Is Stack OverFlow Evil? | Prime Reacts

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I feel like this is going to be very very exciting uh I hear people have said this video is fantastic it looks it looks fantastic uh my few instances on stack Overflow my personal opinion of stack Overflow is that it is the well actually site right like there's the I use Arch by the way uh Russ Dvorak neovim Emax whatever there's like that group of people then there's the stack Overflow well actually people and those people are most certainly just the worst and so I'm very excited for this video let's see what's going on uncovering stack overflows toxicity so uh Bob why should we hire you well that's a stupid question welcome aboard me and that guy did this happen [Laughter] okay that was weird uh I actually haven't watched this video before let's go that's from Reddit is that true is that what stack Overflow is these days what do you think write a comment down below you've already left a bunch of comments saying yeah you've had some bad experiences kind of understand why people in Tech forums take okay what is this what is this quality why is my why am I getting 240 where's the meme of that if I forget the guy's name that's doing this pleasure inflaming at persons that look for a solution kind of sending comments and downvotes there will always be someone who thinks whatever question or Tech problem you post is stupid it really feels like they have some kind of superiority complex disgusting sight full of self-obsessed people attitudes moderation is plainly evil bad experience the most frustrating experience I have ever everybody's tired of their toxicity one of the meanest sights on the net stack Overflow is toxic you look like Spider-Man Toby Maguire hey I wanted to find out for myself that's a good compliment you guys never give me good compliments last person that gave me a compliment told me I look like one of the most Wanted men on Earth that uh gun running drug lord or whatever his name is Victor something from Russia why don't I get Spider-Man just give me f in Spider-Man mustache mustache just two people have a mustache doesn't mean we look the same okay hit me with the Burt Reynolds Freddie Mercury nickel Nikola Tesla oh John McAfee again really Chuck Norris uh I don't and I'm not that good looking okay okay self so I decided to go undercover as a noob and see what all the fuss is about to get things going I created a brand new stack Overflow account okay I tapped on the ask a question button in the description and you have a couple of links that show you how to ask a good question come on people look how long this documentation is it's like you need a [Laughter] who are these people like how much Kool-Aid do you how much own like own fart sniffing do you have to do to think like anyone's gonna read this right your stuff's broken you're not reading any of this you're just gonna go in there and be like God can't set her text to the dev right or some stupid thing and then everyone's gonna get angry everyone knows in order to ask a question on stack Overflow links upon links upon Links of documentation so my goal here is to ask a very Noob question because that's what noobs do they ask questions that they're not familiar with and they're maybe just starting out for example I have been writing react apps for many years I've been using Facebook login for many years but I've never used those two together so I posted this question how to set up Facebook authentication in my react.js web app is that a noob enough question for you I explained that I'm neutral so I will say that he's gonna probably get flamed my guess for being too broad someone's gonna probably close it for being too broad oh my goodness it's gonna be so good to react yes and I've been learning it over the last few months okay that that part is is not exactly true but that's what a noob would say I'm good at creating interfaces but now I want to allow users to log into Facebook can somebody please help me now 40 seconds after I ask this question there's a downvote 40 seconds is 40 seconds even enough time to read the question and to think about it or people just follow a pattern and they say oh well it's a how-to question I'm going to download it instantly and that's probably what happened yeah one minute after I asked the question I have two down votes and I have a comment the commenter says he quoted me and says if this would work like that everybody will lose their Facebook passwords I'm just pretending that I'm new to this I know exactly what this commenter means because I've stated in my question that I have a username field in a password field and that's not how oauth Works presents the Facebook login screen instead of my own form but a new I I will say that this question does suck he kind of did seed like can we all agree that you're kind of asking to get a bad answer when you ask a question so incorrectly it does this kind of this does feel this feels like a trap okay by the way at the end of this I'm going to show you a question that I asked I'll do a dramatic reading of it and show you the question that I asked maybe just maybe you will appreciate it or you won't we'll find out person is not gonna know that do you remember the first way Han is that guy named Mr Dick Steele time out Mr Dick Steele but if you don't know better well Mr Dick Steele here's the thing is that that sentence that he typed would have probably been a better Google search than a stack Overflow search okay like Step One is learning how to search okay Mr Dick Steele okay by the way your last name what was that did you like did you get married who's Mrs dick I assume assuming your last name Steele assuming you married a very