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howdy my name is nonat and guns and gears just came out really recently and with it we got something very interesting an entirely new weapon group of weapons we've been introduced to firearms which obviously are the weapon of choice for the gunslinger class but should not be overlooked as a viable weapon option for every other class in the game anybody who can use ranged weapons can also use firearms so yes wizard with a pistol is a thing in today's video i just want to explain exactly what firearms we got how they work how they're different from normal weapons because they are a little bit more complicated not that much more but there's a little bit more to them howdy my name is nonet i finished this video a few days ago and forgot to do a sponsored segment i'm currently on vacation so i'm making do with what i've got so enjoy this special segment i call sponsor charades did you know that the batli zoo collection of books by roll for combat are available for pre-order right now if you use the link in the description you can pre-order them right now you'll even get a discount these books look incredible and they've got a little bit of everything coming out a full bestiary with tons of new monsters a completely new ancestry to play as and even a brand new adventure that takes characters from level 1 to 11. jewel of the indigo isle i've gotten a sneak peek into the batli zoo bestiary and it's all top quality content from the artwork to the statistics it all feels like an official supplement it's got some incredibly exciting creatures that i can't wait to use my personal favorite easily being the blood mouse he's adorable and i would die for him so use the link below and check out the batli zoo line of supplements for pathfinder 2e pre-order today to get them at a discount the prices will increase whenever they're fully released and you'll get early access to the pdf versions of the books thank you to roll for combat for sponsoring today's video now i'm gonna back to sleep before we talk about the specific weapons themselves i want to go over all of the new weapon traits that are in this book a lot of the weapons we talk about today will have these traits so it's better to understand them now and then you'll know exactly what each weapon can do as we talk about them starting off we have capacity the capacity trait is mostly useful on one-handed firearms it's a little complicated so let me explain the capacity trait will always be followed by a number this is how many separate chambers or barrels can be loaded at once for example capacity 3 means there are three separate chambers all loaded with a bullet after being used to fire once there are still two available barrels you now have two options you can either take a standard reload action to reload the barrel you just used and fire again but as per usual that does require two hands whereas if you simply slide over to the next available capacity chamber that is the same as a reload action but it doesn't require a free hand so this allows someone to use something like a three capacity pistol and a shield and fire off one round and then swap to the next barrel without needing to use both hands so they can still wield their shield and fire off another round it's very specific and a little over complicated but it does have its place concealable gives you a plus two to stealth dc's to hide the weapon simple as that really useful on like little tiny baby pistols concussive firearms are both piercing and bludgeoning damage at the same time and it will always take advantage of the lower weakness or resistance so if something is immune to piercing damage but has no resistance to bludgeoning the concussive weapon always does bludgeoning and vice versa double barrel weapons sort of have an interesting option available to them for a single strike you can unload both barrels of the firearm if you do this both the weapon's damage die goes up one step and the weapon's fatal trait goes up one step if it has it this will require you to reload more often but your burst damage will be a decent chunk higher this trade is interesting as it definitely gets better at higher levels when you have multiple damage dice to upgrade starting at level 1 a double barrel weapon probably isn't that worth using as a double barrel shot the fatal aim trait is effectively the two hand trait specifically for firearms fatal aim only allows you to make use of the fatal trait if you are using two hands to stabilize the weapon so this firearm can be used single-handedly but if you critically hit it does not get the effect of its fatal trait this is also a little bit harder to handle so it takes an action both to get into the two-handed stance and an action to get out of it whereas normal two-handed weapons are free to release kickback is a fascinating trait the weapon just permanently does one additional damage on all attacks but you do take a -2 penalty to attack roles with it however as long as your character has at least a 14 strength they ignore this penalty it's cool you know you're using a weapon with a much bigger kickback but as long as you've got the the body to handle it it doesn't really affect you my only