Is the Kendrick Lamar & Drake Beef Officially Done? | Rap Life Review

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I love boy wonder I love OVO I love Drake I love everything y'all have now entered a hip-hop battle because your guy Drake is the guy right and people are coming for his head how are you going to defend your territory that I mean that's listen whether we whether you like it or not that is a part of what this hip-hop is okay rap Life review let's get after it n Desa low I'm Ebro concluding last week we got a great response from you I appreciate that uh I think we landed on Kendrick had the momentum uh I think we got that right yeah I guess the charts proved us right there yeah yeah uh it feel and now we've heard from Drake with his Samurai post and like the world's coming after him and summer Vibes he said Good Times summer Vibes up next got it uh we heard from Top Dog that was a real thing right where him saying the beef was over hip-hop one and all of that it's so crazy to say hip-hop one I know we love Kendrick and he's a great Lyricist but it does feel a little bit disrespectful are we just not claiming Drake as hip-hop at all no I think what top I didn't he take it like that you took it like that no I'm just I just want to have I took it as like we got a bunch of great music from both parties and he even said in the Tweet like it stayed on wax like it didn't you know it didn't escalate to a point of like I I took it most positive just good for the culture in general yeah we got great I mean damn we got a whole album from both of these guys we got like an EP yeah from both sides or you can just combine it and get a great ass playlist there's a lot of vitriol out there from you guys especially you guys from Toronto Boy Wonder had some problems uh we're going to get in don't don't think we're not going to get into you and Meek Mill this week because we're getting into that so wear jeans today I guess that really hit him Meek doesn't even like his jeans that's so disrespectful oh man so we get I need an update I haven't been following but first and foremost for people in Toronto I want to apologize I should have been more specific when I said Toronto doesn't have a sound cuz what I was really saying was while there are great sounds and producers and artists that have come from Toronto when Kendrick brought you they not like us produced by mustard produced by mustard that is a kind of culturally significant geographically specific sound that is identifiable identified but also matured in hip-hop like everyone who's ever listened to hip-hop everywhere knows oh they doing they own some California that's some La get it got it what I meant was what's Toronto's answer to that mhm so do you feel like in general when you think of Toronto there is no sound that you think of because I do I I think of Drake's stuff I think of party next door stuff I think of the weekend stuff right um I think of Melody I think of Caribbean I think of the afro kind of the Immigrant culture that's there you kind of named all of it to me it's like that house of balloons like early drak sown with some Caribbean influence always sounds like but now apply that to this juncture like trying to compare it to Kendrick it's mean we're in a battle now right with someone who's claimed a geography MH what do we have y'all what is that thing that's going to pull this city together and be like nah Drake's our guy and we're ready to ride out this gives us Pride what does that sound and that's why I said you don't have one you have a lot of amazing stuff but you don't have that thing and I think that's somewhat tied to a maturing hip-hop scene it's a newer hip-hop scene with regard to Drake being the kind of so further down the line it'll but they have to nurture it yeah right you have to nurture that thing you have to create that movement you have to keep pouring into that we've seen that from La for decades right right we haven't seen that from Toronto but to your point it's it's still new it's still being bur so Toronto hip-hop fans here's an opportunity There's an opportunity here to Galvanize the city There's an opportunity here to be like yo nah we need to really band together M right cuz on the outside looking in you know what what we've watched is Drake and anybody that's coming out of Toronto has worked with Drake but has Drake helped people stand on their own that's a big question without having to sign OVO without having to be Affiliated we don't know the behind yeah we don't know we don't know the behind the scen politics we don't know behind the scen workings of what he's done or silently who's he embraced we don't know that so we're not accusing him of not or of doing we just but my point is is we don't know right there hasn't been a developed kind of it's been emotion to your point maybe it's not sustained because I still think of people like division for example we think of producers like 1985 like on that first album that sound to me although it's very nostalgic it feels like very 90s that to me is like a Toronto sound I can't really put it in the musical specific terms but like it's a different kind of like Moody and emotional that I than I feel like most American hip-hop is able to touch ever does that make sense that's amazing but now apply that to the current crisis yeah we're of course like he doesn't have Generations we're talking about that's all this saying I love 1985 I love boy wonder I love oo I