Is the LTT Screwdriver Worth It?? SPOILER - I damaged it...

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we've got the Linus Tech screwdriver [Music] the new xg321 ug mini LED 32 inch 4K panel from ViewSonic blurs the lines between gaming and professional monitors Gamers will enjoy a super smooth gameplay due to its 144hz refresh rate and integrated Nvidia g-sync ultimate and reflex technology Vasa display HDR 1400 and super black levels due to the 1152 mini LED backlighting zones while industry professionals can edit content with peace of mind due to 10-bit processing 98 DCI P3 color gamut and 99 Adobe RGB to see why the xg321 ug is the perfect Dual Purpose monitor follow the link in the description below so we actually have a couple of them here you guys have probably already seen this on social um I want to talk about the screwdriver I'll be honest I'm the kind of person that never really uses a ratcheting screwdriver so I'm kind of coming at this as a uh sort of an inexperienced position but what I will tell you is that I've seen a lot of comments about this a lot of positive a lot of negative it took three years to develop I could have almost built a PC in that amount of time uh but anyway I digress so this is like the retail version right here this is the Linus Tech tips screwdriver you can see it's got their orange kind of a color and theme on there these are the bits it's a little unboxing fairly basic um packaging is not bad all kind of like embossed black on black this is the creator Edition this is these are the ones I think they sent other creators like myself where the they include two screwdrivers one they've got the stealth version which is the all black one without the Black Shaft they do have a every time I say black Chef I'm gonna giggle sorry guys but anyway uh it's the stealth one where it's just all black cat black internal ring steel shaft though where they do have a apparently a steel Black Shaft that's coming I'm sorry I'll do the best I can to get through this one without giggling every time I see Black Shaft but whatever I digress and then the Creator version here um basically has an end cap that kind of corresponds with the color of the Creator so since our color around here obviously is red and black we got a red and black one here so these are special edition just sent out for the reviews and stuff but in terms of functionality they are identical to the retail ones so as much as I appreciate the Creator one I am going to be taking a look at the one that you guys would get if you were to buy this so first things first I'm not a professional tool reviewer hell I'm barely a professional Tech reviewer let's be honest here if I'm the every guy is Tech I'm the average Joe that's just like what's this thing like and that can talk to other Average Joe's and I don't hide that so when it comes to the screwdriver let me show you what I typically use usually I will use either this magnetic tip like be quiet basically because it comes in every single one of their coolers and we have a ton of them okay but it does have a built-in magnetic tip that by now has lost like most of its magnetism and then I've got this this hammerhead yeah this is uh this is a combo driver it's electronic I've used it for years it is a complete shock to me that it is not dead yet in fact I don't even know where the the sh the shaft of this one went because During the Reconstruction phase we used it for so many different things I don't know where it went but it will fit any standard like so this is just like my DeWalt protective bit so I have if you're if you didn't want this to slip off the screw as you're drilling into something that would go down over it but anyway you know I tend to use something like this more than anything why because I personally I've always preferred the uh the motorized function of it because I get sick of doing this you know now the ratcheting screwdriver the idea here is that you can get the tip onto whatever it is you're screwing and not have to take your hand off of it right so you can do it like that or ratchet now one of the things that what is it uh testing Farm I think is the name of the channel I did watch his review of it that's a professional review if you want to know every facet of this screwdriver they test everything and like how much angle does it take to to get the ratchet how many ratchets does it take to go a full 360. how much wobble is there in the shaft how much torque can it handle before it breaks the gears what's the magnetism rating of the tips like how hard how much weight can the magnet hold before it pops off you know what's the weight of the thing like all that kind of if you're look if you're a nerd about that kind of stuff you're on the wrong Channel right now because I am just going to talk to you about somebody that does not use a ratcheting screwdriver would I spend the money the screwdriver costs to start using it in my day-to-day builds so it's actually uh 69.99 USD American so what do you get for that you get the screwdriver which has a cap that screw off I know the rear cap comes off because that's yeah there it is this is what holds the bit it jeez it's very strong it's captive as you can see so you can take the bits out of the little cardboard deal here I didn't realize they were black ain't looking look at that so you can see you've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve different types of bits here you've got a magnetic bit you've got your flat heads you've got your Allens and you've got your Phillips I do like that they're black they're also short you can actually fit all of them inside the screwdriver because you can put one facing that way and you can do one facing that way so then you won't lose them because you'll have them all here within the driver itself so let me go ahead and get these all kind of loaded in real quick so now that my revolver is loaded that was pretty satisfying California legal you have to be determined uh the magnetic bit here is kind of neat it's got a lot of magnet power I mean so this is you can tell that this was designed by somebody that builds computers because if you think if you think about how many times you could potentially drop a screw down inside the system and you're sitting there trying to finagle it out even the magnetic