‘I Woke Up One Morning and Had a Thick Geordie Accent’ | This Morning

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now imagine going to sleep and then waking up with a completely different accent well that's exactly what happened to our next guest yeah so uh 26y old Verity went to was born raised in the West Midlands but after taking a nap to cope with the migraine she woke up sound completely different yeah before a Verity uh shows us her new accent let's take a little listen of what she used to sound like from one of her old videos putting like a few in just under here so that like you can see the blonde through don't want like loads um and then obviously every time my hair grows and I have to take them out and get them redone I'll just cuz then if I'm using all of them and cutting them off like I won't be able to use them again cuz my hair is growing so if I just use like a few at a time and just put them like I don't know obviously you know the placement better than me but it's just so that like you can see a bit more of the blond in it and when I'm like woo you can see okay so kind of regular kind of West Midlands right and then since October last year ver has had a Jordy accent despite having never been to Newcastle she enjoyed just now to tell us more what a strange thing to happen to you I mean I've read a lot about this before I think we maybe talked to a couple of people about it before but just to reiterate never been to Newcastle no never I've been to like surrounding areas but for like a long weekend when I was like 13 so not enough time to pick something up you say completely changed your whole Personality yeah completely yeah completely like I'm so much more confident now and I'm very um like do I think in myself more I used to be of people pleaser you know I'd get upset a lot over a lot of things whereas now i' just do everything for myself I'm very like black and white and thinking now if that makes sense which don't know necessarily a good thing but it's definitely improved for myself do you prefer this like new version of yourself yeah definitely yeah I don't want it to change I don't want it to cuz it can change I was told it can change to something else or it can change back like there's not really much known about it and you canot physically do your old accent now no not at all no I can't even like think about it sometimes it's like a complete BL lock in my brain does it feel like a completely different person yeah when it first happened I really struggled with like I felt like I'd lost myself lost my identity but now I found feel like I found myself again and um I love it yeah so just to go back so all all began when you were diagnosed with functional neurological disorder yeah uh was it chronic um hemiplegic yeah hemiplegic explain that to us so I started having migraines when I was 8 years old oh thing so and I get so the hemiplegic side is where like you get an aest or revision changes and I get I used to get like numbness in the left side of my body Ming my arm um but when I came to about 20 or 21 years old they diagnosed me with chronic ones because it was I was having more than like 25 a month it was literally every day so bad um so yeah that's just been something I've always always had and kind of got used to and then so talk me through when you woke up with your brand new acccident did you have a migraine I did yes so I started having seizures in October 2022 and that's when they were like it's functional neurological disorder and I've had a lot of other things like symptoms since then and then in October when my accident changed i' had been awake for a couple of hours and see saw that my vision started to change so I was like oh I'm just going to go to sleep um you know try and sleep off but it was horrendous it was so bad so painful and when I woke up my speech had gone but that can be quite a common thing and that happens sometimes with me paralysis so I didn't really that happened to you before yeah yeah so I didn't really think much about it and then literally as soon as it came back it it was like this yeah must have been so quite scary yeah it was terrifying because you know how you sound yourself so hearing me sound completely different I was like what on Earth is going on did you go to the doctor straight away yeah yeah went to the doctors and literally from waking up to going to the doctors was like 15 minutes and it was like as strong as it is now it had literally happened so fast and um the doctor when I started speaking cuz they've they they all know me because of like you know recurrent other things that are going on she just like her eyes were like wide open her mouth was wide open she couldn't even like speak she was that shocked about it I actually cannot believe that you were like a not an original Jord I it's crazy isn't it completely yeah it's mental and all what were your family and friends like when they first when this sort of first happened I when your family obviously understand the condition yeah yeah so they were like really understanding my mom was laughing like quite a lot but I think it was more like an anxious laugh she didn't know what was going on the rest of my family just could not believe it didn't really know what to say about it um but then like some of my friends were like no you're having me on this is crazy like this doesn't happen and I was like no I swear to God yeah this has happened so it was just getting people used to it I think and then once people are used to it it's like I've always been like that well we want to bring in Professor Mark Edwards I'm com and join us um Professor Edwards because we'd love to have your take on this because this is fnd and is actually a lot more popular than what people think isn't it yeah it's a really common problem I mean it's I think it's one of the commonest things that people have never heard of and it's actually one of the commonest reasons to go and get referred to a neurologist in the first place and like you're saying ver it causes lots of different problems in different people so like paralysis and seizures and problems with sensation and so on and very rarely problems with changing accent as well so you yeah I mean this is all about neurology so so but how how common is the accent thing because I think it's quite a headline Grabber isn't it so we read about it quite a lot but so what other conditions are there that f&d kind of well so how how manifest itself yeah I mean FN the one of the commonest things that causes is what you had before which is seizures um so these are different from epileptic seizures but they they sort of lost of control of the body and people can have paralysis they can be wheelchair dependent it's it's often a very disabling problem can ver be cured is there a cure for this so f&d is basically a malfunction of the way the brain's working rather than damage your degeneration so it is something that can change I mean you were you were just saying that this is actually from from the accent point of view it's it's okay it's it's kind of changed things in a positive way but if we were talking about The Siege and paralysis I think that would be a different story yeah it'd be completely different it was I think as well with like accent changing because like you're saying you know it grasps people's attention it's really important to know like the other symptoms of f&d like it completely changed my life for like the worst I was you know I had to give up work I had to give up my driving license even things like I wasn't allowed to have a bath because I could have drowned whilst having a seia you don't yeah like you don't think about those things so it completely changed it and I think it's really important to you know take take note of everything else that goes on as well and you've shared your story on Tik Tok what's the reaction been like there really good like I was really surprised because you know what trolls are like and they're not very nice and but no really really nice um loads of questions asking me like or do you think in like you knew accent now what are your old memories like do you you know loads of different things that I've never thought of before um so that was really nice seeing that people are like really interested in it which was yeah amazing when the body reacts this is a question for both of you when the body reacts so drastically uh to to to f& does are you almost like not cured but the migraines then go away because the body's been such through such a traumatic moment um for me when I first started having seizures me migraines went but now I haven't had a seizure out since July thank god um and now the migraines are back does that make sense but I do get paralysis and lost speech with me migraines it was just kind of like when I was having seizures that everything else would stop does that happen often yeah I mean I mean f&d is kind of a software problem rather than a hardware problem so it's kind of a instead of it being damaged to the brain the brain's malfunctioned and it's basically the bit of the brain that kind of connects us into our bodies so if I want to pick up this glass I kind of just think it and then my body does something I have no idea how it's happening just like I'm speaking to you now it's conscious it's voluntary but I I can tell you the first thing about how it's happening so there's a system in the brain that kind of connects us into the automatic Machinery of the body and that's the bit that malfunctions in fnd and that's why it can cause so many different kinds of problems well it's lovely that you know it's been so horrific but you've had a good experience at the end of it definitely yeah I saw it as like a positive start because with my seizures and everything and how my life changed so drastically it really affects thank you for sharing your story ver thank you so much
Channel: This Morning
Views: 390,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Morning, This Morning ITV, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Alison Hammond, Dermot O'Leary, ITV, STV, Josie Gibson, Craig Doyle, Rylan, This Morning Funny Moments, This Morning Funniest Moments, This Morning Interviews, Alison Hammond Interviews
Id: JF56cDpB0r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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