beautiful lady dick and now you and Mrs lady dick became dick Steele seems like a good time seems like a good time right there it's time you were learning about Olas this comment is not helpful it's gonna discourage this person from following up and asking any more questions if it's a new person which is you know pretty understandable essentially this commenter is making fun of them now if we take a look at his commenters profile they've been around for a while a number of gold badges silver Badges and bronze Badges and a reputation of 1500 oh man another comment in two minutes what is this other comment please see why is can someone help me not an actual question I'm beginning to see a pattern emerging here and it's not a fun one again I still think this is unfair I think you are also setting yourself up a little bit here this person has even more gold Badges and silver Badges and bronze Badges and been a member longer folks I'm gonna blur these out of course because I don't want to embarrass these people let's see I'm gonna click on that why is can someone help me not an actual question he has an actual article about this all the stack Overflow gurus come here to uh clap for each other if you don't like can someone help me please I'm gonna change my question to what are the necessary steps to get this done can I change the question would that help well let's see well it's the next day and guess what but they closed my question they just freaking close it since this question was closed I'm gonna click ask the question what you can't post new questions right now are you kidding me why it looks like you might need a break take a breather and come back soon what you asked one question recently which was not received well by the community everyone learns at their own pace and it's okay to make mistakes wow it's been two days since your last question we ask that you wait one day before asking again oh my gosh maybe I can just change this question and see if I can get it bootstrapped again so I'm gonna change the title then he got cell owned this is good I mean again I actually agree with stack Overflow in this situation this is the question is just too broad like this is a Google question right you should they're not Google for you right they're supposed to be the next step after Googling you know you gotta I mean first off I would like to say that who are these people that spend their time answering questions on stack Overflow do you guys know who who in here answers to questions on stack Overflow press one in the chat if you answer a bunch of questions on stack Overflow go ahead press one in the chat right now I want to hear it press one in the chat if you answer a bunch of questions okay we do got we we do got some ones in here I mean we got mostly not ones but there are some ones okay for those that pressed one could you maybe throw out like a like a reason why you would do that I just see Dr Sammy up there like why why do you answer questions and participate in the stack overflow need to score for a job application interesting for the laws yeah I used to a bunch of 10 years ago yeah I used to as well I used to as well I only answer questions in YouTube comments okay okay people helped you and you were dumb okay teaching feels good okay it's fun okay why Dr Sammy why do why do I know your name in my head I have Associated you with rust hobbyist but I don't think that's correct I don't know why because my wife let me okay sexual I remember the time job openings would ask for stack Overflow profiles would they dang a teacher once told me 90 of learning is teaching okay okay okay okay some of those are good answers I I was just curious because I haven't even really opened up stack Overflow since oh okay I haven't actually been okay there you go doctor said man that no no I haven't been talking to anyone or I haven't looked at stack Overflow in any real capacity and in a decade it feels like so yeah it's yeah that's a judo you kind of you you I feel I feel the same way all right let's keep on going how to secure a component in react.js this time I want to really point out that I'm new to this okay I'm new to this react and stack Overflow so please don't bite my head off then I described that I've created two components login and secure and I've set up Facebook with this particular npm package that lets me handle all the Facebook login stuff and then I describe the problem which is that I can navigate directly to the secure page or the secure component in the URL but I'm able to access the secure page all right how do I not allow the secure page to be visible and how do I redirect to the login page well I already have a couple ideas on how to solve that but I want to see what people will say okay well it looks like editing the question does not automatically open my question my question will still remain closed so I doubt people will see it that's really annoying okay I mean it it makes sense right can we all agree that that kind of makes sense like changing a closed question shouldn't open it back up I mean we can agree to that I like this guy's premise I just I don't buy this particular question hopefully this next iteration it does it's it goes well let's find out question it's still not letting me post a new question oh that's annoying they have an automatic filter basically to ban questions or answers from an IP address or account with a history of extremely poor posts they ban people if a post was poorly received that will continue to count against your account even if the post is deleted whenever possible try to fix posts instead of deleting them I tried that it's still closed additionally deletion itself counts against questions ah finally deleted answers will always