Is the 6600XT REALLY as bad as reviewers say??

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The 6600 XT is a good card at the wrong price point. It can beat the 5700 XT (though it’s mediocre at anything above 1080p), and is cheaper than the 5700 XT (when launched), but even so, it’s a less than £300 card. I would say it’s about £100 more expensive than it should be. Unfortunately, GPUs are at insanely high prices as of now, the 3060 and 3060ti are over £600 (in the U.K.).

If you have an old card, or need upgrading from IGP, then it’s currently the best value for money card there is at the moment (which just illustrates how bad the market is). For 1440p, the 3060 ti and 6700 XT are better cards, but they are far too expensive for what they are.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/robert43s 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

It isn't bad, the price of it is bad

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

The 5700xt and this aren’t bad cards at all. It’s just a very sour reminder of the market we are living in.

What’s terrible is that effectively you’re getting 5700xt performance at $380 from most AIBs instead of $400 2 years ago. In the current market, this is a savior for those looking to build a new build. They can be had at nonterrible prices (still very bad though), and they are in stock atleast for now. In any time outside of now, this is a huge flop and disappointment.

I’m terrified to see the pricing on the next GPUs.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dchella 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

There are no bad products. Only bad prices.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

As hobbled as the 6600XT is, I am surprised to see that it runs as well as it does in so many games--throughout the several reviews I've read. RDNA2 is obviously a tiger of a GPU...;) I think though that ~$299 would have been the sweet spot for the card.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/waltc33 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

First of all I've never seen any 3060ti's in stock for under $600. The amount of founder edition cards Nvidia is making is probably laughable.

Secondly, the claim that the prices of the 3060ti are coming down can also be applied to the 6600xt. Even towards the middle of last year, I saw the 5700xt very often sold $20-50 cheaper than an RTX 2060 Super. AMD cards just go on sale more. If the 3060 and 3060ti cards are sitting on shelves and not selling, I guarantee you there will be far less 6600xt's even sold.

If the market goes up, or the market goes down, this thing will always be at 3060, or lower prices.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bubblesort33 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

The comparative needed the rtx 3060, that's the card amd targeted as they stated. Sorry, why no Ray tracing & SAM benchless, low effort.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kaisersolo 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's like buying a ps4 pro or Xbox one x for Xbox series x or ps5 prices. God I ate Microsofts console naming scheme. It's worse than Intel.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bud_Johnson 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

