Is There Anything These Killer Kitties Won’t Do? - SCP-2085 - The Black Rabbit Company

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We’ve covered a lot here on this channel, and what you might have noticed about the nature of our discoveries is that knowledge is best broken down before digested. Which is to say, if you are to learn how to assemble a computer, it may benefit you also to see one taken apart. When you do so, you’ll notice in front of you not a computer at all, but a collection of individual parts. It’s in understanding these distinctive parts in isolation that helps us shape our awareness of their marriage, and how they cooperate with one another to become their collective self. Sure, this may be good practice, but then tell me: how do we comprehend a whole that is composed of parts unwilling to isolate themselves from the rest? Because let’s face it, not all things, let alone SCPs, can be torn apart for the convenience of our study. No matter the subject we seek to understand, it may choose to resist our deconstruction, by one way or another. Landmarks like the Temples of Malta and the Pyramid of Djoser are held together by our respect. Monuments like the Statue of Liberty are held together by copper. The Family was held together by Charles Manson. But it’s not always the preservation of history or elements of the periodic table or psychopaths that reject humans' wishes to disassemble. Far stronger than forces of nuts and bolts are that of character and loyalty, and SCP-2085 is welded together by exactly that. SCP-2085 is a militant anarchist organization consisting of six cybernetically-enhanced individuals (A-1 through A-5 and B) operating under the name Kuroi Usagi Shidan, or more commonly known as the “Black Rabbit Company.” SCP-2085-A subjects are five adult female augmented humans, designated SCP-2085-A-1 through SCP-2085-A-5. Subjects are genetic chimeras, each with an estimated 6-10 different gene donors. They are fluent in Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Korean, Russian, and English, with additional languages varying by individual. Subjects display an array of genetic and cybernetic enhancements, including genetic splices of Felis catus physiology, having cat-like ears, tails, and hair. These tails are prehensile and capable of holding small objects, so if you’re accusing one of them of stealing your pen, don’t just go searching their pockets. They also have grip pads on hands and feet, in case they ever did decide to retire from anarchy and take up surfing. Their impressive features don’t stop there. If they haven’t already put James Bond’s gadgets to shame yet, just wait, Daniel Craig is about to look like Dora the Explorer. SCP-2085-A-1 through A-5 all have ocular implants with thermal vision, heads-up display, and recording functionality. Also noted are carbon-nanoweave muscle fiber augmentation, reinforced endoskeleton, and brain-computer interface with internal hard drive. The list goes on, each etcetera more elaborate than the next. Yet, what stands out most about them is not a weapon but an attitude. These six members, although now held in isolation from one another, do not show any signs of splitting up, not even when under the heavy pressure of The Foundation’s interrogation. Agents spend their hours looking for cracks to dig their fingers into, trying to get one to betray the other and reveal sensitive information. But when asked to spill the beans, SCP-2085 screws the lid on tighter. They remain as a whole, resistant to our deconstruction. The agents get nowhere with their investigation. And with each minute wasted, it’s another victory for SCP-2085. The hours go on and they keep stacking up W’s, building momentum day after day, growing stronger and stronger as a unit. As The Foundation tries to tear the group apart, they respond with even greater resistance. And this style of resistance is unique to each member. Imagine you are confronting SCP 2085-A-2. She is talkative, and so you think you might get somewhere. You are all ears. But what SCP 2085-A-2 sees isn’t ears, but troths. And she is happy to feed you her slop. She talks and talks and you listen closer and closer, but all you are getting is misinformation. False names, inaccurate stories, dates that don’t add up. You focus and follow along, only to find yourself having run a marathon all the way to a dead end. Now you are faced with SCP 2085-A-5, who takes a different, more nonsensical approach. You are happy to no longer have to sift through inaccuracies to decipher truths, but now, there are no truths at all. All that you are given are absurdities. She speaks in ways that make you scratch your head. Once saying, for no apparent reason, “I take a hammer and I break my legs, I break ‘em for the better.” After so many scratches you swear you’ve dug an inch into your skin. And so you move on to SCP 2085-A-4 hoping for better luck. She