complaint is that this plus one damage doesn't scale or improve in any way even at level 20 it's only one extra damage repeating weapons are an entirely new type of reload rather than reloading between shots they actually hold a specific number of shots that can be taken without reloading this is great as it means you can possibly attack three times in one turn with this ranged weapon without reloading once however once the repeating magazine runs out it is pretty debilitating as it requires both a free hand and three actions to completely replace the magazine however it does say that these actions don't need to be consecutive you can spend one action on one turn and two on the next to finish reloading however if you are in the middle of reloading the weapon the weapon is unusable and finally the scatter trait adds a little bit of splash damage the trait itself is always accompanied by a range and all creatures in that range along with the primary target of the strike take one additional damage per weapon damage die this means that your primary target is taking increased damage and every other creature within the range listed also takes that additional damage pretty cool just a nice little way for a martial class to do area of effect damage firearms interestingly have the same crit specialization as the brawling weapon group if you have crit specialization for firearms and you critically hit a target they make a fortitude save against your class dc or become stunned one pretty cool and firearms want to crit so for the chance to both deal massive damage and knock off one of their actions on the next turn that's pretty great the final thing i want to talk about before we talk about specific weapons is misfires if a weapon is in the firearm weapon group they are subject to misfires now normally this is not going to be an issue the only time a firearm can misfire is if they were used the previous day and were not cleaned 99 times out of 100 it's going to be implied that during your daily preparation you spent some of that time cleaning out your firearms however if you're being chased or you haven't had time to sit down and clean out your firearms they are subject to misfires every single time you strike with a dirty firearm you have to make a dc 5 flat check if you roll that 4 or lower the attack is automatically a crit failure and jams your weapon this effectively tacks on an extra action to reload it one to unjam it and one to actually reload the weapon like i said typically you'll be able to clean your firearms during daily preparations but in those really heated moments where you've had no downtime this can add to a really interesting suddenly dire scenario additionally there are some feats namely for the gunslinger that can cause firearms to misfire automatically even if they're not dirty but we'll talk about that in the gunslinger deep dive alright now that we understand what we're talking about let's talk about what you're here for all the different weapons available to you as new firearms starting with the air repeater this is a 1d4 30 foot range increment piercing simple firearm it's important to note these first six seven things we talk about they're all simple so they're all available to every single class in the game the air repeater has a magazine of six pellets so you get to use this thing six times before you need to reload and it's agile so if you attack with it twice in one turn it's only a minus four this is phenomenal i'm only sad that bow monks are restricted to well bows because a monk with agile air repeaters flurry of blowing would be so cool the coat pistol is a tiny little 1d4 piercing gun as well with a reload of a single action but it does have the concussive and fatal d8 traits it's also concealable this is that classic tiny little pistol you can hide in your waistband it deals piercing or bludgeoning damage depending on which one is better and on a critical hit it deals d8s instead plus an additional d8 that's really nice the fire lance is fascinating it is a close range bulky two-handed gun but it deals really solid damage it only has a range increment of 10 feet so you're basically using this thing in melee it deals 1d6 piercing damage at base but does have fatal d10 so at level 1 if you crit with this thing you're dealing 3d 10 damage keep in mind though it's two-handed it has two bulk and it takes two actions to reload this is really a pull-out fire and drop kind of weapon you probably don't want to reload at mid combat honestly though aside from saving two gold pieces i don't know why you'd ever use the fire lance over the flintlock musket it also deals a d6 piercing as its base damage but it has a 70 foot range only costs one action to reload and has the concussive trait just like the fire lance it does have fatal d10 but concussive means it's gonna do piercing or bludgeoning whichever is more so this is just better than the fire lance it's also not as heavy only being one bulk instead of two i honestly don't know the point of the fire lance when the flintlock musket exists and of course the flintlock pistol exists as well it's another d4 piercing 40-foot range increment with concussive and fatal d8 really solid overall just a little bit