Bdubs Tries to React to Funny Moments in Hermitcraft 9

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hermitcraft season 9 it went on for like oh it's over by the way um it it went on for like almost two years sorry I should have told you uh the season is ending for hermitcraft season 9 but it went on for such a long time and I thought for the finale for the final video we had a lot of unfinished stuff but and I we could address that later possibly but I thought let's take a walk a lovely stroll down memory lane and um review go over some of your favorite clips from uh or moments from this last season ideally I wanted this to be about me um but I forgot in the Tweet to say your favorite moments about me so there are some other squabs that have made their way into this potentially we'll see now the first one here is um some some jerk saying scar hot guy mamore okay let's watch that together why can't I why can't I hear anything so let's get some trees not muted why can't I hear forgot to put my headphones on all right we're good I'm ready to react okay all right I think this is probably the moment where it looks like there's a big watch Spike here M and mo my day one for those of you that don't know my day one horse that I got on the first day of the server and is pretty good horse perfect timing um hopefully he likes that view but what a beautiful grazin path ouch he killed my horse oh no no no I'm so oh this was a legend scar have you caused enough pain this is right right after scar um destroyed docm77 th000 hours of work um so yes he is a terror he's a terror on the server and I I don't think it's funny and my reaction is I'm not gonna react be kicking this react video off on a bang um with the uh not reacting on the first react uh video all right all right we've got scar here who says uh you will speak when spoken to yes yes all right first of all uh for my first reaction to this is uh look at the name of the title look at what the title says it says a king upstairs an exile in my basement if that's not the most perfect title anybody's ever made because in this one Etho uh considered himself an exile and put himself in my basement uh on my house that is the best title I don't know man there's just so much trash on the server broken portals Enderman Farms always got rubbish all over it I mean dude there's magenta roads all over the place magenta blocks everywhere didn't you place that down you place is that you you what are you going to get trash excuse me you'll speak when spoken to sorry don't don't try D defect here my dudes okay I mean what a moment that uh so that has turned into I think it got turned into a horn that people used on the server a lot um I think that was one of those moments where I thought you know you like to think that people are quick witted but I I kind of knew what we were doing and I thought in my head it would be funny to say you'll speak when spoken to to somebody so I'm sorry to let you down but it wasn't witty it was PL it was that was slightly planned so I guess I've ruined two two clips in a row I like doing reacting debunking everything this is wonderful okay here we've got a tweet from mythal sausage saying oh hi bow sausage here I enjoyed this moment quite a bit and it's a picture of me um I think we might get to that we might get to that later um shout out to my mom all right you think this is funny making fun of my mom and in first place is they throw six points of course yeah wait how many TOS how many to5 14 TOS PR 14 I would like to thank B's mother hey you leave her out of this feel free to boo if you wish right get him off the stage god get a sh for that she is a Saint I'll have you know that's right good standing up for for your mother that's a good thing Ju Just so you know he's saying it because the week before winner me I won and I thank my mother so he took that line very see I bet he planned that as well like I planned the speak when spoken to I bet he playing that that wasn't quick witted okay all right this one is um oh can I F screen can I just do this here yes let's watch us in bad quality together this is better than me hunting hunting for it okay here we here we go in bad quality bebs what is that you hey man come check out my new place I had no idea this was back here it's been here all well for for a day or so for a day or so I'm going to make a real beautiful beats you'll be proud oh that is amazing okay that I think it's been so long but I'm pretty sure that was 100% genuine reaction it would seem it would seem as if I you know of course I would know ethos coming back I did I don't think I knew that was genuine aha I'm reacting now all right that's good we got our first react in the books that's good all right this is from this one's from Mist um she said there's there's some people that have never seen this clip before and I don't know I don't know what she's talking about ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of H craft today I need to find a way to K my ass aha okay all right uh it's a nice soft way to say ke uh you you know you know I'm not saying something super bad but you know K myself uh because I needed to get my player head so you got to be careful what you say even now I'm nervous to to