love Drake I love everything y'all have now entered a hip-hop battle because your guy Drake is the guy right and people are coming for his head how are you going to defend your territory that I mean that's listen whether we whether you like it or not that is a part of what this hip-hop is it's how we recalibrate it's how we know who's who and what's what it's just always going to be a part of it you know what I'm saying and not everybody like likes it some people show up to hip-hop they want the club bangers they want the hookah jams they want the stripper joints they want the the radio songs The Love Songs there's so much about hip-hop you could have but within the within the essence of it these things will continue to play out like this and I think it's a great learning opportunity for anybody that wants to be a part of it I said that last week and I think it's a great opportunity for a town like Toronto that has amazing music and amazing producers and songwriters and everything coming out of there to really hunker down and really develop what that's going to feel and sound like for the next Generation yeah I just wonder if the Toronto sound is ever going to be a battle sound and I don't mean that in any sort of negative way cuz I don't look to them for that kind of energ no that's though you can't tell that doesn't make any sense that's what I'm saying I feel like maybe like the standards that we're trying to put on them don't make sense like I don't know that I need a battle rap sound from from Toronto no but you I understand I understand don't know that I do either unless you're going to enter a battle and somebody goes no no no I'm going bring that heat from where from conf what is your response that's all I'm saying is how are you going to handle so just that Drake will always lose a battle when it comes to Regional sound like he can't ever win that side of the batt I don't know that to be true I'm just saying just happened stop saying you don't know what it is we don't know what it is like just how in this context not overall but in this context how do you verbally musically respond to that maybe he still will let's see all right you could do whatever I listen I it s listen it sucks when you have to critique something or you're looking at something from 30,000 ft and you have offended people that you really like I've been in this position a lot in my life I'm very comfortable with it to I don't mean to offend I just mean to be honest yeah right I mean to ask I I mean to ask okay so what is so what is it like and I've and I've said it on Twitter where people like not tono has it sound I was like okay so you're in a battle with Kendrick I do get your point it's not it's not a def mature someone has building this for decades sound their hip-hop scene is newer I get it I totally get your point I feel to be clear there is a sound just a battle no yeah musically the hits all of that stuff is great and I think that's also transitioning to what Drake does next I think that's why so many people are like ah he's gonna be fine of course he's GNA be fine right he makes great music the records are going to be phenomenal that's what we keep saying summertime sounds yeah let's get it cracking we outside that's it and it and it'll be and everybody go back to normal go back to normal like I don't if I fully believe that he's going full full summertime sounds he needs to historically speaking what we've seen from Drake is he continues to draw throw su blims he will that's his character he does that all the time like it's still going to be little things because I know this bothers him I know this whole thing how it played out how the world is reacting to not like us and all these claims and allegations it bothers him so he's going to address it little by little on anything he drops anything right he has a hard time letting things go he he's been doing that with Pusher for years and and ex's too I saw somebody did a whole bust down of how Drake continues to bring up people he used to deal with and his mad what are you laughing at what no I did I saw that that was the thing I was like wow now I know why so many people are mad at this dude right like you blame him I feel like people have just been giving him a hard time from jump and it sounds like he's done some shady behind the scenes of course but let's not act like we've been Trea what no I'm saying the way he acts makes perfect can you blame him for acting based on all all the things people criticized him and made fun of him if I were him I would also have a chip on my shoulder I missed where you I don't know if there was basis for it but I missed where you called Serena Williams husband okay that was Bull like why did you do that why you have to go to the most EXT of course we talked about that because that a dog in that fight like what the what did he what did he do who we talking about the husband what's his name no no that was that was completely disrespectful and ridiculous say that I just want to separate the woman part from just his other beefs and other things that he's held on to I don't want to talk about Drake and his women that's too much too much well but I think it I think what I've learned in this is and I didn't know this the amount of people that he's had problems with either because outside of just music collaborations and like just people who he has problems with over women I think that all goes back you said right now everybody's really making