The Pain Of Frontend Dev | Prime Reacts

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so the reality for most of us in front endend development is that we're not blue-haired boot camp grads sipping soy Latt like honestly Real Talk wasn't that an amazing time of our life can we all just take a moment and remember like 20120 and 2021 that like there were there you literally could get paid $100,000 to have a mustache like that and sip on lattes you are an impostor brother I remember I remember still can it's much much much much much harder these days than it ever has been the Market's much much harder but man those those were the days 2020 and 2021 man nothing nothing like it being an internet company during a worldwide pandemic where everyone has to stay home I mean the money was flowing like the money was flowing Netflix went all the way up to 690 on the stock market and then guess what and then guess what everybody realized you can't keep making money like that and Netflix went down to 170 I was just like I'm king of the world I'm so [Laughter] sad that was in that year and a half I was I had the greatest emotional roller coaster I've ever had in my lifetime 10 10 years at Netflix just up and down stays in Silicon Valley now it doesn't matter if you work at Google or the government pain is everywhere at some point in your career you're going to be told it's just a button why is it taking so long it might you know it's it's real and I have a theory on this okay I actually have a theory on this I I think that I think there should be a theorem some something it's we're we're going to call it the button complexity theorem okay it's a very important theorem and I think we need to really think about this for a second okay when you're first starting off on a project your button complexity is really really low you know why because you have an application that is literally just some HTML maybe it's you know who knows what it is and that sends a direct message to a singular server that is your back end right it's a monolith okay it's it's it's the monolith right here and that's very simple okay so your button just does this one thing and that's that and maybe maybe you took maybe you took a few shortcuts and so there's not like a lot of State Management and you kind of just grab the stuff out of it and you just kind of update right it's simple right and so your complexity is really really low your your your your your your meantime to button your MTB is really really low we're talking we're talking like less than one week right we're talking like nothing it's nothing meantime to button super super small but then at some point you need to start becoming Enterprise right you've you've you've taken some Corners you've cut some Corners a couple bugs got out into production right this would be like your first bug in production and it causes it causes a problem this little takeoff point point is is when the uppers realize that bugs in production exist and they need it to stop so therefore a couple things happen first thing that happens is you bring in state management into your client side second thing that happens this is no longer one application but some sort of API Gateway followed by thousands of little machines that are full of all sorts of things that are like you know that you only describe with with numbers and letters that you can't pronounce without being super smart right it all just explodes and so therefore you the engineer you can no longer edit the front end and just quickly add the back end instead you have to go and talk to Bill over here because no everybody knows Bill everybody's like f bill but Bill has to be the one that edits this machine then this thing needs to be updated into this like Gateway and then finally you can have this effing thing in your front end but now you got a state management machine so now you got to think about your State Management you got to think about how this thing flows from top to bottom you got top down rendering you got who knows what the hell's going on here you got an entire system set up to where you got to go ask Tony hey Tony how do we architect a button request because now you don't make requests from your buttons anymore you have some sort of request Factory Builder that's somewhere within your application and which you have to use because it needs to be able to do caching because that one time you actually pressed a button and it was a get request and not a put request or a post request you want to be able to cash this still goes through the caching of the request Factory and now your butt needs to listen to this and be able to react to this and then be able to send all that data to the state manager and now somehow you're here three weeks later and there's a gosh dang button that needs to be created and you can't create the button because Bill is on [ __ ] vacation oh my goodness all you want to do is create a button but your meantime the button exploded due to that one bug in production that affected the co found her daughter because she couldn't post her cat picture and now this is where you're at or maybe next time use HDMX might be your manager but most commonly it's the backend engineer with more keyboards than friends the same do you know what trash sent me you know what trash Dev sent me anyone want to take a guess what trash Dev sent me not a dickpic not a fedora Wu keycaps key caps yes show us let's see if I got them over here look at that would you look at it oh they're going to make it onto my keyboard they're going on the keyboard and friends the same engineer that'll make an API designed like a Starfield NPC that returns Json in doctor's handwriting oh and by the way [Laughter] they oh my goodness the Json and doctor's handwriting you know what that means right do you know what that means that means it's Json where the type just sometimes is a different type that's what that means you don't get boxed values that is well formed to Json that is easy to reason about sometimes that's a number sometimes it's not there and and every now and then it's a string why is it a string I don't know it's just a string because that just happens and then there's that one time it was an array and still nobody knows why it was an array make double your salary front end do in real engineering and he uses Arch by the way being a front-end developer is kind of like being a bum hole you're squeezed between product ux and backend get all of the blame and none of the credit now in terms of actual work despite JavaScript librar surpassing the population of India most of us are still working [Laughter] with oh my goodness this is already so good oh my goodness oh my goodness it's so good India mentioned let's go India mentioned let's go it's so good react and typescript at its core the primary work of any front-end developer is smuggling data from front end to backend Beverly Hills Ninja is one of the greatest shows that has ever existed if you have not watched Beverly Hills Ninja I am convinced you are