is straightforward with you. That much you like. But she’s hostile and doesn’t cooperate. When you ask her name, she raises her middle finger. She tucks it back in to create a first. And then that fist punches the divider between you. No amount of reinforced glass could make you feel safe at that moment. Cracks spread. It looks like a web spun by a spider, and you feel as small as one. Thankfully, a protective shutter is lowered. Aerosol sedatives are pumped into the containment unit. She continues to try to escape, yelling profanities even harsh for someone locked behind bars. Your ears have taken a beating from curse words, nonsensical rambles, and heaps of misinformation. You want to lower your head into a toilet bowl and hear nothing but water. Yes, that is where these women have driven you. Your head to the bottom of a toilet bowl. You have put in so many hours, and yet you have learned nothing new. And if you can’t learn anything new, you might have to rely more on what you already know. But what do you know? Well, you know this: their track record is quite impressive. Verified operations include smuggling, theft, assault, vandalism, kidnapping, extortion, property damage, possession of fissile materials, corporate sabotage, embezzlement, identity theft, fraud, copyright infringement, piracy, possession transport and sale of anomalous items, and tax evasion. Yet, when grilled under the heat of investigation, they do not reveal any details about the nature of these operations. You just know that they happened. All that is told is that SCP-2085 navigates in such a way as to minimize the chance of civilian casualties and maximize material and morale damage to their target. They are proud of this. It seems as if SCP-2085 perceives themselves on the side of good. While their list of operations on paper looks like crimes, they stand proudly behind them, pleading guilty with a grin. But behind every smile is more teeth. Teeth that go beyond saying cheese. Teeth hiding in the dark caves of a sealed mouth. And you are determined to play dentist and find your way in. But SCP-2085 doesn’t say awe for just anyone. So, how are you to understand a group that resists our preferred methods of learning? How are you to properly assess the pieces of a puzzle when the puzzle is glued tightly together? It starts at the top. Before you can decipher the motives of a nation, you’d be smart to study their leader. And if you want to extrapolate the schemes of a football team, you’d interview the coach. And to truly know the moral of a television show, you’d be better off asking the creator than the actors. All of this is just to say, if you are to ever understand the complexities of SCP-2085, it is necessary you begin with SCP-2085-B, the person pulling the string of the entire operation for all of these years. Now, you might be imagining a man of many muscles. Someone able to fight a bear with an arm tied behind his back. Someone who kicks through saloon doors, tilts back his liquor, and walks out with a woman in each arm. But you’d be dead wrong. SCP-2085-B, also known as Wizard, does not look like an imposing lead at first glance, or even, at the hundredth glance. He is generally in very poor health and his face shows it. He suffers from a variety of illnesses, most notably a vitamin D deficiency, acute radiation syndrome, and has unmanageable scarring from severe and repeated skin ulceration. He doesn’t wear a cape and glamorous spandex often found hanging in superheroes’ closets, but instead he wears an Advanced Crew Escape Suit accompanied by a cheap bathrobe and flimsy red felt wizard's hat. He looks, with no elegant way of putting it, like a dork. A goofball. A doofus. A…well, you get the point. Furthermore, he is an adult male human with certain cybernetic and genetic enhancements. He has an adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to allow for an all-liquid diet. Within his suit, an esophageal input port and waste output port are integrated. It is equipped with modifications to regulate sweat, reduce abrasion damage from extended usage, and aid in skin regeneration. His genetic enhancements include the replacement of 11 previously missing digits on hands and feet, and also has an internal drug pump, typically used for painkillers, because as we are about to learn, SCP-2085-B is most often on the wrong end of pain. Notice, these modifications are not those you would find in a science-fiction novel but more likely behind the trench coat of a suspicious man in a dark alley. And we all know nothing good is ever concealed behind a trench coat… but have you ever wondered if that truth also extends to robes? Because when we pull open SCP-2085’s what we find is truly terrifying… SCP-2085-1! SCP-2085-1 is a fibrous mass of self-replicating carbon nanomaterials within SCP-2085-B’s chest cavity, with growths protruding into the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spinal