to the magician so like the color red or black the suit and then finally the value so each little piece will be slowly revealed by the magician by the magician reading your mind but those tricks take a little bit of time and i just want to make this short and sweet so instead of you sending over all those little pieces of information i'm only going to have you send over one word and that word is the word stop okay what's going to happen is i'm going to go through the cards one at a time face up like this when you see your card i want you to say stop but not out loud only in your head and i'll be able to hear you when you say stop okay so that's what this mind reading trick is all about okay so i'll go through the cards one at a time like this when you see your card just say stop in your head okay hopefully this works nothing yet right okay keep going stop right here at the seven of diamonds so this was your card okay interesting great and yeah that right there is the trick guys so i really hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to stick around for the tutorial all right guys so here's the tutorial for the trick that you just saw so i really hope you guys like the performance and like i said this really is one of my favorite card tricks because it's so easy to do and it really really fools magicians all you have to do is get a deck of cards there is a little bit of a setup for this trick that's the only sort of downside to this trick but it's not really a downside because you guys can clearly see how powerful this trick is the setup is definitely worth it and it's actually a very easy setup so if you guys have ever heard of a one-way design this is how the trick works so usually a one-way design would be on the back of the cards where the cards are not exactly symmetrical so if you look at it this way it would look one way but if you look at it this way it would look another way but you guys are thinking well this deck does not have a one-way design and it doesn't all these back designs are completely symmetrical so that means you can turn it this way and this way and it'll look exactly the same either way what i'm talking about is a one-way design on the faces and every deck of cards automatically comes with it so as you guys can see this six of diamonds here is a symmetrical card which means that if i look at it this way it looks like this and if i look at it this way it looks exactly the same as that first orientation that i showed you so no matter which way i turn it it looks the exact same way it's a mirrored card but there are some cards in the deck that are not symmetrical and you're actually going to be using this to your advantage to create sort of a one way design in your deck so i'll show you what i mean so as you can see the jack of spades here is also symmetrical every single face card in the deck is symmetrical so you're gonna ignore these cards you're gonna go through the cards and i'll show you which ones have the non-symmetrical patterns so for example right here the seven of clubs as you can see this way you can see five clubs up here on the top but if i turn it upside down you can clearly see that now the card is upside down so this is the real secret of the trick so there are many cards with this type of pattern here all you want to do is find all the cards that are non-symmetrical so for example that would be the seven of clubs the ace of spades here can be pointing up seven of hearts here can be pointing up and when you pull out all of these cards you wanna make sure that you pull them out and they're all gonna be facing the same direction so in this case i'm gonna just set them up so they're all facing upwards like this so i'll keep going through the cards this one doesn't work this one doesn't work oh five spades works because this spade can either be upside down or right side up the eight of spades works these five spades here are facing up but this way these ones are facing down here so you just want to make sure that all these five are facing up so that one works seven of spades this one two spades facing up the ace of hearts will be facing up obviously because there's one heart five of clubs you turn it so the club is facing up six of spades turn it so the two spades are facing up three of clubs turn it so the two clubs are facing up seven of diamonds there's five diamonds here on the top so make sure that would be facing up like this eight of hearts there's five hearts here facing up five of hearts there's the middle heart facing up eight of clubs there's the five clubs facing up nine of spades this middle spade here should be facing up nine of hearts middle heart should be facing up six of clubs the top four clubs should be facing up six of hearts top four hearts should be facing up nine of clubs the middle club should be facing up ace of clubs club should be facing up two hearts here should be facing up on the three of hearts and i think that would cover it right there so i think if you have a full deck of 52 cards which i have you should be left with 22 cards here that are non-symmetrical and all you want to do is make sure that you have all these cards here they're all facing the right way but you actually can give them some shuffles like this so you can shuffle the cards just make sure you don't turn any of them around because you have a one-way design thing going here so if i spread through all these cards you'll see that every card now is facing up and if one card was actually reversed so if i just take a random card out here and i turn it over i don't know what this card is but i'll be able to find out right now so i will go through the cards and see okay they're all facing up face up face up just like this and i'll be able to find out the one that is facing down and that one should be ace of spades right here as you can see the ace of spades is actually facing down because the spade is pointing down but all the other ones are facing up so that's how i can clearly find out what the spectator's card is by having this one-way design going on and that's really how the trick works so what you do is you have the spectator selected card and