better than the coat pistol but it doesn't have concealable the hand cannon i am shocked at how good and versatile this thing is it is a 1d6 modular firearm with a 30 foot range increment because it's modular for a single action at any time you can switch it to bludgeoning piercing or slashing damage this thing can just shoot out cutting bullets for some reason i don't know why it's really good sure it doesn't have fatal it doesn't have concussive or anything like that but it can really take advantage of physical weaknesses if something hasn't that's not to be overlooked and the long air repeater sacrifices the agile trait of the normal air repeater in exchange for a bigger magazine and a double range increment it has a 60 foot range increment and can hold up to eight shots before needing to reload but like i said it's not agile so the second shot is gonna be at the full minus five and those are all these simple firearms available to us what's important to mention that i really should have said earlier is that all firearms are uncommon this means you do need gm permission or some kind of class or character ability that gives you access to these weapons but now let's move on to the fancy stuff the marshall firearms starting with the archbis basically a sniper rifle 1d8 piercing a 150 foot range increment that's insane you can shoot from 300 feet away at only minus two it does take two hands to wield and it is a hefty two bulk but it's still only a single action reload it does have kickback however so keep that in mind you need at least a 14 strength to avoid that base -2 penalty so you're gonna have to sacrifice something you'll want to hide decks for the accuracy with this thing but a medium strength so you don't suffer the penalty from kickback it does have fatal d12 which is amazing and deals so much damage on critical hits and it's concussive taking advantage of either bludgeoning or piercing weaknesses the blunderbuss is much shorter range with only a 40 40-foot range increment but also dealing 1d8 piercing now while it does lack the fatal trait it is concussive and has the scatter trait dealing that bonus damage to all creatures within 10 feet of the primary target uh equal to the number of damage die it's really good i adore that they have made the clan pistol a thing for dwarves dwarves are well known in pathfinder for their clan dagger but i had never heard of a clan pistol and it's super cool it is a 1d6 piercing firearm with a 80 foot range increment wow that's long light bulk one hand one action reload and fatal d10 that's just amazing like honestly i keep talking about how great concussive is because it is great but it is on most firearms but that fatal d10 is really good on a one-handed ranged weapon again this is a one-handed ranged weapon that on a crit at level 1 is dealing 3d 10. that's insane the double-barreled musket is okay it is a two-handed weapon once again with a single action reload that deals one d6 piercing damage with a 60 foot range increment so already a little bit worse than the clan pistol but it does have the double barrel trait but again this kind of makes it worse than the clan pistol you need to fire off both barrels at once and it does get upgraded to 1d8 piercing when you do so and 1d10 fatal if you crit without using both barrels you don't get that fatal bonus so if you crit with the fatal it's decent but a crit with a double-barreled musket will do the same damage as a crit with a clan pistol obviously the clan pistol does have the dwarf trait so getting a hold of that would be tough but honestly i don't really see the point of this i suppose the point is that it can fire twice before needing to reload just like the double-barreled pistol only dealing a d4 piercing damage and 30 foot range increment but of course having that double barrel with the fatal d8 so again if you fire off both it's about weaker than a clan pistol but it does decent damage it deals a d6 and then fatal d8 uh or you can fire twice at a d4 i kind of like the option it's cool to have that option so i'm here there about it the dragon mouth pistol is just cool because that's a one-handed shotgun 20-foot range increment for 1d6 piercing damage and scatter 5 feet so not as big of a scatter as a normal blunderbuss but a one-handed shotgun is just too cool to pass up that might be my weapon of choice the dueling pistol is a little more expensive but you definitely get your money's worth here a d6 piercing with a 60 foot range increment and concealable and fatal d10 gonna get those big crits gonna be able to hide this from the popo pretty easily and of course concussive which i've pretty much stopped mentioning the harmona gun is an interesting sniper alternative to the archibus it does deal d10 instead of d8 but it doesn't have the fatal trait so the harmonic gun on average is going to be dealing more damage than the archbis but one critical hit from the archivists will launch the total damage dealt just so you know a crit with a harmonic gun is going to deal 2d10 a crit with an archivist is going to deal 3d12 that's massive otherwise they're just about the same weapon although the harmonagon also doesn't have concussive so i do think the archbis is better overall but the