not funny to hang out with okay rip Chris Farley classic it's a classic movie it is a great movie if you've never watched Beverly Hills Ninja and building UI components to send the data or show the data some other great and challenging work includes Insanity inducing bugs a great feature of JavaScript or general maintenance like packages or component libraries otherwise the biggest influence on your day-to-day is the company you work at I started my career at the startup where you're paid and passion and your backend engineer is Firebase he's absolutely right I I I mean I did a startup as well I lost I in fact I got paid negative money at my startup I lost money I'm there I'm loving this if you're one of the first hires you get to build with new tech that you get to decide which is pretty cool but more often than not that means you're the only hire so not only are you front end but ux backend support devops General it however that's the lucky scenario in most cases you're maintaining something in unpaid intern built this is so true you know like there's this thing that I I noticed with a lot of new people in uh in our world is a lot of new people come in thinking that you're on react server components uh you're on the latest of the latest you're on you're on react 19 building stuff you're doing all this really cool stuff but the the reality is you're not you're not you're maintaining a bunch of class components written in 2014 brand new react you have some class components in 2016 with unsafe will component mount in 2018 you have some you have some functional components and then you went you went Ham on the higher order components because during that day everything was a higher order component and you just got to go you got to go deep on it and so there's just a part of your application that is just one of the biggest nightmares in the world to debug because everything is ioc and higher order components and you build it all at once and so you have no gosh dang idea how this thing works at all and let's just face it you can't walk through it with a with a with a debugger because you're going to go immediately into react land and it's horrifying it's absolutely horrifying that's like what real people's jobs looks like okay it looks like 10 years of react spread across all of it and it stopped at react 2016 cuz they couldn't make the update to 2018 or uh react 16 because they couldn't make the update to 18 like that's real and then for whatever reason there's like a touch of spelt in there because somebody wanted to try it out and then it never got taken away there's just felt and then everyone's always telling you about how easy it is to do a build uh but your build script is crazy because you got that touch as felt you got 10 years worth of ideas half your Project's still in JavaScript you're still trying to figure out what the hell's going on I mean you you literally have Jasmine that you have to run for like 20 tests cuz nobody taking the I the time to update your Jasmine tests that's the reality like that's that's real okay that's what life really looks like as a programmer there is a Docker container but we all know that every single time you change one line of JavaScript it takes a 7 minute Docker build because for whatever reason there's just no cach line consistency and you just literally copy dot dot and that's it so you reinstall your dependencies every effing time and Bob is on vacation years ago at least these are the scenarios where you might get paid there's always that one Steve Jobs clone from college who ask if you can build their startup for Equity if you're fed up with startups or got mediocre results at College you're probably working at the corporate where souls are crushed beer bellies are made and heads go bald where your New York dreams Fade Away into a Suburban middle class home in Idaho Brazil or India these compan Brazil menion let's go oh my goodness Brazil yes yes and also very true and this hurts a little bit this also is true with Netflix okay that's where I'm at I'm at corporate Middle America where I am I'm balding I'm mding and I'm living in a Suburban home what has happened to my life is the Middle America balding and balding my goodness it's so it's just so true I just haven't got the beer belly yet I've been trying to stay in shape okay are usually some flavor of soul sucking Consulting banking or Walmart you'd think with more money you'd be using the latest and greatest Tech but if by latest and greatest you mean jQuery 1.24 forget fetch you're going to be raw dogging some Ajax here like it's 2012 if you're not if you ain't raw dog and Ajax you ain't living life honestly that's see I'm not the only person to say this this is reality like this is what a lot this is most of the internet most of the Internet isn't on the latest technology and every year that goes by every choice that you make today on brand new technology becomes Legacy faster and faster and faster because we are constantly changing faster and faster and faster working with PHP but that's not even the best part about being a front end developer here you want to change a very oh by the way except for uh HDMX of course which is literally the same thing as it's been since uh 1995 when the original white paper for hyper media as this as application State came out and so maybe just maybe there are ways that aren't you know the way you're doing it just throwing it out I'm just throwing it out there maybe there's other things you could do you I'm just saying I'm just saying maybe there's technology that's 30 years old that's all reable name you're going to need a j ticket for that you want to take a dump you're going to need a j ticket for that you want to add a comment that's okay just add L just kidding you're going to need a jur ticket for that 9,000 layers of paperwork 80 levels of management to install a library comply with isod D's nut security policy these companies still manage to get hacked by a 14-year-old in Russia I mean at least you're not the only engineer that's going to take the blame you're surrounded by a great crew of 50s somethings with as much enthusiasm for engineering as a wet paper bag you see it somewhere somehow deep down in my soul a special place just got tickled the cockal some would say the cockles of my heart where Christmas relies or where Christmas remains and family trauma is also there and corporate trauma oh angular's there as well this has stopped being funny and this is now just an advertisement for my life cockal you guys don't know what cockal are the cockal of your heart what the cockles of your heart are its ventricles named by some Latin coia Cordis or coia snail alluding to their shape the the saying means to warm and gratify one's deepest feelings how do you not know this so it's it's about dicks that's that's twitch chat literally just goes all I heard was Dick I just I that's all I saw saw heard felt dick nothing else vacuous Mega corporation's software engineering is it and it is a cost center now if you did