say it I'm glad that you like that moment that's nice so far we're doing good it's all moments about me which is what I'd like and I want to react to how great I am here we go uh I don't know what just titled it Moss boss so basically from here the only thing to do I there's several people on is uh sit and wait wait for a customer to swing by well you know what in business it's important to uh keep a stiff uper lip Okay Okay that was that was a moment it was early on on the server and there was like a lot of activity in that area so I thought surely if I wait long enough uh somebody you know will pop in and say and mess with your ear or something but it was just one of those random moments where nobody was around so I just sat there I thought it would have been a nice transition into uh you know oh we have a shop interaction but just nothing all right great job I reacted again okay this one needs to have a special spot from STM okay I can see my coffee shop okay these are wonderful that I don't have to um hunt for the video very great job doing Clips hi how may I assist you oh what what if you're causing trouble I'll kick you out of here right now I don't know could you reach over the coun ofor little guy oh good oh did you get your step stool very yes I got a step stool yes so I can use a machine what just your eyes surprise you want to know another behind the curtain thing I when I was planning this build I know I normally I would put half slabs down so that you're up above the counter but I thought if I don't put slabs down on the ground then my eyes will just be poking over the counter and lucky enough Ango was the first one to notice it and it it killed him I wonder if I could find the one from his perspective hi how may I assist you what what all right this might be the what is this the same one the no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes okay I was I was uh I was legitimately scared that's a that's a real scream he he wanted me to get on for something and I thought he was just going to like make fun of my Redstone in my face I didn't know that was coming yes because I just built I had just built that shop so it was very important to me that a creeper not explode in it and I think he knew that scar Killed My Horse on purpose as well oh yeah oh my gosh what it got me twice cuz if you listen if you listen scar screams and that made me think that scar actually saw something like a creeper or something and then when I turned the corner and there were two Creepers I I thought again that it was a real creeper it was like the perfect circumstance of trickery oh my gosh that scream what so I thought then green coming down oh you're there's two people Gan yeah so I I realized then it was grean and U scar but slower than most people would realize it all right this one might not be about me put the brone meal in the processing machine and retrieve your items from the drop shoot hugs and kisses okay he doesn't explain where the hugs and kisses are or where the drop shoot is okay I figured it out it was outside it was outside the whole time no hugs and kisses out here though well that's just obvious in the processing machine buy 16 bro meal from the barrels above and take them out back out back out the back how hard is that processing machine and retriev and where are where where's the drop shoot out back I said it already I'm sorry I'm sorry Etho I'm sorry I must this must embarrass you I don't see how that's even close to somebody's favorite moment of the Season not even close now I was one of the very first people to play decked out I was also one of the very first people to say I'm upping it to level two I want to go down to level two that I did that on my first run and I got the key I was oh I was good early my goal was to get to the pirate ship uh but here we go in ultra low quality yeah I am the king I am the king of deck doubt today open the door NOAB I didn't know I didn't know where the door was I didn't know anything I it took me forever to find out where what the key situation was I I got the key and I realized oh take it back to this spot but I didn't know what happened from there and I was just casually looking back towards where I came from and I didn't know the the pathing very well of these ravagers so it's a it's a true legit Double Take the door yeah and true every true true real Panic what if you the world downloads coming out soon if it's not out already and uh if you play Deck out you'll feel it all right you think you're cool but just wait until you play it all right this one this one I'm so glad that somebody said this this isn't the most po but I think I think this is funny um if you're in an area for a long time zombies are more likely to pick up items but uh if it's an area that's not what very spawn hasn't been good English if it's an area that's been around for a very not been very if not been area or your round MCH then it can spawn if so I think we'll just leave the M the zombie collection for another day or maybe a live stream because I do those oh okay all right that's it's my favorite it's my favorite moment of me I'm so proud of me I I have to see I have to watch it again I'm trying to explain I don't know what I'm trying to explain