fun of Drake the memes are going crazy I think that people have been making fun of him for such a long time that he has really internalize all that and that dictates the way he probably moves behind the scenes I'm going to your girl and your girl and your girl because you treated me like this you think I was in cool I just feel like that's just all the he's been holding a lot close to the chest well you know I I spent some time over the weekend uh going through all of the songs that Drake and Kendrick have put out uh since uh first person shooter even just playing them driving listening and um the last verse on Meet the grams I think people need to go back and listen to what that's dear Aubry that's the dear Aubry verse yeah that verse talk to us about it is what you're saying is what Kendrick talks about you have an alcohol problem you have a pill problem you have a gambling problem and basically like yo you have essentially like a ego problem like you're sick oh this is the iasa verse this the iasa verse yeah yeah know that you're right Kendrick so funny this is probably my favorite thing in the whole battle him getting so spiritual telling someone to go to the jungle and find a shaman to do like these crazy hallucinogenic drugs to like change your whole Spirit from bottom up is crazy so yes Drake needs to let go of a lot of I think well that I that's why I brought it up is because of what you're saying said he's internalized all this stuff and it might be manifesting itself in a way because you know due to social media and people listing all of the people it was like a list of 40 people oh that that Drake is either has problems or has had problems with the women the the the the the men the women have decided to be with all of these things and at you know at a certain point you start going wait it can't be everybody else bro and I've said this I'm like bro like it it just can't beat this side of the room like this entire side of the room got a problem with you always and I and it's they fault and I think it's I think this is an opportunity for Drake who is someone that we love and think is great There's an opportunity for someone like him because of how vulnerable he's been in his music with regard to his shortcomings in relationships and girls breaking his heart and all of the things this guy came in the game just like yo I just want to be successful like he was very humble when he came in the game and you're right maybe thing things clearly happened over time and you start to your ego starts to grow and your power starts to grow and your influence and money and all these things start to grow and you also just said that we love him little corny the first thing it's going to sound corny I don't feel like he feels that a lot from this culture I feel like for as successful as he's been in as many moments as he's created we're just always nitpicking at him all the time but that's every CB and every yes but no but you guys don't feel like we criticize Drake a lot more than we Mike got nitpicked Tom Brady got nitpicked they all got nitpicked Jay got nitpicked Nas got nitpicked like let's not act like this is the first the start of said was the first or but I'm not going to I'm not going to Baby him because he's getting nitpicked because we're looking at you like you're the greatest or one of the greats well you said that you are and you've said that you are and I've said that yeah he said that yeah so don't don't you can't you can't flipflop like oh they're always picking on me like no we're not picking on you we're but also too I I'll give you this American hip-hop culture as we know it is toxic it's aggressive it's uh No Holds Barred it will it will it it will go at the core of who you are it will break your spirit and no one will break your spirit but that's why it's phenomenal because if your spirit is breakable then you can't wear the crown M it takes us back to these claims that people make about being the greatest if you're going to be the greatest you you're Shield can't be removable that's that's why it's great because your mental has to be tough there's a checks and balance system here and that's cool and the checks and balances for him is going to be just acting a fool behind the scenes and then this will continue to go on and on exacerbate itself yeah I mean I don't have a solution here I'm just trying to talk this out but I do think it's a learning opportunity I do think he's not he's not going to take it I would love to go to the Jungle no no I think whether he does aaska or not I think it's a great opportunity for someone as great as him to examine what just took place and and talk about it it's an opportunity bro I don't think he's there yet wait HOV got to the 444 album one of the great I say yet you know what I'm saying it took whole time it took Nas time you know I think well Nas wrote Life's good when he was 37 same age as Drake I think we should which is a phenomenal album but then he also wrote tic at 17 so like we're looking at two different yeah give other people time not ahead of time but I'm just saying everybody gets there to a point where they reflect where they reflect on what they did when they were in their 20s or what they did when they were in their 30s the mistakes that they made the way they saw themselves and I think I think you know some folks mature faster others mat slower and you know I hope he does get to that point of like oh like y maybe it was me or this is