cord, and left lung. The growth of the SCP-2085-1 and its consumption of SCP-2085-B’s body tissues has been impeded through the addition of various containment implants used to sever communication between growth sections and control nodes and counter the replication process. SCP-2085-1’s rate of replication without the influence of these containment implants is unknown. SCP-2085-1’s periods of activity occur, on average, once every three months. The process lasts for up to fifteen minutes and causes SCP-2085-B intense pain. Imagine a heart attack. Imagine Mike Tyson using your sternum like a punching bag. Imagine a cactus strapped to your front. This is the pain and torture SCP-2085 wears daily. There’s no S logo printed on his chest like SuperMan. No symmetrically slick symbol like BatMan. Instead, just cancerous growth. Kryptonite worn like a tie. The knot never to be loosened. But to SCP-2085-B, this anomaly is not just a number to be studied, but more so a being to be understood. It is more personal than a medical condition. It is something he wakes up with each and every day. He calls it Red. At first, The Foundation saw SCP-2085’s close connection with Red to be childish and silly, as if a small boy who names his freckles out of boredom and loneliness. But as you are about to see, how they met was more memorable than first finding a freckle in the mirror. A meteor struck down, and SCP-2085-B was the only person at the scene. Red was inside. As Wizard approached the meteor, Red leapt onto him and buried a home into his chest cavity. Far from a freckle on the skin, Red is a cancer. It grows and grows, leeching to what it can. It can’t be removed with surgery. It can’t be covered by a Band-Aid. It has no empathy or mercy. It leeches on and eats away at its host. But it’s more than pain that it causes. Falling off a swing set and busting open your leg hurts, sure, but at least both you and your injury are on the same team. Cuts try to heal. When left alone, injuries make effort to find homeostasis. But Red is a different breed. It hates us in a way that injuries are incapable of doing. It has a deep disdain for humanity. It tears Wizard down, reveling in his degradation. Its sole purpose is to eat him whole. Wizard can only take this personally, as he doesn’t just feel the universally understood sensation of pain, but also the unique passion of its purpose. SCP-2085-B’s adventure’s with Red seem to be where our story begins, and what ultimately keeps it moving. In fact, it was while SCP-20850-B was running around trying to fix his chest with implants when he eventually met who we refer to as SCP-2085-A-1 through A-5. He was at the clinic to get some new parts, and when he was going through the installation process there was an explosion. One of the five girls barged out of a building, guns blazing. He started running alongside them with his chest half open. The women embraced him immediately, and he reciprocated. Knowing nothing of the situation, he instinctively knew to take their side. There were bullets coming from both directions, but he intuitively understood which side was good and which side was bad – a distinction SCP-2085 believes the world needs help clarifying. But it is hard to see a reason for a war when our eyes are focused on the casualties. Beliefs are less clear when tucked behind bullets. The sounds of gunfire muffle their message. Morality, while a complex subject, SCP-2085 believes is simplified by the masses. Events are deemed good or bad based on the term used for them in a court of law. When we see the words: smuggling, theft, assault, vandalism, corporate sabotage, embezzlement, identity theft, fraud, copyright infringement, piracy, and tax evasion, it is our impulse to label those as morally bad. But SCP-2085 desperately wants you to look beyond the language. They want the words to dissipate off the paper, letter by letter, until all you have is a blank page. Now, look at the pencil and the hand that holds it. Watch how it moves. That is what matters. Whether it draws weapons or mermaids is irrelevant. Both can be used for good. Both can be used for evil. Intent is everything. And SCP-2085 intends on making the world a better place, or so they like to claim. But maybe there is more to it. After SCP-2085-B and the five women escaped the gunfire, they went on to steal a boat and high tail it out of Japan. They spent their nights out there on the ocean, stargazing and stuffing themselves with instant ramen and cheap beer. And, surprisingly, between all the crazy adventures SCP-2085-B had been on, this is what Wizard spoke about most. The time spent on the boat out at sea. For the first time in ages, he was finally somewhere where he was happy. It was this moment that actually meant the most to him. It wasn’t the children they apparently saved from imperialism. It wasn’t the wealth they apparently