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being in Haiti is culture shock Haiti is like a war zone that's not a very nice thing to say about your new fiancees home country talk about the lack of respect and that's foreshadowing because respect is gonna play a later part in this video but you know what is also in this video Squarespace over at you could create your own website and build it from scratch dedicated to anything that you would like to dedicate it to whether you're a musician a designer an artist or even trying to create an advert to find a wife it contains everything that you would ever need all in one place with no plugins no updates and no patches ever all you have to do is go through WW Squarespace comm slash I'm Alex which is the top link in the description below and get 10% off of your first purchase and start your free trial today Oliver Alex and welcome back to another episode of TLC's 90 day fiancé before the 90 days and this episode is called did Abby just say what we think she said drama Oh what could that possibly mean I am starting to feel like a 17 year old woman retired who sits at home and watches these gossipy shows on television because I watched so much TLC now but it's just become the only television that I consume so let's figure out what we think she said Eddie is like a war zone they've got 10 or 12 foot walls surrounding homes with razor wire on top yeah they're a bit different for example apparently age differences don't matter as much as they probably do in America yes well watch out my ignore the scopes ignore the scopes I'm getting ready for my final exams oh yeah yeah you have to come to my graduation Oh what out loud how does she sorry she's graduating apparently hey looks like her dad's no he definitely does look like a husband he's trying to ship a wife back to another country I can't wait to go with my boyfriend next to me maybe husband will sing Oh at least in this episode they both want to get married because normally that's not the case it's nice to see a fun-loving couple doesn't it just warm your heart warms my heart makes you feel very happy to see this going down I just can't stress how great of a couple they seem to be they're great uh what he's Chris I have an out of a kress so far in this episode why do we have to worry about Chris or not worry about Chris I'm worrying about Chris now I just really am getting into this series maybe a bit too much I really want to propose to Abbie before I leave here but I still question her relationship with her ex-boyfriend Chris drama sirens going off ex-boyfriend Chris is still in the picture what could that possibly mean will they get married will Chris come back in and sweep a voi last seconds we'll find out soon tell my questions are answered I can't in good conscience ask her to marry me and that makes sense it's good to see somebody who's not just trying to rush around you know this man quite clearly wants to make sure that he's getting a happy marriage out of it which is how marriage works now the TOC crew took Abby away and decided to quiz her on who she you're going to marry I'm looking forward to my relationship with Chris oh no she said Chris and not Shawn what a surprise things looked like they were so happy together oh she she she's playing a game of - no way no way well let's see what Chris looks like because maybe Chris is the perfect match for her I don't want to jump to conclusions here she definitely has a type doesn't she chris is 64 years old and is from the United States and you're 20 from Haiti I'm guessing it's just different I suppose I don't wanna be culturally insensitive but in America it wouldn't go down too well amazing face sean is amazing I think Chris may still want to ship Abby back to the United States don't know what is saying that I don't really know why I'm getting an inkling from if only there were signs if only there was a big sign like his face and obviously Sean's this bit a bit silly by getting all jealous you know nothing to be worried about I actually just gets in cars with random 64 year old men all the time it's just her friendship group you know we all have 64 year old men friends we all do don't pretend you don't Chinese village elders but Chris is just the kind of person that I would not why didn't you marry him then like you were already dating him why don't you just Matt why did you marry oh I get him out showing us that right house friend as a friend avi as a friend quit just re-roll of the clip from the previous one oh I'm looking forward to my relationship with first pass friend as a friend as a friend when I first was talking with charm he told me if I feel that it can be good to me so go for it you told me that absolutely I want the best for you quad clearly might otherwise for the best for a de is that as that why you flavor for the best for her well I mean normally would it be okay normally it wouldn't be yeah maybe she's not telling the truth maybe because he's quite really lying that's not fucking weird at all is it but Sean's just overreacting when he gets jealous Sean's just being silly my best behavior everyone watching this videos just say you know I'm on my best behavior of everything around I would like to just meet Sean and get to know him and hopefully by meeting me and getting know me he'll be reassured that you know I'm not a threat I think they get on well they're both really old and looking for girls in Haiti to marry so common interests and every good friendship starts with a common interest so you don't bitch anymore no I have this thing oh my oh great there's diseases involved now it's never been a tougher episode of who to pick on 90 day fiancé isn't it I suppose you guys are awaiting as I am too it's time for the truth does Abby love Chris or Shawn put your votes in now everyone who thinks gonna win I'm going with Chris it's gonna be Chris everyone knows it's gonna be Chris it has to be Chris Abby that's not a Waring metaphor did she kill him did she did she kill Chris this is that blood on the rock Shawn I go home I get back on the plane go back to America mate just get all there well apart from the fact that she's quite clearly miked up and obviously we have totally arranged she doesn't look like she's too happy to see Shawn so does have you loved Chris oh I don't know I cannot tell by the way she looks at him all the time I'm not choosing Chris over you but I'm going back to Ohio and Chris is still gonna be here oh it's hung out he's off back to Ohio which explains so much meanwhile scary creepy 64 year old man I mean the other one is still there can you blame him but will we find out the truth yes I love Chris oh oh what a bombshell it's just not it's not a surprise we all could see this coming right from the beginning it's my friend now oh I love frightened bullshit well that concludes another incredible episode of 90 day fiancé if you guys did enjoy this video don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you're new and turn notifications on and before we go I want to say a huge thank you to Squarespace for supporting this video if you want to go and build your own Squarespace website all you have to do is go to the link in the description below which is WW Squarespace com slash I'm Alex and start your free trial today and get 10% off your first purchase you will be able to get 24/7 support and everything you need all in one place and you could build whatever website that would see you I'm gonna leave this one here I'll see you guys soon peace out people and have a big day [Music] you
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 1,335,103
Rating: 4.9766579 out of 5
Keywords: satire, 90 day fiance, mail order bride, marriage tv show, greed card marriage, visa, chris, 90 day fiancé, 90 day fiancé happily ever after, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiancé season 4, 90 day fiancé full episodes, 90 day finance, 90 day fiance facts, 90 day fiance recap, 90 day fiance review, before the 90 days, 90 day fiancé full, 90 day fiancé 2018, 90 days fiance, 90 day fiance angela and michael, 90 day fiance michael and angela, imallexx
Id: jir6ZFnqgSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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