what I learned from that right you know hopefully gets to that point so we're looking forward to that next CH or he could just be like like all of that okay well then about to go crazy right now all the other conversation yeah you're right just all that keep all that time Hookah Hookah Ho Let's Go there's some amazing albums that dropped this week shout out to Gunner matter of fact here's Gunner talking about the album and jail real quick I've had the pleasure of sitting down with you several times since you start coming and doing this music thing right and and and and com by the show and I appreciate that but I've noticed you know a lot of growth in your writing you know what I mean and OB ly living life and going through things and having to figure out life gives you more to write about right 100% has it been like what's been the thing that you're working on the most when you're creating an album as you evolve like what are you thinking about what's in your brain when you record new music to try to continue to grow not not saying the same thing and I end up still saying the same thing sometimes but trying to just tap in them more and being personal and giving them substance mhm cuz I feel like current and my people like my fans riding with me every album like and as you know like it it haven't even been a whole year since my other album GI Cur so I feel like it's just it's just curring and it's just giving my fans me right now like it's not something I did years ago you know what I'm saying and that's and I feel like that alone helps too with me right and KN like hey I'm about to give it to him now he said that jail got him right he does look very chiseled in the cheekbones n he said that jail got me right bro like I'm my food is right like I'm focused he back outside so and he's having a great time to would do that ja will do that jail will get you right it could some people it doesn't work out for her others you know what I mean uh we got a shout out Chief Keef Sosa got a new project TR wax sound amazing on that sexy red quake G herbo Conway the machine got a new album yo it's a lot of music out here Ghost Face Killer sir you did a phenomenal job Ghost Face Killer dropped the uh album on his birthday Nas Jim Jones Ray meth Remy Ma Kanye West Fat Joe J Ru Buster rhs New York ass album Jesus set the tone Guns and Roses is the name of the album uh Kanye sounded amazing on that face yo real talk don't try to be that guy man I'm not he did Kanye sounded in his bag I'll give I'll give him PR for that uh shout out to Megan EST stallion drop boa as a single she continues with the Snake theme here yep yeah do we know what this is leading to is there any insights any insight I don't know I feel like all we were missing in this beef by the way was a Megan feuture in one of these Kendrick tracks maybe he's going to be like if Kendrick drops more music on an album or something cuz I feel like she's had issues with Drake too and wasn't she kind of taking shot on his you know what I mean no one's defending her out here so I feel like a little let me I'm done I'm sorry the song is dope why you quit just trying to cause any more problems out here wait I don't understand you're right I forgot all about the Dr making thing I forgot all about that shout out to ice spice sampling Shawn Paul give me the light T Grizzly and future they had a single that was now the T Grizzly future remember we thought there was a a collision course between future and Gunna for the album okay that turned yeah cuz future had said he was like this your mix mium and he dropped a date May 10th so but that ended up being a t Grizzly song and that's a line from that song okay so he had us thinking it was like a album now everybody was on beef notice yes for sure I'm like enough other beef 50 Cent Christian Colmes Meek Mill soja boy oh Soulja Boys in it God damn Metro put up a to a post like 10 15 years ago I don't know how Soldier found it he was like oh they send me to the studio make beats for Jeezy but they're sending you to the studio make beats for Soulja Boy some like that Soulja Boy Saw It Soulja Boy said he has 24 hours to take this tweet down 21 Savage then saw that and said or what threatening 21 Savage is crazy no Soulja Boy was threatening Metro boomman 21 Savage was coming to Metro's defense and said or what yikes then Soulja Boy started going this whole tire like 21 Savage talking about his you know his mother God bless her damn uh he just went down just crazy rabbit there's no music in here no no I was waiting for the music angle Come N because and the reason I say that the reason I say that is because Christian Colmes who took it upon himself to suit up and to the field go out on the field and go at 50 Cent which sir I respect you suiting up and wanting to you know you know 50 and his dad going at it or whatever but to Meek Mill I don't know if you now can protect Christian Colmes if the young man who's 26 years old wants to go on out there and have words and get his reputation up by going that 50 Cent F his freestyle expecting 50 to go easy on him what part of the game is that like you saw what he did to his own son like talking about 50 yeah yeah you think he gonna give a about you you think he gonna hold hold back against you yeah yeah but once again I'm only paying attention to this lightweight cuz ain't no music yeah it's just cats meing and talking on social media which I don't really know I don't you didn't like to distract