redistributed to the poor. It wasn’t any good deed at all. It was the selfish, almost shallow, sensation of being happy on a boat. This singular moment meant so much to SCP-2085-B. He reflected on it as if it were a wedding day or a memorable vacation. Which makes you wonder. SCP-2085 has been investigated and interrogated, and all that they preach is that they are doing the world a favor with their antics. Their tales are captivating, sure. But is it actually story telling or is it just virtue signaling? There is an emotional depth to SCP-2085 unique to any other militant anarchist group. While they are genetically designed to most efficiently complete missions, they are not at all robots fixed on the high of task completion. Each and every one of them wants more. They want a group. They want a group not just to have the numbers to overthrow a government, but to have the numbers to fill a room, or boat, with companionship. When they refuse to cooperate with you and leak information about their operation, maybe what you are witnessing isn’t the strength of their loyalty, but also the weakness of their codependence. And so, you decide this is the new angle you’re going to take with your interrogation. You enter the room with a new focus. You feel like an earthquake, eager to make cracks in their core. You isolate SCP 2085-A-4. You are met, expectantly, with hostility. You fight back with psychology. You cross your legs and put on your glasses as if to say, “Let’s talk about that anger. Where does it stem from?” She strengthens her emotional guard. But you keep prying. You say that it sounds like she is lonely. You say it sounds like her loyalty doesn’t come from good character but rather insecurity and self-doubt. You ask her if completing missions with her crew was actually a way to improve the world or was it just an elaborate way to build a close friend group bound together by common goals. Did new missions sprout from necessity or were they fabricated by fears of being alone with nothing to do? Were end of operation high-fives to celebrate good overcoming evil or were they just excuses to feel the touch of another human, skin to skin. You stop there and let silence do the rest. SCP 2085-A-4 sits with her thoughts. She is ready to break…and finally she does. She says she’s willing to provide video logs of the group’s former operations. She’s ready to cooperate. She’s ready to abandon loyalty to groupthink and focus instead on self-improvement. In exchange, she kindly asks that she be reciprocated and that the sanction placed on her be lifted. You come to an agreement, and with that you feel like your work is done. But is it? You’re feeling cocky and accomplished. You forward the video logs to an isolated network for D-class personnel to review and you sit back and enjoy a celebratory drink. You have infiltrated and broken the mind of a genetically modified radical designed for anarchy. You give yourself a pat on the back, and you’re feeling so great that the pat might even turn into a massage, but before you can indulge in that deep tissue level of self-admiration, the phone rings. Can it be a call from the president telling you that you’re the greatest investigator of all time? Can it be that they need you to pose in front of a world-renowned artist so that they can erect a statue of you in the center of town square? But the panic on the other side of the phone halts your daydream. Your stomach drops, as if a sudden plummet from a perfectly vertical roller-coaster. You have fallen into a trap. The video log at the center of your negotiation was not at all what it was promised to be. The file, titled backup.avi, consisted of a two-hour long video of a feces-filled toilet, presumably recorded from SCP-2085-A-4’s point of view, accompanied by an audio loop of the folk song “Korobeiniki”, as performed by the Red Army Choir. Its absurdity feels like an art project. Like a short film you are assigned to watch in a community college class. But instead of putting you to sleep…it does a whole lot more. The contained audio-visual cognitohazard induced anaphylaxis and exudative diarrhea in the observing D-Class subject. The D-Class subject died four minutes after initial access of the file from blood loss and oxygen deprivation. SCP-2085-A-4 sits in containment laughing, while you sit there on your couch, dethroned, back where you started, having thought you tore SCP-2085 apart with your mind, only to learn that your efforts only reinforced it with more glue. Now go check out “SCP-247 - A Harmless Kitten” and “SCP-577 - Bullet Cat” for more SCPs that’ll melt - or claw out - a cat lover’s heart!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 142,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-2085, scp 2085, scp2085, black rabbit company
Id: Mhl3nr0Is24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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