It’s not a bad card if you can get it for under $500, at least in the current market. At least for me it worked out, sold my Vega 56 for almost $600 and got one of these for $479. It’s a slight upgrade, draws half the power of my old Vega, it can ray trace even if not well, and I made a bit of cash.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hey day [Music] day day watch we got work to do yeah i'm playing world of warships world of warships is the free-to-play naval strategy game where you command the most iconic and famous warships from world war 1 and world war ii recreate it with stunning detail and accuracy build your fleet while participating in various game types while upgrading your ship's arsenal along the way new players who sign up using my link below will receive an exclusive starter pack to get you up and running quickly by receiving seven days premium time one million credits 300 dubloons and the tier v premium ship the exeter so what are you guys waiting for start sinking ships with world of warships by hitting the description below and getting your freebies all right so obviously i'm uh way past the actual launch time of this card uh obviously we're talking about the rx 6600 xt the newest offering for the entry level actually i want to call it entry level i mean they'll probably come out with a 6500 xt also just like we had a 5500 xt but this is kind of their more affordable pricing for rdna 2 which obviously we'll talk about here in a second i'm late to this review because i wanted to kind of see how the launch is going to go i wanted to see uh what the inventory was going to look like also too i wasn't willing to put the work i was doing on the build behind me here on hold even further to get a review of a fairly mediocre card done now i saw the reviews i saw i watched a few of the reviews i read some of the written articles and i feel like that there was this a really negative um welcome for the 6600 xt and that really got me kind of thinking about this objectively in that obviously we are in a very interesting difficult time to be a pc diy builder building it yourself right now there are just probably tens of thousands if not more hundreds of thousands maybe systems that are sitting there new built and waiting for a graphics card to be put in there and i think we live in a time right now when when people are desperate to where they will put just about anything that can generate an image above 60 fps in their system just to complete it and then later on if things ever normalize or come back to normal which is now based on the latest news looking like potentially 2023 before we see things start to look normal again i think people will just put any any old pos that they can in their system just to get it up and running but i want to make sure that we look at this objectively and fairly in that what is the card designed to do is it doing what it's designed to do and is it does it have any sort of value so those are kind of like the three prongs that people's at least we kind of try and take a look at around here so without boring you about a bunch of the specs because you guys have obviously seen all of the specs um it is obviously a very very cut down version of our dna too in fact it is less than one quarter of the die size of a 6800 xt if you were to basically put four of these next to each other like in a square it would not still cover the entire die of a 1600 xt so it's clearly cut down it does have rt accelerators in it however i'm going to tell you right now before we look at the charts that i did not even bother testing any sort of ray tracing with this card because i do not feel that the fps trade-off or the fps hit that you're going to see on a card that already is as shaved down as this is is worth the prettiness of ray tracing if you want to take a pretty screenshot or something that's fine turn it on obviously who cares at that point you're only looking at one frame that's not moving um but yeah i don't think a card like this or even something like a 3600 or a 360 ti or anything like that should ever be considered a retracing card um with all that said um it's an eight gigabyte card which in 2021 is starting to become the limiting factor of a lot of titles especially with titles that have ray tracing turned on or any sort of high resolution um textures and stuff now like you're seeing in in many of these games an 8 gigabyte frame buffer although gddr6 and the faster infinity fabric built into amd's rdna 2 is still probably going to show its lifespan being shorter now with games that are coming out in the near future so anyway with that said we compared it to the rtx 3060 ti not the 3060 because this is much closer to the price of a 360 ti and depending on the model um even more expensive than some 360 ti's and the 5700 xt so we compared it to the previous generations card that comes in at about the same price as this again speaking in msrp i i'll talk about pricing in a second let's just go ahead and look at the charts you can see how compared to last gen's one tier higher card and nvidia's current offering at roughly the same price point [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so unlike the 6800 xt and the 6900xt which gave very compelling performance uh competition to nvidia's offerings of the 3080 and 3090 the 6600 xt fell short of the 3060 ti in pretty much every single use case we threw at it now we didn't use any production type uh benchmarks for this card because i also don't think the 6600xt is a production card it's just straight up 1080p gaming which is what amd was targeting and to be fair you know i started the test by only doing 1080p but then i started looking at how high the fps was in certain titles at 1080p and i went well there's no reason why this card couldn't also be considered a 1440p gaming card which obviously it's very capable of now remember all of our tests are performed with the highest settings or near highest settings depending on the title some titles to the highest settings turn on things like rt shadows and whatnot so we disabled that sort of functionality we also had no dlss turned on for 360 ti so there was no sort of proprietary technology of like fidelity fx type function turned on with amd that was all off and then dlss turned off with 360 ti so it was just brute force methods of gaming to see how the cores compare now the 3060 ti depending on the model that you go with is about 399 yes i'm obviously aware of how screwed up pricing is right now but you if you live near best buy and you're lucky you can get a 30 a 30 60 ti for 399 the 5700 xt is a 439 card at the time that it launched remember when that card launched you could get them for that price because we didn't have the extreme chip shortage the extremely high ethereum mining happening and the extremely high demand of a global pandemic happening causing the supply and demand to go completely flip-flopped so this card right now the red devil 6600 xt and the 5700 xt red devil same model card right in terms of the naming this is actually only ten dollars cheaper at 429 now yes this card actually was available for 429 on newegg and it was available for 429 at micro center in fact when i started filming this video they still uh had a couple of models available at micro center uh assuming a couple a couple of these cards available at