count toward an automatic ban on new accounts this is really unfriendly I gotta say I got a bunch of unfriendly responses except one one was helpful but people just downvoted my question real quick even without comments someone didn't comment I got three downvotes only two negative comments so what about that third one just hit the downvote boom thanks really helpful one person came through though gave me a nice lead but stack Overflow itself is making it so hard to fix my ways you know like oh you I do agree it would be good if they said hey maybe you know I think I honestly think that stack overflow should encourage people when they come across these these problems to let me Google that for you link and wrap it in a bitly link so that way when a person does this you know because we all got to get shamed once right you know the old like you should have just asked a question on Google instead of you know asking a bunch of people so maybe get hit with that let me Google that for you link you know I think it'd be pretty good I think you know you see that and you get to learn like oh I could have just typed in that almost exact question uh instaban is not very helpful I do agree that a band seems a little strange obviously okay so but but you gotta we also gotta put ourselves in the stack Overflow team's position for a second imagine the ungodly amount of self-promotion terrible questions I'm sure people just post nasty things that you know would would make the average person blush on there like right like I'm sure there's a lot of things that just are super hard to moderate about stack Overflow so therefore they have to go you know and do this and so is it bad is it good I don't know I'm kind of conflicted here on one side I feel conflicted but on the other side I don't know what to do right like which one is good which one is bad I say oh but okay but how is someone new uh even supposed to ask a question on this stupid website well the problem is is that there are bad questions and I think that's the hard part that's the hard part about learning and people the world is filled with with an anonymity you don't treat people like this to their face the reason why I say someone on Twitter can call me a racism is because they get the they get effectively the niceness of having this nice internet anonymity layer between us that's why they can do that and so when you're on stack Overflow of course people are just going to give you mean answers instead of being like yo bro just just Google that just like literally Google the thing you know and so it's like you know can I control people's poor Behavior no could you give them better tools to be like hey this is probably a Google question have you considered Googling it but then again now you have to do this whole like Chad Jeopardy thing like you have to have such intelligence around being able to detect that this question is a Google maybe like stack overload should just have a this question should be Googled button you just press that and it just says hey this thing is closed because this is a googleable answer as voted on by the people just go Google this I don't know just throwing things out I'm just trying I'm spitballing here okay better you better sit in that corner go sit in that corner for a while and think about what you did you bad bad developer since I can't ask any more questions and I can't I do agree that people are dicks and you should always speak nicely I mean we just talked about earlier you should if you think it's wrong if someone did it to you you should not do it to somebody else okay plain and simple that's all there is to it if you think it's wrong one way it's wrong both ways seem to get this one reopened I'm just gonna comment okay this one person was nice so I'm gonna say thank you that was actually very helpful I was able to get past my initial problem however I have another issue uh and stack Overflow won't let me ask another question because my first one was voted down anyway just wanted to acknowledge this person who actually pointed me in the right direction all right I waited one more day let's see if stack Overflow is forgiving today the gods of stack Overflow what it's been three days since you asked the question three days and it's still telling me I need a break what oh okay we asked that you wait one day before asking didn't they tell me yesterday that it's been two days and they asked one more day uh maybe it was because I was messing around with a question that they banned me for one more day I think today is the day today's the day that they might allow me to ask one more question on stack Overflow I swear I'm gonna feel like I won the okay okay I do I do must say that one I'm trying to steal man stack Overflow right now okay I'm just trying I'm trying to make a convincing argument for myself if this were to happen to a new person hopefully when they could no longer ask questions they would try Googling it or trying some alternative way so maybe maybe this is actually helpful in getting people off the ground learning how to learn I don't think it's very great but I'm just trying to I'm steel Manning okay I'm trying to steal man here in Lottery if they do let's try this now I didn't mess around with a question I left it alone so hopefully they'll allow me to ask the new question I can ask a good question now because I know what a good question is right so I'm just gonna copy and paste the previous question because I've already changed it so I want the new question to be like the changed question yeah okay here we go already no code examples in there we're about to see a thumbs down here comes here it comes we're going we're going deep haircut choose up and I'm gonna delete my previous