it was cool yeah like I'm not expecting much yeah I don't I have I don't think he's I don't think his sound has matured let's go back to matured sound I would be wondering what he he was expecting what were his expectations when you dropped this S I think yeah he wanted to say what he want to say he want to pop his I mean if you want to defend your pops and cool like I mean it's looking crazy but I mean there was one line in the song he was like yo they didn't check the other house I'm like all right hold on bro like don't now you go you going to do that you're going to further insinuate this other you're gonna F and then call out fifth you want issues yo he has the audacity that's what I want to have this year the audacity bro like he woke up and was like it I'll give him that and then somehow low key got involved in all of this yeah what happened with you and meek man so last night watching the games and uh Christian and 50 going back and forth and meek the Tri to insert himself in said conversation and all I said was I said Meek Please Stand Down you didn't say please I like I I said Meek please stand down I didn't say anything crazy so I didn't disrespect him I ain't call him out his name I a say nothing about his music I ain't say nothing about his issues with Drake or whatever the case is nothing I just said yo please stand down cuz he was tweeting a bunch of whole about fifth and his kid and this that and the third I'm like yo bro this don't got nothing to do with you MH please stand down I wake up this morning hear this yeah what you do I didn't do anything I just said please stand down cuz has l so basically me is now saying besides hating lowy's jeans for some reason were your jeans trash no I don't know was it the last episode jeans or just je anyway no all right so this is what he he's now saying to him cuz we've all had terrible je moments it's not that yo M saying when him in lower same rooms no you're not telling him to stand down so he brought that up when we went to listen to him and Ross's project he was like oh I didn't know that was you oh you have that same energy when you was in the room I'm like yeah cuz you wasn't saying dumb you was playing Hot music and all I said was like yo chill this ain't got nothing to do with you now fif is out there trying to embarrass you clown you and and you CH and then you want to go this hard on me it was it just the jeans what else he had for you he was like you look like you didn't chase your um you you look like you didn't chase your dreams I'm like you was at my event what the he was at my party okay what else he got what else he got he said is that not enough not anymore you look he was like he was like what you say like you shouldn't have an opinion on like me how can you tell me to stand down on anything just look at your ABY your n is bot trolling I ain't trolling I ain't even know that this was you you never be vocal around in the same rooms why be like that here I said three words please stand down and that was out of yo just mind your business I didn't say yo you look like a clown I didn't say you yo you doing dumb I say yo stand that that ain't got nothing to do with you then now here come so you're you're basically I'm your trying to give him some brother step out the way like that a that that ain't going to do nothing for you he didn't receive it well does sound like not at all he any any other more venom for you that was it no he just said you know he was like I don't like your jeans but hey so next on next episode we're going to do a recap of low Key's pants to see if Meek Mill was on point cuz I think listen in all of the beats out here this is one this is something we can substantiate a claim we can't substantiate other claims but we can absolutely spend some time on your pants and see if we can find consensus on whether or not me no cuz he he's screenshotted like my ABY and he was like I don't like your jeans and I'm like that there's there's really nowhere to go after that like why there's nowhere to go music like I'm like bro like T you trying to tell them what to do man I I'm like chill y'all could laugh about this n telling you like yo bro a't got nothing to do with you chill out me just so you know we all told him about his pants we've all had this conversation with him so we support you and that's uh the rap Life review uh foro and the desca I'm ebo and we'll see y'all next week we make sure you subscribe make sure you comment we love it what's good nesa here if you made it through that entire episode of the rap Life review that means you're really a fan hit that like button so we know it's real subscribe if you never want to miss an episode and of course if you really have something to say drop a comment and we'll hit you back on next week's episode
Channel: Apple Music
Views: 135,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, music, apple music, apple music youtube, youtube apple music, apple music 1, drake, kendrick lamar, j cole, drake and kendrick, drake beef, apple rap life, rap life apple music, review, reaction, reacting, music review, album review, nadeska, lowkey, ebro, ebro darden, interview, news, hip hop news, big 3 kendrick lamar, kendrick lamar big 3, drake diss kendrick lamar, j cole drake, j cole drake diss kendrick lamar, meek mill, gunna, one of wun, chief keef, almighty so 2
Id: xYn0RpSDeUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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