you secretly turn over the entire pack and then when they place the card back their card will be the only one reversed in the one-way design and you'll be able to find out which one is facing the wrong way that's the main idea of the trick and now you guys can really go out and perform any version of this trick that you like but i will still show you how i did the version in the performance so the setup for that version is you take all your non-symmetrical cards make sure they're set up in the right way then you're going to take all the other cards that don't matter and you're going to cut these directly in half so try and split them as close to half as possible you're going to take all of your force cards here these are going to be your force cards and you're gonna place them directly in the middle so right between those two halves so now all of my non-symmetrical cards are going to be in the center of the deck so now what you can do is you can have the spectator pick a card in multiple ways but you just want to make sure that they select one of your force cards so the way i did it in the performance is i just did sort of a mock dribble force where i didn't really have a break but all i did was i just wanted to time the force so that they would say stop somewhere around the middle of the deck so you can do a dribble force and they can say stop as long as it's somewhere in the middle you're gonna hit it so here five of spades that would be one of the cards you can also do a mock riffle force where you riffle through the cards and they can say stop as long as it's somewhere in the middle then it should be fine so for example here six of spades that works because that's one of your cards and the final way that you can do it it's a little bit more risky but it still works so what you can do is you can just spread out the cards and have the spectator pick out any card from the middle of the deck so let's say this card here that would work that would be the seven of hearts so essentially you just want to force the spectator to select any one of these non-symmetrical cards so in this case they have the three of hearts which works and this is how you're gonna secretly turn the cards over without being too obvious as they're looking at the card all you want to do is give the cards a riffle shuffle put your hands in the position for an in the hands riffle shuffle like this you're going to give the cards a legitimate shovel like this and when you finish you're going to continue to rotate the cards as you can see i've actually rotated the cards 180 degrees so i gave them the shuffle like this and when i finished i rotated the cards they're facing the opposite way from the three of hearts now some people might ask what happens if the spectator accidentally turns this card around well you just have to watch the spectator very carefully if they don't turn the card around then you have to turn the deck around but if they accidentally turn the card around then you can just stay still you don't really have to do anything with the deck just pay attention if the spectator turns the card over or not and that will let you know if you need to turn the deck over or not so at this point the spectator remembers the card and what you're gonna do is take this card and lose it anywhere in the pack literally anywhere in the deck and they can shuffle the cards as long as they don't turn the cards over so riffle shuffles won't disturb the one-way orientation but you just have to make sure that you cut them like this and you don't cut them like this like you don't turn one half over you just want to make sure you cut them like this and that way they'll still be facing the same direction like that so it doesn't really disturb the one way you can also do overhand shuffles and cuts so it really makes no difference now at this point you're just going to be going through the cards one at a time and all you have to do is ignore all of your symmetrical cards so all the face cards and all the cards that are mirrored you don't have to pay attention to those only pay attention to your non-symmetrical cards so when i deal through the cards i see that the first one here is actually facing up so that means this is the way that all the cards are facing right now all the non-symmetrical cards are going to be facing up so as you can see none of spades is facing up ignore that ignore that six of hearts is facing up so i know that every card is facing up but the spectator's card is actually going to be facing down so all i do is i go through and i just notice which one is facing down so i see they're all facing up facing up like this and i just ignore all the face cards and the ones i don't need to pay attention to and right here so right now i get to the three parts and i can see that it's actually facing down because if it was facing up it would show the two hearts pointing up but here two hearts are pointing down and i instantly can see this and i can just go through like one or two more cards and i said oh sorry wait did you say stop over here i think you said stop at the three of hearts and then that would be the end of the trick so yeah that was just the idea of the trick that i did in my performance but obviously you guys can use this principle for literally any card trick so you can use this to determine what the spectator's card is out of a shuffled deck just by using the one-way orientation and yeah it really is that easy hopefully you guys enjoyed this trick and see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: A Million Card Tricks
Views: 247,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a million card tricks mismag822, hester23bearsch, kaantricks, jay sankey, david blaine, mat franco, beginner, intermediate, advanced, sleight of hand, cardistry, mentalism, deck, decks, card tricks, easy card tricks, best card tricks, amazing, awesome, cool, super, best, simple, deceptive, chris ramsay, magic, magician, teach, teacher, learn, therussiangenius, 52kards, how to disturb reality, easy sleight of hand, impossible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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