question because well I don't want there to be two of them wow somebody already answered I've just asked this a few minutes ago like 13 minutes ago and this guy here uh provided an answer nice looks like this person actually read my question went to the documentation of that plugin that I'm using the npm package and found out what I needed let's have a look at this guy is this did he just re did he just read the [ __ ] read the [ __ ] manual manual read read the [ __ ] read the [ __ ] manual manual is that just what happened you know bless this man's soul for doing this okay a high reputation been a member for longer definitely more badges than the other people so let's go to the backs and read them a little bit closer um my bad for not reading the docs I'm a Noob okay so here we go Facebook client I'm gonna grab that get the login status and yeah I get redirected back to the login page nice I did run into another issue where I didn't want the initial render to even show the secure page so I put that in the comment after uh this person's answer and then he went through and updated the answer with some more detail regarding the first issue see there are good people on the stack Overflow I was curious to see if anybody else asking similar questions as in a similar Noob situation what they're facing again I I still feel like this whole thing is unfair to begin with the first question was like such a down voting question the second one it it feels bad because it was just like I don't know I I don't know how I feel about this whole thing I feel like if you asked a generally kind of good question where you had like a like I I don't know I'd have to think about it like what is what is a question that shows someone's being toxic I think people's General behavior on stack Overflow kind of sucks better feedback is better but so here's another one very close to what I asked how can I obtain access token of users authenticating on my website and there's a ton of questions like this new people that are just starting out they're going to stack Overflow and looking these things up and not finding an answer but posting their own question and the first comment we get is not a negative one it's somebody actually pointing this person to the right place which is Facebook documentation now unfortunately for every good interaction like that I found four bad ones here's a person that's a curious learner is it possible for Facebook to track user data of other websites to react I mean what's wrong with that question I know I know people will point out in the comments these are the same people that point out the rules in stack Overflow comments they're going to be down in the comments below but look sure it would be possible for them to insert some tracking code into that framework but people using it surely would find out sooner or later so it's it's kind of like a smug answer right the same commenter follows up with and by the way this type of question does rather not belong here to begin with thanks I do hate stack Overflow you know I don't think I can steal man anymore I keep trying I keep trying to steal man stack Overflow this whole time I just don't think it's possible I actually don't even think it's possible to steal man's stack Overflow I actually do think it's a pretty terrible Community anyways let's keep on doing the questioner tries to defend himself this question surely is about coding I'm just checking of the security of it as all experts are using this website I think I can ask the question here I mean you're not going to really get a response after that but it's a fair point here's another one how do I get a public Instagram user post with react and guess what that same person from the previous that is a very strange question like I mean I know the person's probably new but I'm gonna be real here you can never get an Instagram public post with react this is okay this actually goes straight to my point I always make when people often don't realize that when you hire someone who knows JavaScript you're really hiring someone who relates to JavaScript through a library right so to say how do I get an Instagram post shows like a complete lack of any fundamental understanding of like what happens on a website and it's not that I'm trying to be mean to the guy it sucks everyone has to be there at some point that's at some point but that like that's pretty that's a pretty big gap like how do they get to this point of being able to create so much without like that very very basic understanding like react just makes things on a screen you need something else right but it but I I feel like I see this the most in the JavaScript world where the perspective of the language and to do something is through the medium of a of a library and it just it feels hard I feel like that's a that's a tough thing right I don't even know how I don't even know how to think about it you know what I mean I don't even know how to think about it because I never was in that world right you know I see I'm not even sure if I can imagine myself thinking like this I I think one thing is I also went through the college system so again college system it just prepares you in a different way it takes longer you know it it you don't come out as useful but you have a lot of like foundational you know understanding and so I think that like I I can't I don't think I can really relate to these questions because I never uh I never was able to understand it you know what I mean like I never had that as an opportunity so oh college system I like to paste a lot of pictures on poster board too right I've never asked I don't know it's just it's just a different way right when you spend four years learning about kind of like the