Is the AYN Odin 2 the new king of emulation?

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I gave the original in Odin just a ton of flak for being a bad value and I still stand by that opinion but for the iron Odin 2 I feel like this poses a much greater value proposition a lot more performance for the money than any other option currently on the market for this video I purchased the ion Odin 2 BAS model at the early bird pricing so I got it for around $290 something doll which because I'm not made of money uh I figured would be probably the more representative what most people are going to buy so I did all my testing and all that on the 8 gig model of the iodin 2 and just before we start getting into the numbers and stuff of this device to start the overall user experience the UI of the device is very similar to what we've been used to with all the all the other in Odin devices and it's just very familiar it's a very good it's one of my favorite pre-installed sort of launcher setups and something I do appreciate it pre- downloads a bunch of the emulators for you and has a bunch of like recommended and emulator specific ones and but for me personally I ended up manually downloading Aether sx2 and manually downloading Skyline for this uh for the Odin 2 mainly because so I can get the most upto-date versions of both of those I went with the normal like the version of dolphin that comes pre-installed mainly because I wasn't going to play a lot of Gamecube or anything like that or Wii games there's just never been the best experience on other like emulation devices but that I'll get into the numbers of what I ended up having with in this uh with this handheld with the physical design of the device it is very similar to the previous one a tad larger than the Odin one but it's still smaller than the uh the Nintendo switch and about the same size as a switch light significantly smaller than something like the steam deck or the RG Ally so it is still a very you know portable friendly device some of the specs about the version I have it has an 8,000 mAh battery 8 GB of RAM 128 GB worth of storage and a Snapdragon the 8 Gen 2 so a pretty powerful processor I think it's the sixth sixth or seventh most powerful device uh available right now and with all this all the devices coming out I just was so curious to see how this ion Odin 2 really Stacks up and some of you might know my opinion on on this device if you saw my recent uh top 10 devices of 2023 video I actually really like this device it Stacks up very well and it's really hard to find an alternative that offers the same level of performance this device comes in an 8 12 and 16 GB model uh and for storage it has 128 256 and 512 GB for the storage all models have the same Snapdragon Gen 2 processor it has a Micro SD card slot a mini HDMI port and of course USBC charging and overall a pretty featur device always appreciated to have that mini HDMI port on it as always I've never personally utilized it whenever I've seen it on other devices I've owned but it's always a nice to have for those out of you out there who make use of that kind of feat feature moving on to the performance of the device the Odin 2 can of course play anything from the first three generations of game consoles that means NES Super Nintendo N64 just some of the easiest stuff you can possibly think of to run and it could obviously play Genesis Saturn flawlessly Dreamcast pretty good like flawlessly I was initially going to be quite concerned with N64 but then I thought back with how the Odin one performed and all my worries were just immediately um for nothing the Odin 2 has Flawless N64 performance I could not find a single game that did not run very well on the Odin 2 and even more surprising I would say not surprising actually the GameCube and PS2 performance was just phenomenal you could already get away with with on the Odin one playing GameCube in PS2 games with some frame hitching and from some some stuttering from time to time but on the Odin 2 I would say it's near Flawless providing some of the best emulation experience I have ever seen on a handheld Android device this thing is so powerful and it doesn't even need to have the fans at 100% to do so I played most of my time on 50% fan power so it wasn't too loud but it was providing a lot of cooling and I think you could get away with that from basically anything up to GameCube in PS2 anything higher than that would require you to turn on the The Fan near at like maximum performance mode and for that going into Nintendo switch emulation which may be a touchy subject for some of you but I only Test games that I own so bear that in mind I tested a a nice handful of games from easy to run to very hard to run games and 8 gigs on the base model you can play some switch games I wouldn't say every single switch game but anything basic like you can play Super Mario Wonder on it very well new Super Mario Bros you Mario Odyssey runs fairly well but go something open world like tears of the Kingdom you start to run into some frame rate problems and you're limited by the RAM and judging by other reviews I've seen that from people who had the more you know Pro Models and stuff like that it doesn't necessarily get better and I think that's the Crux of this device if you're buying it for Nintendo switch emulation it's important to keep in mind to buy a device for what it is now and not buy it in the hopes of what it could be in the future because yes the Nintendo switch emulation could be amazing two years from like two or 3 years from now when the software finally catches up to the hardware because there's no doubt in my mind that the Odin 2 could flawlessly run switch games once the emulator itself it has more development behind it but you should never buy a device based on the promise of what's going to happen happen to it in the future so as it stands right now yes it can play a the a good amount of switch games but it won't be able to play especially you have the base model it won't be able to play everything and it will take some finagling to get it to work you got to download these custom drivers to get good performance you got to make sure you stay up to date on Skyline you got to get your product keys and title keys and all that stuff which is never an easy thing to do it has gotten better with time I remember when you Skyline first came out it was a there was so much rig moral to get it to work and on top of the fact that on the Odin one you could only play the very simplest switch games seeing the leap and performance since the Odin 1 is tremendous so my hope is that with maybe the Odin 3 I can fully recommend that next device for Nintendo switch emulation if that's what you're looking for this device can play switch games but it should not be the main thing you buy it for cuz if you do you'll be setting yourself up for some disappointment but back to the other systems GameCube in PS2 is just Flawless the GameCube in PS2 performance was just so amazing I know i' I'm circling back to stuff I've already said but if I'm being honest I was just so impressed with how Flawless it was was I do all my testing at you know base resolution so the just the stock resolution so no increase in scaling so I was able to end up I think I went to 2x resolution scaling to see you know how hard I can push this thing I know I think I've seen people get up to 4 or 6X depending on the game but I comfortably played 2x resolution scaling on all the games on the PS2 and GameCube I decided to test and it was phenomenal it looks amazing no noticeable performance dip the fan while audible was not annoying to hear and that's awesome because God knows how loud the steam deck fan is cuz holy God but price currently for early bird pricing I was able to get it for just under $300 for the base model and good news for any perspective buyers right now A is currently doing a bunch of sales but they're currently out of stock of the base model which they're currently selling the base model for $300 the pro is currently being sold for $369 and the max is currently being sold for $459 and if I'm being honest I could only really recommend the base model cuz spending $369 on this you could get a steam Deck with that kind of money I mean right now you can get the original base model steam deck for 320 bucks and not only will that be able to play emulate all these same systems at basically the same quality and you might have a better experience emulating switch games on top of that in might and and on top of all the emulation stuff you could do you can also play AAA PC games as they come out so it's almost a little bit tougher uh recommendation of the pro and the max models but the base model still maintains my recommendation so at the end of the day if you want to get the Odin 2 go right ahead you won't be making a mistake as long as you get the base model if you do consider getting one of the high tree models shop around you might be able to find something a little bit better for your money but currently in my opinion the base model Odin 2 is the true value emulation King and something else will have to come to really impress me to knock off the Odin 2 from its current champion spot so what are your thoughts are you going to pick up an Odin 2 after watching this video or do you already have an Odin 2 and you want to share your experience so far down below i' love to hear your thoughts questions comments and concerns down below don't forget to leave a like comment and subscribe all that other social media garbage down below and last but not least have a wonderful day deuces
Channel: JustSomeJacob
Views: 4,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vs0PwSoPZkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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