Is the ROG Ally future proof?

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[Music] hi everyone handy handout tips here sorry it's been a little while since my last video I've been working quite hard at work recently lead up to Christmas been struggling to find time to sit down and actually make a little video um so just going to give you guys that update and uh bring you guys a little video here I've been seeing you know some doom and gloomer on Reddit and things and talking about the r in these handheld um PCS that aren't going to stand the test of time and so today I thought I'd give you guys a little video of and give you like three or four reasons and why I think these devices are going to be here to stay for the long run you know people are worried you know it's a lot of money to buy one of these things I think they what the black deal was quite quite good um they're taking about $100 off these machines so uh yeah so my first reason is the Fantastic display on this thing you know you a 7 in you know IPS LCD display um 1080p 120 HZ it's a great aspect ratio and a great refresh rate for a device like this even though you know majority of the time you're probably not hitting the 120 HZ you probably like sitting like sell 60 for most of these things um but you know you have that head room there for um future cases when uh maybe things are starting to get a little better in the other areas which I'm going to talk about a little later in this video but yeah I think the screen on this thing is is really crisp really clear easy to read the text and really really bright there brighter displays out there I think Noble slightly brighter than the the r Al one but um that's beside the point where comparing these two devices where you know comparing them as a whole I mean you could put a little novel go into this same video because they're you know spec wise very very similar um so yeah people were like you know this is kind of struggling to put the latest and greatest games already um so what's going to hold in the future so I the great screen is fantastic when you couple that with epur 3.0 um which might was going my second point and the great screen FSR 3.0 is really doing wonders in the gaming space um I I really think the AI generated frames is something that's here to stay and something only get better FSR 3.0 is only available in Immortals of the Avan and spoken at the moment um you know in more of AVM you're looking at about 40 to 60% FPS boost depending on your settings medium to High um is probably the best settings with FS are turned on at um balanced mode I think I check that one and uh for spoken F 3 now Square Enix did such a fantastic job of implementing Ur 3.0 in their game I said there's only two titles at the moment with FSR 3.0 is quite new um but the way with FSR 2.0 some developers were implementing it in their games better or worse than others now I don't know what kind of voodoo magic um Square Enix are using with FSR 3 but they implemented that was for spoken so well to the point where you're in some cases you're almost doubling your FPS uh uh some some in some cases in for spoken I was running about 40 50 FPS and I was getting all the way up to 90 with fur turned on and balanced so that's something that's going to apply to more more titles down the line as we progress and something that's really going to help this device stay alive and my my second point so my third point is community mods are actually super amazing if you guys aren't on the slash r r Ali on Reddit get on there you know try and ignore some of the negative posts on there there's some great potion there there there's community members that are upgrading Ram at the moment you know it's quite a task so they're charging a considerable am M to do that but upgrading the ram to you know higher uh mehz and 32 gigs I se with 64 gigs Samsung Ram in their device there's also 3D printed case mods so like at the back of the case there's like the 3 3D print this but there's a big kind of camel hump here and they're put bigger batteries into their devices like double the size of battery into the devices that's one thing main thing about this device is the battery life can be not very great if you're playing at six 30 watts and you're eying about the go the bar can get drained rapidly like sub one hour if you're playing the hardest of hardc games so the modu is actually fantastic um I'm not in you know upgrading the ram that involves soldering off the old land soldering on new Ram modules it can be risky uh there's people on eBay who are offering to do it I don't know what kind of warranties they're offering if they're offering Like Money Bank guarantees if they break your device or something you know it's a risk it's a risk that you have to wly take but I assume you know further down the line when these things start struggling it might be worth the risk um if it means you can continue using it for a little bit longer but at the moment 16 gigs for me absolutely fine FSR 3.0 is really going to help this device stay relevant for longer on the subject of the hardware inside the the device Wi-Fi 6E is also implementing these already so that's rated super high you're not going to be using the full capabilities of Wi-Fi 6E for a very long time you probably won't ever need to um but Wi-Fi 6E is definitely a very nice addition to have you know top top of the line the newest and and best in in Wi-Fi capabilities um so my my last point would be cloud gaming so you got your Wi-Fi 6E so you have the best you know Wi-Fi modules out there in Wi-Fi 6E and um cloud gaming is getting absolutely incredible um I was playing play the rec him as you can see uh on the go I was in a a cafe in in my local uh City there day um streaming off their Wi-Fi uh I was to go on on making this video uh and I was using this didn't have a battery pack with me I'm like okay destroy my battery so I set it to 10 watts I started streaming now I was playing H fora Motorsports streaming it you know 10 watt 60 FPS input delay I swear to you if you're in the best circumstances possible where you have like a decent Wi-Fi um if I gave you this controller and about here play this game you wouldn't know you honestly you would not know the idea of cloud streaming I don't like the idea of of going to a world where Cloud streaming is is the you know the new thing everyone's doing it that's all it's available I don't don't really want that work I want the option to play it you know natively if I want to without having to stream it but it's such a good alternative if you have good Wi-Fi if you have good internet to conserve that battery and switching it to 10 wats silent mode it's going to save the longevity of your device it runs super cool and you're just streaming the game and your battery lasts three times as long like four five 6 hours with 10 watts brightness turned in a a little bit it's you know it's awesome it awesome please if you guys haven't yet try the cloud gaming 10 watch Sil mode C gaming golden but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the video and I was a bit rambly RAM rambly and a bit quick um I'm going to try and get two videos out tonight CU I've got a day off today uh while I was working today but I've got day off tonight so I'm going try and put out two videos so I hope if you are having issues if you having thoughts about you know not buying this device because you're worried about the future um the future of the device and if it's going to be able to play games the latest and games into the future I think FSR 3 and you know Cloud streaming it really is coming to its own and it really is probably the future I hate to say it probably is but honestly this is a safe bet for now and into the future and I'll leave it at that anyway guys have a great night thank you very much for watching [Music] n
Channel: HandyheldTips
Views: 7,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PKg8xRLJ5E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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