better in college and graduated a virgin you're probably working at Fang or by the way what he just said there was actually really astute uh I don't know if you heard I don't know if you if you caught this listen to it is it and it is a cost center it is a cost center so this is a really good point work at companies in which it is not a cost center work at a company in which it is the profit Center if you do that you will have a significantly better experience if you have that uh anything that is not uh anything that is that is views technology as a cost center it's extremely difficult to work there they're going to absolutely crush your soul because everything has to be done in this really like what does it mean to be a cost center a good example is Kelloggs right ke every technology Kelloggs produces is something that costs them money and it really doesn't give them the benefit they sell they sell cereal they're trying to get you seral so when you come out and you're like let's build a game on a website that's purely a cost it's a cost for maybe it making money maybe it causing more people to do that but the reality is that's like that it's a it's it's a guess they don't make they it doesn't make them sell more cereals you know what I mean so they're going to they're going to consistently try to minimize whatever technology they're doing as much as possible it does it's not the direct it's an indirect Revenue stream as opposed to a direct Revenue stream right so at Netflix the delivery of of good of a good user experience directly correlates with the money so they're like oh yeah let's it's a profit center right this is how we ensure that we're making good money now obviously that's slowly changing because as content is the only thing that matters eventually and as all websites are absolute dog water when it comes to delivering this eventually it'll just be like well they all suck so it doesn't really matter anymore right there will come a day that that could potentially happen I don't think it's going to happen at stream Berry but it could happen software engineering is it and it is a cost center now if you did better in college and graduated a virgin you're probably working at Fang or Manga soup I don't know what it's called anymore I'm not going to lie we just call it Fang honestly people that are trying to make it not Fang okay that's just like you're trying to make fetch happen just call it Fang okay Fang at this point just just means one of the big tech companies you did it buddy your mom can finally brag oh puppy G my big got into Google I mean I can't really slander big Tech you get instant YouTube clout the day in the life videos look good great engineering I guess look I've never I really really really really really really Indian accent mentioned let's go let's go but I really really want to make a day in the life video with trash Dev specifically I want to go down to LA and it's just like Day in the Life as a software engineer and then it's just me sipping a little bit of of coffee of my latte and being like hey you want to get to work tral nah it's about that time hey chap radio you eating fruit and fruit rollups and Doritos all day like that's it like that that that was absolutely it is trash full-time onsite well he's down in laish area so he can make it there and I'm sure I can make it to La again work at Big Tech I can't tell you the reality from what I've seen it's either getting paid to do nothing quitting to become an influencer or getting laid off we really do be Pawns in a game of billionaire ego chests but hey are you tired of working at terrible startups big boring corporations have you tried becoming smart hard by trying out the sponsor of today's video brilliant is an app and what a great advertisement this was such a good and well-placed advertisement let's go come on brilliant well done website with thousands of lessons on math and science I've been using brilliant for the past few months to replace my Doom scrolling habit now instead of going on an endless Twitter loop I can just open up brilliant and have a quick lesson on math and it's not just simple passive learning like reading a textbook or watching a video brilliant uses a bunch of active and reinforcement learning techniques so as soon as you're done with the topic you're quizzed on it or given an experiment or puzzle this variety really helps cement the information in a lot more natural way the courses are also designed for people at all levels so whether you're a beginner Enthusiast or expert on a topic you can always have something to learn from brilliant don't believe me you can get started with brilliant for free for 30 days and the first 200 people to sign up with my link get 20% off link by the way is bigbox s and apparently one more trailing slash is there really supposed to be one more slash right there or do you have to have that slash I got an ad while watching an ad damn that's that's ad exception that's bigbox please check them out and thank you so much to brilliant for sponsoring this video and thank you for your time I am big box that was great that was absolutely B thank you for giving me literally this Channel's video right there literally giving me this Channel's video that was absolutely fantastic great video and it really does by the way notice the late game like the late game like very good move Miss Monique absolutely is that new Miss Monique no that's not new Miss Monique um but it's so true that a lot of people don't realize that most of today's web development is not done in new technology most of it is done with old old technology great video I hated a lot and I'm currently crying yep that's that's a real fact that's that's that's that's real that's that's life that is software engineering is just an exercise and not crying that's it if you think it's anything else I don't I don't know what did you expect what did you expect out of this I learned I'm a c Center honestly if you can switch like real to you will have a better development experience if you're not a cost center I'm not saying it's it's a guaranteed way but it is at least a better chance to enjoy programming and your job if you are a profit Center rather than a cost center now that may not be always true there's some companies that will always suck the name is I like big box of SW agen by the way putting the ad at the end of the video that was pretty nice of you you know you know you gave the people there and you hit with a good hook you know you you tantalized me you titilated me you excited me all the way to the end and by the time I was Twitter painting vibrating oscillating and undulating you actually dropped on me a swell ad so thank you very much uh Jen
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 235,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, software engineer, software engineering, developer, web design, web development, programmer humor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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