I'm trying to tell you like mobs like pickup items more if you've been in an area a long time hold on if you're in an area for a long time zombies are more likely to pick up items but uh if it's an area that's not what very spawned hasn't been good English if it's an area that's been around for a very not very if not been area or you're around MCH then it can spawn if so I think we'll just leave the M the zombie collection for another day or maybe a live stream cuz I do those all right I had to recover there for a minute I'm sorry the fact that I just said if you and it just stopped it was truly like I I my brain was broken I was trying to say something and then I was even trying to do it funny like oh face the camera you know and do a clip of you saying something and I still couldn't say what I wanted to say and then and then um just said well forget it I don't know why but that makes that made me laugh so hard all right I think this is another one of those moments um where there was something I probably should have edited out but didn't all right now time to get the M sneeze transition that was brought up a couple times I've been if I could sneeze every recording that would be that would be my patented you know what I have the audio that's that's my season 10 um that's my that's my vision for season 10 is sneeze transitions so there's a little behind the fourth wall for you aha okay this looks like uh from the King storyline the the end with the big puzzle that we did fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on you the next Arena awaits you unless you cannot wait you good luck trying to fight I think I'm not cringing terribly right now but I think in a couple years I'll be cringing along with you guys on that one maybe that feels like one of those like look back at what I did and be like uh but uh maybe that I think that was funny that is my uh Final Answer submission reaction I think it was funny what is this this might not be from me my perspective but I'm in it follow me this way follow me this way oh okay I need to get back to more of that stuff I love that stuff it it's like um you did it you did it wrong you wanted to do something but you did it wrong Follow Me This Way follow me this way walk face first into the door that's good that's funny I'm funny all right I think I'm done reacting now great job re acting bebs there's a couple things I need to show you in the hermitcraft world but before I do let's take a quick commercial break I don't like to brag but my dad was a brown belt in karate and I never took karate classes but he taught me everything he knew and that's how my movements are so fluid you want to know what else is so fluid the new fluid engine on Squarespace this new fluid engine is making it so easy for you to get your assets placed exactly where you want them anywhere on your page there's also a multitude of vetted third-party extensions that you can use to extend the functionality of your site and of course you get access to those valuable analytics that help you track how people interact with your site if this guy uses Squarespace don't you think you should too be like fluid and check out the link down in the description or go to B100 to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain this is uh where I spent the majority of the last couple months in the Decked Out cave probably the best thing that's ever happened to uh a Minecraft server L truly like not not joking not uh being funny guy best thing that's ever happened to a Minecraft server as this game we're headed to our Base by the way um but we've been doing some fun stuff you know everybody's kind of wrapping up their season with the games and stuff so we did some multiplayer Decked Out runs and we did some a game with pearl where we played like a trash game and we did the boat race with Ren tons and tons of stuff so uh it's been fun just kind of wrapping these things up and saying our goodbyes but there are some things that we didn't totally finish dark out got a shap got a shap this is like we're getting Ready for the World download so this is I'm going to give you guys some info on that too uh if you want to check out some things you know what but I've got my render distance like cranked why Wow I Can See For I can see my base from here all right well this is like the central spawn like you spawn over there you'll find my base it's just chilling right around this area um you got to head south from Spawn I have a big secret to tell you guys you remember the tree of of Whimsy remember how that came about I acted like I planted a seed there and then uh the seed grew or acted like you know maybe somebody else on the server did that or something like that it was me I built I built the tree of Whimsy don't tell don't tell anybody but I got to say I'll I'm saying it I'm saying it with 100% confidence if you play like me if you play Minecraft like me where you're okay enjoying the journey a little bit and not everything has to be 100% efficient swervy roads not straight roads right then this monolith is the base for you because I got I got reason to go up and down it and I got all my floors I know where my furnace Mountain floor and without even looking I'll tell you that uh the