foundations of programming it just is a little bit different create a server component request a public Instagram post via VPN then render that inside the client yeah no but you're still none of that's see there's a lot of confusion like that statement even in itself is like again I feel like server components might make people even more confused about how the internet works right there's a request something is making a request something is routing something somewhere something is then taking the information that you've given it and then actually making some sort of validated secure request to another server from your server to another server some sort of token being able to read out this or maybe there's no token because it's public being able to read that thing out get that information back and then be able to take that put that into react they react then renders it turns it into a string and then recommunicates that back down to the client in which then the client is able to do something with that information nowhere in there is react actually doing anything other than you now have a framework that's dictating how you're making requests to the server that's why I'm watching Prime stream it's nice to have people like you you know what I mean it's like it's it's there's a lot to that right not to mention deserialization of data yeah you're right a web dev and JavaScript ecosystem makes it very easy and convenient to do a lot of things without much understanding what's going on which is a good thing it's a a good thing to empower people it's just then you the the hard part about easy is that you also give the illusion that you know things right which is dangerous I think on both sides I think the conditions of those developers depend on existing libraries to do everything for them yes that's why you see something like react you know Facebook login via react it just seems like a strange place to have a login you know just seems strange there is such thing as too much abstraction maybe I blame that all the boot camps that are advertise you'll be a expert in JS yeah I do think that that's very it's it's been it's been difficult uh most linguists wrap these features why blame just JS because JS has the because JS is like the selling it's like the entry point for most new people um I'm not saying like the thing is I'm also not claiming that college is the best answer college is an answer you can learn everything you want on your own but here's here's a couple things that you know I know this is the second video in which I'm talking about college again but there's a couple things that make College really good that just can't happen in the real world in college you and somewhere between 30 to hundreds of people are all going to be studying the same thing at the same time there's there's a type of learning that goes on when everyone around you is doing the same thing it's different than you just learning by yourself in isolation it truly is you're going to see a bunch of perspectives you're going to be able to talk to a bunch of different people about it you're going to be able to struggle through a problem with somebody else it's different you cannot call it the same thing I loved College do I think college is absolutely useful no do I think it's good I think it's good I love to be doing the same thing with you at some of the same time I'll lithium you know you will baby YouTube is full of garbage tutorials yeah in college I learned how to learn yeah and learn really hard things yeah exactly from my experience in college there's a lot of people that don't care about that stuff true absolutely absolutely that's good yeah I think this is good Grim funky you probably had a really good understanding of things Prime never caught you live welcome all right let's get back into this I have played around with uh one of those Vim distributions I think they're fine you can use it don't don't worry about negative post I win on this one and making fun of the questioner when it was way less work we ended up with Cambridge analytica situation how is that helpful let's take a look at this person's profile this person has a high reputation and lots of badges how when this person leaves really the person anyway here's another one URL blocked using Facebook passport auth gives the error message gives uh Graphics gives the code so I think that this probably was uh a question that was coached based on comments but the comments are kind of what the error message you know what is the error message I've got a good question now did you add the URI in the configure what do you mean the comments are kind of short this is actually that's a great question what's the error message that is a perfect question you do not need to add more or less to it did you add the URI in the config where you uh where you also put in the credentials that's actually a perfect question again this is a perfect question it's it's to the point you don't need a lot you don't need a lot of fluff I think that's those are the credentials yes so this person kept updating the question based on that yeah I guess this one's kind of neutral it's not really negative because the commenter was sort of guiding the questioner along to fix this question but in the end the commenter didn't really help the person out with the answer to the question but merely with making the question better which I guess it's good but it's also that's great can we agree that's great right that's not good that's great gave the person a step-by-step way to make the question more answerable by somebody else who knows what it is that's crazy that's crazy to help out on something in which you NE you don't even have a dog in the fight like that's crazy just like Gap