microcenter with shipping uh i think some by now was actually they already refilled the stock so powercolor was very very communicative prior to this launching we will have plenty we will have lots we will have lots there will be plenty at lunch and then they sent another email going i guess we underestimated how badly people wanted this card we have more coming soon it's like you would think by now you would stop making a statement like we will have plenty have you not learned have you just not been watching but anyway i i digress i just didn't even respond to those emails because i was like uh okay bro so this leads us to the current situation if you're running something like a 5700 xt and you're looking at this card as being some sort of an upgrade because it has more cus and yada yada and it has rt core or rt accelerators and whatnot it's a side grade as you can see on the charts it beats the 5700 xt by a few fps on certain titles and gets beat by a few fps and other titles and depending on the resolution might be beat the 5700 xt in 1440 but it might lose in 1080. it's just it's such a ping pong match that it's a side grid and if you have a 5700 xt rdna one card there is zero incentive to try and find this card if you have no graphics card whatsoever it might be worth trying to find but again a 1080p target at 429 is a really stupid value there's no value there but that's because manufacturers have realized we could sell a polished turd for 429 dollars if they can plug it into their system and get their system running and unfortunately that's where we are with a lot of manufacturers right now not giving you any sort of performance uplift at a perfor a cost decrease that's why the 30 series cards were so would look so good on paper before the prices went crazy because you had a massive fps uplift at a dramatic price per fps decrease but if you look at the 5700 xt and that's why we compare pricing tiers and not naming tiers the 6600 xt is the same fps per dollar essentially if we compare msrps there's no real uplift here which makes it just putting lipstick on a pig of a curtain situation that we have right here because you're not getting anything more for your money you're just now grateful that you can buy anything and that's a terrible place to be as a consumer i don't think the card is terrible i think it's capable of of giving you excellent 1080p gaming and very good 1440p gaming at over 60 fps in just about everything we tested except some i think metro exodus might have been the only one that was right around i think it was like 58 fps or something like that it's it's just kind of lackluster really there's just nothing exciting about it i don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be but i think that's because people are really jaded at this current time where we expected so much this generation from both families and then we live in a situation now where you're just happy to get anything that boots it just leaves not much left to talk about the other thing that kind of sucks is if you look at the pricing on newegg this card looks like a hero card because it's the second cheapest card there is for the 6600 xt and this is before scalping really kind of starts rearing its ugly head because as soon as things were available at msrp which these cards were and we'll talk about pricing in a sec on some of the other models as soon as those are gone and sold out that's when the price starts to go up if you can buy it for a near msrp the scalping opportunity is is not there now that they're sold out we're probably going to see a gradual increase in pricing which is going to suck the only card cheaper than this one was an xfx card at 399 which again is the the founders edition pricing which you can still buy at best buy if you're lucky for the 30 60 ti which beats it in every single category so my point is if you were to walk into a store and you can see a 30 30-60 ti on the shelf if it's there and yeah they are starting to happen now you i i am seeing alerts of inventory in stock at various micro centers and best buys it's just it's taking time now for the pricing to come back down and the longer they sit on the shelves the more price will come back down if you see a 360 ti and you see a 6600 xt there's absolutely no reason to get the 6600 there's just not the problem is because there's no real reference like amd available card for this one pricing is all over the place because when i went on newegg to research the pricing this card launched at and because one of the other promises that power color gave me is that there were going to be so many available on launch day that scalping wasn't going to be an issue that's the other like oh my god how cute that's a bold that's a bold bold play cotton let's see how it plays out right or bold move cotton whatever it doesn't matter it was a stupid strategy because i i have a feeling that pricing is going to go up however 429 is what they sold out on newegg you can find 6600 xt's at nearly 600. not scalped that's what the msrps were setting them at or the manufacturers were sending their msrps at depending on msi card gigabyte cards sapphire cards xfx cards and depending on the model so what we essentially have right here is the supply and demand situation has made everyone just completely fed up with the fact that manufacturers have caught on to hey like i said earlier they will buy a polished turd if it will finish their system so it's essentially like trying to do price comparison right now for us as reviewers is like trying to do surgery with a shotgun and be precise about it it's impossible because everyone is just all over the place we've got 300 swings between this card and the most expensive 6600xt i could find and you know what's sad about that the performance between them is very minimal the performance difference so i went ahead and did this review because you know obviously if you walk into a store and there's one available you need to know what you're getting yourself into my recommendation 360 ti outperforms this in the same price category the problem is 360 tis have been scalp now for so long the pricing trying to find a 360 ti at the price this was available at is impossible as of this video when we were searching they were anywhere between 800 to 950 for 360 ti which is absolutely stupid but if you can walk into a store and get this card for the price it's advertised at 429 then obviously it's a better buy over a 360 ti i've never had to make so many caveat but but but in a video about pricing as i have this one sound off in the comments below if you guys even cared about the 6600 xt is it a card you would put in your system or are you one of those buyers that i just said that would literally put a turret in your computer if it allows you to play games today thanks for watching guys as always
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 877,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd gpu, amd radeon, amd, nvidia, intel, best gpu 2021, best video card 2021, best cheap video card, best gpu for gaming, best gpu for 1080p, best video card for 1440p, cheap gaming, cheap video card, 6600xt, rx 6600xt, rx 6700xt, rx 6800xt, rx 6900xt, 3080, 3060ti, 3060ti vs 6600, 3060ti vs 6600xt
Id: 8cTquLSUP18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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