tips like this guy here like this one's lost its neck look it barely has any magnetism left this guy [Music] in fact it can almost pick up the screwdriver almost ah that doesn't that's gotta be a rare earth magnet right there obviously I mean look at this that is there's no magnetism at all in the screwdriver that's how screwdrivers establish dominance now remember as I go forward with this review this is I'm coming at this at the perspective of somebody that has built I don't know how many computers in my life and I've never used a screwdriver like this on it I've personally never owned a ratcheting screwdriver so let's go and talk about the ratchet itself it's extremely smooth now one of the things that testing Farm did was they measured how much weight it takes to reverse the ratchet because if you've got a loose screw and if you go negative on it or you know reverse of the ratchet position and it's just moving the screw the negative the reverse ratchet does no good so it's extremely light I don't you have to watch this review if you want to know exactly what the weight is um the direction change knob right here it's very easy to grip it's knurled so you can turn it it's firm it's very very um the feedback is you hear the clicks you know when you're in the position and it's also got a neutral position where if you just want to use it like a regular screwdriver where it doesn't ratchet at all it locks the ratchet so you can use it like a regular screwdriver if you're in a position where you need it to not necessarily ratchet I don't know why that would exist one of the things I saw in the reviews was people are not necessarily people but testing form talking about the force taken like do you have to reposition your hand to change the position and this one I feel like I've got a stronger grip than most not because of things that you might be thinking it's because I've been doing this motion with this for so long which takes a lot of force to actuate that okay put your mind out of the gutter people it feels like it would be very like okay so that gives you an idea of just how light it is right there but what I need to do is I need to you know use this thing in some sort of a practical sense right now to see would I start using this daily when it comes to my PC builds now like I said I am not a tool reviewer I am simply Jesus that that magnet strength I'm trying to find a way to show it pulling out of my hand it is so strong so not only is that gonna hold the tip in there I bet you that magnetism goes through the tip oh yeah look at that that's such a strong magnet that's not even the magnet tip that's just the magnetism of whatever's in the shaft going through the geez it really takes some Force so here we go let's go ahead and take this guy off I've never used okay that's different feeling oh see you do reach a point though as you can see where the screw does no longer turn like it doesn't no longer ratchet however you know it's practically out at that point dude look at that no longer do you have to like and we'll do this with the motherboard to be like okay if you get this screw on ninja drop on the motherboard gosh and you're looking for the screw and it's black and it fell down into the power supply can't tell you how many screws I've dropped into power supplies then forcing me to take the fan off of the power supply so I can get the screw out because a rattling piece of metal inside a power supply is bad contrary to popular belief as much as I do like this I gotta be honest if Linus made a motorized screwdriver so I could just be like this this was ten dollars on Amazon but still I'm not comparing it to that I'm just saying this is the this is what I'm used to right so there is this something else I want to mention too it's got this knurling on the shaft I'm not sure if I've mentioned if anyone's mentioned this before this is nice to where if you just want to you can use the shaft itself and have plenty of grip on that if you just wanted to turn it that way with your fingertips so as an example if you were doing some fine work do that you could just do it like that so I do like that I really do because the problem with the motorized one is you get one torque one speed this is a very twerky very wobbly nor the top part look down here sell that wiggle it's like none oh wait what see out of habit did you see that I just did this where I went ooh with a finger to guide it because all of my magnetic tips have basically lost their magnetism I don't have to do that with this guy and just be like whoop put that in there okay take it line it up I feel like I would probably use the the knurled shaft part like you just saw more than anything else I would just use the actual grip for an array to tighten it because I do find that to be very convenient but there becomes a point where that's really hard to turn so then you just use the I also like that I can pick up my screws without having to use my fingers because I've got these sausage fingers that make it kind of hard sometimes okay that was nice one of the things I'm curious about is scratching on the shaft like when it's up against these metal bits see as I'm screwing unscrewing this it's like rubbing against that metal bit so I'm curious if we're going to start seeing oh so far no whichever metal is harder is going to win right dude not to say that the any other screwdriver couldn't do what just happened with the magnetism like the the strength that tip I just like flailed the screwdriver and instead of it chucking the screw across the case like it's happened before it held on to it so that's nice to see it's very dark in the spot right here why is it not lighted for 70 bucks it should have a light Linus I'm only half kidding and half serious but I am half one of those things both of those things I guess technically wow I hate that I like it so far not that I was planning on like being mean to the product it's an expensive screwdriver so okay this is perfect see the screwdriver barely fits down in there so I wouldn't have been able to get my hand and the other screwdriver down in there if you just look at how thick it is I guess if you wanted to know how strong the magnet is there's your demonstration look at it it's not leaning on anything that is legitimately holding itself up right now purely by the