harmonagon will be more consistent the gizelle jose i don't know how to pronounce that it sounds cool this is a 1d8 piercing one-handed weapon which is not to be overlooked that is solid and it does have the fatal aim trait we talked about before this means you can optionally use two hands to aim this gun and if you critically hit it has fatal d12 just remember if you crit while only using one hand it's only gonna do 2d8 instead of the 3d 12. also it has a 90 foot range increment on a one-handed weapon that's insane the mithril tree is an elf specific firearm and they could not have picked a better name for it this is another sniper option it only deals one d6 but it does have the fatal d10 trait and it has the peritrait does perry work against ranged attacks it does so if you have the mithril tree you can fire reload and then spend your third action to perry and just kind of put it in front of you for a plus one to armor class i kind of love it for a more defensive sniper this is great the last two martial ranged weapons are the capacity trait i was talking about before it is only on these two the pepper box and the slide pistol the pepper box is only a d4 with a 60 foot range but it does have that capacity three allowing it to be effectively reloaded twice without a free hand and it still has fatal d8 the slide pistol pretty similar one d6 only a 30 foot range increment it's a little heavier at 2 bulk but it's still only a single hand to use and capacity five with fatal d10 these are really cool again i like the idea of a pistol and shield character hunkering down and firing with these while also reloading with the same hand it's just a cool vision it might not be like mechanically the strongest but it's just awesome and finally we've been given two advanced firearms will these be advanced weapons that are worth using let's find out first off the dwarven scatter gun is a 1d8 piercing scatter weapon with a 50 foot range increment which for a shotgun is pretty far away not gonna lie it is two bulk takes two hands and is a single action reload it has concussive and kickback overall this is a fancy blunderbuss it's honestly not even that much better it's ten foot farther range increment with kickback other than that the scatter is the same the concussive's the same it's just a dwarf specific blunderbuss and it's not that much better and remember unless you're a fighter with a very specific feat your advanced weapons are going to be at -2 compared to the rest of your proficiencies and the final new firearm we've gotten is of course a goblin firearm you knew they weren't going to leave us without something gobliny the fling flencher is a 1d6 two-handed firearm with a 30-foot range increment it's sort of another blunderbuss with a five-foot scatter but it has backstabber let's go read the description of this before we end this off because why does this gun have backstabber also maybe i didn't say it it does slashing damage a fling flencer is a goblin-designed weapon ending in an ovoid tube with a hatch and handle on the narrow end a cluster of circular blades held together and attached to a black powder packet with a thin leather strap serves as ammunition and is loaded through the hatch before being fired with a flintlock or other external ignition mechanism it's literally a gun but instead of a barrel that shoots bullets it's just blades and the blades get fired out via explosion i love goblins and those are all the new firearms available thanks to guns and gears in pathfinder second edition there's a lot of really cool stuff here honestly a lot of new weapons some of them are clearly just weaker or not worth using i still have issues with advanced weapons which haven't really been fixed or amended here but i'm excited to play with firearms honestly especially as a class that doesn't use firearms something like a weapon inventor who uses a firearm could be a lot of fun let me know down in the comments what you think are you excited for firearms are you excited is there anything here that really tickles your fancy let me know your character ideas that involve guns this is a weird sentence i want to give a huge shout out to my patrons for supporting the channel i really appreciate everything y'all have done for me and helping keep this channel going there's a link in the description if you would like to support the channel alongside them and get your name and that cool list of people thank you all so very much for watching and have a wonderful rest of your day and until next time no nat ones
Channel: Nonat1s
Views: 20,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Second Edition, Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e APG, Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Level 1, Pathfinder 2e new features, Pathfinder 2e New Ancestries, Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide, Pathfinder 2e Guns and Gears, Guns and gears, Pathfinder 2e Firearms, Firearms Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder 2e Gunslinger, Pathfinder 2e Gunslinger Guide, 2e Firearms Nonat, Nonat1s Firearms, Nonat1s Pathfinder Firearms
Id: c869ribyFrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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