floor below me is the uh leaves and foliage room nope that's the room we came in right below this leaves and foliage and as I said it's just so nice you know you got it this is an armor room you got things to look at all the time in your base it's nice it keeps things fresh uh some things to check out remember the this is how you get in the basement all right ethos thing is down there there's a warden down there and then you just go down those stairs okay and uh watch out there's a splash potion there so that's the key now to the real good stuff I mean there's the shopping district there's the Moss shop this is my perfect gunpowder shop that um didn't make didn't do business um I took the fastest horse over to ZF and I were doing a little competition the fastest horse ever in Minecraft is over there or it might be this one actually it could be this one the this one with the white leather highest jumper in the world jump stupid I don't have a saddle but feel free graze the lands you know enjoy the horsing do some hip hopping around and enjoy the speed um you're free to hook up horse pop and play a couple rounds over there sure I got to remember that only like 5% of you guys are going to you most of you are just going to watch and not download the world so let me talk to you Watchers I'm so stupid and sorry the tree of Whimsy giveth clue oh I did I put a banner up there I guess I did maybe um I'm going to there's going to be a clue in here and hit the button and then um for those of you that with the World download for those of you uh that want the World download it'll lead you to a place goodness sakes it takes me forever to find this place uh the big gate oh man I did this and I would even do it way different now but I did this way back when and people really liked it a lot it's it could do so much improvement looks really cool from a distance you know but um could really be better but there was a lot of excitement behind it and then um yeah either way the Hermits didn't get to play it but you can you that get the World download can can do it sorry I'm just going to talk to the viewers now for the people that are going to get the World download I I've done a puzzle in here um like halfway if you do have the capability it's a two-person thing so get a friend I mean you could try to do it yourself go back and forth and stuff but uh yeah get a friend together and uh try to get through two little puzzles that I made in there they're pretty cool and fun and great job you know what it's kind of nice flying through at nighttime huh never really saw the nighttime but hey if any creepers blow up or anything it's no big deal the CLE did I forget hello hello I built a CLE it's so small I thought it was so big at the time um it's so cool Cleo did these out front so cool and uh what do we have here oh chickens chickens the whole place robbed um but yeah this was cool there's a couple bedrooms on the top floor this was supposed to be uh a pit you know have like a warden down there I think we did do something with that but yeah two bedrooms on the top flooor if you want to furnish it yourself and become the king of hycraft let's do one last thing you know they say you can't take your Treasures with you but uh I plan on it all right I'm going to go to my shop and I'm going to see how well I'm telling you I never wanted for diamonds all season uh I this was shop killed look it and it's still killing beat ups clean it oh my goodness thank you Scar and scarland for sponsoring this shop uh I think scar bought oh my goodness it just keeps coming don't forget about beb's head Emporium where uh I sold my heads that was really fun um we kind of gamified it you know where you kind of like who knows what you get it was really hard to keep him stocked that was the biggest downfall there I I couldn't kill kill my K my S I'm sorry K my S enough to uh to keep the heads in stock Cub still has my still has my hologram head it's at the Museum if you want to see it also I mean you know no interior here you guys are going to have to figure that out some interior we how can we not show this I'm sorry we're going to go longer okay we got this and the conveyor belt does it still work it's busted I'm I'm leaving it this way I'm leaving it busted um but the cyberpunk interior this was fun I don't think I'm done with this style I think this is cool and the stairway down here and the Sheep always giv tons of wool the big gear yeah this is cool this is this is fun you know a lot of mobs spawn at night time when it's dark out seems like there's a lot of mobs around somebody's sleeping okay wonderful let him do it let him do it I'm done ladies and gentlemen thank you for hanging around this season season 9 it was a very special one for me I hope you guys enjoyed it appreciate and love all the support you guys always give keep your ears to the ground cuz season 10 it's right around the [Music] corner [Applause] n
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 421,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdubs, bdoubleo100, bdouble0, hermitcraft 9, hermitcraft season 9, minecraft hermitcraft
Id: IWn7XQEuM30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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