screw never seen that before look that was just a screw holding it like that let's do that again there it goes look it's not touching anything you gotta get down there look at that it's not touching the ram it's not touching the case that is literally holding itself up you know what I'm on a social media post this right now we're gonna time it I'm gonna take this motherboard out I'm gonna put my Med my mechanic or my motorized screwdriver back together and we're gonna time it how long it takes me with linuses versus how long it takes me with the one I'm used to using so here we go three two one go see I'm gonna start across the thread there we go perfect see that's the kind of stuff that happens with motorized and I'm not a speed Builder so this is oh damn it damn it and this is where it loses because I just cross threaded it so the standoff came out midnight 56 in I gotta stop do this is realistic time caused by this tool right so the timer should keep going now while I take off all the other screws to take it out well I guess that's fair because the the tool caused it so it's a realistic expect like result of using that tool right and that's the thing with the motorized torque is if it's cross threaded slightly and you're holding it down and you don't catch it like I didn't is now time lost because of it so I have to I have to count it there we go we're doing good three minutes four minutes okay we're fine this is fine this is fine this is fine is this one is this fine I don't know why I'm hurrying up now it's I think gentle start all over now just screw down a motherboard I I'm leaving it five minutes 27 seconds I think you're gonna win buddy slow and steady wins the race on this one Jesus actually really nice because now I'm kind of like Frick that screwdriver man this is constantly having to take the motherboard out the magnet's so strong there's no concern or worry about it falling down inside the the bowels I bet you this one even is able to properly thread in the one that is all screwed up watch I bet you minute 16. four times better than the mechanical one it doesn't really work that way but okay well uh kind of conclusion time here remember I'm not reviewing the screwdriver to tell you if it's worth it for you I was 100 interested in doing this video just to see if I could be bothered with switching the type of screwdriver that I'm really used to and while I continue to put in some of these components I took out to just continue using it to get some feelings on it I love the fact that you can just load the screw it doesn't come out you can wave it around nothing's going to happen it stays attached there's a screw on there geez that took a lot of force to get it off of there there's one thing I forgot to do so dropping it oh it actually broke I want to point that out one of the little tabs right there broke off from one from one drop now I dropped it from like six feet high okay let's be realistic you could I guess drop it really from that high but one of those little tabs broke off so this it's now holding one less bit I want to point that out if it can't survive the drop test it can't be a Linus product so I feel bad about that but I have two more so no I'd feel did the 70 screwdriver so that's unfortunate but there's not much padding here it's just really thin carpet on top of concrete so that was a pretty hard drop so anyway um yeah that little tab broke off in there something to point out and I'd hate to feel like every time I drop it a tab is going to break but I think it fell kind of like this so that's where it hit which makes sense because that means all that force was on there Will I switch to it probably for now um it is extremely convenient to have um it is pricey I can see where a lot of the arguments were regarding the price of the screwdriver but anyone that is shop professional grade tools and look yes Linus is a tech YouTuber I don't think he he prefers the term YouTuber just like I don't but for all intents and purposes that's that's what he is and the three years that they put into the development of this and the custom gearbox and such that they came up with for this shows there's a there's an enthusiasm enthusiasm passion so this is built by an Enthusiast for enthusiasts if you've never purchased any sort of name brand professional tool from Maco Snap-on um heck even Craftsmen can be pretty expensive at times this was never going to be for you anyway so you have to decide if it's the kind of thing that you want in your toolbox just to One support a content creator that maybe you really like or two maybe you're in a profession where you're using a screwdriver all the time then it makes sense it's a 70 screwdriver no matter how you cut it and so you've got to decide whether or not it's got enough use to you to basically warrant seventy dollars USD on the screwdriver and then I think the Black Shaft ones are more expensive because they're limited edition run so anyway there you go I just wanted to make this video I cannot tell you if it's worth it to you I can't I can tell you for me I probably wouldn't have bought a 70 screwdriver but do I look like a screwdriver snob no I've got a Cobalt whatever the hell this is it probably came with a cooler this Milwaukee which I don't even know where it came from and by the way I hate it because look how fat the shaft is I never I don't even use that thing for me personally I probably wouldn't have bought it now that I've used it though it I feel like it's doing its job and that it has me questioning whether or not I'm standing on some sort of principle that's flawed because Lord knows I waste 70 on things like rocket pass on Rocket league and stuff where all that does is make me mad and this just made me happy so maybe it's time to rethink the way I look at screwdrivers sound off down below I'm sure you guys have a comment about this come on it's all people been talking about for the last month or so so anyway that's it for this video thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,633,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ltt, linustechtips, linus tech tips, is the ltt screwdriver worth it, is the ltt screw driver worth it, ltt screwdriver
Id: XyqGa4DZeKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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