just making it better we'll question at a time don't worry I don't do any answering I'm just a good God commenter that's all I do just make comments make the questions better that's all I do so I'm not really answering the question is it so are you just out for points by the way this commenter is the same one that uh gave me a downvote and left me a nasty comment too so some people obviously have a little pattern going on finally one more example how to retrieve Facebook's user data so the most clear question I admit but also didn't get a very clear comment in response another smug comment from that same person looks like we have like uh repeat people that just go that is weird though I will I'm on that guy's team that is strange imagine looking up new questions and seeing the same person on every question making comments I mean this guy has a full-time job just stack overflowing just getting in there making comments hey halt hold who goes there what's the error message give me give me the just it's a little strange I'm gonna I'm not gonna lie it's very strange it's also like there's some of it that looks good some of it that doesn't look good through and comment and and look by the way his look at this look at his his uh comment you can only get user data if the user logs into your app and grants the permission that's actually a perfect comment it's to the point and it's exactly correct right on as many things as they possibly can just to make sure look at the question let me let me just see what the question is I want to create a web app for educational purposes in which I require a search bar which helps me get users a Facebook users data for example username and image these two fields are enough for me is it possible to retrieve such data using react.js I mean technically yes he did answer the question for Facebook not clear the most clear question from that same person looks like we have like uh as many things as they possibly can just to make by the way for those that don't know I think stack Overflow is completely awful but I'm not buying that this is like terribly toxic here stack Overflow gotta give those points there is somebody that actually left pretty decent answer thank you to that person all right now we've seen plenty of examples of some nastiness going on especially towards noobs but you also have to think about the people that are answering questions and looking for new questions there they're putting themselves out there to hopefully help somebody there's the whole gamification of it that's kind of ruining the system I think the system of Goodwill but there are people that are researching and spending time and answering questions I bet there's a a lot of questions out there that are also asked by inconsiderate people you post a question somebody gives you a good answer you use it and you don't even thank them or Mark that as an answered question then it goes both ways in the end folks we're dealing with people here and when you're dealing with people face to face our evolutionary brains are tuned into all sorts of cues that the other person has given off unfortunately I still don't understand this whole perusing stack Overflow to answer questions I mean I get it for the job thing okay I can buy it that if there's some sort of job requirements for whatever thing you're doing and you're like I got 15 gold batches you know maybe I get that maybe maybe I understand that but I'm having a I'm just having a hard time for those that do it outside of that you know what I mean we don't get these kinds of feedback for developers who are generally smart people but just because they're smart it doesn't necessarily make them emotionally intelligent you might have these folks that are holed up in their basement for 16 hours a day programming and answering programming questions on stack Overflow and that's all they do nothing wrong with that that's what they want to do that's fine I love that we live in a culture where you have to preface everything do you like how you know you said you know because when you really think about it he says Hey so there's these people right so it's he's already kind of putting them into this like like the initial statement puts them into this really negative category right like there's there's these people that exist and all they do is programming that's it you know nothing else 16 hours a day that's what's happening right so you've colored them in a negative thing but then to ensure that people don't get upset at you you follow it up with you know nothing's wrong with that well you actually like if you rewind a little bit you are explicitly stating there's something wrong with it but then you have to you know make it softer so that people don't get upset but perhaps due to their lack of social interaction they might not be the best at answering commenting with a great bedside manner to borrow a term from the medical field if there's anything to last two years of uh this thing that we had the pandemic taught me is that social interaction is important and it's a skill that can be learned and you learn it by well socializing with real people now I did want to show you something else these people this is I I have told you that like 9 000 times people always ask me I have social anxiety how do I stop having social anxiety anxiety I just swallowed while trying to talk uh you know I can tell you avoiding all social interactions can do nothing to help you learn social skills that's kind of like a hopefully that's not a hard thing to understand like that's not like uh I'm not being a revolutionary here okay I'm not Galileo in a land in which everyone thinks it's flat just saying just say it marks like this guy for example if we take a look at other answers this person left he's actually helping people in some of the answers he's got lots of answers where he's actually helping people he's providing answers the communication might not always be smooth and sometimes people forget that they're actually dealing with other people and especially people with different backgrounds and levels of experience and if we take this guys an example of what I might have displayed as a bad communication or toxic communication on stack Overflow it's not like he doesn't help people he does but sometimes gamification makes us do crazy things folks are so busy running around the site trying to get more points that they forget who's on the other side so question askers are just reduced to a means to an end an end goal of getting more points and maybe this is a problem with stack Overflow design itself if you take a look at comment how do you guys feel about gamification press press one if you like it kind of a mixed bag here not there's not not necessarily a lot of ones here I've never really been a big gamification person I don't care about points you know what I mean I I have no idea how much Karma I have on Reddit and I don't care I don't even like going on Reddit say the truth uh but I don't care about how much points I have on stack Overflow I just don't I just there's nothing to it right at least to me it's like if you're gonna be collecting real world fake World experience you might as well just be playing World of Warcraft okay stop doing gamification and just go game you might as well just game not gamificate right it just seems weird to me I don't know I I just don't get it I I don't get it some stack Overflow you'll notice that they don't have download capabilities at least not at the level that I'm at maybe somebody with a higher level has that capability and there's no built-in abilities that's a question for stack Overflow if anybody from there is watching this maybe something needs to be done to educate folks on not only how to ask proper questions but how to comment in a human way finally to those folks that aren't by the way I think the the uh the ultimate stack Overflow overflow effects Flex oh my goodness the ultimate stack Overflow Flex is when people edit your question right because there are those that have enough scores that they can edit your question to me that is just like that's like the ultimate slap in the face uh just fixing up some communication uh you sound like a caveman beforehand right and you're just like hmm got him we're acting on stack Overflow remember the other people are humans and please try not to embarrass people on there there's all kinds of skill levels in all kinds of languages if you're already taking your time to type in a message you can do it in a nice way you have Chad gbt to help you out HR GPT it's chat Jeopardy okay I don't know why people always have these things incorrect Pretend This is a response to the popular q a site and by the way this type of question does rather not belong here to begin with and rewrite this comment to be more friendly hey there while this type of question may not necessarily fit within the scope of this particular q a site or stack Overflow I hope you can find the help or information you're looking for elsewhere and maybe I'll add like and by the way here's a link that helps you write better questions at least do that keeps the atmosphere a little bit more I don't know friendly and shipping less toxic hey folks I hope you have a wonderful day I'll see you next time stack Overflow sucks it's always been a disgusting site full of self-obsessed people I never understand why people in Tech forums take pleasure inflaming at persons that look for a solution people at stack Overflow are elitist I stopped using stack Overflow due to the dickish attitudes folks go there for help not to be berated everybody's tired of their toxicity they want to protect the egos of the power users stack over flow is nothing than a bad experience you get yelled at it's quite unfriendly people that don't even answer questions asked just lecturing on how their website works in the rules no more smug Pricks soon full of egotistical people trying to prove how intelligent they are there will always be someone who thinks whatever question or Tech problem you post is stupid nothing says nice like kind of sending comments and downvotes from Anonymous strangers on the internet it really feels like they have some kind of superiority complex the most frustrating experience I've ever had I don't like the toxicity one of the meanest sites on the net people downvoting questions for no reason and moderate is closing questions because they're slightly off topic stack Overflow moderation is plainly Evil all the snide elitists and condescending responses I've received and seen on other people's questions have made me look at programmers in a new Darkness stack Overflow is toxic that's that's pretty funny stack Overflow is evil typically I don't use the term evil unless if it's like evil evil you know what I mean you know like evil has to have something more to it than just some neckbeard telling you you can't do something I don't know
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 204,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, computer, software, software engineer, software engineering, program, development, developing, developer, developers, web design, web developer, web development, programmer humor, humor, memes, software memes, engineer, engineering, Regex, regexs, regexes, netflix, vscode, vscode engineer, vscode plugins, Lenovo, customer service
Id: MCQWfMg0Z9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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